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01x03 - Under Pressure

Posted: 03/31/23 07:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"...

They think I k*lled my dad

because I wanted his money?

CULLEN: We didn't k*ll your dad
any more than you did.

We're gonna clear our names.

We're a lot of things
but we're not cops.

CULLEN: But whoever is behind it
is gonna make sure

we have a little accident.


Who the hell are you?

I'm Robin.

So, you knew my dad was Batman?

Mutant g*ng threw him off
the roof of my apartment.

I dragged him to safety.

Not a bad way to meet your hero.

Turner, he didn't want you

to follow down that path.

I swiped this from Ford
during our escape.

DUELA: It's the symbol of
the Court of Owls.

They're the ones who
really run this city.

Have you forgotten
your debt of gratitude?

Just keep me in office so
I can continue to repay it.

We need to find out everything
we can about who's after us.

We got Bruce's journals.
Records of all of his cases.

- CARRIE: Come on. Let's go.
- STEPHANIE: Anything interesting?

TURNER: They ripped out his final entry.

Whoever it was doesn't want us
to know what he wrote.

MAN: Watch it.



You lost, little girl?

Yeah, I'm looking for my Batarang.

Have you seen it?

Oh. There it is.




Nice try.

Ha ha.


Aha. Ha.






- TURNER: You okay?
- CARRIE: I'm great.

HARPER: Then I assume there's

someone somewhere who's not great.

Yep. Guy about the size
of a refrigerator.

Bit of a temper. Goes by
the name Vernon Wagner.

Wait, you went up against
the leader of the Mutant g*ng?

More like he went up
against me. And lost.

I've been tracking them for weeks.

Got to say, worth it.

CULLEN: So... so are they called
the Mutant g*ng

'cause they're actually, like, mutated

or just 'cause it sounds scary?

I'm thinking they're a little less scary

without their leader.

- TURNER: Nice work.

Thank you very much.

This one was kind of personal, actually.

Probably should have
thanked the Mutant Leader.

He's the reason I met your dad.

And became his sidekick.

Yeah, you mentioned that.

So did my dad.

He wrote about it in his journals.

So, how does that happen?

Is there, like, a application process?

Batman took out an ad
in the "Gotham Gazette"?

Like "Mini-Bat wanted"?

The Mutant g*ng threw him off a building

in my neighborhood

and I pulled him to safety.

Oh, you saved Gotham's
savior. That's cute.

I was actually just returning the favor.

He'd been protecting my neighborhood
since before I was born.

I thought I owed it
to Batman to help him

help the people who needed it.

Well, I look forward
to reading all about it

in this little, uh...

Okay. Fine. Maybe later.

Anything in there that can help us
hunt down the Court of Owls?

A lot of conspiracy theories.

It's not exactly a how-to
on catching my dad's K*llers.

Nothing concrete. I can't help thinking

the most important pages were the ones

that were ripped out.

Well, um, I have an
AP Bio exam to cram for.

It's gonna do to me what
the Mutant Leader couldn't.

Does it say in here why Daddy didn't

pick you to be his sidekick?

I mean, Bat-points
for him not just doing

the whole nepotism thing, and clearly,

Little Bird is qualified,
but I mean, come on,

It's gotta sting, like,
a tiny, bitty bit

that he just handed his whole legacy to

some random stranger, right?

I'm sure he had his reasons.


NEWS ANCHOR: After the Mutant
g*ng's reign of terror

following the death of Batman,

Gotham can sleep a bit easier tonight

now that Vernon Wagner,
also known by his

nom de crime "The Mutant Leader",

is safely and, given his sheer size,

snugly behind bars.

Celebrating this victory was Mayor Hill.

MAYOR HILL: On my order,
the brave men of the GCPD

have captured the degenerate leader

of the Mutant g*ng, and starting today,

we're deploying more
officers to hunt down

the rest of the Mutants.

And I can think of
no better way to celebrate

the taking back of our city than
at the Founders Gala tomorrow,

knowing that we made the streets
of Gotham safer today.

- MAN: Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor!

MAN: Is that really gonna work?

Does it make the streets of Gotham safer

when you pressure, one of my ADAs into

dropping charges against Brody March?

