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06x12 - Never Gonna Give You Up

Posted: 03/31/23 07:27
by bunniefuu

♪ I work myself to the bone ♪

♪ Like the ones before me ♪


♪ They say, do what you're told ♪

♪ Stay in line or take a seat ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ain't going to sell my soul ♪

♪ But I'll find
somewhere in between ♪


♪ 'Cause where I am now ♪

♪ It doesn't feel so sweet ♪

♪ And if you catch me on my knees ♪

♪ You could tear me up ♪

♪ But you can't bring me down ♪

♪ No oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Mm, mm, oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ No, you can't bring me down... ♪

- No, no!
- Where is he?

- Aah!
- Aah!

God, Vic!

What are you doing?
Put the bat down!

- It was just a dream!
- Oh, my God, was it the lions?

- They came for you?
- What? No!

- Did they...
- It was worse, it was...

a dream where I actually
won the election,

became mayor, and then
all my teeth fell out.

You know what?

If I were Freud, I would say that means

you have unfulfilled sexual needs.

I don't... talk to Freud.
I didn't make the rules.

No, it's just... all
it was was just a...

Yeah, I know. It was probably
about the election, huh?

- Yes.
- You know what?

My psych professor said
Freud was actually wrong

about like a lot of stuff.

It was just the stress
of the race, really.

Yeah, I mean, that makes sense.

You're ahead in the polls,
and that's unexpected.

On the bright side though, you
may not have a job after tomorrow.

Was that supposed
to make me feel better?

No, look, I just... when
you break the chain of command,

that's what happens... people
get fired. But, no, I was saying

being discharged in disgrace
will put a damper on your campaign,

- and then you won't have to be mayor.

Oh, but then I'm
going to have to quit

with you in solidarity, huh?

But then, we can make
our little corn husk dolls

and sell them out of a van.

- Get out of my room.
- Okay.

Take the bat.

- You sure?
- Yep.

I was ready though.

- I'ma take this too.
- Fine.



- Okay.

Oh, sh**t.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You're not ready.
- I-I lost track of time.

Yeah, I can see that. Um...

I can take a hint and go
and get dinner alone if...

No. No, no, no, no. Come in.

I just... it's been a crazy hours.

Oh, you've gone a bit mad. That's fun.

Yeah, there was
this incident at work.

My team collectively took over a call

and basically disobeyed our captain.

- And I-I took charge of the team.
- A mutiny?

Okay, you're talking
to the right person.

Let's get into it.

"Mutiny on the Bounty," classic.

"Spithead and the Nore," , dicey.

- "Revolt of the Last"... -
- You're like a big-time nerd.

We prefer the term history buff.

It gives us fewer flashbacks
of being stuffed into lockers.

So of the mutinies you listed,
were there any good outcomes?

Um, no, no, but that's only because

they were labeled mutinies, right?

There were plenty of
mutinies with good outcomes.

We just call them revolutions.

- So it's semantics.
- Precisely, yeah.

Hey, give me a play by
play of the incident.

No. No, no, no.

Um, sorry, we-we were
supposed to go out to dinner.

You're probably hungry.
I'll just go and get...

Look, I -I might be a
nerd, but I can definitely

read a room, and I'm getting the sense

that you're not exactly
in a dating place.

[EXHALES] It's just...
it's not a good time.

- Mm-hmm.

No, it's fine. Don't apologize.
Screw the day.

I'm going to make you an omelet, yeah?

With, um, one pickle.

- And a jar of mayonnaise.
- Cool.

Should we get takeout?

And you can tell me...
all about this mutiny.

A revolution, not a mutiny.
Semantics, right?

I'm sweating.

- Any theories on what might happen?
- We could all be fired.

- They can fire all of us?
- Uh, no, not all of us.

- I wasn't a part of this.
- Well, Beckett voluntarily

went to the Center for Excellence,

so they have to see that there
was reason for our pushback.

I mean, it's a
genius move on his part,

- right, admitting himself?
- Yep.

What do you mean?

They can't fire
somebody for seeking help.

- Oh, that's sneaky.
- Wow.

