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01x12 - Exigent Circumstances

Posted: 09/11/13 06:59
by bunniefuu
JULIA: Chester's Mill is a place like any other.

At least it used to be until we were cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome.

(cows bellowing)

Invisible, indestructible, and completely inescapable.

We're trapped.

JULIA: We don't know where it came from or why it's here, but now that we're all trapped under the dome together, none of our secrets are safe.

Can I help you?


Well, what happened to me?

You don't remember? I remember... electricity.

A little young to be a nurse, aren't you?

Just a lowly candy striper.


(steady beeping)

You saved Julia. Just like you saved me when the dome came down.

Maybe you're here to save all of us.



Barbie, put that w*apon down!

One person is responsible for all this: Dale "Barbie"

Barbara. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

He's been charged
with the attempted murders of Mrs. Shumway and myself.

He's also been charged
with the murders of Max Seagrave, Otto Aguilar and Ms. Seagrave's mother, Agatha.

(insects trilling)

BIG JIM: We will hunt down the m*rder*r Dale Barbara.

We will bring him in, and we'll make him pay.

What if he's hiding in one of our homes?

Miles, I-I recognize the threat, believe me.

Then why aren't you knocking down doors?

Because that's illegal.

What would you have me do, Miles? House sweeps?

You can search mine.
(others agreeing)

Maybe you're right.

But I will not stomp on people's rights.

Our constitution still protects them.

This is still the United States of America.

MILES: No, it's not.

It hasn't been for two weeks. You got to do something, Rennie.

(crowd agreeing)
All right.

I'm declaring a state of emergency.

That bastard threatens all of us.

So today we will perform house sweeps as a safety precaution only.

And we'll bring Barbie to justice.

I am not turning our town into a police state just because you say so.

(crowd murmuring)

It's not me, Linda.

It's the people.

All right, everyone, listen up!

This is not the end of Chester's Mill.

This is just the beginning.

For all of you who lost jobs when this dome came down-- lawyers and-and bankers like Miles-- we've got jobs for you.

We've got a reservoir that needs to be protected, crops that need tending, streets that need to be cleaned.

Yes, it'll take sacrifice.

But we will survive.
(crowd murmuring)

This dome can't break us.

(crowd agreeing)

Chester's Mill will live to see tomorrow.

(crowd cheering) And the next year. And every year after that.

(cheering and applause)

MAN: Sir, the satellites are still showing no visual on our target.

NSA creeper.

MAN 2: Finding Dale Barbara is essential.
(scoffs) Good luck, dude.

Until we make contact, the operation cannot move forward.

I want eyes on that unidentified object.

MAN: Sir, yes, sir.

MAN 2: Any idea where the hell that egg thing is, soldier?

Oh, my God.

That's what burned me.

MAN: No coordinates on the egg, sir.

But any new information will be delivered immediately.

MAN 2: It won't mean a thing until we locate Barbara.

He's the only one inside with the necessary expertise.

What's it doing?

I think it's mad we didn't k*ll Big Jim.

Angie, we can't do that.

We all saw the same vision at the big dome, Joe.

It wants him dead.

Why? I don't know.

Maybe so that he doesn't k*ll your monarch.

You think Big Jim's gonna k*ll Barbie?

From what he's saying on the radio, it sure sounds like he wants to. We need to help him, then.

You guys, shut up.

We don't even know that Barbie's the monarch anyway.

Come on. Who else could it be?

Any one of us?

ANGIE: Well, we know it's not Junior.

Not the way he ran off last night.

Trust me. It's Barbie.

He's gonna get us out.

When the butterfly hatches, you'll see.

When the butterfly hatches?

The monarch will be crowned.

I don't see how it crowns anybody if it's trapped inside that little dome.

I just feel when it comes out of its chrysalis, (exhales) something's gonna change.

CAROLYN: What are you doing?

No, no. Let me see.


CAROLYN: Oh, my God.

What is that?

It's, like... the dome's heart.

What do you mean "heart"?

We think it's the source that powers the whole thing.

How long have you had this?

We found it just before Mom died.

This... is the thing in the woods?

That showed you Alice?


