07x04 - It's Tricky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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07x04 - It's Tricky

Post by bunniefuu »

In the media immersion lab

(Spinner is listening to Craig’s new CD.)

Ashley: Spin! Spinner, what are you listening to?

Spinner: Oh um maybe Craig’s album. Don’t hit me.

Ashley: Oh my god it dropped yesterday?

(She grabs it out of his hands as Emma and Toby walk over to them.)

Ashley: And look he’s so awkward posing.

Toby: You know if Craig was still here it would cut the amount of dork in the talent showcase by like 33%.

Emma: Look “She is the Ash”. Who could that possibly be about? He wrote all these songs in rehab?

Ashley: Well not “My Window”.

Spinner: Hey it’s not that bad, actually. Um it doesn’t sound like the other songs though.

Ashley: That’s ‘cause I wrote it.

(Jimmy walks in.)

Jimmy: Guys, Craig gave me a shout-out in his album thank-yous.

Ashley: Glad one of us got mentioned.

(Jimmy looks confused.)

Ashley: He used one of my songs.

Jimmy: And he didn’t credit you?!

Ashley: Well whatever. I could always make more.

Toby: Good ‘cause like it or not I’m putting you down for the talent showcase.

Ashley: Know what? I’m in. Maybe it’s time I came out of retirement.

In a classroom

Jimmy: 86 average. Nice.

Ashley: 89.

Jimmy: Let’s see Craig plagiarise that.

(Ashley doesn’t say anything.)

Jimmy: What grade does it take for you to crack a smile? This means NYU is guaranteed and then we hit law school.

Ashley: Or we think about law school.

Jimmy: I thought we already did that?

Ashley: What’s the rush? Maybe there’s still some time to chase dreams.

Jimmy: As long as it’s a dream you’re chasing and not revenge on a song-writing ex.

Ashley: It’s not about that. It’s not about getting back at Craig for what he did to me. It’s about what Craig did for himself. He focused on his music and he made it happen. It’s inspiring.

Jimmy: Inspired by another dude. Ouch.

Ashley: Jimmy you’re inspiring too. Your awesome art, your guitar playing, your mad freestyle rhyming skills.

Jimmy: Okay now you’re just sucking up.

Ashley: I’m not. Jimmy, I think you’re genius.

Jimmy: (He starts rapping) Well if you’re the beauty and I’m the smart one, there’s no problem with that so I won’t start one, you know?

Ashley: How do you do that in a nano second?

Jimmy: You inspire me baby.

(She kisses his head.)

At Holly J and Mia’s locker

Holly J: This is high school, not a daycare.

Mia: Okay I don’t want to share a locker either, but we have to compromise.

(Holly J pulls out a pacifier.)

Holly J: Okay this is not meeting half way.

(Sav walks down the hall in slow motion.)

Sav: Hey Holly J, great locker locale.

Holly J: Sav, hi. You look hot, even in these disgusting hallways.

Sav: We know each other, right?

Holly J: You probably remember her waddling from class to class.

Mia: I’m Mia Jones. I, I was at Lakehurst.

Sav: Yeah, yeah. You had a baby. That her? Cute.

(She nods.)

Sav: Alright see you guys later.

In the gym

(Spinner misses the basket.)

Jimmy: That’s horse and that is why you never try and beat the master at his own game.

Spinner: Well I thought you were the sensitive artist/clothing designer now.

Jimmy: When will you learn? I’m everything.

(Ashley starts practicing her song on stage.)

Spinner: Including Degrassi’s next superstar’s boy toy.

Jimmy: Yeah. Ash keeps talking about this uh chasing our dreams thing, but what I think she really wants is a solo project.

Spinner: So what are you gonna do when she gets all famous on you?

Jimmy: You’re not helping.

Spinner: Well come on. She sounds amazing, her music kicks and well, dude, look at her.

(Anya and a couple other girls walk over to Ashley excitedly.)

Anya: Hey Ashley? Is it true you were partners with Craig Manning?

Ashley: We played together, yeah.

Anya: Imagine you used to perform together on this very stage.

Ashley: All the time, actually.

Anya: Wow. I heard “She is the Ash” is about you. You’re like our own little piece of him, you know?

Ashley: Just what I always hoped to be known as.

Anya: Uh huh.

(The girls walk away whispering about her.)

Anya: That’s Craig Manning’s old girlfriend.