Kid clearly learned his lesson.

Came down to the GCPD to confess.

Nobody got hurt and no money was stolen.

Right, because it was donated
to your campaign coffers.

How big a contribution did Lincoln March
make to your re-election fund?

Why? You trying to figure
out how much you gotta

raise to beat me by November?

Or are you still too scared
to get in the race?

I'll see you at the gala.


"GCPD Captures Mutant g*ng Leader".

The press always gets it wrong.

We have AP English together, right?

I'm Stephanie, you're Carrie,

and we have a lot more
in common than that.

Another case of a man taking credit

for a woman's work.

I don't know what you mean.

Turner filled me in
on your extracurriculars.

Can't be easy, picking
up the Bat-mantle.

That why you're catching
extra Zs in the stacks?

I don't care if the cops took credit.

I just wish Batman was here
to see me take him down.

You know, I knew Bruce a little.

He'd be proud of you.

BRODY: Hey, Steph.



Well. I don't know
what's more surprising...

to see you actually in the library

or to see you not behind bars.

Thanks again for that, by the way.

Got months community service.

Of course your dad got you off.

Pays to be a March.
As long as a March pays.

My parents are punishing me
in other ways. Trust me.

Anyway, the reason I'm here in the...

what'd you call this place?
The... library?

Ha. Is because I wanted to ask you

if you wanted to come to
the Founders Gala with me.

I know you hate those parties.

I hate those parties, but come with me.

We can hate the party together.

Your dad legit just got you out of jail.

Is he gonna let you out of the house?

I told you my parents were punishing me.

This is the punishment.

You in?

TURNER: You said yes?

What was I supposed to say?

Brody lied to the police
about hacking the banks.

For me. I kind of owe him.

DUELA: Yeah, I'm with
Brownie on this one.

I mean, you got her into
trouble, he got her out, so,

think that earns her
a ticket to the Brodeo.

Please stay off my side.

And I highly doubt that me splitting

a cheese platter with Brody

is your most pressing concern.

Okay. Where are you on your clue trail?

At a dead end. But check this out.

My dad wrote about his theory
that the Court of Owls

were hunting the Wayne
family for over years.

Starting with his
great-great-grandfather Alan Wayne.

But all the accounts
of the time say that

he drowned in a sewer
when he accidentally

fell into a manhole.

Newspapers attributed it to dementia but

here's where it gets interesting.

Witnesses at the time said that

he was last heard screaming,

"The owls are in my house".

That can't be a coincidence.

- TURNER: Yeah.
- STEPHANIE: So, what now?

Well, I know what the World's
Greatest Detective would do.

Can't solve the last m*rder,
go back to the first.

If the Court did k*ll Alan Wayne,

maybe looking through his cold case

will help us prove they k*lled my dad.

Figure out how they did it, maybe see if

we can find out who was involved.

It's a long shot.

All cold cases are long sh*ts.

But if you could get your hands

on the original case file,
maybe we could

find something the police
missed back then.

Yeah, if the original case file

wasn't collecting cobwebs
in the GCPD basement.

- TURNER: Can't exactly just

go and check it out.

No, but we could steal it.

- TURNER: How?
- CULLEN: Why don't ya

leave that to the thieves to figure out?

WOMAN ON TV: In a stunning development,

the Mutant g*ng has now
claimed responsibility for

last night's downing of a GCPD airship

that crashed into Ace Chemicals,

causing widespread fires
that at this moment

have not been contained.

If not for the brave efforts

of Gotham's firefighters,

toxic fumes would have surely been

unleashed upon the city.

The motive behind
this senseless act of terror

became clear when the Mutant g*ng

threatened a wave of
retaliatory v*olence

against those responsible
for the arrest of their leader.

Wagner and his Mutants
are also suspected of being

the masterminds behind the...

You take down the Mutants,

the GCPD takes the credit,

and then the Mutants take it
out on everybody but you.

I'm not sure if Batman would
be proud of you, but I sure am.

TURNER: Wait. I'm going with you.

This is my mess and
I'm gonna clean it up

before anyone else gets hurt.

You don't have to do it alone.

