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03x24 - Endangered Species

Posted: 04/02/23 12:45
by bunniefuu
( gentle theme playing )

( camera shutter snaps )
KADE: Can we please get a move on? I'd like to get out of Blossom Vale sometime this century.

You go ahead, Kade.

We'll catch up.

Really, we don't need a babysitter.

Yeah, we have a four
-ton Bot to protect us.

And he won't eat our snacks.

This was Dad's idea, okay? Not mine.

If Graham wasn't so busy, he'd be Boulder's driver, and I'd be on a date with Hayley.


-watching is supposed to be a quiet activity.

More like tree

Only Boulder could enjoy a pastime that even humans know is boring.

I find the variety and beauty of earth birds inspiring.

Cybertron had nothing like this.

CODY: What kind of bird is it, Boulder? BOULDER: I think it's a Red
-headed Cuckoo.

Why are you looking at me when you say that? Okay, let's go.

Finally! Cody, Frankie, let's
( sighs )

- Where are they?
- FRANKIE: Up here! CODY: We just want to get a high shot of the whole grove.


Woodpeckers, with babies.

Ugh, babies.

Huh? Where? I can't see them from here.

Hey, guys, climb down from there! It doesn't look safe.

CODY: Don't worry, Kade, we're fine! No!
( screams )

( screams )

( panicked tweets )
A routine patrol With four Bots in stasis Years later awoke In the strangest of places Earth was their home now And in addition Optimus Prime Gave them this mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain Robots in disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots With Cody to guide them And show them the way Rescue Bots will be Saving the day Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Power up, and energize!
( screams )
Are you joking? What if you'd gotten hurt?! You know what Dad would do to me?
- Sorry, Kade.

- We're sorry.

Are the baby birds okay, Boulder? They're wonderful.

Aw, I think they like you.

( camera shutter snaps )

( chuckles )
Hey, it tickles.

That was my favorite part! Hi, Daddy! I'll be ready in a sec.

Look what we saw today.

So far, I've spotted 27 of the island's Well, I think it's adorable.

Pointless, but adorable.

It's strange, though.

I can't find those Woodpeckers in my book.

Perhaps they're undercover.

Is that why you're spying on them? Do you suspect them of some sort of woodland conspiracy?
( beeps )
I don't see the appeal, but hey, watch whatever animals you want.

I have quite a soft spot for the Picinae subfamily myself.

Maybe I can identify the Oh, my.

- Something wrong, Doc?
- On the contrary.

The reason Boulder's book doesn't have a picture of the birds, is that they're extinct.

( gasps )

( gasps )
Well, everyone thought they were.

Obviously, we were wrong.

Doc's right.

Boulder's found the first Golden
-Crested Woodpecker anyone's seen in 40 years.

- Noble.

- That's awesome.

Congratulations, Boulder.

An extinct bird in Griffin Rock.

This'll be huge news.

No, we mustn't tell anyone about this.

At least until I can contact the authorities.

These birds need to be protected as an endangered species.

The worst possible thing for them would be a crowd of tourists trampling through their habitat.

I, for one, assure you that my lips, if I had any, would be sealed.

No worries, Doc.

They'd have to drag it out of me.

Nice, Boulder.

It's not every day you make scientific history.

Even if you can't tell the world.

Yeah, like we don't already know how that feels.

( grunting )
We all know our mission is to serve and protect humans.

But what about those creatures who need protection from humans.

Oh, dear.

That is not only ironic, but quite the moral dilemma.

The babies especially need guarding.

They can't even fly.

Aww, like helpless little kittens, but with tiny wings.

It's a whole caboodle of cuteness.

I'm in.

As am I if Chief will allow it.

I suppose so, on the condition that you don't neglect your real jobs.


Heatwave, you in?
( Heatwave grunts )
Our job is keeping people safe, not birds.

This whole thing just seems too far off mission.

( grunts )
Count me out.

CODY: Okay.

Woodpeckers: check.

Rescuers: check.

Now what? Now we guard them.

I will secure the perimeter.

Well, this is exciting.

Maybe the birds would like some of those flower bushes here.

You know, to make things prettier.

Good idea.

We could get rid of these old dry logs to make room.


I bet the birds will love these flowers.

( bees buzzing )
Ah! The bees sure do.

I'll just plant them a little further away.

I don't know, something's got them spooked.

Maybe some nice soothing music would calm them down.

I have an mp3 player.

We could plug it into Blades' P.


( loud techno music playing )
Too loud! Turn it down! I can't! It's stuck.

I can hardly mount a protective stake
-out with all that noise.

( music stops )

I thought I'd check in to see how it's going.

I didn't realize your plan to protect the woodpeckers included scaring them to death.

( sighs )
I know you all mean well, but you need to find a balance between doing nothing and going overboard.

