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05x19 - A Hole in the World

Posted: 03/29/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Rookie"...

I read my sister's case file.

My mom lied to me.

[AARON] I'm here because
I have to do this

because what happened to me
was so awful

I need to make sure it
doesn't happen to anyone else.

Celina's mom had been
in a car accident.

Our doctors prescribed opioids.

On the day your sister was abducted,

your mother was buying dr*gs.

All these years I mean, do you have

any idea how much I blamed myself?

Hey, you were just a kid.
It wasn't your fault.

I know.

It was hers.


Oh, don't you look cozy.

It's my day off, and I intend to relax.

- You're going to relax?
- Oh, yeah.

Okay, let me translate that
into Bailey.

That means you're going to
teach four Capoeira classes,

do a -mile hike, run for mayor?

- Excuse me, governor.
- Oh.

No, I'm doing absolutely nothing.

- Okay.
- I'm serious.

I'm gonna read trashy magazines

and stream ' s sitcoms and do nothing.

I give the whole thing minutes.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

Even nothing.

You go, girl. Supposed to be
beautiful this weekend.

I was gonna power wash
the outdoor furniture.

Oh, I can do that.

Oh, you're baiting me.
Nice try.

- I'm doing nothing today.
- Sure you are.

Listen, if you change your mind
about the governorship,

I'd be honored to be
your first gentleman.

Governor Nune.

Whoa, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh

Kinda like it.

I'm gonna win for you

Like I know you want me to do


- Hey.
- Hey.

When did you get in?


- Depends, what day is it?
- That bad, huh?

Look, I'm...
I'm % sure it's Thursday.

It's Tuesday.

What were you guys
working on last night?

m*rder suspect.
We were there all night.

I stayed up anyways.

Thought maybe I'd get lucky
and he'd turn himself in.

Not quite.
He did show up, though.

- Mm.
- Yeah.

- Oh, babe.
- Yeah.

Took on five Metro officers?

You got to love that confidence.


What's all this?


I'm studying for the detective's exam.

- Since when?
- I didn't tell you?

No, I don't think so.

If I'm gonna work undercover,

the best move is to become
a detective in some division

like Intelligence or Narcotics, right?

So you got the tap?

Harper and Lopez are backing me.

All I have to do is score
in the top , which...

Which you will.



I guess we should get used to

not seeing each other so much.


Yeah, between detective's
hours and Metro hours.

It's okay.

We'll figure it out.

Yeah. Yeah.

Hey, I'm sorry I haven't
been around as much lately.

I've been busy.

I actually started
working on your case.

Well, I-I-I haven't made much progress,

unless destroying
my relationship with Mom counts.

Look, I know you'd want me
to forgive her, but...

I don't, I don't think I'm ready.

Well, I got to get to work.

[LOPEZ] Where's Celina?

Oh, she's visiting her sister's grave.

Today's the anniversary
of the day she was taken.

I know. That's what I
have to talk to her about.

I found two similar kidnappings,
one four years after Blanca

and another seven years after that.

In every case,
the victim was years old,

taken while playing outside,

and the parent has a history
of substance abuse.

That sounds like a serial k*ller.

But why target the children

- of drug addicts?
- I don't know.

And every case
happened on the same day.


I'll handle it.
Thank you very much.

Is that the sign-up list
for the detective's exam?

It is.
Two weeks to go.

- I'll be ready.
- I have no doubt.

Brave move, Chen.


I don't know about that.

I think it's the next step for me.

Sure, but you'll never make top .

What is that supposed to mean?

One of the detectives
has it out for you,

so no matter how well
you do on the written,

they're gonna sink you on the oral.


I don't know.

Good luck.

- Is he right?
- Rarely.

But I will ask around,
see if there's any truth to it.


He abducted more kids?

Two that we know of.

And on the same day as your sister.

That's today.
Okay, that's creepy.

So there could be another one today.

Or not.


You know, I-I visited
her grave this morning.

And, she wasn't there.

