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09x16 - The Source in the Sludge

Posted: 03/17/14 05:29
by bunniefuu
We're gonna plant a fish? I don't know about this, Kyle.

Dude, the object is to win the fishing tournament, isn't it?

Some guys stuff lead weights down the fish's throat.

Me, I'm a purist.

Yeah, I'm talking about the morality part.

We're evening out the odds. That's very moral.

So... let's figure out where we're gonna put this guy.

All right.

The boat slip's right here.

We'll put him way out in the lake so we'll be in the middle of the tournament by the time he thaws.

And then bingo.

We come back with an eight-and-a-half pounder and take home gold.

What is that?

That's probably a bag of morality.

You got to go see what that is.

Some jackass had the same idea we did.



What? Is it big?

Yeah, but I don't think it'll win the tournament.

Yeah. BRENNAN: That's your third cup of coffee.

I like the coffee here.

One more reason why you're more likely to die before I do.

Whoa, whoa.

Wait a second. Okay. Let's just start...

Take a step back, all right? What are you talking about?

You imbibe a higher level of carcinogenic fluids, you've had a brain tumor, you're older than I am, and you're a man.

Therefore, the insurance company is wrong.

Wrong about what? They want to charge more for my life insurance than yours, even though I will clearly outlive you.

Okay, I'm glad you have a plan to outlive me.

I'm just being practical. I'm sure they're being practical, too; this is what they do.

They've come to the misguided conclusion that it is more dangerous for me to spend time in the field than for you.

Without examining the evidence. Well, they-they kind of have.

You see, I'm trained in the danger business.

You're, you know... you're top dog...

(howls) in the lab.

I'm licensed to carry a w*apon, I know martial arts...

You shot me once. A ricochet. That doesn't count.

I'm sure it counts to them, okay? Oh, so you agree with them and think that I should be penalized. You know what, I'm not gonna win this discussion. I mean, I just keep digging a... hole that's getting deeper and deep...
(phone ringing)

Oh, look at that. There is a God.

Saved by a phone call. Booth.

Yeah. Okay.

Great. On our way. Decomposed body in the lake.

Let's go.

I'm not done with this, Booth. Look, this is not my fault, okay?

I don't speak for the life insurance company.

I didn't just sh**t you, Booth. I saved your life, too.

All right, look, if this is so important to you, why don't you look for another insurance company, you know?

Shop around for better rates. I will.

Yeah. There you go. Good idea.

All right, what's going on here at the dock of the bay?

Whoa. A waterlogged corpse.

How long has it been in there?

Based on decomped flesh underwater, I'd say it's been in the bag approximately four days.

There's got to be some goodies in there that'll give us a more precise time.

Well, until you find them, four days.

Sharp supraorbital margin, lack of prominence of the glabella indicate that the victim is female.

BOOTH: See, I could've looked at that for hours and never have figured that out, all right.

All you need is a little piece of bone and a beautiful brain. Me?

I just need a g*n. Don't patronize me, Booth.

Am I missing something? No.

The insurance company believes that I am more at risk than he is when we're in the field.

And Booth agrees with them. Really? It's none of their concern.

That doesn't seem right. See?

You see what you started now? They're just looking at numbers. I mean, Booth has more training and experience.

Right. Exactly. S...

Did you hear what he said here?

Mr. Bug Boy said they're just looking at numbers.

I thought you didn't want to involve them. SAROYAN: Glad you asked now?

Someday I'll learn.

There's clearly trauma to the bones, but I need them cleaned to determine cause.

Hey, uh, if someone was trying to hide this, wouldn't they weigh down the bag?

BOOTH: There's a tournament scheduled for today.

Well, all the more reason to go deep.

No, not if the k*ller wanted us to find the body.


Oh, be careful.

Good. Bag on a gurney. HODGINS: Careful, guys.

I need this water. Ooh, and that! OTHERS: Oh!

Hey! Grab it! Get it, get it, get it!

Get it, get it, get it! That thing.


Okay, do not let that go, Booth. That is evidence.

Do not let it go, okay? What is that?

It's a lamprey. It will not bite. Lamprey.


Unless, of course, you let the mouth near your skin.

Well, it's on my skin. Get it off my skin. Come on, come on. I need it in here.

BRENNAN: I'd help, but apparently I'm not as qualified as you in field work.


And now I got slime stuff on me.