You were my dad's backup.
Let me be yours.

I appreciate the offer. I really do.

But you have enough to do
trying to clear your names.

Not until we can jailbreak that

Alan Wayne file out of the GCPD.

Until then, I'm out of breadcrumbs.

You know we made a pretty
good team against the Talon.

Maybe we treat the Mutant g*ng
to a bit of that teamwork.

Look, the Talon is a different story.

It's one thing to get
pulled into danger.

It's another to go looking for it.

You're a wanted fugitive,
Turner. It's too big of a risk.

Is this about me getting
caught or me getting hurt?

It's about your dad not wanting you

to follow down the same path.

You can't just walk into
the GCPD and take evidence.

You can if you're in a cop
uniform holding these.

Evidence transfer requests.
Some of my best work.

Just a couple of hours in
the Gotham Academy Art Lab.

DUELA: Let me see.

Oh. Looks like the real deal to me.

HARPER: Your mug shot is
plastered all over the city.

How are you not gonna be recognized?

I could help with that.

Look, they only know me as a scared kid.

They're not expecting a rookie cop.

Yeah. Exactly. Which you aren't.

This is too dangerous.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

And you know what? He can handle it.

The Talon would have
turned me into a patty melt

if he hadn't pulled me out of that car.

And, aah, your problem is that you are

so busy trying to protect your brother

that you haven't noticed
that he doesn't need it.

So, maybe it's time for you to recognize

that he's a total badass.


Thanks for sticking up for me.

It's nice to have someone believe in me

even if it is you.

Oh, yeah, I just said that because

there's something I need
you to do for me.

KING MALA: ♪ I don't need
your roses, I like ♪

♪ Men on their knees ♪

♪ Praying up to their god,
seein' visions of me ♪

♪ I'm a cult leader,
mind reader, heart eater ♪

♪ Fear feeder, say I'm
your favorite preacher ♪

♪ If I wasn't a narcissist,
I wouldn't like me either ♪

WOMAN: Mr. March, can we get
a picture over here?

KiNG MALA: ♪ I'm a cult leader... ♪

Mr. and Mrs. March.

Please, call me Rebecca.

It's nice to finally meet you.

REBECCA: It's a shame we
won't be seeing your parents.

Your mom's been MIA from
the club for weeks now.

Yeah, Dad's taping "Quiz Bowl" tonight.

Mom's been spending more time
at the studio to support him.

REBECCA: Of course. Well,
they must be so proud.

Brody told us you're on
the fast track for MIT,

following in your dad's footsteps.

Same as Brody now going to States.

Heard you were quite the fencer
in your day, Mr. March.

Won State years running.

Shall we?

No pressure.

LINCOLN: You'll do fine. I'm certain.

Though I doubt we can
count on your next opponent

also being arrested for
murdering his own father.

Hey. How you doing?

KiNG MALA: ♪ Leader, leader, no ♪

♪ Leader, leader, leader, no ♪



[g*n CLICKS]


Hi there.

- [THUD]

what are you doing here?

Waiting on a "thank you" for
stopping him from sh**ting you?

One, I had him. Two, now I can't

question him to find out
what they were planning next.

So, thank you.

How'd you even find this place?

The rocket that took down that airship

came from the north, so,
from the point of impact,

it's a straight line to this area.

There are, like,
warehouses in this area.

How did you narrow it down to this one?

When I was little, my dad
and I used to play a game.

He called it "Sore Thumb".

Wherever we were... dinners, parties...

he would have me pick out

the thing that didn't belong.

I always thought it was just a game

to entertain a bored kid,

but turns out...

He was teaching you
situational awareness.

Yup. So, when I saw that this warehouse

was the only one without security lights

and the gates were
padlocked from the inside,

I suspected somebody was
trying to hide something.

Looks like you put
those skills to good use.

I just can't figure out why
he would teach them to me

if he didn't want me to use them.

I'm sure he had a reason.

TURNER: These are from Ace Chemicals.

So, it wasn't a t*rror1st attack.

Crashing that airship into Ace Chemicals
was to cover the fact

that the Mutants were robbing the place.

What are they planning to do
with a bunch of chemicals?

