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02x14 - Stand Up for Something

Posted: 03/28/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
Q: ♪ 'Cause I don't know ♪

♪ All these emotions, yeah ♪

♪ Can you see what I see now? ♪


♪ Can you see what it could be now? ♪

♪ All these emotions ♪


♪ I don't know, ooh, ooh... ♪

REPORTER: The Georgia
Athletic Conference finals,

your Cinderella season continues.

How does it feel?

Honestly, amazing,
like a long time coming.

Everyone says you're the
reason this team is here.

What do you say to that?

I think that

this team is the reason
why this team is here.

We all have the same drive to win.

But you're the MLB prospect
who chose to play here.

All eyes are on you.

- Do you feel any pressure?
- Yeah, of course,

but not because I'm an MLB prospect.

Like, we win together.

You recently lost your father.

You said in an interview that he
taught you about handling pressure.

Any specific lesson come to mind?


to accept that the pressure
will always be there,

embrace it when it comes,

and to be strong enough
to weather it alone.


- ALL: Huh!
- J.R.: Ooh, y'all have come a long way.

Well, that's one way
to say you're proud.

Hey, don't get too cocky.

Still one more day left
until the pinning ceremony.

Hey, I can't even wait.

I'm gonna be strolling at every
party till my feet fall off.

Hey, you and me both.

Yeah. How about y'all stroll y'all asses

around here and clean up?

Hey, man, enjoy your little power trip

because once we cross and we're equals,

you ain't gonna be
talking to us like that.

- J.R.: Oh? Spoiler alert...
- CAM: Hmm.

as your prophyte, trash
talking never ends.

Aw, man! That's cool.

- OK, so no mini golf.
- No.

- Paintball.
- When someone gets hit with a ball of paint?

- No, absolutely not.

Keisha text.

She said, "Tell our girl
indecision isn't a good look."

Well, why don't you tell Keisha

to stop acting out this
Dr. Pace revenge fantasy

in New York and get her butt back here?

If she was gonna find a former
student to snitch on Dr. Pace,

wouldn't she have found them by now?

I think that ship has
sailed, much like my patience.

Can we choose an activity?

LANDO: How about hanging with us?

- So you told them, too?
- Yeah.

I'm tired of you obsessing over

what dumbasses are
saying on the Internet.

We all know that that cop stop

was straight-up racial profiling,

and you got to ignore the trolls.

Yeah. Well, that's kind of hard

when the trolls are
the only ones talking.

We've been ghosted by the police

and the Georgia Athletic Conference.

I thought Dr. Patterson's
statement would get some movement.

Well, it's not enough.

It's been, what, a week,

and everyone's just acting like
this bus stop didn't even happen,

and we're still not in the conference.

DAMON: I mean, my mom does have
like, tons of press contacts.

Maybe she can help.

Yeah. That'd be great.

- NATE: Oh, wow. Um...

SIMONE: Thea's going pro.

- What?
- So you didn't know about this?

Uh, she said she was
uncertain about her future

and considering it, but
nothing was a sealed deal.


that explains why she wasn't on the bus.

You know what? I really
appreciate you guys

for trying to cheer
me up, but I'm tired.

Have a great game tomorrow.

Um, thank you for coming.

Well, I know she still
owes you a conversation.

Some things are bigger than
our personal feelings, right?

You know what you need?

I can't wait to hear this.

A movie night.

Put on your favorite PJs;

grab that pink, woolly
blanket that you love;

and I'll supply popcorn
and a chill vibe.

- That sounds perfect.
- Mm-hmm.


Oh, Damon's mom texted me.

- That was fast.
- You don't know Ms. Keena Sims.

She wants to talk tonight.

Coach, got your text. What's going on?

Yeah. Last year during homecoming,

you and I started this journey.

Psh. Yeah, and it led us here...

conference championship, man.

We set out to rebuild this team,

and with the help of every
young man on this roster, we did,

and I just want to say thank you

for giving me a chance
to be your head coach

because anybody could've
coached you, son,

but you chose me.

You took a chance on me.


And you've been taking
chances on me ever since.

It goes both ways, Coach.

I've got something for you.

Hoo hoo hoo!

This is my glove I used

right here for the first
championship conference game.

I'd like to lend it to you for today.

