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05x22 - (D) Sad Man's Parade

Posted: 03/27/23 10:59
by bunniefuu

No, no! Your hands are so cold!

I don't get it! You're

freezing my mind out!

Damn it, who are you?!

Are you me?

You have my face,

but I don't know you.

Do I?


Bubaigawara and Toga.

C! Make sure she can't move.

E, focus on him.

Stop it. Leave those two alone.

[YOTSUBASHI] Sorry, he can't

talk to you right now.

He's taking care of a

couple worthless villains.

His meta power

allows him to create

life-like puppets.

That's why he controls

a slew of Bubaigawaras.

Thanks to my company's


and the comm system he created,

he can control them

with exquisite precision.

We know all about

Bubaigawara's mental trauma.

Your client information

is worth its weight in gold.

Is that frustrating for you?

It must be, Broker.

Thanks to you, we'll k*ll

Toga and take Twice.


k*ll Toga?

I doubt Bubaigawara will

bounce back from that.

It's bad if I'm not wrapped up.

Please, stop it!

No! Dammit! Put her down! Toga!

That's me. I'm

trying to k*ll her.

Why would I hurt the girl

who wrapped me

in her handkerchief!

That's me! No, it's not!

Right? I'd never do that!

So who is it?

Where is the real me?

Am I a copy?

Have I been lying to

myself this whole time?

I'm gonna tear myself in two!

Am I the original?

Is this really me?

Who am I?


People are always afraid of me

because they think

my eyes look scary.

No family. I live on my own.


I see. That must be hard.

[BUBAIGAWARA] One of the most

critical moments in my life

was when I was .


Bad news.

The man you hit with your

motorcycle has a broken arm.

Not my fault he jumped

in front of me.

I was driving at the speed

limit and everything.

Unfortunately, this

will be the start

of your criminal record.

Don't worry. You may

stumble in life,

but you can always pick

yourself back up again.


Nice idea in theory.

Some people trip and just

keep on falling, though.


Fool! Do you have any idea

who you ran over?

An executive with one

of our most valued clients!

I just got off the

phone and guess what?

They said they're

going to rethink

working with us in the future.

Is this how you repay me

for giving you a job

and a roof to sleep under?

You're a curse.

Never show your face

in this office again.

[BUBAIGAWARA] My parents died

when I was in middle school.

Got caught up

in a villain attack.

I wasn't close to any

of my other relatives.

I was alone. All by myself.

But I wanted someone to talk to.


make a mistake with you?

If you did, well... So what?

Not your fault you were born

with the crappiest luck.


I wanted somebody around.

Someone I trusted.


It was fun.

You know what a person who's

circling the drain really wants?

An easy life.

Least that's how I was.

Which is why I ended up

making so many mistakes.

And I didn't realize

how many wrong turns

I'd made until

I hit rock bottom.

[BUBAIGAWARA] When I stopped

being able to trust myself.


What a mess.

Watching a bunch of

yous k*ll other yous

made you go a little nuts.

So, what's with the bag?

Panic attack?


wrapped up, I'll split.

I won't! I'm fine!

Ah. Interesting.


The doubles I make disappear

after receiving a certain

amount of damage.

Basically, when they get the

equivalent of a broken bone.

You can see why

I'm kind of concerned.

No worries here.

Thanks to the flashy

robberies you committed

with all those clones,

you made it

onto the nation's

most-wanted list.

You know, if you

used your Quirk right,

you could take on

the entire country.

I'm kinda surprised you're so

down and out, given that power.

[BUBAIGAWARA] Any advice

for someone like me?

Find some people

who will trust you.



Like-minded folk.

There's been a group

on the move lately.

And I'm positive they'd

want a guy like you

to join their ranks.

Trust me on this.

There are plenty

of people in this world

who think the same way as you.

[groaning] Toga, no!

F and G. Punch him.


Ouch! So weak! Ow!


Grab his arms.


Break them.


Do what I say and

this stops, got it?

Resistance is pointless.


It hurts. Damn it.

[CHIKAZOKU] Great. Toga's

regaining consciousness.

