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03x07 - Part Seven Dominion

Posted: 03/31/23 09:25
by bunniefuu

RO: Starfleet is compromised
at the highest level.

You need to take the ship and run.

Jean-Luc, you finish what I started.

- We've been ordered to surrender.
- Surrender? Why?

We're being framed.

WORF: It appears our old enemy,

the Changelings, have re-emerged.

During the w*r, they
att*cked the Federation

and we retaliated with
a Starfleet-made virus.

Starfleet did, however, deliver the cure

to the Changeling homeworld.

Not without weaponizing a
few zealots in the process.

It's somehow tied to
Starfleet's Frontier Day.

RIKER: We have no leads.

WORF: Which is why we must
return to the beginning.

RAFFI: Daystrom Station.

I thought Data died.

He did.

He appears to be some kind of hybrid.

ALTAN: Into this new golem will go

Lore, and of course,

a great deal of Data.

The information that is within him

is key to what's going on here.

Get our friend out of here.


RIKER: Do you really think
after years of loyalty

that I'm gonna betray my friends?

- PICARD: Data, is that you?
- I am not certain.

PICARD: What was taken from the lab?

BEVERLY: Human remains...

DATA: Jean-Luc Picard.

BEVERLY: How did you know
they were all Changelings?

JACK: I didn't.

There's something very wrong with me.

Captain William Riker?

TUVOK: I'm afraid I have no knowledge
of Captain Riker's whereabouts.

You're certain?

TUVOK: From what I've ascertained,

there is no official record

of Will Riker being taken
into Starfleet custody.

[RECORDING]: There is no official record

of Will Riker being taken
into Starfleet custody.

When was your last contact
with Admiral Janeway?

TUVOK: Not recently.

However, I assume she is preoccupied

with the logistics of Frontier Day.

As we are a mere hours
from the festivities.

The entire fleet is assembling
in the Sol System as we speak.

Such an unprecedented celebration

would no doubt require
her complete attention.

SEVEN OF NINE: Admiral Picard
and I have tried to reach her.

Everything we've seen,

from Commander Ro's investigation

to the theft at Daystrom,
indicates a coordinated effort

by the Changelings

to infiltrate Starfleet
in key positions.


the entire Frontier Day
ceremony is in danger.

Can you please help us reach
others that we can trust?

TUVOK: Given your current
status as fugitives,

it will be difficult.

I understand the complexities
of this issue are...

like a house of cards.

Much like our games of Kal-Toh.

I need not remind you,

you've beaten me countless times.


TUVOK: Seven, if you are
willing to arrange a meeting,

I can assist you in locating allies.

Those whose gatekeepers
are not compromised.

I know a safe place.

Aklion .

I once underwent a procedure there

to stabilize my neural pattern.

TUVOK: Of course.

Any location you desire.

A Vulcan would never go to Aklion

after the anti-Kolinahr demonstrations.

And my neural pattern?

It was stabilized by a mind meld,

on Voyager, by my friend, Tuvok.


Trace activated!

Subspace relays five and six
are down. I can't slow them.

Hansen, we got to shut it down.

Only the real Tuvok would
know we played Kal-Toh,

which means he must have told you.

What the hell have you done with him?!

All I can tell you is,
when we are done with him...

when we are done with all of you...

death will come as a relief.

Relays are almost down.

If I can't k*ll the signal
soon, they're gonna find us.

Where is Will Riker?

Is he alive?

Me, Admiral?

I'm as good as dead.

Just like you.

- Geordi.
- Disconnecting.


Admiral, we can't keep doing this.

Maybe it's time we just accept it.

We're on our own.

PICARD: Geordi, were you
able to contact Mr. Worf?

He and Raffi are monitoring
Starfleet Security at Exo-port.

They confirm there's no
mention of Will in custody.

Damn it.

GEORDI: They're on
their way back here now.

And not a moment too soon.

Short of junkyards like this,

I'm running out of places to hide us.

And we're running out of time

to expose this conspiracy to Starfleet.

Frontier Day is just hours away.

So, I have been weighing
the morality of something.

These new Changelings,
whether they've evolved

or found some other means of
replicating our physiology,

it makes them unique.

Perhaps there's a way we
can exploit that uniqueness.

You mean fashion a w*apon against them.

Yes, or at the very least a tool,

to identify and root them out.

So what's your moral dilemma?

The solution might be biological.

And targeting a species on biology alone

is tantamount to genocide.

- Like the virus used against them in the Dominion w*r.
- Exactly.

I know we're desperate, but I am
concerned about crossing a line.

Well, see what you can find.

We'll weigh the morality

if and when this becomes actual.

I was supposed to be part
of the Frontier Day ceremony.

My participation as an
admiral in the fleet exercises

requires genetic
confirmation of my identity.