Well, whatever happens,
we did the right thing,

all right? I stand by that.

- [SIGHS] Yeah, me too.
- Yeah.

Well, you know I would have
done the same. Solidarity.

Screw it.

This city isn't protecting
the citizens or us.

Let them fire us. I'm done.

Is he okay?

Oh, I'm-I'm not sure.

- He stayed at his place last night.
- A-Shift, line up!


Despite my efforts to handle

a very complicated and
bureaucratic situation, you, Station ,

took matters into your own hands.

When you break the chain of command

in a paramilitary structure,
we call that... a mutiny.

A mutiny spits in the face of
that paramilitary tradition.

A mutiny calls for an
administrative investigation.

And a mutiny results in the termination

of each and every party involved.

- A mutiny...
- It wasn't a mutiny, Chief.

Respectfully, Chief Ross,

page , section ,
subsection D of the POG

states that when a captain in command

is incapacitated, the
duty to lead the team

falls on the senior man.
I am the senior man.

Beckett may have been
able-bodied and conscious,

but he was not of sound mind.
Anyone here can attest to that.

What happened was not
an overthrowing of power

for the sake of power.

It was an action and safety protocol

straight from the book.
It was a life-saving decision, Chief.


Ladder , Aid Car , and Engine ,

rescue requested at degrees,

minutes north and ...

- Who's our captain?
- minutes west.

It's me.

Let's go, ! Move, move!



Get coordinates instead of
an address, that's weird, right?

I mean, it is pretty strange.

Do you think we should
maybe ask where exactly?

No. I'm trying to stay off her radar.

- You ask.
- I'm trying to keep my job.

Uh, Montgomery?

Chief, where do
these coordinates land?

I'm getting information
from dispatch sparingly,

but it's looking like we're
heading toward the Cascades.

Was it a hiking incident?

I used to go there all the time.

A TizTam star was
filming a video and fell.

- TizTam?
- It's a social media platform.

- I hate that I know that.
- Wow, I am old.

One of the fans called in
after seeing the live feed.

The video's from a Stella Trix.

Oh, yeah, yeah. I know her videos.

She raised $ k for a
food insecurity charity.

- Shut up.
- Here's the video.

It's so off the grid. It's just...

It's real, you know?

When I'm in a serene
environment like this,

- it just...
- [THUD]

- Stella!
- BOTH: Ooh.

Looks like the cameraman
fell too. That's a long drop.

And when we land,
grab your rescue gear.

We may need to rappel down.

I'll be tracking the search
patterns on the map with you.

Did you see the district
for our inspection route today?

It's just a bunch of
mansions and yoga studios.

Last time I worked that area, this lady

threatened to sue me because
I got mud on her carpet.

- They're such snobs.
- Well, we should get going.

Hey, Theo?

Theo, stop, stop, stop.

What is going on with you?

The arson investigation I requested

at that house and the barbershop
in my old neighborhood?

- It was dismissed.
- What?

- So fast? Did they even investigate?
- Nope.

They just made a decision
off the case reports.

- They can do that?
- Guess that hood's easy to overlook.

Let's go.

Let's get that winch set up.



When was the last time a chief
played captain of a station?

Maybe the last time
there was a mutiny?

- So she's testing us?
- Better not mess up then.


Yeah, that's a cell
range signal booster.

It must be theirs.

- Well, we're in the right spot then.
- Right. All right, spread out.

Groups of two. Let's go.

Hey, so there aren't any
snakes in these caves, right?



Sullivan, will you wait up a second?

They'd follow up on your report

- if the call was in this neighborhood.
- Maybe.

Theo, we inspected that barber shop

from top to bottom, and
we fixed the problem.

- I know. I was there.
- And the fire two blocks over...

That's a lot of electrical
fires for one area.

Did they think that was coincidence?

They said the buildings
in the area are old

and it's common to be out of code.

- Well, they weren't.
- I know.

And so it had no
reason to go up like that.

Vic, can we drop it?

- Drop it?
- There's nothing else to do, okay?

It's... it's done.

- You know what? Change of plan.
- Vic, what the hell are you doing?

