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06x20 - (D) Hired g*n

Posted: 03/28/23 15:55
by bunniefuu
[GRAN TORINO] You don't say.

That's Shimura for you.

Even in the afterlife,

she's crying over our choices.

[GRAN TORINO] I should've

k*lled him on the b*ttlefield

when I had the chance.

I apologize.

Don't be too stubborn.

Sometimes you have to k*ll

a person in order to save them.

Be sure to remember that.

Whatever you decide to do,

you make damn sure

you settle the score with

the League of Villains.

[IZUKU] Hawks, Best Jeanist,

Endeavor, and All Might.

We're teaming up to end this.

[IZUKU] Together we'll keep

anyone else from getting hurt.


We have to stop All For One.

I have to.


Gotta get out of here.

Before they...!


There she is. The monster!

Please! Don't hurt me!

I'm just heading to the shelter.

I wasn't doing anything!


I'm begging you. Let me go.

[VIGILANTE A] You want us

to let our guards down

so you can attack.


We're not stupid.

We see you for what you are.

And we're not going to let

this town suffer another day!

No, stop!


Listen. Please calm down.

I totally understand

that a night like this

makes you extra nervous about an

attack. But look at this woman.

She's showing no signs

of hostility.


Leave her to me.

You can go now.

I've got this. Please.


Someone who looks like that

shouldn't be out this late.


What were we supposed to think?


You're safe now.

[IZUKU] Why are you walking

around in this weather?


I didn't evacuate.

At first, it seemed like the

area wasn't affected much.

I guess...

I thought everything would blow

over if I holed up at home.

Then people around me

started getting hurt

and I got scared.

That's when I decided to leave.

To find a shelter.

I don't know.

The night just went

wrong so fast.

[IZUKU] Y'know, I bet everyone

else is scared, too.

[BEAST GIRL A] Do you think

things will go back to normal?


I'll make sure of it.

[BEAST GIRL A gasps]


I'm sorry. I have to go now.


Are you okay?


Yes, All Might.

Wait. All Might?

[IZUKU] Will you take her

to the nearest shelter?

I've been in one place

for too long.


Wait! Here, take this with you.

Pork cutlets to keep

your energy levels up.


Thanks. I appreciate it.


Young Midoriya.


Widespread devastation.

It kinda feels like we've

traveled back in time.

In my day, we did our best

to stay out of sight

'cause hiding from villains

kept us alive.

It was like that when Quirks

first appeared, too.


Shigaraki and All For One.

Dabi. The Nomu.

The League of Villains.

We still don't have any idea

where they disappeared to.

The police have

their hands full

with the jailbreakers.

So they don't have the

resources to investigate

the bigger threats.

Criminals are running

amok out there.


Now that All For One's Quirk

has been transplanted

into Shigaraki,

he's even more terrifying.

So powerful, I couldn't stop him

with the help of

Endeavor and Mr. Aizawa.

I need to master every

facet of One For All.

Otherwise I'll fail.


better start helping out.

You can't keep staring at

the wall and ignoring us.

We need your cooperation

to unleash One For All's

full potential.

We're counting on you,

my heroes.

Banjo was the first.

He released his Quirk.

And after, Shinomori

followed suit.

Shimura was next.

And En. All of them agreed.

But we need everyone's support

to bring its true

strength to light.

Hey, kid! Try getting'

more accustomed

to the other Quirks

in the meantime!

Especially Shinomori's and En's!

Ya do that and things

should go much smoother

when you wake up.


That's a good idea.

[IZUKU muffled]


during the cruelest era.

All For One's physical

strength was at its peak.

He'd managed to amass

incredible power.

Most people he controlled

were unaware

that they were

being manipulated.

But our leader knew the truth.

Together we stood

against All For One.

Fighting to stop his ascent.

You were there, too. You saw it.



In order to get to your brother,

we had to sacrifice many people.

The only thing that mattered

to us was winning.

Either he died or humanity did.

Now we're supposed

to leave everything

up to this boy who wants

to save our enemy?

It's absurd.

Is that really how you feel?

That's interesting.


See. I'm a little confused.

[FIRST WIELDER] Back then,

you reached your hand out to me.


If you hadn't chosen to save

a potential enemy, none of

this ever would've happened.


We have no choice

but to leave the future

to the ninth.

You must realize this.

It's why you appeared

here to begin with.

Be honest, you really think

he can bring an end to this?

I do. It's why

One For All exists.

It was born out of my defiance.

But, the power only

became what it is

because you were

willing to reach out.

The stage is set

for the grand finale.

In order to defeat

All For One...

...we must take our

knowledge and power...

...and gather it in this place.


The true power of One For All...

...must be harnessed!

Hang on, boy,

we're accelerating now!



