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05x20 - (D) My Villain Academia

Posted: 03/27/23 10:58
by bunniefuu
[SHIGARAKI yelping]


Excellent, Tomura Shigaraki!

You're coming along nicely.

Better than I ever imagined!

[DOCTOR cackles]


Tomura Shigaraki.

We've been weakened


Ever since we lost All For One.

To do what must be done,

we'll have to advance

to the next stage.

He left formidable

power behind for us.

You only have to say the word

and I will retrieve

that power for you.

I've searched so long.

Now I've found you at last.

So, are you really the leader

who will succeed All For One?

Kurogiri, is this

the "formidable power"

left by All For One?

I'm not impressed.


--[SHIGARAKI gasps]


[GROUP gasps]

[GIGANTOMACHIA growls] Why would

you do this, All For One?

I can't believe it!

Tell me why, Master!

He's too weak to deserve this!

[DOCTOR] You seem to have run

into some trouble, Shigaraki.




I trust that you've been well?


Ask me again in a minute.

Might be game over then.

I can't accept this!

I don't want to question you,

Master, but this is wrong!

[DOCTOR] I take it you've

met Gigantomachia.

He's All For One's biggest fan.

This giant even used to

work as his bodyguard.

He's got incredible

stamina and resilience,

and with that body, he can

handle multiple Quirks

without having to undergo

any modification.

A few years after

the Master took you in,

and after All Might

weakened him,

All For One knew

defeat was inevitable.

So, he hid Gigantomachia

from view.

He thought many steps ahead

and planned meticulously.

He did this so that, no matter

what might become of him,

he would be certain

that his hopes

and dreams would live on.

Call me crazy, but this doesn't

seem like a very nice gift.

Or is it just me?

[DOCTOR] You've got quite

a discerning eye, Dabi.

Gigantomachia is loyal.

That's what's led him down the

path of despair you see now.

It pains him that Shigaraki

doesn't quite measure

up to All For One.

So, you're saying we gotta

make this big baby like us?




Well, that didn't work at all!






[DOCTOR] That's a recording

of All For One's voice.

I knew it would calm

the big guy down.

[SHIGARAKI] He's more

trouble than he's worth.

[DOCTOR] You sure?

He could be quite handy

to have on your side

in the future!

All this time with

Kurogiri's made you simple.

Smarten up, boy.

Now, Doctor, there's

no need to be harsh.

[DOCTOR] Hm... Let me try

something else. One second.

What is he up to?


Mad scientist types make no--


Really, Jin? Gross.

How immature can you--


Wh-What the heck?

[MR COMPRESS] This is the

same quirk All For One used

at Camino! How? Why?

[SPINNER] Things just

keep getting weirder!

[DOCTOR] Now that I've

got your attention,

let's have a little chat.

[TOGA grunts]

Ew, nasty, that stinks!

Where are we?


What is all this?

[DABI] Nomu? They don't look

like ones I've seen before.

[DOCTOR] Dabi! I'm impressed

you can tell the difference.

I knew you had a

keen pair of eyes.

These little ones are different,

nothing like mid

or low-level Nomu.

These are High-End,

my finest work.

Super Nomu. Dare I

call them masterpieces?

[SHIGARAKI] Good timing,

I've been looking for you.

There's a certain something

I want you to duplicate.

I notice you've let your

hair grow out, it suits you.

Your father and the others,

are they doing well?



[DOCTOR] I'd prefer my

location remain a secret,

which is why I summoned you

all here by transmission.

Besides Shigaraki, your

faces are all new to me.

Much like Gigantomachia,

I'm a close aide of All For One:

I'm Daruma Ujiko.

I came up with that

name myself, you like it?

Now, then, to business.

I brought you here today

because of an agreement I made

out of my deference

to our former boss.

My life, my tech, my expertise.

And of course,

my little ones, here,

are dedicated to the

great All For One.

Up until now,

you've been getting by

on my scraps, my leftovers.

It's not that I dislike you.

I just have to be cautious.

I need to make quite sure

that you're worthy of receiving

the fruits of my labor.

Because, so far,

I'm unimpressed.

A -year-old reject,

hanging around

with the dregs of society?

What can you show me to change

my mind, Tomura Shigaraki?