Ha ha ha!

Yo, did y'all win?

Oh, yeah. We won. "Coach."

Ha ha ha!


Oh, yeah. It's a perfect fit.

Yeah. You ain't getting this back.


- Thanks, Coach.
- Come here, man.

Auntie, I know how we can fight back.

And good morning to you, too.

Damon's mom told me about
a school in North Carolina

that held a rally to
protest police brutality.

It resulted in officers
not only being investigated

but fired.

You want to hold a
rally here at Bringston?

College students using community events

and social media to
pressure local governments,

it has been working.

Then let's make some noise.

I stand behind you %.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You're welcome. [CHUCKLES]

The enrollment numbers you wanted.

Oh, thank you.

Is there something else?

Bringston is a place of higher learning,

not a protest site.

Learning can happen
outside the classroom, too.

Teaching our kids to
demand accountability

from our public servants
is a good lesson.

You're gonna get everyone
all riled up, and for what?

Have a nice day, Miss Robinette. Heh.

- OK. As always...
- Oh, I know...

Be blessed.

MARCUS: All right. We got
hours until game time,

so warm up, but don't push it.

I need y'all to stay loose,

stay close, and stay focused.

All right. Let's go, Bringston.

- Let's go!

DAMON: Let's get it, B.U.

- Let's go, baby.
- Yes, sir.

CAM: Hey, J.R.

- What the hell happened to you?
- After you bounced last night,

a group of older alums said
we were gonna have some fun.

Oh, hold up. I didn't co-sign
anybody taking y'all anywhere.

Yeah. Well, they blindfolded us,

threw us in their trunks,
and dumped us in the woods.

It took me all night
to get back to campus.

Oh, man, I'm sorry.

But after this game, then
I promise I'mma handle it.

Lou is missing.

What you mean, "Lou is missing"?

He didn't come back.

J.R., he's not in his dorm,

and he's not answering his phone.

I'm getting worried, man.

Look, man. I got hours till
the first pitch. Let's go.

Where you last seen him?

- Yo, Cam, what you doing here?
- Hey, yo, D.,

something went down at KEK.

I need to get back to Bringston.

What could be more important
than this championship game, J.?

Look, I'm sorry.

- I'll be back.

SIMONE: Nate, how did you
pull this together so fast?

When Nathaniel calls,
people come. You know this.


Oh, Mrs. Sims update.

- CSSN is on board.
- Ohh...

That makes national TV outlets,

and she arranged for me to promote
the rally today at the game.

- Between the two of you...
- We run this bitch. I know.

- Ha ha!
- So you're going to the game.

Who you cheering for, Damon or Lando?

They are both on the same team.

- You think it's that simple? Girl...
- Whatever.

RYAN: Nathaniel Hardin, I'm Ryan Craig,

reporter for "Bringston Gazette."

Oh. Did you not get my e-mail

about rescheduling our interview?

I don't reschedule interviews.

I'm sure you can make an exception.

RYAN: Candidates sit down with the paper

a week before the election.

- It's tradition.

- Um, if you need to do the interview...
- No, ma'am.

I'm exactly where I need to be

because if my friends need my
support, I show up for them.

That's my tradition.

So you're just gonna let Nico be
the only candidate in the paper.

No. No, no, no.

That would be you

because you're refusing
to reschedule, but

you have my contact information
if you change your mind.

That's all.

Come on, girl.

Nate, your campaign is important.

Maybe you should just
do the interview now.

- You can't let up.
- I'm not. I'm prioritizing.

He'll get it together. Watch.


these signs are giving.

This idea is giving.

Simone, it feels good
to be doing something.

Super dope that everybody
is here supporting us, too.

THEA: You can count me as one of them.

JADE: Thea, don't even
try to walk up in here

like you didn't just ghost us.

Look, I handled going pro wrong.

I should've told you guys myself,

and I should've been
there on that bus with you.

- I could've helped.
- No.

You couldn't. That's the worst part.

No one could help us.

And you weren't there,

so if you're trying to get
rid of your guilt or whatever,

do it somewhere else.

NATE: Thea, I think maybe
this isn't the right time.

No. I got it. You... I'll just...

I'll leave you guys to it.

NATHANIEL: Did you honestly
expect that to go any other way?