This isn't right, and
these rich folks can wait.

We're going to do our own investigation.

Hello! Seattle Fire Department!


Seattle Fire!

Call out!


- Can anybody hear me?
- Respond if you can hear us!

If anybody's there, call out!

Call out!

Seattle FD!

If you can hear me, call out!

Great, another cave.

Hello? Anyone?

Seattle Fire!

Dear diary, today really sucked.

Seattle FD! Call out!

Respond if you can hear us!

Officer backup requested at
Gray Sloan Memorial protest.

Call out if you can hear us!


There's nothing over here.

We're never going
to find them this way.

We're not getting any responses.

They're most likely unconscious.

Yeah, or dead.
Looks like a long drop.

- Sully.
- Sorry, I forgot your rule.

- Don't say dead.
- Unless there's a reason...

To say dead. Yeah.


- _

Hello, help.

- Hey, there.
- Help.

What can I do for
you? Oh, okay, okay.

Please, help me.
I'm having a... I don't know.

Muscle cramps.

- Oh!
- Okay, just have a seat right here.


- Okay, sit on down.

- Don't worry. Don't worry. I can help.
- Okay. [WHEEZING]

Respond if you can hear us!

Hey, Sully, do you
remember the mission,

our second tour, where
we located that guy

- using his phone signal?
- Right!

- Okay.
- The video.

- Yeah, is it, um...
- Yes, it's still recording live.

- Great.
- So we should, um...

- Yeah. Everyone, turn off your lights.
- Lights off, everybody.

I repeat. , turn off your lights.

- What?
- All of them?

Herrera, listen to your captain.

That is an order. Turn
them off, all of them,

torches, floodlights, all of it.
We have a plan.



There aren't any bats
in these caves, right?


Okay, we need one torch per team.

Shine it on the ceiling,

and I'll be watching on
the live feed for any light.


- West side.
- West side. Yeah.

Okay, , start walking forward
until I tell you to stop.

Watch your step.

We don't need another
rescue on our hands.



All right.
Everybody, backtrack three steps.

Back three.

Freeze, right there. Right there!

Herrera, drop your light.

Come on. Where are you?

Bishop, drop your light.

Sully, drop your light.

Montgomery, click your light.

Got 'em. Montgomery, that's it.
That's where they fell.

- We're coming to you.
- Go.

Man, it's not even recognizable.

Okay, the most common
signs of arson are unusual

burn patterns and no accidental causes.

Oh, Vic, this is a waste of time.


This... this is not you.

The Theo I know would
be busting down doors

to get to the bottom of this.
What is going on with you?

I don't know.


You know when my family's
restaurant burned?

I don't know, it was...

it was really hard to see
it like that, all those...

those gatherings and those
memories, my whole childhood.

That fire was like the
death of a family member.

Yeah, but then you guys rebuilt it.

And everything went back to normal.

Yeah, I guess. I was
just trying to say I get it.

No, but you don't get it.

Your family got to
keep their restaurant.

Tomás won't be able to keep this place.

He'll be pushed out.

This place will become
some trendy coffee shop

or a spa or something.

You used to come
here with your dad, huh?

Every Sunday.

So this is probably
one of the last places

you have memories of him in.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And now, it's gone.

- It's like he's being...
- Erased?


Can you also look up
photos of common devices?

At the academy, we
did a seminar on that.

I think that will give us something.


Anchors are set. Ropes are set.

All right, Herrera, Gibson, on belay.

Bishop, Montgomery, on rappel.

Let's go. On belay. Bring 'em back.

- Okay, what is your name, sir?
- Reggie, Reggie Paulson.

My muscles are cramping all over.

- It hurts.
- When did this start?

I don't know. I was
cleaning my garage, and...

Okay. Okay, well, just stay calm.

I need you to sit still so that I can...

I may have been wrong to come here.

- I think I need a doctor.
- Well, I am a doctor.

You are in good hands.

Now, I just need to check your vitals,

and we'll see what
we're dealing with here.

Wow, your blood pressure is high.

Did you take anything today,
Reggie? Any... any dr*gs?