At Ellie, Marco and Paige’s

(Ellie and Ashley are looking at the back of Craig’s CD.)

Ellie: “Red-headed for Trouble”? Are you kidding me?

Ashley: Get this, Manny’s gonna die. “Thong Girl, Wrong Girl”.

Ellie: Oh so everyone he’s kisses is a song title now.

Marco: Hey Griffin.

Griffin: Hey

Marco: Meet Jimmy.

Jimmy: What’s up?

Marco: Oh and Ashley. Two of our oldest friends.

Griffin: Uh cool chair man.

Jimmy: One of the perks of being shot.

Griffin: Oh I’m sorry to hear that, dude. Uh Marco, make sure to bring your friends to the open jam, alright? Later.

Ashley: Open jam? That sounds cool.

Marco: Yeah he does one every week. That’s like one of the three things I know about the guy.

Jimmy: You trying to get a record deal?

Ashley: You scared of me making a name for myself?

Jimmy: No, not at all. As long as it doesn’t make you forget about your high school sweetheart.

Ashley: Perform with me tomorrow.

Jimmy: Are you sure? That’s, that’s your song.

Ashley: You can freestyle over the chorus. If I’m chasing dreams, you’re coming with me.

Jimmy: Okay.

In the media immersion room

Jimmy: (Rapping) Tell me anything, but the truth ‘cause I don’t really know if I can take it now. Tell me anything, but the truth. Can’t figure out how I’m supposed to make it now. Tell me anything, but the truth-

Ashley: Stop, stop, stop. Jimmy, stop.

Jimmy: I’m sorry. Was that not tight enough?

Ashley: No it’s, it’s something tonal. It’s competing with the piano.

Jimmy: Okay why don’t you just tweak the levels?

Ashley: Then it’s not about the harmony. I need to figure it out.

Jimmy: Ash it sounds great right now.

Ashley: Well it doesn’t sound the way it sounds in my head. I can fix it. Just I think I have what I need.

Jimmy: Okay. I’ll give you some head space. Can’t wait to hear it.

In the cafeteria

(Manny sees Mia eyeing Sav.)

Manny: Wow. That Sav guy sure is hot.

Mia: No, Manny. I call him.

Manny: Don’t worry. I don’t go after 10th graders. So you gonna talk to him?

Mia: It just seems soon…after my last boyfriend.

Manny: Mia the past is the past. Carpe diem. Seize the Sav.

Holly J: Many have tried; none have succeeded…especially ones with baby weight.

Mia: Now what would I do without Holly J Sinclair looking out for me?

Manny: Hold on. Holly J Sinclair, as in Heather Sinclair?

Holly J: She’s my sister.

Manny: Wait. Boyfriend stealing, bad nose job having, puppy drowning, queen of evil is your sister?

Holly J: Taught me everything she knows.

(She tosses Mia’s brownie into her soup before walking away.)

Manny: This might be a problem sweetie.

Mia: What? Why? Listen I have to debate her tomorrow morning. Tell me everything.

Manny: Let’s just say if Holly J and Heather share the same DNA, you’re gonna have to fight fire with huge enormous flames.

Mia: Got a light?

During the talent showcase

(Danny and Derek perform a juggling act on stage.)

Jimmy: Hey beautiful. Did you work out the tonal issues?

Ashley: I um…I went with an earlier version.

Jimmy: So it’s a solo project.

Ashley: It’s not that your rap was bad. It just didn’t really fit.

Jimmy: You’re right. Knock ‘em dead.

Toby: Thanks guys. That was yeah…okay that’s great. Okay up next, she keyboard styled with Craig Manning. Give it up for my twisted step sister, Ashley Kerwin.

(Ashley goes on stage and starts performing.)

Ashley: (Singing) You say it’s simple. It’s who you want to be. Look in the mirror. You aren’t what you see.

Johnny: Lame! Play a Craig song.

Random girl: More like a no-talent contest!

Ashley: (Singing) You say it’s simple. Aren’t your wings tied? Tell the truth. Why you have to hide?

Jimmy: (Rapping) Look me and the mic we coexist. My flow is a glass box, we know it exists. So you can observe while you’re trapped in it. Took my lady’s track and I sprinkled some rap in it. They telling me lies.

Ashley: (Singing) What’s wrong with being someone else? No shame in living life that way. Tell me lies. Tell me lies.

