15x31 - Nothing to Lose

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x31 - Nothing to Lose

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Like five fingers reaching
for the sky in five ways

♪ Five her_s walking
through the sun for five days

♪ Dark forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam

♪ Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones

♪ Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!

♪ There's treasure to be found
There's some lives to be saved

♪ A planet to look after
There's a whole lot of space

♪ Good versus evil
We got her_s on the scene

♪ Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive ♪

mill] Last time on
Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive:


l found it! l'm so smart!

My girlfriend, Vella,
we were gonna be married.

l don't get it.
It's impossible to open.

We may need that key.


Now that the Fearcats,
Kamdor and Miratrix are gone,

only Flurious stands in my way.

But l have the Crown
and another secret w*apon.

My lair is growing unstable.
There's not much time.

[evil laughter]


Hey, boss. What'cha doing?

Shaking things up a bit for Moltor.

Don't bother me.

Uh, what should l do?

Go pick the lint from your navel
for all l care!

[evil laughter]

My ex-brother will regret not ioining me
when he had the chance.


[Norg giggling] Got one!

[Rose] l found it!

The Tri-Dragon Key is said to reside
in a mythical shrine in Japan.

Legend states when the three dragons
roar, its power will be unleashed.

- Weird.
- l'm resetting the course!

We're going to
the Land of the Rising Sun.

[electronic beeping]

The signature's spiking.
We found it.

Stop right there, Rangers.
The Tri-Dragon Key will be mine!

- [Mack] Ready?
- [all] Ready!

Overdrive Accelerate!


Yes! [growling]

Go, Magmador!
Show them what you can do!

Let's see how you like this!
Drive Claws!

Oh, l like it a lot!

Magmador Drive Claw!

He replicated my w*apon!
Oh, that's low!

Let me give it a ty!

- Will, watch out!
- [shouting]

- Give up, Mercurian!
- You will never get that key!

Come on!

[Dax] Will, get out of there!

- l'm not done yet!
- He'll copy your w*apon!


Drive Slammer!

You're a stubborn one, aren't you!

[Mack] Will, look out!

Don't think this is over.

Mercurian fool.

Now the Tri-Dragon Key
will be mine.

l'll show my brother
and the entire world

that l am the most fearsome warrior
on this or any other planet.



l will find it again!

- Ty, are you OK?
- Yeah.

But the Tri-Dragon Key is gone.

What happened back there?

You had the Rangers on the ropes.

Don't wory.

Next time,
l won't let them off so easily.

But the Tri-Dragon Key escaped somehow.

No problem.

My tentacles will hunt it out.


[electronic beeping]

The key has got
to be around here somewhere.

Hey, guys!
The signal's getting stronger! Come on!

You're sure the Tri-Dragon Key
will show up here?


My tentacles followed the path
right to this waterFall.

- And this time l won't let it get away!
- You'll never have the chance.

What are you gonna do to stop me?

Take care of them, Magmador!

- [Mack] l'll take him myself.
- No way, we're in this together!

But it won't matter if l get hurt.

Good to know!

Oh, no!

Hey, freakshow. Remember me?

[Rose] Will!


Defender Vest!

lt's Slammer time!

- Not so fast.
- Impossible!

- [grunts]
- [panting]

l've got you now.

Look out, Mack!

Hovertek Cycle, go!



Mack, you gotta quit putting yourself
out there like that.

- You're gonna get hurt.
- l thought you could take him.

Yeah, and l thought computers were
supposed to be smarter than humans.

Our battle has only begun, Rangers!

- Oh, no.
- This dayjust keeps getting worse.

Here, Rangers!


Magmador, you know what to do!

- Oh, yeah!
- [screaming]



- [cackling]
- Huh?

[all] Huh?

- Surprise!
- What?

[Mack] Hey!


Thanks, Sentinel Knight.

Ty, help him out!


You nuisance.

- You OK?
- Yes, let's go!

Take it, Sentinel!


[grunts] Huh?


- No!
- Stop!

Come to me.

[grunts] The Tri-Dragon Key is mine!

Think again!


[Rangers] Huh?

Looking for this?

Give me that key!

- Yeah, right.
- [Mack] Moltor!



l don't need any key
to defeat the likes of you!




- Yeah!
- Yeah!


