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09x24 - The Recluse in the Recliner

Posted: 05/26/14 01:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bones...

She thinks there's another serial k*ller out there.

Because that's what Pelant told her before he died.

BRENNAN: I believe she was a victim of the Ghost k*ller.

I heard that they're staffing a new field office in Germany.

BRENNAN: That's more than a regular promotion, Booth.

That sounds like a big honor.

HODGINS: Trent McNamara was a nasty piece of work, and that's his sister Stephanie.

We have evidence your father paid off the medical examiner to cover up a m*rder.

BRENNAN: Stephanie McNamara was the Ghost k*ller.

The M.E. who signed off on this victim of the Ghost k*ller, her autopsy, it's the same one.

The one Giles McNamara paid off.

So, um, Stark's finally recommended me for that promotion. Of course, I have to be confirmed by the House Subcommittee.

Congratulations, Booth.

SWEETS: Those are the crime scene photos.

I thought these never existed.

Someone was trying to bury them for McNamara.

McNamara must have someone working on the inside.

How did the Deputy Director react when you told him that there might be someone at the FBI who protected McNamara?

He gave me a blank check. Told me to find out who was behind it. Whoever it is let nine people die.

Make him first... There.

Radiology...! One, two, three, four.

Nurse! Multiple g*nsh*t wounds. Pressure 85/40 and falling. Right lung collapsed.

Find Dr. Hinshaw, tell him to get to O.R. 2 stat.

Get me a pneumothorax kit.

MAN: And a lot more blood.

Stay with us, Agent Booth.

Stay with us.

MAN 2: Take him to ICU, Cart 2.

We're doing an infusion now. Put him on a beta-blocker, 4, now!

Seeley Booth. A sh**ting victim.

Where is he?

I don't have a name yet, but if he just came in, they've taken him to the O.R.

Which way is the O.R.? You can't go back there.

No, no! He's my husband! They wouldn't let me ride with him.

Why? Usually they... I don't know.

Hey! You can't... you can't go back there.

Let's bring him in here, guys.

You can't go in there. I-I need to go in there.

I'm a doctor. I... It doesn't matter.

You need to stay in the waiting area or I'm gonna call security.

MAN: One, two, three.

(indistinct chatter)

Sprich mir nach, Booth.


(speaking German)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-- left, right, up, uh, the other place.

(speaking German)

"Splash the Deutsch."
Okay, you know what?

All I really need to know is "where is the bathroom?"

You're going to need to know more than that if you're going to run the Berlin field office. Look... this is not a done deal. I still have to go in front of the congressional panel. Sounds like you don't want the job. No. Look, we got a great life here. I mean, look how beautiful (phone ringing) this home is, all right? Except for the German lessons.


MAN: You don't know me, Agent Booth, but I need to meet you as soon as possible.

Alone. Okay.

Look, this is a secure line. How'd you get this number?

It's about the McNamaras. And the FBI.

Right. Saticoy and Maple. 3:00.

What was that all about? The McNamaras.

The Ghost k*ller? No, we solved the Ghost k*ller.

Something about, uh, an FBI connection.

The guy wants to meet.

Who is it? I don't know. (chuckles)

Nobody but work has that number.

Well, you know what, I still have time to trace it when I get into the office. It'll be fine.

Are you concerned?

Hey. No. Why would I be concerned, huh?

If I get anything, I'll... let you know and I'll give you a call.

Danke schon, right? That means "thank you," not "good-bye."

(door shuts)

The Wireless Tracking Team used Orion to track the call you got.

Who is it?

It's a burner, so, no name, but they got a location.

I'll head over there.

Uh, you won't be the first on the scene, Booth.

'cause the fire department's already there. What?

Yeah, the place burned down. They found a body inside.

So we're too late.

(siren whoops)

Looks like he was smoking, fell asleep, set himself on fire. What, you're calling it an accident?

I'm not calling it anything yet, but the fire department is.

Unless you overrule them.

BOOTH: Oh, wow.

Oh... that's our victim?

HODGINS: Yeah, well, what's left of him.

He exploded.

HODGINS: I mean, I got to say, that is not a good way to lose weight. All right, okay.

Save it for Squint Nite at the Improv, okay, bug boy?

SAROYAN: Wow, the victim is actually fused to the vinyl. We're gonna have to bring all this back to the lab.

Zygomatic process indicates Caucasian.

