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02x12 - Space Bots

Posted: 03/31/23 09:11
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing ) Hold the elevator? What? Hello, everyone, I'm huxley prescott.

And this is a space elevator, Designed to ride a cable up beyond the stratosphere.

A cable that happens to be A laser beam.

Top floor, please.

Let's go to our man in the field For a look at the real thing.

Ladies and gentlemen, the asgard.

Man: T-minus 20 minutes and counting.

With preeminent scientist professor baranova Ensconced in mission control, The launch appears to be right on schedule.

Baranova: Excuse me, has anyone seen our crew? Frankie? Looking forward to that yummy lunch.

Daddy, I said it's launch time, not lunch time.

You're late oh! Oh, my.

No sandwich then? Graham: My legs don't want to move.

But aren't you excited? Sure.

In a terrified sort of way.

Come on, it's not that big a deal.

We've spent tons of time up in space.

Of course, we were in stasis pods Unaware of the many dangers directly outside the hull.

Good news is, once you're at zero gravity, You can't plummet back down to earth.

( graham groans ) Graham, the asgard is just an elevator.

You go up, then down.

I get sick riding teeter-totters.

Let's get a move on, son.

Okay, I'm ready.

Someone want to give me a push? Man 1: T-minus one minute and counting.

Verify asgard critical commands.

Go for auto sequence.

And Prepare the laser cable.

Man 2: Airlock sealed.

Initiating laser array purge.

Harnessed energy diodes are stable.

We are making history, folks.

And I am giving you a front row seat.

Man 3: Go for main engine start.

No, no, too close.

Stop! Power off! Man 1: T-minus 20 seconds and counting.

Woman: We've lost parallel signal.

Reciprocal readings at zero.

( crowd gasps ) ( alarm beeping ) Man: a 0.

3 phase variance, Then transfer to internal reactants.


Can't abort.

The camera's causing the laser to overload.

If the array blows, It'll destroy the asgard.

Man 1: Ten.




a routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places earth was their home now and in addition optimus prime gave them this mission ! learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise rescue bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots with cody to guide them and show them the way rescue bots will be saving the day rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots Man 1: Ten.

Nine Woman: Not responding.

We are in full system lockdown.

( alarm blaring ) Female voice: Airlock doors cannot be opened during launch sequence.

We're trapped! Back to our seats! Buckle up tight.

Rescue bots! ( dramatic theme playing ) ( all grunting ) I'll get that camera out.

Now! Man 2: Laser traction at 98 percent.

Zero-grav and oxygen generator sequencing is active.

( dramatic theme playing ) Woman: Friction modules are stable.

Ascent speed is strong.

Vectors holding.

( screams ) Are they all right? Checking.

( beeping ) There's no damage to the ship.

Well, what about the harnessed energy integrity of the laser? It's stable.

Frankie, if I see any problems, I promise I'll bring the asgard right down.


Keep us posted, professor.

Come on, frankie.

We put a telescope on the firehouse roof.

( dramatic theme playing ) I can't shake the feeling that I've forgotten something.

Hmm, I hope it's not important.

You "hope"? How are you feeling, graham? Uh, like blades when dani's piloting.

Well, don't worry.

I suspect that the higher we go, the better you'll-- ( alarm buzzing ) hull breach warning! No, no, no, it's only the artificial gravity kicking in.

But that felt like we're losing traction with the laser.

Just slight turbulence as we pass into the mesosphere.

We'll be there soon, graham.

Then the fun begins.

A whole week of tests and research.

A week.


( dramatic theme playing ) ( loud thud ) Uhh! What was that? Cable termination lock.

We're here.

( mysterious theme playing ) It's--it's so I've never Wow.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Difficult to believe that we're still connected To griffin rock That's over 739,000 sandwiches stacked end to end.

( gags ) Now I remember what I forgot.

Airsick bags.

( graham heaving ) But I suppose my lunch bag will work just as well.

( dramatic theme playing ) Boulder: I should've gone with graham and doc.

Who's going to protect them if something else goes wrong? Shh.

Frankie's worried enough as it is.

Boulder's right, what were we thinking? Civilians shouldn't be messing around up there.

But the whole idea of the asgard Is to give scientists easy access to space.

In any event, adding a rescue bot to the mission Would not have guaranteed the crew's protection.

Why do you say that? We've kinda sorta never actually Performed a space rescue before.

Really? We trained for shipboard rescues, But never had the chance to do one.

Blades: Which is good.

I kinda sorta flunked that part of the training.

Frankie: Oh! I see it! Look! The asgard! Man, I wish I was up there.

What's that? Meteor.

Big one, too.

Daddy's been tracking that meteor for weeks.

It's not on course to go anywhere near the asgard.

It's headed for something.

Zoom in on that, frankie.

That appears to be a cluster of asteroids.

Is that bad? Um, not necessarily.

( dramatic theme playing ) Doc greene: Let's see.

The greenhouse pod checks out.

Laboratory pod, Storage And living quarters.

Everything is stable.

And that means We did it! Oh! Phase one is thankfully over.

( stomach gurgles ) Before we begin phase two, let's go raid the kitchen.

Somehow I missed lunch.

Oh, what do you know? I'm kind of getting an appetite myself.

( alarm beeping ) Oh, I--I know this one.

A little ice forming on the hull, right? No.

Imminent impact alarm! ( dramatic theme playing ) ( dramatic theme playing ) ( both grunting ) Dad! They've lost the starboard pod, But the asgard's interior pressure remains stable.