I guess not... I don't know...

but there must be some way
for me to make it up to them,

- just let them know I actually care.
- There are plenty of ways

for you to show up for people,

but if I were you, I would
aim for maximum impact.

DAWDY: ♪ I'm still going hard ♪

♪ No fakin' the real deal ♪

♪ Going hard in the
paint, and I feel ill... ♪

- Yo.
- So, what, you and your Little Leaguers

- ready to play with the big dogs?
- Ah, you with the jokes,

and here I was coming over to wish you

and your backup dancers good luck.

"Backup dancers"? The best you can do?

Says the MLB prospect who

put his team on the map
and pretty much led them

all the way to the conference finals?

- So we back on this?
- No, not at all.

I'm good with being the underdog

because that's a lot of
expectation for somebody to carry.

I wouldn't wish that heat on nobody,

not even you.

DAWDY: ♪ I'm going hard ♪

- Yo, where's Lou?
- Lou is good. Chill.

This is me chill.

You let some old heads
from our Psi chapter

come up in here and snatch our pledges?

What the hell we supposed to do?

You know those bruhs are no joke.

They always take things too far.

Remember what they did to
us when we were on line?

I do remember.

It wasn't cool then, and
it ain't cool now, man.

- You were supposed to stop them.
- I wasn't even here. Julian was.

Julian. You tell dude
I'm looking for him.

I'm gonna ask you one more damn time.

Lou's asleep in the game room.

Hey, bro,

I've been going crazy
trying to find you, man.

You been to the hospital?

Nah. It's just a dislocated
shoulder. I'm good.

No. You need to see a doctor,

and I'm not leaving
until you say you OK.

All right, but, Big Brother, sir,

know that I ain't snitching.

I know this is what it take to be a KEK.

CAM: Yeah. Look, I got him, man,

but, um, what you gonna do about this?

I don't know.

Can't think right now,
Cam. I got a game to play.

OK. Cool. Well, play your little game,

but hear me on this, J.

If you don't handle these fools,

the moment I cross,

I'm finding them and
I'm beating their asses.



Don't you have a game to play?

LANDO, ON PHONE: Yeah. I do,

but it seems all anyone can
talk about is your rally.

Yeah. They're allowing me
to promote it at the game.

Damon's mom hooked me up.

Your voice just trailed.

- No, it didn't.
- Yeah, it did. What's up?

If this rally doesn't push
the needle toward justice,

it'll devastate the team.

Simone, come on.

You can't think about
that right now, all right?

There's a reason your
team's following your lead.

You were born for this.

Just focus on what's right.

You want to know what else?

What's that?

Starting the championship game,

you were built for that.

It's freaky when you read my mind.

[LAUGHS] Finish warming up.

Yeah, and get down here to
the field already, all right?


Shouldn't you be gearing up
for your big game-day speech?

I've had that locked
and loaded for weeks.

You don't seem nervous.

I woke up this morning
thinking how far we've come,

how far I've come,

and just like that,
the nerves were gone.

Wow. Well, there goes my big pep talk.


I, um...

I do have something for you.

What you got?

Wow. Wow. My championship ring.

Guess I'd always hoped we'd
find our way back to each other.

Now go win another one.

Yo, J.R., where the hell are you, bro?

The game's about to start.

Look, hit me back, man.

MARCUS: Damon, where the hell is J.R.?



Look, Coach, don't make me
choose between lying to you

and snitching on my brother, all right?

OK. Well, stay out of it, then.

Yes, sir.


Look, Damon...

there's been a lot of talk about you

carrying this win on your back, man.


Come on, Coach.

Hey, don't make me choose between

lying to you and
snitching on myself now.

Well, I'mma need you to drop that dime.

Look, I ain't gonna lie. The
pressure's been getting to me.

I know that it shouldn't,
Coach, but, like...

When a lot of people put
the pressure on you, son,

OK, the only thing you
can do to overcome this

is remember who you are, all right?

- That's it?
- For now.

I don't got a lot to do

because you're gonna bring us home.

You're gonna get that
team out to the field.

Why don't you hype up your boys?

You want me to give the speech?

You've seen me give enough of them.

Just speak from the heart, Damon.

Yo, after the game, you and me
gonna have a conversation, J.R.

