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02x05 - Reconciliation

Posted: 07/30/14 07:30
by bunniefuu
BARBIE: Two weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world.

Why the dome is here or what mysteries lie ahead, we still don't know.

Every day it tests our limits, bringing out the best and the worst in us.

Some say we'll be stuck here forever, but we will never stop fighting to find a way out.

Rebecca Pine thinks Chester's Mill can't sustain itself for much longer and she and Jim want to use the census to decide who lives and who doesn't.

SAM: That pig virus is their extermination plan.

Yeah, and she doesn't know how strong it is.

Get away from me!

You tried to k*ll us all.

What are you doing here?

She's joining you in jail.

What are you gonna do to us?

Tomorrow, we'll have a town meeting, and the people can decide your fate.

You've come to set me free.

My mother said you have answers. I want them.

This is it, right?

(grunts) Sorry, kid.

JULIA: Those are the fingertips of a hand.

Looks like Angie got a piece of whoever did this to her.

What do you say, Phil?

Can I count on you?

MELANIE: I am Melanie Cross. (Gasps)

And I think this is where I died.

GIRL: Oh, my God, we have to help her.

BOY: I don't think we can.

It's too late.

She's dying.

What are you doing?

You were moaning.


No. Just a dream.

Not as scary as waking up to you two standing over me.

None of us sleep very well these days.

I need to find Sam Verdreaux.

Find out what really happened the night I died.

I know you want some answers, but we promised Barbie we wouldn't do anything until after he talks to Julia.

I need to talk to you.

I have to find our mystery girl.

She didn't come home last night.

Melanie stayed with Joe and Norrie.

Melanie? How do you know her name?

It's a long story.

You wouldn't happen to know where Sam is, would you?

He just left.

We were up all night, working.

Why are you looking for Sam?

Because I think he's known who Melanie is all along.

JULIA: All right, tell me everything.

The kids found her picture in the school yearbook.

So, she's a student here?


In 1988.

I know.

I'm still processing all of this.

She also knows exactly where Joe and Norrie found the mini-dome.


25 years ago, she and three of her friends found a meteorite in exactly the same spot in the woods with an egg inside.

Melanie said that when she found it, that she wanted to protect it, and the others got violent.

And then, one of her friends k*lled her.

She's not sure who.

Who were the three friends?

Pauline Verdreaux, Lyle Chumley and Sam.

This is crazy.

This is just par for the course for Chester's Mill.

And we need to talk about what happened the other day.

About your supporting Jim and Rebecca's extermination plot?

How could you think that I would actually do that?

Because I was there.

I was listening so I could make sure that I knew exactly what they were up to, so I could stop them.

I made Jim look me in the eye and promise me that he wasn't gonna do anything.

I don't know that I believe that.

If you want to think that I'm the bad guy, then fine.

Be prepared to think far worse of Sam Verdreaux.

What the hell are you doing?

Trying to find what you've been hiding from me.

Like my mom's journal.

I don't have it, Junior.

Someone stole it.

That was Lyle.

Lyle's in jail.

He was until I snuck him out.

He told me my mom's journal had predictions in it, like who was gonna k*ll Angie.

What'd you find out?

I didn't get that far. He att*cked me, and he ran off with it.

He didn't want me to see what was in it.

So he must have k*lled Angie, right?

He always has been a little nuts.

Pages missing from the journal.

I thought if I'd find it, I'd be able to figure out where he's going or what he's gonna do next, or where he would run off to.

You won't find anything.

If Lyle hurts somebody else, it's on me.

So we'll stop him together.


I should have never trusted him, no matter what my mom said.

Your mother told you to trust Lyle?

Before she died?


Two days ago, she sent me an e-mail.

She's alive.

She's out there somewhere.

(bell jingling)

I was wondering when you two would show.

Yeah, we're just looking for Carolyn and the kids.

Oh, in the back.

I can bring you cereal, toast and tea.