No, I... no.

I hear a wheezing.

- Do you have a history of asthma?
- No.

Listen, I'm going to
prep a nebulizer for you.

- It'll-it'll help.
- Okay.

Tell me where do you
feel the pain the most?

All... [GASPS] over.

I can't...

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
Don't worry, don't worry.

Reggie, we're going to figure this out.

Besides, Grey Sloan Memorial
is right down the street.

No, I... I couldn't get to Grey Sloan.

A car, it crashed into it.

What? What did you say?

A car...

...ran through a crowd.

- I couldn't get anywhere near it.
- Put this on. Breathe deep.

- Ready, Bishop.
- Yeah.

Several doctors were hit by a car

outside the reproductive rights clinic

at Gray Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Requesting any available
aid cars to the scene.

- Oh, God.
- What did they say?


Whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

Bishop, both hands on your rope.

- What did they say? What did they say!
- Hey, take a breath, okay?

You know as much as I
do right now. Stay focused.

Just, um, Carina's at work today.

If you could just find
out what's happening...

Whoa, Maya.

I got you. I got you.

Herrera, I got you.

Bishop, listen to me, all right?

I will find out as much as I can.

But right now, you have to focus, okay?

Right now, you are part of
a team. Do you hear me?

Maya, breathe.

[PANTING] She's at work today, okay?

So what if... what
if... what if she got...

what if she got... what
if she got hit by a car,

and I'm stuck here,
and I can't get to her.

- Oh, my God.
- Maya!

Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.

See, my wife works
at Grey Sloan Memorial,

and she hasn't been
replying to my texts all day.

- [GAGS]
- Oh, okay, okay.

- Here you go. Here you go.

Just take slow, deep breaths.

I'll see if I can get you something
for the pain and nausea.

- I'm sorry.
- It's fine, it's fine.

I'm-I'm sorry.


No, no, no, no. You
just need to stay...

- Ow!
- Okay, hang on.

Hang on. Let me examine your abdomen.

Yeah, that doesn't make any sense.

See, your abdomen is
very tender and rigid,

which usually would
indicate you need surgery.

But you don't have a fever.

And you've been moving around.

All that pain and movement
makes me think kidney stones.

But, no, the rigid abdomen.

No, don't worry about it. Don't worry.

We're going to get you to a hospital.

Thank you for calling
Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.

- If this is an emergency...
- Oh, crap.

Okay, you know what?
I'm going to call Seattle Pres.

- Don't worry.

- Maya, Carina's going to be okay.
- You don't know that.

Hey, listen to me, Maya, you
just got cleared off desk duty.

We might have a mutiny
stamped to all of our files,

and the chief is deciding
whether we have jobs tomorrow.

- Pull it together.
- Lieutenant Bishop!

- Yes?
- Listen to me.

Right now, you are a
first responder, all right?

You are not a wife.
You are not a daughter.

You are not an Olympian.

We are here to save lives.

There is nothing you can do
over there in this moment.

Do you copy?

Okay, okay.

Let's keep going. Just keep going.

Easy does it. Come on.

Yes, we are waiting for an
aid car, but they're backed up,

and he's showing signs
of a surgical abdomen.

Does the patient have any
other past medical history

- or surgery?
- No, no. But I think that he...

Did you get the patient's temperature?

- It's getting worse.
- Okay, hang on, please. Hang on.

Okay, let me see your arm.
This... this wasn't here before.

- How long has this been there?
- I don't know.

- I didn't notice.
- Okay, you said you were

- cleaning out your garage today, right?
- Yes.

Well, spiders like
to nest in dark spaces,

and that is a bite mark.

The inflammation's running
all the way up your arm.

I think you got bit by
a black widow spider.

We might have some antivenom
around, so just hang on, Reggie.



- Off belay.
- Bishop, they're in there.

We have eyes on them.
Send down the stokes.

Copy that. The stokes won't fit,
so we're sending the KED.



What the hell?

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, you're okay.

You're okay, you're okay, you're okay.

- What's going on?
- Hey, we're with the SFD.

You had a little fall, okay?

