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01x03 - Manhunt

Posted: 07/10/13 16:42
by bunniefuu
JULIA: Chester's Mill is a place like any other.

At least, it used to be, until we were cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome.

(cows mooing)

(cow moans)

Invisible, indestructible, inescapable.

We're trapped.

We don't know where it came from or why it's here, but now that we're all trapped under the dome together, none of our secrets are safe.

(shouts, grunts)

Thanks again for letting me crash here.

My husband isn't here, but he'll turn up. You'll see, Barbie.



That thing is never going to go away.

(g*nshots, b*ll*ts ricocheting)

Oh, no. No.

The pink stars are falling in lines.

(indistinct chatter)

Ride that dome!


Whoa, Benny. Dome ride was sick, bro.

PAUL (over video): It's not gonna be okay!


This thing is never gonna go away, and we're all gonna die!

(g*nshots on phone)

Dude. You're watching that video again?

I still can't believe it.

DAN: You weren't kidding about that Barbie guy.

He took that cop's ass down.

I wonder if Barbie's, like, black ops.

Oh, my God, your phone still works?

So jealous.

Yeah, the camera and the apps.

Just... no texting or calls.

I miss texting.

It's been, like, a day and a half.


Don't be judge-y.

Dude. Show 'em.

It's never gonna go away, and we're all gonna die!

LINDA: Paul, don't!


GIRL: The b*llet just bounced off the dome.

Did Paul mean to sh**t Freddy?

I don't know.

He was acting pretty crazy.

I wonder what they'll do with him.

Cop k*ller's as bad as it gets.

Especially a cop that kills another cop.

You in a hurry or something?

I want to get to the police station before they walk Randolph in.

What, you don't like my driving?


Not that at all. Just, uh...

Nothing wrong with using a little caution.

I don't do caution.

I noticed.

You're a real... run-towards-the-fire kind of girl, aren't you?

I'm a journalist.

I've got to find out all I can about this dome so me, you and everyone in this town can get out as soon as possible.

I've got a husband out there I'd kind of like to see again.

(brakes squeak)

MAN: There he is.

Deputy Esquivel. That was a pretty daring thing you did, pulling Reverend Coggins out of the fire.

MAN: k*ller!

Just doing my job.

So, what, with the entire fire department and half the police force stuck outside the dome and now two officers dead...

What's your question?

Can you handle this alone until we find a way to get out?

We'll be fine, Mrs. Shumway.

Long as we all look out for each other.



Let's get him!


Any more of that, and I'll haul your ass in!

PAUL: Hey, it was the dome that did it to Freddy!

It's gonna k*ll more before it's done!

Take him inside. I can control this.

Oh, so you're in charge now?


I'm asking you all to let the law do its job.

The law did its job already-- k*lled an innocent man.

No, no, no.

That was a tragic accident.

As the town's only remaining councilman, I will not countenance any kind of frontier justice.

Now, you go home, clasp hands and pray for Freddy Denton's poor soul.

Go on.

BEN: Too bad we can't upload that video to YouTube.

GIRL: Excuse me.

Where can a girl charge up in this town?


I have a generator at my...

Your house?

BEN: We saw you at the fire.

Uh, how'd you end up here?

I just followed some kids.

Heard 'em talking about a bonfire.

No, I meant, how...

I knew what you meant.

I was on my way someplace and...

Wrong place at the wrong time, I guess.

I'm not usually a mooch, but without my music, I can get a little, you know, super bitchy.

Can I refuel at your place?

Sure. There's no one home except me...


I actually need a place to crash, too.

If that's okay, I mean.


Well, I mean, I saw you with two ladies.

I thought you were with them.

Never seen 'em before.

So... cool to crash?

PAUL: I'm sorry.

Freddy, he was my partner, and he was my friend, but he wouldn't be dead if it weren't for this dome.

You're gonna have to tell Rusty.

He'll understand.

Like hell he will! He's Freddy's brother!

What did we do to deserve this?


Are you okay?



I warned you, Linda.

I warned you what would happen.

This is all a misunderstanding, Paul.

No, it's not.

It's the dome.

It's making everyone crazy, and it's going to k*ll us all.

If the town doesn't k*ll me first.



(refrigerator humming)


Where were you yesterday, Junior?


(refrigerator door opens)

Whole town pulls together to put out a fire. But you?