Do you think this is the man who wanted to meet you?

Well, you know, it makes sense, right? The call came from here.

Looks like he was into body art.

This is part of a tattoo.


Look at this.

This looks like bone.

Part of the victim's sternum.

SAROYAN: Well, that would confirm that the blast originated in his stomach. All right, well, I found no nitrates, so I don't know what set him off.

We have to scrape off all of the tissue and the bones from the inside of the trailer.


Mmm. Looks like our friend was a drinker.

Wait a second.

Can you drink enough, uh, booze to explode?

I actually did the math on that one in college.

So it all depends on the proof of the liquor, right?

Well, a trailer burns at about 700 degrees, so I'd say about a quart and a half of this stuff should do the trick.

Wait a second...

Take a look at this, huh?

The circuit breakers melted in the off position. I find it very hard to believe that this guy was just sitting in the dark waiting to explode.

SAROYAN: No one cuts the power to their own home.

BRENNAN: If this was the man who you were supposed to meet, someone wanted to make sure that he wouldn't talk.

♪ Bones 9x24 ♪
The Recluse in the Recliner
Original Air Date on May 19, 2014

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

FISHER: Since the expl*si*n originated in the stomach, it clearly followed the path of least resistance.

I agree. Up the esophagus, into the upper palate and sinuses.

Our first task is to separate the heat fractures from any other fractures that could indicate any other cause of death.

The surface of the pubic symphysis indicates the victim was mid-30s. Oh, that's consistent with the DMV records for the trailer's owner.

Wesley Foster. That doesn't mean this is Foster. Can you compare the photographs you just took with his DMV picture?

MONTENEGRO: Yeah, I'm already on it.

BRENNAN: The dimensions of the orbital sockets, zygomatic process, mandible and maxilla all line up.

This is Foster.

Okay, I'll head back to my office and see if I can get any other info on him.

This lung tissue is still viable.

It should help us with cause of death.

Oh, man, it is gonna take hours to scrape the rest of him off the inside of the trailer.

I got a whopper there.

That should be good for a tox screen.

Minimal particulates within the primary bronchi.

The victim didn't die from smoke inhalation.

So he was dead before the fire started.

Whoever k*lled him must've known what he was gonna tell Booth.

Foster was a journalist for the Chronicle.

His career fell apart about five years ago.

His wife left him, he lost everything.

He's been writing this conspiracy blog ever since.

It's real paranoid stuff. Anything in there about the McNamaras? I mean, there's thousands of posts in there, but, yeah, there are a lot about the McNamaras, about how corrupt the government is, you know, stuff like that.

The FBI, too? Oh, yeah. Foster was clearly unstable.

Only a handful of people even looked at the blog.

If he was just unstable, he'd still be alive.

Okay, until we know everything, I don't want anyone here knowing that we're looking into Foster, okay?

Are you with me?


Ms. Julian says the McNamara case is resurfacing, Booth.

I told him you had it all well in hand, cher.

Yes, and I do.

Everything we know so far indicates that we are dealing with a harmless crank.

STARK: A dead harmless crank.

You're going to be testifying in front of Congress, Booth.

You don't want the McNamara case hanging over you. Or you, sir.

I can handle this.

If you need any help, I can assign additional agents.

It's just routine.

Then I'll see you at lunch.

Right. Lunch, sir.

You're not even gonna tell the Deputy Director?

Look, if we are dealing with a conspiracy inside the FBI, I don't want anyone to know about this yet.

Not even Stark.

I just can't believe that this much ugliness exists in the world. You're just realizing that now?

No, I always expect the worst, but my new therapist, she showed me how wonderful life could be.

Which makes this even more horrible. Come on now.

It's affecting your blow-drying. So let's go.

Six inches from the surface of the bone there, Fisher.

Orbital pattern. I was hoping all of the bones would be clean by now, Mr. Fisher. Me, too.

We tried to separate the bone from the vinyl using hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate, but it was too corrosive.

So a hair dryer set to medium did the trick.


HODGINS: Uh, hold on. Okay.


Here. Thank you.

Look at the central and lateral incisors, Mr. Fisher.

They're chipped.

The surface is unabraded.

It appears to be recent and perimortem.

He probably got into a fight with his k*ller.


The carpals are intact.

The humerus, ulna and radius bilaterally show no signs of defensive wounds. BRENNAN: I'd posit that the chipped teeth suggest that a tube or funnel was forced down the victim's throat.

