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03x11 - Quarry vs. Quarry

Posted: 04/02/23 12:02
by bunniefuu
( Laser buzzing )
Greene: I call them my laser sliced

Perfectly symmetrical every time.

And how are my two favorite ladies getting along? Frankie, have you told Anna about your school report, on the pre
-larval stages of cicadas? Dad, not even Cody wants to hear about that.

Actually, Francine, I studied entomology, so I'm very Yes! See? You two have insect eggs in common! As well as, uh, chocolate milk! Anna loves it too, Frankie.

Ezra, are you feeling well? Never better.


The sandwiches.

I completely forgot them.

I'll be right back.

Heatwave: Psst.


I still don't get what you need me here for.

Unless you're gonna set fire to those sandwiches.

Greene: Oh, look at that! I forgot my special recipe mustard.

Can't have a proper sandwich without it.

Be right back.

Bye! Ezra! Daddy? I had no idea your father loved mustard so much.

He doesn't, he just Wants us to be friends.

How am I doing? Um good.

You know, Francine, I really did study cicadas, so I'd be happy to Man
( Over radio )
: Mayday! Mayday! Sinking fast! Who is this? Where are you? Hello?! Hello? Hel
( Static buzzing )
I can't get their signal back.

Frankie, can you reach the rescue team? Ugh! I can't reach anyone! Something's interfering with my Holo
-com! Then we'll just have to save them ourselves.

The signal says it should be right here.

Frankie, please stay in the cabin and out of sight.

Why? There's nothing here.


No ship, an empty dock, a mysterious SOS.

Until we know what's going on, I want to make sure you're safe.

Hello! Anyone? I received your distress call.

I'm here to help.

Man: A generous offer, m'lady.

Unfortunately, you're the one who'll be needin' help.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots
( Ominous theme playing )
Whoever you are, I am answering a distress signal of a sinking ship.

Stand aside.

There is no sinking vessel.

Just a trap I laid for someone other than you.

And as for standing aside
( Chuckles )
Quint Quarry doesn't do that.

Now where is Dr.

Greene? I am the only person aboard this ship.

Pardon me if I don't take your word for it.

-drone, search the vessel!
( Suspenseful theme playing )
Well, it appears you've missed your quarry, Quarry.

Now, if we're finished here, I'll be on my way.

Ah, not quite yet.

Just means a slight change in plans.

Drones! Our new guest needs a place to stay.

You have no right! Let me go!
( Suspenseful theme playing )
Hope you're on your way back with that mustard, dad.

Because we're in a pretty big pickle.

Greene: I want Anna and Frankie's first picnic together to be perfect.

And you can't have a perfect picnic without
( Bell dings )
the perfect mustard! Bravo, Doc! Oh, yeah.

That was an efficient use of our time.

Wait, I thought mustard was the red stuff.

No, Blades.

That's ketchup.

I am told humans put it on hot dogs.

Presumably to cool the animals off.

Now, I'd better get back before my picnic lunch turns into a picnic dinner.

Oh! What in the world?! G'day, Dr.


I'm a great admirer of your work.

And look! It's the little feisty one.


He can see us? Have we met, Mr? Colonel Quint Quarry.

And I think you already know my new house guest.

Anna! Where are you? And where is fr Anna: The floating lab? Sorry, Ezra, i know I'm not supposed to take it out by myself.

And now this Quarry person won't let me leave.

I guarantee you, once I have what I want, the Professor will be returned to you safely.

And what exactly do you want? A small favor, really.

A while ago I made the mistake of borrowing one of your robot dinosaurs for my very specialized hunting Enterprise, you see.

Then it, and your other creation, destroyed half my island and all of my business.

My creation? Uh, but colonel, I had nothing to do with them.

There's clearly been a misunderstanding.

Right, Dr.


I'm sure there are lots of other Griffin Rock scientists building robotic reptilians.

Are those giant bots your work too, I presume? Unless they just fell out of the sky? Well, I, um No, no.

You're responsible for the damage those dino
-bots caused.

And you're going to repay me by building more of 'em.

The two that destroyed my old island, plus three more.

A fist of dino
-bots will help me rebuild my business.

Once I have them, your colleague will be returned.

I'll send my heli
-jet to pick up my order in 12 hours.