Stop it, Tenko!

Honestly, I don't remember much

about my life before

I met you and Master.

[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm already

well aware of that.

[SHIGARAKI] And yet,

when I put these on my body,

there's an uncontrollable

rage that spills over.

Ever since that day...

I've been thinking

about what happened.


No one came.

Not a single soul stopped

to help you, did they?

That must have hurt.

Tenko Shimura.

I know you were afraid,

and in intense pain.

You ran and ran,

looking for someone to help.

No child should

have to endure that.


[ALL FOR ONE] People thought,

"A hero will come.

Sooner or later a

hero will help him,"

as they passed by,

pretending not to see you.

Who turned the world

so upside down

that a child must

suffer as you have?

But not anymore. For I am here.


I've no memory of my life before

my master held me that day.

I was just an empty shell--

utterly hollow.

[ALL FOR ONE] I apologize

for the cramped quarters.

But as of today,

this is your room.

and from now on,

I will be your Master.

[TENKO SHIMURA] Master? What are

you going to teach me about?




Yes, sir.


[ALL FOR ONE] This is all

that remains of your family.

A rare, variant quirk

manifested in you--

a mutation no one's seen before,

and you m*rder*d

your loved ones,

simply by putting

your hands on them.


Do you remember that?


[SHIGARAKI] It all came rushing

back to me in fragments

with a frustration so intense,

I felt sick to my stomach.

Will we modify him?

[ALL FOR ONE] No. Even if

your mind has forgotten,

your body remembers,

and the feelings remain

locked in your heart.

You asked what I would

teach you. As your master,

I will help you give

purpose to that frustration.

[SHIGARAKI] When I put

them on, it's so strange.

Though it still makes me

feel sick to my stomach,

wearing them washes

calmness over me.

Don't you think that's bizarre?

My mind's empty, beyond

those flashes and fragments,

and yet, there's a

heaviness in my heart,

like a lump of lead.

Never moving, fueling the rage

that propels me, but never

brings relief. Mm...

Even if we bring

down hero society...

Even if I rule the ruins

from the shadows...

That lead will be

with me all my life.

That's why I despise

all in existence.

All that lives and breathes

presses on the

weight in my soul.

So, then, why

shouldn't I destroy it?

Why must I suffer it?

When this world falls,

we'll see the glorious

new horizon that awaits.

So why not lend me a hand?

I'll show you the

halls of heaven

and the depths of hell.

[DOCTOR laughs] You sound like

a kid playing a bad guy!

I'm amazed you got through

it with a straight face!

Ah, why not? I'll help

you achieve your vision,

but only if you can back up

that speech with action.

A villain's philosophy

is worthless

if he can't bring

his dreams to life!

Tomura, those ideas of yours

seem a little bit deranged,

if you ask me.

Like, do you even wanna

destroy everything I love?

[SHIGARAKI] There's always room

for my comrades' wishes.

Live how you want to.

All right!

[DOCTOR laughing] You passed

the test with flying colors.

You're appalling.

Hold on. You were testing me?

I planned to work with

you from the start,

but I had to see some growth.

I can't bestow these powers

to just anyone, you know.


[DOCTOR] That said, I still

can't hand them over yet.

You're all far too weak.

But there is something

you can do

to prove to me

that you're ready.

That big guy may be dense,

but he's valuable to us both.

Though, unlike me, he hasn't

accepted you as his own.

Do you catch my drift?

If you can make Gigantomachia

submit to you,

then everything I have will be

yours to use as you see fit.

If you want what I offer, you'll

have to seize it for yourself.

Fine, but was that self-

indulgent tutorial necessary?

Just so you know,

I'm not helping.

Oh, don't be a brat just 'cause

your flames didn't work on him.

That's not it, you maniac.

I have a good

potential ally in mind,

I'm going to focus my energies

there. Do you object?

No. I look forward

to meeting them.

[DOCTOR] In that case, Dabi, I'd

very much appreciate your help

testing out a High-End Nomu.

I have just the one--

it will pair elegantly

with your aesthetic.

A perfect match!

Did you even hear what I said?

Send us back now,

so we can get started.

I feel like I could

take on the world.


From this point forward,

contact me using this

device exclusively.

Time to work, Johnny!