GEORDI: You know,

considering the theft of
your body from Daystrom,

I'm wondering if they're
not trying to use yours

and maybe even Jack's
DNA to create some kind of

perfect doppelgaänger Jean-Luc Picard.

I am fearful of the same thing.

Your DNA is yours, and Jack's is Jack's.

But is it possible that a
DNA sample from a relative

could be used to complete
an incomplete DNA sequence?

We need more information.

Well, there is someone on
board who does know more.

Lieutenant, I understand

that you have been making
some progress on Mr. Data.

Well, sort of.

We at least think we've identified

the source of the problem.

Let's show him. Uh,
cognitive functions only.



I'm no longer on the Enterprise.

The Scimitar...

That was many, many years ago.


That would explain why...

You're so old.

Time has been very cruel to you.

And here's the problem, Admiral.

You remember Lore?

Data's brother. But
surely he was deactivated.

Archived is more like it.

Simply put, this unit is currently home

to both Data and Lore simultaneously.

DATA: I apologize for
the outburst, Captain.

I am not in complete
control of this body...

Nor am I in complete control

of my utter revulsion
at your ancient face.

So, has Lore always been this arch?

Did the tree move,

or did the apple just fall far from it?

When you're constantly subjected
to these self-righteous,

self-proclaimed "heroes"
spewing their morality

as if vomit were somehow virtuous,

then sometimes, dear, a
little bend, a little arch,

a little antagonizing flare is required.

GEORDI: Lore has a perverted sense of

what it means to be human.

We were able to access

the architecture of this
unit's positronic brain.

It contains four identity matrixes:

Soong and B- operate
as a memory file only.

But there is a clear partition

between the Data and
Lore personality profiles.

Essentially, they're both in there.

Each one fighting for dominance.

Why would Altan Soong do this?

Perhaps Soong was hoping
that the personalities

would integrate themselves.

Maybe an effort to give Data
the one thing he always wanted.

To be human.

GEORDI: It's possible that the answers

to humanity and free will

the Soongs have been asking
all these centuries is here,

now, in this Data.

But the partitions
suggest that Soong feared

that Lore would consume
all aspects of Data.

Data, if you can hear
me, we need your help.

Why would I help you, Picard?


- PICARD: Old friend,

tell me why the Changelings
have stolen my body.

What might they be using it for?

DATA: Extraction.

Soong research indicates an
anomalous form inside Jean-Luc Picard.

Previous diagnosis of Irumodic
Syndrome is in question.

What is it?

Additional research re...

Establishes an inferior Picard.

A perfectly imperfect Picard.

Through and through.


Help me, Captain.

[PANTING] Please.

Help me, Captain.

This is too much.

Years ago, Data asked me to let him go,

to die in peace.

And now he's asking for my help?

We have to do something.

Could we free Data by erasing Lore?

Jean-Luc, this new positronic body

is infinitely more complex

than the Data that I used to know.

This is more art than engineering.

The metaphasic figures are too immense.

With the help of the ship's computers,

I can hopefully analyze the
barrier and restore Data,

but if I lift that partition
and Lore prevails...

we might lose Data.

This time forever.

I don't think that's something
that I can live through again.

Me neither.

FACE: Frontier Day is almost upon us.

We are running out of time.


The associates of Jean-Luc Picard

are unexpectedly firm in their loyalty,

and I don't anticipate them

breaking in the time we have left.

FACE: They must!

Do not fail me.

Your physiology is not as
special or complex as you believe.

You are by nature malleable.

Made to bend.

Their kind is beholden
to a singular flesh.

Dismember one in front of the other.

Do whatever is necessary.

The hour of Starfleet's fall nears.

We must have the boy.

Or you and your kind will find
your own existence meaningless.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention, all cadets.

Duty logs have been updated

to reflect new rotations, effective...


What are your quarters like? Nice?


I'm an ensign. They're standard.

Small. Very small.


'Cause you know, half the ship's empty.

Well, I've found myself a...

a cracking little suite.

I'd love to, um...

hang out sometime, if you're...

Or not. It's, it's fine.

Totally fine.

SYDNEY: Is he flirting?

Those eyes. [INHALES]

He is charming.

At least be subtle first.

Touch my hand or...


Why did you do that?


At least be subtle first.

How did he know to touch my hand?

How did he know?



Jack. How are you doing?

ESMAR: Captain,

another long-range trace
attempt from Starfleet.

SHAW: Ignore it like the rest.

- Hold on.

Sirs, this is a Compromised Prefix Code.

What's a Compromised Code?

It's a code that a captain
in distress can give

that will ping his designated starship.

It will give the enemy
the location of the ship,

but it lets us know that
the captain's been caught.

