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02x02 - Edible Complex

Posted: 04/01/23 15:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on Yellowjackets...

We are the ones

making ourselves sick.

[NATALIE] You kidnapped me

and then strapped me to a f*cking bed!


Give me one good reason I
shouldn't cave your head in.

'Cause I have a message for you.

- Breathe with me, okay?

You can do that, okay?

- Your brother's alive.
- Javi is...

Giving him false hope is just
going to make things worse.

Talking to the cops isn't
as easy as it looks on TV.

The only thing you should ever say is,

"I want my lawyer."

Everything okay with you and Kyle?

Actually, no. I might
have to break up with him.

Unless I get lucky
and he just disappears.

What do you want from me?

[CALLIE] You could start by not acting

like everything is normal.

[MALE USER] Reviewed Martin's
last credit card statement.

It's always the husband.

Unless, that is, it's
the mystery lady friend.

- No!

What happened to the woman in room ?

She took off. Left cash for the bill

and split in the middle of the night.


- What the f*ck?
- What happened?

You were asleep.

[SAMMY] No way, a puppy!

That's right, bud.

[SIMONE] Sammy, no! Stop right there!

Oh. I'm sorry, Simone. I tried calling.

You stay the f*ck away from him.

I found that thing in the basement.

Seriously? Are we just
not gonna talk about

how she's out in the meat shed
all day with dead-ass Jackie?

- Say it!
- Stop.


[JACKIE] Shauna?

[WHISPERS] Shauna.

- Shauna.
- What?

Oh, my God.

What planet are you even
living on these days?

Um, Earth? What about you?

Oh, that's mature.

Let's taunt the dead girl about
her fragile plane of existence.

I mean, you started it.

Not much left.

Nat and Travis will find something.

[SCOFFS] You don't really believe that.

It's one thing to lie to yourself,

but lying to your baby...


We're gonna be fine.

What'd you do with my ear, Shipman?

Uh, I, um...

uh, buried it.

No, you didn't.

You put it in your pocket.

Yeah, so I can bury it.


[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

I just had the funniest
vision of you, like,

laying my ear to rest,

and you make it, like,
a little ear coffin.

[LAUGHS] My God, you
say a little ear prayer.

- You know what...
- Oh, my God.

Okay. Okay, okay. Fine.

I'm sorry.

Come here.

Braid my hair?

What? Why?

Because if you lay them right,

then maybe you won't see... you know.

Wouldn't want people
asking questions, would we?

Here. [GRUNTS]



The last time we did this was
freshman homecoming, remember?

Alyssa Bender drank rum and gummy bears

and then threw up during
"Pump Up the Jam" and then...

[BOTH] Randy slipped in it.




I'm pretty sure it's done by now.


Oh, great.

There are two of you now?

Is Shauna in the shed again?

It's freezing outside.

Well, then maybe one of you
should go out and get her.

Don't. She'll come when she's ready.

You make it sound like she's
doing her homework, Lot.

She's processing and
she needs our support.

I think it's healthy.

[NATALIE] So healthy.

Everyone who's seven months pregnant

should risk getting pneumonia
by staying up half the night

chatting with their dead best friend.

[SCOFFS] It's not fair.
We're always waiting on her.

Well, maybe we should
just eat hers tonight.

That'll get her to move her ass.

No one is eating Shauna's food.

No one is eating Shauna's share.

- Okay, who reeks?
- We all do.

Yeah, but this is next-level.



Are you f*cking serious?

Who took a shit in the pee bucket?

[NATALIE] Come on, guys, we made a rule.

If it's yellow, it can mellow.

If it's brown, then
f*cking do it outside.

Just fess up. Who was it?

Does it look like a
girl poo or, you know...

a boy one?

- What?
- That is definitely not a thing.

Seriously? You all need to grow up.

Whoever did it, just admit
it and then go throw it out.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

I'll do it.

Where's the other lantern?

Akilah had it yesterday.

- I put it back, Misty.
- [TAISSA] Oh, my God.

You're all a literal shit show.

Don't let anyone eat mine.


How do I look?

Oh, like you might have two ears.

Oh. Progress. [CHUCKLES]

Now do my makeup.

I don't have any makeup.

Then what's that?