Jimmy: (Rapping) They like please, please tell us your reality J. We can’t fathom how it’s gonna be forever defined. My mother always told me what to do with my best foot so to this day you know that it is never behind and metaphorically I’m ahead of the rest and proud of the fact that I’ve accomplished that. And every time I say that I can do it myself, in the same breath I’m wondering where my accomplishes are at. Tell me anything, but the truth ‘cause I don’t really know if I can take it now. Tell me anything…

In the hallway
Jimmy: That was amazing. I forgot what a rush it was to be on stage.

(A couple guys congratulate Jimmy.)

Jimmy: And Toby burned our song.

Ashley: Our song?

Jimmy: Right. Your song.

Ashley: You screwed up my second verse, Jimmy and my third.

Jimmy: But I helped you pick up the crowd.

Ashley: I didn’t ask you to and I didn’t need it! Jimmy all they saw was you!

(Jimmy drops a book in his locker and struggles picking it up, so Ashley gets it for him.)

Jimmy: Thank you.

Ashley: It’s what I’m here for.

At Ellie’s

(Ellie is listening to the performance.)

Ellie: This, this is great. Wish I could have seen it live.

Ashley: Whatever. High school sucks. I sing, nobody cares. Jimmy rambles his rhymes unrehearsed, they go wild. Everything’s easy for him.

Ellie: Yeah…except walking?

Ashley: Not what I meant. People thought I was Craig’s sidekick, I don’t want to be Jimmy’s. Does that make me a bitch?

(Ellie doesn’t say anything.)

Ashley: Forget I asked.

Griffin: This is a cool melody. Who is this?

Ashley: You’re looking at her.

Griffin: This is you? Who’s that with the flow?

Ashley: Jimmy.

Griffin: Dude from last night, wheelchair? Are you guys coming to the open jam tomorrow night?

Ellie: Oh they’re busy.

Ashley: No we’re not.

Griffin: Cool. Uh make sure Jimmy comes because there’s gonna be some A&R guys there and they should really see him.

Ashley: Um actually I’m not really sure that’s his thing, but I wrote and produced this. I could be there.

Griffin: Yeah sure. I mean if it’s cool with Jimmy, I guess you could perform with him.

(He leaves and Ashley sighs.)

In Ms. Kwan’s class

Ms. Kwan: When intelligent people look at both sides, a fight becomes a debate. Remember passion is persuasive. Let’s see it.

Sav: Our topic is foreign adoption with Holly J on affirmative and Mia on negative.

Holly J: Be it resolved that foreign adoption has many benefits. By illustrating these benefits I intend to prove that-

In the gym

Ashley: Um Griffin, El’s roommate, wants you to perform at his open jam tonight.

Jimmy: That’s amazing. Okay uh…okay we got to double the harmony, I’m gonna layer this new rhyme-

Ashley: Uh no, not we. He just wants you.

Jimmy: Oh tell him to forget it.

Ashley: Jimmy you saw the audience yesterday. I can take a hint. I’m not a performer like you.

Jimmy: Look we are a team and this is an amazing opportunity.

Ashley: Okay.

(She sh**t the ball and makes a basket.)

Ashley: I’ll be there.

In Ms. Kwan’s class

Holly J: Orphan children in other countries receive far less care than orphan children here.

Mia: That doesn’t mean those children don’t need a family just as much.

Holly J: Point of personal privilege, Mr. Chairman. Just because I don’t have a child-

Mia: Point of inquiry, Mr. Chairman. Does the speaker realize that her spray tan is running?

Ms. Kwan: Sav!

Sav: Uh speaker is out of order.

Holly J: My worthy opponent is bias due to her matronly obligations and cankles.

Mia: Well then maybe we should debate testing for psychosis in herpes-infected teens, since the speaker is highly qualified.

Sav: Order in the court.

Ms. Kwan: Mia if you can’t be mature about this, take a seat.

Mia: But Ms. Kwan! I was-

Ms. Kwan: Next group!

At the club

Jimmy: Yo man have you seen Ashley? My girlfriend?

Griffin: No dude.

Jimmy: Look if she doesn’t show-

Griffin: I’m not taking no for an answer. I need you up there.

Jimmy: She’s the music though.

(He pulls out a CD.)

Griffin: It’s taken care of.

Jimmy: What? Where’d you get that?