♪ Bones 9x16 ♪
The Source in the Sludge
Original Air Date on March 10, 2014

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

BRENNAN: Almost complete ossification of the cranial sutures indicates that the victim was in her late 20s.

The skull's in good shape.

Angela's reconstruction should be pretty simple.

The victim is Caucasian.

I do not concur. Really?

Racial identification is basic stuff. What did I miss?

The sharp nasal sill and the angle of the anterior nasal spine indicates the victim was Caucasian.

Uh, that's what Ms. Wick said.

The issue is her projecting zygomatics and the wide interorbital space.

Asian? There's no single ethnicity because the victim is from a polyethnic crossroads.

Somewhere along the ancient trade routes that ran between Northern Asia and the Caucasus.

I'm sorry. I'm just tired.

I've been studying for my orals.

I thought you already took them.

They were rescheduled.

I would place victim's ethnic origins in the Stans--

Waziristan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan. Better.

The skin is in pieces.


Hodgins' lampreys did some good work on this.

Who would throw lampreys in with a body?

I'm not supposed to know that, am I?

What am I supposed to do, okay? Bones is all upset.

Am I supposed to start my own life insurance company?

Dr. Brennan's always seen herself as someone who's capable of doing anything if she puts her mind to it. Now this... empirical assessment's telling her she's not as exceptional as she thought.

That's not an answer. How do I fix this?

Start your own insurance company.

Sometimes you can be really useless.

Are you gonna be helpful at all in this case?

I know you're frustrated, so I'm not gonna take that personally.

Based on the crime scene, I don't think this is the work of a sexual predator.

They typically like to leave a bit of a calling card behind.

What about the eels?

Okay, those are very phallic, obviously.

But it's atypical.

I think they're symbolic of something else.

All right. What?

I don't know yet. But we're looking for someone who is obviously trying to send a message.

You wanted to see me, Ms. Wick?

Yes, Dr. Brennan.

I completed a preliminary examination of the victim's entire skeleton, and I found a remodeled fracture on the left humerus.

Do you have the X-rays? I'd like to see... I do indeed.

It appears the victim suffered a severe break approximately two years ago.


Of course.

Did you also note that it appears a pin was inserted to help the fracture set properly?

I should have seen that.

That is correct. You should have.

We need to look at the humerus more closely.

(whirring, beeping)

Angela should be able to identify the victim from this serial number.

Can you extract it and take it to her?

I hope so. Are you sure there isn't something on your mind, Ms. Wick? No.

No, no.

Apparently nothing in this mind at all.

HODGINS: Did you know these guys haven't evolved in 360 million years?

Sounds like they could run for Congress.

Look at them, just doing what they do best.

Relaxing and watching life go by.

And this is helping how?

Well, the lampreys were feeding on the corpse, which means they've ingested all sorts of useful stuff.

So I am waiting for them to make.


Oh, sorry. That's what we call it with Michael Vincent.

Although, unlike him, their digestive tract goes directly from mouth to anus.

I'm sure that's not the only difference.

Why don't you just cut them open?

After 360 million years, I think they deserve a bit more respect than that.

Ooh, look at that. I think he's making.

Uh, excreting.

Don't you want to see this? Nope.

This is evidence. Bye-bye!

Oh, Cam, the pin that Dr. Brennan found in the victim's humerus was part of a shipment of medical devices that was sent to Afghanistan.

Dr. Brennan said the victim came from that part of the world.

And Daisy was right about the Stans.

The victim was originally from Afghanistan.

Her name was Sari Nazeri.

Poor thing. She was only 28.

MONTENEGRO: She immigrated to the U.S. a year ago with her brother.

She was a teacher's aide, and he did odd jobs-- landscaping and carpentry.

They were granted political asylum.

Well, she deserved it.

She helped American forces locate t*rrorists and made some videos about her experience.

Did I know that my actions would mean I could never go back to my home?


But I don't regret anything.

Here, I can tell the world the truth.

Here, I can work to make sure any girl can get access to education without fear of retribution.

Here, I can... speak about the freedom that can bring light to a part of the world that has been dark for too long.

No sacrifice is too great to make that happen.

And we couldn't even keep her safe.


FBI. Special Agent Seeley Booth.

This here is my partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan.

Are you, uh, Aziz Nazeri?

Is this about Sari?


(speaks Pashto)

(speaks Pashto)

MAN: It's okay, Aziz. Let them in.

Danny? Hey, Seeley.

