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02x06 - Spellbound

Posted: 03/31/23 09:07
by bunniefuu
[upbeat theme playing]

Cody: All right! Snow day! Are sunlit ice crystals cause for celebration? They are when they mean school's canceled.

This is the perfect opportunity to catch up on your homework! A snow day's more like a surprise vacation, Boulder.

Everyone just stays home and plays in the snow, 'cause it's not really safe to travel.

Chief: Emergency, team.

A rocket-skier is stranded on Mount Griffin.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! Wait! Am I the only one who heard "not really safe to travel"? Or am I just the only one who cares?
[dramatic theme playing]

[skier grunting]

Blades: We shouldn't even be flying in a snowstorm.

I'm losing feeling in my rotors.

Relax, Blades.

I'm keeping close watch on your instruments.

My instruments are down here! Dani: I have a visual on the skier, dad.

- He's - Skier: Aah!

Oh, looks like the skier's unconscious, dad.

We'll need help getting him onto our winch.

Copy that, Dani.

Heatwave? Guess it's time to play in the snow.

[dramatic theme playing]


Blades, what is wrong with you? We've done this a hundred times.

Not on a snow day!
[distant rumbling]



What did you eat for breakfast? Avalanche! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots 2x06 - A Virtual Disaster
[dramatic theme playing]

[Blades screams]

We're going down! Blades! Come back!

[both grunt]

Heatwave: What exactly were you so afraid of? Snow? Do you know what weather like that does to a helicopter? Everything can go wrong! And likely will, according to the law of the human named Murphy.

Blades may have been frightened, but he still accomplished the mission.

Isn't that what matters most? If Blades scares so easily, he doesn't belong on a rescue team.

Chief: It's okay to feel fear, Heatwave.

That's what courage is being scared, but doing the heroic thing anyway.

And I think you've all been courageous today.

The storm has shut down most of Griffin Rock.

Folks are inside, staying safe.

Why don't you enjoy a little downtime? Rest up.

Noble! You get a snow day, too!
[upbeat theme playing]


Sorry, Heatwave.

Go back five spaces.

What? I earned those spaces!

Breaker, breaker.

This is long arm of the law.

Any reports of criminal activity at the harbor? Captain Wild: Nothing since you asked 30 seconds ago, long arm.

Over and out.

Uh, Cody, um, Graham said he might need my help with a project.


: Guess it's just you and me, Blades.

Go fish? Oh, what about those video games you were going to teach me to play? I've already beaten 'em all.

Except The hall of inspiration has a new virtual reality game on display.

Doc was going to let Frankie and me try it out today, but he's stuck on the mainland 'cause of the storm.

I'm sure he won't mind if you and I play.

That room is a game? No, Blades.

It's a VR chamber.

We go inside to operate the game controls.

Come on!
[dramatic theme playing]


Does VR stand for very restrictive? Virtual reality.

We'll be totally immersed in the game.

It'll look and feel real to us, even though it's not.

[dramatic theme playing]


H-hey! We're in Griffin Rock! But what happened to the snow? And the sky? And us? I'm so shiny! And short.

Ha, ha, ha.

This is your avatar "you" in the game world.

Our actual selves are still in the VR rooms.

But this all seems so believable.


Wait! Why can't I transform? Because in the game, you're not "you" you.

- You're virtual you.

- Oh.

Our avatars have special skills.

See? Ha, ha! They're like us, but even cooler! Aah! Welcome to Griffin Rock element quest 1.


I am cat, character assist technology.

I am here to provide you with guidance.

The goal of this game is to find and capture a flag at each of three levels: water, fire, and earth.

When you obtain all three flags, you win.

To end play at any time, simply say "game over.

" Begin.

Cat: Element quest level one: Water.

[upbeat theme playing]

Oh, dolphins! How cute!
[shark snarls]

Not dolphins! Don't worry, Blades.

Nothing can really hurt us here.


You lose.


So if something bad happens in the game, we get a do-over?
[steady beeping]

Incoming! How did you do that? We earned invincibility.

Games can give you temporary powers if you find special objects.

Like that one.

Grab it! Yes! I earned the power of blow drying? Blow drying!

Where are all these barrels coming from? Cody: There.

The boss of the level! The squid is guarding the flag! We need to find his weakness.

There! We did it! He's sushi! Cat: Water level successful.

Continue play? Yes, please! You bet! Ready, Blades? Cat: Element quest level two: Fire.


[dramatic theme playing]

Kade: Lightning too? I can't remember a storm this bad.


The bots should see this.

Cody, are you still in the bunker? Uh, he's with Blades, Dani.

They're playing some game at the hall of inspiration.

[electricity crackling]

Cody! Error.




[dramatic electronic theme playing]

Aah! Cody! Is it just me, or was that fire kind of hot? Not just game hot actually, really hot! And that truly, really, really hurts!
[dramatic theme playing]

[Cody screams]

I thought you said nothing in this game could actually hurt us! It's not supposed to.

Something must be wrong with the program.

[both scream]

[dramatic electronic theme playing]

We quit! Game over! End VR! I'm sorry, Cody.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

But we don't want to play anymore! Override failure 0357.

Reality mode locked.


The VR tech's malfunctioning.

This isn't virtual anymore.

It's real! You mean we're stuck in here? Forever? With that? The only way out for sure is to finish the game.