Back to Gigantomachia

these little soldiers go.


Ohhh, Master.


Now, are you ready to

submit to your future king?


You're weak!

[TWICE] He's only open

when he's in the air!



[TOGA] Looks like the

future king is in trouble!


Yeah, well, that's nothing new.

Doctor Ujiko promised that

he'd give us his full support,

but only under one,

massive condition:

that we reign in Gigantomachia.

And in the month and

a half since then,

Shigaraki has come no closer

to proving his strength

to the giant and

winning him over.

The big guy wages

a full-out as*ault

for hours and

minutes straight,

only taking breaks to sleep.

That brief respite lasts

for about three hours,

then he starts the

whole cycle over again.

[SPINNER] His body gets

bigger during combat,

and somehow, he's always

able to find Shigaraki,

no matter where he hides.



So, for a month and a half now,

Shigaraki's barely slept a wink.

But even as he is pushed

to the brink of death,

Shigaraki's still smiling.

As far as the rest of us go,

he doesn't seem to notice

when we withdraw

from the action.

It's like he's blind

to everything

except his primary

target: Shigaraki.

We rest in shifts,

keeping ourselves fresh

so we can devote our energy

to helping our leader

conquer the giant.

Meanwhile, the Doctor is giving

us bare-bones financial support.

Toga decided to spend

what little money she got

on a new duffel coat.

Toasty and warm!


I don't move as quickly

if I get too cold!


Plus, A-line cuts

look super cute on me!

You only joined the League

because you were

obsessed with Stain.

His influence has

all but disappeared

at this point, though.

So why are you still here?

I love Mr. Stainy, and I love

Izuku... and I love Ochaco, too!

It's so amazing that I can be

all these wonderful people!

You're a real free spirit.


The monster's asleep.

As massive as he is, you'd

think he'd stop to eat more.

Hey, Tomura, you still

alive over there?

Yeah. The big, dumb bastard's

slowing down a lot.

I'm way closer now than when

this whole saga started.

I'll bring that overgrown

gorilla to his knees.

Sooner or later.


That look in his eyes.

It's like a kid chasing

after a dream.

[phone ringing]

[TWICE] It's Giran.

Wonder where he's been.


I've been calling Giran

and gotten nothing

but radio silence!

Ask him if we have

damage insurance!

[TWICE] That guy cares about me

more than anyone ever has,

he got me into the

League, you know.

A real mensch, that one.

Why the hell haven't

you been answering

Mr. Compress' calls?

You're the absolute worst, man!

[VOICE] Oops, that would

be our fault, sorry!

Don't be mad at him!

Don't tell me.

You're Jin Bubaigawara, the

villain known as Twice right?


A voice changer?


Who're you? Where's Giran?


Never mind that.

Turn on the news--if you can.

Our top story, following

yesterday's events,

another finger has been found.


A finger?


a severed finger was found

near the home of the

Shie Hassaikai boss.

Then at Hosu City Terminal,

on the Metropolitan Expressway,

and at Ground Zero

in Camino Ward,

all within the last three days.

And now, a pinky finger

turns up in central Fukuoka,

at the site of Endeavor's

recent battle...

[MR COMPRESS] All places where

we've been active lately.

That's no accident.


Who the hell are you, huh?

I'm the grand commander of

the Meta Liberation Army.

The name's Re-Destro.

[SHIGARAKI] First the Yakuza,

and now the Liberation Army?

All you has-been trying

to make a comeback.

Hear you've been selling

lots of books lately.

You want to get in on the trend

while the getting's good.


Think again.

We're the ones who

started the trend.

Congratulations! What do

you want with Giran?

You better not hurt him

anymore, or you're toast!

Ah. I've got your

broker right here,

and he's still alive, of course.

Our objective is to

liberate all meta humans.

To demolish the existing

framework and rebuild a world

where people can be themselves,

where they can

use their abilities

to their fullest capacity.



I don't see any reason

why we should oppose that.

Is he trying to exploit

our name, like the yakuza?

Give us the broker and

we'll get back to you soon.

We're busy now.

I'll hear about your

little revolution club

once our task here's complete.


While you're taking a breather,

why not just hear me out?

I'm not gonna release

my hostage now,

because you're not

calling the sh*ts.

