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06x23 - (D) Deku vs. Class A

Posted: 03/28/23 15:59
by bunniefuu
I don't understand.
Why are you here?

Because we're worried about you.

That's nice, but I
promise, I'm fine.

Really. No need for concern.

So leave.

Oh, yeah, great speech!

Just what we wanted from the
famous One For All successor!

Real talk.

Are you able to smile right now?

C'mon, go ahead and show us.

In order to smile...

For everyone to live in peace...

I have to go. I'm sorry.

Everyone get out of my way!

You're gonna have to make us,
ya busted-ass All Might wannabe!


We had a feeling that's
what you were going to say.

Let's do this, class!


Listen to me.

Stand down. Run away.

I told you, this has
nothing to do with you.

[IZUKU] If you really
believe that, then why are you

trying to become a hero
in the first place?

All Might was right.

Meddling when you don't need to

is the essence of
being a true hero!

I know you.

So I know very well
that you can't be stopped

once you've decided you're
going to do something.

Hell of a look.

We heard you unlocked Quirks
from users Four and Six.

But not that you started
dressing like a villain.

Talk, ya damn nerd!

Thank you for coming. Really.



Of course.

He's acting exactly like
they said he would.

Heads up, morons!
Make sure he doesn't escape.

Land Mine Blast!

[KATSUKI] Barely a word,
and you're running away?

Oh, so now that you're the
all-powerful chosen loner,

you think the rest of us
are just extras!

Everyone wants you back at UA!

Did you hear me?

Principal Nezu said we can
bring you back to campus!

There's no reason
for you to keep hiding!

Koda. I'm sorry.

You sure look scary with
Blackwhip hangin' out.

People are gettin' spooked.

[SERO] Think of it as an
extension of your body.

Aim for the strike zone.

I'll try.

Oh, whoa! That makes
it way easier!


Heartbeat Wall!

So fast!

Midoriya, hold on! I know this
sounds like it wasn't much,

but when we were prepping
for the school festival

and you helped me with my notes,
you totally saved me!

[IZUKU] Wow, you came up
with these lessons?

That's awesome!

This makes me so happy!

I've actually gotten
pretty enthusiastic.

It's possible I went
a little bit overboard.

[JIRO] That was probably
nothing to you,

but it was more of a relief
than you can imagine.

Twirling Tail Dance!

Remember when you faced
Shinso at the Sports Fest?

I know this sounds selfish,
but I'll say it anyway.

Beat this guy for
you and me, all right?

[OJIRO] I'll never forget how
you fought on my account!

I want to return the favor.

You're battered and bruised
and running on empty.

So let me lend you a hand.

[IZUKU] If I go to UA,
it's like k*lling you myself.


All For One would destroy you.

That's why I had to leave!

Go! Dark Shadow!

[JIRO] Dang, he's gotten
way too strong.

And stubborn!

Midoriya! Slow down a sec!

You might have
special powers now,

but we still share
the same goals!

Did you listen to what Koda
said about the school earlier?

Hear us out!

If ya don't, then the next time
Eri wants candy apples,

you don't get to use
my food coloring!

[IZUKU] That's fine.
Anyone can make them for her.

She doesn't need me.

[YAOYOROZU] At first,
we planned to find you,

and then fight alongside
you in the streets.

But things have changed.

We have a new mission that's
been approved by Endeavor

and the other
supervising heroes.

Our objective is now
to ensure your safety

by bringing you home.

[IZUKU] A device meant
to put me to sleep?

Forget it. You don't have
to bother with me anymore!

Just accept this
and go back to campus.

Nope! Not a chance.

My dude, I know One For All's
super important and everything.

But right now, there's something
crucial you gotta accept.

You and me may be totally
different in some ways,

but you're my friend!

So I'm doing you a solid
even if you don't want it!

I told you--

I'm wrapped in electrical tape,

courtesy of Yaoyorozu!

Do you recall what you said
when we were att*cked at camp?

[IZUKU] Honestly,
with a group like this...

[SHOJI "...we could probably
even go up against All Might."

Your words!

This gloom will do nicely.

Dark Shadow! Ragnarok Womb!

[TOKOYAMI] Observe how
I've used Dark Shadow's

offensive ability to protect.

That move was your idea.

Stand down!

Listen to us!

[SHOJI] We're not a bunch
of fragile victims

you have to keep
out of harm's way!