We have to win!
[both scream]

[both gasp]

Blades: Dragons seem a lot friendlier on public television!
[both grunting]

[upbeat theme playing]

Come on, Blades.

To get to the flag, we'll have to jump! And get barbecued? Uh-uh.

There is no way I'm moving off this hey! Hurry! If we don't jump now, we'll fall off!
[Cody grunts]

[whining moan]

[screams then grunts]

I did it! Yes! Ha-ha! Take that, virtual reality! Cody: Uh, Blades? We have to keep going.

[Blades sighs]


Cody? Blades?
[dramatic theme playing]

Looks like the lightning shorted out some of this tech.

Chief, I have found evidence that Cody and Blades were here.

They probably still are, inside doc's new VR game.

Come on out, son.

I want you two home before this storm gets any worse.

I guess they can't hear us.

There's gotta be some way to open these Sir, if I may?

Chase! Ugh.

Apparently, I may not.

Maybe doc can help us.

Oh, there's no reception in this storm.

Team, we need backup.

What do you know about video games?
[upbeat theme playing]

- Cody: Awesome! - Blades: We made it! Now what? I'm not sure.

The game doesn't just tell you what you need to win.

Figuring it out is the fun part.

I was wondering when the "fun" would start.

Aah! Aah!

Let me go, Blades.

No! If you fall, I fall! It's okay.


Invincibility! Please don't miss!
[both scream]

[upbeat theme playing]

Cat: Fire level complete.

[both sigh]

I'm sorry, dad.

Looks like these VR chambers can't be opened manually while the game is in play.

So we turn it off.

No! That's neural-net technology! Sorry, left my geek dictionary at home.

Boulder: The rooms' circuitry is linked directly into Cody and Blades' minds.

If we shut off the VR tech, we might shut off their brains! You mean Cody and Blades could be trapped in the game forever? Is there nothing you can do, Graham?

: No.

The only way for the rooms to open and for Cody and Blades to return safely is for the game to terminate by itself.

They have to beat it.

Cody knows how to play these things.

But Blades is probably too scared to move! If only we could offer assistance.

Maybe you can.

I might be able to patch someone into the system.

I'll go.

Blades is my responsibility.

They both are.

I'll need a little time to put together a controller.


The snow must be piling up on the electrical lines outside.

[dramatic theme playing]

Graham: If those lines snap the hall loses all power.

What would that do to the game? It's the same as turning it off.

Then we make sure the power stays on.

Graham, let me know as soon as you're ready for me.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! Cat: Element quest level three: Earth.

Come on, Blades.

This way.

Finally, a little peace.

No monsters, no jumping, no Aah! What in the allspark? Ow!
[dramatic theme playing]

I used to like video games, then I took an arrow to the knee Got it.

The trees are all booby-trapped.

We need something to protect ourselves.

Would a giant plate help? That's not a plate, it's a shield! Unh! Come on, Blades.

[upbeat theme playing]

One more flag to go, and we beat the game.

[dramatic theme playing]

As soon as we clear these lines, we can
[wood creaking]

Look out!
[Kade grunts]

Boulder! We're losing power in the hall! No.

[dramatic electronic theme playing]

[theme decreasing in tempo]

[slurred voice]

: Something's wrong.

[slurred voice]

: I can hardly move! System error! System error! All your b-b-base are belong to us! M-m-malfunction! We're losing Cody and Blades! I need that power back up now! Kade.

Out! Unh!
[dramatic theme playing]



[dramatic electronic theme increasing in tempo]

This game has some giant bugs.

There are gonna be bugs too?

Chase: Circuit is complete.


Nice going, Heatwave.

Yaah! You might not want to touch him for a few minutes.

Heatwave! I'm ready to patch you in! It's not pretty, but it should connect you to the game.


I'm ready to play.

[upbeat theme playing]

There! The last flag! Cody: Wait, Blades!
[loud thuds]

whoa! Whoa! Aah! It's probably A trap.

[dramatic electronic theme playing]

[Blades and Cody grunting]

I'm coming!


Heatwave! What are you doing here? I-I thought you needed help.


Blades has been amazing! Good to see you, Heatwave, but aren't you afraid you'll be stuck in this game with us? A-afraid? I'm here to win this thing and get us all out.


This program simulates pain too? Good times.

[upbeat theme playing]


[Cody grunting]

[screeching roar]


[dramatic theme playing]

[screeching roar]

Cody! Unh!
[screeching roar]

Blades! The flag!
[Heatwave grunting]

Game on.


[dramatic electronic theme playing]


[nervous moan]



[triumphant theme playing]

Congratulations, players.

The elemental quest is complete.

The winner is you! Game over.

Cody! Are you okay? Ohh.

I am now.

Virtual reality is even more dangerous than real reality.

So then the monster att*cks.

Claws as big as your head! But Blades here charges right at it! Doesn't even bat an optic! - Weren't you afraid? - Afraid? No.

I was terrified! But Cody needed me.

Is that not the definition of courage? If Blades is scared half as often as he says he is, he might well be the bravest of us all.

There is still one thing I fail to comprehend.

How is it that humans find a snow day enjoyable? You'll understand once we go sledding down breakneck slope.

I'd rather fight another tree.

Does that require a permit? I am not going out there again.

Snow, thank you.

[dramatic theme playing]

rough corr.