"Nowhere" to be found.


Shut your mouth.


People are looking to me.

To lead.

To stand up, like a man does.

It reflects poorly when my son is AWOL.

This situation, it's an opportunity.

All your life, I've provided you with advantages.

Opening doors.

Like with the football team.

Dad, I never wanted to play...

Point is you only get so many chances in life.

Do not squander them.

What happened to your face?


No, what...

Who did this to your face?

This guy.

His name's Barbie, I think.

He's totally insane.

Nine years it's been since your mother died.

And still it's like you're hiding behind her skirt.

Best toughen up now, Junior.

Don't you let me down.

(door shuts)

PHIL (over radio): Your dial's set to WYBS, the only-- and I literal mean the only-- source of news here in Chester's Mill.

Couple of shout-outs: first, to everyone who grabbed a bucket yesterday and joined the volunteer brigade.

Way to stay civic-minded, people.

And big ups to the lovely Linda Esquivel (click, keys jangling) for her daring rescue of Reverend Coggins.

(door creaks)

(door shuts)

I made you some eggs.

Figured you could use some protein. (chuckles)

I get it.

You're angry, but... it's the dome that's making you act like this.

Nothing's making me act like this.

It's you locking me down here for two days.

Everything is gonna go back to the way it was before.

You'll see, Ange.

Soon as we get out from under this thing.

Has anyone tried going under it?

People took shovels and tried digging...


I mean... way under it.

Like through the cement factory tunnels.

They closed those off... after the flood when those kids died down there.

It's dangerous.

You and I still went down there all the time.

Walked through the tunnels till we came across the town line into Westlake, hitchhiked back.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe... things would be different if you could find a way out.

Maybe we could... start over.

I'll be back later.

Rise and shine, Reverend.


The hell were you thinking?

I told you to find the evidence and destroy it, not torch a dead man's house.

I did what you told me.

Found the bills of sales of propane, set 'em on fire-- all the evidence destroyed, just like you asked.

Listen up, Lester.

Now the only files left that can implicate us in this drug business... are right here.

So we have to trust each other on the security of those.

Scoot on back to the mortuary and take care of Freddy Denton's corpse.

JULIA: So, what are the odds that you, just passing through, happen to be here on the day that an unprecedented, possibly supernatural event occurred?

God, I swear, you ask more questions than anybody I've ever met.

Well, you know you're pretty good at evading them.

And asking questions is my job.

That's just your way of keeping people from asking you anything.

All right.

Your turn.

How does someone as ambitious as you end up here in Chester's Mill?

My husband grew up here.

And, uh... circumstances shifted, and it just made sense for us, you know, to... come here and start over.

That's our DJ, Phil.

You want to meet him?

Uh, no.

I'll let you guys get to... work.

I'm gonna get a bite to eat at the diner.

BIG JIM: Linda? Where are you?

Jim! Jim!

Jim, I'm down here!

The keys.

Where's Paul Randolph?

He escaped.

Linda? I'd hoped you were ready for the responsibility of running this department...

Jim, with all due respect, I don't need a lecture.

Take a pause. We have a disturbed fugitive on the loose. As councilman, it is my job to organize a search party.

Then go do it.

But I'm not gonna wait for someone else to get hurt.

Damn it, Paul. He took a r*fle.

Where you going?

Black Ridge Woods. He likes to hunt there.

Listen to me. It's too risky.

Jim, I know you like to control things, but you do not control me.

Why worry? I bet they got government scientists tapping on that thing, trying to figure out how to talk with us in here.

Maybe they'll figure out how to get us more bacon.

Bacon's the least of our worries, Roger.

Any sign of your daughter?

Not since last night.

Alice is out looking for her.

I can't help but think that it's just another one of those seizures and Norrie's laying unconscious on the side of a road somewhere.

Oh, now, I'm sure she's fine.

Excuse me, sir. You... wouldn't, by any chance, have seen my daughter?

Your daughter? How's that work?

My partner and I are a same-sex couple with a child.

Welcome to the 21st century.

What are you doing here in Chester's Mill anyway?

We got stuck here on our way to drop Norrie, our daughter-- our legitimate daughter-- off to a nearby private school.

Oh. The girl's reformatory, you mean.

Think they can pray the gay out of her?

Why don't you come with me, honey?

Let's get you a cup of coffee.

