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04x12 - The Golden Knight

Posted: 04/01/23 07:00
by bunniefuu
( jazz theme playing )

( shouting )
: Grimlock! What's with the noise? There she is, my inspiration.

Just in time to see my latest masterpiece.

Heh! I call it, "Strongarm the Strict!" It's a striking resemblance That looks nothing like me! It's just junk turned into other junk.

( sighs )
You clearly don't understand art.

( alarm beeping )
What's the story, Fixit? Unsure.

I've intercepted a strange communication coded with an ancient Cybertronian encryption technique.

But I can't decode it.

Maybe it's the Stunticons, using old tech to bait us into a trap.

Hmm, unlikely.

The signal is coming from an island off the coast of
( gasps )
England? England! Russell's been showing me movies that are set in England! Bold knights, dashing spies, mop
-topped musicians.

It seems like a land of incredible heroism.

Think you could, you know, take a break from your travelogue to fire up the GroundBridge? I'll make a quick solo trip to investigate.

Uh, sir, you should probably bring someone with you who has a deeper knowledge of the local culture.

Heh, all right.

Come on, Fixit.

Huzzah! Ha, ha!
( electronic beeps )
Strongarm, might we borrow your Decepticon Hunter? Fixit, that won't be necessary.

It's only right that a knight gallop into adventure carrying a sword.

No problem, sir.

Have fun storming the castle.

Or, whatever.

Fixit, you do know that those are just stories.

It's not like around every corner, we're gonna find any real spies, mop
-tops, or
( ominous theme playing )
( both gasp )
-Who goes there? Transformers Robots in disguise Robots in disguise
( roars )
Robots in disguise Robots in disguise A
-are you part of this battle? Hail, fellow Knights! We do humbly request that you grant us passage through your lands.

Um, we're not knights, sir.

We're just re
-enactors, you know? Medieval enthusiasts? What chapter of the historical society are you from? Oh, uh Chapter three? You haven't heard of us? Why, this is the Golden Knight, of the King's Shining Legion.

And I am the Orange Knight.

You're the weirdest looking knights I've ever seen.

And look more like a A squire.

( angrily )
: A squire? What was that thing you stepped out of to get here? It was a, um A time portal! We are from an era never recorded in history.

A time when a wizard bestowed size and enchanted armor upon the Golden Knight for his bravery.

He then sent us forward in time to right wrongs.

Time travelers? Wizards? We always thought the stories of medieval magic were just stories! But you're saying they're real? Behold, the Golden Knight's mystic sword, Excali brate! BOTH: Ooh! Huh? Did you hear that? Is anyone else on this island re
( rocks crumbling )

( roars )
Ugh! Have at you, invaders! You'll take this island over my sparkless husk! Fixit, get those two to safety.

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunts )
Uh, ngh.

Ah, uh!
( wheezing )
: How many are you? Where are the rest of your troops? I don't know what you're babbling about, 'Con I'm more than enough to take you down!
( yells )

( both grunting )
-He's fighting a dragon.

- It's all true!
- Shh.

( growls )
You seek to protect the squishies, eh?
( roars )

( grunts )
Uhh! Oh
-ho, your armor is hot!
( grunts )

( roars )
( yells )

( heavy breathing )
Huh? Everyone okay? I can't believe you made us leave our phones at home.

We could've filmed this! Brave Sir Knight, little orange squire, we owe you our lives.

Your lives are still in danger.

Can you get yourselves off the island? We have a boat just near our camp, Sir Golden Knight, sir.

Get there as fast as you can.

Pack up, and don't look back.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( sighs )
Well, there's a new one, humans we can't expose our vehicle
-modes to.

Quick thinking, Fixit.

Anything on that 'Con? Well, our Decepticon is not in any database I have access to.

Something the matter? The humans took one look at you and believed you were a hero.

They looked at me, and saw a squire.

Who no one will ever remember.

A squire can be a hero, Fixit, If he finds himself in a position to do the right thing at the right time.

Wait Why did the 'Con think we were part of some invasion? Work on tracking his signal.

I'll call in the team.

