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06x17 - (D) The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire

Posted: 03/28/23 15:53
by bunniefuu
[HIMURA] It's truly on honor

to be approached by the man

many believe will be the next

number-one hero in Japan!

I never expected such an offer.

Fortune has truly

smiled upon us.

[HIMURA] As you surely know,

the Himura family

has enjoyed a long

and celebrated history.

Which makes my daughter

the perfect match

for a man of your status.

A top-tier pro needs

a fitting bride.


She was a woman made of ice.

On the surface our union seemed

like any arranged marriage,

but I had an ulterior motive.

My goal was simple.

To produce the

strongest child possible.

One who wielded

our combined powers.

This was a Quirk marriage.

My flames were strong.

Add the ice abilities of

the Himura family to the mix,

and surely my offspring would

grow to surpass All Might.

While Rei's family

was once prestigious,

they were now struggling.

They craved the

status associated

with the number-two

hero and my money.

Which is probably why her father

quickly agreed

to my proposition.

She had the option to refuse me.

Rei knew exactly what

this marriage was.

And yet, she accepted my

intentions and became my wife

for the sake of her family.

Do you like the flowers?

Yes. They're quite beautiful.


There was a strength to her,

but still, she seemed

like she might melt

at the slightest touch.


Rei. Hello.

Are you okay?

In what world would I be?

That's why I've come here.

You aren't the

only one suffering.

Because you're not the only one

who overlooked our child.


These are some wicked burns.

I can't feel a thing, though.

Knowing how tough my father is,

I doubt he'll die from whatever

injuries he racked up.

Even if he wanted to,

the number-one hero can't die


on the b*ttlefield.

I bet he'll do a

press conference soon.

Can't wait to see

his pathetic face.

After so long.

I get to watch 'em break.






When you're crying in hell,

be sure'n wave.


Huh? No fair!

I don't have school today.

We should be doing

Quirk training together!

C'mon, Dad, you said

you would! 'Member?

I've told you already.

This time off

is for your own good.


I have to go.


It's unusual.

Your son inherited a strong

version of your flame Quirk,

that's true, but unfortunately,

his body appears to have

taken after his mother.

In other words, he's physically

built to tolerate freezing

temperatures far

better than heat.

And, uh, in terms

of designer babies...

Look, the whole

concept is taboo.

I suggest you stop pursuing it.

Regardless, Toya shouldn't

be using his Quirk.

Try to keep him from doing so.

I'd hate to see

the boy burn himself

and end up in the

emergency room.

[ENDEAVOR] Toya. I thought

you would exceed All Might

with flames more

powerful than mine--

you should've been the best.

How did this happen?

[TV NARRATOR A] He saved

municipalities today!

As long as we have this

shining star protecting us...


Hey, Fuyumi.

Why do you think Dad won't let

me do Quirk training anymore?


So I got some dumb

burns, big deal.

I'm more than tough

enough to take that.

I know my body

better than anyone,

and I say I'm totally fine.

I agree with Dad,

I don't like it

when you come home

looking hurt. Really.

I was stupid to think

you'd get it.

No girl would understand this!

But I'm worried

about you, brother!

[DABI] I've made my decision.

I'm gonna be better than him.

The top hero!

You're the one who lit

this fire under me, Dad!

[ENDEAVOR grunts]


No. That's too much.

It's downright cruel!

Tell him anything else.

He already knows what you

want from your children.

Just let him have hope!


No matter what I say to him,

he shows up at the house

with new injuries every day.

The boy is stubborn,

just like his father.

This is the only way

to make him give up.

He has to know.

He can't beat All Might.

[ENDEAVOR grunts]

[TODOROKI crying]


[DABI] You're wrong, Dad.

I can be the next number one.

Watch me.

My flames are stronger

every time I come out here.

I've been practicing

this entire time.

I know I can do it.

I'll surpass All Might.

Wait and see.

Just keep your

eyes on me, okay?

[ENDEAVOR] Dammit, when will you

get this through your head?

Have you learned nothing

from getting burned

over and over again?

Listen, Toya! Find a new

dream to pursue.

Go play with Fuyumi and Natsuo!

Make friends at school

and do stuff with them!

There are plenty of things

to do with your life

besides being a hero.

Leave this unattainable

goal behind you.

But the kids at school say

they're gonna be pros one day.


They don't get what it's

like for me. But you do.

You showed me being the best

is what matters.

Toya, no, you have to cool off.

[DABI] You pushed me

to want this, Dad!

It's too late now.

I can't unlearn

what you taught me.

Keep watching. You'll see.

[ENDEAVOR gasps]


Look at me, Endeavor!


From now on, Shoto isn't allowed

anywhere near

the other children.

I have work.

I can't watch him all the time.

But that's why we have the help.

You don't let Toya

out of your sight.

[REI] He just wants you

to pay attention to him.

I only know the world of heroes.

There's nothing there for him.

[REI] So that's it?

You're running away.


