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03x10 - Bot-Tastic Voyage

Posted: 04/02/23 12:01
by bunniefuu
( Mellow theme playing )
Now then, dither Let's test your new central processor.

Initiate toast protocol.

Toast? Toast? To
( Glass breaking )

( Dither crashing )
Daddy, are you experimenting before breakfast again?
( Gasping)
Whoa! Toast? Toast? Toast? Toast?
( Grunting )
Dither put that back! Nobody wants any toast! It's all right, Frankie.

Dither's just testing his new bioelectric chip.

( Grunting )

( Glass breaking )
Toast! And I think it just failed the test! Better call the chief.

Toast? Toast? Toast?
( Tires screeching )
Better get to safety, Mayor.

Policebot, go around back.

I'll flush him out.

Toast? Ow! Team, dad needs backup.

Dither's on a toaster binge! Looks like he's headed out of town.

We're on it.

At least nobody lives out there.

Actually, there is one person Dither: Toast? Toast? Toast?
( Whirring )
A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots
( Whirring )

( Dramatic theme playing )
Professor Baranova, stay back! Toast! Yes, dither, I would like toast.

Toast What's troubling this poor helper bot?
( Shrugging )
You have any sourdough? Anna
( On screen )
: That new bioelectric processor seems the most likely suspect.

( Giggling )
A logical diagnosis.

I'll let you know what we find.

And thank you again, Anna, for saving dither.

And ahem.

Thank you all as well.

Anna was right.

It appears that the new bioelectric chip is covered in bacteria.

Bacteria! My reading has revealed that they are the culprit behind much human illness.

Vile scum.

Since when do bacteria make robots sick?
( Gasping )
They can't.

( Sighs )
But a bioelectric chip is part organic.

So, bacteria could infect it.

It's true.

Greene: It's what's inside that counts! Frankie: But daddy, you built that bio
-electric chip in the cleanroom.

Yes, that is a bit mysterious.

What do you mean? The cleanroom is a completely sealed area.

It's free of bacteria or anything that can affect sensitive technology.

Any chance your cleanroom needs cleaning, Doc? Hmm yes.

Foreign contaminants! I'll get the scrubmites, daddy.

Scrub whats? Microscopic bacteria
-eating robots! Didn't know you had any scrubmites, Doc.

Best way to decontaminate a cleanroom.

Greene: Scrubmites are programmed to seek out and consume all bacteria, completely sanitizing any area they're in.

Cody: Um, Doc, exactly what experiment did you do with donuts? That's where my breakfast went! I wonder Greene: Ah! Mystery solved! This donut contains the same bacteria as the bioelectric chip.

Kade: Got the glass all cleaned up.

We'll come back when the new window gets here, Doc.

Kade: Ooh!
( Chomping sounds )
Kade: Mmm.

What? I never got any toast.

Uh, Kade, that was covered in the bacteria that made dither go wild.

Not to worry, human stomachs are quite resilient.

( Chuckles )
It won't affect Kade in the same way.

If everything's under control here, Doc, we've got a lot of toasters to return.

( Horse neighing )
Hey, Boulder, could you keep it down? Hang on, I'm almost done.

Feels like there's still a pen stuck under my seat.

Can you see anything? Uh what are you guys doing? Well, Doc said, "it's what's inside that counts!" So we thought to clean out our cabs.

Guys, it's not about what's literally inside you.

It's just a saying.

It means that what's important about someone isn't how they look, or sometimes even how they act, but who they really are underneath.

Like you, Blades.

Some people might think you're a scaredy
-cat, but when it comes to helping friends, you're as brave as anybody.

It's true.

Or like how Kade acts tough, but inside he's just a big softie.

What? No way! I'm all tough, inside and
( Hiccups )
I'm sorry, what was that?
( Hiccups getting louder )
Oh, wow.

Must be hunger hiccups.

( Clears throat )
Come on, time to replace Doc's window.

Then let's go, Captain cuddles.

And don't call me Captain
( Hiccups, groans )
No foreign contaminants detected! Now to recall the scrubmites.

( Bleeping sounds )
Oh, my.

We're missing some scrubmites.