And it sent me home so I could tell her good-bye.

All right, you need to move this.

They're gonna be searching all the houses. Hide it.

You're not mad?

Norrie, honey, I'm on your side. Always.

And I don't trust Big Jim with anything.

Especially this.

Take it to Ben's.

We can trust him.

You're not coming?

I have business with Big Jim.

LINDA: All volunteers, you do not treat any of your neighbors with disrespect.

You do not damage property.

And you do not k*ll Dale Barbara.

Go serve and protect.

Morning, Sheriff.

t*nk's empty. Sorry.

But thanks for the use of your car.

No worries. You need an extra hand today?

Sure do. Let's go.

All right.


What's going on, Junior? Dad...

I-I was looking for you all night.

Dad, you're in danger.

Someone's gonna try to k*ll you.

Maybe Barbie, maybe someone else.

How do you know this?

Uh... I-I just know.

You got to... get a hold of yourself, Junior.


Listen, I got a job for you.

Barbie shot Julia Shumway yesterday.

That son of a bitch.

So I sent some people over to the clinic, keep an eye out, make sure he doesn't... show up to finish what he started.

But I need somebody I can trust on the inside, guarding her door, protecting her.

Can I count on you?

Yes, sir.

Now, it's, uh, iffy she's ever gonna regain consciousness, but, by chance, if she does wake up and start talking, you need to get on that walkie and let me know.

No one else.

Just me.

Okay. But, Dad... just be careful today.


Big Jim, got a minute?

Pretty busy this morning, Dodee.

No, you have to come to the radio station.

Ah, I don't want to overwhelm the public with more announcements. My receiver picked up the military.

They're searching for Barbie.


They're searching for something else, too.

(muffled scream)

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Hey, hey.

Please don't scream.

Look, there is a lot of people looking for you.

I know, I know. Listen.

Everything that they're saying about me... none of it is true.

It's Big Jim, to... I believe you.

You do?

Got a lot of good reasons not to trust Jim Rennie.

Julia's still at the clinic.

Now, if she wakes up, he's gonna k*ll her.


Look, if she tells people that it wasn't actually me that shot her, his whole story falls apart.

Now he doesn't have me to use as his scapegoat anymore.

Okay, so what do you want me to do?

Candy stripers.

You guys have key cards to the clinic's back entrance.

Am I right?

Yeah. Yeah.

So help me save Julia.

JUNIOR: How's she doing?

She was lucky to survive.

There's no telling what kind of neurological damage she might have.

You think she'll come out of it?

I'm not a doctor, Junior.

Yeah, but... you're kind of as close to a doctor as we've got.

And I have other patients to check on.

I'll keep an eye on Julia.

ANGIE: So what's the plan?

I'm gonna hot-wire the ambulance.

Then what?

And then we use your key card to get us in, we get Julia out... you drive us away.

Okay, what about the guards?

Oh, they'll swing around to the front sooner or later.

No, not them.

What about the guards inside?

Big Jim must know you're coming for her.

He might have moved her already.

Yeah, maybe.

There are a lot of ifs here.



Big Jim has taken out every single person that stood in his way.

Julia is his last loose end.

Now, are you in... or are you out?


No sign of the military for over a week-- not since they tried to blow us to kingdom come.

Now they want Barbie?

I told you, all right?

He's only part of it.

The military's looking for an egg?

Yeah, and... and I've seen it.

What's it do?

I'm not sure, but it burned the crap out of my hand.


One second.

I promised Phil I'd keep the music going.

All right, just... just don't touch anything.

(high-pitched whirring and static)

MAN: ...on the move.

Thermal photography shows the unidentified object has been transported from the woods to two miles northeast of town center.

Holy hell.

MAN 2: Any sign of Barbie?

MAN: Negative, sir.

MAN 2: Any idea who's in charge in there?

MAN: Sir, the ranking official is a James Rennie.


MAN 2: Is he a viable contact for this mission?

(static, music)

MAN: ...Cox, I would not recommend that.

(static, music)

COX: Your reasoning, soldier?


MAN: Sir, right after the m*ssile hit, our UAVs did a full perimeter sweep on the dome wall.