Come on, Shipman. I'm
looking awfully necrotic.

- Nice SAT word.

You weren't the only smart one.

You just liked to think you were.

Well, this is a twist,

considering all the
times I did this for you.

You always were helpless
in front of a mirror.

You know, Jeff only had sex with you

because I made you into someone else.

- That's not true.
- And you only had sex with him

so you could imagine being me.

Shut up.

It's time to be honest, Shauna.

Hold still. You're making me mess up.

You're hungry.

Yeah, Mari's making dinner.

If you could stop moving...

That's not what you're hungry for.


What are you doing?

It's okay.

I don't need it anymore.

- No, stop, stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop laughing.

This is not funny!

This is sick! Stop laughing!


You're the one holding the knife.



♪ It was cool, nothing fire ♪

♪ Nothing broke ♪

♪ Keep simple ♪

♪ Nothing tired, nothing old ♪

♪ Same as you ♪

♪ Same as you ♪

♪ Oh, so cute, so revival ♪

♪ So alone ♪

♪ Birthday suit, just a smile ♪

♪ No one home ♪

♪ Same as you ♪

♪ Same as you ♪


♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪


[KYLE] Oh, shit.

Check out Urbino's story.

He got drunk and skinned his face.

You've been hitting that thing a lot.

What if I want to vape
until my head falls off?

What if my only way of dealing is

to numb myself into oblivion?

Dealing with what?

That my parents are assholes
who only think about themselves.

Everything I thought was real
is a fun house hall of mirrors.


They're too focused on their own shit

to even notice that I'm gone.

Well, maybe that's a good thing.

Now we can do whatever we want.


You are such a child.

My mom wants to know if we
want chocolate chip pancakes.

Well, Kyle, we don't, 'cause
I'm breaking up with you.







It's me, Tai!




How the f*ck did I not wake up?

What did you even use to cut this?

I don't know.

What's the last thing you remember?

I got back from tossing the shit.

I ate.

I came up and I fell asleep.

Was there something on your mind?

Shauna, I guess.

How... f*cked up it is that
she's still talking to Jackie.


you're not a picture
of normalcy yourself.

Okay, listen.

What if we talked to Lottie?

- You f*cking serious?
- Yeah.

You heard what she did for Travis,

when he had his panic
attack or whatever, and...

[SIGHS] I think she
might be able to help you.

I am not talking to Lottie.

And neither are you.





Okay, come on.

I can feel your heart beating.

Yeah, you move a muscle, I'll know.



♪ Recollect me, darling,
raise me to your lips ♪

♪ Two undernourished
egos, four rotating hips ♪

♪ Hold on to me tightly,
I'm a sliding scale ♪

♪ Can't endure, then you can't inhale ♪

♪ Clearly out-of-body
experience interferes ♪

♪ And dreams of flying, I fit nearly ♪

♪ Surrounds me, though I get lonely ♪

♪ I caught your radio waves ♪

♪ I caught your radio waves ♪

♪ With a tin can and string ♪

♪ Say you string me along ♪

♪ Say you string me along ♪

♪ Say inertia creeps ♪

♪ Inertia creeps and she comes ♪

♪ Say she comes ♪

♪ Say she comes ♪

♪ Say she comes, say she comes ♪




[TRAVIS] You missed the blessing.

[NATALIE] I figured you had it covered.

[TRAVIS] Would've been better
if you could've been there.

The tea, it's just a symbol.

Of what, exactly?

Of not being so closed off.

Thinking you know everything.


I'm sorry. She-she goes
all witch doctor messiah,

and I'm the one that's not being humble?

I was talking about myself.

It doesn't bother you that
we're freezing our asses off,

trying to feed everyone,
while she's off holding hands

and mumbling, and making
friends with the spirits

of each and every f*cking pine needle?

Everyone has their role. Okay?

We're gonna need more than just food

if we're gonna make
it through this winter.

Oh, for f*ck's sake, did
she put that in your head?

- I...

Hey, come on. No, we're going this way.

The wind's blowing that way.

The brush, it'll be covered in snow.

Less vegetation, less game.

No, we've been that way before.

You won't have the g*n.

If you find anything,
how are you gonna k*ll it?