I know you think that's crazy.

That aside, why do you think
she wasn't there?

I don't know.

But lately she's felt so,
like, far away.

And I don't know what's changed.

[DISPATCH] -Adam- ,
we have a possible

at Detroit Street.

That's kidnapping.

Possible kidnapping.

-Adam- , show us responding.

I can take the lead on this.

No, I'm good.

You know, when Blanca was taken,
there were dozens of cops,

and most of them were terrifying.

But there was one that made me

feel like everything
was going to be okay.

I want to be that person
for someone else.

Maybe it's Caradine.

I called him out for stealing
my lunches from the fridge.

Okay. And you think
he's that petty?

Maybe. I... [SIGHS]

Who do you think it is?

I think, and stay with me
on this one...

Maybe you shouldn't believe
everything Smitty says,

or anything Smitty says.

But what if he is right?

The oral part of the exam
is so subjective.

If even one person on the panel
has it out for me,

it'll t*nk my score.

Yeah, I never expected a police station

to be so much like high school.

I know.

Except, you know, I mean,
now I'm one of the cool kids.

♪ ♪

It's him.
It's the same guy.

We don't know that.

Most of the time, they're playing

- and we find them in minutes.
- That's not what this is.

I can feel it.

- Did you find her?
- No, ma'am. I'm Off...

We have to find her. She's .
She's scared.

We know.
That's why we're here.

We just need a few details.

What details?
My daughter is missing.

I said that on the phone.

Okay. Maybe you can
let us inside.

- We can help you look.
- She's not inside. I looked.

She was playing outside,
and I heard a scream,

and she was gone.

- You heard a scream?
- Yes.

-Adam- , I need additional
units on my location.

Notify search and rescue.

What's he doing?
Is he calling someone?

He's calling everyone.

In minutes, there will be
dozens of police officers

and volunteers
looking for your daughter.


Her name's Olivia.

That's a really pretty name.

How about I help you
find a photo of her?


♪ ♪



- [HARPER] Nolan.
- Here we are.

Any updates?

We turned the house upside down,

checked the adjacent yards,
we're widening the search.

- Security cameras?
- We got what we can.

A lot of people aren't home.

- It's him, isn't it?
- We don't know that.

Look, we see the parallels, but
you cannot leap to conclusions.

I mean, it's the anniversary.

She's years old,
taken from her front yard.

What was that?

I checked.

Olivia's mother
has a history of drug abuse.

Just like my mom.

I mean, just like the other victims.

♪ ♪

We're all done.
Just double back to check

if anybody wasn't home.

We'll interview friends and family.

- Okay.
- Oversee the canvass teams

and widen the perimeter.

How can we help?

We need to comb through
the other cases,

find any connections
we can between them.

And the other girls that were taken,

- did any of them survive?
- No.

All the girls were found dead

less than a month
after they disappeared.

Except Blanca,
who was found near death.

What was different about her?

Best guess, she was the first.

- He didn't know what he was doing.
- Well, he does now.

He won't make that mistake again.

You know your jobs.
Get it done.

- Celina.
- Yeah?

Look, I just wanted to say that,

I remember what it was like to not know

what happened to someone you love.

I mean, there were a bunch of times

I thought we had a lead
and nothing ever panned out.

So don't get my hopes up.

Yeah, I guess that's what
I'm trying to say.

Yeah, no thank you.
I got to stay objective.


Anything south of Hobart Street.
Take it all the way down.

Hang on a second.
You got that?


I know what I said this morning,

but I heard you need more bodies
for the door-to-door.

- So here I am.
- I wasn't gonna say anything.

I'm just gonna check in
with the civilian team.

Hey, what's on your hands?

Uh, wood stain.

Okay, so you went to power wash
the outdoor furniture.

It just looked so bad
after all the rains

that I had to sand it and refinish it.

I tried to do nothing.

- Yeah. I know.
- It's important you tried.


- You're doing great.
- Okay.

Yeah. I'll call you back.
Alright, bye.