One drone caught surveillance of this Rennie murdering the town reverend at the bridge roadblock.

(music, static, silence)

New job, Mr. Alcott?

No need for banks anymore, Ben.

There's always garbage, though.

JOE: Ben.


Come on.

What's that?

JOE: We have something we have to hide from the sweeps.

The Gestapo hit my house a while back.

Any chance we can stash it?

My stash house is your stash house.



More guards?


Doing Big Jim's dirty work.

(g*n cocking)


He's got a walkie.

But I think I can take him out before he uses it.


No, what?

Let me.

Calm down, Dodee.

I am calm. Really.

But what they said you did...

I thought what happened to Reverend Coggins was an accident.

No, he was an accident waiting to happen.

I mean, he almost... burned down the whole town the day after we got stuck here.

He's a liability.

You don't know the whole story, Dodee.

And neither do those Peeping Toms with their eyes in the sky.

How many accidents have there been?

Those other people?

The ones that you said Barbie k*lled...

Barbie is no saint, believe that.

But he didn't do it, did he?

Oh, he did more than enough to deserve whatever punishment he's got coming to him.

Every one of those people got... what they had coming to them.

They were threats to Chester's Mill.

And all I've ever done was protect the people of this town.

Think I'd hurt them?

Are you...?

No. I don't think that.

Oh, good.

So let's help each other out here, focus on this egg.

You have that photograph of it.

Wh-Where'd you take it?

It was at Joe McAlister's barn.

I didn't even remember until this morning.

I was thinking... it could even be the generator.

The generator?

For what?

The dome.

Look, maybe if you get this thing, you could bring down the dome.

I can get it for you.

I can help.

All right, I can be useful.

Well, Dodee... you're already very useful.

But that dome can't come down.

Not now.

Big Jim?

Yeah, what is it, honey?

You're a sick... bastard.

And one day, everyone's gonna know it.


And they're gonna smile when you die.

(staticky popping)

Linda? Linda, it's Jim.

Where are you?

Sweeping the southwest quadrant.

The radio station's on fire.


Dodee was covering for me.

Is she okay? Jim, any word on Dodee?

I don't know.

It's a mess.

The, uh, fire volunteers are gathering, but you need to get down there.

Could it be arson?

No idea.

It's Barbie.

We've been broadcasting info about him night and day.

Jim, I'm on it.

All right, be careful, Linda.

When you find Barbie, you call me.

Roger. Phil, come on.

(engine starting)

So, you really think this is the engine?

It could be our way out of here.

It's awesome. It's like a lava lamp.

Hey, don't touch it!

Last person who did got hurt.

All you have to do is keep it covered, keep your parents away from it and keep an eye on it.

Where you gonna be?

Home. I got to stop Angie from doing something stupid.

It's in good hands.

Thanks, Ben.

We'll be back to get it later.



What are you doing here?

Just helping out like I used to.

Are you okay after what we saw last night?


Then why'd you run off?

To protect my dad.

To stop anyone from hurting him.

Do you trust your dad? Of course I do.

You didn't always.

When we were going out, you called him a fraud.

Are you guarding Mrs. Shumway?

Barbie shot her yesterday.

Is that what your dad said?

He wouldn't lie to me about that.

But if Barbie didn't sh**t her, then Julia's the only witness, right?

Did Big Jim tell you what to do if she woke up?

Leave me alone, Angie.

Junior, I'm sorry.

My head is a mess. I...

I don't know what anything means anymore.

I just need someone to talk to.

Someone... or me?


You're the only one who understands what I'm going through.

(whispering): But can we go somewhere private?

I feel like she can hear everything we say.

I said I'd watch her.

Just for a minute.



I need you.

(sighs) We found her body in the station.

There was nothing we could do.


Phil... I'm so sorry.

Why'd he do it?

Why did he do it?

Dodee never hurt anyone.

I don't know.

But Barbie won't get away with it.

I promise.


I just don't know how much more of this I can take.

Hey, you don't have to do it alone.

I'm always gonna be with you.



It feels so good just to hold you again.


I know. It does.

You taste like cigarettes.