I'll figure something.

Fine, if you want to go that
way, then go that way, but...

You know, we need a plan
if we're gonna split up.

When the sun hits that peak,

we'll meet back in the clearing
near that weird mossy tree.


See you later. Good luck.



[NATALIE] Last I heard,
you were finger painting

in the loony bin, and
now you're running a cult.

Clearly you've recovered, then.

Last I heard, you were getting
out of rehab for the fifth time.

How's your recovery going?

We're not a cult.

We are an intentional community
turning suffering into strength.

So we can live as our best selves.

You f*cking kidnapped me, Lottie.

That was not the plan.

Oh, and what about the guy you
were burying alive in the woods?

A therapeutic treatment.
One of many we offer here.

Oh. Was I being treated

when your purple fucks
came and jumped me?

It's heliotrope, it's not purple.

We make the dye ourselves,

from the flowers used to treat wounds.

Wow, deep.

After Travis died,

I was worried that you
would do something stupid.

So I sent my friends
to keep an eye on you,

and, surprise, you stuck
a g*n in your mouth.

They had to act fast.

You're welcome, by the way.

- Charlotte.
- Ah.


I smell butterscotch.

Did you... did you
put maca root in here?

Hmm. I asked for ashwagandha.

I want my focus
increased, not my libido.

I'm sorry, Charlotte. Um,
I must have mixed it up.

I-I can go down and
make you another one.

It's all right.

I'll drink it.

I mean, it can't hurt, right?


Sorry about your hand.


Is that her best self?

[SCOFFS] Don't be an assh*le.

You could have blinded her.


Hey, hi.

How was Ilana's?


I'm so sorry, I don't speak grunt.

Was that like a...

"what a dumb question"
kind of grunt, or...

oh, my God, are you
choking on something?

Do you need me to perform
the Heimlich, or...

It was fine.

Well, thank God for that. Right?


So, your dad's tied up at the store.

Do you want to, like, hit the mall

and try to rack up the credit card debt?

[LAUGHS] Make him work even harder?

No, thanks.

We could just go for a walk instead.

- I'm going out with Kyle, okay?
- Sorry.

Just want to spend time together.

You're growing up and...

Yeah. Right.

Tai, guess who.

It's Misty. Again.

Third time today actually. [CHUCKLES]

What is up with you and Shauna, anyway?

What are you guys having, like,

a spa day without me or something?

But seriously, I have evidence
that Nat has met with foul play,

so I could really use the
support of my teammates.

Call me back.



[WALTER] I might have an idea

but only if you stop sh1tting

all over my Adam Martin theories.


[MISTY] I might have an idea, too.

Stop wasting our time with goose chases.



- Prepare to die!


What the ever-living f*ck, Shauna?!


- Hey.
- Did you know about this?

You've been encouraging her?

- [VAN] What's going on?
- What is happening?

f*cking told you that it wasn't okay!

I knew it wasn't all right.


Go on, Shauna, tell them.

Tell them what you've
been up to with Jackie.

Just... talking.

Talking? Shauna's been
braiding Jackie's hair.

She's been doing her f*cking makeup.

Holy Christ.

And you've been posing her, right?

Adjusting her limbs
like some f*cked-up doll.

Is that normal, Lottie?

- Is that healthy?
- It's okay.

It is not f*cking okay.

She was her best friend, Tai.



Shauna, this has to stop.

For your own good, and
for the good of the baby.

Like you...

or any of you know
what's good for the baby.

Well, it sure as hell isn't this.

We are getting rid of Jackie's body.

We are getting rid of Jackie's

- two-month-old corpse.
- No.



we can't even bury her.

The ground is frozen solid.

But we can cremate her.

- Help me gather firewood.
- No.

[TAISSA] Now! Move!

We need to do this before the sun sets.

We're gonna do what we
should have done weeks ago.

We need to get this done tonight.


- [SHAUNA] Hey.

[KEVYN] Sorry to drop in like this.

- You got a minute to chat?
- [SHAUNA] Sure, come in.

Well, hi. Are you here
on official business?

Oh, my gosh, is my
locust tree dropping pods

onto Mr. Kim's hydrangeas again?

No, uh, it's just a...
it's just a heads-up really.