Can't say I'm happy to see you.

Wait, y-you know them?

Yes. They're with the FBI.

What are you doing here?

Long story.

But you can only be here for one reason, so... do what you came to do.

Will they help find my sister?

Unfortunately, we have.

I don't understand.

BRENNAN: Your sister is dead, Mr. Nazeri.

We're very sorry.

How could this happen?


How could you let this happen?

How could you let this happen?

Maybe it's time you tell us about that long story, Danny.

When Aziz came home last Friday, Sari was gone.

I tried to call, but her cell phone was disconnected.

Why didn't you file a missing persons report?

It's sensitive.

It's m*rder. There's always more when the CIA's involved, so... you want to tell me that long story now, Danny?

Hey, you were supposed to protect us.

Hey, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, Aziz, I promise.

BRENNAN: The CIA isn't empowered to investigate crimes on U.S. soil.

This is Booth's jurisdiction.

Thank you, Bones. So, Mr. Nazeri, did Sari have any problems around here?

Did anybody come around and thr*aten her recently?

She was an asset, Seeley.

You know how this works. It was Ibrahim.

Ibrahim is dead, Aziz. Okay, somebody want to fill me in here?

Who's Ibrahim? Look, this has to stay quiet.

Ibrahim Sajadi. An engineer. He made bombs for al-Qaeda.

He was a CIA target in Afghanistan.

It was your job to k*ll him?

That's what you do, isn't it?

Ibrahim was a high value target.

We knew he was in Ghazni, but we didn't have operatives on the ground.

Sari identified where he lived-- they were from the same village. She was working for you over there?

I recruited her, yes.

She planted the transponder in his house for the drone strike; she was incredibly brave.

She got injured by the expl*si*n.

AZIZ: Yeah, too brave. And too stupid to trust you.

Now she's dead.

Hey, I took care of her when she was hurt, Aziz.

I got you both out of the country.

I did everything I promised.

No, you promised us a good life!

BOOTH: Look, you can't hold anything back, Danny, okay?

This is my jurisdiction, it's my case.

Hey, we put a lot of time into this.

There are people above me, we have operatives...

Yeah, but it's not gonna work like that here, James Bond, because I'm representing the Justice Department to make sure you obey the law.

So, Booth is your boss on this case, or we tell the world you got your recruit k*lled.

Now, why don't we all play truth or dare and move this thing along.

Truth. Sounds good to me.

Don't waste your time on Ibrahim; it couldn't be him. I'll prove it.

SWEETS: I don't know, the serpents, the, uh, duffel bag, the public disposals.

Those all appear to be Ibrahim signatures, right?

I mean, that's exactly how we found Sari.

He really works with serpents?

Yeah, in every k*lling attributed to him.

To Ibrahim, they're unclean, reviled.

That's one thing he and I agree on.

They're a way to degrade his victims.

All right, so you're thinking that Ibrahim k*lled Sari?

I'm telling you, we k*lled Ibrahim in that drone strike.

See for yourself.

You sure he was in there? Yeah.

CAROLINE: Then that is one toasted t*rror1st, cherie.

BOOTH: Yeah, I don't know.

You know, I've seen guys like Ibrahim reported dead four or five times like this.

Every time you send out a drone, you have to report a k*ll in order to cover yourselves.

Sari was there. She saw Ibrahim go into the house.

But didn't you say she was injured in that blast?

Look, Danny, I know you don't want to face it, all right?

Sari and Aziz put their faith in you.

But you have to know that it's possible that Ibrahim is still alive.

Yeah. I mean, it's consistent with Ibrahim's profile that he'd want to exact revenge on Sari, isn't it?


If Ibrahim's alive... he wouldn't let anyone else do the job.

These recent contusions are on the ribs, zygomatic, maxilla and mandible.

Not cause of death, but it clearly indicates a struggle.

You found no fracturing at all?

No evidence of a w*apon? No.

And no evidence of a blow capable of k*lling her.

And I was thorough, I swear.

SAROYAN: The victim was dragged, violently.

Is this the medial collateral ligament? Yes.

And it was ruptured, indicating that the victim was dragged.

Do you concur, Ms. Wick?

It appears the victim was indeed dragged, with enough force to dislocate the femur from the tibia.

Dr. Saroyan was correct.

Thank you for that.

BRENNAN: While interesting, this puts us no closer to cause of death or to evidence linking us to a k*ller.