We're retracting the laser cable now.

Have you reached them? No.

Their com signals are down.

Professor, how long will it take before they land? At least 30 minutes.

( alarm buzzing ) Now what? Debris from the severed pod is coming down over the island.

Cody, you and frankie get to the command center.

Direct us to where that debris is falling.

Okay, dad.

We're on it! ( suspenseful theme playing ) Computer, calculate points of impact.

( frankie gasps ) Looks like five of the pieces are going to hit the island.

But with only four rescue bots.

Dad, chase, get to chaucer street and willow.

Chief: On our way.

Cody: Kade, heatwave, the marina! Kade: Got it.

Cody: Boulder, the zoo! Boulder: Sure thing, cody.

Cody: Dani, blades, Two chunks of debris are headed for the drive-in.

Blades: Two? How are we-- dani: We'll handle it.

( siren blaring ) Power up, and energize! ( suspenseful theme playing ) You have just been foamed.

( boulder grunts ) ( grunts ) I know you'd thank me if you could.

( suspenseful theme playing ) Whoa, what are you doing? Are you trying to catch that thing? Nah, but you might wanna hang on.

( heatwave grunts ) You are safe now.

Okay, next time, We get a foam cannon.

( suspenseful theme playing ) Are you sure this is going to work? Of course not.

Blades: Oh! Dani: Spin! Hard! I didn't know this movie was in 3-d.

It's fantastic! If I had a highlight reel, that would definitely be on it.

With a slo-mo replay.

( triumphant theme playing ) They did it! Whoo! Yes! We're all clear.

Good job.

Thanks, everyone.

Now let's get to the launch pad And welcome home our weary travelers.

Man: The laser will retract in ten seconds.










Where are they? The asteroids must have knocked the asgard Off the laser cable.

But that means Daddy? This is mission control to the asgard, do you read? I repeat, mission control to the asgard.

But you're the space agency! Are you telling me you don't have a ship available? Five days? ( dramatic theme playing ) Frankie: Can the space agency-- Somebody has to have a ship.

What'd they say? I'll even fly their ship myself.

Looks like we're on our own.

Rescue bots? Understood.

( hissing ) We're still leaking oxygen.


I've shut it down, But the oxygen generator is damaged.

How much air do we have left? About 30 minutes.

Should we take turns breathing? ( dramatic theme playing ) Frankie: Whoa, I never knew this was here.

( hands clap ) ( machines powering up ) Whoa! Or that.

It's the sigma, the ship the bots came to earth in.

Boulder, chase, you're copilots.

Blades, navigation.

We launch in five.

Perhaps we can build an air scrubber To absorb carbon dioxide, and replenish the o2.

No, there's-- there's just no time, doc.

Then we need to buy time Until rescue efforts can reach us.

You're right.

I'm thinking like a victim.

I'm a rescuer.

You want an air scrubber, doc? We have over 800 of them in the greenhouse pod.

The plants! Of course! The photosynthetic process Provides the greenhouse with plenty of oxygen.

Sometimes I just don't see the forest for the trees.

( dramatic theme playing ) Ah.

We'll be fine in here until help comes.

Let's look for fruit trees.

I missed lunch and dinner.

( cracking ) Preflight diagnostics complete.

Course laid in.

All systems green for launch.

Rescue bots, rocket to the rescue! ( dramatic theme playing ) Ah, don't you wish we were on board, cody? Cody? Uh, did we just launch? Cody? Why are you here and not down there? Did you stow away? If so, I am disheartened.

I didn't do it on purpose.

I was just bringing you a first aid kit For doc and graham, and then Whoosh! Now I'm an astronaut.

And now I'm your space suit.

Climb in, no time to go back.

Still cool.

I'll alert the chief.

( glass cracking ) ( dramatic theme playing ) Graham? Is there any oxygen left in the other pods? None.

( suspenseful theme playing ) That dome has a crack in it! And it appears to be spreading.

They may only have minutes left.

Boulder, move us closer.

I'll go get 'em.

Cody: Noble! Cody! Forgot about you.

No way am I gonna-- I'll be fine.

We have to hurry! Then buckle up.

Looks like you're going on a space walk.

Uhh! Unh! Tether line's jammed! Cody: You'll have to make the jump without it.

You can do it.

Just go! ( suspenseful theme playing ) ( metal creaking ) ( cracking ) ( door beeps ) ( dramatic theme playing ) Get in! Hey, guys.

( gasps ) ( suspenseful theme playing ) ( grunting ) Blades: Now what? We did not train for this.

At least I didn't.

I may have missed that day.

We're adrift.

I don't have any propulsion.

Wait a minute.

Sure you do.

Look, here they come! ( dramatic theme playing ) Daddy! Hello, my little homing beacon.

Welcome back, son.

Thanks, dad.

You had us worried.

Not gonna make this a habit or nothing, ButGive me a hug.

It's okay, you don't have to-- urk! Okay.

And as for you, my accidental astronaut Sorry, dad.

Heatwave kept me safe.

( whoops and cheers ) ( all clapping ) Oh, what about professor baranova? How will we explain All this? Just tell her you came home the old-fashioned way.

Splash down.

That's our story, and we're sticking to it.

Kinda nice flying the old bird again, wasn't it? Perhaps we'll get the opportunity To use her again someday.

Maybe, but nothing beats rolling to the rescue On good old terra firma.

Earth? Home.

( dramatic theme playing )