You know, as a friend.

[LAUGHS] Sure.




Did you know Adam Martin?

Adam Martin?

He's a... he's a local artist.

He's been missing for a couple of days.

Oh, no.

- Yeah. Here.
- Mm.


Oh, yes.

We got into a fender bender

- over on Colfax, and we had to,
- Huh.

you know, exchange insurance
information and all that.

Yeah, yeah, you-you in touch?

Still in touch? No. [LAUGHS]


Uh... 'cause we've got records

of-of quite a few texts
between the two of you.


Yeah, because, um...

Mm. Unfortunately,

he turned into kind of an assh*le.

Yeah. I had to really hound him

- to submit the claim and...
- Oh.

you know, to admit that he was at fault.

Which he definitely was.

Mom, come on!

Oh, Callie, hi. Um...

this is my friend Kevyn. We
went to high school together.

Amazing. Hey.

We need enough time before it closes.

You said you were ready.

Oh. Sorry.

Mommy-daughter mall trip.

- "Code Red," apparently.
- No, no, no, no.

- Sorry to bug you.
- No.

Listen, we'll, uh...

we'll be in touch if we have
any more questions, okay?

More questions?

Do-do I need a lawyer?

Why would you need a lawyer?

I don't know. [LAUGHS] I just...

I've seen too many cop shows,

- I guess. Oh, gosh.
- Right.


Thank you.

Why would you lie to the police?

Cops are sexist, okay?

Especially in towns
like this, they're...

They would... [SIGHS]

never believe it was just an affair.

They'll fall all over themselves
trying to make it something else.

So you lied to be feminist?

Actually, the opposite.

I did it to protect your dad.

He's been through so much.

The last thing he needs is everyone...

knowing that I cheated on him.


How thoughtful of you.



At least go through the back
in case he's still out there.

He's so cute, Mom.

Sammy. [GASPS]

What are you doing here?

I wanted to see you.

But you-you walked all
the way from school?


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


Does your mom know you're here?


Hmm. Right.

Okay, um, why don't you

- go play with Steve.
- Mm-hmm.

And I will make you a snack, okay?

And give your mom a call.


What do you want?

Don't overreact.

What is it now, Taissa?

Sammy's here.


He walked here after school.

I had nothing to do with it.

[SCOFFS] Oh, sure.
Nothing to do with it, huh?

I didn't! He just showed up.

g*dd*mn it, I'm coming to get him.


[WALTER] I see, so mainly
hypochlorite cleaning supplies.

May I ask about your HVAC protocols?

[LYNETTE] Excuse me?

[WALTER] How often do
you change the filters?

Since you're so close to the highway,

I assume particulate matter is an issue.

I won't subject my
mother to AQls over .

Excellent question, sir.
I'll check with Maintenance,

and let you know.

[WALTER] And what about your staff?

We've all heard the horror stories.

Phone-it-in nurses.
The all-too-common sadist.

I assume you run Live Scan
clearances on all your hires?

[LYNETTE] I can assure, our caregivers

are the very best of the best.

As for accommodation,
my mother would require

a single occupancy, corner room.

Can you show me the
ones that are available?




[PANTING] Where, um...

Hanging on a branch.

A couple miles back.

Did you-did you look for him?

- Everywhere! Everywhere!
- Huh? Did you dig?

- Did you dig?!
- I screamed, but nothing.




- No. No.
- Hey, come back.

I swear! Hey.

- We have to go get him.
- Come on. Come on.

Come on, hey.

Hey. Hey.



Javi's gone.

He's gone.

It's okay.


On the night Travis died, he called me.

He said the wilderness
had come back to haunt him.


And he said he knew what he had to do.

I asked him what he meant,

but he just hung up.

And I panicked.

I drove all night.

And by the time

I found him,

he was a mess.

He was terrified, he was paranoid.

The only way to confront the darkness

is to get as close to death as possible.

When Van almost died, when you did.

You both said you saw something.

The only way to confront
the darkness to find out

what it wants is to get as
close as possible to death.

Stop reliving this!

You're in the vise grip of your trauma.




I felt like I had reached him.

I just wish I'd never fallen asleep.

[NATALIE] Oh, you-you don't
think with him like that,

you should have reached out to me?