- What's your name?
- Sara Grossman.

I go by Stella Trix.

Yeah, hi, Stella. Do
you remember his name?

- Brenton.
- Ah... ow!

- Oh, man.
- Don't move, buddy.

I got you. Don't move,
don't move. I got you.

- Stella, are you okay?
- I'm okay.

We fell. I remember we fell.
How did you find us?

- We used your live feed.
- Is it still recording?

- Stella, are you sure you're okay?
- Lay down, lay down. Lay down.

Stella, are you sure you're okay?

- Where's my phone?
- No, okay.

- I'll find it for you. Ah...
- He has a severely injured ankle.

It might be dislocated.
I can barely feel a pulse.

Okay, we can't treat him down here.

- All right, so we take him first.
- No. No, no, no, take Stella.

- Take Stella first.
- No, I can't go without my phone.

Okay, Brenton, listen to me.

You don't wanna lose
your foot, all right?

We've gotta take you up
to evaluate it better.

Both civilians are
alert and oriented.

One has head trauma
and a dislocated ankle.

Copy that.

- Sullivan, be ready on triage.
- Yep.

She's gonna be
okay. You guys related?

No, we just work
together. He's my camera guy.

- Stella...
- Brenton, go.

I need to find my phone.

Hey, guys, if you can hear me,

if this is still alive...

- Okay, got it.
- This is Stella Trix.

I'm currently streaming from
the bottom of a freaking cave.

- I'm okay.

I think my toe is broken.

But we're currently
being rescued right now

by some incredible first responders.

I'm sorry. This is
gonna be uncomfortable.

- All set!
- Copy that.

Up on the hoist. Nice and slow.

Let's go. Easy does it.

- My cameraman, Brenton,

is currently being hoisted up right now.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Make sure to leave us
a comment and subscribe.


Reggie. Reggie!

Reggie, can you hear me?

- Can you hear me?
- My head.

Okay. No, It's okay, it's okay.
Seattle Pres is sending an aid car.

- They'll be here soon.

Okay, I don't think we can wait.

We need the antivenom
fast. Can you walk?

- Come on.
- Oh-oh-oh-oh!

- I can't do it, Doc.
- That's okay.

You are at risk for seizures or worse,

so I need you to keep talking to me

so that I know that you're okay.

- Okay.
- You got me, Reggie?

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Talk to me, Reggie.
- Okay.

There you go.

- Chief, any news from Gray Sloan?
- No casualties reported.

That's all I know, okay?

All right. Montgomery, Bishop is clear.

You can get ready to
send Stella. Strap her in.

- She gonna be okay? Stella?
- She's going to be okay, all right?

You need to make sure that you
don't move that leg or that ankle.

I'm going to give you
something for the pain.

So how long have you guys
been working together?

- Seven years.
- That's a long time.

- It's just like family, huh?
- Yeah, I'm actually her boyfriend.

Don't tell anybody I just told you that.

Her whole platform is based on this idea

that she's single and on
adventures. But it's a lie.

She's kept our relationship
a secret for seven years.

Well, hold this for me.

There you go.

And, uh, I'm not going to
tell anybody, don't worry.

Listen, I'm gonna... slowly
move your ankle, all right?

Ah, ah, ah.

Hey, Captain, I need another
set of hands over here.

Copy you. Herrera, take the lead.

We have to reset it.

[MOANS] I'm not even a camera guy.

Are we clear from the bottom?

I quit my job because
she wanted to become...

- Clear.
- ...internet famous.

So I got a camera,

and I read a book on lighting,

and I'll even lay down
in the middle of the road

just to make sure she
gets the perfect shot.

But... I cannot post the photo
of us on my page together

or... just... hold her hand in public.

I mean, could you live like that?

Um... I don't know, man.

Listen, this is going
to hurt, Brenton, okay?

- Okay.
- So on the count of three.

You ready? Take a deep breath.

- Okay.
- All right, ready?

One, two, three.

- Aah!

- Here we go!

- All right.
- You did great.

- I think I see my phone.
- Stella. Hey, Stella, stop, hey.