And compromised. It's Will.

The frequency matches the Shrike.

Vadic has him.

Esmar, block the signal.

Do not let them find us.

ESMAR: Aye, sir. Scrambling comms.

Can I have a word with you?

I-I don't really know what's
going on with me, but...


I know isn't anything good.

Tell me.

Well, I've caused of all this.

And-and now...


Riker was-was good
to me from moment one.

And now he's in trouble.

And he-he's got a wife
and a, and a child and...

Maybe we let the Shrike find us.

I'll trade myself for him.

No. Absolutely not.

Do you have any idea what it's like

knowing that people have died,

are dying, will die for what? For me?

It's not worth it. I'm not worth it.

I've always felt...

... different.


Like there's something wrong with me.

Deep, deep down inside.

And I don't even know how to
begin to explain this to you,

but it's like I can...

hear up in my head.

What are you hearing, Jack?

You don't deserve any of this.

Maybe I do.

I'm not giving up on you, Jack.

- Don't you give up, either.
- Well, I don't want to.

I love a good fight when it's fair,

or when it's not and I'm
the one who's cheating,

but we have never had
the advantage here.

What if...

we actually do?

I think I know how we can get Vadic.

Life signs?

Jack's alive.


Subspace transmissions?

FEMALE: This is VSS T'Plana.

We have engaged the
fugitives and exchanged fire.

We have disabled their warp core.

They are incapacitated.


Get weapons back online.

We are sending you our
last known coordinates.

- MALE: Torpedo, incoming...
- [expl*si*n]

Prepare a boarding party.


No transporters.

He's right there!

Right there.

I can almost... touch him.

Don't you hear that?

Don't you?

Ticktock, ticktock
goes the ancient clock.

We are out of time.

We... are...

- going.

Life signs.

Scattered like rats.

Oh, hello.

I thought you'd be taller.

You're too late.

Everyone's dead.

Not everyone, darling boy.

I just want to take
you to a better place.

What the hell does that mean?

What place?

It will be so much better
to show you than to tell you.

You'll have to catch me first.


Ready? Now!

Alpha, go!

Drop Bravo!

- Go.
- Dropping Bravo.

Drop Charlie.

Holy shit, we got her.

Jack, move.


Run! Deck , ready Delta and Echo.


Drop Delta and Echo. Now, now!


Well, technically speaking,
that worked perfectly.

- I mean, they're trapped.
- Well, so are we.

Hang on, Sidney, we're gonna
transport you out of there.

I can't get a lock.

Something is interfering
with the transporter.

Damn it. What the...

Who's doing this?

Um... Dad?




♪ La, la, la, la, la... ♪

BEVERLY: You look so at ease.


Not even trying to slip out.

Which is good.

Because it's hermetically sealed,

so it would be a challenge,

even for you.


you are the one who has been
hunting us all this time.

You must really want my son.



You know, I took an oath to do no harm,

but you should know

- I am rethinking that promise.

Aren't you adorable?

I was under the impression this
would be more of an interrogation.

Only now it seems you've given up

your endgame before the start.

No hope for me.


And now I see.

He's to play "understanding... "

[GRUNTS] ... to your "cruel."

I'm bored already.


Good luck to us all.

We know what you stole from Daystrom.

And have a fairly good idea
what you intend to do with it.

Frontier Day?

Where you'll use my
body and Jack's blood

to make a near-perfect double of me?

We also know about
your evolved physiology.

What about your son?

Do you know all about his physiology?

What do you want with Jack?

- Me? Nothing.
- Answer the question.

He's not for me.

We could bond over that,

since he was never
really for you, either.

What the hell does that mean?

Captain Vadic, I will speak plainly:

there is no escape for you.

Your best hope is to be forthcoming.

True, my "understanding" recognizes

the travesty of the Dominion w*r.

Do not compare the atrocities
committed by your side

to the warfare ex*cuted by mine.

BEVERLY: There never
would have been a w*r

had Changelings not initiated it.


Solids like you were coming.

And you ruin every world you touch.

PICARD: Name one.


We were barely

out of the gates of
w*r and your Federation

turned to genocide.

[OVER COMM]: A virus.

PICARD: We gave your people a cure.

Is that the tale of your history books?


You created a cure, yes.

But Starfleet voted
not to give it to us.

One of our own had to steal it.

Would you like to hear more

about where my appetite for your brutal,

inevitable extinction comes from?

I got it from Starfleet.

You gave me the ability
to mimic your blood,

hold my form,

pass every test.

And you did so

while inflicting more torment on me...

... and those I loved.

So don't tell me I have
no regard for love...

... or innocence...

... or pain.

- Dad...

I don't know how long we have.

GEORDI: Lore is taking
over all major systems.

Security, transporters...