I need to increase

their strength.

[BUBAIGAWARA] The pain. My arms.

It hurts. It's bad.

But even though it hurts,

I'm not disappearing!


[BUBAIGAWARA] I've been careful

to avoid any real injuries.

Because I was afraid

I would disappear!

It's been like this for so long.

No matter what. I keep

making the wrong choices!

I could've figured

this out right away

if I'd just tried

to hurt myself,

but I kept falling and failing.

Until I met them.

Until I met her.

Toga! I swear I'll save you!


Outta the way, you fakes.

I would never k*ll a comrade.


You will fear me.

Liberation Army!

I'll show you the

extent of my Quirk!


My Quirk is Double.

It lets me make two

things out of one thing.

I can make up to

two copies at a time.

And what I make with

my ability is more fragile

than the real thing.

The second one made

is more fragile

than the first, and I

can't make anything new

until the first one disappears.

It's no good. Sorry, Shigaraki.

I can do it. Not a problem!

I need data and something

to visualize for Double.

I don't have data for this.

I'm afraid I'm not

gonna be helpful

reproducing the yakuza b*llet.


I was never of much use.

I've been holding you back.

You accepted me,

and I want to repay you.

From the bottom of my heart.

And now I can... I can do this!


Let's go, Twice!


It's time for a m*ssacre!

Hurry! We'll help

Mister Skeptic!

Don't k*ll the Doubler.

Aw, damn it!


A march of grief!

Sad Man's Parade!

Do your worst.

I'll protect my comrades!


What a surprise.

He's overcome his

psychological trauma.

It's not what you

expected from him,

huh, Mister Skeptic?

A rare miscalculation

and failure.


What are you talking

about, Re-Destro?

I can say without hesitation

I've only failed

once in the past.

Understand? Just one time

in my entire life!

So you take it back.

This is all to plan!

I'm just prepping

for my next move.

[elevator dings]


Ah. Yes. Of course, Skeptic.

[GIRAN coughs] So, the kid's

right in the head now?

He must have one

hell of a doctor.

If his shackles are really off,

he can do anything. You'll see.

At the very least,

he can even out

the numbers on the b*ttlefield.

Quality over quantity.

Right, Geten?

Your power may be useful

in the right situation, sure.

But you've almost blown through

all the ice in the area.


If you've got a free hand,

then help me!

Why should I bother

lending you a hand?


Are you so unfeeling?

Plenty of other guys over

there who can help you out.


Dabi! Mr. Compress!

Backup Twices are here

to the rescue!

[TWICES chattering]


What the hell? But your trauma!


Love and courage evened me out!

[MR. COMPRESS] I don't

get it, but it sounds like

you're on a hero's journey,

even though you're a villain!

[TWICE] What? Is it weird for

a villain to save his friends?


Not at all.


Of course I won't let you die.


I'm so cool.


I don't have many friends,

so you're all important to me!

--[TWICE] Wait, am I an idiot?

--[TWICE] You said it.

Not a bad fighter, though.

Yep, check me out,

I'm a natural.

Let's give 'em a good one!

Or a good , !

I'll make more of you guys, too!

We'll be more than a "league"--

we'll have the

population of a city!

Let's go, City of Villains!


Wait, Twice!

If you annihilate the enemy,

we won't have any extra players

to throw against

Gigantomachia later.

--[TWICE] Go easy on them?

--[TWICE] Then Dabi should stop.

He burns lots of stuff.

But the m*ssacre!

How long until

the big guy wakes up?


An hour and five minutes.


Then I'll stall them!

More importantly,

Toga's in trouble.

Get the location from

me and hurry over!

[TWICES groan]


Oh, no, mes!

What, is there some kind of

ice factory around here?

Where's all this coming from?


There's more to my ability

than simple manipulation.


Is that so?


I can control the temperature

of the molecules, too.

So, if I call out to the water

in the pipes and lower the temp,

it freezes and

becomes my w*apon.

You could have told me

that from the beginning.

Now I'm angry.


In the future we're aiming for,

the strength of someone's

power will be directly linked

to their place in society.

