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06x14 - (D) Hellish Hell

Posted: 03/28/23 15:50
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] In the aftermath

of the destruction,

I read the Safety Commission's

post-mortem report.

[IZUKU] Only then

did I get a full picture

of everything that

went down that day.

[IZUKU] Just before the huge

villain arrest operation began,

the Chairwoman invited

a key figure

involved in the Deika incident

to their headquarters

for an exploratory

business meeting.


Congratulations, President.

What a boon, sir!

Who'd've guessed the commission

would propose a joint venture

to develop support items!

They're not our biggest fans.

They've had an eye on us

for some time,

claiming we've played a big role

in fueling public anxiety

across the country.

The timing suggests

they called because

they can't ignore our wonderful

products any longer,

and if we succeed today and

form a strong bond with them,

there's no end to

the data we can mine.

A few spies, some backdoors

in our software;

we'll uncover their

every secret.


...the identity of

the clandestine agent

the commission has had under

their wing since childhood.

With an upgraded

Tomura Shigaraki leading

our fight, the Paranormal

Liberation Front

will make even greater

strides toward progress.

People will truly be free.

[YOTSUBASHI] The society

my father, the great Destro,

wished for is so close.

Can you feel it?

[chuckles] The other me

is so happy.


I apologize for making you wait.


Please, think nothing of it.


We appreciate you pitching

such a lucrative proposal

to our company.

It was an honor

to hear from you.


We're the ones who're grateful.

I speak for everyone when

I say the Safety Commission

would be thrilled to

work with Detnerat,

you've developed so many

ground-breaking products.

However, as for the proposal...


There are some line items

I'd like to discuss.

[glass shatters]

[YOTSUBASHI] You suppressors

played on our business acumen

to catch us in an ambush.

I knew we were being watched

by the Safety Commission,

of course.

But I thought you'd come

around and couldn't live

without our

cutting-edge designs.

It seems my celebration

was premature.

A double--it's

Bubaigawara's power.

Wait, so he's a fake?


I didn't expect you'd rely

on such aggressive tactics.

[YOTSUBASHI] Aren't you supposed

to champion diplomacy and order?

Ah, well,

this was inevitable.

Necessary, even.

But we strive for society

without order, pure freedom!

The seeds have already

been sown;

you will be liberated soon!

[IZUKU] With the death

of the chairwoman,

the Heroes Public

Safety Commission

was thrown into disarray.

While chaos unfolded,

the raid operation went

ahead as planned.

Endeavor lead a team

of heroes that stormed

Jaku Hospital. Their target was

All For One's right-hand man,

the doctor who created

the bioengineered Nomu,

Kyudai Garaki.


Those you've toyed with,

and those who cared for them.

Do you know what they all say?

It's our turn to take

something away from you.

[IZUKU] However, the man they

captured was, in actuality,

a double created

by Jin Bubaigawara,

the duplicating villain

known as Twice.

When a surprise horde

of Nomu appeared,

the hospital suddenly

became a b*ttlefield.

Thinking back on it now,

they must've already

been fighting while those

of us in the rear guard

evacuated citizens,

though we had no idea

what was going on at the time.

Three minutes after

the raid began,

Mirko cornered the real

Garaki in a hidden lab,

where he managed to

activate five powerful Nomu

called High Ends.


[MIRKO] If I'm gonna die, it'll

be after I achieve my goal.


Despite being wounded,

Mirko found Tomura Shigaraki

in suspended animation.


Luna Arc!

[IZUKU] She wasn't able

to fully destroy the lab,

and as more heroes

rushed to the scene,

the situation devolved

into a free-for-all.

[IZUKU] In the end,

our worst fears came true.

Shigaraki awakened.

Wielding enhanced Quirks,

he decimated Jaku City.

In a flash, the hospital became

ground zero for his Decay wave.

I wasn't there,

but I felt Shigaraki.

I knew he was close by.

While Endeavor's team fought,

another army of heroes

amassed kilometers away

from Jaku Hospital

at the Paranormal Liberation

Front's secret base,

the Gunga Villa.

They were the second prong

of the sweeping raid operation,

an army lead by Edge Shot.

Aw, yeah, That's one scary

leader rendered powerless.

[KAMUI WOODS] Pre-emptive

Binding, Lacquered Chain Prison!

[IZUKU] Their surprise

attack was a success,

and it looked as

though the heroes

would have an easy victory.

According to the report,

Hawks, who was in the middle

of an undercover

investigation at the villa,

had the primary goal

of keeping the villains

from using Twice's Quirk,

which could change

the tide of the battle.

[HAWKS] In the end I guess

it comes down to bad luck

Atone for your crimes

and start over.


No! I stopped giving a damn

about myself a long time ago.

[IZUKU] Hawks was able

to carry out his mission,

but was badly injured. He was

rescued by my classmate,

Tsukuyomi, who barely

managed to flee

with the Number-Two hero.


I believe in you!

We all do, Whatever you

did was justified!

So don't you die!