Miss Hill, let me tell you how much we don't have time for this.

Let me tell you, Mr. Rennie, how much a lawyer knows about illegal searches.

If you don't have a search warrant-- which you do not-- you're gonna need one of four things: consent from the owner, clear visibility of the inside, a suspect already under arrest...

Or exigent circumstances.

I don't know what you call a m*rder*r on the loose, ma'am, but I call that extremely exigent.

I call it just one more day in this damn hellhole... and respectfully request that you leave.

Request respectfully declined.

No! Stop this now!

Stop it! Get off of me!

Don't you touch my mother!

Norrie, no!

Back away now! Norrie!


JOE: Let them go!

(Norrie screams)

Norrie! Norrie, stop!

Wonder what you're so bent out of shape me seeing in here.

What the hell?

Where is it?

Where's what? Don't play games with me on this one, little buddy.

That damn egg. I know all about it, and I know what it's for.

We have no idea what you're talking about.

Take these two to the station.

On what charges? Mom!(yells)

Obstruction of justice.

Let her go!


I'll fix it!

I'll get you out!


Linda, Barbie's at the clinic! Barbie's at the clinic!


LINDA: Junior, I'm 30 seconds away!

I love you.

Barbie, we got to go!

Drive fast! Go! Stay hidden! What? Why?!

They're not gonna come looking if they've got me! Go!

What are you doing?! What are you doing?!

Go! Go! Get her out of here now!

(tires squeal)

(police siren wailing)

(siren stops, tires squeal)

Put your hands on your head!

Get your ass to the ground!


Get-get back.


Jim, got him.


But Angie McAlister took off with Julia.

Don't worry.

We'll get her, too.


Norrie, come over here and talk to me, please.

Angie was right.

Angie was right about what?

We should've k*lled Big Jim when we had the chance.

Why would the dome want us to do that?

Look what he's doing, Joe.

Pulling all these n*zi moves?

Breaking into your barn like he owns the place?

That doesn't mean we should k*ll him.


What do you think's gonna happen when he finds Barbie?

Your monarch won't be crowned, Joe.

It's more like "the monarch gets his head chopped off."

(footsteps approach)

You know that quote?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."

That's us, Joe.

Well, well, look at Little Miss Well-Behaved.


Joe, I've known you your whole life.

You're a decent kid.

A smart kid.

Not like your sister.

Angie's smart.

She's helping Barbie, throwing in all her chips on a losing hand.

Aiding and abetting a violent fugitive.

She may be past help, but you... you, Joe... you can fix this.

Tell me where it is... and we'll forget any of this happened.

I'll let you go home-- both you and your, uh... your new friend.

If this... egg thing really is the generator of the dome like I've heard, you keeping it squirreled away is a very serious offense: impeding a lawful investigation.

(snorts, laughs)

You got something to say, little lady?

So why do they call you Big Jim?

You're just some loser trying to scare kids.

I'm sorry.

I didn't quite hear that.

You want to say that again?

You... don't... scare... me.


You're old enough to understand how this goes.

The easy way is you tell me what I want to know, you walk out that door, you're free.

Now, the hard way... well, let's just say your mother has come to so much grief already.

It'd be a shame if you caused her any more misery.



I gave you kids a chance.

You want to burn with Barbie... be my guest.

LINDA (over radio): Heading back to the station now.

We have Barbie in custody.

No eyes yet on Julia Shumway.

Last seen in an ambulance being driven by Angie McAlister away from the clinic.

(drops walkie-talkie)


That really necessary?

Big Jim tell you to do it?

All of these things that I'm being accused of?

Come on, I would never hurt Julia.

You got to know that.

Yeah? What about her husband?

That's what I thought.

Here to report a crime?

I won't leave the premises until my daughter and Joe McAlister are released.

It's a public building. You stay as long as you like.

So, what's the good word?

Nothing on Julia and Angie McAlister, but we got an APB out.

Sooner or later, we'll get them.

Okay, well, sooner would be better than later.

A woman in Julia's condition needs watching.

Do we know if she's come out of her coma yet?

No clue.

What about Barbie?

He's downstairs in lockup.