Wouldn't you rather
relax instead?

You could really use a bath.

Don't make me do this!

--Midoriya! No!
--[IZUKU yells]

He managed to break
out of Ragnarok!


Guess that's the power
of One For All!

[IZUKU whimpers]

For your sake and mine,
forget about me.

[IZUKU] I know you're here
because you care.

The Fourth's Quirk
is proof of that.

You're fighting me, but
without any malice or evil.

Danger Sense hasn't
activated a single time.

And that's why you have to stop.

I'm begging. I'm okay.

Really, I'm fine!

Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall!

[IZUKU grunts]

I can see it on your face.

You want to cry.

But your burden
won't allow you to.

Don't push us away.

We'll share this
responsibility with you.

Midoriya! I won't let you go.

I thought I'd stopped you.

But it turns out
I was worthless.

A complete failure.

And suddenly I had
no idea what to say.

I cried a lot back then.

But those days
are behind me now.

You're dear to me.

So when you're scared,
I'll be by your side.

When you're in pain,
I'll cry with you.

You're my friend, Midoriya.

You seem set on becoming some
sort of comic book superhero.

But look around! We're with you.

You don't have to face
anything alone.


Bakugo, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu

captured this villain.

Basically, the only
thing I got to do

was chip him out of the ice.

[ENDEAVOR] Dictator.
Let's check for others.

And make certain those
hero-hating civilians are safe.

Their viewpoints are of
no concern to me right now.

Assist Hawks
and the rest of them

in securing the
surrounding area.


Should we maybe call in
Jeanist after all?

We could settle this in no time.

Damn it.

How am I supposed to help Deku
when he's flying around so fast?

I hate this.

There's a ton of important
stuff I wanna tell him!

Me, too!

Et moi!

You there?

Yeah. Hang back.

Let's give these students
a moment alone.

He's breaking free!

Midoriya! Have you considered
this might be exactly

what All For One
was hoping for?

He could go after UA
while we're distracted here!

You've worn yourself out,

and you still don't have
a lead on the League.

So stop this!
You need a new plan.

If you actually want
to save our school,

then instead of abandoning it,
come back and fight for it!

Let's stand together
and protect UA!

You can't be near me.

Which means now, it's your turn.


You could all die.

This is a fight that's
destined to take place

between One For All
and All For One.

The rest of you can't keep up!


Not so fast!

Mineta Beads Tenfold!

Honestly, I never thought your
power was cool or impressive,

or anything like that.

You know what
made me fall for you?

The times you were
sweating b*ll*ts.

Shaking in your costume
while you figured out

how we could kick some butt.

I liked you when you could
barely throw a smash!

I can't go back to the old me.


Blackwhip's elasticity

plus One For All
percent, plus Fa Jin!

Faux Per--

[OCHACO] I'm not going
to give up on you!


So much has changed for us.

What would Bakugo want?
A rescue might humiliate him.

I'm just afraid we'd
be making things worse.

I've changed.

Now's our chance!

Okay, Protective Coating
Style, . percent.


Punch it, Todoroki!

Push! Harder, Dark Shadow!

Flashfreeze Heatwave!

[OCHACO] There's so much
I want to tell you.

We're still not
moving fast enough.

Deku. Please understand.

We don't want to be protected,

so we're not going
to give up on you.

expl*sive Speed Turbo.


You got this!

That's it!


Our place is by your side.

There's still crap I want--

No. Crap I need to say to you!

But for now, I'll have to wait
until this guy does his job.

Since he's the one
built for speed!

Get 'im, class rep!

[TENYA] Midoriya.
You're always a lap ahead of me.

That's why,

no matter what,
I won't give up.

I'll keep fighting.

I'll always be ready... challenge you!

I know what he's missing.

The thing Izuku Midoriya
needs most right now.

Friends who share his drive,
who can match his pace,

who will run alongside him
no matter the circumstance.

Stop it. Damn it.

Let go!

[TENYA] Not a chance!
I'll always race to you.

Did you forget that
my name is Ingenium?

Meddling when you don't need to

is the essence of
being a hero, right?

I have to shake him off, fast.

But I'm out of strength.



We probably should have
planned for the landing.

Down here! I gotcha!

It's Kirishima!

[KIRISHIMA grunts]

[HAGAKURE yelps]
Are you okay?

These two won't break me!

Midoriya! I never
mentioned this.