Authorities outside still don't know the composition or the origin of the dome.

Presumably they'll keep at it until they get some answers.

(click, song plays)

I like this symbiotic thing we got going on, man.

Key to a civilized society is a well-informed public.

Oh, that and indoor plumbing.

Oh. I forgot about indoor plumbing.

Fingers crossed that holds out.


Where's Junior off to in such a hurry?

I don't know.

It's the councilman's kid, though.

If anyone's got the inside scoop, it's him.


Where you headed?

Just... going for a hike.

What's with the helmet? I don't have to answer your questions.

It's a free country.

Thank you.

Do you mind?

Hey. It's your joint.

All mine, it seems.

Had a girl, Angie, working the lunch counter, but I haven't seen her since Dome Day.

So, how's it been staying over at Julia's?

Nice and comfy?

(bell jingles)

Small town, kiddo.

It's only gonna get smaller.

BIG JIM: All right, listen up, people.

I got an announcement to make.

Former Deputy Paul Randolph has escaped police custody.

Just as a precaution, I'm gonna ask you all to stay in your homes until this situation is resolved.

I'm also putting together a search party, and I'm asking if any able-bodied men are keen to join up.

Right here, Big Jim.

Count me in, too.

All right.

Roger, Ollie, thank you much.

(quietly): Now, listen, boys, he's already assaulted two other people, and he's stolen a mass of provisions from Casper's Department Store.

Now, he's on the run, but there's only so many places he can hide.

He took a r*fle from the police station, so bring your firearms.

I don't believe we've been, uh, formally introduced.

I'm, uh, Jim Rennie.

People around here call me Big Jim.



Well, that's kind of a funny name for a fellow with your particular expertise.

I saw you take that g*n off Randolph yesterday.

What are you, a bounty hunter or something? (chuckles)

Ah, just kidding, of course.

This Paul Randolph's no fish in a barrel. He was a... a Marine, served two tours in Iraq.


Yeah. Won a Silver Star.



Barbie, you in or out?

This is Phil Bushey with an update concerning the ongoing manhunt in town.

Former Deputy Paul Randolph's squad car has been spotted off the road at Black Ridge Woods.

All Chester's Millers are under an advisory to stay home until the situation is resolved.

Looks like he abandoned it.

Fellas, I got something over here.

Come on. This way.

Hey. Hold on.

This guy's got military training, right?

That's a dummy trail-- he'd never do anything that obvious.

Look at this.

These branches here, they're all broken.

Right there.

Our man came right through here.

See, I knew you'd be useful.

(wood cracking, creaking)

(water dripping)

(music playing in background)

Do you always eat standing up?

Animals eat standing up.

Good point, Joe.

These are really good. They're, like, better than those Amy's Breakfast Scramble Wraps my moms buy at Whole Foods.

Your moms?

Yeah, my moms, my pops, you know, like they say.

Where are your parents?

Outside. My dad drives a rig, so... he's gone a lot, and... my mom was in Westlake, the next town over, when... you know.

What about yours?

I was on my way to visit my dad and... you know.

He's a musician.

But driving a rig's pretty cool, too.

Guess we're both unsupervised, huh?
BEN: Hey, Joe-Joe!

(knock at door)

These two lovely ladies were hoping to take advantage of your sweet, sweet homemade electricity.

My family doesn't have a gennie.

Mine, neither. And the music they play on WYBS is, like, totally schizo.

Did you invite anyone else?

Uh, I might have mentioned the generator to a few people.

What about the whole advisories-to-stay-inside thing?

Dude, it's the apocalypse. Advisories don't apply.



Please tell me you hit that.


Uncool, bro. Leave a brother hanging.

BIG JIM: Just like Butch and Sundance, huh?

BARBIE: Are we the good guys or the bad guys?

You're military, aren't you?

The way you disarmed Randolph and the... the whole dummy trail business?

No, I was just a grunt.

But you were over there, weren't you?

You ever been to w*r?


Never had the privilege.


PAUL: Hey!

Next time, I'll aim higher!

I'm warning you guys, you better leave me alone!

I don't want to hurt anyone else!

(Roger groaning)

Ollie, take Roger back to town before that lunatic takes another pop at us.

You and me, we're finishing this thing.

What is your objective here, huh?

Is it to bring him in, or are we trying to take him out?