To fill him up with alcohol.

Bastard. I beg your pardon?

Fisher's just starting to realize that murderers are bad.

What are you doing? If the k*ller's hands were inside his mouth, we could get some of the son of a bitch's epithelial cells from on or in-between his teeth.

The hard drive was removed from Foster's computer.

If they stole his hard drive, he wasn't a crank.

Yeah, "they."

The guy was looking into some kind of conspiracy.

They can't have that happening.

Who is this "they"?
"They" are the ones that poison our environment.
"They" are the ones who start wars to protect corporate profits.

"They" give themselves raises on the backs of the voiceless...

How many "they"s are we talking about, Hodgins?

'Cause it sounds like thousands.

Yeah, let's just start with the person who took his hard drive.

HODGINS: Well, Foster would not have left anything important on it.

No way. Not if he thought he'd uncovered a conspiracy, okay?

He'd make sure every document and every file was secure and hidden. How could you possibly know what this guy would do?

Because it's what I would do.

Check cloud-based backups, maybe places he worked.

I'll keep checking the trailer.

Foster must have found out that you were the lead investigator on the McNamara case.

And whoever k*lled Foster incinerated the place so we wouldn't find anything.

We should ask Stark for more help on this case, Booth.

Bones, it's just another case.

You know that's not true.

You suspected an FBI leak yourself, when we were investigating the Ghost k*ller.

Right, and if there is one, we'll find it.

Sweets would say that since this may be your last case before being promoted, you need to prove that you're still the best.

And what would you say?

(phone ringing)
I say you just can't stand to let someone get away with m*rder.


I got Foster's employment records and found his last job.

He was a night janitor at Crius Security.

It's a holding company owned by the McNamara family.

You got to be kidding me.

Foster was a night janitor at one of McNamara's companies.

That means he would be alone there with access to computers, files...

Everything. We need to find out what he saw there.

I have no idea who this man Foster is.

All janitorial services at Crius are supplied by an independent contractor. Right, but if he was alone at night, he would have access to your computers and your offices, correct?

Crius is a security services company, Agent Booth.

I can assure you no one can break into our computers.

But if he did find a way into your system or perhaps a safe...

Ah, he couldn't. BOOTH: Right, so, you provide consultants to the FBI and the State Department, correct?

We have, yes. I'm gonna need a list of who you deal with and what those services were.

I'm sorry. I can't.

A man was m*rder*d, Ms. Sprung.

I understand.

But unfortunately, our operations are bigger than any one man.

So, if you found that someone did compromise your system, they'd be expendable.

I think we're done, Agent Booth.

For now, yes, until I get a warrant to search your office.

This is a piece of his right ventricle.

It's damaged.

He had a heart attack, probably a year or so ago.

Well, no surprise. I mean, he drank, smoked...

Hey, if I can separate out some particulates, I might be able to find some that were left by the k*ller.

FISHER: Charred bone can look like wood splinters, or even metal fragments.

Until we find all the missing pieces, we're not gonna get an accurate picture of what happened to him.

HODGINS: Oh, man, there are pieces of this guy everywhere.

Fragments of the sternum and a rib.

I got something for you here, too.

Part of the parietal.


What the hell is this?

SAROYAN: It's a nipple.

No, I know a nipple when I see one, but there's something fused into it.

Oh, it... it's a nipple ring.

HODGINS: Wait a minute.

That is high-grade stainless steel.

That is not common for piercings.

I think you were right.

Foster didn't keep important things on his computer.

He kept them here.

That is a memory chip.

FISHER: Whoa. I am totally on board for this conspiracy. Bastards.

Yes, they are.

So everything from Crius is classified.

Yeah, that's what they tell me.

You have military and civilian SCI security clearance.

Right, yeah, and they're still not gonna tell me anything.

So what does that tell you?

It tells me that no matter what they're hiding, it's a m*rder, so Caroline can get us a warrant for their records.

Apparently not, cher.

I've been to three judges.

All of them denied the request.

On what grounds? The old classic. National security.

You're kidding me. National security? SWEETS: But it's a special circumstance because m*rder's involved, and Booth has clearance.

They said m*rder hasn't been proven.

Proven? The Jeffersonian has more than enough evidence to get a warrant.

Did you show 'em the files?