They're empty.

Whatever they were planning,
they already did it.


Good to see you, Martin.

Miss Brown.

How are you this evening?

Ah. Should I get my lawyer

down here before I answer that?

LINCOLN: Harvey Dent.

Gotham's white knight... in black tie.

Lincoln. Good to see you.

Have you met my wife Rebecca?

No, I don't believe I have.
Pleasure to meet you.

So, if you're here
glad-handing the donor class,

I assume the rumors are true

and you are running for mayor.

Right now, my focus is on

the current job I was elected to do.

Is that right? All right.

Well, if you ever hope to be

a politician in this town,

better learn how to lie
better than that.

I have to disagree with my husband.

I think you lie quite well.

I almost believed you when
you told him we'd never met.



DESK SERGEANT: Sign 'em out,
you gotta sign 'em back in.

It's called chain of custody.



How you doing?

DESK SERGEANT: What do you want?

CULLEN: Yeah, I'm from
Somerset Precinct.

I just got a case file transfer request.

Does this look like
the Records Room to you?

Uh, uh...

Down the hall, third door on the left.

Look for a sign that says "Records".


Do they not teach you
anything over there

at Somerset, rook?

Coffee. You come into another
man's shop asking for stuff,

a little juice of the bean
goes a long way.

Right. I'll... I'll remember
that, sir. Thank you.

Yeah. I'll remember you.



Uh, what's all this?

We were kind of hoping
you could tell us.

We found these chemicals
and some kind of blueprints

trashed at a Mutant g*ng stash house.

Any idea what they're up to?

Well, you've got nitrobromide

and uridium oxidate.

Not much you can make out of those.

They're both solubles. They
wouldn't even cause a reaction

unless they were put under
pressure and aerosolized.

Damn. It looks like they're making

some kind of poison gas b*mb.

To gas the city?

No. If you release it outdoors,

it'll dissipate too quickly.

For it to work, it needs
to stay concentrated,

like in an enclosed area.


Now that the cops have Vernon in a cage,

I don't think the Mutant g*ng would risk

k*lling their leader.

DUELA: I know what my daddy would do.

He would make a statement.

All right. What does poison gas do?

Uh, it kills people?

Well, yes, but how?

- CARRIE: It chokes you to death.
- DUELA: Ding ding ding!

Yes. And who better to choke with it

than the people who've
had Gotham by the throat

since the very beginning?

The ones who are, as we speak,

congratulating themselves
between bites of

little, overpriced fish eggs.

- The Founders Gala.
- Yes! You are on fire

today, Little Bird.

I mean, come on. All those

well-heeled hypocrites,

just gasping for rarefied air.

The mayor. The district attorney.



Two virgin mojitos.

Really? 'Cause this one
tastes pretty slutty to me.

Yeah, I tipped the bartender
a to pretend I'm .

You know, given our
recent brushes with the law,

I'm not sure adding underage drinking

to our rap sheets is a good idea.

You're about to have dinner
with my parents.

Trust me, you are going to need it.


Your mom seems nice.


And my dad?

Your mom seems nice.

Huh. Yeah. She is.

It's not always easy being
married to Lincoln March,

even though she makes it seem that way.

Starting to get the sense
it's not easy being his son.


I have to get this. Sorry.


Yes, the party is awful,
the lava cake is garbage,

my feet are k*lling me, and
I'm having a terrible time.

TURNER: Steph, listen.
You have to get out of there.

What? Why?

The Mutant g*ng's about to do

something terrible.



- OFFICER: Who was that?
- OFFICER : sh*ts fired.



MAN: Grenade!



No need to panic.

We're just here to provide
the evening's entertainment.

Do you all like games?

Because I have one
that I think you'll love.

It's a very simple game.

It's called...

"What Does This Button Do?"

MALE REPORTER: It's a chaotic
scene here at City Hall

as the Founders Gala
has been taken hostage

by the Mutant g*ng, who have
barricaded themselves inside,

threatening to detonate
a chemical expl*sive

if the GCPD does not
release their leader,

Vernon Wagner, by p.m. tonight.

In these dark times,
I'm sure I'm not alone

in feeling that Gotham
could use a Batman.