- Stella, listen.
- Can you hear me?

We're here to rescue
you, not your phone.

I know, but it's my job. It's my life.

All right. Do not move.

- I'll get your phone.
- Thank you.

My fans are all I've got.

It's still live.

Hey, guys. So... the last thing I
thought would happen today

would be a near-death experience.

Okay. Stella, you're
all clipped in ready to go.

Okay, hang on. This is
a real-life hero in real life,

saving me in real time.

So just leave a comment if you've
ever had an experience like this.

Put the phone away. Here we go.
I'm ready when you are.


Hold up.

- You see that?
- Huh?

- Is it...
- Maybe.

Those sponges like
that can be used as a base

to absorb accelerant.

Okay, do you think this
would be enough evidence?

They think they can just smoke us out

of our homes and our shops.

They think... they think they
can bully us like this, you know?

And that damn unit just
ignores my calls and my reports,

but they don't even
come down to investigate?

Okay, we're here now.

Yeah, but if you didn't
turn the car around today,

who would be here for Tomás? No one.

It makes you want to punch
a hole through a wall.

Okay, well, how about instead
we call, and we force them

- to look at the facts, right?
- They don't pay attention.

Okay. Well, do you
want me to call or not?

- We can make them listen.
- Yes, call.

- Okay. You want...
- Call.




Nice and easy, nice and easy.

Wait, my followers need to see this.
Hold on. Let me just...

Wait... stop the ascent!
Chief, stop the ascent.

As you can see, I'm currently
on the side of a cliff

- being taken up to freedom.
- Stella, do not touch that harness!

You gotta see this
drop that we survived.

- Stella, no!

- Stop!
- Wait... whoa...

Bishop's going to try to reach us.

- Copy.
- Oh, my head.

Stella, listen to me. You've
gotta lean back, or you're never

- gonna fit through that hole.
- Wait, my phone.

- I dropped my phone.
- Stella, forget about your phone!

- You're gonna fall!
- No. No, I can't.

There are videos on there
that aren't backed up.

Stella, forget the phone!

- What are you thinking?
- No, I can't.

- It's my life. It's all I have.
- That's all you have?

Dude, what the hell?
Stella, you have me!

I am your boyfriend who shares
a life with you! You have me!

No, Brenton, Brenton, shut up!
It's still recording! It's live!

Stella, look. Stella,
look. Look at me.

- I got your phone, okay?
- Wait, is it still recording?

I need you to reach out
and grab Bishop's hand, okay?

- Is it still recording?
- Come on.

- Stella, reach up.

- Belay me down.
- I... I need to just...

Stella, stop it. I need you to focus.

Good? Okay.

Nice and slow, nice and slow.

- I just need it.
- Stella, come on.

Take my hand. Come on.

- But I...
- Come on.

Take it, Stella.

- Just lean back.
- I just need my phone.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

We got you, Bishop. We got you.

Stella, you need to listen
to my team and stop moving!

- But I just...
- Okay, look.

I've seen some of
your videos, all right?

And I was under the impression

that you were a caring and kind person.

But that is not what I'm
witnessing here today, Stella.

You are being selfish.

And you're putting
people's lives in danger.

You need to be the person
that you present online.

Be authentic.

Forget about your damn phone
and start having some respect

for the people's lives that
are trying to save yours!

Right now, reach up and take her hand!

- Come on.
- Okay, okay.

There you go.

- Got you.
- Come on.

- Come on!
- All right, all right.

Okay, okay.

Reggie, you with me?

Reggie, talk to me.

There's a jar of money in my garage

back behind the table saw.


It's for my wife.

I saved it over years
behind the table saw.

- Keep talking to me, Reggie.

- Keep talking.
- I hid it from her,

the money, as a surprise.

One day, I was going to
take her on a trip to Italy.

She always wanted to ride in
one of those boats in Venice.

But everything... always got in the way.

- Come on. Where is it?
- Am I gonna die, Doc?

Will I see my wife again?

I love her so much.

I don't want...

Look, I don't know,
Reggie, okay? I don't know.

You just have to believe that
you'll make it, all right?