Don't sh**t the messenger, cher.
I tried everything.

But each judge booted little old me out of their chambers within five minutes.

Who controls three different judges?
(phone trills)

I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

(annoyed sigh)
What is it?

I got lunch with Stark and Congressman Hadley from the subcommittee.

You still going to keep all this from him?

Wouldn't you?

Well, there's perimortem fractures on the eighth and ninth ribs and to the sternum.

No remodeling.

So it happened just before he died.

I've seen similar fracture patterns caused by aggressive CPR.

Why would a k*ller try and revive someone they wanted dead?

Quite simple: t*rture.

They wanted information, but they accidentally k*lled him.

And if it's still on that nipple ring, he clearly didn't give it to 'em.

It's really just a pro forma hearing, Agent Booth.

You have the support of the bureau, myself, my party, and your record is exemplary.

Thank you, Congressman. It was difficult to pry Booth out of the field.

Which is why he is the nominee.

I can't tell you the number of positions that are filled by bureaucrats who have no real experience on the ground.

Oh, the military taught me that you can't make the right decision without seeing the situation up close.

Thank you. I am surprised that you're letting this one get away, Victor.

It's not easy.

Of course the opposition's gonna try and put you through the ringer, but don't you worry-- it's just a show.

(phone ringing)
I have your records. I'll...

I'm sorry, sir, but I have to take this call.

Can't it wait, Booth? It can't, sir.

I'm right in the middle of a...

It's okay. It's okay. Just...

No explanations necessary.

He has work to do, Victor.

But, uh, tomorrow, put it on vibrate.

Yes, sir.


What do we have?

The fire compromised the chip, but there's still a lot that I can recover.

This is just the start.

There are confidential bank records, transcripts from private meetings.

Wait a second. Between who?

People in government, business, political activists, foreign officials.

There are also hacked e-mails.

Foster must have gotten all this from Crius.

What about the photographs? MONTENEGRO: There are some public figures, and then there's some people I've never seen.

I'll do a search using facial recognition software.

These all seem to be surveillance photos, Booth.

Stop it. What is it?

That one.

I took it.

Wouldn't we be better off at your office? Look at all the stuff that Angela's uncovered-- I mean, Foster, he wasn't a crank.

The FBI's the last place we want to be.

Got to admit, all of this stuff can be used to blackmail people.

Not blackmail for cash.

All right? Just getting people to do what you want them to do.

CAROLINE: And that's worth a lot more than money.

Angela said she's sending you more, but a lot of the files are either encrypted or damaged from the fire. I can't get over all the information she's coming up with.

You realize if you don't find out who's behind this, we could all be in deep trouble.

I was told that the photograph I took was for a routine drug stakeout, all right?

Angela I.D.'s the girl as Senator Wilby's daughter.

SWEETS: Wilby withdrew from the Senate race when he was a lock to win. This must be why.

Whoever's behind this doesn't want Wilby in office.

SWEETS: These new files are intercepted e-mails showing financial improprieties by business leaders, foreign ambassadors, State Department officials...

We need to find one of them who's willing to talk.

Guys, someone running an operation this tight, is gonna keep themselves insulated.

The victims-- they probably don't even know who was blackmailing them.

Okay, I thought these were heat fractures, but check this out.

No shrinkage or distortion typical of heat fractures.

These are spiral fractures.

His upper limbs were twisted.

Further evidence of t*rture.

So, why wouldn't Foster try and fight back?

Because there were three of them.

Three assailants?

I got viable epithelial cells from the victim's teeth. All three are male.

Two Caucasian and one of African descent.


I ran them through CODIS and NDIS-- no matches.

So, all of the new stuff that Angela's sending is about McNamara.

This is the mother lode.

But I don't understand why McNamara is in here if he was involved in the blackmailing.

Because he wasn't.

There are memos and letters and documents showing questionable business dealings McNamara had. Bribes to foreign countries.

Even McNamara couldn't avoid jail time if that got out.

'Cause he was being blackmailed, too.

That's why they were able to use McNamara's security firm.

That's why someone was able to block the warrant to investigate it?

So let me get this straight: We're looking at someone inside the FBI who can control businessmen, politicians, foreign officials. Yeah, and it must have been going on for a long time 'cause these pictures are about 20 years old.

SWEETS: We have enough here, Booth.

And the surveillance photos link us back to the FBI, so...