Hey, Toya! Come play!




Got it.


--[FUYUMI] Are you hurt?


Ignore them, Shoto.

They live in a different world

than the one I'm

training you for.

Can't I just play with

them a few minutes?

They look like they're

having fun together.

[ENDEAVOR] There's no time.

You've work to do.


Y'know what?

I think I had the

wrong idea back then.

Shoto isn't the one

I should blame.

Dad's the person who

messed up everything.

We're failures to him, so he

pretends we don't even exist.

That's just how it works, not

like he's all that different.

Lots of heroes have kids

that they don't want.

[NATSUO] You've already told me

this, like, , , times.

Ugh, why don't you go

bother Fuyumi instead?

No, hold on, are you

ignoring me, too, Natsu?

Please don't do that!

I'm telling you this stuff

'cause you have to understand.

You agree, right?

Besides, the women in

our family are all useless.



Are you planning to go

to the mountain again?

Why don't you hang out

with your classmates in--?

No. I don't need friends!

I'm different from them!

Toya, tell me, do you really

want to become a hero?

'Cause from what I see,

it looks like you're suffering

simply because you want

to please your father.

Son, there are many

different paths in life.

You have countless


Don't spend your life chasing

someone else's dream.

I want you to find something

you're actually passionate

about in this world.

Shut up, Mom.

You don't know anything.


[DABI] This from one of your

self-help books or something?

I know Grandma and

Grandpa were poor.

That's why they sold you, right?

You had no choice in what

your life would be like.




But you did decide to have me.

So you're to blame

for this, too.




My fire wouldn't go out.

I was smaller than

most kids my age,

but when I hit puberty,

things changed.

And my flames suddenly

transformed from red to blue.

[DABI] I see. They're like

extensions of my body.

When I get excited, my firepower

goes through the roof!

Oh, man, I'm incredible.

Dad is gonna be so surprised

when he sees this!

Ugh. Dammit. No crying!

Why do I always tear up

when things go my way.



Your next day off, you gotta

come to Sekoto Peak!


New burns!

He's hiding them beneath

his clothing now.

Toya you're still training?

And I've gotten super awesome!

Make sure you come watch!

I bet I can get to Shoto's

level pretty soon.

Or All Might's

level. No, better!

And I guess then

you'd have to accept

that I'm not actually

a failure like you thought.

After all these years you'll be

happy to have me as your son!


--[TODOROKI screaming]


I asked you to do one thing.

Just stop him from training!

I won't let you

be mean to Mommy!

Stop it! You're being a bully!


Get out of here, Shoto!

This has nothing to do with you.

Shut up, Mom.

You don't know anything!

[REI] My options were limited

when I was younger.

But I chose to marry you

of my own free will.

I thought, if I kept

a smile on my face,

things might work out.

I tried my best.

He wouldn't listen.

He's your problem now.

You deal with this.

Be of use for once.

[REI] What do you see when

you glare at me like that?

Please don't look at me

with those horrible eyes.


Those eyes!


I was taken to a facility.

Which is where I heard

about Toya's death.

That loss shattered whatever

was left of my mind.


Suck it up. Do not cry.

[REI] You didn't go to

Sekoto Peak like he asked.


I was afraid if I did,

it would feed a fire that

was already out of control.

No. The real reason is

I had no idea what to say.

Or how to be Toya's father.



I guess we both failed

in that sense.

[DABI screams]

It's too hot! Please

go out! It hurts!

Now that was some

impressive heat.

Well. What did you

expect, old man?

All you ever taught me

was how to burn everything.

[ENDEAVOR] If onlyI'd just given

everything up that day.

But after I k*lled Toya,

I couldn't go back.

The only thing I knew how

to focus on was molding Shoto

into the hero I could

never be myself.

The more domineering you were,

the harder it was

to look at you.

And whenever I looked

at my children,

it was your eyes I saw

staring back at me.

Even though I knew

we were falling apart.

I was too scared to get

to the bottom of our pain.

So I tried to

keep up appearances.

Ignoring the truth.

You're the one who

put us on this path,

and I know you're to blame.

But if I'd been able to

knock some sense into Toya

before he ran off

to the mountain,

he wouldn't have

turned into Dabi,

and things might've been

different between me and Shoto.

[REI] The responsibility is

not yours to bear alone.

Your heart may be broken,

but we're going to help you

put it back together.

Because you have no choice

but to fight Dabi one day.

Rei, are...

Are you sure? How can I...

Shoto must've suffered

so much more than we did.

But he still started

calling me "Mom" again.

Even though he has

every right to hate me.

He's made friends at UA High.

And he's protected each of us,

likely more than we know.

He is the true hero

in this family.

[coughs] Before coming in here,

I had a long talk with Mom.

I thought you wouldn't

be able to fight

after how things went down.

That I would have

to face Dabi myself.

That's not the case, though.

So whenever you're done crying,

you and I will work

to stop Toya together.


Sho... Shoto.



Pardon us.