WOMAN ON TV: Isn't that
the truth? In other news...

So, you guys are... going in?

We were kind of hoping
you would join us.

Uh, why the hell would I do that?

You know how to disable a b*mb.

Yeah. Step One: call the b*mb squad.

CARRIE: They don't have
the instruction manual. We do.

Besides, if they go in
and kick the door down,

then the Mutants will
just set off the b*mb.

Sorry, how is what you're
planning any different?

Well, you don't have to go
through the front door.

Decommissioned subway tunnels
will take you right under it.

Then you could pop up into City Hall

like a stripper popping out of a cake.

But you would need someone
to open the door from the inside.

If I could arrange that,
would you show us the way?

Why would I risk my life
to save a bunch of people

who don't give a damn about me?

Same reason we saved you from the Talon.

You do realize it's impossible

to guilt me into anything, right?

Fine. You'll get to punch
a bunch of Mutants.

Oh! Should've led with that.

I'll get my purse.

P.A.: All officers, report
to the briefing room.


Briefing. Now.

I really gotta get these records
down to Somerset, though.

All hands on deck, rook.

Hostage situation at City Hall.

MAN: Briefing room. Now.

MAN: Take a seat.

All right now. All right, everybody.

Listen up. Settle down.

We got a hostage situation.




Here you thought you wouldn't
make this year's Gala.

Not exactly how I wanted
to join the party.

CARRIE: Everyone, stay on comms.

I'll do a sweep while you guys

figure out where they put the b*mb.

For maximum dispersal,
they'll have put it

in the HVAC system.

Boiler room's this way.

But there might be some of those Mutants

between here and there.

- DUELA: Yah!
- MUTANT: Uhh!

- DUELA: Hmm.

We gotta get this thing out of here.

HARPER: Wait, wait.

See that?

It's a mercury tilt switch.

Used to use it in old thermostats.

You move it, mercury closes the circuit.

Uh, what does that mean?

HARPER: It means the Mutants

are smarter than we thought.

You move this thing... boom.

Then we have to disable it here.

MUTANT: All right, listen up.
Rings, watches.

Trinkets. All in the bag.

Make a donation, everybody. Let's go.

- MUTANT : I'll take that.
- REBECCA: Brody.

- BRODY: Uhh!
- MUTANT : Come on, come on.

There's a lot of red tape

and I don't have that kind of authority.

I don't care how much red tape
you've gotta cut through.

There's gonna be
a lot more red down here

if you don't!

Release him. On my order.

Huh. You hear that?

So, here's what you're gonna do.

Do I honestly have to
tell you what will happen

if you give in to their demands?

Um, we make it out of this alive?

You will be sending
a message to every criminal

that not only do we
negotiate with t*rrorists,

but we give them everything they want.

Hardly. We're trading one Mutant Leader

for the rest of his g*ng.

This place is surrounded.

They're not getting outta here.

And I am sending a message
to the criminals, Harvey.

Don't mess with us.

Careful. Don't want to get b*mb

all over your Valentino.

It's a May Nickel.

And that is a mutating algorithm

that deletes itself once complete.

TURNER: Uh, what happens
when it deletes itself?

It deletes us.


Don't want this one getting loose

while I go handle his buddies.

HARPER: Uh, guys? I just
searched for the frequency

that'll deactivate this thing

and there isn't one.

Just one to activate it.

So, it was meant to turn on
and never turn off.

So, the b*mb's going off no matter what?

That'd k*ll the Mutants along with us.

Unless they planned ahead.

Bet they all brought these.

Maybe they always intended
to gas the place.

DUELA: Gotta say, it's kind of
the perfect escape plan.

The GCPD releases the Mutant
Leader, they set off the b*mb.

The GCPD doesn't release the Mutant
Leader, they set off the b*mb,

and then they all
peace out of here while

seizures and suffocation get to fight

over what kills us first.

Great. Huh. Just gonna hang on to this.

How much time do we have to defuse it?

minutes. And that's if

the GCPD doesn't release

the Mutant Leader before then.

We have to warn them not to.

Buy ourselves as much time as possible.