What do you suggest that we do, huh?

Storm the FBI? We don't know who's behind this.

We could go public with what we've found.

Public? No, no, no, no, no.

We're not gonna go public with any of this.

A lot of people-- they just got caught with their pants down, all right?

They don't deserve to have their lives ruined.

We have to do something, cher.

This is what we're gonna do, okay?

We're gonna act like we've never seen any of this stuff before until we know who's behind this operation.

BRENNAN: There are no ligature marks, which means that two of the men held him down while the third assailant--

I'm sorry-- the third bastard tortured him.

Thank you. I have not been able to find any particulates that identify who these guys are.

This fracture on the C3 feels odd.

This is definitely anomalous.

The only time I've seen a fracture like this is when I was identifying remains in Iraq.

Oh, so now the Iraqis are involved?

This fracture was caused by a take-down stranglehold.

It's a maneuver used by Delta Force operatives.

Okay, so if they're Delta Force, their DNA should be on file.

Their DNA is erased from the system.

Hodgins found no particulates.

I have found no bone markers that might I.D. them. If they are Delta Force, they're not gonna leave a trace, okay?

I've trained with these guys. I know how they work.

So you're just giving up? How can you say that to me?

I'm not gonna give up. You told Caroline and Sweets not to do anything, and now you're telling me that we'll never I.D. the K*llers. Calm down.

Calm down?! No, Booth!

We need to do something!

Look, I know you need to feel in control, okay?

But we're not. Not yet. When? If they figure out that we're closing in on them, I'm not going to sit back and wait for the worst to happen.

That's why we're gonna let them win.

That makes no sense.

At least try to be rational.

I am.

I want you to issue your report on Foster's death, and say that it was an accident.

But it wasn't.

Y-You want me to say that I'm wrong? I-I'm never wrong.

Which is why they're gonna believe it.

That gives us... time with no eyes on us.

Pretty rational, right?

Look, I want to act like we put this one to bed, all right?

And we pretend to move forward.

All right?

I go to my hearing, you continue to play with your bones, and we keep digging.

And we're in control again.

And we're in control again.
STARK: Keep your answers concise, you'll be great.

Don't worry, sir. I got this one covered.

Hadley prepped the other members, so you'll have a lot of friends in there.

Sorry. Sorry I'm late.

I was finishing my report on the Foster case.

I'm glad you're here.

What'd you find? We retrieved lung tissue that indicates he died of smoke inhalation after consuming a large quantity of alcohol and starting a fire with a lit cigarette. It was an accident.

I thought you suspected m*rder.

Well, Bones here, she likes to keep her options open.

Turns out that, uh, Foster was a drunk, harmless crank after all, sir.

It's all in my report. Yeah. Then let's head in.

And thank you for being here. For supporting your husband.

It means a lot to the Bureau. To me, too.

BOOTH: The FBI already has an excellent team in Berlin, so the challenge isn't a procedural one.

WOMAN: Please be more specific.

What exactly is the challenge, Agent Booth?

We need to get a better understanding of potential t*rrorists that might target American interests.

I've laid out a 15-point plan that addresses that.

Each of you got a copy of that yesterday.

Okay, then.

I yield to Congressman Hadley.

Agent Booth, welcome.

I have reviewed your military and your FBI records and I must say they are very impressive.

Thank you, Congressman. I do have one question, though. Um... what is your relationship to Daniel Johnson?

With all due respect, sir, I can't answer that question.

Well, then let me try.

Daniel Johnson was a United States citizen whom you assassinated in Pakistan in 2002.

Isn't that correct? Congressman, there are government directives that prevent me from discussing anything to do with operations in Pakistan.

I thought you said he was a friend.

I don't understand what's happening. Agent Booth, it-it does not require a discussion.

Did you or did you not assassinate an American citizen?

Those are classified documents.

You should not have access to them. I'll take that as an admission of guilt.

I'm not admitting guilt to anything, sir.

So, you're saying that the law does not apply to you?

That's not what I'm saying.
'Cause we are here, supposedly, to confirm you as a chief law enforcement officer in a foreign country.

Then you should understand...

Well, what I do understand is how embarrassing it would be to confirm an assassin.

You're out of line, sir! Since Agent Booth will not answer, I have no further questions.

Then this committee is adjourned.


MAN: Were you not expecting this line of questioning?

MAN 2: How do you expect to be confirmed if you won't answer...