( jazz theme playing )
I think he's making another sculpture of you! Look, there's the dented head
( grunts )
Ow! He really thinks that's art? Hey! Hey, guys, guess what? I just sold Grimlock's Strongarm sculpture.

( squeals )
A customer said she had the perfect place to put it.

When my exhibit opens in a museum someday, you are not invited! Strongarm? Sideswipe? Anyone? Electrical storms over the ocean may be causing the interference.

I guess it's just us for now.

Uh, I still don't like that those humans saw us in our robot

The re
-enactors think you're a legendary hero! And if I'm going to be seen as your squire, I'll help you make short work of this Decepticon.

And they'll tell tales of you across the land.

Don't count your farm birds before they incubate, Fixit.

Our enemies have surprised us before.

We have to be very careful.

( dramatic theme playing )
There upon the hilltop The Autobots did roll
( angrily )
: What are you doing? You'll give away our position! In the movies, those who aided knights would chronicle their adventures in song! This isn't a movie, Fixit! Don't worry, I'll stop as soon as I get a Decepticon signal.

( clears throat )
Driving off to find the foe Transformers brave and bold
( coughing, wheezing )
Flamesnort to Command.

As we feared, the Autobots have landed at last.

They may be advanced scouts for a large invading force.

Response requested! Gah! It's been thousands of cycles, and still no response! If you can hear me, I will not be derelict in my duty.

I shall defeat the Autobots myself! If there's one weakness Autobots have, it's lesser life

They crossed over Another hill With not a 'Con in sight Brave squire Fixit wondered If his scanner wasn't
( gasps )

( alarm beeps )
Decepticon contact! Oh, thank the Primes.

FLAMESNORT: Greetings, Autobots!
( flames crackling )
Now, tell me when your army will attack.

( both yelping )
Or these squishies, will feel the burn!
( heroic theme playing )
Stay clear, Fixit!
( growls )
Ha! Ugh!
( grunts )

( yells )

( yells )

( both yelping )

( gasps )
( grunts, groans )

( gasps )

( groans )
Ah, you must have burned out a resistor.

Okay, okay, truce.

I'll tell you all about my army.

Good, start talking.

( jazz theme playing )
GRIMLOCK: Now, Grimlock wasn't always good at artist

Grimlock learned to read other bot's feelings.

'Cause that's where art comes from.

Are you seriously talking about yourself in the third person, Grimlock? Ooh! Stay like that.

Grimlock sees his next artistic triumph.

Uh! I tell you about my troops, you
( groans )
You free the humans, right? I'm listening.


The Autobot fleet is two days out.

Overwhelming numbers.

You won't stand a chance.

Well, then.

Foolish Autobot At least they'll have one less wounded soldier to fight for them.

( cackles )
Say hello to Primus for me.

( grunts )
Hah! Ugh,
( roars )

( yells )
Hah! In my prime, you'd have been melted to slag in seconds.

( Fixit grunting )
( groaning )

( rubble crumbling )

( coughs, wheezes )

( groans )
My arm A souvenir! No, give that back! Uh!
( groans )

( roars )

( both scream )

( growls )
( coughs )
I challenge you, varlet To single tomcat Wombat Combat! Please.

( roars )

( yelps )
And so, good triumphs over evil.

Not quite yet.

( grunts )
You're lucky, mini

In my condition, I'm no match for your friend.

( groans )
Nice sword hand.

Did you hear him? He thinks he's a hero and we're the villains.

Each one of us is the hero of our own story, Fixit.

No one considers him or herself to be evil.

Except maybe Starscream.

Is it my imagination, or does that Decepticon seem really old? He does show signs of energon deprivation and brain rust.

And his armor condition is consistent with extended wind and sun exposure.

It's possible he's been on this island for hundreds, if not thousands, of years! He may think the w*r for Cybertron is still going.

It's possible that somehow no one told him it was over.

I have a feeling we won't convince him otherwise.

Let's get this done.

FLAMESNORT: Command, this will most likely be my final message I have failed to repel the enemy, and the island will soon be captured.

As such, I am initiating Plan Omega.