Where'd you get all the food?

Secret store in the basement.

Angie told me about it, God rest her soul.

Oh, and we're all waiting for the town meeting, Julia.

If she's eating here, I ain't.

Hey, it's a free town.

Not since Big Jim went to jail.

I hear you right, Greg?

You throwing your lot in with the guy who tried to m*rder everyone with that virus of his?

Jim wasn't caught with no virus.

It was a set-up, all right, so she can take over and put him on trial.

Get off!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

That's enough. Hey, just back off.

(bell jingling)

This trial of yours?

It better reach the right verdict.

Did you find Lyle?

Not yet. Junior and I spent all night combing the town for him, but no sign of him.

I should be out there looking for him.

This place is a powder keg.

No, I want the three of you to lie low today.

JULIA: This trial has to happen soon.

I'm planning on reading the charges against Jim and Rebecca at the town meeting.

They'll need representation, too.

Which is where you come in, I hope?

Mom as Big Jim's lawyer?

He's so totally guilty.

Everyone deserves a fair trial.

Well, I guess I'll go, uh, escort my new clients to the town hall.

I'll see you there, Julia.

Thank you, Carolyn.

I filled Julia in on everything that we found out about Melanie, but only Julia.

I'm really sorry that I wasn't there with you yesterday, Melanie.

I know who I am now, but why am I back?

I don't know, but there is a reason.

I promise I'll find out what it is.

Sam will be at the town hall.

Barbie and I will talk to him.

All right, but he's right.

You kids stay. Okay?

Let us get some answers first.

I just found out I died.

I can't just sit around and do nothing.

Come on, I know where to go.


Anybody out there?

Okay, enough, Jim. I've got a headache.

Oh, you got a headache, huh?

I'm just about starving in here.

Come on. It's only been one night.

Julia promised a trial.

She'll come for us, okay?

Yeah, she'll come for us, all right.

Then what?

She gonna hang us?

We were just trying to keep everyone from starving to death.

Now everyone thinks I'm some sort of serial k*ller, and it's all your fault.

You convinced me that your plan's the right thing to do.

And then you... then you tricked me into not being able to do it.

I told you, the virus was stronger than I thought.

If the evidence changes, your thinking has to change.

It's called science.

I don't care what you call it.

Now everybody's out there for our blood.

Thanks, everyone, for joining me today.

I know it's been a rough week, but I think it's time for us to focus on our future.

Where's that piece of crap... Big Jim?

He and Rebecca Pine will be arraigned and tried in front of a jury.

The process will be fair and impartial.

First, though, I'd like to talk to you about the food situation.

Supplies are running low.

(crowd chatter)

But there's no need to panic.

We can get through this by coming together.

Which is why I'm initiating a voluntary food share program.

People can bring whatever they have to the Chester's Mill fire station.

Volunteers will oversee distribution, insuring no one goes hungry.

WOMAN: You want me to give up my family's food? That's crazy!

Participation is completely voluntary.

But pooling our resources is the best way to insure everyone gets fed.

WENDELL: There's the son of a bitch!

Why'd you try to k*ll us all, Jim?

Everything I did, I did for this town.

(crowd chatter)

I love Chester's Mill, and I'll prove that I'm innocent of these charges.

Good luck, honey.

(crowd chatter)

Today, we arraign Jim Rennie and Rebecca Pine on the following charges.

GREG: It's all lies!

You deserve to be on trial, not him!

MAN: Yeah!

MAN 2: Yeah!

(loud, overlapping crowd chatter)

Folks, calm down and just let her speak.

Calm down! Back up. Let her speak.

Phil, you got to get them out of here!

PHIL: Big Jim, Rebecca, let's go.




He's dead.


I just can't believe Pauline's still alive.

Why would she let us believe that she was dead for so long, even if she was protecting us?

You were a kid.

Maybe you needed protecting. I didn't.

When Pauline started ranting about some dome, I stopped believing in her.