WOMAN: Over here! Over here, Agent Booth!

Is it true you k*lled an American citizen? I don't have a...

Were you acting under orders or alone? I don't have a comment.

Don't you think every American deserves a fair trial?

Do you think you're above the law? I said no comment.

Are you gonna withdraw your nomination in light of these revelations? He said no comment.

I don't have a comment. Are you hiding behind national security?

No, I am not hiding behind...

Are you being sent overseas to assassinate American targets?

No! I am not! No! Have you lied about anything else during...

No, he has not lied about anything. He is a decorated veteran who served his country with honor Come on, let's go. and an agent at the FBI who has one of the best conviction rates of any... Let's get out of here.

Agent Booth! Agent Booth!

...assassinating a U.S. citizen!

I thought Stark said that Hadley was on your side.

Well, he was, okay? Somebody got to him.

Which means whoever did get to him knows that you're still looking into the FBI.

Somebody must have fed classified documents to Hadley to bring me down, okay?

I wouldn't be surprised if this whole promotion was a setup.


Why? Because we looked too closely at McNamara during this whole Ghost k*ller thing, all right?

We found out more than we should've.

Why just you? Why not all of us?

Because I'm a warning. For everyone.

Anthropologically, when a society feels threatened by an individual, that society tries to eliminate the threat.

The collective fear becomes so severe that m*rder becomes acceptable. It happened in Rome, the Haps... Bones, Bones.

Just boil it down for me.

They get desperate.

That's always their undoing.

Come on.

Whoever's behind this, if they get careless, they're vulnerable. Well, using Hadley seems pretty...

Booth! I've already had calls from the Director, the White House Chief of Staff... Look, I understand.

How did he get those documents? STARK: I don't know.

Look, Booth, I still believe in you.

Whatever happened over there... But you have to withdraw my nomination. And put you on administrative leave.

He's the best agent you have and you're firing him?

Administrative leave.

He's not being fired. Yes, I am, sir. We both know how this plays out.

My hands are tied, Booth.

REPORTER: Agent Booth!

(reporters clamoring)
Agent Booth!

MAN: Director Stark, did you have knowledge about this?

Sir, can you please...

Hey. Shouldn't you be with Booth right now?

The best way to help Booth is to solve Foster's m*rder.

Hey, okay, so Fisher found some trace in the C3, right?

Turns out to be a metal particulate.

The alloy was a combination of...

It was a watch band issued to Delta Force commandos.

It sliced into the bone. Maybe I could work backwards.

I beg your pardon? The government database obviously erased their DNA.

But if I can get all Delta Force personnel for, say, the last 15 years... You can find the three who have no DNA on file.

Those'll be our K*llers. Exactly.

Hey... I know why Hadley turned on Booth.

I ran Hadley's name, Social Security number, medical records... everything I could access.

Nothing usable came up.

Then I ran a facial recognition algorithm through all of the photographs that I've recovered, so far, from Foster's chip.

Wow. That guy's definitely not Hadley's wife. They blackmailed him, too.

J. Edgar Hoover looks like an amateur compared to whoever did this.

Maybe Booth can use this to make Hadley talk.

I'll call him. No. No phones.


Bones. Everything okay?

I thought you might want some help packing up.

Yeah. Sure. That's... That's okay, right?

Are you okay? Yeah.

I just, you know, I want to pack up, get out of here and move on.

You'll be fine.

This'll all work out, you'll see.


What the hell are you doing?

I think you know. Look, you get out of here.

I'm gonna call the cops. No, you won't.

I don't care, by the way, but obviously you care enough to shut me down.

Oh, God.

Who approached you?

Just let it go, Agent Booth. Really?

Is that why you became a congressman-- to let criminals run this country?

They will k*ll me. Not before I shut them down first.

You can't. Trust me.

Trust you? Seriously?

Look, I am trying to help you.

This is bigger than you can imagine-- why don't you just go away like they want? That's not gonna happen, Congressman, I'm sorry.

All the stuff that they're hiding--

I have it all.


And I'm not gonna keep it to myself.

(phone keypad beeping)

Listen, just take Christine and go.

I'm not gonna leave you here alone, Booth.

Look, you don't have a choice.

Do you understand?

Hadley took the bait, okay?

He called a burner cell. They're sending a team after me now.

Angela heard the whole thing.