When put that way, it's very bleak.

MONTENEGRO: Hey, I've got something I need you to see.

Did Caroline give you all the information you needed on Ibrahim?

Yeah, I hope so.

I mean, it's always possible the CIA is holding something back.

I sound like Hodgins, huh?

In this case, that would be prudent.

So far, I've run travel records, bank accounts airport facial recognition records, but I couldn't find anything that links to Ibrahim or any of his known aliases.

He could have used a disguise or another alias. Exactly.

And since there are any number of ways to sneak into the country, like merchant ships and cargo holds...

So we have nothing but more questions.

The Army had Ibrahim in custody for six months in Afghanistan.

I went through service records, and I found the guy who guarded him.

"Derek Johannessen."

He was the guard on duty when the prison was bombed.

Ibrahim escaped with 18 other t*rrorists.

In his statement, he said that he was convinced that Ibrahim would find a way to America to avenge his people.

You were in the service, Mr. Johannessen?

Corporal, yeah. Tried to re-up, couldn't pass the physical.

Right. And you were a prison guard in Sangar, right?

One of your prisoners was Ibrahim Sajadi?

See, that wasn't my fault.

They always want a scapegoat, but what the hell could I do?

Someone drove up a van and blew a hole in the wall.

All right, look, no one's blaming you for anything.

We're just trying to figure out what you know about Ibrahim, that's all.

You guys didn't take him out.

He's not dead, is he?

Not definitively. Oh, man.

You do not want Ibrahim here.

We need you to tell us everything you can remember about him.

Who he talked to, any contacts who might still be active.

The guy was in isolation. I'm the only one he talked to.

About what?

Food, water, towels, cockroaches.

What do you think, we were buddies?

BOOTH: Well, did he mention any contacts here? Any threats?

I'll think.

I'll do whatever I can, but that b*mb scrambled me a little, you know what I'm saying?

We've all taken hits.

The memories are in there somewhere.

Just do what you can. What I do know, the other prisoners called Ibrahim "the chameleon."

He could blend in anywhere.

Which is the last thing you want in a t*rror1st.

I ran every tox screen I can think of, gone over every inch of remaining arterial tissue for incisions, and found nothing that points to cause of death.

I found some interesting striations on the left styloid process, talus and medial malleolus.

There are two layers of striations-- one has partially remodeled and the other hasn't.

Which suggests the victim struggled to loosen her ligatures, but was rebound.

Indicating that she tried to escape.

Do you feel that I'm a strong, competent woman who's more than capable of defending herself?

This is not about the case, is it?

It has to do with the inequity of my life insurance premium.


Well, a fascinating political issue.

I don't think I'm really qualified.

Of course you are.

I was hoping that after I compiled the necessary actuarial data to challenge the company, you would give a detailed analysis of my considerable skills.

Under oath.

Oh! Oath!

Well... I am flattered, of course.

But may-maybe we should focus on the case first?

I didn't see any mention of striations in Ms. Wick's preliminary report.

Ms. Wick overlooked them, as she did much else in this case.

Remodeling suggests that Sari was bound for several days with no additional injuries.

Why would Ibrahim hold her c*ptive for so long if his goal was to display his k*ll in such a public way?

Don't you think you've gotten as much information as you're gonna get from these guys?

Are you kidding? Once these guys start to poop...

Okay, okay, I get the picture, unfortunately.

You know, I used to think that this eel obsession was weird, but... now I actually find it kind of endearing.

You do?

Yeah. I get it.

Yeah, because they're the sister taxon of all living jawed vertebrates, right? So...

No, no, no, sweetie.

I mean, in the last year, you've lost your fortune and you found out you had a brother who then turned out to be mentally ill.

You've had all these major life changes happen, and you've never once complained or fallen apart or felt sorry for yourself.

You just... you took it in stride.

I don't understand.

I mean, not many people could deal with what you have.

And then there are these 360-million-year-old creatures who have stayed the course, just like you, no matter what evolution threw at them.

It just makes sense that you take a shine to them.

They are pretty special, huh?

Like you.

Hey, look at this.

You're gonna ruin this moment with poop?

No, it's just that there's something in it.

Looks like fiber.

Piece of twine?

Jute-- it is twine.

Yeah, what she was bound with.

Well, there seems to be traces of blood and tissue in the weave I can give to Cam and what looks like pollen from Ipomoea purpurea.

That's a morning glory.