You don't think that
I could've helped him?

I asked him that, Nat.

And he said that you would
only make things worse.


I woke up in the middle of the
night and Travis wasn't there.

He left instructions of how to get

into his bank account, and
he'd written you that note.

I drove as fast as I could to the ranch

where he worked. And then...

I found him in the barn.

He had lit candles around him
in the shape of the symbol.

Travis, what the f*ck are you doing?!

I'm gonna hang myself until I pass out

so I can talk to it, you know?

He had rigged his neck to a crane.

- Do not press that button.
- If it tells me what it wants,

I can make it go away.

Just a few inches off the
ground, for a couple of minutes.

And how will you get back down?

If you don't help me, I'm
just gonna do it myself.



Stop, stop. Okay.

The moment you go unconscious,

I am lowering you back down, you got it?

Do it.





So that's the story?

That Travis f*cking died

because the buttons got stuck?

It was...

a horrendous accident.

I know there's something
you're not telling me.

I swear.


Come on, come on, come on!

[VOICE] Put your faith in
him, your guiding light.

Put your faith in him,
your guiding light.







I didn't k*ll him, Nat.

I was trying to save him.

[NATALIE] Well, that's funny.

Because every time that
you try to save someone,

a lot of bad shit happens.

And look at you now, years later,

and the same shit's happening again.

Only this time, you're wearing a Rolex.

And you have all the broken toys

around here who think you walk on water.

I'm gonna put a stop to
your f*cking bullshit.

I don't know how yet, but

- I'm gonna stop it.
- Well, at least you'll have

to stay alive to do that,
so it's a... a win for me.

Take me to the train station!

Or however somebody gets out
of here, back to civilization!

Well, I'm afraid it's-it's too late.

You'll have to spend the night here.

So you're plan for my destruction?

It will have to wait
until you're rested.

What the f*ck?


- Tai?
- Mm.



God, f*cking...


I'm coming.

- Just hold on.
- What the f*ck?

You knew I was coming,
and you chain the door?

I'm sorry. I must've
done it without thinking.


[SIGHS] You just... you
look like hammered shit.

Cool, thanks, Monni.

- It's nice to hear from you.
- Where's Sammy?

- Playing with the dog.
- Sam?



Okay, I guess he went up to his room.

I don't... Come on.

You know, I didn't plan this.

- Simone, come on.
- Sammy!


Oh, my God!

Oh, f*ck. I'm so... [STAMMERS]

It must be a cry for attention.

Like, with us fighting...

So, you left him by himself?

Let's go find our son.


- f*ck.


Should we save her clothes?

You want to strip her naked?

I mean, her jacket, mostly.

It seems a shame to waste it.

No one is taking Jackie's jacket.

Shauna, it's worth talking about.

No! Okay, we're not f*cking debating

whether Jackie gets to keep her clothes.

- It's not like she needs them.
- Stop!

Oh, now you're her protector?
Too little too late.

- f*ck you, Mari! f*ck you!

Hey! Everyone, stop!

Give her some space.




So, Kyle is, like, in shock.

That's actually f*cking adorable.

He says, will you just tell
him what he did? [CHUCKLES]

Callie? Callie?

That guy has so been checking you out.

You should flirt with him
and go back to his place.

All right.

I'm joking.

Why not?

Because he could be a psycho.

He's doing a crossword puzzle.

Serial K*llers love puzzles.

It's a documented fact.


Shit. [SCOFFS]

♪ I'll be dreaming ♪

My grandpa does crossword puzzles.


Well, is he around?

I could use some help on -across.


♪ Ain't no reason to cry ♪

That has absolutely
nothing to do with the hint.

Well, I guess you owe me a drink.

I owe you a drink
'cause you came over here

and guessed the wrong word

- on my crossword puzzle?
- [CHUCKLES] Well,

if I'd guessed the right word,

who knows what I would have asked for?


Hey, um, can I have another Fireball

- and... ?
- I'll have the same.


why are you day drinking?

I'm a fighter pilot by night.

♪ I love you ♪

I'm pretty sure you're lying.

Oh, shit. "Ceramic."


I just read the hint.


Now you have to answer my question.

Well, okay.