Yeah. We're the last ones
they'll believe.

There is one person
the GCPD will believe. Harvey.

I just gotta make him believe me first.

Okay, and if he doesn't,
he'll have you arrested.

You're gonna risk that?

A lot of people will die if I don't.

MUTANT: Sit down now. Quiet.

Nobody's gonna get hurt.

MUTANT : Calm down.

We've already taken
what we wanted from you.

Have a seat.

Come with me.

MUTANT: Sit down now. Quiet.

Ahh. Okay. Okay.

If you're gonna k*ll me,
just get it over with.

I'm not gonna k*ll you.


What the hell are you doing here?

We don't have much time.

That gas b*mb is in the boiler room,

and as soon as their leader
is released, the Mutant g*ng

are gonna set it off.

That's their exit strategy.

k*ll everybody here,

escape in the chaos.

You show up here

and you're dressed like one of them

and now you're telling me that you know

what they're planning to do? How?

You need to trust me.

How can I do that?

You're a fugitive who ran.

Because I was framed.

Then why not let me help you?

Because you can't.

You asked me before if
I knew what that coin

they found on my dad meant.

I didn't know then.

But I do now.

It's the symbol of the Court of Owls.

They're a secret cabal that's
been pulling strings in Gotham

since the city was founded.

Turner, this is insane.

Listen. The Court k*lled my dad.

And now they're trying to k*ll me.

And the others.

We can't trust anyone.

Then why trust me?

Because my dad did.

What do you need me to do?

HARPER: We could try to cut off
the outflow of the aerosol.

Stop it from releasing the gas.

And if the stainless steel
can't contain the pressure,

then, congratulations,
you've just turned

a chemical b*mb into a regular b*mb.

I suppose you have a better idea?

Yeah. Not doing your idea.

Right, because
Gotham Academy is renowned

for its Honors b*mb Defusing classes.

Nope, just basic science.

We're better off
disrupting the power source

to the valve that pressurizes it.

That's your solution? Cut the wire?

What's next? Bang on it with a hammer?

The Mutants could've
built in a hidden redundancy,

in which case you cut the primary,

this thing hot-boxes half
the city's power players.

Oh, uh, and us.

- CARRIE: Can you read me?

Me and Duela took out
as many Mutants as we could.

All that's left are
the ones in the Gallery.

How are you two doing down there?

Can I talk to you?

You have to recall the order

to release the Mutant Leader.

Why the hell would I do that?

Because if you don't, we're all dead.

It's a double-cross.
They're gonna gas this place

the moment you set him free.

Who told you that?

I'm asking you to please
just trust me on this.

Trust the guy that wants my job?

MAN: Prisoner coming through.

Delta on point. Transfer team ready.

Let's move him out now.


And things just got worse.

Cullen says they've
released the Mutant Leader.

Carrie, you guys need
to take out the rest of

those Mutants, like, now.

As you requested, Vernon Wagner has been

released into the sewer system.

Well ahead of your deadline.


That's probably him now.


in the subway system.

You are good to go.

Our leader's been released!


Now you will all be free.



TURNER: Whatever you're gonna do,

do it now.

TURNER: We have to shut that b*mb down.

Okay, I'm gonna disable
the pressure valve.

Too late.

Wait, no!


- [THUD]

OFFICER: Freeze! Police!


What the hell was that?

Excuse me?

You know what I'm talking about.

You mean the part
where I saved our lives?

No, the part where you
took a chance with my life.

Which you still have, thanks to me.

You cut the wire without
knowing what would happen.

Because I knew what
would happen if I didn't.

You do realize the only way
you win this argument

is by being dead, right?

No, because my way would have worked,

only you didn't give me a chance because

I didn't go to some
fancy private school,

but that does not make you
smarter than me.

I never said that.

Yeah. You did when you cut that wire.

This isn't your daddy's game show.

Now, why don't you go
back to your cozy bedroom

on the top floor of your mansion.

Easier to look down on me from there.

MAN ON TV: While the hostage
situation has been resolved,

the leader of the Mutant g*ng
is once again at large,

but Gotham can rest
a bit easier tonight,

thanks in part to
the heroic efforts... and fists...

of District Attorney Harvey Dent.