Sari Nazeri's brother is a landscaper.

Thanks for making time for me, Lance.

Of course.

I'm always happy to make time for you.

But, uh, you know, if this is about us getting back together...

What?! No.

I just missed you, as a friend.

Although I do miss the sex sometimes.

Just for the record.

What is it?

I mean, you're clearly upset about something.

I took my orals for my doctorate.

I thought you said that those were postponed.

I lied.

I went and I failed.

Ah. I'm a failure.

And a liar.

Which, interestingly, doesn't concern me as much as the failure part right now.

Right. You know what? It's all right.

Everybody stumbles.

You just have to accept it, move forward, try again, right?

But my work has been terrible.

I've been overlooking really obvious things.

And Dr. Brennan is gonna fire me, I know it.

Just tell Dr. Brennan what happened.

I'm sure she'll understand what you're going through.

Are we talking about the same Dr. Brennan, Lance?

The one who demands perfection?

You want me to tell that Dr. Brennan that I'm a failure?

Trust me. She'll understand.

I really have missed you, Lance.

And the sex.

Just talk to Dr. Brennan, all right?

Not... not about the sex.


God, no.

So, the squints found a piece of twine we might be able to link to Sari's brother.

Her brother? Yeah.

Nah, they were close, Seeley.

I can't see him k*lling her.

So, you never saw them fight?

Okay, you never saw him do that whole women-are-less-than-men thing?

You're talking about a cultural bias that doesn't fit.

They emigrated to the U.S. voluntarily.

They begged to come.

So they were perfect.


Look, we got off on the wrong foot, I get that.

But we've known each other for a long time.

Look, you can't protect your assets and your agency, while we're laying all the facts on the table.

Okay, sure, they fought sometimes, but like brothers and sisters do.

It's hard adjusting to a new life.

You've seen that in witness protection cases.

It's worse moving to another country.

But he loved her, Seeley.

(elevator bell dings)

Bones, what are you doing here?

I checked the ligature marks on Sari's bones, and the jute gardening twine is a match.

Also, Cam confirmed that it was Sari's tissue in the weave.

Yeah, she called.

Also, Angela checked Aziz Nazeri's credit card receipts; he bought a disposable cell phone from Appomattox Appliances three weeks ago.

He already had a cell phone. I have the number.

Aziz made minimum wage. If he was buying another phone, that means he was hiding something.

Are you sure that you guys know nothing about this?

Are we doing this again?

No. Sari was my asset, not Aziz.

BRENNAN: Angela got the make and serial number of the phone so she could trace the calls using Aziz's location.

He called a number in Helsinki that reroutes transmissions to Afghanistan to the town of Ghazni. BECK: Man.

He didn't want his calls traced. When was the last call made?

Two days before Sari was k*lled, and then nothing.
It's Jamaal Ahmad.


BECK: He's one of Ibrahim's guys.

The agency's been tracking him. He's in Ghazni.

And you were gonna tell me this when?

I didn't think it was relevant.

I told you now, didn't I?

Fine. Let's go get Aziz.

I'm coming with you. Uh, I don't think that's a good idea.

I'm Booth's partner, and I wasn't talking to you.

I think maybe you should stay back.

It could be a little dangerous.

Three well-trained people questioning one man?

Am I the only one who isn't afraid?

Sounds like you work for the insurance company.

Are you coming? Yeah.


How can you possibly think I had any connection to Ibrahim?!

He m*rder*d my sister!

We know you bought a phone to call Ghazni.

Who were calling, huh? Jamaal Ahmad?

You were on Ibrahim's death list, Aziz.

Why are you calling his number two guy?

Whoa, whoa!

Oh, Bones!

Nice hit! Good hit there, Bones. Geez!

All right, let's go. Talk. Come on!

I wanted to go home.

And Jamaal Ahmad was the only one who could make that happen.

He could talk to Ibrahim and make peace for me.

BECK: I got you and Sari out of there; you said you wanted to go.

No. I said I had to go, because of what Sari did.

I never wanted to go.

In Afghanistan, I was respected.

Here, I cut the lawn for rich people.

BOOTH: No, they would never let you back in, you got to know that. BRENNAN: They might.

Sari became a traitor when she started working with the CIA.

If he k*lled her, Aziz would prove his loyalty to Ibrahim.

No. I wanted to take her home.

That's where our life was. Sari couldn't go back.

You always told us everything was possible.

