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06x15 - (D) Tartarus

Posted: 03/28/23 15:51
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] The Counter-Quirk

Maximum Security Special Prison,

also known as "Tartarus."

[IZUKU] It's a facility

built on the open sea

about five kilometers off

the coast of the mainland.

To the public it's just

another out-of-sight place

to lock up villains.

But in reality, it's a dumping

ground where the government

can monitor those they deem a

serious threat to public safety.

Those imprisoned here

have terrifying Quirks.

[IZUKU] Inmates are split among

six cellblocks that reflect

how severe a criminal's

offenses were

and the danger their

abilities pose.

The more dangerous the person,

the deeper underwater

they're held.

It's said that no one sent

here will ever leave alive.

This is the dark side of

our super-powered society.


I feel it.

Events didn't play out exactly

to plan, but we have momentum.


poor fools like to think that

tomorrow will bring them hope.

But I'm not giving the

world time to recover.

It's my turn now.

My turn forever.

Listen well, my tireless Nomu.

It's time to give you

an important task.

Free my real body.

[GYGES] So, Brother,

you hear that Endeavor

let Tomura Shigaraki escape?

[BRIAREOS] Yeah. Word is

him and members

of the Paranormal Liberation

Front are on the run now

along with seven

of those Nomu things.

[GYGES] Raid teams got

their butts handed to 'em.


A hundred and forty-five pros

are in the hospital,

including Endeavor.

Word has it Midnight

and Majestic are dead.

Some other big names, too.


Damn it.

If only we could've

been there to help.


Don't get worked up.

Guarding this place is an

important, honorable duty.

Best thing we can do

is keep a strong front here.


Yeah, yeah, I know.


What set those off?


Control room, come in!

Look there!


Are those Nomu?


sh**t them!


What the...?

What's going on?

Briareos! Gyges?

Control room here!

Give us a status report.

Come in? Hello?

Can you hear me?


This is Gyges.

We've got Nomu out here.

Not sure how many, but I think

they k*lled my brother.

This is a code red.

No time. Authorize

counter protocols!


Such feeble resistance.


Sounds like they expect

that giant city crusher

tomorrow morning.



He's 'ol scarface's

flunky, right?


They're having to copter him in.

[PRISON STAFF C] Should have

k*lled him in the field.

[PRISON STAFF B] How would

you propose they do that?

Hit him with a m*ssile?

We don't just blow people up.

I mean, they guy's still human.

How do you call him that

with a straight face?

He's a beast. Just a

walking monstrosity.

Same as the other

deranged animals

we've got caged up in here.


Stop talking like that.

You know everything you're

saying is being recorded.

The Hearts and Mind Party

is defunct now,

but there'll be others.

We already get enough flak

about human rights

violations as it is.

Last thing we need's a

conversation like this to leak.

Watch yourself.

I'm just speaking the truth.

They may look like

you and me on the surface.

Mostly. But we only

call them human

because Quirks warped

our perceptions so badly.

In truth...

...they're fundamentally

different from us normal people.


alert. Code Red. I repeat.

This is a Code Red

security alert.

Floors and exits

have been sealed off.

All staff should

be on high alert.


got multiple Nomu incoming.

They've already managed to

break through the Bronze Gate.

Nomu? They're attacking here,

now of all times? Don't tell me.

They came straight

from the big battle!

Is this payback?

[PRISON STAFF D] Severing our

connection to the mainland.


The bridge is going under

starting with section A !

You're struggling in vain.


Attention Cottus Troops,

you have permission

to fire at will.

Capture targets dead or alive.

I repeat, permission

granted to use

any and all modes

of suppression.


I told you before, Master.

This is my body, not yours.

[ALL FOR ONE] Ah, you're awake.

But you should keep resting.

Your Super Regeneration

isn't ready,

and I need your body

in tip top shape.


So what am I doing out here?

You're sending me

into battle again.


No, just a simple task.


Give me back control.

[ALL FOR ONE] You're the one

who wanted my power, Tomura.

You abhor this cruel world

that didn't reach out

a hand to help you.

And I've given you the ability

to manifest your hatred.

What's important now is the

passion that fuels your ire.

Our success is the

result of your will.

I will not be your pawn.

My dear boy, you have

the wrong idea.

You're a treasure in my eyes,

someone I seek to lift up.

You are the next me.



Tower Two is down!

It's Shigaraki, he's here.

[PRISON STAFF] The decay is

spreading like it did in Jaku!


Start evacuating the staff!


Hm... I've found my location

thanks to the

Search Quirk I stole.