Even if we get the Jewel away
from the sarcophagus

we still need to get the Crown away
from Moltor.

l say we iust go there right now
and take it.

[all] Yeah!

lf volcanoes were inhabitable,

someone would have turned one
into a condo before now.

None of you are going to the volcano.

ls that understood?

Come, my soldiers,
we will get that key back

if we have to destroy
each and evey Power Ranger!

Sory, Moltor.

But that's not gonna happen.


Give me the Crown.

Where's Mack?
We've got a Jewel to retrieve.

Spencer, hone in on his locator watch.

- [beeping]
- Oh, dear. He's in Moltor's lair!

And sensors indicate
massive volcanic activity!

Do you have any last words?

You were human once.

But you lost that because
you were obsessed with power.

How could you give up
the most precious gift there is?

The gift of humanity?

Being human means nothing.

Guess that answers my question.

Overdrive Accelerate!

You're mine!

lf you won't give me
the Crown, l'll take it!

Get him!


Come on, let's go!

The volcano is erupting!

Give me the Crown!

That will never happen.
The Crown is mine!



Back off!


[Rose] Mack, you've got
to get out of here!

Not without the Crown!

mill] We gotta go!

mill] Run!

- [woman] No!
- Flurious!

l knew you'd come crawling back to me.

Brother, l bring you the Crown
and this girl.

She's the one the Mercuy Ranger seeks.

When l get my strength back,
we will join together

and destroy the Rangers
and get the remaining Jewels.

Of course.

Here, let me hold the Crown for you.

[both grunting, straining]

- Norg, get the girl.
- [Moltor panting]

Oh, yes, master.

Hello. My name is Norg.

Brother, you're in bad shape.
Why don't you sit down and rest.

Oh, thank you.


You're kind.

Yes, but not kind enough.




Now there's only one thing standing
bemeen me and complete domination.

The Power Rangers.


You had no business going
to Moltor's lair in the first place.

You put your team in danger.

l've located the energy signature
of the Crown. It's in the north.

Vey, vey north.

- Flurious.
- We'll deal with him later.

Our priority
is to recover the last Jewel.

- You're going back to Egypt.
- Let's go.

Not you.
We haven't finished our conversation.

Let me guess.
You want to take away my tracker.

Maybe l should.

You keep making rash
and irresponsible decisions.

l went into the volcano
because l'm the most expendable.

lf something happens to me, you can
just build another. Mack version or .

l'm not human and l never will be.

This is it. The last undiscovered
Jewel of the Corona Aurora.

- [Ronny coughs] It's empty!
- [Dax] Not quite.

The king's tomb was in the main room.

We figured it was the burial place
for a warrior or eternal guardian.

All we found was a small gold medallion.

[Rose] Wait a minute.

The ancients sometimes
buried their king in a side room

and a sl*ve or soldier would be buried
with the riches

in a more ornate sarcophagus,
so grave robbers would be fooled.

Get the Jewels and the rest of the team,
and meet me upstairs.

You're not going to believe this.



Show me the location
of the other Jewels.


[Norg] Hello.

Thank you for the fish.

lt was delicious.

That was vey kind of you.

l caught it with my feet.

You're not like the others, are you?

- My name is Vella. l'm a rescuer.
- Hi.

l had a vey good friend
named Tyzonn who used to...

Ooh! Ooh!
l know a rescuer named Tyzonn.

Small world.

He helped me pull a long thorn
out of my foot.

Maybe your Tyzonn
and my Tyzonn should meet.

There can only be one Tyzonn.

Does your Tyzonn have silver eyes?

Like you have silver eyes?

[both laughing]

Not sure why you want them,
but here are the three Jewels.

Rose was right... again.

The ancients did buy their kings
in simple tombs

in order to fool grave robbers.

Fifteen years ago, l was given
a gift by a foreign government

for helping to further
their archaeological studies.

They gave me a mummy
of a tomb guardian.

That's the mummy
we have right over here.

Are you saying this is
the mummy of the king?

Ever since l had this mummy l've noticed
this indentation on the sarcophagus.

l didn't know what it was there for.

Now l do.

This is giving me the creeps.

Evemhing else points to this
being the king.

Hold on.

Give me those Jewels.

This is getting even creepier.

lf l'm right, then the Jewels will...


...do something like that.


Oh, my word.

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