But she didn't want to go back. She was clear on that.

You always thought you knew her so well, huh?

Well, did you know, in the past month, she would leave the house at night?

Sometimes be gone until morning?

This is America, Aziz.

Women are free to live the life they want.

You had no idea she was disappearing at night?

She's really not helping, Seeley.

No, she kind of is, all right?

A source, what, changes her behavior?

And what do you do? You just, what, brush it off?

Is that how you were trained? AZIZ: Yeah, I told you she was acting strange, but you did nothing.

You had no idea where she was going on those nights she disappeared? No idea.

Are you sure about that? Who are we questioning here?

I don't know.

Danny knows something about Sari's m*rder, and he's not telling us. Maybe he can't.

It could be classified, right? Wouldn't matter.

Booth's security clearance is pretty damn high.

You know, I'm sick and tired of this guy keeping stuff from me.

I'm bringing him in for impeding an investigation.

Hey, hey, reign it in, cowboy.

You do not want to start a turf w*r between the CIA and FBI, mostly because I'd be caught in the middle of it.

SWEETS: His defensiveness could be explained by the guilt he feels for failing to protect his source.

Are you really thinking he k*lled her?

It could explain a lot.

Why would he want to k*ll the woman whose life he saved?

You know what? Things happen in a w*r.

Okay, you end up doing stuff that could destroy you if it came out.

Do you think she was blackmailing him?

To get a better deal or to get a better job for her brother.

I've seen it before. CAROLINE: You may be right, cher, but for the sake of your career and mine, you can't arrest Danny on a hunch.

The CIA guy? Aren't they trained to k*ll so that no one will ever find out?

Those killings aren't solved because those investigations don't wind up with us.


We're "us"?

I'm still making up my mind.

We're looking for something that is meant to be overlooked.

Dr. Brennan, I know you've had issues with my performance.

And I'd like to clear things up.

The best way to clear it up is to impress me with your work.

I failed my orals.


And that has affected your work here?

I knew everything, and then the second that they started asking me questions, I felt dizzy, and everything I knew just vanished.

I almost fainted.

You experienced a vasovagal reaction brought on by extreme stress.

It's not an uncommon response.

But it's humiliating. Oh.

(chuckles): It's definitely humiliating.

Lance said you'd be more understanding.

I understood that you humiliated yourself.

And I understand that it's meaningless.

When I failed my orals, I continued to excel at my internship.

You failed your orals, too?

I felt the board was not competent enough to judge me-- a fact that I communicated to them.

They didn't appreciate my honesty.

No matter.

Orals are an antiquated useless tradition meant to make professors feel superior.

If I were an insurance company, I would give you a policy for free.

I've run the actuarials.

That would be fiscally irresponsible.

Dr. Brennan, I feel something.

There's a contusion on the anterior third sternal rib.

I observed it earlier.

But there's something inside the contusion.

You're right.

It's a microscopic V-shaped nick.

Very good, Ms. Wick.

Well, you always say to feel the bones.

Something those twits who give the orals wouldn't know, right?

Unless you get me.


I'll give that to Dr. Hodgins to swab.

Then to Angela; she can scan the nick to see if she can recreate a potential w*apon.

Ms. Wick?

Good work.

(computer beeping)

Hey, Angie. How's it going?

Well, I matched the nick on the bone with the angle of the blade that caused the incision.

And there's potentially five other knives that the k*ller could've used.

All right, well, this might help.

So, the swab from the nick showed particulates of high-carbon 440B steel and traces of Kydex.

It's probably from the sheath.

Hey, that's a specialty steel, used only for very high-end tactical knives.

Okay, the knife was made by Higginson in El Paso.

Looks like it was a custom run.

They only made 800 of them.

For Special Forces.

BOOTH: Danny?

Give me your g*n.

What the hell's this about?

Give me your g*n.


What knife?

The Higginson, the one you and I were both given back at Special Forces.

I don't know. I lost it in a move. You lost it in a move?

Really? We know it was the knife that stabbed Sari.


Hey, you are way over the line here, Booth.

You think I k*lled Sari?

Right now, you're my best suspect, pal.

I gave Sari the knife to protect herself.

You gave her a knife?

She didn't like g*ns.

Look, she must've tried to use the knife on Ibrahim when he took her, and he turned it on Sari instead.

That knife was a part of you.

You told me it was what kept you alive in Mosul.

Now, you would never give that up.


I gave her the knife because it was a part of me.