Detective Dave Delgado.

Sergeant Wade Grey.


Man, thanks for coming down.
Have a seat.

Oh, man.

I heard you had a lead
on the Juarez case.

I ran three red lights
getting over here.

Well, I'm hoping
we didn't waste your time.

Eh, if I wasn't here,

I'd be watching "Bosch"
in my underwear.

- Never retire.

Look, we know everything
in the case file.

What we need is what's not in the file.

Well, there was this one guy...

Drew Heslov.

Lived in the area,
didn't have an alibi,

and he's a Megan's Law
sex offender.

Not much to build a case around.

But I interviewed him.

Real creep.

Felt like he was enjoying
the whole thing.

Well, we'll check him out.

I hear the...

The sister's a rookie here.

She is.

She'll make a good detective one day.

She has great instincts.

Yeah, well,
she came by them the hard way.

Something like that happens
when you're a kid,

changes the way you see the world.



[GIRL] Celina, vamos.




Officer Chambers.

I thought I might see you
at the cemetery this morning.

Well, I must have missed you.

You know, I saw the picture
of your graduation,

but uh,
it's a whole other thing in person.

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

There's someone I want you to meet.

This is my T.O.,
John Nolan.

This is Officer Joel Chambers.

- Pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.

Yeah. Joel is one of the cops
who helped look for Blanca.

Oh. Joel Chambers.

Thank you, sir.

I don't remember seeing
your name on the report.

We've been going over the case file.

I-I didn't write a form three.

A case like this,
everyone just pitches in.


And when we found her,
when she was in the hospital,

Joel visited every day.

I have something.

It's a shoe print.

Excuse me.

Can I offer a hand?

Oh, sorry, I can't let anyone inside

without detective approval.

I promise I know better than
to contaminate a crime scene.

- Rules are rules.
- Of course.

She's a good kid.


Smitty. What's up?

I don't want you to worry
about the detective's exam.

- I'm on it.
- Wait, what?

Leave it to Smitty.

- No, Smitty, please d...
- [BEEP]


He hung up.

So you won't be making detective.

But, um, there's other
career paths, right?

This the guy that Delgado mentioned?

Yeah, Drew Heslov.

Back in the aughts, he did five years

for lewd acts with a minor.

He's been on probation ever since.

We are less than a mile
from Olivia's house.

- Officers.
- Can we come in?

We both know I can't stop you.


Where were you between
: and : this morning?

What happened?

Sir, just answer the question.

- I was here.
- Alone?


Move aside.


♪ ♪

That's a gift.

Really? For who?

- One of my nieces.
- You don't have any nieces.

I like dolls.
That's not a crime.

Per the terms of your probation,

you're not allowed
to own children's toys.

This is harassment.

I think you two should leave.

Sit down.


Do not move.
Do not touch anything

or you will be
in violation of your probation.

-Adam- , we need additional
units to West Cedar.


- You have a minute?
- What's up?

Earlier today, an officer dropped by.

He worked Blanca's case
back in the day.

According to Celina,
he visited constantly.

- A little over-involved?
- Maybe.

And, today, he tried to get inside

the crime scene's inner perimeter.

Maybe these kinds of cases
hit home for him

and he wants to help.

Or maybe he wanted an excuse
for his DNA to be at the scene.

I looked into him.
He had a daughter.

Lost custody of her
when she was years old.

Same age as the missing girls.

And today was his daughter's birthday.

[HARPER] Look, I know
it's not a slam dunk,

but I think it deserves a closer look.

Nolan is right.

There's something off
about Officer Chambers.

How you want to proceed?

Joel's been on duty all morning.

We want to check his shop's GPS,

see if he went anywhere near her house.

He has a history with Olivia's family.

I can bring him in

under the guise
of needing background Intel.

Good. The minute
he realizes he's a suspect,

he'll ask for his rep and shut down.

Lucy and Aaron have a new suspect.

I'll check in with them
and report back.

Keep me posted.

