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03x19 - The Last of Morocco

Posted: 04/02/23 12:41
by bunniefuu
Hurry up, Cody! Coming, sis.

Hey, Cody.

Hi, Frankie.

I'm just Okay, good news first or bad? Frankie, I have to go on a Okay, bad news, I guess.

I'd like to get it out of the way first.

Remember the science camp I applied for us to go to? I was accepted! That's not bad news.

But you weren't.

The good news I talked to the camp director, and if you take a catch
-up math class, you're in.

Um, it's okay.

I've been busy with the rescue team lately and But if you don't come to camp, we'll barely see each other all summer.

Cody, leaving now! I have to go, but I know you'll love it at camp.


I'm sorry to pull you away.

I know you haven't seen Frankie much lately.

Yeah, she's been in the lab a lot more, and I've been busy here.

But you're still best friends, right? Yeah, I guess, but I'd hate to see you two grow apart.

Grow a part of what? Like a new piece of your body or something? Ew.

No, Blades, we don't mean Look out! Whoa! Aaah!! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue humans in need, heroes, indeed Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way the Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Rescue Bots aaah!! Grab the line! Sacré bleu! My balloon! Is everyone all right? You bet, and we have a visitor.


How do you do? I'm Chief Burns.

Ah! Americans, yes? Uh, quelle Uh, what year is this? What year? I'm sorry, Sir, but who are you exactly? Ah, how rude of me.

So sorry.

My name is Jules Verne.

Not this guy.

Yeah, I'm out.

Did I, uh, say something wrong? Well, it's just that there's a famous author from the 1800s named Jules Verne.

Uh, no, no, no.

I have written a few things, but hardly famous.

I'm reading this book at school, "20,000 leagues under the sea," but it's over a hundred years old.

You're this Jules Verne? Uh no, I do not recognize this.

He's a fake.

Even I've heard of that book, and I've never heard of any books.

Well, if he really is a time traveler, he could've come from a point before he wrote the book.

No way.


Uh, Kade.


Time travel.

I hate time travel! But how does a hot
-air balloon become a time machine? My balloon! Where is it? It has something very important on it.

Heatwave and I brought it over.

The bots are unloading it now.

Heatwave? The Heatwave? Ça va bien.

Then I am not worried! Wait.

You know about Heatwave, I still maintain that hot
-air balloons are a hard
-control, outdated Earth technology.

But they're charming.

Yeah, till you have to untangle the wreckage from the trees.


The other robots have returned.

-bop Bo.

Do not pretend for my sake.

On a trip to our future, I met uh, will meet? Very advanced, how you say, la, la, la Cybertronians.

Oui, oui, oui? Okay, one He knows about Cybertron, two more advanced than us? And three What's "oui, oui, oui?" It means "yes" in French.

Rescue Bots, meet Jules Verne.

He's visiting from the past of France.

Verne? As in Verne device? The instrument Dr.

Morocco uses to power his chamber of youth.

You know of Thaddeus Morocco? That is whom I have come to find.

We are friends.

- Any friend of his can Polish my
- Hold on, Heatwave.


Verne, maybe you'd better explain.

Thaddeus and I met at the London exposition of 1862.

We shared scientific findings, and soon I trusted him enough to give him one of the two prototype devices I'd been working on.

But soon after, our interests went in different directions.

I focused on exploration to further the advancement of mankind.

Thaddeus, it seemed, worked to advance only one man, trying to make himself younger, stronger, wealthier.

I should have intervened, but I was so caught up in my own work I I let us drift apart.

But just this morning well, this morning in Paris, 1869 I received a message consisting only of these coordinates and today's date.

And you think the message was from Morocco? Who else? But now, without my balloon, how am I going to get back there? Mr.

Verne, meet High Tide.

He's been kind enough to give us transport.


Thanks I think.

Ready to fetch, boy? Noble! A boy and his mechanical dog? Man's best friend, they say, no? Servo's a Cybertronian helper bot, but he is pretty friendly.

Friendship, young man, is precious.

Never forget this.

We've reached the coordinates.

No island, nothing on my scanners.

What is it, Servo? Allô! We have hit something!
- Oh!
- Dad! It's okay, son, I'm just a little Uh

Power up and energize! Dad! Whoa.

I guess I'm the catch of the day.

Do marine mammals come with built
-in cameras? Not usually, no.

Aww! It wants to play.

I think he wants us to follow him.

I doubt that Whale is saying anything, son.

Aah! But I could be wrong.

High Tide, looks like an underwater trip.

I can help you with that.


The undersea world reveals herself to us.

Yes, a book about such things must be written.

Detecting another ship.

Dad, I think it's the Nemo.

Uh, what is this "Nemo?" I'm guessing it's the reason you were sent to these coordinates.

Hold on.

We're docking.

No sign of anyone.

Looks like there's an upper deck.

You two stay behind me.


You came.

I knew you would.




Morocco, you got really old.

Excuse the Whale attack, Jules.

Had I known it was you onboard, I'd never have put the ship in danger.

Why would you want to put anyone in danger, Thaddeus? I have a history with this family and their robots.

But come embrace me.

I have missed you, mon ami.

Sorry to interrupt the reunion, but you're coming with us, Morocco.

Chief Burns.

Delightful as ever.

Come to slap the irons on me? How did you even get this submarine back? I was forced to trade my Verne device to the Pynch woman for the return of my ship.