She was...

Doesn't matter.

You were sleeping with the source.

Hey, I loved her, Seeley.

Look, I know it was wrong. I...

It just happened.

What happened to working together, huh?

Telling me everything?

Look, you're right.

I should've.

But if the Agency finds out, I'm done!

You know that.

Look, I just figured we'd find who k*lled her, and whatever happened between Sari and me would stay between Sari and me.

Why should I believe you now?

Because I just came from a briefing.

We're getting intel that Ibrahim really is here.

And Sari was just a warning shot.

It might be Danny Beck's knife and you might be able to get an attempted m*rder charge, but the wound was superficial.

The knife didn't penetrate deeply enough to sever any arteries.

So, you still don't know how that poor girl was k*lled?


I do have an idea though.

You know, we have a nice lounge upstairs that might be more comfortable for you.

Yeah, but then I'd be depriving you of my talent to backseat drive.

And we wouldn't want that.

So all we know for sure is she was stabbed a little and tied up.

That's about right.

But what I don't understand is why leave her tied up for so long?

I just nudge, cherie.

You're the one who gets the answers.

Oh! That's an eyeball! Please!

I repeat: coffee and donuts in the lounge.

As if I could eat now.

I'm using vitreous fluid to run a test for potassium that could give us environmental data, like the location where she was kept, the type of enclosure.

(device beeps)

Oh, my God.

Now, that sounds good.

I have cause of death.

She was left to die.

That was her t*rture.

She died of dehydration.

So you're saying that Danny tied her up and left her to die of dehydration?

Wow, that's even cold for the CIA.

I'm not saying that, cher, you are.

If James Bond wanted to get rid of her, he had a million choices, none of which carried the risk of someone stumbling upon her as she was dying slowly.

Even if he wasn't in love with her, she was a source, right?

So we would have found something to indicate a personal attachment, but this m*rder is cold and impersonal.

So Danny was right-- it was Ibrahim.

With Ibrahim, it's always about direct payback-- literally an eye for an eye-- so even if he didn't die from that drone strike, his bodyguards did, his lieutenant, and most important, his family.

So he would have k*lled Sari with a b*mb.

BOOTH: No, no, no, not necessarily.

I mean, those houses are made out of stone.

A lot of times, when a b*mb hits, you don't die from the expl*si*n.

I mean, you-you die slowly from being trapped in the rubble.

No way to get out, no water.

You'd dehydrate.

SWEETS: It would take days.

An eye for an eye. So it was Ibrahim.

Danny said he has something else planned.

Did you find something, Ms. Wick?

Yes, I did.

As you'll recall, the lampreys left significant abrasion marks on the clavicles, the scapula, the mandible and the maxilla.

Lampreys can often leave marks that can be misinterpreted for either...

You're not doing your orals, Ms. Wick; just show me what you found.

Can do.

Finally, look at the mandible.

See this abrasion mark on the right condyloid process?

You're saying that it wasn't caused by the lampreys when they ate the mandibular muscle.

That's right. It's an avulsion fracture.

It indicates that Sari bit her attacker with exceptional force.

She didn't give up, she was fighting to live.

Please examine the teeth and any pockets in the mandible where tissue could still be present.

So that Dr. Saroyan can potentially find the assailant's DNA?

I've already done that.

Because in every investigation, the proper methods of evidence collection demand that...

Not my orals. Sorry.

I am so gonna kick ass next time I take them.


What do you have, Bones?

There's no remaining tissue in the teeth.

But I found aspirated skin fragments at the bifurcation of the victim's primary bronchi.

What is that? That Sari bit her k*ller and inhaled some particles of his skin.

SAROYAN: We're running it through the database, but preliminary analysis indicates we're looking for a Nordic male.

Nordic? Okay, I'm... I'm no squint, but even I know that, uh, Ibrahim is not Nordic. And neither is Danny.

Have you questioned anybody who is of Scandinavian extraction?


According to the military CODEC, the DNA is a match to Derek Johannessen.

That's no surprise.

Look at this.

Danny sent over all the known financial fronts for t*rror1st organizations working out of Ghazni.

SAROYAN: All of this money is Johannessen's?

MONTENEGRO: Yeah, he used aliases and offshore bank accounts, shell companies, but yeah, all of the money came to him.

And it came from Ibrahim's network.

So they paid

Johannessen to k*ll Sari to make the world think that Ibrahim was still alive?

