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06x10 - (D) The Ones Within Us

Posted: 03/28/23 15:48
by bunniefuu
Strike when Blackwhip

is fully stretched out.

Once I'm in range,

you two beat it, quickly.

The blast is deadly.

[KATSUKI] Even if Deku's Quirk

is some kinda cursed power.


It's still our only hope!



--[ENDEAVOR] Back, Deku!


Plus Ultra.

Prominence Burn!




Why won't you die?


Little Brother.


[KATSUKI] Stop trying

to win this by yourself.


Let me go.




It's my body.


You've fought and fought today,

spilling so much

blood for no reason.

No reason?


Listen well.

If you use One For All in anger,

the power will react

to that feeling.

What's important is keeping

tabs on your heart.


This last boy who interfered

now suffers, because he mistook

foolishness for bravery.


You take that back.



You're finally mine.



Come to me.

One For All--

[IZUKU gasps]


I know this place.

I'm inside One For All.

What's going on?

Where's Kacchan?



No. Not just him.


Learn your place, Master.


There's no need to be petulant.

If I hadn't lent you my power,

you would be nothing

but ash right now.

Dead from Endeavor's blast

or the resulting fall.

[SHIGARAKI] Didn't I tell you

to shut up, earlier?

I'm in charge. This is my will.

The dream I chase is mine.


It's no use.

You can't move

in this world yet.

Fear not.

Let us take care

of this for you.

Currently, the villain

is continuing north

through Sairo City with

no sign of slowing down.

This is catastrophic.

The city's being demolished.


I smell two Masters?

[HERO A] Heroes!

Leave the remaining residents

to the rescue team and police!

We need to focus on saving

people from that giant!

Evacuations are almost done here

but countless others

are in danger!

With the comms down,

we can't update those

who went after Shigaraki.

We must act.

Push yourselves to the limit!

Work quickly and keep harm

from coming to anyone else.

You three flyers

help spread the word!

Tell Endeavor and the

others the situation!


Roger that!


I'll lend you support!

No, kid, you'll be caught up

in Shigaraki's Decay--

Dang, he's fast.

Hey, hey, wait, Ingenium.

Why are you coming with us?

[TENYA] I deserve to be punished

for disobeying orders,

but I have three classmates

who may be in danger!

Two of them are

treasured friends

who set me on the right path!

Then let's hurry.



[OCHACO] We were supposed to

make things better, but have we?

[OCHACO] Since that day,

it's like darkness

has fallen over this world,

with no sun in sight.


Come on, guys.

I didn't think I'd

see you after I died.

Hello, All For One.


Whoa, it's her.

The seventh wielder!


Look at that, Tomura.

What an extraordinary sight.

It's the talking corpse

of your grandmother,

the pitifully incompetent

Nana Shimura.

Do you know how she's here?

It's transference!



[ALL FOR ONE] It's said,

when a person receives

an organ transplant,

their personality can change.

Some call this superstition,

but evidence suggests

some traits are passed on

through our cells.

Even I find myself having

the most peculiar dreams

every once in a while.

In them, the original owners of

Quirks I've stolen rage at me.

Afterward, I awake dejected,

closest I ever come to

feeling a sense of guilt.

Fortunately, once I

part with a Quirk,

the person I took it from

never haunts my dreams again.

I find that odd.

I'm not the type

to let anything go.

It wasn't until I met the Doctor

that I discovered the reason.

Just as memories and personality

can reside inside

transplanted viscera,

Quirk factors contain a piece

of the person who wields them,

even after they've

passed on to new users.

My ability to tamper with Quirks

makes me acutely aware

of these phantom souls.

Though I admit, I'm not certain

if this is a blessing or curse.

You coward.

I won't let you keep

disgracing Shimura's memory.

Nana Shimura.


I found a secret.

This lady is our grandma.

She's a hero!


Don't forget.


What do you want?

Of course I'm not the only one

who has the ability

to meddle with powers here.

While I was capable

of manipulating Quirks,

someone close to me--

my younger brother--

had the power to gift

his to someone else.

When his Quirk mixed

with my stockpiling one,

it created something

truly unique.