It crushed her.

But what kind of person lets her brother and her son spend a decade mourning, while she sends postcards to her insane ex-boyfriend?

And not warning us about the people who were really gonna die, like Angie.

If I could just get to her, things would be different.

She'd tell me if I was doing the right thing.

When I lost Mom, it was the worst pain ever.

Until Angie.

Lyle took the best thing I had.

And when I find him, I'm gonna make him suffer.

Right before I put a b*llet between his eyes.

You know what, kid?

Maybe those missing journal pages are the key to finding Lyle.

I've been looking for 'em everywhere.

I might know a place.

JULIA: You only have yourself to blame.

You and Jim and your insane reduction plan has people terrified.

We're lucky only Wendell died today.

Anybody could have been hit, a kid or me or you.


(sniffles, crying)

Thank you.

Just so you know... what Jim said about Barbie being involved, he wasn't.

We went behind his back.

Barbie always believed there was another way.

Phil, stop.

Why? I don't answer to you.

Yes, you do. This town put me in charge.

Well, Big Jim made me sheriff.

And when people are at risk, I act.

You could have just arrested Wendell.

Barbie had already disarmed him. Instead you k*lled him.

I did what I had to do to keep this town safe.

Wendell is dead. Not to mention the fact that Lyle escaped on your watch and is still on the loose.

Maybe that badge is too big for you.

You want me to quit?

You gonna make me?

BARBIE: No, not her.


You two... really are drunk on power, huh?

We'll see what Big Jim has to say.


If you'd been sheriff today instead of Phil, no one would've been k*lled.


You have the perfect background.

Your military training...

A... and a few hours ago you accused me of siding with Big Jim.

Now you want me to be the person in charge of keeping him locked up?

I should have trusted you.

I'm sorry I didn't.

That's good to hear.

This town just has a funny way of turning on people, and I'm not ready to jump back into the fray.

I get it.

I'll find someone else.

I'm gonna go.

Lyle's still out there.

Maybe he's with Sam.

Yeah, well, we'll find 'em, we'll put 'em in a room together and find out what the hell happened all those years ago.

We have to.

For Melanie's sake.


MELANIE: So when you touch the dome, it shows you stuff?

JOE: Yeah.

Like, visions, I guess.


Hey, you told us you died and we got on board.

Have some team spirit.

But what if it shows me something awful?

You'll get over it. We have.

When you touch the dome for the first time, it's gonna give you a little shock.

So if you get scared, just let go.

What do you see?


Absolutely nothing.

You sure about this?

I already searched this place pretty good.

I've known Lyle a long time.

Guy's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

Well, what do you know?

You found 'em.


Your mom did draw Angie.

Lyle stole these to keep me from knowing what he did.

But... but why k*ll Angie?

He hardly knew her.

Maybe this has something to do with it?

The four hands.

The four hands.

Pauline ranted about a lot of things: pink stars, a dome that would trap us and the four hands that would be its protectors.

She used to say, "Four hands will hold up the dome, and without them, it will fall."

Like if one of the hands wasn't around, the dome would come down?

That's why Lyle did it.

He k*lled Angie to bring down the dome.

So Angie was one of the four hands?

Maybe all four hands have to die for it to work.

I have to go.

I have to make sure the other hands are okay.

The other hands?

Do you know who they are?


Joe, Norrie and me.

If Lyle thinks that k*lling the four hands will bring down the dome, any one of us could be next.

(door closes)

Hey, Jim?

BIG JIM: Uh-huh.

You ever seen a man die?

I mean... before today?

It's a sad fact of my life that I have, yeah.

So... how do you... deal with it?

Just by knowing it's all part of a larger design.

Wendell's death means we get to live.

I'm sure that's a pretty good trade-off.

That... that's what I told myself about our population plan.

But today... watching the life go out of Wendell...

Death isn't pretty, Rebecca.

Sometimes it's necessary.