You will come alone.

At least we know Professor Baranova's safe.

Quarry won't risk hurting her until he has what he wants.

But I can't give it to him.

And what about Frankie? The Professor cleverly let us know that Francine is safe.

It sounds like Quarry doesn't even know she's there.

We started this, Doc.

We're going to make it right.

I say we storm his island! He won't even see us coming.

Kade, we don't even know where it is.

There's nothing on any map near the lab's last location.

And I couldn't find anything in the database.

So the only way to get Anna and Frankie back is to give Quarry dino
-bots that I don't have.

Optimus: Excuse me, Doctor.

-bots you don't have yet.

When I heard this was about dino
-bots, I took the liberty of calling the original.

From what the chief has told me, it appears the best course of action is to offer myself and Boulder, in our dino forms, to Quarry.

Once we're there, we can rescue the others.

But Quarry's expecting five dino

We still need three more.

I can scan a dino form too.

Why should you guys have all the fun? Heh

Chase? It would be a violation of the Rescue Bot oath not to join you.

Um, well Blades, we know your bravery is boundless, but the choice to help is always yours.

Although it is something Bumblebee would do.

Oh, all right, I'll do it! But this time, I don't want to be A flying thing?! Come on! Again?! Energon patches ready, Optimus.

Dani: One for each of you.

Kade: No dino rampages this time.


As long as our Energon levels remain stable, we can control our dino modes.

Boulder, have you prepared your colleagues for taking on a new form? Ready as we'll ever be.

Rescue Bots, scan and transform!
( Majestic theme playing )
Whoa! This guy and I were practically made for each other.

Oh! An odd but not entirely unpleasant sensation.

And that could come in handy.

-ha! Didn't get to try that last time.

Works pretty well!
( Groans )

( Groaning )
Ah! I can't transform! Optimus: Remain calm, Blades.

Can you assume helicopter mode?
( Grunting )
My t

Something must have happened to it.

-I can't transform at all! Taking new forms, especially bio
-organic ones, can affect your transformation abilities.

With rest and time, your t
-cog should return to normal.

Burns: Quarry will be arriving any minute.

We'd better get out to the loading dock.

It's no good.

I definitely won't need this.

I'll never transform again.

And I've ruined the plan.

Maybe something just came loose.

Want me to check under your Dash? Just tell me if you see green spots.

Oh, or red ones.

But not blue.

If you see blue spots, I don't even want to know.

( Helicopter whirring )
We need to get out of sight.

Good luck, Doc.

You'll have to make some excuse about the fifth dino.

Optimus, I'm sure you'll bring everyone back safe and sound.

You have my word.

Blades, hide! Heatwave: Quarry's here! Ah! Who turned out the lights? Stand still.

And try to look more ptero

Blades: But Heatwave It's too late! I can't get out without being seen.

don't worry.

I'll climb out after they leave.

Quarry, where is Professor Baranova? You promised you'd bring her and my DA My lab back.

And you promised me five dino

What's wrong with this one? It's, uh, unfinished, but nearly complete, I promise.

Do you now? Good.

You're coming along, Dr.


You can finish it on my island.

Once you're done, I'll return your colleague and your floating lab.

-drones, prepare for take
-off! Or I could go along.

Burns: We'd better get back to the firehouse.

Cody, I want you to Where's Cody? Wasn't he with you? He climbed into Blades for a minute, but I thought he oh, no! Cody!
( Dramatic theme playing )

Greene, in the flesh.

Where is Professor Baranova and where is my lab? You can see her after I test my merchandise.

My clients don't appreciate defective products.

You're going to sell them? And rebuild my big game business off the profits.

Drones, bring the finished dinos.

And I advise you to complete the last one asap.

But I have no tools, or supplies.

Ah, use whatever you can find in there.

But no funny business.

Optimus, why not just take him? Not yet.

If we move too soon, we may place the others in danger.

Now what? I don't have another dino

And Frankie and Anna could be anywhere.

Um, not to add to your burden, but we may have one more tiny problem.

Cody! What are you doing here? Uh, long story, Doc.

Your com
-link! We could contact Frankie, and I already tried it as soon as we landed.

But Quarry must be jamming communication.

