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05x14 - (D) Off to Endeavor's Agency!

Posted: 03/27/23 10:53
by bunniefuu


What happened the other

day was unfortunate.

Yeah, agreed.

Most the problems coulda

been avoided though

if you'd just given

me a heads up.

[HAWKS] I get that plans change,

but I would've liked

to have dealt with things

a little more efficiently.

[DABI] You're talking too much.

You can't trace this call.


Gimme a break.

You gotta have more

faith in me than that.

[GIRL A squeals]


Hawks is on the phone!


Who's he talking to?

His girlfriend?


It's a secret!


Who is she, Hawks?

All I want's for you

to believe in me.

I work with pros every day

and there's one thing

I know for certain.

The profession of "hero"

needs to be done away with.


No way you can cast me aside.

You're reaching out

to me like this

because you know how

much I'm worth to you.

For now I'll keep playing

the fool, then you'll focus

more on how I can help you

than the risks I may pose.

It's in your interest

to make good use of me.


This is your last chance.


Knew it.

[DABI] I'll have you

show your loyalty.

Not just to the

League of Villains,

but the entire the

anti-establishment cause.

Make it someone other than

the number-one hero this time.


Dabi contacted me again.

He's still not convinced

I'm on his side.

My guess is someone's observing

me and my conversations.

It'd be smart to send

everything in code from now on.

I'll pinpoint the location of

the Nomus as soon as I can.

That's all. I'm off.

[BEST JEANIST] It's unusual

for you to come visit me.

How are you holdin'

up these days?


Much better. Thanks.

Why didn't you just ask

that ancient nurse at UA

to help out with your recovery?

[BEST JEANIST] She can't restore

what's been taken away,

and I lost a lung

in that battle.

But fortunately, it's possible

for humans to live

with only one of them.

What about your hero work?

[BEST JEANIST] I plan to return

to the public eye soon.

There are many eager for me

to be on the streets again.

You don't say.


I'm sorry to hear that.


This doesn't feel right.

It's past our meeting time and

I still can't get a hold of him.

Nothing on the Hero Network

about the League

being spotted either,

so there shouldn't

be a holdup or anything.

Did something happen?

Did I do something wrong?

This change in behavior

is unnerving.

I don't like it.

[HAWKS] I can't start

doubting my resolve

on the last day of the year.


New Year's Eve!

I'd thought it might be out of

the question for us to go home

since we moved to the dorms.

But thanks to escorts from

pro heroes, we were able

to spend the night celebrating

with the people we cared about.

Thanks to Uraraka and Shinso,

it turned out fine,

but that dark energy was scary!

You should've scene it explo--

--[IZUKU'S MOM sobs]

--[IZUKU] Mom?

[IZUKU'S MOM] My heart hurts

to hear you say such things.



Oh, uh! By the way!


Remember that girl

I told you about?

Eri, the one we rescued.


I do.

Well, look here.

She wrote me the nicest letter!

Isn't that cool?

She did it while practicing

her spelling and stuff.

Honestly, I couldn't help her

as much as I'd have liked to.

But she did her best

writing this for me.

I think it's incredible.

Mom, come on!

The Koike family downstairs

will think there's a leak!

Ever since you were little,

you've been trying

to copy All Might.

Saying you'd save people even

though you weren't that strong.

Even if you got hurt.

If there's one thought

I've had more than any other,

it's that, as a mother,

I have to protect my son.

That's gone through

my head so often.

But talking to you like this...

Seeing that look on your face...

I don't think I'll

worry as much anymore.

I'm glad.

[IZUKU, IZUKU'S MOM sobbing]

[IZUKU] Just like that,

a new year began.


You have everything?



Promise me you'll

take care of yourself?


And text as much as you can.

Give your all at your

work study, 'kay?

I promise, Mom.


Endeavor's agency awaited.

What's up, I'm back.

[SLIDIN' GO] Oh? I didn't

realize you'd flown off

somewhere, Number Two.


Yeah, sorry. Gabbed a coffee.

The stuff here

tastes like sewage.

[SLIDIN' GO] You can't keep

comin' and goin' as you like!

You should get permission

for whatever you do.



[SLIDIN' GO] Don't forget,

I outrank you here, Hawks!

Got it?



[CHIKAZOKU] Outrank?

Are you sure about that?



[CHIKAZOKU] It's my first time

hearing such a thing.

Then, you must also be

in a position to obtain

classified information

from influential heroes.

Well, sort of.


Current locations! Call records!

Real-time feeds

of conversations!

Hawks provides these.

Thanks to the countless micro

devices installed in his wings,

we'll expose everything

about the heroes.

[CHIKAZOKU] A grunt like

you can off us a peek

at the Hero Network at best.

But as the number-two hero,

Hawks can go much deeper!