I've always looked at things clinically.

Run tests, you get results and then take action.

I thought it made me strong.


When I was in the church yesterday, about to release the virus, and I saw those families, it reminded me of my mom.

And when I thought about causing all those families to suffer the way she did, I...

That's why you couldn't do it?

What if my dad was right and sometimes there really aren't answers?

Well, maybe your dad is right.

That doesn't mean we stop trying.

Look, I trusted you.

I had your back.

I need you to have mine.

You're right.

I... I do.

Big Jim!

Drinking on the job, Sheriff?


'Cause Julia fired me.

I had to sneak past my own deputies to get in here.

Oh, well... (chuckles) that ain't right.

You're a good man, Phil.

The best sheriff this town's ever had.

Better than Duke?

And Linda.

Your plan to release that virus... you had no other choice, right?

I didn't even have the virus.

Rebecca did.

But if we don't do something, then none of us are gonna get out of here alive.

And now Julia's made you her scapegoat.


Right when this town needed you most.
Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no. Not that way.

Half this town hates me, okay?

If, uh, you let me out, they're gonna... they're gonna string me up.

Then how do we make this right?

We got to win over their hearts and minds.

Still nothing.

The dome kind of has a mind of its own.

Maybe it's not in the mood.

What if we try touching it at the same time?

Worked for me and Norrie.

Because you guys aren't some kind of undead freak.

Melanie, we're gonna figure this out.

How long will that take?

I still have no idea why I'm back.

None of us know why we're trapped inside this fishbowl.

You need to deal.

Think of it this way: you were alive, then dead, now alive again.

Two out of three ain't bad.

You don't know what I'm going through.

No, I don't.

But I know how much I'd give to have my mom alive again.

If it'd bring her back, I'd trade you rotting in the bottom of that crater in a heartbeat.

You know, I've defended you a lot, but sometimes you're a real bitch.

Melanie, wait!


Norrie?! Are you guys here?

They aren't here either.

Maybe we should head back to Julia's.

They weren't there.

Or at the Sweetbriar or anywhere else in town.

What if Lyle already got 'em?

If he hurts them, I won't be able to forgive myself.

Junior, like I said before, there's no way Lyle could know they're part of the four hands.

Your friends are safe.

What are you looking for?

You got to take a minute and calm down.

You're no good to anyone in this state.

You haven't had a drink since the dome came down.

You sure you want to do this?

My dead sister's alive, my nephew's on some nutball's hit list.

Yeah, I want to do this.


(clears throat)

Another one?



You got to understand, about Norrie...

It's not her, it's me.

I want to be happy, but...

I feel so alone.

And I'm not normal, either.

You're normal to me.

Didn't find your answers touching the Dome, hey, maybe you'll find 'em by sticking your tongue down his throat.

Actually, what I'm wondering is what he sees in you, since you treat him and everyone else like crap.


Hey, stop.

Norrie, are you okay?

Don't even, Joe.

You're bleeding.

And you're about to be.

Hey, hey.

I've got an idea.

JULIA (grunts): Here we go.

Food drive's doing well.

Yeah, I mean, it's a decent turnout, but for this to work...

... we need everyone's help.

I'm gonna put these in the fridge.

(generator rattling)

Oh, can you stack those boxes?



(glass shattering)


(high-pitched ringing)



Where's Julia?

Still inside.



Over here.

Come on.

(Julia screams)



(both coughing)

(coughs, gasps)

As soon as it's safe to enter the building, we will assess the damage, see what remains.

The last of my food was in there.

What's my family supposed to eat tonight?

Please, I just need everyone to stay calm.

Don't tell us to stay calm.

Hey, Phil, watch yourself.

So I can't even speak now?

These people need to know the truth.

Julia's big plan... was just a way to take everybody's food away from them.

I didn't take anything.

Then she sticks it all in one place, along with an old, beat-up generator.

Now, if she had bothered to check, she would have seen that the wires were frayed.

