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05x16 - (D) Long Time No See, Selkie

Posted: 03/27/23 10:55
by bunniefuu
Midoriya. Bakugo.

If you don't have

choices you like,

I was thinking... Come with me.

Do a work study with Endeavor.

The number-one hero.

[IZUKU] All the students in

UA High School's hero course

were instructed to use

their winter vacations

to do work studies

at pro agencies.

Kacchan, Todoroki, and I

are working alongside

the number-one hero, Endeavor.

Mineta, Kaminari, Sero,

and Shiozaki joined up

with Team Lurkers.

Meanwhile, Kirishima,

Tetsutetsu, and Amajiki

are learning from Fatgum.

Everyone in my class

is definitely learning a lot

while working under

different pros.


[IZUKU] Although, to be honest,

I could barely keep up

with Endeavor on our first day.

[IZUKU] Uraraka and Asui

are at Ryukyu's Agency, huh?

I'm sure they're

doing their best, too.



The new costume I ordered

arrived just in time!

It's lovely on you, Ochaco!

Yes, Uravity. Quite nice.

[OCHACO giggles]

Thanks, everyone!

Hey, hey!

Is there a reason you

wanted a new costume made?

C'mon. You can tell me!

Well, if you really

wanna know, it's...



It's a secret?

Aw, well that's no fun.

But why? That's weird.


Well, good job

on your first day

of work studies.

Consider this your

welcome party, ladies.

[OCHACO laughs]

Looks so good!

--[GROUP] Cheers!

--[TSUYU] Ribbit!


An unexpected Day One reward!


Now on to our next story.

After a week of intense flames,

the large-scale wildfire

in the country of Kaflin

has finally started

showing signs of slowing.

The fire is thought to be caused

by an expl*si*n

at an illicit site

manufacturing the illegal

drug called "Trigger"...



I know what that is! Wanna hear?

A banned substance!

It's illegal because

bad people use it

to send their Quirks

into overdrive.

She's right.

Apparently, it enhances your

power and makes you stronger.

Just like previous boosters.

And trigger is circulating

throughout Japan.

So we've been looking for a way

to lower its distribution rates.


We've heard rumors

about the factory expl*si*n.

There should have been

chemicals there that are used

to manufacture Trigger,

but no remnants

were found after the blast.

It seems likely

that they were taken

from the warehouse before

the fire started.

That would have

big implications.

Was the expl*si*n used

to destroy evidence

and distract us?


I'm not sure.

Either way, none of this

has been confirmed.


Hey, unidentified ship!

Stop immediately!

These are Japan's

territorial seas!

You can't just sail through

someone else's waters!

I'll send you flying!


I believe you're just

provoking the ship.

Huh? Oh, well, in that case.

Um... Unidentified vessel.

Listen closely.

If you don't stop...

...I'll be in trouble!

That is not a cute look.

And also, you know they

can't see you, right?

Captain. I've got eyes

on someone over there.



[BOTH gasp]




It's a smokescreen!


We can't see!


Radar shows multiple targets!


There're decoys in the smoke.

Take Oki Mariner

full speed ahead!

Break us out of this cover!


Aye aye, sir!

That injection he

gave himself before.

Probably Trigger, wasn't it?

Yes. Based on their route,

we think we're pretty sure

where they came from.

There's a high probability

this ship originally

departed from Kaflin.

[SELKIE] So maybe the rumors

regarding the expl*si*n

were true. They think chemicals

used to make the drug

were stolen, right?

[SIRIUS] And they could be

on that unidentified ship.

Makes sense, huh?

'Fraid so.

Somethin' smells fishy here.

Captain, sir. We're approaching

open air shortly.

[SUBORDINATE C] It's no good.

We've lost the ship.

Not seeing anything

on radar, either.

Damn. So they know

how to escape a pro?

Considering the path

the ship was taking earlier,

they might be hiding somewhere

in the Verize Islands.


That's a pain.


That island chain is complex.

If they're hopped up on Trigger,

we're gonna need reinforcements.

We can't just

search from the sea.

Things'd be much better

with eyes in the sky.

Which means...

Sirius. Time to

request a team-up.

But who should we

try contacting?

Number ten on the

billboard chart.

The Dragoon Hero! Ryukyu!


Team-up request, ma'am.

Sounds urgent.

Who's it from?


The Sea Rescue Hero. Selkie.

Selkie's in trouble?