- You heard me?
- I hear you, Coach.

All right, now.

All right, fellas. Let's
bring it in. Let's bring it in.


we done came a long
way in this last year.

And, you know, we had a lot
of people that counted us out,

and what did we do every single time?

We stepped up, and we delivered,

and today ain't gonna be no exception.

When I first came to this school,

I thought that I had to put the
team on my shoulders for us to win.

That was cap,

real talk, because I've
been standing on yours.

We done came so far,

and we defied every odd
because that is who we are.

And when we go out there on that field,

we can't forget that,

all right? No matter what anyone says,

we are part of a whole,

and no one can do anything on their own,

especially win,

and that's exactly what
we're gonna do today.

- Y'all hear me?
- Yeah.

- Y'all hear me?
- Yeah.

- Y'all hear me?
- Yeah!

- B. what?
- B.U.!

- B. what?
- B.U.!

- B. what?
- B.U.!

- B. what?
- B.U.!

KRIS KISS: ♪ Yo, I'm unstoppable ♪

♪ I'm unbreakable, I'm unshakable... ♪

MAN: Bringston's pitching with
Orlando Johnson at starter.

OK... you got this.

KISS: ♪ Stay in your lane,
produce so much wealth... ♪

♪ I'm unstoppable, I'm unbreakable ♪

♪ I'm unshakable, yeah, I'm in my zone ♪

♪ I'm untouchable, if something kaboom ♪

♪ But I never give up,
I'm a king on my throne ♪

♪ I rule the world,
I break the rules... ♪

- UMPIRE: Strike .
- KISS: ♪ I'mma take 'em to school ♪

♪ Blood, sweat, and
tears, stay in your lane ♪

♪ Produce so much wealth... ♪

♪ Blood, sweat, and
tears, stay in your lane ♪

♪ Produce so much wealth... ♪

- UMPIRE: Out.
- ♪ Ain't no reason tryin' to break me ♪

♪ I called the sh*ts
every day I slayed you... ♪


KISS: ♪ I'm not lazy, I'm that way ♪

♪ Be making a movie as you fade ♪

♪ I'm not lazy, I'm that way,
be making a movie as you fade ♪

♪ Ain't no use in trying to break me ♪

♪ I called the sh*ts
every day I slayed you ♪

- ♪ When I go home, I think I'm crazy... ♪
- Safe.




- Out!
- ♪ We only getting started... ♪


- Yo, how bad is this KEK thing, man?
- Bro, I can't talk about it.

Bro, I know, but you got
to figure something out.

Look, it is affecting
your game out there,

- which is affecting...
- Bro, I get it, all right?

I'm letting my brothers
down on all fronts.

Look, if there is one
thing that I know about you,

it's that you're a fighter.

Bruh, you fought like hell to get
healthy so that you could play ball,

and you ain't quit until you found me.

Fight for this team, man,
and then go fight for KEK.

That's what you do, man.

What you saying is, I need
to stop embarrassing myself.

Yeah, and since I'm your family,

stop embarrassing me, too.

Let's get this win.

- Hey.
- Auntie, hey, perfect timing.

I was just about to make the
announcement about the rally.

Yeah. You should hold off on that.

I just heard from the head of
the Georgia Athletic Conference.

They've offered Bringston their spot

in the conference tournament, after all.

Auntie, that is amazing.

There's a catch.

If you play, the team must
sign a nondisclosure agreement

and cancel the rally.

A nondisclosure?

So we wouldn't be able
to talk about the bus stop

or the fact that the police
harassed us for no reason?

Auntie, they're trying
to buy our silence.


The team has until the
end of the day to decide,

but it must be a full team decision.

You should talk to them.

DRE MURRAY: ♪ Use the technique,
and they got me here, whoa ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪

♪ I'm feet ahead of you ♪

♪ Catch me is something
you'll never do ♪

♪ I turn around, and I level you ♪

♪ No motivation is needed ♪

♪ Look, I put myself on a pedestal ♪

- ♪ This is incredible... ♪
- Safe!

MAN ON P.A.: He's safe. Eastview
scores. They take a - lead.