ALANDRA: Why is Lore doing this?

Chaos. He loves the chaos.

COMMANDER: How will you feel

when she dies for you, solid?

SIDNEY: Why is he
looking at me like that?



Do you like the symphony?

PICARD: I wasn't aware that
you had music in the Great Link.

Oh, we don't.

But during my time as a prisoner of w*r,

I learned about a great
many things about solids.

Daystrom Station was my
c*ptive home during the w*r.

With nine of my brothers
and sisters kept on shelves.

Project Proteus, they called it.

The symphony I discovered

didn't have brass and strings, but...

... but, rather, the squealing
of wheels down a hall.

The squeaking of boots on concrete.

Creaks of cage doors.

Screams of all tempos...

- ... pitches...


... and whistling.




She whistled, while she...

... injected us...

... exposed us,

inflicted us with more pain

than any being should
ever be expected to endure.

And all to turn us into weapons.

Perfect, undetectable spies.

Able to drop into any
species and spread chaos.


Happy ending, though.

Through those experiments,

you created the perfect monster.



How very human.


BEVERLY: So you evolved from
the biological experiments.

And I'm able to pass it on.

Any who want to join our cause, we link,

they accept a shorter
life, eternal pain,

for the ability to fool those
who took everything from us.

I didn't know.

How remarkable it is

that an enlightenment species

can ignore each other's pain.

Do you think she'd have

kept your son from you

if she could feel your loss?

And you, Mother.

Are you prepared to lose another son?

The Federation took my family.

Now I will take yours.

SIDNEY: Dad, shield
regulators are failing.

You have to beam us out of here now.

Data, I know you're in there,

and I know you can hear me.

He can't fight me.

He's gone.

BEVERLY: [SIGHS] She's too calm,

too confident.

She has a plan.

and if we allow her to
slip out, she will take...

Our son.

BEVERLY: As long as she and
her soldiers are on board,

she is a threat.

Anything she told us,
she wanted us to know.

Jean-Luc, she took the
face of her torturer.

- Why?
- To remind herself of her hate.

You're right.

She's an executioner for her cause.

We won't get anything more from her.

GEORDI: Data, I know you're in there.

So I need you to listen to me

because life rarely
gives you second chances

to say what you should.


Data, you made me better.

You did.

You made a better man,
a-a... a better father.

A better friend.

And when you died...

... it broke me.

But, see, you... you
put me back together,

you repaired me. It-it...
The-the memory of you.

PICARD: Are you and I

so fundamentally changed
that we're willing

to compromise everything...

everything that we've believed in?

Yes, I think I'm losing my compass.

But right now,

she's our prisoner.

The moment we allowed her to board,

we invited death onto this ship.




Appealing to my brother's

memories of friendship...

very powerful.

What do you want, Lore?

No more than you want for your children.

Nothing more than
these Changelings want.


It's... human nature, pal.

Allow me to level the playing field.

The enemy of my enemies...

Well, you know the rest.


No, no, no, no, no.

He's got full control of the ship.

Captain, we're losing control
of our ship's security system.

Get the force fields back, now.


Data, I know you're in there,

and I know you can hear me.



g*dd*mn it, Lore, let her go!


Jack, quick, what should I do?

- Jack!
- JACK: Turn around.



Open the door.

Data, please.

JACK: Back. Right.



I am here, Geordi.

I will try.

Accessing field regulators now.

What... What was...

[PANTING] I-I felt...

What... Was that you in my head?


It's me. Jack.


You have to trust me.


We have to go.



BEVERLY: Vadic said her people

were subjects of Project Proteus.

Reference that against
the Daystrom manifest

and here, here it is.

The formula they were exposed
to contained Thelomium- .

A stabilizing agent with
a hundred-year half-life.

That means, in theory...

Each of them should
contain trace amounts.

We can track them.

Picard to Shaw. Vadic and her men

are proceeding across Deck Nine.

- Don't let them reach the bridge access lift.
- On it. Engaging fire.


SHAW: Blow the turbolift!

ESMAR: Lift Deck Nine.

Lift Deck Eight. If
they take the bridge...

They're not taking the bridge.

- They're here.
- Weapons ready.

Open a channel, would you?


I should like to address my ship.




crew of the Titan.

You've proven yourselves
worthy, I suppose.

Not without guile.

But what defense is formidable
against the formless?

I warned you

it would end this way.

You could have spared yourselves then

where you are now.

I did this

not out of cruelty,

but mercy.


To be mutable,


means knowing what the river knows:

that there are many ways

to the same sea.

So here we are,

where we were always going...

... to bring

Jack Crusher

where he most belongs.

I am Vadic.

Captain of the USS Titan.

And, Jack, my dear,

if you can hear me,

it's time you learned who you truly are.