Idiot! We gotta get outta here!


You ain't gonna beat Endeavor!


A nail g*n support item?

Too overpowered to be used

for actual construction.

Damn Detnerat.

This was meant to be a w*apon.


Crap, and Best Jeanist, too?


Fiber Fire!


Ignited Arrow!


You have no right.

Number one.

Your crimes are worse

than mine are.

You caused this mess.


I'm aware of that.

Which is why I'm here now.

[BEST JEANIST] As usual,

there's nothing connecting

these escapees to

our actual target.

You'd think we would've

been able to get some intel

by this point in the search.

We'll double down our efforts.


Disgraces! Get out of here!

[CITIZEN B] We don't want

your so-called help.

If you'd caught Shigaraki

and the others

and when you were supposed to,

these criminals would still

be locked in their prisons.

Take a good look at this town.

You turned it into hell!


Endeavor? Let's go.

[CITIZEN C] I've been

following reports on the news.

They say Shigaraki was after

someone other than you!

Which means you're still

hiding things from us.

We can't trust you!

You cowards!

[CITIZEN C] The families

of the people Dabi m*rder*d

were on TV! Did you see them?


You created a monster!


Stay away from us!


Seeing your face makes me sick.


Fake hero!

[CITIZEN D] Don't you

ever show up here again.


Is that so? I see.

Yeah. Understood.

Maybe someone from the

Paranormal Liberation

Front will crack.

Thanks, Edge Shot.


No progress, I take it.

If we keep driving in this

direction, we'll catch up

with Midoriya before long.

Would it be better

if no one figured out

we're working together?

People might start throwing

things at him, too.

Right. Let's put some

distance between us.

[ENDEAVOR] Deku has enough

of a burden to carry as it is.

Even if he's the one who

chose this solitary path,

we're still using him as bait

to draw out the League.

The least we can do is not

make things worse for him.

[HAWKS] Our enemies are doing

too well at laying low.

Meanwhile, the supervillains

who were locked up

in Tartarus are acting up.

And they're almost

certainly taking orders

from you-know-who now.

The League's being smart.

They'll hide behind the chaos

and confusion and use it

as a cover to steal One For All

when the time's right.


Meanwhile, the country's heroes

continue to unravel.

If I were All For One,

I'd go on the offensive.

[ENDEAVOR] Right now,

his priority is taking over

Shigaraki's body,

like Deku said.

After losing to All Might,

he couldn't survive

without a labyrinth of

tubes and machinery.

So he's strengthening

his protégé's body

in order to make

that his new home.

[HAWKS] According to Garaki's

post-raid interrogation,

Shigaraki was brought

back online

before his upgrades could

be fully completed.

I don't know how All For One

plans to move into

his new digs, but it's

clear the boy's body

needs to be perfected

before he does.


And once that's accomplished,

he'll focus on his next goal.

Taking One For All

by any means necessary.

There's still something

bothering me about that.



[HAWKS] Based on what

Midoriya and All Might said,

you have to have a strong body

to steal One For All.

Got it. Cool.

That's where Shigaraki's

younger, enhanced physique

comes into play.

My question is,

why is Shigaraki's hatred

such an important

component in this?

[BEST JEANIST] The force

of that feeling is vital.

With eight people's

minds fighting back

inside One For All, you'd need a

powerful will to overcome them.

But All For One has been

chasing One For All,

his younger brother,

for generations at this point.

Sounds pretty intense to me.

You'd think he'd be carrying

around more than enough

hatred for the

successors already.

Not to mention,

All Might's the reason he ended

up weak and imprisoned, right?

[BEST JEANIST] It would appear

his spite simply isn't enough.

[HAWKS] Or maybe

he just doesn't have any.

I'm going off my

gut here, but...

Despite everything,

doesn't it seem like

the guy's always laughing?

Perhaps his heart is just empty.


Whatever the case,

no villain we've found

has information.

And the League is dormant.

They're trying to avoid a fight,

so let's use that

to our advantage.

We should start

expanding our search,

even though that will mean

fewer heroes on the streets,

maintaining order.


I don't know, man.

Things get much worse out there,

and the public is going to

turn against us even more.

It'll be harder for us

to rally support.


Cut away too much fabric,

and the design falls apart.


He's still on the move.

Have you gotten any

rest at all, young man?

I recommend a

solid night's sleep

on a sublime mattress.

Nighteye. I'm trying.


What was that?

Not good.


His GPS signal disappeared!

Damn it!




Little boy dressed in green.

You're coming with me.

[IZUKU] Wait. Then this isn't

just some random villain.

I'm her target!

Right. This is it!

A jailbreaker with ties to him!


Don't move a muscle

and I'll let you

keep your limbs.

[IZUKU] This sn*per was

hired by All For One!