Like, I'm believing that
my wife is safe right now.

No one can control the
chaos in this world.

All we can do is just... got it.
I got it, Reggie.

Look, I'm sorry, Reggie, okay?

I'm doing the best I can
under the circumstances.

And listen, this is antivenom.
This is the antidote to spider venom,

and it is powerful stuff.

So I have to tell you that
while it can save your life,

it can cause serious reactions

like making your breathing worse
or swelling up your airway

or... making your whole body spasm.

I... [GASPING] don't care.

- Legally, I just had to let you know.
- Please, give it to me.

Nothing could be worse than this.



Here we go.

I got you.

Stella, how are you feeling?
Any nausea, shortness of breath?

- No.
- All right.

Grabbing an O t*nk.

- Stella, are you okay?
- I'm fine.



Oh, it's cracked.

- Stella, I can't believe you did that.
- I know. Ha. It was crazy.

And it was all live too.

I can't wait to see
the comments about it.

This is totally gonna boost
what we were talking about.

- Stella!
- Can you pass that med bag?

You shouldn't have
tried to record that.

- Like, what were you even thinking?
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

Hey, hey, hey. Stop, stop, stop, stop.

It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

Oh, my God, babe, they heard what
you were saying... about us dating.

- Stella, I'm...
- No, babe, they like it.

Oh, my God. Babe, they love it.

They're freaking out right now.

Oh, my gosh, there's over likes.

Babe, oh, my God. [LAUGHING]

Oh, my God, let's take
a selfie and post it.

We need you to lay down so
we can finish examining you.

- Babe, just smile really fast.
- No, Stella, I can't...

- I can't do this anymore.
- Do what?

I can't live like this.

You don't wanna be
with me to be with me.

Now you wanna be with me

because it's gonna
boost your followers. No!

Stella, lay back down,
please, so we can help you.

But wait. We talked about this.

You... you helped me build
this platform, like...

I'm tired of being in
second place with you, Stella.

I... I would literally
do anything for you.

Clearly in life or death situations,

I choose you.

But you, you also choose you.

You choose your fans.

You never choose me.


Stella, if you don't lay down right now,

we're going to have to sedate you.

- Brenton, wait.
- No. I'm done.

Wait, Brenton, I...



♪ My bones will crumble ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Like water to stone ♪

♪ If you all leave,
what do you leave? ♪

♪ What do you leave
after you've gone? ♪

♪ My pride, my pain,
my shame, my fight ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh my day, my light ♪

♪ My way, my mind,
my mind won't break ♪

♪ My mind won't break ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Keep it coming, take
your best shot every time ♪

♪ I don't mind ♪

♪ Keep on running, I won't stop ♪

♪ By design ♪

♪ My pride, my pain,
my shame, my fight ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ My day, my light,
my way, my mind ♪

♪ My mind won't break,
my mind won't break ♪

♪ My pride, my pain,
my shame, my fight ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ My day, my light,
my way, my mind ♪

♪ My mind won't break,
my mind won't break ♪

Hey, we worked well together today.

Just like in the old days.

- Carina isn't picking up.
- I'm texting Lauren right now.

Any news on the radio?

My deputy says no updates.

But there's a detour around Grey Sloan.

- We're going have to go the long way.
- Let me out.

We're in the middle of the street.

We're ten blocks from Grey Sloan.

It'll be faster if I run.

- Let her out.
- You sure you're okay?

I will be. Just
need to get to Carina.

It's a pretty classic
case of arson, actually.

But I can see how it
might have been missed.

- Well, it shouldn't have been missed.
- Okay, what happens next?

There will be an investigation.

Okay, and how will
you track them down?

They can trace previous
fires, but charges are slow.

Okay, there's been a couple
of other places in the area

that have gone up recently.

If I give you their addresses,
can you check them out?

There really has to be a reason

- to reopen cases like this.
- Well, there is a reason.

All of these businesses had
offers to purchase their lots

by the same real estate firm.

Maybe they couldn't buy them out,
so they burned them out, right?

That's a bold accusation.