Or you risk all kinds of unintended consequences.

Hey, the babies are out, and they look ready to fly.

Birdies, it's easy.

Just do what I did the first time.

Close your eyes and scream.

( grunts )

( screaming )

( screams )

( car crashes)
Confound it, Harrison.


( grunts and yells )
CHIEF: Guys, when you're done with that, there are two more calls.

Dad, this isn't fair.

We're carrying the whole load, while everyone else is baby

Those birds didn't look so endangered to me.


Did you say endangered birds? On our fair little island? Well, I meant dangerous birds.

Like, uh, eagles.

And, uh, and, uh, vultures.

Oh, and, uh, barracudas.

Kade, do I look like a fool? Uh, well.

Uh As mayor, I order you to come clean.


I heard there's a family of Golden
-Crested Woodpeckers that everyone thinks is extinct.

But it's a secret, so don't say anything, please.

Don't worry, my boy.

I know how to keep a secret.

I'm a politician.

( chuckles )
Well, thanks for the rescue.


Robot, vehicle mode.

Alper, ever hear of the Golden
-Crested Woodpecker? No? Well, look it up.

And get out your floaties, because we are about to be swimming in tourists.

( laughs )
And I'm thrilled to announce the re
-discovery of the Golden
-Crested Woodpecker, right here in Griffin Rock, soon to be the no longer extinct bird capital of the world.

Everybody? Code Red.

The Mayor's giving a press conference about the Woodpeckers.

- CHIEF: What? Who told him?
- Who else? Mr.

"They'd Have To Drag It Out Of Me.

" Kade.


He made me.

Besides, it wouldn't have happened if everyone wasn't running around the forest.

Someone should have been there to shut me up.


Like we can ever do that.

Mayor Luskey, the world wants to know who is the discoverer of these amazing birds? Well, I'm sworn to secrecy.

But between you and me And my vast television audience The Burns family may be able to shed some light on this.

( phone rings )
What if it's Huxley? What if it's someone in trouble? Griffin R Oh.

Hi, Mr.



Why couldn't someone be in trouble? That came out wrong.

HUXLEY: Cody Burns, the truth.

Was it, as the mayor implies, one of the Burns family who discovered our Golden
-Crested treasure? No.

Uh, not exactly.

It was, um more like a friend of the family.

Cody, the public has a right to know.

And this nose for news won't stop until I sniff out the truth.

The whole truth.


Now your "Bird Patrol" has put our secret in jeopardy too.

You're right.

I got us into this, I'll get us out.

I'll talk to him.

Ooh, fun.

I'll get Graham's voice
-altering thingy.

It'll be like an episode of "My Sister, the Mob Boss.

- Well, what's it going to be?
- Don't blow it.


Prescott? I'll, uh, patch you through, but the person wants to stay anonymous.

You can't ask their name or anything else.

Strange, but very well.

Hello? Mysterious friend?
( in girl's voice )
: Hello.

How are you? Well, hello there, sweetie.

Will you tell our audience all about how you found the little birdies?
( in deep voice )
: Of course.

I was just enjoying a day of bird
-watching in the forest.


I love birds.

Is this some sort of joke? Ah.

Forget the gizmo.

Huxley's only heard you as a robot anyway.

( in normal voice )
: Sorry, phone connection.

The birds are beautiful.

With perfect crests, and the babies are adorable.

Baby birds.

Hear that, folks?
- WOMAN: Oh, I can't wait to see.

- MAN: Look at the birdies.

They're wonderful creatures who just need a place to call home, and some shelter from the storm.

Just like any of us.

All I want is to help.

Oh, I can tell, friend.

I can tell.

And I'm sure bird fans everywhere will be flocking here for a peek at a beak.

Where exactly is their nest? Oh, no, no, no.

They're not ready for that.

Everyone, just leave them alone.


That'll be the end of it.

So not the end of it.

Talk about your unintended consequences.

I'm pretty sure this is exactly what the mayor intended.

Ho, ho! I tell you, Alper, this was a stroke of genius.

Those birds mean steady revenue for years.

Well, there's the mayo The guy from TV.


I came all the way from Ohio.

I want to see the birds.

( crowd murmuring )
Well, now, it's hard to say where, exactly Uh, you know birds, they, fly every There! Uh, Kade Burns is the one who told me about them.

Ask him.


I knew the Burnses were hiding something.

Confess, Kade Burns.

You discovered the birds.

What? No way.

Not me.

Then your brother Graham? Well, wasn't him either.

Or Dani, or Chief, or Cody.


Next I suppose you'll tell me it was one of your Rescue Bots.

( chuckles nervously )
Good one, Huxley.

Kade, I demand you tell us.

The public's right to know, et cetera, so forth
( sighs )

I found the birds.