Big Jim never would have made that mistake.

WOMAN: And now we're all gonna starve.

What am I gonna feed my kids?

Where am I gonna get food tomorrow?

All... all right, I promise I will get to the bottom of what happened and find a solution.

I just need everyone to calm down.

This is not over.


You okay?

We're screwed.

And Phil's right, it's all my fault.

I didn't check the generators, I didn't even think to check.

And I screwed up with you.

I should have believed you.

That goes both ways. Do you hear me?

We both made mistakes.

What now?

Now we figure out who caused the expl*si*n.

Phil said the wires were frayed.

You don't believe him?

No, there's something else going on. I found a bunch of empty boxes right before that expl*si*n.

There's only one person in town who could do that.

Well, I'd ask who that was, but it's a little obvious.

I'll go talk with Big Jim.

I just wish I knew what to do.

You know, no matter what, I can't seem to please more than half the town at a time.

Hey, shh, shh.

Don't give up.

There's a way out of this. You're gonna find it.


You okay?

(soft gasp) Ow.


No, please, let me.


So what's this gonna show?

Hopefully if there are differences between us.

A guy who's always been alive, like me, and... someone like you.

Are we different?

Uh, not sure.

Little out of my depth here.

Ms. Pine would definitely be able to tell us what this means.

So, what, we break her out of jail?

I'm just saying.

She tried to k*ll everyone in town.

We can't just do nothing.

This blood thing could be the answer to who I am.

Yeah, or end up like everything else... big, fat, dead end.

(heavy door opens)

Well, well, well.

Look who it is. You sheriff by now?

Or did new Queen Bee just go ahead and anoint you king of Chester's Mill?

Oh, shut your mouth, Jim.

There's no audience down here.

There was an expl*si*n at the firehouse.

All the food that was stored there's gone.

BIG JIM: You think I'd put this town at risk by burning up its food supply?

That's a new level of crazy, Barbie, even for you.

Oh, my God.


He was down here grousing about Julia taking his badge and he mentioned something about the food program.

So that's how you're gonna play this?

You're gonna throw Phil under the bus?

Well, don't take my word for it, ask... ask Rebecca.

I must have been asleep when Phil came in.

I didn't hear anything.


Nice try, Jim.

Fine. You're gonna go about your day thinking I'm responsible for the expl*si*n, that's, you know...

Just be ready for whatever... madness Phil has planned next.

(keys jingling)


What are you doing in here?

Just making sure the place is secure.

Is there food in there?

We weren't using this room.

Maybe someone moved it.

Why would they?

Unless they knew the expl*si*n was coming?


(muffled grunting)

My mom lied to everyone.

The only one she loves is Lyle.

I hear you, buddy.

And they're both crazy.

They're crazying it up together.

You got to sleep this one off.


I don't want to do this to you.

You or Angie.

If there was any other way to bring the Dome down, I'd do it.

I'm sorry.


Thanks for looking out for me.

You're the only family I have left.

Love you, Uncle Sam.

BARBIE: Hey, on the ground.

Get on the ground right now.

PHIL: No, Barbie, that's what you're gonna do.

Oh, come on, this is not you, Phil.

I know you don't want to hurt anyone.



Drop her, Phil.

You're done being the hero, Barbie.


Drop... now!

(grunts, coughs)

You all right?



I am now.



What a nice surprise.

Do you have a minute?

I'm just wondering about what's happening at the Sweetbriar Rose.

I see you there, feeding everyone, and, uh...

I wonder where the food is coming from.

The basement pantry.

I just checked there... it's empty.

Andrea, you're doing an amazing job.

The town continues to live because of you.

I just think I owe it to everyone to at least ask.

There's something I have to show you.

Oh, my God.

This is just the start.

The entire basement is filled.

There's enough to feed the whole town for a couple of months.

Where did you get all this food?

From Lloyd, my late husband.

Lloyd called himself a survivalist.

