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06x19 - (D) Full Power!!

Posted: 03/28/23 15:55
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] It's time for you

and the rest of our class

to know everything.

So I'm writing letters

to try and explain.

My Quirk is a power passed

on to me from All Might.

It's a gift that Shigaraki and

All For One want to steal.

So they're coming after me.

The last thing I want to do

is put others in danger,

and it's dangerous to be

near me, so I'm leaving UA.

Being in the hero course

and meeting everyone in Class A

has made me happier than

I could've ever imagined.

Thank you.

And goodbye.

You idiot.


In April,

Deku left our hero academy.


The fight between heroes

and the Paranormal Liberation

Front was a disaster.

Japan is still reeling.

As if that weren't bad

enough, after the battle,

tons of criminals were set free

from prisons around the country.

Heroes were once the

most admired people

in our society, but now...

We've become lawless.


Looks like a huge villain.


Urgent request from

the Daina Police department.

A monstrous jailbreaker showed

up in the south ward yesterday.

Please search for any civilians

remaining in the area.

This shouldn't take long.

Most residents got

outta here early.

[PRESENT MIC] Ketsubutsu Academy

hero course third year,

Yo Shindo.

Hero name: Grand.

Might be hard to

convince the holdouts

that it's still a good

idea to evacuate.

[PRESENT MIC] Ketsubutsu Academy

hero course third year,

Tatami Nakagame.

Hero name: Turtle Neck.

Yeah, probably gonna be

a bunch of stubborn people

who think they're better off

protecting themselves.

Which is why...

I'll channel Ms. Joke.

If we keep it light,

they'll see things our way.


You're delusional.


Whatever, let's go!

Word is there's a buncha people

in the Taguchi Building.


Yo! Not so fast!


First police, then heroes.

Now they're sending children

here for us, huh?

Get lost. Run along home.


It's dangerous to stay here.

Your stockpiles of

food and supplies

are gonna run out before

long, and then what?

We've got plenty of resources

at Ketsubutsu Academy, though.

Come with us,

and we'll hook you up

with everything you might need.

[CITIZEN A] Heh. You expect

us to believe you'll keep us

all safe when

villains attack there?

You're painting a target

on that school.

Didn't need your help when

I kicked thieving punks

outta my store n'

I don't need it now.

The pros've shown

they're useless.

We're taking matters in our own

hands to protect this town.

We can't trust you

with our lives.

[SHINDO] Look, I'm sure you're

capable of holding off

some petty criminals who're

after money or whatever.

But, guys. The jailbreakers

and Nomu are different.

We got reports just yesterday

that a g*ng was causing chaos

around here. Not thieves.

Their only purpose

was to spread v*olence.

Monsters like that

could take down a pro.

You don't wanna face them.

They're barely even human.

I said...

We don't put faith

in heroes anymore,

and you're not stupid enough

to think you can force us

to leave our homes, right? Kid?

All I'm saying is that we've

had a lot more training.

Let us make your lives easier.

We fell for that before

and look how great the

country's doing today.

[CITIZEN B] Do you know what

the heroes around here did

when things started looking bad?

They ran off with their tails

between their legs.


It's happening everywhere.

The east and west wards

have been abandoned.

We gave pros nothing but support

and this is how they repay us?

I'm tired of talking.

Go back to where you came from.

And tell your bosses

we're not goin' anywhere.

Well, that didn't go as planned.

Total b*mb. You suck at this.

They just need a

little persuasion.

If I used Vibrate,

I could demolish that

building in seconds.

Agh! We should

just drag 'em out.

It's for their own good.

Tone it down.

[phone rings]

[SHINDO] Oh. At least

phones are still working.

It's Makabe.


Get outta there! He's coming!

Itejiro saw him

with his own eyes.

He's heading your way, fast.

Run! We won't make it

in time to help you!


Whoa, he's big!


Let's go. I'm ready to play.


It's just you two wimps?

Damn, I'm gonna need more.

Don't you have some

powerful friends?

Tatami, call Ms. Joke and

tell her we need backup now!

Then evac civilians.

What will you do?

Crush this guy.

Being free feels so good.


That scumbag wont' tear up

our town up anymore!

No way! This guy's

out for blood.

He's a wanted m*rder*r!

You don't stand a chance! Run!

Move. We don't take

orders from you.

I'm trying to keep

you from dying!


Not good.

Are you kidding?

I was hoping you'd

make this worthwhile.

Don't they always say that,

if you see one hero,

there are ten more nearby?

Ah! Whaddaya know. I found 'em.

[SHINDO grunts]

S'not gonna work!

I've got , layers of

muscle fiber acting as armor.

A little massage isn't gonna

break through to my actual body.

Is that so?

[SHINDO] If I let loose

at maximum power,

I won't be able to move

for a while. But...