Look, man, this is a
personal case for me, all right?

This is where I grew up, and
I just want to make sure that it

gets the same kind of attention
as other places, you know?


I'll see what I can
do about investigating

- the other locations.
- Thank you.

- You got it.
- Thanks.

But I feel fine now.

You should go to the
hospital for observation

just to make sure that you don't have
a second wave of reactions.

Well, okay. But I
just want to go home.

Reggie, go home after you
know you're in the clear.

And you know what?

When you get home, tell your
wife you love her, all right?

Tell her about the
money jar in the garage.

Tell her... just take her
on that vacation, okay?

You never know what's going to happen.

Tomorrow is not promised.
So just tell her everything.

Buy the tickets. And
call an exterminator.

- Okay. Thanks, Doc.
- All right.


, views, and it's
only been three hours.

You were already ahead of
Robel Osman as of this morning.

But this... this... is gonna push you

over the finish line, my friend.

"Mayoral candidate Travis Montgomery

"saves internet star Stella Trix

while speaking on authenticity
and human connection?"

Okay, we need to
capitalize on this, yeah?

- No.
- I'm thinking we put out a new ad.

- Start a hashtag... Be authentic.
- No.

- We can campaign on issues...
- Eli, stop. Eli, stop!

- Neighborhood solidarity.
- Stop it, okay?

I'm not sleeping. I'm not eating.

I didn't start this whole
thing so I could win.

I started it to make
sure that Dixon wouldn't.

This whole thing's out of control.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Travis,
this is nothing, yeah?

You got into this race because you're

passionate and altruistic.
Do you know how often

a passionate and altruistic
person actually leads?

- Not very often.
- Okay, I got to work.

Yes, so do I. I've got to
draft up a new press release.

And you tell me what you think, yeah?

Look, , views.

Travis, just... just think about it.

- Herrera, what you did this morning...
- Chief, I'm sorry.

It was bold.

You stuck your neck out for your team.

You questioned, and you
pushed back on authority

for what you knew to be right.

You know, I've worked with a lot

of different kinds of
people, brave people who are

willing to risk their life.

But it's rare to meet someone
who's so willing to risk

their reputation and their
rank in the way that you did,

someone who's willing
to speak truth to power.

You are... not a follower.

You're a leader.

- Thank you.
- If Station remains intact,

I want you to take Beckett's
place until he returns.


Uh, wow, I, um...

Look, I respect you.

I really respect you.

And I see you as a mentor.

But... when I become
captain of this house,

I want to stay captain of this house.

I've earned that job.

I don't want it temporarily.

Don't let the perfect
be the enemy of the good.

I guess I'm just going
against the grain again.



If anyone deserves it, it's Sullivan.

Everyone trusts him.

And you two work well together.


What's this?

I thought you should have it.

Tomás should have it.

Yeah, you should give it to him.

He's lucky to have you.

- Come on, come on.

- Come on. Pick up.
- , line up!

Come on, baby.

Let's go, .

Screw it.

♪ In uncertain times... ♪

This morning, I spoke to
you about what a mutiny means

in a paramilitary structure.

When we're asked to follow rank,

we're asked to trust our
leaders with our lives,

to blindly follow in good faith.

Looking back, I wish I had the stomach

to do what you did, to question,

to stand your ground in
the face of a broken trust.

I took over your house today worried

that I would find a team that didn't
know how to follow orders.

But that is not what I witnessed.

Today, I saw a team who
cares deeply and always

- has each other's backs.
- Excuse me, excuse me!

While Beckett is gone, you
will need a trusted leader.

Lieutenant Ruiz, today's unveiling
of arson with Firefighter Hughes

was a culmination of
your unrelenting pursuit

of truth in District .

Your dedication, your professionalism

has been exceptional,

and it could be a huge win for
that community in settlements.

Ruiz, the acting captain
position is yours,

if you'll have it.

I accept.

Congrats, Captain. You're dismissed.

♪ As they always were ♪


- Congratulations.
- Thanks, man.

♪ As they always were ♪

♪ If you ♪

♪ Are by my side ♪

♪ I will be fine ♪