I'd intended on outsmarting her, of course, but And without the device, you can't run your chamber of youth.

Bright as ever, aren't we? But before I surrendered the device, I took a chance.

Though I lack the energy source to send myself through time, I wagered Apparently correctly that there was enough power to deliver a piece of paper, A message to the past and my old friend.

And my very oldest friend Over 140 years.


I used my device to travel through time.

You used yours to defy it.

I could've traveled through time, as well, if only you had shared your energy source with me.

You know I took an oath to never reveal that secret.

All that matters is that you came, and with your device, I can operate my chamber of youth and save my life.


It is yours to use.

Sorry, Mr.

Verne, but in the present, this man is a wanted criminal.

What transgressions has he committed? Where do we start? There's the nanites, the Morbot, the T
-Rex, The weather machine.

Oh, I do so love hearing my résumé recited.

Thaddeus, I am disappointed at how you have abused your intellectual gifts.

This is not the man I knew.

Do what you must.

Chief to Chase Be ready to take a prisoner into custody.

Ah, I'd hoped not to resort to this, but it's clear that force is the only thing you understand.

Morocco, it I'm sure that you remember my charming metal
-eating ants that I controlled with pheromone signals.

I've since improved the technology.

I can now mimic the communication of undersea creatures, and as you saw earlier, use it to control them.

Guys, trouble headed your way.

What kind of trouble? Earthquake! Uh seaquake! I'm starting to hate the ocean.

Rescue Bots, protect the ship.

Ohh! No creature should have this many arms, nor use them to as*ault an officer of the law! Thanks, Servo.

I think we might be outside our jurisdiction, Chase.

Here, whaley Whale! Here, whaley! Give me what I want, or I will destroy your robot friends.

- Whoa!
- Ohh! Blades, take Servo! You win, Morocco.

Call off your attack.

We'll surrender.

Not so fast, Chief.

That's my tender, and I have a little something to say in the matter.

What? That's How did When did you acquire that? Big fella, isn't he? New member of the team.

Game's over, Doctor.

I surrender.

But I beg you allow me to use the chamber of youth when we arrive back.

Or I shall perish within days.

Ah, back to my old young self.

More time to serve your sentence with.

Come on.

Come to gloat, have you? Of course not.

Such a friendship How did we come to this? Frankie, it's me.


I can see that.

Listen, I wanted to Well, I just don't want us turning into these guys.


Morocco! But who's the other one? I'll explain later.

Just watch.

I made my choices, as did you.

We simply took different paths.

No, mon ami, there was only one path, and you left it.


My dreams were bigger than yours.

I took what I wanted, and I apologize for none of it.

Most things, I have found, can be measured in this world, except the bounds of human ambition.

I am sorry, Thaddeus.

I should have tried harder to be a good friend.

Perhaps if I had So you think one of us is gonna turn into an evil villain? No, not that part The part about best friends drifting away from each other.

I decided I'm going to take the extra math course so we can go to science camp together.

I don't want us to end up like Morocco and Jules Verne.

Thanks, Cody.


That's Jules Verne? As in the Jules Verne?! I'll be right over.

Balloon's repaired.

She is just about ready to go, Mr.


Ah, merci.


Is that him?! Capitaine, I am thinking I would like to take Thaddeus back into the past.

He should serve his sentence in our own era.

I'm sorry, Mr.

Verne, but our facilities are far more secure than anything in your day.

I'm not willing to take the risk of him escaping again.


Um, dad, you know how Morocco used the Verne device to erase people's memories? What if we did that to him, reset his memory to before he started being bad? Hmm.

Très intéressant.

With no memory of his past, my old friend could have a second chance.

But if you take this Morocco back, his younger self is already living in your time.

Can both of them be there? Sorry to interrupt, but did I mention I hate time travel? Hmm.

A conundrum.

I shall take him to the future.

He can live there.

I will visit him.

We will build our friendship again.

Dani, let's head back to the jail and pick up our guest.


Verne, I'd like you to meet my best friend.

Is that Energon? Oui, oui, my energy source It interacts with a device by Comment dit
-on In a special way, creating the ability to travel through time.

Is that how you met I mean meet the Autobots? I cannot discuss the future.

No one should know their own destiny No matter how important it is.

- What's that about?
- No clue.

If he has something to say to me, he should just come out and say it Even if it is in French.

Okay, Doctor, time to huh? He escaped.


His energy source! No, Thaddeus, wait! The Energon will be your final gift to me, mon ami.

Weigh the balloon down! I can't hold on! Aah! Next time you attempt to stop a hot
-air balloon, please assure you wear your helmet.

Glad to see you, too, Chase.

It's time, I think, for us to drift even further apart, Jules.

What?! No! Morocco, you need to be nicer to people.

A grand adventure, it has been.


Au revoir, mes amis.

Wish I'd asked him to sign my copy.

Anyone know what "au revoir" means? It's like "till we meet again.

" Huh.

Wonder what he meant by that? Don't you get it? You'll meet him in the future.

He just didn't want to tell you.


I guess I shouldn't have told you either.

Okay, whoa.

Whoa! Time travel still hate it.

Do you think Jules managed to wipe Dr.

Morocco's memory? Let us hope so.

The future will be much safer if he is reformed.

If they made it to the future.

I think they did.

And I think they become friends again.

Oh, Jules, thank you for showing me around.

It is nice to spend time with you, my young friend.

I've always loved Paris in the evening.