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03x07 - Bugs in the System

Posted: 04/02/23 11:59
by bunniefuu
Okay, Cody, give it a try! Yeah! Woo
-hoo! Nice work designing this crazy slide, little bro.


You know, the hard part was calculating
- the gallons per second required to
- Yeah, that's great, anyway It is great.

Oh, it's so cool! You made this? Hi.

I'm Amy.

I'm an engineer.

I just moved into town and wow! How did you minimize the drag coefficient to guarantee a successful loop? You um well, I Oh, of course, it must be proprietary information.

I shouldn't have asked.

I'm sorry.

No, it's I wait.

What's wrong with me? Don't worry, son.

It's a small island.

You'll see her again.

Chief? Chief? Anyone there? What's wrong, Barney? It's Doctor Morocco.

He's gone! There's a GPS microchip in Morocco's cuffs.

If he's wearing them, we should be able to track him.

Doctor Morocco, halt and surrender.

Well, hello there, rescue team.

Sorry, my legs simply needed a bit of a stretch.

Well, exercise period is over, Doctor.

Back to prison for you.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Well, he's not getting out of that so easy, that's for sure.

Constable, might I have a book? A sketch
-pad? Something to help pass the time? You have to earn those privileges.

Barney, nothing goes in or out of that cell without my okay.

Understood? This is the Chief.

Downtown? Oh.

What kind of monkey? Unh! Huh? You are safe now, citizen.

I see the monkey! Whoa! Ah! Whoo! Glad to meet you, tiny primate.


Thanks, Boulder.

Put him in here so he doesn't get loose again.

From the collar, he clearly belongs to someone.

His name is Tesla! Amy, you might want to keep a closer eye on your friend there.

Griffin Rock can be Dangerous.

Thank you so much for catching him.

I can see he likes you.


Well, uh, I just hope you lose him again.

I mean I hope he runs away more often? No, that, that is, um I have to go be quiet now.

Oh, well, um Th thanks again.

Sorry about that, guys.

Your communication center seems to have malfunctioned.

Need a stasis recharge? No, Boulder.

I'm just not very good at talking to girls.

Ha! Nice meltdown back there.

But, ahem, never fear, big bro is here.

It's all about confidence, and I'm gonna give you a lesson.

Straighten up! Walk tall, like you own the joint.

Give them the old "cool salute.

" Like this.

You're kidding, right? Graham's already cool.

His waterslide was beyond noble.

I agree.

And he's a fine partner.

Girls don't want partners.

They want guys like me.


It's time to bring out my secret w*apon.

Brr! Maybe you should keep it a secret.

The stench is fogging my optics.

It's cologne, wise guy.

My signature scent, "Man Smell.

" Kade, this isn't really me.

Well, being you is kinda the problem, isn't it? Ha, ha, ha! Now hold still.

Let's get rid of these, and now I'm gonna do some of this.

And now the hair, uh
-huh, mm

Oh, yeah.

Now we're talking.

You made me look like
- You?
- You're welcome.

And now, time for a field test.

To the café.

But I
-I Griffin Rock emergency.

Cody? It's deputy Barney.

Hoping to talk with the chief, it's about Doctor Morocco.

Oh, no.

What's he done now? Don't worry, he's in his cell, playing with his new Ant farm? Barney, didn't I say nothing was to go in or out of that cell? Oh, shucks, chief, I just couldn't see the harm.

They're only little ants and they keep him busy.

Plus the fan airs the place out.

You'd better look out, rusty.

Professor Crumpet seems to be after your bread crumb.

Well, he does look occupied.

I guess I can let it slide.

But Barney, you need to be stricter.


Well, we did order a bunch more ants.

But after that, yes, Sir! My ants enjoy your polka music, deputy.

I don't suppose we could Borrow your radio? Well, I don't see why not.

They are cute little bugaloos.

Kade? Can we go home now? No way.

My intel says Amy comes here every day at this time.

Simian caretaker spotted.

Come on! Ow! Move! Move! Quiet, you guys! Mister Burns, I presume? Hi! Hi back.

Oh, and Tesla asked me to say hello too.


So um, what are you up to today? H
-hi? Okay then.

Nice talking to you.


We hid for that?
- So close.

- Not really.

I'm guessing you don't think that went well.

Uh, no Doy.

I mean, I'm, I'm just I am stumped here, bro.

This is pretty basic stuff, and you're making me look bad.

If I may suggest a new strategy? Chocolate
-covered sugar pellets and colorful flora appear to be standard protocol in male
-female interaction.

Maybe you just need to practice talking to girls.

Try it with me.

Pretend I'm Amy.

Uh Flowers, please! I don't have nearly enough imagination for this, Blades.

I like you just the way you are.

Thanks, but "the way I am" isn't confident enough to talk to Amy.

Well, being Kade won't help either.

You need to play to your strengths.

You're good at science.

Let that do your talking for you.

Thank you, deputy, for your kindness.

And cluelessness.

Now, my little ones.

Since you have no queen to command you, I shall.

Halt! Now arise.

Go to Doctor Greene's laboratory.

Burns' family is about to learn what it really means to have your own technology used against you.


Hey, dad? Have you seen my chemistry notebook? I think I left it in the What's wrong, Frankie? Ugh, I don't like being near any of Doctor Morocco's stuff, especially the Morbot.

Bad memories, dad.

Sorry, Frankie.

After studying its circuitry, I wanted to get a closer look at its power pod.

Now, if I could find the power pod.

It seems to have disappeared.

Aw, daddy, you have ants.

And no wonder, they love it when you leave food lying around.

Quite right, my little goodall.

Ants do have an exceptional sense of smell.

From now on, I resolve to keep a sparkling clean lab.

Ha, ha.

Let's get you cleaned up first.

Before the ants think you're food.