Oh, that's right!

He's the pro hero you did your

internship with on the ship.

I hope nothing's happened

to him and his crew.

Uravity. Froppy. Nejire- Chan .

Let's get ready.

Team Ryukyu is

heeding their call.

--[OCHACO, HADO] Yes, ma'am!

--[TSUYU] Ribbit!

[SELKIE] Ryukyu!

Thanks for coming out here.

[RYUKYU] If the ship in question

is involved with Trigger,

we can't just let it slip away.

I'm happy if we can be of

help to you and your crew.

Let's start.

So dependable.

It makes Selkie happy!


Not a cute look.


So cute!

Haven't changed, have you,

Captain Selkie?

Ah! How are ya, Froppy?

Good I hope.

Yep. Thanks again

for taking care of me

during my internship.

[SIRIUS] The captain is relying

on us to follow his orders.

If we believe in him, then we

trust in his course of action.

Do you have faith, Froppy?

In the captain and in us?

I haven't forgotten

your lessons.

You and Sirius taught me

important concepts

every hero should know.

You've certainly grown up.

Seeing you... I feel... moved!


So not cute.


So cute!

Oh, hey, Tsu, I heard you

got your provisional license!


Aw, thanks!

You're a full-fledged hero.

Then I'm glad you're here.

We can see everything

you've learned.



Enough. Fun as

this reunion's been,

I need you ladies

down on the beach.

[OCHACO laughs]



[SIRIUS, HADO laugh]

[ALL laughing]

This is the best way

to recharge your batteries.

--[TSUYU] Over here!

--[OCHACO] Coming!

What are you planning?

Let them have fun.

The Trigger ship won't

move until nightfall.

They're a stealthy bunch.

[SELKIE] No point in putting

these girls on edge

until they need to be.


[SELKIE] I'm glad they seem

to be enjoying themselves.

It's so peaceful out here.

[RYUKYU] I see.

So that's what this is.

Our jobs can be trying.

Constantly forced

to confront evil.

Seeing the very worst in people.

And today,

you wanted my team

to experience peace.

So they'd be driven

to protect it.

I should have guessed as much.

This should put them

in the right mind.

That way they can

show the villains

what they're really made of.



The heroes and coast guard

are on high alert.

Whaddaya think?

Do we give the client

a heads up yet?


No. We should assume all

our communications are somehow

being monitored at this point.

Possibly even by satellite tech.


You're saying our only choice

is to keep following the plan?

Yeah, exactly.

We'll make our move

after it gets dark.

Just make sure you

have some Trigger ready.

If we end up cornered,

this is how we

take down the pros.

[RYUKYU] Nejire- Chan and I

will search from the sky.

Selkie, Uravity and Froppy

will stick with you.

Got it!

Prepare to set sail!


Aye-aye, sir!

[SUBORDINATE A] Sound off!

Mooring rope secured!


Engines ready.


Clear for running!





Right, then. Oki Mariner ,

let's head out!

Time for us to get going.

Are you ready?




Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu!

Quirk: Dragon.

Honestly, the name pretty

much speaks for itself.

Those massive wings allow her

to fly in her Dragon form.

Is that metal or what?


Hero: Nejire-Chan.

Quirk: Surge.

She converts her life force

into powerful shock-waves.

By controlling that spiraling

energy, she can fly, too!

You've got this, Number Ten!

Sirius! Keep an ear out

for Morse code!

Aye-aye, sir!

Ready, Froppy?

Grab onto my back!



Sea Rescue Hero: Selkie.

Quirk: Spotted Seal.

He can do pretty much

anything a spotted seal can.

That includes diving up to

, meters underwater.

He can also make sonar-like

sounds and use the echoes

to determine the location

of his opponent.

[SUBORDINATE C] Reef up ahead.

Everything looks normal to me!


in the temperature sensor!

Then let's set our course

to the next point.


Aye-aye, sir!


Have you seen anything

from above yet?

[RYUKYU] Nothing to report.

This area is clear.

Please direct me

to the next location.

[SIRIUS] Got it. In that case,

head to Point - .

Roger that.

We're ready. Let's

get this done fast.

[MAN A] Put up a smokescreen

if the enemy shows.

Yeah. That's what I do.

[SELKIE clicking]

That sound. I hear the captain!


Sirius! Quirk: Good Ear.

She can detect high frequencies

that most humans can't hear.