Do you see that?

Harper and Lopez are making
secret calls in their car.

They'll update us when they
get something concrete.

You know what's going on.

If you're keeping something from me

because you think I'm
too close to the case,

please don't.

How well do you know Joel?

We've kept in touch.

Does he ever talk about his daughter?

The one he lost custody of
when she was ?


Wait. You don't...

You don't think he did this?

Did you know today is her birthday?

So you think, what?

He just takes these girls
to replace her?

It's a theory.

No, it's a coincidence.

Maybe that's why he gets involved,

because it reminds him of her.

Okay, I know this is hard
for you to hear...

"Hard to hear"?

He's the reason I'm a cop.

Because of him.

So you're wrong and he didn't do this.

♪ ♪

- Find anything?
- No sign of Olivia.

He could have built all sorts
of hidden areas over the years.

We need dogs and infrared.

Already requested.

Mr. Heslov,

I'm Detective Lopez.

Does the name Olivia Vargas
mean anything to you?

That's what all this is about?

You think I did something to her?

Answer the question.
Have you ever met Olivia Vargas?

Oh, it's hard to say.
A picture might jog my memory.

Yes or no?

Come on, give me a few details.

We are going to turn this house
inside out.

If we so much as find a hair
that doesn't belong here,

you're going to prison.

Do you need details on that,
or do you remember

what it's like to be
a pedophile behind bars?


These cases are the worst.
Just every parent's nightmare.

- You have kids?
- Yeah. A daughter.

Losing her would destroy me,

so if you need any help, I'm here.

He's wearing different shoes.

- Are you sure?
- I am.

His other ones had a zipper on the side

so they don't have to be tied.

He saw that we found
a shoe print at the scene.

Probably threw the old ones
in the L.A. River.

I mean, or his old ones
were uncomfortable.

Or Nolan's wrong.

Celina, I'm aware of the history,

but if you can't examine
the facts objectively...

I'm... I'm good.

Joel was called to Olivia's house

several times before the abduction.

He was also called to the second
and third victims' homes.

We got to know if Blanca
fits the same pattern.

- Bring Karla in.
- Let's see what she remembers.

There's no record of an arrest

or any sort of calls made to our house.

Only your mom knows for sure.

We'll find out.

According to the logs,
Joel was at a premise check

at a warehouse
at the time of the abduction.

GPS on the shop says
that he was there minutes.

How far is the warehouse
from Olivia's house?

Far enough he would have to drive.

Maybe he had a car stashed there.

Look, I can go to the location,

drive the route from Olivia's and back.

See if it even works.

- Keep me updated.
- [TIM] Yeah.

So, according to the file,

you answered a - at Olivia's house.

- That's right.
- It was about a month ago.

Neighbor called it in.

Olivia's mom was kicking out her...

most recent deadbeat boyfriend.

Yeah, we are actually looking into him.

And did you see Olivia?

She was hiding in a corner.

Pretty badly shaken.

She begged me not to take her mom away.

- And you didn't.
- No signs of abuse.

There wasn't much I could do

but refer them to
Child Protective Services.

You ask me,

we're far too lenient with parents.

You're getting no
argument from me there.

CPS is overwhelmed.

Even when there's abuse,

the parents get them
back half the time.

It is maddening.

I mean, so many
deserving parents out there

just struggling through
the adoption process.


You also participated in
the search for Celina's sister.

Is that right?

It is.

Why? You don't think
the two cases are related?

Well, it's just an avenue
we're exploring.


Oh, I really need to get home.
My birds are...

[CELINA] I know, okay,
but this is important.

We'll get you home
just as soon as we can.

We just need to know
if you remember meeting

an Officer Joel Chambers.

Oh, of course.
He was very helpful.

He-He still checks in
on me years later.

When did you first meet him?


- It was such a long time ago.

Mami, I need you to tell me everything.

No matter how upsetting.

There were so many
police officers around.

Okay, so you met him
after Blanca was taken?