MURRAY: ♪ ... They hit 'em
with lyrics and mix 'em up ♪

♪ All in a pot ♪

♪ Wild in the jungle, they got me... ♪

♪ I give it all that I got ♪

♪ All that I got ♪

♪ I give it all that I got... ♪


♪ I give it all that I got... ♪

MAN ON P.A.: This is
it, bottom of the ninth.

Bringston has tied the
game - against Eastview.

If Sims can close this inning out,

he'll take his team into extra innings.

- ♪ Yeah... ♪

MAN ON P.A.: With the game on the line,

Coach Turner has brought
in his ace... Damon Sims.

Let's see if he can live up to the hype.


♪ Everybody gather round, trip... ♪

MAN ON P.A.: There is no tomorrow.

The GAC championship relies
on the arm of this young man.


CANON: ♪ Yeah, I'm a prodigy ♪

♪ Ain't no meal for this
ticket, I ain't no lottery ♪

♪ No robbin' me, my joy
comes in the mornin'... ♪

UMPIRE: Strike ! You're out!


Come on. Two more outs,
then we're into extras.

MARCUS: Come on, now.

CANON: ♪ I don't see no transitions ♪

♪ Stuck in the same frame or
no clip with no amm*nit*on ♪

♪ I am vicious... ♪


J.R.: Let's go, D.

One more, then we up, baby. One more.

MAN ON P.A.: Sims is one out away
from sending his team back up to bat

for a chance at the win.

MAN: Strike!



TREVOR: Personally,
bro, I've never been one

for curveballs on or off the field.

Just give it to me straight.




MAN ON P.A.: Trevor
Michaels has just hit

a walk-off home run against Damon Sims

to capture the GAC conference title.

I owe you an apology.

Well, those are my favorite words.

I came at you hard earlier because...

I believe in the type of
president you want to be.

I thought you were
supposed to remain unbiased.

Sometimes someone slips
through my journalism ethics,

so I must ask,

why are you willing to risk your
entire campaign on one event?

Did you see the video?

Yes. It was terrible.

Well, then maybe you
should be writing about that

instead of a student
government election.

- We ran a story about the bus stop.
- Ohh,

one story.

Well, that's... that's true dedication.

When I watch that video,

I feel trauma.

I feel... I feel heartbreak.

It... it makes me want to
fight till my very last breath

to make sure that those
cops are held accountable

for what they did, so if
that costs me an election...

so be it.

Want to get that on the record?


but I'm gonna put you to work.

Those chairs won't move themselves.

- Heh.
- Hmm.


SIMONE: So that's it?

We're just prepared to sign these NDAs

- and just cancel the rally?
- Why not?

We got what we wanted.

We have a shot at
finishing the season right.

What about holding the cops accountable

for what they did to the team?

TOOTIE: We released the
video, and nothing happened,

and who's to say the
rally will change anything?

That's a quick change
of heart for the girl

carrying the "You Can't
Silence Bringston" poster.

Girl, that was before
they said we could play.

Come on, Simone.

My parents are pressuring
me to transfer someplace

where I can just be a student athlete

- and not an activist.
- You saw the trolls talking online

about your suspension for
THC and my cousin's arrest.

It's over. We lost. They won.

THEA: You've never been
a quitter on the court.

Since when are you one off of it?

Thea, you need to mind your...

TOOTIE: Can't believe it.

Coco Gauff?

SIMONE: Career high singles ranking...

number in the world,
French Open finalist.

Girl, what are you... how are you?

You're Simone, right? You're
the one who organized the rally?


COCO: I got a call from
my friend Iris McDonald.

Apparently, your friend Thea e-mailed
her the video of the bus stop.

When I saw it, I was
livid. I've come to support.

What you and your teammates
are doing is really brave.

We just heard from the GAC.

If we cancel the rally,
then they'll let us play.

Wow. That's low.

COCO: It is, but the system
isn't designed to support us.

It's designed to use us
till we're no longer viable,

to make us accept less
than what we deserve.

There's a history of
Black women being silenced.

Do you really want
to silence yourselves?

TOOTIE: Simone and Coco are right.

Let's show them
Bringston can't be bought.

And I have just the idea to do it.

DEREK MINOR: ♪ Yeah, you know
I'm a beast, I'm a beast ♪

♪ You know I'm a beast, I'm a beast ♪

♪ Welcome to the feast, my
whole team off the leash... ♪

Didn't I tell you to stay
the hell away from my line?