Now what?

We let him sweat.

(loud electronic squealing)

(gasps, groans)

(squealing continues)

(squealing continues)

(squealing muffled)

What are you doing?!

Get off me!

Barbie, don't tell him anything!

We'll be okay.


Where are you taking them?

Let's just call it an undisclosed location.

I swear, if you hurt those kids...

Tell you what, seeing as you're in no position to make any threats, how about I do the talking?

So, here's the situation.

You're going to confess to the charges and you're going to do it in public.

It's not going to happen.

Well, that's your prerogative.

I'll tell you what will happen if you choose not to cooperate.

Won't be long before we catch up with Angie McAlister.

And when we do, we'll charge her as an accessory to your crimes, seeing as she's been so helpful to you.

Her brother Joe and that little firecracker he's been rubbing noses with, it's no leap to link them to the death of Dodee Weaver, seeing as Dodee knew all about this mysterious object that they're taking such great pains to keep to themselves.

And there's your redhead.

If she ever comes out of her coma, she'll go down for hiring a known criminal to m*rder her husband for the insurance money.

Now, that's as cold as cold-blooded gets.

So what do you say, Barbie?

We got a deal?

You let the kids go... and you leave Angie and Julia alone...

...and I'll say what you want me to say.

I'd say we shake hands, but...

Hey, Jim.

How do I know you're going to keep your word?

You don't.

Are you all right?

If that man did anything to you...

I'm all right, Mom.

We need to check on the mini-dome, make sure it's safe.

Put a tail on those kids.


They're hiding something.

Something that might help us understand why we're trapped under this thing.

Something like what?

It's tough to say, but... could be our way out.

You really think so?

If we're lucky.

What happened at the clinic, Junior?

I'm sorry. I tried my best...

All right, well, you get a second chance now. I...

Get out there and find your little girlfriend, bring her and Julia Shumway back here, pronto.

What's the problem, Junior?

What's so important about finding Julia?

Barbie's locked up.

He can't hurt her anymore.

Well, he can't, that's true.

But who knows what other traitors he's got out there ready to pull the trigger for him?

Better safe than sorry, I say.

I love you, Dad.

But don't lie to me.

That would be very bad for both of us.

He confessed, son.

He confessed everything.

And soon, he's gonna stand in front of the town and confess to them, too.


Let's get back to work.

Oh, I was gonna ask you: last time you saw her-- uh, Julia...

...was she conscious?



What's wrong?

Your freaky sphere is going crazy, man.

Show us.

(Julia gasps)


Hey, hey, it's Angie.

You need to be quiet.




Somebody shot me.

Do you remember who?

A woman. I'd never seen her before.

Where are we?

We're in the clinic.

In the storage room.

It may be stupid, but...

I thought it was the last place they'd look for us.

Barbie and I snuck you out of the clinic in an ambulance earlier.

But I-I doubled back and left the ambulance behind a billboard on the road.

Got you down here on a service elevator.


Big Jim has been telling everyone Barbie's the one who shot you.

What? He's... Okay, okay.

He's lying.

What you just said... is exactly why we have to hide you.

Where's Barbie?

Listen up.

Please, can I have your attention?

We've all been through a hell of a lot these past two weeks.

Lived through this unprecedented event.

Suffered some terrible losses.

And it may seem like the rules that all of us were raised with no longer apply.

Let me tell you this.

Even though we may be separated from the world outside, even though there's no government beyond this hall that you see in front of you today, rules are necessary.

And when rules are broken... there must be justice.

And where appropriate, punishment.

Dale Barbara stands accused of the murders of Maxine and Agatha Seagrave, Otto Aguilar and Peter Shumway, and for the attempted m*rder of Julia Shumway.

I've brought him before you here today to answer for those crimes.

(squealing tones)

Cover your ears!

(quiet whooshing)

What do I do?

(deep, throbbing whoosh)

Here, lay back.

What do you think they'll do to him?

They're gonna k*ll him.

To the charges brought against you, Mr. Barbara... how do you plead?

(squealing tones)

What is that?

(loud squealing)

(sounds stop)

I asked you a question, Mr. Barbara.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.