And your friend has told me

what a tight-knit group you are.

Your broker is an admirable man.

Takes great pride in his work.

I imagine he's determined to

remain hidden in the shadows,

ever careful to avoid the prying

eyes of heroes and police.

Sadly, he never thought

someone might be lurking

in those same shadows,

waiting to pounce.

Still, I commend him.

He had the foresight to delete

his client list

before we struck.

Not only that, but he

didn't so much as wince

when we started

taking his fingers,

nor did he give you up.

But as for that client list?

We were able to recover it.

I must praise his resistance,

futile though it was!

We liberation warriors

have worked hard.

Preparing for years to

enact the coming events!

We've endured for generations,

biding our time,

spreading our roots

far and wide!

"Revolution club"? I don't

like jokes made in poor taste.

I have , hidden warriors.

And we are lying in wait,

ever ready to take action.

This guy must be bluffing!


Niigata, huh?

How's the weather there,

deep in those mountains?


--[TWICE grunts]

Too late, I'm afraid.

We're watching you right now

thanks to our satellite

Go where you will,

but we'll always find you.

We're always watching

the League of Villains.

Endeavor, Hawks, Edge Shot,

Meerko, and Crust.

One quick call,

and they'll drop everything

and have you surrounded.

I do appreciate

the advance warning.

Now, what do you want from us?

[YOTSUBASHI] I insist that

the leader of this revolution

bear the name Destro.

Your organization has

become too well-known.

Therefore, we shall crush you.

Thus, signaling the revival

of the Liberation Army.

The fingers prove our resolve.

Let's not draw

this little talk out

with pointless bargaining.

The w*r's begun, to liberate

meta humans from all tyranny!

Next, you will make

your way to Deika City,

in Aichi, within the hour.

That's your only hope of

freeing your friend, Giran!

Then, you must make your choice!

Will you stand against

us and be destroyed

or do nothing and be

captured by the heroes?

You must decide, Shigaraki!

[MR COMPRESS] He wants us

in Aichi within the hour?

And he's tracking our

every move from space?

If that's all true,

it feels like checkmate.

[TWICE] Uh, do we even

have to discuss this?

No way! That guy

described Giran to a T!

This Re-Destro guy's

got him for sure!

Giran saved me--gave me

somewhere to belong.

So, we have to go save

him! Like, right now!

Giran might already

be dead, though.

Everything that guy

said could be a lie.

All that we have is his word.

[TWICE] But if there's even

a slim chance Giran's alive,

we have to help him!

[MR COMPRESS] You want us to

barrel in there without a plan?

Calm yourself!

You've gotten way too

attached to people lately,

it's become a bad habit!


It's because I'm an outcast!


I think I've got an idea.

Doctor, did you catch all that?

[DOCTOR] Yes. I've been

tuned in to "Villain Radio,"

and I'm shocked that the

Meta Liberation Army's back.

The waves you've been

making in the underworld

have dredged up

some real darkness!

How long do we have until

the big baby wakes up?


undisturbed, he should wake up

in two hours and

minutes, give or take.

Perfect. Where's Dabi?

[DOCTOR] At the moment,

just outside the border

between Mie and Shiga.

That's a great place to be.

Okay, we'll need a

transport. Let's go.

You're taking the bait?

What if they really have a

hundred ten thousand people?

We'll be dead!


The giant's not invincible.

After a month and a half of

fighting him, it's clear to me.

But he does have

an excess of HP.

And no matter where I am,

he'll sniff me out

and hunt me down.


We're going to send


right into the fray and let

him face all those fighters.

Battling all those


will wear that meathead down!


How sneaky!

And what'll you do if it turns

out that Re-Destro is bluffing?

Then he'll die, simple as that.

We're really doing this?


That's what I said.


Oh, covered. Now I'll recover.

And they won't even

know what hit 'em.


Here's the preview!

The Meta Liberation Army fights

to dismantle the current

societal system

that suppresses Quirks,

and liberate all meta humans.

Their grand commander,


has also been planning to

destroy the League of Villains

and construct a new society

from the ground up.

Now, with more than ,

warriors behind him,

he kicks off a gruesome

spectacle of conflict.

Next time, "Revival Party."

Evil will face off against evil.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!