Which means you shouldn't stay here either.

This is my fight, okay, Bones? I know that's not what you want, but that's just the way it played out.

You know we're better together, Booth. No. Look, I'm not gonna argue about this right now, do you understand?

They're 40 minutes out, tops.

What, you-you kept C-4 in our garage?

It's stable until you detonate it.

Booth... Oh, my God, Booth!

These guys are Delta Force.

They know you were a Ranger, they're gonna be ready.

Yeah, well, so will I. I-I...

I-I have my g*n. I'm an excellent shot. I...

No. No. This is done now, do you understand?

We have a daughter to think about now.

You get Christine you and go to Max. Now.

I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Now.

I hate you for telling me to walk away.


I love you.

Don't you die. Okay?

All right.


Brennan and Christine are going to stay with Max.

Booth is right. He's the one they're afraid of.

That cowboy actually thinks he can take on three Delta Force operatives by himself?

Yeah, well, maybe he won't have to. So, I pulled this dichlorofluoroethane from the soda machine.

It's a coolant. Now, I collected the fumes and ran them through a condenser... Why?

What are you saying? Well, uh, because this might actually be able to clean the burned parts of the chip so that Angie can get the rest of the information off of it.

I'll keep looking through the names of the Delta Force personnel-- I mean, there are thousands of records, so it's gonna take time. Which we don't have.

Yeah, we don't have any choice. Circuits are really delicate, I hope that this holds up.

MONTENEGRO: I think it's working.

(phone rings)

I tried to call Agent Booth, he didn't pick up.

He won't pick up.

He doesn't trust his secure line. What is it?

Based on the positions of injuries to Foster's acromion, olecranon, and radial tuberosity, two of the Delta Force guys are right-handed and one's a lefty.

That could help Booth discern from which direction they would attack.

Or how they'd sh**t. And hand-to-hand maneuvers.

Can you call him?


He won't take any calls now.

(expl*si*n thunders)

Brilliant, Hodgins.

We have access to everything now.

CAROLINE: Hold it, cherie. Those are the three judges that denied my warrants.

We might actually be getting closer.

HODGINS: But aside from the pictures, it's all encrypted.

What's going on? Uh, just be quiet and let me start decrypting.

(alarm blipping)

What's that?

We're being hacked.

Hacked? Yes, but because of Pelant, I installed a fail-safe program on the server.

It'll give us 90 seconds to remove all the vital data before they shut us down.

They-they know what we're doing? No. On their end, they think that we've lost all the data and that they've successfully shut us down.

How long it'll take us to get back up and running is another story.

(expl*si*n thunders)


(expl*si*n thunders)




Who are you, huh? Who sent you?



(glass shatters)





(expl*si*n thunders)

(groans, pants)



(g*n clicking, rattling)



Uh... I'm all right. Think I'm all right. You're hit.

There's another one in the house.

Are these two right-handed?

Why? Yes.
'Cause there's one that's left-handed.

That's what I came to tell you. Just get me over there in the back. (grunts)
Come on.

Hand me the g*n. Right there.

How bad is it?

It's just a scratch. Behind you.





Oh, Booth.





Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Don't you die. Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Don't you die. Don't you die.


♪ I move away from this place

♪ In the form of a disturbance

♪ And enter into the world

♪ Like some tiny distortion...

(flatline tone)
He's in V tach.



And clear.

♪ If I surrender

♪ And I don't fight this wave

(flatline tone)
♪ I won't go under

(steady heartbeat begins)
♪ I'll only get carried away Is he alive? Yes.

And he's out of danger.

I need to see him. There is one problem, Dr. Brennan.

What kind of problem?

Someone will be out in a minute to talk to you.

Until then, I think it's important...

Dr. Brennan, wait, wait!


Why are you here? Is someone still after Booth?


STARK: Dr. Brennan, wait!

You can't be here, Dr. Brennan. Why did you handcuff him?

What's going on? Booth k*lled three FBI agents who were coming to serve a warrant on him.

FBI agents?

Those men tried to k*ll him. He was defending himself.

Take Dr. Brennan into custody for questioning.

No. No, I need to stay with him.

Booth! Get her out!

Let go of me! Booth!

STARK: Get her out!

Booth! Booth!

Let go of me! Booth! Get her out!

Booth! Booth! Stop it. Help! Help!

Let go of me! Let go! Booth! Booth!

What's that mean?