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02x11 - What Rises Above

Posted: 03/31/23 09:11
by bunniefuu
Doc, I hope you get this.

Remember how my Uncle Woodrow wanted to search for aliens.

At the center of the Earth? Well Things didn't exactly go as planned.

We got trapped underground.

And when my family, the bots, and even Optimus Prime, came to rescue us The cavern collapsed, and everyone got separated.

Now dad, Uncle Woodrow, chase, and I are stuck down here.

And separated from the others.

If you get this message, Doc, please send help.

Fast! Aw, come on.

I set your GPS coordinates for Doc Greene's lab, now get going! Sorry, son.

It was a good idea, but satellite tech won't work.

This deep underground.

Comlinks either.

Well, we'll just have to find the rest of the family.

Using only our wits and courage.

It's an adventure! It's irresponsible.

Which is why I was against.

This subterranean joyride to begin with.

You know, Charlie, you'll never learn anything.

If you don't leave the island once in awhile.

I don't need to get burned to know that fire is hot.

Speaking of which, Sir, I seem to have but apparently I need to tunnel underground to discover.

My brother is living with aliens! Ahem.

Chief? I am sorry to say Discover? I told you! Yeah, took you long enough.

Dad, look! Moldy guacamole! Actually, I believe it is lava.

And it's blocking our only way out.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise rescue bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way rescue bots will be saving the day rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots We must've tapped into one of mount magma's tunnels.

Chase, vehicle mode.

Woody, Cody, inside.

Are you aliens lava proof? Unfortunately, no.

However, all rescue bots are trained.

For emergency evacuation procedure.

He means tighten your seat belt.

Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! You aliens are the cat's pajamas! I was unaware Mr.

Pettypaws had sleeping attire.

It's an expression, chase.

Uncle Woodrow's impressed.

Let's save the congratulations until we're out of danger.

And we've located the others.

Aw, Charlie.

Can't you ever just enjoy the moment? Not when I'm trying to keep my family safe.

Chase? Can you jump it? Negative.

And this may be an opportune time.

To mention that motion sickness bags.

May be found in my center console.

Power up and energize.

Sorry, Uncle Woodrow.

Riding in bots takes some getting used to.

Was that maneuver worthy of feline night clothing? Absolutely, chase.

I just hope we haven't strayed too far away.

From the rest of the team.

How far down do you think that goes? I have no desire to find out.

Heatwave? I have been impressed with your accomplishments.

On Griffin rock.

Thank you, Sir.

My team has learned a lot.

Working with our human partners.

Are you still interested in joining my ranks.

On the mainland? We would be honored.

I need to ask the other bots first, but I am only inviting you.


With all due respect, Sir, you asked me to lead my team.

If I leave them behind, I'm not only failing them, but you as well.

That is what I hoped you would say.

Leadership requires placing other's needs.

In front of your own ambitions.

I am pleased you have learned that, Heatwave.

Uh thanks.

I think.

It appears you have set some form of machinery in motion.

A volcano? Ah, this shaft must be part of mount magma.

The humans made it.

Don't ask me why.

Likely the same logic that went into the pogo stick.



This lever must have opened the top of the volcano.

We can climb out of it! Now all that remains is finding the rest of your team.

And returning with them to this spot.

Which passage should we attempt first? Cody taught me how humans decide.

Eenie, meenie, miney Mo! Try over here, Boulder.


This wall is solid rock too.

I could've told you that by looking at it.

Face it, Graham, we're stuck in here.

Well, if we have to be stuck, at least it's in this place.

With magical glowing walls.

Uh, blades? That's fungus.

Ew! Get it off! Get it off! You know, dad's probably searching.

For the rest of the team by now.

He'll find us.

And Optimus will get us out.

What makes you think they aren't all trapped too? There.

My sonic imaging detects a hollow chamber.

On the other side of this surface.

Good job, Boulder.

Yeah, super helpful.

Except for the solid rock wall in the way! We're engineers.

We make doors.

Ready, Boulder? You might want to cover your ears.

Fire in the shovel! Tickles.



Hmm high saline content.

This is sea water.

But how can it be part of the ocean? We're underground.

Seismic activity changes the landscape over time.

This water must have gotten trapped down here.

Millions of years ago.

That's not the only thing that was trapped.

A pterodactyl! Amazing! Um Fascinating.


So I guess Boulder's sonar doesn't detect dinosaurs.

Technically, that's a flying lizard.

Technically, we're lunch.

It hasn't seen us yet.

Blades, let's do some recon.

I think I see another tunnel across the water.

Um, you want me to get in the air.

When there's a terror-Doctor up there? Pterodactyl.

And we'll fly low.

Almost there, blades.

I have to admit, it does feel nice to stretch my rotors.

Whoa! Blades! Get higher, now! Dani! Blades! Blades! Try bot mode! Yes! Yeah, come on over here! You made it! Dani! Are you okay? We thought Remind me to give this "seaside vacation spot" a bad review.

Unh! Negative five stars.

We need to find a safer cavern.

No, whoa, wait! How do you know they're not even bigger dinosaurs.

Looking for a fight on the other side of that wall? Just just turn off your sonic-doohickey.

Unless you can use it to find dad.

Maybe we can.

If I adjust my sound waves.