But only because you're a genius.



I live in Brooklyn.

But, um, I grew up here.


you know, my parents, after...

years of a messed-up marriage,

my mom's finally had it.

She's moving out,

and I'm helping.

You've got to be kidding.

Yep, said that to be funny.

No, I mean... [CHUCKLES]


I'm-I'm just... I'm
kind of in the same boat.

Yeah, I'm-I'm in my
last year at Rutgers,

but I had to take the semester off.

My mom's...

cheating on my dad. It's a whole thing.

I'm sorry.

It's tough.

I love you

But, hey,

we're okay, right?

Come on, it's not like we're in
some dive bar getting day drunk,

spilling our guts to strangers.



I'm Callie.


What the f*ck is going on?

What did you do to her face?

We decided it was time to move on.


This has been a f*cking day.

Wait, are those Javi's?


Can't be.

Not another word.

No, Javi's alive. I can feel it.

For f*ck's sake, shut up!

Don't you see how much
damage you are doing?

Why? Lottie, why?

What is making you f*cking do this?

You can't just keep making him...




I'll never have another friend like you.

I don't even know where
you end and I begin.

I'm sorry.

And I love you.


[TRAVIS] Goodbye, Javi.





All right.

It's time for some fresh sheets, baby.





[MAN] I have no doubt
you're reading this note,

because you're too smart
not to have figured it out.

Damn right I am.

Don't sh**t the messenger, but
the security camera is a dummy,

for deterrence only.

However, I did I.D. a man

who's been living at the
motel for three months.

He thinks he's being interrogated

by the FBI tomorrow at hours.

Would Agent Quigley care to join?

Please advise on the Citizen
Detective Board of your choosing.

This note will
self-destruct in ten, nine...

Never mind, I'm kidding.

Truly yours, PuttingtheSickinForensics.


My liege.

I don't do coffee late.

Oh, God. I'm such a bad listener.

So, I followed the daughter

and spent two hours with her at a bar.

Okay, relax.

I was a gentleman.

That's not funny, Matt.

And what the f*ck?

- We're not undercover on this.
- Okay, well,

unofficially undercover.

And wait for it...

Ms. Sadecki was cheating on her husband.

The daughter just confirmed.

What is the over-under on the
boyfriend being Adam Martin?

Kevyn, we could bring her in right now.

- Go hard.
- What? N-No.

No, I still say we wait, okay?

Shauna's smart.

We're gonna need more.

- What? What?

What do you mean, "what?"


Went to high school with her.

The whole plane crash thing.

You sure you're not conflicted?

Jesus Christ.

You've been on the job, what, a year?

Just... slow down, okay?

Or you're gonna royally f*ck this up.

- Okay. Okay.
- Okay?











Hey, uh...

I know circumstances
are f*cked-up, but...


It's the school.

Put it on speaker.

Yes. Hello.

[WOMAN] Simone Abara?

Sonya, hi.

If something came up, we really
need you to call next time.

What? I...

I-I don't... I'm sorry...

Your son. He's waiting
for you to pick him up.

Oh. 'Kay.

He must've left and,
uh... and come back.

Sammy's been in my office for two hours.

We are not a boarding school.

Will you please come and get him?


Sure, I'm-I'm sorry about this.

And thank you. I'll be right there.


You are...

... very sick, Taissa.

You need to stop everything
that you are doing

and get help right now. Okay?

He just showed up.

Listen, I won't let you
be his mother like this.








What is that? [INHALES]

We have to go.





♪ I am the key to the lock ♪

She wants us to.

♪ In your house ♪

♪ That keeps your toys in the basement ♪

♪ And if you get too far inside ♪

♪ You'll only see my reflection ♪

♪ It's always best with the covers up ♪

♪ I am the pick in the ice ♪

♪ Do not cry out ♪

♪ Or hit the alarm ♪

♪ You know we're friends till we die ♪

♪ It's always best when the light is off ♪

♪ It's always better ♪

♪ On the outside ♪

♪ That either way he turns ♪

♪ I'll be there ♪

♪ Open up your skull ♪

♪ I'll be there ♪

♪ Climbing up the walls ♪

♪ Climbing up the walls... ♪

♪ Climbing up the walls ♪