- I guess so.
- Mami...


♪ ♪


I get it.

I-I used to think
you wouldn't leave the house

because you didn't have answers.

Because everyone you crossed on
the street could be her k*ller.

But I understand now.

You left once, and the world ended.

So you never left again.

Guilt, is what's kept you locked away.

And the only way out
is to tell the truth.

♪ ♪


About a month
before Blanca got taken...

Officer Chambers found me
passed out in my car.

I was high.
I had dr*gs on me.

I begged him not to arrest me.

I told him I had to get home
to you and your sister.

And he drove me home.

Did he talk to your daughters at all?

He waited in his car,

and I went and brought them outside.

He watched us play.

Then he drove away.

I'll let Harper know.


You don't think he took her?

We're not sure yet.

I was so grateful he didn't arrest me.

I never thought...

Is that the reason he took Blanca?

Because of me?


Uh, just one more thing.

We talked to Celina's mom, Karla.

She says you picked her up
before the kidnapping.

You could have arrested her,
and you didn't.

- Really?
- Yeah. You said you didn't meet them

until after Celina's
sister went missing.


- Uh, I guess I forgot.
- Oh.

You meet so many people
in our line of work.

Do you remember everyone
that you picked up

- when you were on patrol?
- Oh, God, not a chance.

I have two kids, so I can
barely remember breakfast.

Uh, give me a minute, will you?

Of course.
Hey, am I free to go?

It'll just be a second.


[AARON] Detective Lopez,
found something.

What is it?

♪ ♪

According to Tim,
Joel had plenty of time

to drive from the premise check
to Olivia's house.

Just because he could have
doesn't mean he did.

I saw his face when I caught him
in the lie. He was terrified.

Well, do you think you could get
more if keep questioning him?

He asked if he was free to go.

He knows he's a suspect.

He's forcing you to show your hand.



Angela, you're on speakerphone
with Wesley and Nyla.

[LOPEZ] We found something
at Drew's house.

It's Olivia's teddy bear.

Drew's our guy.
He took her.

[NOLAN] Any jewelry, watches,
bracelets, rings...



[GIRL] Celina.

Starting with your left hand,

put your fingerprints on the scanner.


- [NOLAN] Celina.
- Yes?

Lopez wants him in interview three.

Yes. Right.

So this means Joel's innocent, right?

We don't know anything for sure.

- Hey.
- [SGT. GREY] Hey.

You sure it's Olivia's teddy bear?

Lab's working on a DNA match now,

and Olivia's mom
I.D.'d it as hers.

So where does that leave us
in the Joel theory?

I still like Joel.

He has been overly involved
in both cases.

And he lied to us
about his prior contact

with Celina's mother.

Yeah, but any good defense attorney

will argue that his only crime
is caring too much.

Both abductions happened
on his daughter's birthday.

- Coincidence?
- Well, that's why he got so involved.

He saw his daughter in these two girls.

It's shaky, but you only need
one jury member to buy that.

The teddy bear, on the other hand...

Drew's lawyer will
have a hell of a time

explaining that away.

You found it in his backyard.

Anyone could have gained access.

L-Look, if you are Joel,

you know that they found a boot print.

The first thing you do
is throw those boots away.

The second thing you do is
throw suspicion on someone else.

He knew Drew was a suspect
back in the day.

The perfect patsy.
I can sell that.

Okay, we're a long way from a jury.

There's a missing girl out there.

She's our priority.

Now, can you press Joel,
get a confession?

No. He knows I'm on to him.
We could arrest.

But that starts a clock.

We have hours to bring charges.

[SIGHING] And we're not ready for that.

Then we let him go.

Keep working Drew.

On it.

So, I wanted you to be
the first to know.

- We got him.
- Really?

I don't know if you remember
the guy from Blanca's case...

Drew Heslov?

Yeah. He, uh,
had a prior conviction.

Yeah, that's the guy.

They found Olivia's teddy bear
in his yard.

Did you bring him in?