In other words,

increasing your meta

ability will be essential.



[GETEN] There's no value

to life other than

the amount of

strength you wield.

That's a pretty

depressing worldview.

Now, die.

[GETEN] You're the one who

will perish, blue flame user.

Your body already smells burnt.

Determining your

opponent's meta power

is the most basic of tactics.

Your scorched skin looks like

it's about to fall off.

You won't be able to fight

for long, will you?

Because your flames are

consuming your own body.


A frightening attack.

And he willingly

sacrificed his own allies.

The ice user is trouble.

He's the only one who

stands out from the rest.

He's exactly who we want

to throw at Machia.

[DOCTOR chuckles]

This hardly seems fair.

But if you die here,

All For One will be so sad.



[DOCTOR] The master's

successor is doing his best,

but he's awfully tired.


The master's successor.

Shigaraki, how you

holding up over there?

[SHIGARAKI] Concerned?

Should we not have come?

Well, if we hadn't

come to this city,

then we would've been

reported and chased

by a bunch of heroes, right?

We would have been

in trouble either way.

Yes, I suppose that's true.

They had me trapped.

Look over there, Spinner.

The tower's close.


And it's well guarded.

Where'd all these

people come from?

Whoa, there are so many Twices!


Yo, Spinner!

A buncha me died in the ice.

I twisted my knee!


Well, this is unexpected.

You're an army now.




And since I can do this...


[TWICE] I can help the

team out, right, Boss?

[TWICES groan]

You're incredible, Twice.

Think you have enough

clones to clear a path

to the tower for me?

Someone said their

boss and Giran

are holed up inside there.

I thought that it

might be a bluff, but...

The closer we get,

the more enemies there are.

They're protecting something.

We need to leave enough

pawns to take on Machia,

but I wanna make sure

their big boss is dead.


Yeah! You got it!

Why don't you go take a nap

while I trim the fat for ya.

We'll take down

the Liberation Army

with a single multiple person!

Hey, me! I'll leave

that tower to you!

Hold on, Giran! I'm coming!

So, Twice is gonna be able

to handle this by himself.

[SHIGARAKI] He does have

a real soft spot for Giran.

The Liberation Army is

playing with people's hearts.

I'll make sure they suffer

until their last breaths.

[HANABATA] You, leader

of the League of Villains!

Up to now, we have allowed

you to pursue your agenda!

The politician!

Forgot about him.

[HANABATA] We believe humans

are not frail beings,

that we all have some

sort of power.

Our revival party

will show how people

use their meta abilities

to defeat evil!

Witness the strength

of flesh and blood!

It's time. Dismantle

our guests of honor.

Crush the League of Villains!

Liberate yourselves, my friends!

Use your righteous power

to bring forth a new era!

Show the world that

everyone is a hero,

and that at the

same time, nobody is!

[TWICES groan]


I'll leave the rest to you, me.


Hanabata. Damn it!

Every time he talks,

the soldiers out here

get more fired up.

What should I do?

Shigaraki is already exhausted.

We can't let him

get more worn out.


There you are!

You're the jerk who crashed our

big fight and made us come here.

What a crappy move!

Oh. So you made it to the tower?

[TWICE] What's with

the weird hair, Baldy?

No, wait, I'll call

you Forehead.

Sorry, that was rude.



I can double lots of things,

but it's much faster

to make more of me.

Because I know myself

better than anybody!

Beg for forgiveness

while you pee your

pants, Forehead!

That was quite a large

number of warriors

waiting for you downstairs.

Your meta ability is wonderful,

just like Skeptic said.

Listen up, you guys!

You're just copies

of my real comrades!

So even if you die,

you won't be gone forever!

No worries,

I'll dig beautiful graves

for each of you.

[SHIGARAKI] Don't make a copy

of your leader just to k*ll him.


Repeat after me!

"We're doubles, so even if

we die, we are not dead!"

That should make you feel

better about this fight.

What is wrong with you?

And who are these guys?

[TWICE] The weirdo there

is the Liberation Army boss.


Uh-- Hey, are you able

to clone yourself now?