Yo, what are you talking
about? Yo, I didn't do nothing.

- Yo, what are you doing?
- Don't play with me.

If the chapter advisor or the
nationals find out what y'all did...

MAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
No need for the hostility.

What you doing here? This is
between me and my line brother.

I'm gonna deal with you and the
rest of the Psi chapter later.

How about you deal with me now?

Julian might have mentioned
that y'all was doing the process

a little differently, but that's it.

Me and my LBs couldn't let
your neos miss out on tradition,

so we pulled up, hosted
our own hell night.

I'm dean of pledges around here.

This should've came through me.

If this gets out, our whole
chapter could be suspended.

How's it gonna get out?

Lou plan on snitching,

or are you planning on snitching?

I didn't think so.

Now it's time to welcome our
new brothers into the frat...


MINOR: ♪ Everybody eat, hey ♪

♪ You know I'm a beast, I'm a beast ♪

♪ You know I'm a beast, I'm a beast ♪

♪ Welcome to the feast, my
whole team off the leash ♪

♪ We don't know defeat,
know defeat, no ♪

♪ Everybody eat, hey,
you know I'm a beast ♪

- Come in.

Dr. Patterson, can we talk?

Actually, I was on my
way out to the rally.

We should talk about that.

Miss Robinette does like to talk.

What happened to the tennis team

is heartbreaking, but we
all have the same goal...

protecting Bringston.

Actually, my goal is
protecting our students.

The board heard about the GAC's offer.

We think accepting is in
everyone's best interest.

The girls get to play
and Bringston avoids

any additional negative attention.

Everyone wins.

You think bribing these
traumatized young women

into silence is a win?

Situations like this can escalate.

I believe thinking of the
bigger picture is the win,

and the bigger picture is Bringston,

an HBCU that caters to more
than just young women.

Make the girls see the
benefits of moving past it.

- I don't even see the benefits of...
- That's an order from your board.



It's open.

When we got back to campus, you
took off without saying a word.

Come on, Coach. I didn't want
to face everyone after that.

Trevor got into my head, and then...

Look, we can dissect
what this is all day.

It doesn't matter.

But right now, it's about showing up,

all right?

Yo, what's all this?

Come on, man. We went
from a cheating scandal

to no program to making
history with a no-hitter.

Now we top in the country.

And we showed up and showed
out at the conference finals.

MARCUS: Look, listen, boys,
I know this loss stings,

but you all played the best
game of your lives, no question.

Eastview just had a better day.

So what y'all saying is,

we win together, and
we lose together, too.

MARCUS: And when we miss
the mark, we band together.

We regroup, and we try again

because that's what brothers do.

SANTIAGO: All right. That's
enough of these funeral vibes.

Boys, let's turn it up.

- MARCUS: Have a good time.

DAMON: Ha ha!

Yo, I got to bounce.

- What, like, KEK stuff?
- Yeah.

Just got to stay in the fight, man.

It's what you do.

Good game, man. I'm proud of you.


♪ But you would have been
mad if I changed, though... ♪

Before we welcome the new
line into this brotherhood,

I think we need to do
a little housecleaning.

We can't ignore the fact that
something shady happened here,

and as my brothers,

I'm asking y'all to help me
sweep out the corruption...

so our new brothers aren't
walking into a burning house.


- Whoo!

CAM: It's official.

I'm officially one of y'all now.

We'll make this right.

I just need a little more time.

Promise you, as your brother,

- I'mma handle it.
- All right. Bet,

but I won't wait forever.


Simone, hey,

no matter what happens,

I am so proud of and
inspired by your strength.

Thank you.

All right, ladies. Y'all ready?

Let's go.

Thea, are you coming?

I'm not on the team anymore, remember?

Girl, this is bigger than Bringston.

This can happen anywhere to any of us.

Come on.

Come on, girl.


SIMONE: Thank you for being here to
support the Bringston tennis team.

The Georgia Athletic Conference
doesn't want us talking

about how the police
stopped us without cause,

trashed our belongings,

and handcuffed our coach
for the supposed crime

of protecting her players.

They wanted us to sign
NDAs to shut us up,

but we're not going for that.

The only way for us to be heard

is to speak our truth.