Uh, yeah, he's in processing right now.


- So, thank you...
- Oh.

...for all of your help.

Of course.
Of course.

Listen, it's time for me to clock out,

but if you need anything else,
you got my cell.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

We need a surveillance team.

That's six cops not out there
looking for Olivia.

I told him that we found
Olivia's teddy bear,

but he did not ask about Olivia.

- He doesn't need to.
- He knows exactly where she is.

I am telling you, it is Joel.

We can't let him out of our sight.

Let's alert Metro.

♪ ♪

Point walking to his personal vehicle.

Silver pickup truck.
California plates.

-George-Adam-Tom- - - .


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

North compass point has him.

Westbound Wilshire,

number two lane
approaching a stale green.

[WHEATLEY] Two for cover.

- Wheatley, Bradford.
- Go for Wheatley.

I can confirm we have
all six units on this.

Four compass points, two rovers.

- [WHEATLEY] Affirm, boss.
- Alright, good.

Everyone keep radios low,
cover coats on,

and be ready for Crazy Ivans.

He may do a counter.
We cannot let him get away.

Can you I.D. this item?

It's a teddy bear.

Was it hers? That Olivia kid
you were asking about?


Oh, she must be young.

years old?


Have you ever seen this item before?


Then how do you explain
its presence in your backyard?

- What?
- How did Olivia's favorite toy

come into your possession?

It didn't.
I don't know.

- You're lying.
- I'm not lying.

We found it in your backyard.




I know what I am.
I know what I've done.

But I swear, I've never
laid eyes on that kid.

♪ ♪

Bradford, this is Wheatley.

Target has landed in the parking lot

of a home-improvement store.

I'm pulling into the other
entrance of the parking lot.

[TIM] Alright, Bradford copies.
All units, compass up.

Stand by for roll call in three.

Target is making contact
with another subject.

- Male, white,

blue jacket, black pants.

Target is handing
the subject his gym bag.

Subject number two is walking
away with the gym bag.

All units, stay with primary.

Confirm you don't want

anyone going with that secondary?

No, no, he knows
he's under surveillance.

He's trying to split the team.

[SMITH] Secondary is approaching
a black Charger.


He'll be away in five,
four, three, two.

Miller, Jones, Clark,
go with secondary.

Wheatley, Smith, and I
will stay with primary.

And get me six additional units

[WHEATLEY] Copy that.

Secondary units,
work off encrypted channel .

♪ ♪

Bradford on point.

♪ ♪


Primary is approaching a motorcyclist.

They're talking.

♪ ♪

Alright, primary
is taking the motorcycle.

I have eyes on primary.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Wheatley, Bradford.

What's the ETA
on those additional units?

ETA... nine minutes.

Copy that.
We have a fresh green.

Looks like he's picking up speed.


He knows we're here.
I just hit the lights.



I wanna make the Devil mad

Drink the holy water

Feel his power rise
inside of you

Control, can I get
an airship assist to Metro?

Pico and Washington.

[PILOT] Copy. Air- is closest.
She's en route.

ETA three minutes.

Speed's approaching .

[WHEATLEY] Sarge, I can stay with him.

[SMITH] He's now .

Getting on the North.

On the shoulder.

Negative. Shut it down.

- Sarge, he took a kid.
- [SMITH] Speed's .

Negative. Shut it down.

It's not worth plowing
into some innocent family.

[WHEATLEY] Copy that.
Shutting down.

[SMITH] Primary is gone.

Damn it. [SIGHS]

- You let him get away?
- Celina.

- Excuse me?
- Joel has her.

I mean, he's probably on his way
to k*ll her right now.

We're all aware of the
situation, Officer Juarez.

Okay, then why weren't there
more units?

I mean, how could this happen?

My apologies, Sergeants.

Officer Juarez, Joel is a cop.

He knew our techniques,
and he used them against us.

There's nothing Metro could have done.

He is gone.

The only question now is where.

♪ ♪

- Where could he be?
- Better.