Six, to be precise.

But where could they go? The cleanroom's sealed.

Not sure, my little leeuwenhoek.

I'll set these scanners to the scrubmites' signal frequency.

And we should be able to find them.

Hey, Doc, Kade and Heatwave are outside with your new window.

Uh, dad, do you think the scrubmites got outside somehow? They're much too small to have crossed the entire lab by now.

Hey, Doc
( Hiccups )
How about those donuts you promised? As we agreed, Kade, after the window repair.

You get donuts.

I get crumbs in my cushions.

Maybe you should just
( Hiccups )
What's wrong with you? You've been doing that all morning.

( Hiccups )
I'm fine, I'm just hungry.

Nothing yet, Frankie.

Are you sure that
( Bleeping sounds )
Uh, daddy Frankie: We found the scrubmites.

- Frankie: Scrubmites!
- Greene: don't move! I can't hear ya.

( Hiccups )

( Glass breaking )

( Exhaling )
Thanks Heatwave.

It's all right, I'm
( Hiccups )
Kade I think you better come inside.

( Bleeping sounds )
That confirms it.

Greene: The scrubmites are inside Kade.

Inside him? What'd you do this time, Kade? But how? The mites must have been on that donut from the cleanroom.

And you can never pass up a donut, can you? They are the bacon of breakfast food.

There's no danger, is there, Doc? If these things only eat bacteria The trouble is bacteria are everywhere.

Even inside us.

Hah! Not me.

( Hiccups )
In all of us, Kade.

Some bacteria are helpful and even necessary for good human health, like the ones that help with our digestion.

( Hiccups )
Bacteria hashtag "freaky.

" But the mites can't tell the difference.

They're eating the good bacteria along with the bad.

And that could damage your body.

So these scrub
-its are the reason I'm
( Hiccups )
I'm afraid so.

Boulder: Is there a way to shut the scrub mites off? Uh, nope, and their batteries last a long time.

I've tried to recall them but the signal won't penetrate human tissue.

And they keep moving.

Then surgery is out.

Um, yeah well, yeah! We would need to send something inside your body to track, trap, and carry the mites back out.

( Whispers )
Go get the minimizer.

Something or someone.

We have shrinking covered.

Hmm I wonder Yes! No! You mean somebody actually go inside me? No.



Not this guy.

We can't just do nothing, son.

Let me help you with this.

Doc I'm willing to go.

Me, too.

Count me in.

But there's still the problem of how we send you in.

And how you carry back six scrubmites.

We can help with that.

Chase: Suitable for travel in inner as well as outer space.

And plenty of room for those mites in our cargo hold.

( Chuckling )
To go where no bot has gone before.

And with good reason, I might add.

Does no one else find this a little bit creepy? Hatch closed.

All set, Doc.

Greene: Have a fantastic voyage! Rescue team, come in.

Heatwave? All good, Cody.

We'll let you know when we're in position.

( Chewing )

Kade: I feel fine.

Cody, get Heatwave on the comtab.

I'm calling this mission off.

Um little late for that.

Those red dots are the scrubmites and The green dot is the bots' ship.

What? Wait You mean it's already But how did you Heatwave said he'd steer clear of your teeth.

Heatwave: Here we go! A
-ha! Yeah! Blades: We're here! Wherever that is.

There's our first batch.

You'd better stay with the ship.

Not sure how long humans can last out there.

Not sure how long I can last.

No wonder humans can't transform.

They're missing so many parts.


Squishy! What'd ya know, Kade is a big softie inside.

( Giggling )
Whoa! Tickled from the inside.


( Hissing sounds )
What is that toxic liquid? Dani
( Over com )
: Acid.

We're in Kade's stomach.

( Whirring sounds )
Blades: Didn't know they'd be so big.

They're not.

We're really small.


No sudden moves.

Go slow and Power up and energize!
( Sighing )
Surprise them.


Consider yourself burned.

( Whirring sounds )

( Grunting )
( Grunting )
They're a little bigger than we planned on.

That'll hold 'em.

Three down, Cody.

Burns: Where to next? The other three mites are near Kade's spine.

Sending you a map.