To compensate for the rock's frangibility And we use the natural cavern acoustics to boost amplitude Is that what it sounds like to everyone else when we talk? Yeah, with more pop culture references.

So you aliens don't sleep Now, do you eat? Uh, not as humans do.

Well, that answers my next question.

Hold up! I don't want us getting any more lost than we already are.

Chase, you stay with Cody and Woodrow.

I'll take a rope and scout ahead.

I'll help.

It'll go faster if we search two passages at once.


I don't need you running off and playing explorer.

Is this about the time you got lost in the forest? I was rescuing you.

Who said I wanted to be rescued? You did! You called me on the walkie-talkie! Did not.

Did too! Did not! Did too! You're crazy.

I remember it I am confused.

I thought chief had reconciled his differences.

With his brother.

It's like me and Kade.

We don't always agree, but blood is thicker than water.

I was unaware that fluid viscosity was involved.

It just means that deep down, brothers would do anything for each other.

Perhaps you should remind them of that fact.

And don't get me started about the time you stole my stopwatch.

- Borrowed! - Hey! Burns family! You can argue once we're all safe above ground.

But now we need to work together to get there.

You're right, son.

Sorry we got so sidetracked.

Pinky truce? Pinky truce.

I am happy to hear that your blood is thick, Sir.

Whoa! Is that an earthquake? It almost sounds like drumming.

Morse code.

Hurry, it's coming from over here.

It's your transport.

Help me pull it free.

What in the Allspark? Energon.

A deposit of Energon this rich is invaluable.

I only wish we had found it.

Under more positive circumstances.

That sounds like Boulder.

Dad! We're coming down! Woodrow! Be careful! That rock doesn't look very strong.

Unh! It's fine, Charlie.

Don't be such a worry wart.

If due caution defines a wart, I am proud to be one.


You know what they say about curiosity and the cat.

Did it involve pajamas? We agreed to stick together from now on, remember? I know, I'm sorry.

But there's nothing to be afraid of.

Extinction is no excuse for ignoring the law! Chief! Take shelter! The pterodactyl has them pinned down! We have to distract it! Blades, what are you doing? You're hurt.

You can't fly high enough to save them.

I know.

But I can fly high enough.

To get someone who will.

Hey! Big bird! Here, fishy, fishy, fishy! Dad! Where were you guys? Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.

Next time, can we go to Hawaii for our family trip? Blades! That was noble! How'd you know the fish could get the pterodactyl.

To leave us alone? I was inspired by Uncle Woodrow.

Well Ever since he arrived, chief's been so busy fighting with him, they ignore everything else.


Not exactly a compliment.

No, but a fair observation.


Now what? A triceratops? Heatwave! You're okay! I mean, uh hey.

We received your signal.

Is everyone safe? For the time being.

The sooner we can get home, the better.

Then follow us, chief.

We found the way out And a lot more.

Wow! Shiny! Amazing.

Sufficiently impressive.

Incredible! So this is all pure Generon? Energon.

It is the fuel and life blood that flows within us.

Isn't it a little solid for that? This is unrefined Energon.

And in this state, it is highly combustible.

Maybe we'd better keep moving.

Yeah, where's this "way out" you promised us? Hope you like volcanoes.

I don't know.

Even inside the bots, climbing this shaft could take days.

Days? What are we supposed to do about food? Cave dwellers often live on blind grubs.

They're quite nutritious.

Get stuck in your teeth though.

Ew, lovely.

We need fresh water too.

Dani, what about blades? Well, he can't get much height with a damaged rotor.

So so we're we're stuck down here? Sir, we will not allow any harm to come to your family.

There has to be another way to the surface.

Maybe Graham and I can create some sort of catapult device.

It's too bad we can't just blast out of the volcano like lava.

Blast? Yes! A giant bottle rocket! Like we made when we were kids, remember, Charlie? We ignite the Energon, then boom! We ride a platform up like a rocket-powered elevator.

Will that actually work? Theoretically Optimus? I hate to have to ask you to waste so much Energon Chief burns.

Energon is replaceable.

Human lives are not.

First, we'll need to build a platform across this shaft.

Then plant a fuse and seal the other passages.

All right, let's move it, team! Sometimes Uncle Woodrow's pretty amazing, huh, dad? All the time.

But, uh, don't tell him I said that.

Ready, Woodrow? Just like old times, Charlie.

On my signal.

One Two Three! Oh.

Rescue bots Blast off.

I hope someone got that on camera.

Woodrow? Oh, ah The old creaky floorboard.


Gets me every time.

Where are you running off to? I thought you were planning to stay the week.

Go fishing, catch up.

I was, Charlie.

But all we saw aliens, prehistoric creatures, Energon It made me realize.

There's so much out there to explore.

I can't waste any more time here.

Like I am? I didn't say that.

You're an incredible father and a great police chief.

If I could be those things, heh, I would.

But I'm an adventurer.

And you're An adventurer's brother.

Heh, heh, heh.

You be careful, Woodrow.

And the next time you're in Maine, we'll have dinner waiting for you.

Uncle Woodrow? Why didn't he say goodbye, dad? That's Woodrow's way, Cody.

But he's never really gone.

We just keep him in a different spot.

I am pleased with your progress, sigma seventeen.

Continue your mission.

Heatwave? Heatwave, you have grown into a strong leader.

I believe you are ready for greater responsibilities.

Sir? Be prepared when the time comes.