In the deepest corner,

meters below sea level.

Even if you used Decay on the

building while sparing my body,

the water pressure

would k*ll me.

And I have doubts

that you're currently

up to the task anyway.

What I need now

is more villains.

It's a terrible fortress

they've built.

Machia would barely

help in this situation.

We'd be hard-pressed

to overcome their forces.

I'd say the same thing

if your body were complete.

Tartarus is all but impenetrable

from the outside.

Of course, there is

always a way.


Power is fluctuating.

[PRISON STAFF B] The whole

surveillance system is down!

I think we suffered

an EMP attack!

We've still got

emergency security!

Get the sensers back on

before the prisoners

realize what's happening.

Rebooting in three, two...

The attack came from

the inside this time!


Surveillance can't be restored!

Crap! Security's offline.


That means...


An inmate used their Quirk

inside the facility!


No, it couldn't be!

How could they know

our systems were down?

This shouldn't be possible.

[ALL FOR ONE] There's not a

single bit of stimulation here.

The world likens this

place to something

out of a Greek myth,

calling it Tartarus.

That's the name of

the underworld prison

where kings and

Titans were punished.

Escaping would be

a struggle, even for me.

[ALL MIGHT] You're trapped here.

You'll never go free.


That's right.

It's just as you said,

All Might.

You put me away forever.

There's no way I can escape.

Unless there's

perfect synchronicity

between the me who's locked away

and the one inside

Tomura's head.


security measures are failing.

[PRISON STAFF C] The locks

on the cell doors won't hold.

They'll overrun us.

Where are the guards now?


Suppression troops

have reached the lowest level!

[WARDEN A] Regain control

no matter what it takes.




According to regulations,

if an inmate takes one step

outside their cell,

they can be shot down!

Get your weapons ready.

I want you backing up the--

Fire! sh**t him!



[MUSCULAR] You'll have to try

harder than that to k*ll me.

Now start talkin'.

Where is the exit

outta this hellhole? Huh?


Holy crap!

[INMATE B] I don't

know how, but we're free!


Don't move!

[PRISON STAFF G] Everyone,

get back to your cells!

We will not hold our fire

for anyone who resists.

Damn it!

I'd rather be dead

than go back in there.

Why? We were free.



[INMATE F laughs] We can use

our powers as much as we want!


Yeah, thank the guards

for how nice they've been.

[LADY NAGANT] The security

system isn't kicking in

even though people are

using their Quirks.

And this was already a madhouse.


Where is Pops?


What do we do now?

[INMATE I] We can't leave

if there's no bridge!


No stopping.

Not till I stand on

free ground again!


Friends, if you want to leave,

all you need do is follow me.

Well, I'll be damned.

[ALL FOR ONE] Yes. I want

you to stand by my side.

In the era of chaos

on the horizon,

a more perfect demon

lord will be born.

[ALL FOR ONE] You will bear

witness to the story

of how I become the greatest

demon lord this world has known.

[IZUKU] Six hours after

the attack on Tartarus...

[IZUKU] ...All For One h*jacked

an emergency aircraft

using a staff member's

biometric ID.

With that, he was free.

[IZUKU] The Near High Ends and

former inmates followed him.

On his orders, they went on to

attack seven different prisons

and released a large number

of criminals from six of them.

[ALL FOR ONE] At last,

my preparations are complete.

What a thrilling hours.

I released as many

prisoners as possible

to confuse those

who would hunt me.

The streets will

scream with v*olence.

I do have one last request

of you, however.

Protect this body

while it recovers.

Shigaraki and I had

a lot in common.

Games and stuff.

[SPINNER] I want to reform this

society ruled by fake heroes.

That's why I joined the League.

Because Stain's

ideology inspired me.

We had great ideas

if not follow through,

all wanting to crush this world.

But the League

became disorganized.

An aimless band

of petty thieves.

Myself included.

But when his spark returned,

he lit a fire under

even the emptiest of us.

So, then, why shouldn't

I destroy it?

Why must I suffer it?

I wanted to see what

Shigaraki could pull off.

The future he could craft.

So who the hell are you?

You're not the person

I chose to follow.

My loyalty is to him,

Tomura Shigaraki.


Don't fret, Iguchi.

There is no need for hostility.

Please trust that I respect

Tomura's feelings

above everything else.

I long for his body to heal

so he can be complete.

Once he's whole, our every

dream will be realized.

[ALL FOR ONE] I'll take

One For All and reign forever.

No man will stand against me.

I will be its absolute ruler,

the demon lord.