Mr. Dent, we didn't find any expl*sive
devices on the premises.

What? He had a detonator.

We swept the facility,
including the ventilator ducts.

Nothing. Maybe the Mutants were bluffing

to get their leader out.

Damn it.

So, we save everyone's lives

and Harvey Dent gets all the credit?

Look, he can have the credit as long as

we can have the shiny stuff.

And what the Mutants take...


we taketh away.

I know what you're gonna
say. "This is so wrong.

The gala guests were victims, too".

Not all of them.

It's a Court of Owls watch.

Just like the one Ford had.

So is this one.

The Court of Owls were at the gala

and we didn't even know it.

There were over people there.

Which means we have no way
of knowing who they are.

Well, maybe this will help us find them.

As promised. Every scrap of paper

the GCPD has on Alan Wayne's death.

Autopsy reports, eyewitness
statements, all of it.

If the Court did k*ll him,
hopefully there's

something in here
that'll lead us to them.


Think I'll do your
sparring partner a favor

and call a TKO.

They let him go.

After everything
the Mutant Leader has done,

and all the people he's hurt.

And they let him go.

I know. It's insane.

It's Gotham.

You try to change it
and it just changes you.

Makes me wonder why I even do it.

Because you're really good at it.

Not easy to say it, but I gotta admit:

I'm jealous of you.

I see why my dad
wanted you as his Robin.

I just wish I'd gotten
to see that side of him.

Turner... you got to see the side of him

that I never did.

The man who takes his kid
on camping trips.


I was so young when my dad died.

I never got to experience
that kind of stuff.

So, I'm jealous of you.

Well, it's clear from his journals

how much he cared about you.

It's also clear just
how responsible he felt

for every bad thing that every bad guy

did in Gotham that he didn't stop.

It was eating him up inside.

And I can't imagine
he'd want that for you.

My dad didn't want me
going down his path.

And I may never know why.

But I do know...
following in his footsteps

makes me feel closer to him.

He wouldn't want you to bear
the weight of his legacy alone.

Let me help you.

Risking your freedom
to save all those people?

It was very brave. And, Turner,

your dad would be so proud of you.

Is that a yes? Come on.

What did you say that night
you followed my dad?

What convinced him to let you help him?

I didn't convince him. Not that time.

He said no. And then
I followed him again

and then I asked him again
and he said no.

Actually, I got a lot of nos.

But I just kept on asking.

I guess I never gave up.

Kinda sucks to be
the Mutant Leader then.

With that kind of persistence...

he won't be free for long.

Was not easy, but I got it.

Not sure why you wanted that
from evidence lockup.

I thought you hated him.

Oh, I do.

This is just so I don't forget how much.

HARPER: Cullen?

No, I don't want to hear it.

You walked into a building
with a b*mb in it.

You're the last person
who gets to lecture me

about doing something dangerous.
I can handle myself.

- HARPER: I know that.
- CULLEN: Really?

'Cause you've been treating me
like some weak, scared, little kid.

- HARPER: Cullen.
- WINONA OAK: ♪ This love from me ♪

- ♪ I don't... ♪
- HARPER: You've never

backed down from a fight.

Not against Dad, not against anybody.

Cullen, you are
the bravest person I know.

WINONA OAK: ♪ I'll be fine, I promise ♪

I learned that from my
pain-in-the-ass sister, so.

WINONA OAK: ♪ It's all too late ♪

♪ So I'll stay till I break ♪

I've been a citizen
of Gotham my whole life.

I grew up in Cobble Hill,

- just across the river.

Ha ha! That's right.

For as long as I can remember,
unchecked crime and corruption

have cast a dark shadow over this city.

And I think it's time
we remind those criminals

that we are not helpless.

We will no longer live
in the grip of fear.

That we will fight for a better Gotham,

- fight for a brighter tomorrow.

- [BUZZ]
- Get us the hell out of here!

And we will let a new dawn
of hope shine down

on the streets of this great city.

That is what I want.

No! No!

No! Oh, no! No!


HARVEY: And that is why I am running

for mayor of Gotham.

MAN: Greg, move your head.