[SELKIE clicking]

The smuggler's ship.

It's at Point - .

The captain is on their tail!

Got it. I'm setting

a new course now.

Point - , copy that.

We're on our way there now.



Stay close to me.


They found us!

[MAN A] What? Where?

We're jamming their radars.


From the sky!

Repeat that?


We're picking up something else.

A patrol boat ahead!



That doesn't look pretty.


Smokescreen deployed.


Multiple targets on radar.

Decoys again!

Like we thought.



What's that?

[SELKIE clicking]

[gasps] Don't tell me...

They boarded our ship?

But from where?

No! How could they?

[SELKIE growls]

A seal knows no bounds!


Froppy, stand by for now.




[TSUYU] What was that sound?

I heard a splash.

What the...? I'll k*ll you.

[SELKIE grunts]

Selkie Punch!

[MAN B groans]

[SELKIE] I've taken

control of the bridge!



Ryukyu, did you copy that, too?

[RYUKYU] I did. And I've got

visual on the target.

We'll continue to lend

Selkie support from the air.

[gasps] Ryukyu, look! Look!

There! Behind the boat!

[gasps] Clever fiends.

They had an escape plan.

[TSUYU] They're getting away!

That splash wasn't just cargo!

--[TSUYU] Ribbit!

--[SELKIE] No, wait!


After them, Ryukyu!



Don't worry. I'm fine!

[RYUKYU growls]

I can't match their speed.

Damn it! We should have

had them locked down.

[SIRIUS] Captain. It's not

in your nature to give up!

We can catch them!

I'm on it, sir!

Have faith!

Uravity. Are you ready?



Once this is over, let's have

another beach day, yeah?

Okay, can we have

a barbecue, too?

You got it. Here we go!

[OCHACO] I can't rush in

without thinking.

That's what almost got me

in trouble last time.


Assess the situation.


And make an informed decision.


That way, I'm sure to succeed!

[gasps] What?

[OCHACO] Gunhead Martial

Arts Gravity Plus.

I've got you now, villain!


Uh... uh-oh.

Not good. Can I fly this?

Here goes!


No, what's happening?

I'm falling!

Uravity! Pull back on the yoke!

The plane! The engines

must be stalling on her!

[TSUYU] Ochaco, get out!

You're gonna crash!

No, I can't.

If this seaplane

goes down out here,

then its cargo will

leak into the ocean.

With these chemicals on board,

the whole ecosystem will

be ruined for decades!

Concentrate. Uravity, make

the seaplane weightless.


--[OCHACO] What? But I can't!

You want me to float

an entire plane?

Something this huge would

be basically impossible!


Are you giving up?


No. Of course not.

Help steer her!


Full charge output.

Release at !

Nejire Wave!

This is your chance! Do it now!


I'm not... up!

Hey, hey! We did it!

The plane's fine!

Ryukyu's on it!

Uravity's a little

green in the gills.

Oh, Ryukyu said

she got the cargo.

We were right about it being

chemicals used to make Trigger.

Doesn't this mean

the mission's complete?

Yeah, look at us go!

[SELKIE] Based on lengthy

police questioning,

it seems the smugglers

were just couriers.

They hadn't heard anything about

where the dr*gs would end up.

The person who ordered

their transport also gave them

a fake name, so we don't

have much to go on.


I see.

[SELKIE] There was one thing

that we managed to nail down.

The smugglers that

we intercepted.

They were heading for Otheon.

Did you say Otheon?

You mean the country in Europe?

I don't know what they

were planning on doing

once they got there.

But, that's no longer

an issue, is it?

I guess all's whale...

...that end's whale.


It's not a cute bit.

[SELKIE] Yeah, I've come

to realize that recently.

Well, no matter.

[SELKIE] Peaceful days

pass all too quickly.

Let's enjoy this while we can.



So heroes interfered

with our shipment.

[MEMBER A] Yes, sir.

What would you have us do?


Forget about it.

We already have the amount

we need to enact the plan.

Now then. It's time

for us to begin.

Humanity will soon

know salvation.


Here's the preview!

Those of us doing our work

studies at Endeavor's agency

have each been tackling

our own weaknesses.

And every time we see

Endeavor at work,

we find new ways

we should be improving.

In the midst of all that,

Endeavor actually

invites us to his home.

Next time: "The Hellish

Todoroki Family."

Oh, wow! Todoroki has an

older sister and brother?

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!