[SHINDO] Sometimes a man's gotta

do what a man's gotta do.

The most important

thing a hero can have

when the world is going

to hell around them

is fortitude to keep fighting!

I'm gonna shake your brain

right outta your head.

[MUSCULAR] In that case,

I guess it's not a bad idea.


Watch out, Yo!

C'mon, let's save the boy!

[MUSCULAR] You feel that?

It's a blood frenzy!




No wonder the Fourth user's

Danger Sense kept going off.

I recognize that voice.

It's you. Midoriya. Right?

I'd never forget you!

In fact I've missed ya!

I keep running into

these benchwarmers

who don't quench my

thirst for blood.

But you will!

[MUSCULAR laughs]

Yes. This is what I need.

Don't run off. We'll

have a real battle.

And so we're clear, revenge

has nothing to do with this.

I just want to experience

that rush again.

You got me addicted to it

when we threw down last time.

I can't get enough

of that feeling.

[IZUKU] Why not jump

straight to the roof?


Let's not hold anything back.

Show me your blood!


What's going on?

This smoke! I can't see!


There you are. Perfect.

Please take care of him.

Is he okay? Yo,

you're such an idiot.


Sorry I didn't get here sooner.

You should take him

to a doctor quick.

And abandon the building;

it's not safe.

I'll make sure nothing

else is damaged.

Got it.

[NAKAGAME] Hard to make him

out through the smoke.

But, there's something

familiar about his voice.

Who is he?


Was that overboard?

[EN] Yeah. Too much

of my Smokescreen.

You exceeded the

controllable limit.



[EN] Careful not to let someone

use your own attack against you.

That's how you lose.




Because of One For All's growth,

things've really

gotten out of control.

After eight generations,

it's a lot to harness.

And of course,

since you're the latest

on the chain of wielders,

that means it's going to be

hardest on you,

the ninth person to use it.

I'd recommend you

pull back a bit.

Don't forget that

most of our Quirks

aren't ultimate

moves on their own.

You're putting too much focus

on these individual powers

instead of the whole.

Think of Quirks as tools.

You can use them to build

a path that leads to victory.



The man who can withstand

a Smash at percent.

I haven't forgotten you, either.


Seventh. Float!


Sixth. Smokescreen.

I'll use it to confuse him.

Think, Izuku.

Remember how your first

battle with him went.

Where the hell are you going?

[IZUKU] Fourth. Predict his

moves with Danger Sense.

Fifth. Blackwhip!


Enough playing games.

[IZUKU] Tell me where Shigaraki

and All For One are hiding.

I know they broke you out.

Who cares? They told me

I should go wild

and do whatever I want,

which is how live anyway.

This talking is so boring.

Like your dumb tricks.

Let's cut to the good stuff.

I live for the adrenaline.

I want a full-power brawl

like we had that night.

No holding back!

[IZUKU] Why do you chase

after such extremes?

Cause I don't wanna have any

regrets when I finally die.

[IZUKU] Oh, yeah?

And what would you regret?

Not enjoying every thrill

life has to offer to the max.

[IZUKU] You don't think there

was another path for you,

Goto Imasuji?

Nope! Not a chance.

What? You trying

empathize with me?

Waste someone else's

time with that BS.

My heart beats with a thirst

for blood and battle!

Nothing else in this

whole wide world matters.

[IZUKU] I never found out why

they ended up becoming villains.

What caused all their anger.

If I had known, maybe things

would've been different.

Shigaraki k*lled

so many innocent people.

He hurt those I care about.

I wish there was a way

of reasoning with you.

But it sounds like

this is inevitable.

Give me your full

power, Midoriya!


If we have to fight,

at least I'll learn

something about him.

When did you turn

into a boring guy

who just stands around?

[IZUKU] There are spaces

between your muscles.

Whenever they've

reached their limits,

they peel back and disappear.


You want a head-on fight,

but you tried to

trap me at first.

Is it because you know

something's wrong

with your power?

You didn't realize how strong

Shindo's Vibrate truly is.

You think you're so clever?


One For All, Full Cowling.

Forty-five percent impact.


Detroit Smash!


This is my full power at work.


Where are Shindo and Nakagame?

[PRESENT MIC] Ketsubutsu Academy

hero course third year,

Itejiro Toteki.

Hero name: Boomerang Man.

Ketsubutsu Academy

hero course third year,

Shikkui Makabe.

Hero name: Mr. Smith.

Hey. Up there!

Huh? That's the villain!

I didn't even get a chance

to say "thank you."

[CITIZEN A] Here. Use this.

It'll make carrying him easier.


Get the car!


And, up!

You're helping us?

It's not like we want anyone

to get hurt or anything.

I figure the least we can

do now is hear you out.