He's a valued asset.

I was watching you

the whole time.

You almost bought black

coffee and freaked out.

What can I say,

I like it sweet.

Welcome to the

Endeavor Agency.

I can't believe I

have to train you.

[ENDEAVOR] I gave my permission

reluctantly as a favor to Shoto,

but I wish he'd come on his own.

[TODOROKI] It's already

done, so don't complain.


Wha-- Shoto!

I've been thinking since

supplementary lessons.

You're a jerk.

[ENDEAVOR] Son, are you really

friends with this deliquent?

[KATSUKI] But, if I can see

how the top hero works,

I don't really care.

[ENDEAVOR] I told you to

choose your allies wisely!

We appreciate you allowing us

to do our work studies

with you, sir.


Flame Hero, Endeavor.

Currently the top pro.

His intensity and intimidation

make him stand out.

My strongest impression of him

is from the sports fest.

I generally think

he's a scary guy.

But something

about him's changed.


Joining Endeavor, huh?

All three of you?

That sounds perfect!

It's a great opportunity.

What should we do about

my One For All training, though?

I think it's going smoothly

for the time being.

Sure, you have Blackwhip

to deal with now.

But you haven't felt any other

Quirks manifesting, right?

If you can visualize the locking

and unlocking properly,

I don't think you need to worry

about it getting out

of control again.


If I were you, I'd try

to bust all of 'em out.

Well, uh...

[ALL MIGHT] This is good timing

for you, too, Young Bakugo.


I'd say you and Endeavor

are similar in many ways.

It'll be worthwhile for you

to see what he's really like.

He appears to be transforming.

Do your best.

If you two wanna be top heroes,

this is a solid next step!

We'll do our best to

learn from you, sir!

It's an honor to work with

the number-one hero!

Shoto is not me.

You said that.

Sorry about this.

But I only intend

to look after my son.

If you wanna learn,

then stand back and watch!

What are your instructions!

Like I said. Just stand back!

[STARSERVANT] I have received

a divine revelation

from the universe!

Run. Flee this place, citizens!

The corners of Pluto's mouth

twist with loneliness!

The hour of your demise

is nigh at hand.

[HAWKS] Well, dang.

This is crappy timing.

[BOTH grunt]

He ordered us to hold back.

We can't watch if

we don't follow him.

[IZUKU] Endeavor started running

before the sound of the impact.

It's not just a

matter of being fast!

[STARSERVANT] The universe has

whispered into my brain.

The wicked stars are colluding!

They must be stopped at once!


That's the Servant of the Stars

from the second ward.


yelling about so early?

[STARSERVANT] This land will

soon be devoured by darkness.



He's sucking up all the glass!

Are there any heroes

around here to help us?

[STARSERVANT] Run, citizens!

For it is I who must act.

And destroy the source

of this rottenness.


No more hiding.

Come forth!

Show yourself,

Messenger of Pluto!



Flashfire Fist.


You control glass, old man?

You show great skill.

Why create such chaos?

I'm afraid I can't let

you get away with this.


My throat is burning!




Handle evacuations.


Do it.



Huh? What's this?

Got yourself some followers.

It's Hawks!

[HAWKS] Sorry, I was just

a little faster than you.

I thought Endeavor might

need a bit of help out here.

Does it look like

I was in trouble?

I mean kinda.

What do you think, kid?

Oh. Um.

I said to warn me

before showing up.

[HAWKS] Didn't have time.

I was already in the area.

[UNDERLING A] We were just

following Starservant's orders!


We couldn't disobey him!


Let go!

If you don't release me

to my duties, all is lost!

[LOCAL HERO A] Don't worry.

I'll take over from here.

Sounds good.


Him! He's the source!

The fire he gives

off blinds you!

He will be the demise

of our world!

You got it done with

no casualties again.

As long as we have

you to protect us,

this town will know peace, sir.

[gasps] Nice to meet you, sir.

I'm from UA High's

hero course.

I'm in Class -A.

My name is Izuku Midoriya!

[HAWKS] Yeah. You're the kid

who destroys his fingers.

I've heard about you

from Tsukuyomi.

Man, I was hopin' I'd get

to work with him again soon,

but not today.


Where is Tokoyami?

Isn't he continuing his

work study at your Agency?

I've pawned him off

on my sidekicks

to train for the moment.

I feel bad, but I've got

a ton of stuff on my plate

and don't have time for him.

You may be quick, but I

was still faster than you.


Really? Hm.

Well? What is it

you want, Hawks?

[HAWKS] Oh. Nothing much.

Actually, I do have a question.

You happen to have

read this book?


Meta Liberation w*r?

What is this about?

[HAWKS] Eh, it's gotten

really popular recently.

It was written a while back,

but it has predictions

about the future that seem

pretty relevant today.