The officers that detained us
illegally are still out there,

willing and able to do to
others what was done to us.

We need to hold them accountable,

and the ones who are supposed
to hold them accountable,

they also need to be held accountable.


As a professional tennis player,

I want to lift up the next generation.

This is how we do it.
This is where it starts.

Call, e-mail, or text
the Sheriff's Department

and Georgia Athletic Conference.

If we all raise our voices,

we can get justice for Bringston.


DAMON: Yo, you got a sec?

Look, I just wanted to tell you that

we wouldn't have made it
this far without you...

and I also wanted to
change the narrative.

Like, we don't have to be
at each other's throats, man.


Just because we both pitchers
don't mean we have to compete.

So look, um...

I want to be honest with you.

I know there's something going
on between you and Simone,

and I know it's not serious,

but how I feel about
her is serious, man.

Like, man to man, I
told her that I love her,

and whatever she does
with that is up to her.

As far as me and you go,

I just want us to be cool.

I appreciate that.


Dr. Patterson.

Oh, Miss Robinette, I can't, not today,

and, contrary to what you may think,

I do not enjoy beefing
with another grown woman.

We are supposed to be
on the same side here.

- You're right.
- Mm.

Oh. OK. What changed your mind?

I grew up in a time where activism

rarely meant you saw any action taken,

but these kids are different.

They just don't quit,

and they have a platform
that allows them to be heard.

I agree. They're gonna change the world.

They just might.

Dr. Patterson, if you
ever need any help,

you know where to find me.

I do. Thank you, Miss Robinette.


Hello. This is Dr. Patterson.

COCO: I'm so grateful to be a
part of such a powerful moment.

The team is so lucky
to have so much support.

These courageous young
women mean the world to us.

As they should

because they just changed the mind
of the attorney general of Georgia.

- Hmm?
- They're gonna open an investigation?

AMARA: Yes. The rally worked.

SIMONE: I can't wait to
tell the rest of the team.

BOARD CHAIR: Congratulations.

I will let you celebrate
a job well done.

I'll walk you out. I am
so proud of the two of you.

Thank you.

You got people talking.

- Now don't let up.
- Oh, we won't.

I just wish we found
a way to still play.

That would've been
the icing on the cake.

Hey, who said you can't play?

The GAC doesn't decide what
you do after the season ends.

We could hold an exhibition match,

something worth considering.

I should go,

but maybe I'll see you
two on the tour one day.

- THEA: All right. See you out there.
- Thanks, Coco.

- And then there were two.
- Heh.

You bringing Coco Gauff
to visit Bringston,

- a pretty big flex.
- It was, wasn't it? Heh!

Ahh. I should have told you

and the team I was leaving,

but I was just so focused on
taking the leap and how I'd do,

I wasn't really thinking about

how it would affect everyone else,

so I'm sorry.

You know, there was a time where

- I just wanted you to leave...


But from the second
we met at homecoming,

you pushed me to be better,

and I appreciate that.

And, like it or not, you are officially

the new queen of the court...

Thank you.

And I'm glad I'm leaving
the team in your hands.







Dad, call me when you get this.

I need to ask you some
questions about stripping

a brother of his letters.




It's open.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Sorry for just showing up.


I'm sorry about the game.

Yeah, uh, but that's not why I'm here.

OK. What's up?

You and me, we have fun, right?

Unless you're annoying me. Heh.

Yeah. I'll take that as a yes.

Um, and when we're together,

it's uncomplicated...

Yeah. That's true.

And our chemistry is...

- Undeniable.
- Mm.


I know you and Damon have something.

I once heard a wise person say,

"The only way to be heard
is to speak your truth,"

so this is me doing that.

I don't want to be
friends with benefits.

I want more,

and I realize I'm not the
only offer on the table,

so I just wanted to make sure

whatever decision that you make,

it's with all the
information that you need.

ELAINE: ♪ Say it with me, baby ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby... ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby ♪

♪ Say it with me... ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby ♪

♪ Say it... ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby... ♪

Think about it.

ELAINE: ♪ Say it with me, baby ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby... ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby... ♪


♪ Say it with me, baby ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby... ♪

♪ Say it with me, baby, yeah ♪

- ELAINE: ♪ Say it with me, baby... ♪

Greg, move your head.