With the appearance of Geten,

a Paranormal Liberation

Front lieutenant,

and Gigantomachia, All For One's

enormous bodyguard,

the fight quickly

became a brawl

the heroes weren't able

to keep contained.

Ordered to find his way

to Shigaraki's side,

Gigantomachia started

running towards Jaku City,

taking members of the League and

the Liberation Front with him.

No heroes were capable

of overcoming his raw power.

[MIDNIGHT] No one in our ranks

can stop that thing with force.

We need you.


Together. As one.

We'll take down this villain.

[IZUKU] The only hope of slowing

Gigantomachia's advance

lay in the hands of the

courageous work study students

who fought to dose him

with sedatives.

[KIRISHIMA] I am Red Riot!

You won't hurt them!

This ends here!

Heroes, take him down!

We can't rely on the work study

students to do all the work!

[IZUKU] Meanwhile, at the

ruins of Jaku Hospital,

Team Endeavor and Shigaraki

continued to fight

in what was fast becoming

a battle to the death.

This is Endeavor!

Does anybody copy?

I'm fighting Shigaraki

where the hospital stood.

If there's anyone who can move

without touching the ground,

form a perimeter.

[IZUKU] Shigaraki's

modifications gave him


physical strength

and regeneration abilities,

which forced the heroes

to the brink.


Plus Ultra, Prominence Burn!

[IZUKU] Finally, Gigantomachia

reached his master in Jaku.


Yes. The so-called villain

sitting in front of you

is Endeavor's oldest son.


That's when Dabi, a member

of the League of Villains,

revealed that he was,

in fact, Endeavor's son

in a message broadcast

across the country.

His recording included

video of Hawks

k*lling Bubaigawara.

In just a few minutes,

he caused people nationwide

to doubt heroes.


My allies and I

were at an overwhelming

disadvantage, but...


Sorry I'm late!

[BEST JEANIST] As of this

moment, Best Jeanist is back.


[IZUKU] As Best Jeanist and

Lemillion joined the fray,

the sedatives the work study

students used to drug

Gigantomachia began

to take effect,

allowing us to restrain him.

[IZUKU] But it wasn't over,

Shigaraki attempted to flee

with the Nomu that had surfaced

from inside the hospital ruins.

The heroes worked diligently,

rescuing and

evacuating citizens,

fighting on the front

lines until they were

no longer able

to stand, and yet,

Shigaraki still slipped

through our fingers,

escaping with seven Nomu.

[IZUKU] The final pages

of the report include

a few interesting details.

They note that every hero

at the scene explicitly said

that no work study

students participated

in the fight against Shigaraki,

Our part was erased

from the record.

That denial is the only

reference to me, Kacchan,

and Todoroki in the

entire document.

[IZUKU] But I know

what happened that day.


Shigaraki--no, All For One--

was desperately trying to

steal One For All from me.


be taking this Quirk, Brother,

because we've all chosen

to remain inside of this boy.

[IZUKU] I clearly remember

the first wielder's defiance.


And Shigaraki's face.

He looked like he

wanted to be rescued.

[IZUKU] The report was sparse

regarding what happened

after Shigaraki escaped. Only

the barest facts were recorded.

Jaku General Hospital's

Chairman of the Board,

Garaki Kyudai, was arrested for

aiding and abetting m*rder,

mutilating corpses,

illegal Quirk use,

embezzling hospital funds,

and various other crimes.

Gigantomachia, captured.

Two transport helicopters

escorted him from the field.

Atsuhiro Sako, member

of the League of Villains,

villain name:

Mr. Compress, captured.

He was gravely injured

and unconscious

when rushed to the hospital.

Any incapacitated Nomu

were restrained in Maidens,

to be autopsied later.

The equipment from

the hidden lab was taken.

With any luck, analysis

will give us a better idea

of exactly how Garaki used it.

You have not stopped

our liberation. Hear me?

No, we have only

just begun to ri--


Ninpo, Thousand Sheet Pierce!

[CEMENTOS grunts]

I can't lose now!

For my sake and Re-Destro's!

It is our responsibility

to stop your nefarious plot!

Oh, shut up.

You're a dog wagging his

tail for the government.

If I have to be a dog

for this world to have peace,

then so be it!

[GETEN gasps]


I'm... sorry, Re-Destro.

I... failed the cause.

[IZUKU] Re-Destro,

AKA Rikiya Yotsubashi,

Paranormal Liberation Front

lieutenant, captured.



Paranormal Liberation Front

lieutenant, captured.

Koku Hanabata,

Paranormal Liberation

Front lieutenant

and leader of the Hearts

and Mind Party, captured.

[IZUKU] In addition,

, members of the PLF

who had gathered at the

Gunga Villa for a meeting

were also apprehended.

[IZUKU] One hundred thirty-two

members of the PLF,

including several lieutenants,

left the villa on Gigantomachia

or fled in his wake

and remain on the run.

While the raid focused

on two main locations,

there were smaller searches

across the country

which resulted in

even more villains

being taken into custody.

None of those targets

evaded arrest.