Listen up.

Our suspect is a cop.

He's been meticulous and smart
every step of the way.

We need to be smarter.

No one pulls something like this
off without leaving a trail.

Find it.

Let's go.


♪ ♪



Uh, sorry.
I just needed a minute.

Oh, of course.

You know, I never knew my father.

When I was little,
I used to wish Joel...

What do I tell Olivia's mom?

I mean, she's so scared.

She's counting on us to find her.

- And we will.
- What if we're too late?

What if we have to tell her

that Olivia's gone
and it's our fault that we...

Okay. Maybe you need
to take a little break.

I can't. I-I can't do
anything else until we find her.

[LUCY] Sarge.

Looks like they've got something.

♪ ♪

We've been combing through
Joel's unit history...

Every name, address,
license plate he logged

while on duty
over the last three months.

Yeah, six weeks ago,
he cleared a pair of squatters

out of a foreclosed home.

It's a low-income area,
mostly industrial,

but you could easily get in
and out without anyone noticing.

That's a slim lead.

Yeah, except it's less than
a mile away from Olivia's house,

and he cleared it three days
after he first met the family.

He was getting everything in place.

Okay, well, that's it.
Olivia's there.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

All inbound units, Metro unit on scene.

Vehicle registered to our
suspect is parked out front.

No sign of our victim.

Second team is - .

We're in the alley
behind target on Sheldon.

Alright, we need eyes inside.
Let's get a ball cam ready.

- What's the play?
- We need to get a better look inside,

see how much firepower's in there.

Ball cam's live.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Okay. I can see him.
He can see us.

- What about Olivia?
- No sign of her.

So we breach, right?

I mean, we have to find her.

No, if she's alive, that's
a sure way to change that.

We need to get him talking.

Her best chance is if we can
end this without firing a shot.

You give me some cover,
I'll get a phone to Joel.

Phone drop.
Get ready to approach.

♪ ♪


Joel, we're just gonna throw a phone

on the other side of the door, alright?

All we want to do is talk.

Settle this before anyone gets hurt.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

That confirms suspect has a
-millimeter in his right hand.

No other weapons are visible.

♪ ♪

Wait, what's that?
Turn it around.

She's out cold.
Probably drugged.



What was that?

- He shot the camera.

- This is Sergeant Bradford.
- Did you think I wouldn't notice

your little eye rolling around?

You know I had to take a look.

Assess the situation.

Who's that?

Is that Olivia?

No more cameras,
and get your guys back.

I can do that for you, but I
need you to do something for me.

I need to make sure Olivia is okay.

She's fine.
I'm protecting her.

Okay, that's great.

But it would help if we could see her.

Not a chance.

I show my face,
you're gonna blow it off.


[NOLAN] He thinks he's protecting her.

That's gotta be a good thing, right?

He thought he was
protecting Blanca, too.

He's probably justifying the murders.

Death being better than
the life they were living.

[AARON] Yeah, but if he's not
willing to talk,

then we need to go in.



I am done talking.

It's me.
It's Celina.



I'm outside.

Listen, I-I know that
you don't understand.

Her parents didn't deserve her.

I know. You did it
to keep her safe.

Just like the others.
Just like...

Like Blanca.

I think they remind you
of your daughter.

I just want to be a father again.

Why don't they understand?

They just keep crying
and begging to go back home.


I gave them a better life
than they ever had!

And they want to go back
to some loser drug addict?!

Tell him what he wants to hear.

You're right.

They needed you.

They needed a father.

Someone to...

To guide them, to...

To keep them safe.

But Olivia is not safe
right now, is she?

Not with all these g*ns outside.

We need to get her out of that house.

We're not leaving.

I don't trust anyone out there.

Okay, well, then, what about me?

How about I, I come get Olivia?

Joel, it's over.

You need to know that.

End it by doing what you wanted to do.

End it by protecting her.


Do you think he's gonna let her go?

I don't know.

Alright, we're in position.

Soon as she's clear, we breach.