[TWICE] Oh, right, I guess

I didn't catch you up

on the situation with my psyche.

I got over my trauma.


Wait, are you a clone, too?

[TWICE] What're you saying?

I'm the realist of the real.

No, I'm the original.

Shut your face!

It doesn't matter,

I'll put my soul on the line

for everyone's sake!

Do you feel the same or what?



See? He was totally

a fake the whole time.

Pretty fragile clone.

Also, I'm fairly certain

you don't understand

what the term "hostage" means.


Did you see what he did?

Don't ask me.



If you make any more

copies, Giran is dead.

He's not a formal member

of your group,

so I don't really want

to k*ll him, but I will.


You did good, Twice.

You made sure we outnumber him.

He's just one man.


We've got the advantage!

Get Giran back and we can leave.






Useless fodder.

It's ridiculous to think

that we're even

fighting in the same ring.



--[TWICE] Giran!

--[GIRAN] Ow.

[TWICE gasps]

Your fingers.

They really took

them, didn't they?

Damn it.

And it's your right hand!

That's your smoking hand!

Aw, man. How could

they do such a thing?

I'm sorry!

I'm the one who

should apologize.

He got the info about

you guys from my files.

I'm a failure as a broker.


Don't you say that!

People who haven't

done anything wrong

should never have to apologize!

You're taking this so seriously.

As long as you have a goal

as an organization,

such excessive emotion

is unnecessary.

Your little League

just can't compete.

[SHIGARAKI] Sounds like

you have a noble dream.

Oh, still alive are you?

A noble dream, I like that.

Heh. Perfect timing.

Let's test your might.

Once there was a young

woman who gave birth

to a child with a meta ability.

This was back when

people still had

strong prejudices against them,

when the world was in chaos,

a place of unending abuse

and unfettered discrimination.

She pleaded with society

on behalf of her

beloved offspring.

After all, he couldn't be

blamed for how he was born.

[YOTSUBASHI] "Please,"

she said, "make this a world

where my child

can live freely!"

But society looked

at her and laughed.

She never spoke

out for him again,

and do you know why

that is, friend?

I'll tell you.

She was k*lled by those

who opposed meta powers.

Yeah, you think I'm stupid?

She came up with

the term "Quirks."

Sorry, I heard you didn't

have any formal education.

Anyway, as heroes and vigilantes

became more popular,

the government

started trying to

reestablish order.

They dug up her appeal while

working on the political reform.

They adopted the term Quirks,

said they were natural.

It changed how people thought!

However! In actuality,

the political measures

that were implemented

suppressed meta abilities

more than ever!

There's no point just changing

what they're called.

What they wanted to squash

was the use of powers.

Some couldn't use their

powers as they wanted,

so it was freedom in name alone.

But you know what

Destro thought?

"This isn't the future

my mother wanted.

Meta abilities or Quirks--

we must use them freely."

His mother?

[YOTSUBASHI] It was an

inconvenient truth for society.

Do you understand why Destro

was wanted for so many crimes?

He sought true freedom

through revolution!

And now... I will

accomplish Destro's dream!

His blood is in my veins.

I am his descendant.

This world will change at

the hands of Re-Destro!

You're just some thugs

with the urge to destroy.

How can you possibly stand

against our glorious dream?

Heads up, Twice.

If you're gonna protect Giran,

you'll need a cushion.


A cushion?

[SHIGARAKI] I was caught on the

window with that first blast.

A good vantage point.

My eyes met his down below.

He's here. The tower's in reach.

I'd touch it if I were him.


The thing about humans.

They're supposed to die

when they fall from up high.

So you must be

the liberation boss.

I didn't get an answer

to my question.

Such a pity.


Here's the preview!

The League of Villains has

shifted to counterattacking.

In the middle of

fighting Re-Destro,

leader of the

Meta Liberation Army,

Shigaraki recalls a past

that he'd long forgotten.

What in Tenko Shimura's

tragic upbringing

made him run toward destruction?

Next time, "Tenko

Shimura: Origin."

Remember the feelings

that grew within you.

Where did they come from?

What did they teach you?

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!