A purgatory of dead wielders

clinging onto a sad

sort of afterlife.

Ah, I'm sorry.

You two have so much

to catch up on.

So you're Kotaro's son.

[SHIGARAKI] And you're

someone I don't even know.

But rest assured, Grandmother.

I hate you like

I hate everyone else.

[IZUKU gasps]

This world.

It's falling apart!

[ALL FOR ONE] Good, Tomura!

Your hatred is breaking through!

Normally, One For All can only

be transferred by its owner,

but your anger opens a path

to take it by force. [laughs]

Oh, that's right.

You've decided to

hate me as well.

A fine development!

You are becoming the new

Symbol of Fear, aren't you?

I'm afraid your hatred

isn't strong enough, though.

My brother is quite

stubborn, like me.

Is he the next you?

We wouldn't be

in this predicament

if you'd surrendered, you know.

You won't be taking

this Quirk, Brother.

Because we've all chosen

to remain inside of this boy.


They forced me back.

One For All screwed things up

for my master, and now for me.

What in the hell is this?

It is abject power, Tomura!

If we simply join forces

and combine our might,

we'll have the

strength to steal it.

Don't forget,

these are both people

I already put in the ground.

[ALL FOR ONE] You say you've

chosen, Little Brother?

Stop acting tough.

You must know the truth.

I've been observing this

conflict through Tomura.

Even though this boy

has a remarkable Quirk,

he can't protect his loved ones.

No. They end up hurting

themselves to protect him!

And he's allowing his body

to succumb to his anger,

like his master did.

As a result, he can't

even move right now!

He's powerless. Just watch

him cower in fear.

It was a mistake to let this

child have your ability.

He is a useless creature.

You're wrong about that.

But since you only use people,

you wouldn't understand.

You can't see what drives

this boy to keep going.

He rages for others.

He works as hard as he can

for the sake of those

who can't fight for themselves.

[FIRST WIELDER] This boy is

so focused on saving others

that he's unimaginable to you.

And we will stay by his side.

[IZUKU yells]


It wasn't stolen.


[ALL FOR ONE] Since the Quirk

transplant wasn't complete,

you couldn't find enough

power to take One For All.

Do stay awake, Tomura.

Your new body must be completed.

Withdraw for now

and regain strength.



Please. Stay down.


Direct local police

to assist the firefighters.

Everyone else help victims

of the rampaging villain.

[OPERATOR AA] It appears the

real Garaki has been arrested!


That can wait until later!

I want real-time information

on the giant's location

and predicted path!

Keep field members updated.


He cut a path through Sairo City

and is now in Nabato City.

We've clocked him running

at kilometers per hour.

He's moving that quickly?


Our best estimate?

If he's headed to the remains

of the Jaku Hospital,

he'll be onsite in

less than ten minutes!

[CHIKAZOKU] I've got a visual

of Tomura Shigaraki.

He's currently

fighting Endeavor.


Excellent. Get ready.

Get ready for what?

You're gonna help me

tear down this society

built on false heroes.


Penny for your thoughts.




I saw your face earlier.

You like those UA kids.

But they're heroes, too,

so are you okay with our plan?

[TOGA] Where do these

pros draw the line?

[TOGA] If their purpose

is to save people,

did they not think Jin

was a person?

[TOGA] The heroes didn't

hesitate to m*rder him.

So will they k*ll me

if they get the chance?

I'd like to ask them.

Izuku, of course.

And Ochaco. I think...

...once I know how

they feel, I'll be okay.

[HERO B] He's barreling

through Nabato City

at kilometers per hour.


That speed can't be right.


Even if he was standing still,

he's too big and

too tough to fight.

[HERO B] His giant claws are

tearing through the buildings,

strewing debris everywhere.

The scale of destruction

is horrifying.

We have to evacuate areas

anywhere near his path!

[HERO A] If we keep

advancing at our current rate

and the villain continues

to move in a straight line,

we'll engage him in

approximately eight minutes!

The damage wrought

is already unprecedented!

We are the ones

to blame for this.

The citizens in danger here were

just going about their day!

Protect them, even if

it costs you your life.