( groans )
All hail Megatron.

( dramatic theme playing )
BUMBLEBEE: By the Primes Wh
-what is it? One of the most dangerous weapons ever conceived by the Decepticons during the w*r.

A Seismic Shock Warhead.

It hammers to a world's core and detonates, cracking the planet in half.

We have to make sure Flamesnort doesn't
( ground shaking, rocks crumbling )

( Warhead hums )
activate it.

FIXIT: I knew that device on the Decepticon's arm looked familiar! It's a Cybertronian Activation key, used to engage ancient Decepticon weapons like this one.

Disarming the warhead requires removing the key from the ignition console BUMBLEBEE: Which is not here.

Any ideas? Me? Oh, I Well, w
-we can't check every tunnel.

There isn't time! I need you the analyze the information at hand, just like you analyzed the 'Con's armor to figure out his age, and decide which tunnel we need to take.

But what if I make the wrong decision? In the movies, the hero always makes the right decision, but Listen, Fixit, in real life, heroes use their skills, act with confidence, and make the hard choices.

All right, um Let's see, the ignition sequence on a device this old would be mechanical in nature.

A kinetic scan may tell us The location for the warhead's primer is down that tunnel!
( thudding )
BOTH: Whoa!
( dramatic theme swells )
There's a massive energy spike from the warhead! I calculate we have Four minutes until detonation.

How do we get off this thing and into that tunnel? Lieutenant! You need to transform.

What do you have in mind? No time, just do it! Okay, I trust you.

Now, floor it!
( suspenseful theme playing )
More speed.

Not yet.

Now! FIXIT: Yee
( Bumblebee yells )
( grunts )

( grunts )
Oh! Huh.

( alarm beeping )
That's the console! We have to remove the key.

( roars )

( groans )
If the Decepticons can't have this island, no one can! Hah!
( yells )
Fixit, Get to the console!
( dramatic theme playing )
Oh, sweet Solus Prime.

( grunts )
Listen to me! The w*r has been over for years.

You lost! Lies!
( roars )

( yells, groans )
Fixit, uh! We're gonna be blown back to the Allspark if you don't do something! Oh Huh?
( Bumblebee screams )

( grunts )

( groans )
( machine powers down )

( groans )
No To fail After all this time Forgive me, Command.

( coughs )
Command stopped listening a long time ago, 'Con.

How did you know which was the right key, Fixit? Flamesnort's armor maintained a high temperature.

Switching to thermal imaging revealed one key was hotter than the others, heh.

After using my skills, I was able to act with confidence.

Good work, hero.

That's how it happened, straight from my visual memory cache.

( all cheering )

- Nicely done!
- Go, Fixit, yes! Grimlock is so proud of you.

I'm going to make sure everyone on Cybertron hears about this.

The story will be told over and over, and you're going to become legendary.

( chuckles )
Being a hero is much harder in real life than in movies.

I don't know how you all do it! We just do our best.

And we don't do it to be heroes.

We do it because we know it's right.

Like you did today.

For your selfless acts of heroism, I hereby dub thee, Sir Fix of It.

( wheezing )
Hey, everybody! You wanna see a picture of Grimlock's sculpture in its new home? Ooh, ooh! Is it in a gallery? A museum? Grimlock wants to see! In a cornfield?
( laughs )
It's a scarecrow.

So much for your art career, Grimlock.

But hey, look at it this way, your sculpture is serving a valuable purpose.

I guess that's true.

Is something the matter, Bumblebee? I'm glad we caught this 'Con.

But the Stunticons are still out there, and they've given us way too much trouble.

We need to step up our game and bring them in, fast, because who knows what they're planning now?
( sirens blaring )

( yelling )
Yeah, that's right! Who's the boss now? Woo
-hoo! So long, ya roadster wannabe!
( tires screeching )

( dramatic theme playing )
( laughs )

( horn honks )

( mumbles incoherently )
Hiya, boss.

Uh, we got you some new territory Great.

At this rate, the planet's roads will be mine in two thousand years.

( Drag Strip yells )

( crashes )
It's time I show you jabber
-gears how it's done.