Where do we even start looking? If we had some sort of heat
-seeking device Quarry said you could use any equipment in the hangar.

Quarry: Oh, yeah, that's it.

Keep those bids coming!
( Dramatic theme playing )

( Roars )

( Chuckling )

( Suspenseful theme playing )

( Leaves rustling )

( Frankie grunts )
Francine! What are you doing here?! Ta
-DA! I'll lower the hose and you climb up it.

Easy peasy! Francine, wait!
( Suspenseful theme playing )

( Gasps )
So not very good at waiting, are we? No.

Graham: Cody's com
-tab stopped responding right about here.

So if I project the com
-tab's trajectory forward and factor in how far most jamming signals can spread, quarry's island should be somewhere near here.

Let's go get him! Anna: There.

I'd already disabled the external alarm, so fortunately your rescue didn't draw more attention.

I'm sorry, Professor.

I just wanted to show you I'm not some kid you have to take care of.

I don't think of you that way at all, Francine.

You're an amazing young woman.

It's just, after living alone under the sea for 28 years, I'm not sure I'm very good at being a team player.

Me either.

It's always been just dad and me.

Not dad, me, and Me? Well, then, perhaps we take it one step at a time.

First step is: Call me Anna.

Close second? Stop calling me Francine.

And third, we figure a way out of here.

How do we get past those drones? Huh.

Tell me exactly how does your Holo
-watch work?
( Dramatic theme playing )
Quarry: And what good would a live demonstration be without showing off their evasive abilities?
( Grunting )

( Growling )
Optimus, no!
( Ominous theme playing )
Quarry: No! No, no, no, no! That half
-wit scientist! How can I sell creatures that attack each other and then get buried alive?!
( Growling )
Boulder, stop! But Optimus! He's in there! We can't pull him out.

We're not Rescue Bots now, remember? But he saved Chase.

By pretending to attack me.

We must follow his lead and keep up the illusion that we are ferocious animals.


Fine by me.

Aah! Heatwave? Fight back.

We'll work our way over to Optimus.

Excellent strategy.

And challenge accepted.

( Both growling )
I want in on this.

( Growling )
Quarry: My profits! My pro My profits! Go! Go! Fight! Fight! You heard the man.

Let's finish this! Then I suggest we end this charade and finish him.

( Roars )
Sold! To the highest bidders! Well done, Rescue Bots.

And thank you.

Now let's show Quarry what we do at our day jobs.

Amber drone, stop those beautiful beasts before they tear each other apart.

-ha! Magnificent! Load everything up, boys, and take 'em to the dock.


Once they're shipped off, I'll talk to Doc Greene and reevaluate the terms of his release.

We did it! Nice work, profe Anna.

Now let's get off this wretched island and get back home.

( Leaves rustling )
It could be Quarry.

This way.

These goggles are a bit primitive.

But I'm reading two heat signatures inside this shed.

It must be Frankie and Anna.

Dad! You're here! Not now, Frankie.

I have to deactivate this security system to rescue Frankie and Oh! You're here too! Heh
-heh! How did you two escape? Because we're awesome.

And exponentially awesomer when we work together.

Noble! Now let's go tell I mean, find the dinos.

This is bad.

It appears the larger drone has trapped the dinos in some kind of stasis field.

Can one of you pilot the helicopter bot? We could knock that drone out easily from the air.

Um, the helicopter bot can't fly.

I don't understand.

What good is a flying robot that can't fly? No, I mean it can, he just needs some repairs.

No! She's right.

I should be doing what I'm meant to do.

I'm going! What on Earth? He's sentient? Come on.

Come on! Fly!
( Majestic theme playing )

( Quarry screams )

( Dramatic theme playing )

( Button beeps )
Burns: Hold it right there! Colonel Quarry, we have you surrounded.

You are under arrest!
( Sighs )

( Peaceful theme playing )
Burns: Great work, team.

All of you.

( In robotic voice )
: Thank you, chief.

It is what we were, uh, programmed for.

I may not have a degree in robotics.

But I'm smart enough to know that whatever you Rescue Bots are, you are not man

But you are heroes.

And anything else is irrelevant.

A wise and generous statement, Professor.

I thank you for your empathy.

And welcome you to our family.

( Suspenseful theme playing )