( Whirring sounds )
Anybody hear that scratching? Humans do retain many types of fluids.

Fascinating structure.

Look, Heatwave.

Kade isn't spineless.

We'll sightsee later.

( Whirring sounds )

( Energy crackling )
Ah! Lightning!
( All yelp )
Burns: Everybody okay out there? Negative.

Do all humans contain inclement weather, or only Kade? Graham: It's not weather.

See that glow moving down? Electricity? A pulse from the brain.

Like a message, telling Kade's body to do something.

Then tell Kade to stop his brain! That shouldn't be too hard.

Stop thinking! Hey! Greene: He doesn't need to stop his brain, he needs to stop his foot.

Kade, you're causing a lightning storm! My feet were tingling.

( Bleeping sounds )
Ah, great.

Now Hayley's mad at me.


I meant "forever," not "football.

" Hmmm play back that video of the pulse, Cody.

There! The scrubmites have been eating your Myelin sheath, Kade.

My huh? Myelin sheath.

It's a protective outer coating on nerves.

Like The plastic around a wire.

With the coating gone, the electrical pulses sh**t out from the exposed nerves.

And make your feet tingle.

So my feet are going to tingle football I mean, forever? The Myelin will heal with time once the mites stop eating it.

But for now Kade: Sorry, guys.

Oh, you wish to see which of us can pinch harder? Challenge accepted.

Power up and energize! Easy, big fella.

Gotcha! Ah! Ow! I I can't feel my legs.

( Groaning )
I think I struck a nerve.

I got this, Heatwave.

( Grunting )
Heatwave: Here.

( Grinding sounds )
They're eating into the ship.

We have to hurry.

Blades, you sure you're okay? My tail skid still tingles, but other than that Cody, we have all the scrubmites.

Now, how do we get outta here? Follow the spinal column up to Kade's head.

Plenty of exits there.

( Engine sputtering )
Boulder: The mites must have eaten through the ignition panel! Maybe we can reroute the circuit.

Circuit is active but we don't have any power.

We need a jump.

From where? One of the other ships inside Kade? Kade can provide the jolt.

All he has to do is move his foot and kapow! Lightning.

Boulder: That could give us enough power to restart the engine.

How am I to do that? I can't feel my feet.

Ha! No problem.

Greene: For an electric pulse to go from his brain down his nerves, Kade must make his foot move.

Do it, Kade.

Everyone inside you is counting on it.

( Grunting )
Heatwave: Hey, from in here, it looks like you've gone all soft Captain cuddles.

I told you, don't call me Captain cuddles!
( Engine revving )

( Loud rumbling sound )
I'll check on it.

Keep us moving.

The scrubmites are getting loose.

Heatwave, do you require assistance? No.

Heatwave: Just get us out of Kade now! But, where are we? Cody: You're in Kade's nasal cavity.

( Via com )
: Eww! I had to ask.

Nasal? No problemo.

I'll get 'em out of there.

What? I can sneeze on command.

How could you not know that about me? Everyone better strap in.

Air leaving the nose during a sneeze can travel more than Cool.


And "eww" again.

Ready for launch.

( Inhaling deeply )
Power up and energize! Ah ah Choo!
( Dramatic theme playing )
Whoa! Cody: Did you make it? Where are you? All I can see is yellow.

And the scrubmites are getting loose! don't worry, Heatwave.

All scrubmites accounted for! Yellow Kade, are you okay? Have you seen what you eat? Nice sneeze, bud.

Your bone structure is amazing.

Your fluids appear adequately viscous.

I don't even want to think about what I was walking on.

Doc says I'm fine.

Thanks to you, guys.

Thank you for the ride home.

Well, guess you had it in you after all, Captain.

What's inside does count, but sometimes getting what's inside out can be just as important.

Oh, my.

I'm late.

Professor Baranova and I are meeting for an experiment.

Over dinner.


Hey, uh, Heatwave.

Seriously, though don't call me that again.

Ha! Tough guy.

You know it.

Inside and out Which reminds me.

You still have some vacuuming to do.

Ha, ha! Crumbs in your cushion, ha, ha!
( Dramatic theme playing )