But a while back,
this story blew me away.

Some kid my age
rushed into harm's way

to save his friend from danger.
That kid was you, wasn't it?

It doesn't matter if you've
got a special power,

or fate, or whatever!

What you did back then
is the same sorta thing

we're trying to do for you now!

[ASHIDO panting]
Please stop running.

I don't think I can lose
another person I care about!

Let's stick together!

It's time for you to
come back to our class!

Yes. We all agree.

For sure.

I-I wish I could.

But... I'm too scared.

There are a lot of people

who sought refuge at UA,

and I don't want to
cause them any trouble.

You guys must get it.

Things can't go back
to the way they were before.

Do you remember what I said

when Shigaraki stabbed
me through the gut?

I don't.

[KATSUKI] "Stop trying
to win this by yourself."

But there was more on my mind.

The reason I got impaled is
'cause my body moved on its own.

Our whole lives,
I've looked down on you.

You were Quirkless,
obviously way behind me.

But somehow, it always felt like
you were ahead of me, too.

I hated that.

I hoped you'd disappear.

I didn't want to accept you.

So I bullied you to make
sure you'd stay away.

I had to reject you
so that I could feel superior.

I needed to win, to beat you.

Then we both got into UA,
where not a single thing

played out the way
I wanted it to.

Every day, I was forced to
see how strong you were

and how weak I was.

Saying this out loud
doesn't change a thing.

But it's how I feel, Izuku.

I'm sorry for everything.

[IZUKU gasps]

You've made the right calls

ever since you
inherited One For All.

Followed the best path,
acted like a real symbol.

But I can see that
you're lost right now.

You've hit a wall that you can't
overcome with ideals alone.

So we'll handle the things you
can't take care of yourself.

In order to be our
best selves, we'll save you,

the refugees at UA,
and everyone else.

Anybody out there
in need of a hero.

Don't you get it?

You, all of you, have
already far surpassed me.

[IZUKU] I'm sorry for saying
that you couldn't keep up.

Yeah, I know.

Looks as though we've cleared
the first hurdle, at least.

That being said,

things will only get
tougher from here.

His eyes are open!

Thirteen, he's awake.


Hi there!

Midoriya. Can you hear me?


I'll update you.

Most civilians have been
evacuated to shelters.

The ones left in the streets
are anti-hero vigilantes

or looters taking advantage

of the chaos the
jail-breakers caused.

But they won't last for long.

More and more of them
have asked for our protection.

Plus, since most of
the rioters formed gangs,

they're easy enough
to deal with in one swoop.

During evacuations,
we had to split up our forces.

We've done our best
to improve the situation

outside and in, though.

At this point, all of the
help you've been providing

around the city can be
taken care of by others.

You can leave it
to us now, okay?

This is UA?

The UA Barrier, to be exact!

And this big wall is just the
tip of the security iceberg!

You're totally gonna geek out

when you hear about the system!

They said we can even
merge with Shiketsu!

[IZUKU] I want to respect what
everyone has done for me.


I just can't take this risk.

Keep the boy away!

Jeez. Loud, aren't they?

[CITIZEN A] Prioritize our
safety, like you promised!

Prioritize our safety!

Don't let that boy
into UA's shelter!

Keep him out!

[CITIZEN B] He's the one
Shigaraki's rumored to be after!

Bringing him here would k*ll us!

[PRESENT MIC] Hey, hey,
let's calm the vibe down!

[CITIZEN C] Didn't you hear
the principal's speech?

He said he'd
guarantee our safety!

So guarantee it!

We won't let this happen.

Take the boy away!

If you'll just--

We were told if we
abandoned our homes,

you'd keep us safe here!

[CITIZEN B] Now you want
a time b*mb living with us?

No way!

[CITIZEN A] Hide him
somewhere that's not UA!

[CITIZEN B] There's a whole
damn country out there!

Take the boy away!

It's gonna be fine.

[OCHACO] Iida and the others,
Bakugo, all of us.

We're all in this together.

We won't let you go.

We can't.

You don't have to do this alone.

When a hero suffers, who's
supposed to protect them?

Here's the preview.

I wish I could go back
in the past and tell myself,

"You are not special.

You're just walking
one step at a time

toward the dream you believe in.

Still, never forget
that there are people

who are following your path."

Next time, "A Young
Woman's Declaration."

I have to be aware of the
footprints I'm leaving behind.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!