Griffin: Don’t worry about it, man. Listen you do you, okay? If this goes well, this could mean big things down the road for both of us.

Jimmy: Us?

Some guy: Griffin two minutes.

Griffin: You’re up next.

At the Dot

(Mia walks in with Isabella.)

Mia: Hey. Do you have room for one more?

Sav: Actually I’ve got room for one and a half.

Mia: Hey Sav about the debate…I was stupid.

Sav: Hey Holly J has got a knack for provocation. Trust me. I know.

Mia: Oh why, were you guys ever-?

Sav: Oh no. No way. The only thing she and I have in common is Lakehurst.

Mia: So you’re not uh, you’re not seeing anyone?

Sav: No, free as a bird.

(Mia smiles.)

At the club

Griffin: Alright everybody having a good time out there? Yeah? Okay you ain’t seen nothing yet. Everybody give it up for my newest find, Jimmy Brooks.

Jimmy: Thanks.

(Jimmy starts performing as Ashley watches him from backstage.)

Jimmy: (Rapping) Look me and the mic we coexist. My flow is a glass box, we know it exists. So you can observe while you’re trapped in it. Took my lady’s track and I sprinkled some rap in it. And now they like please, please tell us your reality J. We can’t fathom how it’s gonna be forever defined. My mother always told me what to do with my best foot so to this day you know that it is never behind and metaphorically I’m ahead of the rest and proud of the fact that I’ve accomplished that. And every time I say that I can do it myself, in the same breath I’m wondering where my accomplishes are at.

(He keeps rapping as Griffin goes over to Ashley.)

Griffin: Vocal track sounds great. You must be really happy. This is really good for him.

Ashley: Yeah definitely better than me being up there with him.

Jimmy: (Rapping) I came into this world as honest and pure. I can’t guarantee to you that I will leave the same. So tell me anything, but the truth ‘cause I don’t really know if I can take it now. Tell me anything, but the truth. Can’t figure out how I’m supposed to make it now. Tell me anything, but the truth ‘cause I don’t really know if I can take it now. Tell me anything, but the truth. Can’t figure out how I’m supposed to make it now. Tell me lies, lies. I said tell me lies, lies.

At the club

Ashley: So got a CD for me or what?

Jimmy: Where were you?

Ashley: Over there watching you kick ass.

Jimmy: So why didn’t you come up?

Ashley: ‘Cause you didn’t need me.

Griffin: Guess what? I just talked to the guy from Co-Base Records. He wants to hear more.

Jimmy: Are you serious?

Griffin: Yeah Jimmy he loved you. But he also said that Ash’s backing track was um seductive.

Ashley: Really? I wonder if it was the second verse of aggression.

Griffin: And get this, okay? When I told him you were a young producer, he said he wanted to hear a demo.

(Jimmy and Ashley high 5.)

Griffin: You guys are the real deal and I think this could be awesome, okay? So you should be excited.

Jimmy: Wherever I go, you’re coming with me.

At Mia’s locker

Mia: Good morning.

Sav: Mia. Had a great time last night. Had so many coffees I couldn’t sleep. Listen tell Isabella I said thanks, huh?

Mia: Tell her yourself. We go to the park after school. Wanna join us?

Sav: Uh sorry I got soccer.

Mia: Well then maybe next time.

Sav: Mia you’re great, but I don’t want to jump into anything until I’ve got my bearings around here, okay?

Mia: Yeah of course.

Sav: See you in class, okay?

(He leaves and Holly J walks over.)

Holly J: So the search for step daddy continues, huh? That’s sad.

Mia: You’re evicted Holly J.

(Mia dumps out Holly J’s stuff.)

Holly J: You can’t evict me.

Mia: Oh yeah? Looks like I just did.

In the media immersion room

(Ashley turns off the computer when Jimmy comes in the room.)

Jimmy: So looks like Craig is gonna have some competition. Did you send the demo off yet?

Ashley: Oh I’m just burning a new version.

Jimmy: What new version?

Ashley: It just needed a few tweaks.

Jimmy: Such the perfectionist, but you are the brains of this outfit and if it doesn’t work out then at least we can both go to law school.

(The bell rings.)

Jimmy: Okay I have two minutes so I’m gonna go find Spin and I will see you in science class.

(Jimmy leaves and Ashley deletes Jimmy’s rap off the demo before printing it off.)
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