Like this passage.

"If you grant freedom to

a limited number of people,

then the burdens of the world

will go to the others."

I highlighted some parts

if you don't have time

to plow through the whole thing.

I suggest you read those.

The leader of the

Meta Liberation Army

was named Destro. What he wanted

was a society upheld

by personal responsibility!

Trendy idea lately.

Sorry to beat around

the bush here, man.

And your point is?


If that comes to fruition,

we'll have too much

time on our hands.

I'm probably being watched,

so I can only tell

you like this.

Please, understand

my message, Number One!

[HAWKS] I just wanna take it

easy and have some fun.

My goal is to make this

a world where heroes

have too much time

on their hands.

[ENDEAVOR] Why do I feel as

though something's not right?


That look on his face.

What does it mean?

Make sure you read

through it, okay?

A book that Hawks is pushing?

I should check it out, too.

Maybe the secret to his speed

is hidden inside of it!

Here you go! I brought

extras just in case!

[IZUKU] So prepared!

Where did they come from?

Train hard!

It's the age of

the number-two pro!

If you want speed,

the power to predict what's

coming helps you get it.

He's even too fast

at passing them out!

You really love this

book, I guess, huh?

You've got so many copies of it.

He's trying to spread the word!


That's right!

I've been recommending it

to heroes across the country.

You watch. By the

time I'm though,

there will be a groundwork

for the liberation ideology.

You should at least look over

the highlighted lines.

Read them closely.

I recommend the second part.

[HAWKS] Do your best with the

work studies, all four of you!

[CHAIRWOMAN] Train your work

study students thoroughly,


He may seem super carefree,

but I guess he's actually

socially conscious.

And only years old!

And already the

number-two hero.

That guy's annoying!

Yes. He is.

Upheld by personal



Welcome to the Endeavor Agency!


Call us the Flaming Sidekickers!

[IZUKU] Holy whoa, it's the

famous sidekick, Burnin!

First work study for

two of you, huh?

We'll get you whipped

into shape in no time here.

You're gonna learn a lot!

This agency is totally different

than classroom you're used to.

This is a gigantic operation!

We've got more than

sidekicks employed!

In other words, you're gonna

have to work hard to shine here!


You don't say!

So we'll just have to beat

the pros at their own game.

You can try.

[KIDO] And Shoto, you won't

get special treatment

'cause you're the boss's kid.

Just try to keep up

with us if you can!

There's a new dispatch request.

Where is it?


Area .

[OPERATOR A] Contact the

patrol team immediately!


It's too far from them.

We should go now!


There's so much going on!


It is the number-one agency.

Never a dull moment

around these parts.

We get dispatch calls,

patrol jobs.

Not to mention events.

Over different requests

filter through this office

on any given day.

Then why are we just

standing around here

when we could be working?

I'm still ticked off

that damn bird rushed in

and stole my thunder!

Wait, are you

talking about Hawks?


You got a fiery spirit.

But wait for Endeavor's

orders, okay?

You said there were over

requests, right?

--Send us out somewhere!

--[IZUKU] Kacchan!


Please, it's our first day!


It makes no sense.


Now that you're number one,

I want you to be

a dependable leader.

You gotta stand proud,

Endeavor, and tell everyone

that there's nothing

for them to worry about.


Why did he sound so different?

Upheld by personal


Trendy idea lately.

It's like he was completely

negating everything from before.

He usually has that vapid smile,

saying whatever comes to mind.

But earlier, he wasn't

joking around at all.


Why the change?

[HAWKS] You should at least look

over the highlighted lines.

Read them closely.

I recommend the second part.


It didn't even sound like him.

There's something he can't say.

So he's trying to get

information across another way.


"The second part."

[ENDEAVOR gasps]


That's it!

The second word from

each highlighted part.

They're connected.

[HAWKS] I'm sure the

commission has deciphered

my encrypted code.

I just hope Endeavor

picks up on it.

Maybe I shoulda figured out

something easier for him.

With the number of

heroes secretly joining

the liberation front,

the commission won't want

anything I've discovered

to be made public.

Can't believe I made

"serious eyes" at him

to try to get him

to pay attention.

Had no choice, though.

Don't have too many ways

I can communicate right now.


"The enemy..."


" the liberation army.

They number..."


"...over , ."


"In four months..."

[HAWKS] In four months,

we need to be prepared.

Because that's when they strike.


Here's the preview!

As we continue our work studies

at Endeavor's Agency.

Kacchan, Todoroki, and I

face the weaknesses

each of us have to work on.

I need learn to control

my power and to be able

to perform at my best,

no matter the situation.

It's okay to go slowly as

long as I'm moving forward.

Next time:

"One Thing at a Time."

This is a crucial step

in me becoming

the greatest hero in the world!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!