We were kind of listening

in to your convo.

And since we're in the loop,

mind if we join your

weird family reunion?


Best Jeanist and Hawks!


discharged from the hospital

yesterday, and already

gathered a bunch of info

about what's going on--

[REI] I am deeply ashamed and

apologize for my son's actions.


Huh? That's definitely not

the reason we're here.

Seriously. Please stop, ma'am.

[BEST JEANIST] I admit we

wanted answers about Dabi,

but eavesdropping is sketchy

like blackmarket denim.


What does that even mean?

[BEST JEANIST] Knowing the

source of his resentment

could make things easier.

The more we know

about how he survived

and why he adopted this

Dabi persona the better.

We can speak to

the child inside him.


watched a lot of videos of you

over the years, Endeavor, but I

never guessed the tenacity

you had in your younger years

would make your home so hellish.

Gotta admit, it's shocking.


This didn't come up

when you were talking

about Toya, but...

Are you to blame for the burn

on Shoto's face as well?


So close.

No that was me.

Mom, you--

[REI] But he still started

calling me "Mom" again.

Even though he has

every right to hate me.


I see.

[HAWKS] I never got

to confront my parents.

Instead, I abandoned them.

But you've stood your ground.


Shoto. You're a heck of a kid.


Endeavor, the world

is going to pieces.

I know.


Shigaraki, Dabi, Himiko Toga,

Spinner, Skeptic, and

Liberation Front

members escaped.

As well as seven

Near High End Nomu.

At this point, we have no leads.

No idea where they're hiding.

In addition to Tartarus, six

other prisons were broken into.

At least , prisoners

have been released

into the wild.

Causing mayhem and panic.

There's also no agency

calling the sh*ts for us.

Not that there are a ton

of heroes left to organize.

Pros are resigning

left and right.

Many civilians have lost faith

in our ability to

protect the streets,

so they're taking up arms and

fighting villains themselves.

Which inevitably leads

to collateral damage.

Currently, the government

is requesting aid

in the form of rescue

teams and heroes

from other countries, but

with the safety commission

in shambles, bureaucracy

is getting in the way.

Everything's gone to crap

in just two days.

And I second what

your wife said.

You have no choice

but to keep fighting.

Of course, we've got your back.

Responsibility for this can't

be put on your shoulders alone.

And it's not your

family's fault either.

You would help me?

[HAWKS] Even if Dabi was right

about the Todoroki family,

things are different now.

I want to do what's right

and support people

who are trying their

best to do the same.



We propose a little a team-up

between the top three heroes!

[BEST JEANIST] I've already bet

my life on Hawks once.

This will be another

tricky runway to walk,

but we will prevail.


who's standing in front of you.

Don't we make the burden

feel a little lighter?

Isn't it time to move forward?

Yes. Yeah.

We'll help you,

just till we stop Toya.




Now, to get down to business.

First, we explain things

to the public.

After Dabi's dramatic speech,

that's unavoidable.

I've given some thought to how

we might go about responding,

but there's still

a little confusion.

What do you know

about "One For All"?

Oh, yeah. A reporter

mentioned that, too.

[REPORTER A] While he

was fighting Shigaraki,

Endeavor mentioned something

called "One For All."

Do you know who or what

he was referencing?


Does it have anything to do with

that terrifying supervillain

known as All For One?


Whatever it is,

we need to figure out how

it factors into the puzzle.


Sorry for using a private line.

It's highly possible that

I'm the one Shigaraki's after.


Deku, you bastard,

you're dead!

I've been awake for how long...

[MINETA] Stop yelling,

this is a hospital!


...we're trying to grieve?

[TENYA] Uh, thank you

for the assistance, Tsu!

What is wrong with that boy?

When I saw the extent

of his injuries,

I figured he'd be

out for a while.

And yet, he's somehow

louder than ever.


Hey, guys.

Sounds like Tokoyami

and Kaminari

are cleared to go home now.

Are they really?

That's wonderful news!

Are there, uh,

any updates on

Midoriya's recovery yet?


They said his body's fine.

But I'm still worried.



[BEST JEANIST] Great expl*si*n

m*rder God Dynamight,

are you all right?


What's it look like?


We'd like a few words

with Izuku Midoriya.

[TENYA] Well... All Might said

to leave the two of them alone.


He did, huh?

[HAWKS] Endeavor said that

Shigaraki was after Midoriya,

and All Might is clearly

involved somehow.

What in the world

is One For All?

[ALL MIGHT] Young Midoriya.

I can feel it.

The vestige of me that

lives within One For All.

Inside you.

Right now, you must be talking

with the previous wielders.


Here's the preview.

While I sleep in the real world,

my consciousness is awake

inside of One For All.

Past generations of wielders

share their secrets.

And eventually, I'm faced

with a question.

"Can you k*ll Tomura Shigaraki?"

How do I answer that?

Next time,

"Izuku Midoriya and

Tomura Shigaraki."

My origin is about to be tested.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!