[KATSUKI gasps]



[yells] He's awake!

Shut up and start explaining!

Oh, good, he's mad.

That must mean he's

feeling like himself!

I'm about to be real mad!

Where the hell am I?

[SATO] Dude, you're

at Central Hospital.

From what we hear,

they have the latest,

most advanced

medical treatments.

I'm so glad our

class jerk is alive!

[HAGAKURE] Oh, I'll go

tell the nurse he's up.

Good idea.

Deku and Todoroki?

Mr. Aizawa, Endeavor,

and all the others.

What happened to everybody?

I'll tell you, 'kay?

But you gotta try to stay calm.

[NANA] I doctored the records

so he's not linked to me.

If that man finds out

Kotaro exists,

he'll use my kid against us.

So I no longer have a son.

I'm not a mother

anymore, Sorahiko.

I never was.



[DOCTOR A] If you and

Gran Torino had gotten here

much later, the prognosis

would have been bleaker

than what we're

currently looking at.

You have Locklock

and the first responders

to thank for

prioritizing your lives.

Try not to worry about

anything that's happened.

Focus on your own recovery.

[AIZAWA] We let Shigaraki

get away, and as a result,

villains have broken out

of half a dozen prisons.

[PRESENT MIC] Those escapees are

committing crimes left and right

and we don't have the

resources to stop 'em.

The public's really laying

into us about it.

We did what we were

supposed to do.

We gave everything we had.

Fought with our

lives on the line.

And this is still

how things turned out.

We let Kayama

and the others die.

Let's not do this now.

Tell me how the students

are holding up.

[KAMINARI] There's, like,

a mob of people out there.

Call me crazy,

but I'm pretty sure

they're not here to thank us.

This crime wave

is getting even worse

and the news is

reporting on it / .

It feels like the whole

country's on edge.

Dire times.

[MOB shouting]

Just try to ignore 'em.

I'm sure things will work out.

We know you, Todoroki.

So we know what

a good person you are.

You'll brave this.


Did you know about your brother?


Endeavor's current condition?

Is he going to pull through?

[REPORTER A] Does he have

any idea the disastrous state

Japan is in thanks to him?

Come on, talk!

Everyone wants to know more

about the Todoroki family.

[REPORTER AA] When will your

father have a press conference?

Our viewers are scared!

We want answers!


Him! He's the source!

The fire he gives off

blinds you!

He will be the demise

of our world!


Hey now, don't be rude.

You're acting like

we've never met.

Call me Toya.

After all, it's the name

you and mom gave me.

Enji Todoroki!

Let's fall together.

Come and dance with me

in hell, won't you?


His heat was so intense.

Stronger than my

old man's. Too strong.

Flames of hatred.

That's what they were.

[TODOROKI] He's been

watching this whole time.

Waiting to see Endeavor fall.

Ruining his body and the

lives of anyone in his path,

just to make our father suffer.


Toya is me.

[TODOROKI] The reason

I picked a fight with you

was to show my old man

what I was capable of doing.

Without having to rely

on his damned fire Quirk.

I'm going to show him

that I reject his power

and I can take first place

without using it.

[TODOROKI] I was burning

with hate until that day.

Same as him.

Our father can't stop Toya.

I have to be the one

to handle my brother.



Whoa. You're Todoroki's

brother and sister!

I'm afraid his throat

suffered minor burns,

so he isn't speaking.


Yes, of course.

The doctored explained

his condition to us earlier.


You don't have to talk, Shoto.

Just listen.


I told you not to get up!

You could die!


Just stop!

You're the worst patient.

We're not supposed

to let ya leave your room.

Shut up!

Make me fight you and I'll be

even more likely to drop dead.

Why do you have to be so

stubborn about everything, dude?

There's nothing you can do

to help right now.

Didn't you hear

a word Sero said?


I'll tell you, 'kay?

But you gotta stay calm.

Todoroki's burned bad and

Mr. Aizawa has some

serious injuries,

but they'll both pull through.

Everyone else has regained

consciousness except...

[SERO] The doctors said

Midoriya hasn't shown

any signs of waking up.

[KATSUKI] That bastard.

If he dies, I'll k*ll him.


Here's the preview.

Prisons across Japan

have been cracked open

and the villains once contained

are now running wild.

As the country

falls into a panic,

citizens stop relying on heroes

and fight the

criminals themselves.

Most of the anger is aimed

at one man, Endeavor.

Next time, "The Hellish

Todoroki Family, Part ."

This is when we ask ourselves

what it means to be a hero.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!