I don't see it makes a difference to a guy like you, does it?

What, to a guy like me?

We're losing the light. Let's move it.

JUNIOR. I found a way out.



(Junior gasps)

You shouldn't have followed me.

Why did you come down here?

I was just hoping you'd find a way out.

Sorry to let you down.

I hate this thing.

(deep whirring)

I... hate you.


(yelling continues)



Junior... are you okay?

No. These... these tunnels are dangerous.

They're like a maze.

How can you even find your way out of the dark?

And they're even more dangerous with this thing cutting into it.

What if it collapses on us?

People die in here.

I did a story once on coal miners, guys trapped underground.

You see the way the flame flickers?

You know which way the air flows, you follow it home.

Let's go home.

(squeals, snorts)

BEN: Dude, you're not gonna believe this.

The guys got The Simpsons Movie going on a loop.

They totally saw the dome coming.

When can I ask people to leave?

Scarecrow Joe.

Nice house party, bro.

Carter. Used to go out with your sister.

Well, stayed in more than we went out, if you know what I mean.

Thanks for inviting us in, little man.

We'll just make ourselves at home.

Think about it.

You have a house to yourself.

You could become the most popular guy in town.

Maybe even get a girlfriend out of it.

She digs you.

I've got an instinct about these things.

Just don't tell her about that funky seizure you had.

Don't want her to think you're a spaz.

Total spaz move.

Let's work on that, dude.

Can you remember which way we came?

I don't have a lot of matches left.

Who cares?

We're trapped down here, we're trapped out there.

What's the difference?


I just wanted to do something good today.

A man stands up.

A man doesn't screw up.

We all screw up.

We make bad choices.

Tell that to my father.

You want to know how I ended up in Chester's Mill?

I was covering the mayor's race in Chicago.

The guy in the lead was a real machine politician.

I really wanted to take him down.

About a week before the election, one of my sources sent me some documents that showed bribery.

I thought the leaked docs might be forged, but I went ahead with the story anyway.

And it blew up in my face.

The truth about my little lie surfaced, the guy got reelected, and I was fired and disgraced.

And now I'm here.

So I know from screw-ups.

Tell you one thing, though.

I will never make that mistake again.

We just keep moving forward.

CARTER: Who needs some juice?

Whoa, hold up, freshie.

Five bucks for five minutes.

Should I do something about this?

Yeah, and get your face Picasso-ed by a guy who's got 25 pounds on you?

He doesn't run our electricity.

Did you ever take American History?

Uh, yeah.

So you know about the Sherman Antitrust Act?

I don't know. Maybe.

Maybe not. 'Cause if you had, you'd know that what you're doing is illegal.

Monopolies are illegal.

Monopoly's not illegal.

We have the board game at my house. (chuckles)

Well, then maybe you should go back to your house.

Play by yourself.

(Carter chuckles)

I think I'd rather play with you, red.

Why don't we take this upstairs?

I think you should leave.

Oh, I am leaving, little man.

I'm going up to your sister's room.

I don't think she'd mind.

I've been there before.

No. I want you to leave my house.

Move. Now.

Or this gets ugly fast.

(people groaning)

GIRL: The generator blew.

This ain't even close to over, Scarecrow.

JUNIOR: How many matches do we have left?


There's a reason for all this: the dome, all those people who died.

This all happened when that Barbie guy showed up.

Sometimes, when we don't understand the answer to a thing, we look for someone to blame.

Oh, I understand.

I understand he att*cked me out of the blue.

See this?

You know how I got that?

Good old Barbie.

People think he's this hero, but he's a psychopath.

Barbie just att*cked you for no reason?

That's right.

You don't know this guy.

I mean, what's he really doing here?

Has he been here before?

He has to answer some questions.

What do we do now?

(Julia exhales sharply)

(door creaks)

Come on.

I'll give you a ride home.

BARBIE: I think we ought to call it a day here and get a fresh start tomorrow.

Why's that? So we can give Randolph a chance to get away?

Come on, man. We're sealed in here.

Where the hell's he gonna go?

I told you we're finishing this.

Why is that?

So you can show the town what a big man Big Jim is?

You ever play football, Barbie?

No. I was never much of a team sports kind of guy.


I played cornerback.

A lot of smaller guys play 'cause it requires speed and agility.

Back in school, we had this all-state wideout, a real, uh... a real showboater, you know?