Morning, everyone! Graham? You seem different.

happy even.

What's up? Obviously just took a little while for my "cool" lessons to kick in.

How are you feeling, son? Much better, thanks to science.

Science? What do you mean? I didn't like Kade's cologne, but the theory behind it seemed logical.

So I experimented with creating my own blend.

Come on.


That smell is Awesome! Really.

Nice work, bro.

The formula works molecularly, so when people get a whiff, they basically start to Like me.

So your problem talking to girls Is solved! This does the hard part.

I call it, Mmm.

Because that's what it does.

Makes me confident.

Griffin Rock emergency.

Right away, Mr.


There's a fire at the bakery! Mr.

pfeiffer's trapped inside! Heatwave, clear a hole.

If you cannot take the heat, I advise you to stay out of the bakery.

Judging from these scorch marks, the fire started in here.

What's this? It looks like something chewed a hole in the oven.

Good news, Doctor Morocco.

That overnight package with more ants came.

Big too, must be thousands of them in Here.

Huxley Prescott, at the scene of the Griffin Rock bakery fire.

Well uh, uh Graham Burns, can you tell us what happened here? Well, hux, if I can call you that, it appears that a structural failure in the bakery oven caused the conflagration.

Intelligent, heroic, and he smells good! Your city is in good hands, viewers! Wow, that new cologne must really be working, Graham.

I've never seen you so confident on camera.

Well, it helps to know people will be nice as soon as they smell me.


You don't need any artificial odor to get me to like you yow! What was that? It felt like a needle.

Uh, it's just an ant.

How could an ant hurt Boulder? That's weird.

Hey, Graham, looks like you have some ants on you too.

Who knew such cute, tiny insects could have such sharp teeth? Listen up everyone! The Morbot is attacking the prison.

Barney barely got away.

Huh? What? This development makes no sense.

We scrapped that Hunk of junk a hundred emergencies ago! Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! Splendid job, my robotic minion.

And the verne device.

Mustn't leave home without it.

Hold it right there, Doctor Morocco! Love to chat.

But I must fly.

I can do this all day.

Let's test that claim.

This is your queen, my army.

Attack! What's that supposed to mean? Ow! Dude, they're just ants.

How could they even possibly hurt you? They're not "just ants", you pompous lackwit.

They're a rare mutant strain of maragunta army ants.

Their bite contains formic acid that can eat through metal! Ugh.

He's not kidding.

They're nasty.

You had your ants chew through the oven at the bakery.

You knew the fire would keep us busy while you escaped.


This device makes the bugs think I'm their ruler and I just commanded them to eat all the metal they can find.


You can spend the day battling me, or save your precious town from ruin.

Blades, copter mode.

We'll keep an eye on him, dad.

Good idea, Dani.

Go! Cody, any sign of Morocco's ant army? They're swarming downtown, dad.

Keep an eye out for those ants, team.

Focus on the places where damaging metal could do any harm.

That's kind of the whole island, dad.

Hope ants like waterslides.

Bath time, bugs.

No, Heatwave! You can't send the ants into the sewers! They'll eat through the metal pipes.

And I am not handling that disaster.

Attention, ants: You seem like reasonable and well
-organized creatures.

Obey the law and cease this vandalism.

Were I but a queen.

Maybe you can be.

Cody? Call Doc.

We need to find out how Morocco's gizmo works.

An ant
-commanding transmitter, you say? Fascinating! If Doctor Morocco is using radio waves, he must be sending out electronic versions of pheromones.

Fear moans? Ha, ha, ha! Pheromones.

They're how ants communicate over distance.

Since they can't talk, they use smells to give instructions.

So one scent might tell them to build an ant
-hill, another tells them to defend it.

It may be ingenious, but all those ants are still obeying Morocco's last command, "attack.

" If ants talk to each other using these pheromone smell orders, maybe we can give them a new command, with "confident me.

" Uh What does you having confidence have to do with talking to ants? No, Graham's cologne.

"Confident me.

" It makes people nice to him.

I even saw a few ants that seemed to like it.

If Graham used enough cologne, I bet we could get the ants to stop attacking the town.

It's worth a try.

Dani? What's your position? Over the water, dad.

But we lost the Morbot in a cloud bank.

Never mind, I need you at the firehouse to pick up a little "surprise" for our ant friends.

Ah, freedom at last, and smooth sailing from here.

What's this? No! You accursed little beasts! Professor crumpet, is that y? Ow! Attention, you miserable insects! Stop eating my metal! Here, Dani.

Take this to the ant swarm as fast as you can.

Amy, we just learned there may be some structural issues developing.

Can you make sure these kids get to safety? Sure thing, Graham.

Let's go, guys.

On my count.

One, two, three! A little "confident me" for all of you.

Fly low and slow, Blades.

We'll meet you at Doc's lab.

Kudos, Graham.

Your cologne proved quite an elegant solution.

Good job, everyone.

We saved Griffin Rock from Well, its tiniest threat yet.

Final check on the motor, and the "new" new slide is ready to open.

Well, I gotta hand it to you, little brother, that cologne really works.

I may even borrow a little myself.

Ha, ha.

Not that I need it.

Sorry, Kade.

I got rid of it.

Wha what? Oh.

I realized, it can be dangerous to play with pheromones.

Well, I'm proud of you, son.

You never actually needed the cologne, you know.

What do you mean? Heatwave sprayed you, remember? It washed the pheromones off.

When you saved everyone here, your confidence didn't come from a bottle.

It came from doing what you're best at.

I'm sorry! It seems like I just can't keep Tesla away from you.

Hi, Amy.

Um, would you like to see the final blueprints for the slide? It's pretty noble.

-huh Everything okay, dad? I just wish we'd caught Doctor Morocco.

Somehow I doubt we've seen the last of him.