He always saw something bad around the corner.

Thank God.

Said when the crisis hit, it'd be every man for himself.

I'm sorry I didn't come forward.

I was just scared someone would steal it from me.

But I trust you.

You should use it.

We'll use it together.

(inhales sharply)

Uncle Sam?

My mom painted that when I was in the second grade.

I brought it in for show-and-tell.

I'm guessing you've never seen this before.

Oh, my God.

The obelisk.

I saw this in a dream I had.

My mom was there, too.


That's the number of the locker at school where Angie got k*lled.

It's also in your mother's journal, on the last page.

I had no idea what it meant.

Lyle saw something in the journal before he ran off.

Maybe he went back to the locker.

Why would he go there?

I don't know, but it obviously means something to him.

Maybe we haven't found Lyle 'cause we haven't checked there.

(bell jingling)

(upbeat music playing)

This is amazing.

It's like Thanksgiving in July.

It's all Julia.

Where'd you get the food?

Trade secret.

But make sure to thank Andrea for hosting such a lovely event.

One nice meal doesn't prove anything.

You're no Big Jim.

(bell jingling)


I'll let him decide that.

(door closes)

What the hell are we doing here?

Oh, just wait and see.

JULIA: Folks, I, uh, said this morning that I thought it was time for us Millers to focus on our future.

But I don't think we can do that until we let go of the past.

Even the actions of those who have wronged us.

What Big Jim and Rebecca tried to do yesterday is inexcusable...


... but it's not unforgivable.

Now, we can stay angry, tear each other apart, or... we can rise above, and... and work together, and ensure our survival under this dome.

I admit...

I've made some mistakes... but all of them in service of this town.

And I really appreciate Julia giving me the chance to... to make amends.

And you all should know...

... I think she's done a hell of a job running Chester's Mill.

♪ It's been so long, baby ♪
♪ So long, baby ♪
♪ Since you held me in your arms real tight ♪
♪ It's been so long, baby♪
♪ So long, baby ♪
♪ Since you treated your baby right ♪

Enjoy yourself. Enjoy yourself, folks.

Enjoy the food.

You know, I don't understand you.

You keep saying you're on my side, but it sure as hell seems like you've turned on me.

I just think, maybe... we should give Julia a chance.

Maybe benevolence isn't such a bad quality in a leader.

Or it's the thing that's gonna get us all k*lled.

Look what you did.

Yeah, it wouldn't have happened without you.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Have you... you found your sheriff yet?

Why, you have someone in mind?

I might.

♪ You don't do it for me and I for you ♪
♪ Nobody else will ever do, that's right ♪
♪ That's right ♪
♪ That's right, sweet baby
♪ That's right ♪
♪ That's right ♪
♪ That's right, sweet baby ♪
♪ It's been so long, baby ♪
♪ So long, baby ♪

♪ You ought to come home ♪
♪ So long, baby ♪

I'm sorry about earlier.

You kissed her, Joe.

Yeah, but... she's not who I love.

You are.

That's your go-to... after you've macked on another chick in front of my face?

Try it on her.

She's dumb enough to fall for it.

♪ Baby, that's right ♪
♪ That's right ♪
♪ That's right, sweet baby ♪


♪ That's right ♪

Julia... I'm impressed.

Especially with what you did for Jim and me.

I did what was best for the town.

I just wanted to say thank you.

Julia, we've got a quick question back here.

♪ That's right, sweet baby ♪
♪ It's been so long, baby... ♪

Joe says you're really, really smart.

Like a scientist.

Thank you.

I have something I want you to figure out.

About me.

(metallic clattering)

(clattering continues)


Junior? What are you doing?

This is where Angie died.

It meant something to the k*ller.

(Sam grunting)

Looks like the whole thing's been kicked in.

Give me your flashlight.

It's big enough for a man.

Do you think this is where Lyle disappeared to?

It's a tunnel.

Yeah, but to where?