Yeah. And the chatter the CIA picked up about the impending U.S. attack was also traced back to Johannessen.

So Ibrahim must have died in that drone strike.

Had to.

Hey, uh, listen, Booth. Yeah?

I want you to know, I should've come clean, about everything.

And what you did...

I'd have thrown me in jail just like you.


Look, did you love her?


I could never lie about that.

I'm sorry you lost her.

So Johannessen must've been recruited by Ibrahim when he was a guard.

That son of a bitch has no morals at all.

You and your team did an amazing job.

Better than my guys.

Of course.

My job is clearly done, so why am I still here? BOOTH: Why?

Because you're my partner and we close cases together, and that's never gonna change, that's why.

And I don't care what any insurance company has to say.

Now, don't sh**t the messenger, cher.


Yeah. What?

The powers that be have decided that if Johannessen gives us Ibrahim's network, he gets his freedom and ten million dollars in taxpayer money to enjoy it with.

No, but he's a m*rder*r! I... we gave you all of the evidence that you need. He can provide the government with the entire network over there-- how they finance themselves, who the operatives are.

And that's a lot more important to them than one dead Afghani woman.

Hey, look, I can get it out of him.

Sorry, Booth.

I have the order from the DOJ.

Now let me go get this unfortunate business over with.

This is not gonna stand.

Let it go, Booth.

No, Bones, I'm not gonna let it go, okay?

This guy-- he's got to pay.

He's gonna pay.

SARI: I may not know the names or faces of all those who are with me, but I am not alone in this struggle.

He k*lled this beautiful woman.

I can't believe Johannessen's gonna go free.

So, you see, it doesn't matter what happens to me.

As long as the fight lives on, I live on.

Seven million views in two days?

She can't have died for nothing.

And why do I think you had something to do with that?

Every small girl who learns to read, every woman who has the courage to become a teacher or a doctor... they keep the dream alive.

They keep the darkness away.

I don't understand why people fear an educated woman.

Well, maybe I do.

Because it is clear that ignorance is no match for a curious mind.

And hatred and oppression are no match for the human heart.

Compassion and love will guide us, and freedom will be our reward.

♪ When you're away... ♪

BOOTH: So, the guys over at the CIA, they're just throwing a party.

All the information you gave about Ibrahim's people... all checked out. Yeah, well, of course it did.

Listen, I hope there's no hard feelings, Agent Booth, but... business is business.

And Sari? What?

She was just collateral damage?

You've been to w*r; it happens.

Yeah, I chose a side. I believed in something.

Good for you.

Listen, I got to go...

All right, just one more thing.

Got a gift for you.

It's a small token of appreciation from the government.

JOHANNESSEN: What's this?

BOOTH: Did a little digging in your records and found out that the military is still paying for your rehab.

Yeah, well, they should.

I took a blast for them.

BECK: It also means, according to Article Two of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, you're still subject to a court-martial.

And since military court is independent from the DOJ...

BECK: Especially when it comes to soldiers making deals with t*rrorists, You can finish your rehab behind bars.

This isn't gonna work, guys.

No, I'm pretty sure it is.

Because you violated Code section 104 to 118, which means you'll be charged with treason and m*rder.

Those carry the death penalty, don't they, Seeley?

Business is business, right?



Just remember next time who your friends are, okay?

Oh. Ready to go?

Oh. Yes.


What is this?

It's a little something for you.

Go ahead, open it up.


Not just Scotch.

That's 30-year-old Scotch.

Single malt, too.

Angela would say that traditionally a husband buys his wife flowers.

Yeah, that's true. But you know what?

This is not for my wife.

This is for my partner, who I occasionally kiss.


Johannessen is in custody? Yep.

Largely because of my partner.

So what's going on here? What is this?

I revisited the life insurance company's calculations about the level of risk I assume in the field.

I factored in my many considerable strengths, but... their numbers are correct.

Okay, so you're okay with them slapping a higher premium on you?

It's rational. Hmm.

And I can't argue with rationality.

Right. The universe demonstrates that no matter how we protect ourselves, we will never be completely safe.

But... with reasonable caution, we can still be together in the field, when appropriate.

And you're willing to pay extra for that?


Like I'm willing to pay extra for the Scotch.

And that's why I love you.



Come on, let's have a Scotch night. Huh? (laughs)

Tell me a story. A Scotch story?

Well, it's got to be 30 years old...