- [AARON] Celina!
- Celina, hey!


[OFFICER] Breach!

Go, go, go.

[OFFICER ] Clear.

[OFFICER ] Clear.

[OFFICER ] Clear in here!

- Clear!
- Clear!

[OFFICER ] We're good!

Are you okay?

Are you hurt?

- Clear!
- Clear!

[OFFICER ] Clear!

♪ ♪

Drop the g*n.

Drop the g*n!

Drop it!


- [TIM] Suspect down. Send an RA.

♪ ♪

Hey, Harper.


Tim is still in with IA.

Look, the officer involved
sh**ting interview

is very thorough.

- Tim's fine.
- Alright.

Hey, Chen.
I've got news for you.

It's not a great time, Smitty.

It's about the detective exam.

The detective blocking you is Primm.

He heard about your little
scheme to help Bradford

and was less than impressed.

The five-player trade.

Turns out treating people like puppets

wasn't the best way to make friends.

Thank you, Smitty.

I did warn you.

I know.

Hey, let him talk to Grey first.


Hey, come in.

All done with IA?

Uh, yeah.

I'm sure you'll be cleared
to return to work in no time.

I hope so.


You know you had to take the shot.

I know.

Just 'cause he wanted to die

doesn't mean he wasn't dangerous.

I know.


Is there anything I can do?


Can I get back to you on that?

Take your time.

[CELINA] You know, it's her first time

visiting Blanca's grave.

I honestly never thought
she'd make it here.

How was she on the drive over?

She didn't say a word.

She's still not here.


And I think I know why.

She moved on.

She knows I don't need her anymore.

You want to go join your mom?

I brought him into our lives.

He preyed on your illness.

You can't blame yourself.

But I do.


And I blame myself for all the days

and weeks leading up to it.

I was barely there.


sleeping all the time.


they were the last days of her life.

And I wasted them.

You were addicted.
It's not your fault.

Mama, I know you can't
forgive yourself, but...

I want you to know that...

I forgive you.


♪ ♪


Oh, baby.

I forgive you.

What it's all about

I'm sorry.

Jack is asleep,
and according to my watch,

I paced up and down our hallway
for a total of miles.


I thought that was impressive.

What's this?

A mommy blogger posted top ways

to prevent your kid from getting taken.

You know the vast majority of
missing kids are taken by a...

A non-custodial parent.
I know.

This was a hard case.

Set my soul on fire

Take me to the line

Celina's mom...

I don't know how you survive that.

Set my soul on fire

Take us to the line

If you're worried about Jack's safety,

we could always have Charlie come back.


Oh, the smoking hot ex-SAS bodyguard?

Look, I'm not saying I want that.

Just thinking about your peace of mind.

How selfless.


You are a badass.

And I'm no slouch.

Jack, and the new baby,
are gonna be safe.





I'll get him.

Where we all belong

Fill us full of hope

Set my soul on fire

"AirTag your kids"?


Where we all belong


How are you doing with everything?

I'll be okay.

You know, maybe you should try...

Exercise before going to bed.
Yeah, I know.

- It's not the first time I've...
- No, I...

I know it isn't.
I know that, I just...

I want to be helpful.

I know.
Thank you.

You need help studying?

There's no way
I would have scored as well

on the sergeant's exam without you.

That's true.

- You owe me.
- I don't owe you.

You owe me.

Set my soul on fire


We saved a kid, solved a cold case,

and, helped our friend find closure.

There's still technically
three hours left of my day off.

Ooh, there are.

I can finally rest.

Oh, I'm sorry, I can't let you
get any rest tonight.

I have plans for you.


Yeah, so...

Settle in for a nice, long night of...

Catching up on
"The Bachelor."

- Oh.
- Oh, there's gonna be,

limo arrivals, and rose ceremonies.

Sadly, lots of crying.

For every dream realized,
a hope will be dashed.

Take us to the light



If you don't want me to watch
ahead without you, just say so.

- I love you, too.