Little boy dressed in green.

Don't move a muscle.

And I'll let you

keep your limbs.

[IZUKU] This sn*per was

hired by All For One!


From what I'm told,

you should be able to hold your

own given the power you have.

But I'm still concerned.

All For One and

Shigaraki can't steal

this cultivated ability

from you yet.

And in the last fight,

we confiscated every scrap

of Garaki's tech we could find.

Without that, they don't have

a way to store a Quirk Factor

to be transplanted later.

So, the best choice

for the League

would be to take you in alive.

Thankfully most of the escapees

wouldn't stand a

chance against you.

But... there's one woman

we should be worried about.


Is that her?


We were basically colleagues,

though she was my senior.

Of course, I'm trying to

track her down her, as well.

But, Deku.

If the two of you

ever cross paths,

run like hell.

Fast as you can.


b*ll*ts made out of indigo

and pink strands

twisted together.

I said, "don't move."


There's no mistake! It's her!

A former public safety

commission hero.

Lady Nagant!

She destroyed my

secure communicator!

That'll signal All Might, Hawks,

and the others that something

is wrong, but I have

no way of warning them

that she's the one

behind this attack.

If they rush in, they'll be

in her line of fire.

What do I do?

Try to escape like

Hawks said to?

Why bother running

when you're already mine?


High-angle fire?


Analyze the trajectory.


Now I get it.

Huh. That's why he wants you.

[IZUKU grunts]


Oh, her? She's insane.

If she weren't around, I'd be

the best long-range sh**t

in Japan, no contest.

My Quirk, Homing,

lets me hit any target

I can see within meters.

Can't choose where the shot hits

and it don't pack much punch,

but not too shabby, right?

Her, though.

She can hit the same

mark with skill alone,

and from a perch

three kilometers away!

She's taking away

all my business!

I'm gonna be sent

out to pasture!

The secret's in her b*ll*ts.

She has the ability to

make them into any shape

her heart desires.

See, her two-toned hair

gets mashed together

like epoxy putty, which then

hardens into her amm*nit*on.

I'm talkin' curving b*ll*ts,

hollow-point b*ll*ts.

Sky's the limit.

Her Quirk is r*fle,

and she's the walking

personification of

a sn*per r*fle.

Everybody who sh**t targets

is jealous of her right arm.

[IZUKU] Precision even

Mr. Snipe is jealous of.

And a good firing rate.

Without Danger Sense,

she woulda had me.

But thanks to the first shot

and the one just now,

I can tell where she is!

About one kilometer ahead!

Her range is triple that.

No point trying to evade

her b*ll*ts and outrun her.

Gotta get close!

That's the first time

someone's dodged

more than one b*llet.

Where's Pops?

I need to hurry to him.

Right now.

[LADY NAGANT] Yeah, yeah.

After I'm finished with this.

It's time to hide.

The target'll see you.

I'm coming, Boss.

Just hang out

in here for a minute.

Ugh, great.

Maybe I should've

ditched him before.


Come on. Walk faster!

Do you want to be

locked up again?


Must find him.

What is wrong with this guy?


Ah, an erstwhile hero.


The lovely Lady Nagant.

It's an honor to meet you.


All For One.

You know, not long ago,

you were my main target.


Yet here we are.

I have a favor to ask you.

You're not like the

rest of this rabble.

In the coming days,

a certain student from UA

will set out on his own.

My request is simple:

I would like you to

bring the boy to me.


A number of annoying guardians

will be watching

over him from afar.

It would be wise to get him

alone before you make your move.

[ALL FOR ONE] Perhaps you

could wait for a rainy night.

I find that atmosphere

to be quite--

Don't get ahead of yourself.

Did I say I agreed

to be your pawn?

You told the others to go wild.

So why am I the only one

whose freedom comes at a price?

Because you once k*lled

a hero. Heh. An ally.

You also desire the destruction

of this failed society.

But that will never come

to pass so long as the boy

is allowed to play

at being a hero.

Great. Another one

of those. Damn.



[ALL FOR ONE] The young head

of the Shie Hassaikai.

A friend of yours?


No. Something's broken in him.

But I thought

he might be useful.


He is also a victim.

Driven to ruin by these

corrupt false heroes.

Let us seal their coffins shut.

Come. You're hired for the job.


Consider this power an advance.


Air Walk. Nice.


I have a mission to complete.


Here's the preview!

As my fierce fight

with Lady Nagant begins,

she channels the despair

and anger in her heart

into deadly b*ll*ts that

explode through the night sky.

I'll need all my wits

if I want to defeat her,

which means trusting in the

Quirks of the previous wielders.

Next time, "The Lovely

Lady Nagant."

The superhuman society

we admired

was more fragile

than anyone imagined.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!