Don't make innocent

people suffer any more

on account of our failures!

The heroes are getting closer.


Is that a satellite feed?

How ingenius.

If you're that impressed

by simple tech,

you should be embarrassed.

It's not as many as we have at

the villa, but there are plenty.

We've only gotten

as far as we have

due to fortuitous hindsight.

For now, we must continue

acting with caution.

[MR. COMPRESS gasps]

Stop, Longhair!

Zoom in there!

Are you always so impolite

when you ask for a favor?

[MR. COMPRESS] Speak of the

devils and they appear.


Quick! Mister! You got

any a' my equipment?


Dearest ingenue,

you're making

this old man blush!

Give it! Now! [screams]


Yes, sure, fine, one moment.




You can't just jump off!

It's dangerous!

[TOGA] It feels gross to be

confused and pent up like this.

It'll be way better

if I get some answers.

[MR. COMPRESS] You don't

have to do it right now.

Dabi, stop grinning

and agree with me.


I don't care.

Hey, stop eavesdropping and

focus on what's important.

Or you'll burn.

You bastards are impossible.


Toga! I know we're basically

just a bunch of misfits who

happened to find each other,

but you're not the only one

who's upset. I liked Twice.



The League was the only place

he felt like he belonged,

and the boss probably wants us

to stick together

now that he's gone.

We're experts at doing

whatever the hell we want.


...make sure that you

come back to us.


[MR. COMPRESS] You sure about

letting her run off like that?

You think she'd listen

if we tried to stop her?

I love Mr. Stainy,

and I love Izuku,

and I love Ochaco, too!

It's so amazing that I can be

all these wonderful people!

[HERO E] Please run

in the opposite direction

of the villain's path!

We need to keep you out

of the way of falling rubble!

[HERO F] There are still

people stuck indoors!

Split up and rescue them!

Don't let there be

any more victims!

Let's do our best.



I can see the beast now!


So fast!


Keep searching!


He already made his way here?


Uravity! Two civilians!






Thank you so much, you saved us!

Hope I wasn't too rough!


Are you injured?


No. I'm fine.


Thanks, girls.


Please, I need a hero!

My poor husband's bedridden!

I can't get him outta

here by myself!

He's heavy, and I've

got a bad back.

Our place is right

around the corner.

Follow me!

You make sure they're safe

and I'll help her, kay?

Just be careful! I don't

want you getting hurt!


I'm good!


I have to help everyone I can!


It's just...

I can't help but think that

I could have done more.



I'm coming, Takeo!


That's one fast old lady!

There's no time to spare!

He must be so scared.

Our love is fueling my legs!

He'll be fine! I'll

protect him, I promise!

Oh, you're so nice!



It's been forever, Ochaco.


Get back here!


How sad.

I wanted to talk to you

and Tsu together.

How is my precious

little froggy friend? Hm?

And of course, I wanna

see Izuku real bad.

He's so cool when he gets

all bloody and beat up.

I love him like that, don't you?

[OCHACO] Sounds like she's

coming from every direction.

[TOGA] Don't worry, I love my

super-cute floaty friend, too.

In fact, I think

I want to be like you.

So be honest, Ochaco.


--[TOGA laughs]

Hero. What do you

want to do to me?

Do you wanna k*ll me

like Jin was k*lled?

Will you m*rder me, too?

Start talking.

Exactly what are

your intentions?

[OCHACO] You pulled this whole

stunt just to ask me that?

Well it's important.


You think so?

Why don't you tell that to the

old lady whose blood you took.

You k*ll her to ask

a stupid question?


Did you say "stupid"?


Okay, fine.

What I wanna do is save as

many people as I possibly can!

And you're in

my way, Himiko Toga!

So I'm gonna have

to stop you right now!


Here's the preview.

The battle is creeping

closer to its final stages,

but more surprises await.

As Gigantomachia finally joins

Shigaraki on the b*ttlefield,

Dabi reveals a shocking truth

to us and the world.

Next time: "Dabi's Dance."

It's a cruel,

brutal performance.

Choreographed to

showcase the depths

of his bitterness

and undying hatred.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!