He called me "Big Jim," uh, but as a joke, you know?

Laughing at me.

And one day we, um... we had to scrimmage, and he was taunting me, you know?

"Come on, Big Jim," you know?

"You can't touch me, Big Jim," you know?


I put the mother of all hits on this punk.

I mean, helmet first, went in low, completely shattered his pelvis.

Guess what.

Big Jim wasn't a joke no more.

What does that tell you?

I don't know.

Tells me that being on your team could be hazardous to my health.

Sometimes an example needs to be made, you know?

Command respect.

An eye for an eye.

(twigs snap)


(g*n cocks)

(g*n cocks)

I'll k*ll him... just like he was gonna k*ll me.

Nobody wants to k*ll anybody here. He said it himself.

An eye for an eye, right?

Make an example out of me.

Drop your w*apon now.

I said drop your w*apon now...


(body thuds)

(door opens)


BIG JIM: Evening to you, Lester.

I'm sorry to say we brought you another customer.

COGGINS: I'm not finished with Deputy Denton yet.

Patching a wound takes time.

Paul Randolph needs your help, too.

The Lord never gives us more than we can handle, Rev.

(door opens)

You clean?

Absolutely, Jim.

Any red you see in my eyes, that's overwork, nothing else.

Let's keep it that way.

Hey, would you mind waiting at the car?

I need to talk to Linda.

Yeah. Sure.

I'm sorry.

For questioning your dedication or if, in any way, I insinuated that... you weren't capable of filling Duke's shoes.

He'd be proud of you, you know.

Fact, I bet he's up there right now, eating roast beef and mashed potatoes with the Big Guy, looking down on you and smiling.

We're gonna do big things, you and I.

First, we got to get you some deputies.

There's a new sheriff in town.

And her name is Linda Esquivel.

Um, so...

I was wondering if maybe we could... keep what happened today between us.

You know, we all have secrets, Junior.


You can call me James.

I never did like being called Junior anyways.

I'm guessing you're a scotch guy.

You don't miss much, do you?

Straight up, of course.

(car doors open)

Uh, maybe we should do this another time.

(door opens)

It's a small town, son.

(door shuts)

And we all support the team.

What was that about?

Long story.


What kind of trouble you been getting into?

No trouble.

I went down into the cement works and tried to find a way out.

Failed, huh?


The dome cuts straight through.

Well, of course it does.

You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?

What were you doing with that Barbie guy?

That's none of your business.

I'll make it my business.

Not unless I tell you to.

Don't you worry your head over Barbie.

Let the grown-ups do their job.

(glass clinks on bar)

Drink your milk, now, Junior.

What are you doing?

I don't know.

Um, maybe I can fix it.


That thing blew up like the Death Star.

Yeah, but the Empire rebuilt the Death Star in The Return of the Jedi.

It was almost fully operational.

I like nerds.

CAROLYN: Norrie?

(door opens)
Oh, God.

Norrie, are you here...?


Carolyn, how did you find me?

Something goes boom in a small town, parents tend to know.

Let's go.

Wh-Who is this lady?

She's one of my moms.

One of your...

Okay, I guess there's just some things I didn't want you to know about me.

But, hey... thanks for almost getting beat up for me.

That was... kind of chivalrous.

(low humming)

Oh, my God. Norrie? What happened?

JOE and NORRIE: The pink stars are falling.

CAROLYN: Norrie!

The pink stars are falling in lines.


JOE and NORRIE: The pink stars are falling in lines.


The pink stars are falling.


The pink stars are falling.

CAROLYN: Get help! The pink stars are falling.


The pink stars are...

(lock sliding, door clicking)

(door creaking)


Did you make it under?

Uh-uh. Uh...

There's no way out.

I made sure of it.

What happened to your hands?


I beat on that thing.

Stood up and beat on it until the lights went out, Angie.


'Cause I love you.

So, that comment that you made about me running into the fire was aggravatingly hypocritical.


No, especially considering the adventure you went on today with Big Jim.

Yeah, but there's a difference between me and you.

How so?

I take off after the fire's out.

I mean, at least, when there's somewhere to take off to.

You bruised your knuckles.


I bruised my knuckles.

And you really were just passing through Chester's Mill?

No connection to anyone here in town?


Good night, Julia.

(door opens and closes)

(water running)