( crowd murmurs )
Now that your secret's out, tell us, Kade, what is the Golden
-Crested Woodpecker really like? Oh, well, it's a bird.

Uh, with, uh wings.

And it pecks wood.

Yes, yes, but I think what we all want to know is, where does it live? Oh, no.

Somebody call Kade and stop him before it's too late.

I'm calling, I'm calling.

In a tree.

In a hole in a tree.


But where on the island?
- Don't say it.

- Come on, son.

- You can't tell him.

- Pick up the phone.

- Pick up the phone.

- Don't say they're at Blossom Vale.

( exasperated groans )

Blossom Vale.

And let me take this opportunity to announce the forthcoming Woodpecker Wonderland Luxury Campgrounds to be built, coincidentally, in beautiful Blossom Vale.

This is going to get ugly.

-watchers are a very determined group.

I heard that some took over a whole county once to find a rare bird.

( sigh )
Which means lots of visitors getting lost, chased by bears, or worse.

Looks like we're going to have our hands full.

You guys go.

I'll wait for Kade.

Someone needs to stay in town, in case there's a real emergency.

Thanks for the lift, Blades.

All right, we seem to have arrived ahead of the crowds.

Chase, Boulder, are you in position? Affirmative, sir.

We are patrolling the perimeter.

CHIEF: Doc, how are the birds doing? They seem just fine.

Hmm, those worms remind me it's lunchtime.

And I have a strange craving for spaghetti.

( demanding yells )
Sorry, folks.

Till further notice, Blossom Vale is closed.

( crowd clamoring )
( over PA )
: Unless you're a bird, this is a no
-fly zone.

Please leave the airspace.

You too, Mr.


HUXLEY: The Burns family may have their robot thugs standing guard, but never fear, viewers, nothing will stop Huxley Prescott.


Except that.

( screams )

( all clamoring )
I'm sure we'll work this out, but right now, for the good of everyone, Blossom Vale must remain closed.

What? What are you Oh.


Chief, I have here a court order to open Blossom Vale for unlimited camping immediately.

( laughs )
Looks like we have no choice.

But all these people will scare the woodpeckers away.

Sorry, kids.

Okay, let 'em in.

( all cheering )
MAN: Fire! Fire!
( people screaming )

( all clamoring )
Let's get these people to safety.

On our way, Dad.

Be there in two shakes.

( robot voice )
: Attention humans, please form a single line and proceed in an orderly fashion behind me.

You may elect to arrange yourselves by either height or age.

Don't forget the Woodpeckers.

Human lives come first.

The birds will be fine.


The hill where you got the flower bushes.

We could use that loose dirt as a firebreak.

Good thinking.

Let's go for it.

Okay, Blades, until Kade and Heatwave get here, we're the water brigade.

BLADES: He sh**t, he scores.

Yay, me.

( sputters )

Sorry, Mr.



Right? Um, mostly.

( sirens wailing )
The cavalry has arrived.

HEATWAVE: I warned you.

If you'd just minded your own business, there'd have been no interviews, no crowds, no dry logs, and no fire.

I know.

You're right.

But at least we saved the Woodpeckers.

Um, guys? They're gone.

( sighs )
DANI: Oh, Boulder, I'm so sorry.

All we did and we couldn't even save the birds.

I wish I'd never seen them.

Then nobody would've known, and they'd be safe.

Sorry, partner.

Law of unintended consequences.

One of the few laws even I wish could be circumvented.

Don't feel bad, team.

At least your hearts were in the right place.

Human hearts are movable? Why so morose, my metallic mates? The re
-extinction of a species is hardly cause for celebration.

And it's all my fault.

Don't be quite so funereal.

Our Golden
-Crested friends may be endangered, but they're hardly helpless.

When I went to check on the Woodpeckers earlier, I leg
-tagged them all with tracers, so I could keep tabs on them.

The birds saw the fire and flew over to the next valley with their babies.

They're all okay.

- All right.

- Splendid.

- They are?
- Noble.

And, since they are quite territorial, I'm certain they'll soon return to their home in Blossom Vale.

But we still went overboard trying to protect them.

We were almost as bad as those bird

We can't let that happen again.

CODY: Well, maybe it's what my dad said about finding a balance.

I wonder if there's some way to do that with the woodpeckers.

Find a way they can be safe, while people still get to see them.


Cody, I believe you've given me an idea.

MAYOR LUSKEY: And so, after consultation with Doc Greene, I'm very pleased to announce the establishment of the Luskey Bird Sanctuary, a haven for endangered birds, and the people who will pay to see them.

We'll admit only a few people at a time, so as not to disturb the birds.

But our web
-cam will allow bird
-watchers all over the world to enjoy our Golden
-Crested friends as they rebuild their population.

Yay us.