We don't yet know what

we can learn from them.

The heroes even

ended up arresting

some of their own as well.

Those who sympathized

with the villains.

[IZUKU] And that's all the

data in the official record.

[IZUKU] Since the report covered

the villain raid operation

specifically, there's

probably no reason

to add any further details.

[IZUKU] However, the aftermath

of the mission was devastating.

[HERO C] Warning from

Ryukyu's work study students.

Himiko Toga is on the run.

She's likely somewhere nearby!

Damn psycho!

That's the last thing we need.

We're already overwhelmed!

[CITIZEN A screams]

Please, Mommy! Where are you?

It hurts so bad!

Someone! Help us!

People are dying

over here, hurry!

This is it.

The whole building's

coming down!


Oh, god!


Is anyone there?

I can't move my leg!

Our job is to save these people!

I need ambulances--no, an

evacuation triage shelter!

And call in every

doctor you can find!

God! Even that won't be enough.

[MIKA] Come on, Big Brother,

you have to get out!

Try harder! You can do it!

[MIKA'S BROTHER] Mika, stop!

You're making it hurt worse.

You hafta get outta here!

The whole city's falling down!

Do what I tell you.

It's too dangerous!

How 'bout, if you leave,

I'll give you my Endeavor bag?

I know you want it,

so please, save yourself.


No, no, no!

I don't care about

a stupid bag,

I just want you to be okay!

That was crazy close!


[TSUYU] The boy's hurt.

His leg might be broken.

We need a doctor to

check him out right away!

[CITIZEN DD] Quick, over

here! Someone's trapped!

I got this. Go!


Hey! Hero!

Please. My wife is inside.


Right. Which apartment?




I'll rescue her.

And everyone else I can.

I have to!

I hate to ask, but since

you can both walk,

will you head to the

shelter on your own?


Miss! Over here!

[OCHACO] There are still

lives to be saved.

People struggling all around me.


I have to go beyond!

[KODA] There's an elderly couple

huddled together on the rooftop!


On it.

[KODA] And someone's

stuck on the fifth floor.

I can get 'em.

[DOCTOR A] I need

O negative blood, stat!

[NURSE A] Oh, no,

there are only four bags left!


That's not nearly enough!

Doctor, this one's

not responding!

[DOCTOR A] Lay him on

the ground for now!




I can't save everyone.

Prioritize treatable patients.



It's okay. We're here for you.

We'll get you water in a second.

Please hurry, or I'll dry out.


I give up.

[HERO G] Quick,

I need a hand over here!


Make it stop!

--[CITIZEN E] It's no use.


I can't do this.

It's just too much.


Where are the heroes?


He's not talking anymore!

[CITIZEN G] If you're

gonna save us, do it faster!


Don't you get paid to help us?

[HERO H] Where the

hell are the ambulances?


I quit.

I don't want to be

a hero anymore.


Please, say something.


This is...

How? Why?

But she was just on the radio.

She was fine. You guys

heard her. We all did.

[KIRISHIMA] No! Wake up!

Ms. Midnight, please!

She can't be gone!

Someone say this

isn't happening.


Stop joking and open your eyes!

This isn't funny.

Get up and tell us what to do.

Can you hear me?

We need you!

Wake up! Please, wake up!



It's Majestic.

Is this for real?

Because it feels

like a nightmare.

This can't possibly

be happening, right?


[IZUKU] According to the

deposition Garaki gave

after his arrest,

Shigaraki died

when he was broken out

of his chamber.

Given the state

of the equipment,

there should have been

no way to resuscitate him.

The electric shock,

which was so weak

that the hero X-Less

likely didn't even feel it,

isn't what brought him back.

Shigaraki was revived

by his dreams and hatred.

[IZUKU] Now we try

to pick up the pieces.

We try to come to terms

with the many lives lost

because of Shigaraki's

resolve, and what's to come.

Oh, man, this country

is falling apart.

Dabi's so annoying,

but he wrecked Endy.

Guy's done for.

Can you believe what all

the headlines are saying?

If they're true,

what happens next?


I never trusted that guy,

even when he was

still number two.

[CITIZEN J] His one job is to

protect us, did he forget that?

[CITIZEN K] He better

explain himself, and fast!

[CITIZEN L] It might be safer

abroad, maybe we should move.


Do you think we'll be all right?


Don't be a wimp.

We've got Five Wienies

on our side.

He'll make sure everyone's okay!


I feel it.

Events didn't play out exactly

to plan, but we have momentum.


Poor fools,

they like to think tomorrow will

bring them hope.

But I'm not giving the

world time to recover.

It's my turn now,

my turn forever.

Listen well, my tireless Nomu.

It's time to give you

an important task.

Free my real body.


Here's the preview.

While we try to catch our

breath after the battle,

the Paranormal Liberation Front

sets a horrendous

plan into motion.

Their target?

The prison called "Tartarus."

Their goal: to free All For One

from the shackles that bind him.

Next time, "Tartarus."

This counterattack

hits us off guard

and makes the future

look even darker.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!