[SHINDO] That guy.

He was at the licensing exam.

But today, he fought like

a different person.

Was it really the same kid?


Freeze! What do you want?


You have any spare iron maidens?


Maidens? Wait, that's...

One of the escapees!


Please restrain him.


Ah! Hold on!

[IZUKU] Danger sense has calmed

down for the time being.


All Might. I'm heading back.

Are you injured?


No. I'm good.

Your arms and legs?

[IZUKU] Fine thanks

to the Mid-Gauntlets.

As far as compression

support items go,

they're super high quality.

Thanks again.

Glad you thought to order

them from the US

before travel and shipping

restrictions were imposed.

They're prototypes, but they

should boost your endurance.

Best of all, the support

affects your entire body.

They won't withstand your power

if you're at

percent, though.

Try not to go overboard

before your rematch, okay?


No matter what happens to me!

I won't.


I am here in your phone!

[IZUKU] Whoa. The Silver Age

version of his ringtone.

It's me, hey.


All Might. Good to hear you.

Just wanted to check in.

How is Midoriya?


Fine. He's here with me now.


Gotta go. Sorry.


Or at least, he was.

Heh. Let me guess.

He ran off again.

He doesn't want any people

around if he gets att*cked.

Pretty brave, actually.

He's chosen to

isolate and prepare,

not the worst idea in the world.

But if the people who stormed

Tartarus come at him

in full force,

it's over for all of us.

Like Midoriya said,

our best chance

is to track them down instead.

I know it's a hard

position for you,

but I'm glad you're there

to support him.


Let's see.

From what I understand, you

survived some serious injuries

in the past and were told

that further trauma

could cost you the

use of your arms.

Previously your injuries

were caused

by small explosions

inside your body.

Fortunately, this time, that

power surfaced and escaped.

Your scans suggest that

you used your Quirk

to reinforce your physique

from the inside out,

which is why your limbs

weren't completely

shattered like before.

In short, the injuries

are similar,

but your frame was more

prepared for them this time.

Nevertheless, your body

won't keep bouncing back.

You still need to be careful.

[IZUKU'S MOM] Will you explain

what's going on? Please?

[ALL MIGHT] Hope you're

sure about this, kid.

So, this power of his.

He can control it because

he was born Quirkless.

And now there are some bad

people who're after my son.


What's going to happen to him?

We're still figuring out

the logistics,

but he should be

safe at the school.


I'm not going back to UA.

What do you mean?

Oh, kid.


I thought he might say that.

No matter where I go,

Shigaraki will know my location.

He must be licking his wounds,

or else he'd be here

storming the hospital.

I don't want anyone

else to get hurt.

Especially not because of me.

And If the League is able

to reach their full power,

things will be even worse

than they are now.

That cannot happen.

I have to stop Shigaraki

and All For One.

You're here because you

couldn't beat those villains!

Don't throw your life away!


I'll get stronger.

[IZUKU'S MOM] I have loved

watching you grow into a hero.

But hearing this. It's too much.

When I was a kid,

you once smiled

and thanked me for saving you.


That made me so happy.

Oh, help me!

I am here!


Wow! Thank you, All Might.

Hey, wait. Izuku?

It was my boy the whole time?


That's why... I have to go now.

Don't you worry.

I'll always come home to you.


From now on.

Will you allow me to devote

myself to Young Izuku?

I beg you.

I swear to protect your son.

Even if it costs me my life.


I could try to stop you.

But I know your mind is made up.

Well, even if you

don't want my help.

I won't let you do this

alone, understand?


He's leaving UA?

No. I get it.

This works in our favor.

He's the only one with a

chance of pinning down

Shigaraki's whereabouts.

In fact, I already planned to

design our operation around him.

Right. We'll follow at an

appropriate distance.

Gotta be all cool even

on the phone, huh?

[GRAN TORINO] You don't say.

That's Shimura for you.

Even in the afterlife,

she's crying over our choices.


I should've k*lled him

on the b*ttlefield when

I had the chance.

I apologize.

Don't be too stubborn.

Sometimes you have to k*ll a

person in order to save them.

Be sure to remember that.

Whatever you decide to do,

you make damn sure

you settle the score with

the League of Villains.


Hawks. Best Jeanist.

Endeavor and All Might.

We're teaming up to end this.

[IZUKU] Together we'll keep

anyone else from getting hurt.


We have to stop All For One.


I have to.


Here's the preview!

As I try to figure out where

Shigaraki could be hiding,

I take on every escaped prisoner

who crosses my path.

But a new obstacle awaits me,

a deadly assassin in

All For One's employ.

Her name is Lady Nagant.

Next time, "Hired g*n."

This sn*per has

a complicated past

and now she's got me

in her crosshairs.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!