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05x10 - (D) That Which Is Inherited

Posted: 03/27/23 10:50
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] At UA High School,

hero Classes -A and -B

are competing against each

other in combat training.

[IZUKU] My class managed

to pull off an overwhelming win

in the fourth round

thanks to clever teamwork

that focused on

Kacchan's raw power.

It's now time for the fifth

and final training match!

This one's for all the glory.

Are you ready?

Do your best until the

last student's down!




It's number .

He's fidgeting.


That started yesterday.

[CHIEF WARDEN] I wish they'd

hurry up and sentence him.

We can't keep

this up much longer.

He's exhausting our resources.


You know that Chaplin quote.

"One m*rder makes you a villain.

Millions, a hero."

[WARDEN A] Wasn't he

the bad guy in that movie?

[WARDEN B] We've seen how

people can flock to evil.

Take Gigantomachia.

He's our prisoner's

direct subordinate, right?

It's not just Shigaraki

and the League of Villains

who serve All For One.

We don't know

how many sympathizers

he may have hiding in the world.

So, right now,

we need to make sure

we don't accidentally

provoke any of them.

[ALL FOR ONE] I do apologize

for any undue trouble.

[WARDENS gasp]


It's just that the memories

are causing my body

to throb with pain.

I can hear my little

brother's voice.


A phone call is here!

--A phone call is here!

--[ALL MIGHT] Oh, excuse me.

When're you getting rid

of that ringtone? Jeez.


Sorry. I'll be right back.

[ALL MIGHT] I appreciate

you returning my call

so quickly, sir.

However, I'm in the middle

of a class right now.

[GRAN TORINO] So, about that

dream Izuku Midoriya had--

Oh. I guess we're just

gonna talk about that.

You asked me about the visages

of One For All earlier.

If Shimura had ever mentioned

anything about them.

I did remember something

that might end up being useful.

Don't hold your breath, though.

This old man's memory

isn't what it used to be.

I'm pretty sure this

happened shortly after

your master first

inherited the power.


Hey, listen to this.

I had the weirdest

dream last night.





A shadowy figure stood

in front of me.

He stared me straight in

the eyes before saying this:

"The time has not yet come."

[GRAN TORINO] Far as I can

think, that's the only time

she ever mentioned it.


Thank you for telling me, sir.

I should get back

to my students now.



"The time has not yet come."

Which implies it will

come eventually.

Something that affects

One For All

and its wielder.

[IZUKU] Class B has

Shinso on their side.

Once he's in play, my team

won't be able to talk much.

Plus, I'm still

feeling kind of uneasy

about One For All acting up.

Whatever happens,

I need to make sure

I don't end up Brainwashed!


Ever since I was a kid,

I've heard the same

thing on repeat.

"There's no way you

can be a superhero

with a Quirk like that."

What are you talking about?

The two of us are both very

aware of our weaknesses.

Sometimes, we have to embrace

our darker sides to survive.

I really like you, Shinso.

Honestly. We're so similar.

--[SHINSO] Disagree.

--[MONOMA laughs]

You can say that, but it's true.

When you brainwashed Midoriya

at the sports festival,

how did you get him

to talk to you?

[SHINSO] I didn't know

what would provoke him,

so I insulted his classmate.

In order for us to

become heroes one day,

we must sometimes act

in less-than-heroic ways.

If we don't, we can't stand

alongside those with more power.

It's not enough to try

to copy our idols.

Don't you feel that way?

Like you had all of these

grand hopes and dreams

when you were a kid.

But now those goals

are just burdens.

It's almost as if

the two of us are cursed.

[TENYA] When you consider

Midoriya's team,

the distribution of

power is comparable

to that of the last round.

Yeah, our team did

have a similar spread.

But they don't have a Jiro.

Yup! They're missing

a solid scouter.

Which means they'll have

to move way more carefully

than we did, or they could

get trapped from the get go.

You're right.

If they wanna pinpoint

enemy locations and then

lure them out like we did,

then Midoriya is gonna have to

work harder than Bakugo had to.

[IZUKU] First, I'll get out

in the open so they target me.

Since I'm the fastest

one on our team,

our opponents will want

to focus on taking me out.


I'll get Class B to attack me.

Then once we figure out

where they are,

we'll work together

to capture them!

Here goes!


Yanagi's Poltergeist.

[OCHACO screams]

[IZUKU gasps]



Did ya find me? What a shocker.

After seeing the insufferable

win Bakugo pulled off,

we obviously have our sights

set on you this round.

Anyone with an ounce

of cleverness would want

to be careful of someone

who's not only strong,

but incredibly agile.

But isn't that too obvious?

Someone even wiser might

choose a different route.

After all, Bakugo was

only successful because

he was backed up by his

other three teammates.

So why not crush your

other three first?

Thanks for bein' so flashy

and tellin' us where you were.

Sounds like my teammates have

found the rest of Class A's

hopeless combatants already.

[IZUKU] He's egging me on,

trying to get me to talk.

It's possible he copied

Shinso's Brianwashing.


It's three against four.

Will your friends

hold their own?

Shinso's lurking around,

so they won't be able

to communicate freely.

I'd hurry and go

to them if I were you.

They likely need help.

Wait, hold on.

What if the scream just now

was Shinso's voice

modulator at work?

If that's the case,

you'd be leading us straight

to the rest of your classmates

who aren't actually in trouble.

Ha! What a predicament!

Talk about being heartless;

you didn't even

glance in the direction

of your friends in need.

[IZUKU] It's not a bad trick,

but I'm not gonna fall for it!

My. What's this?


Class B, Neito Monoma.

Hero name: Phantom Thief.

Quirk: Copy.

Whenever he touches someone,

he can use their Quirk

for five minutes.

He can't use two at

the same time, however!


That's Yanagi's power!



That scream earlier.

It wasn't either of us.

Musta been Shinso then.

And it sounded close by.


Funny to think of grumpy boy

screaming in a girl's voice.

Remember, make sure you

look at us when you talk.

[ASHIDO laughs]

Hey, I caught something!


Acid Veil!


Lost some.

Was it a hit or are they

luring us into a trap?


This must be Yanagi at work!


These things are everywhere!


Class B, Reiko Yanagi.

Hero name: Emily.

Quirk: Poltergeist.

She can manipulate

objects around her,

but the total weight

can't be more than

roughly that of an

average person! Spooky!


Class B, Yui Kodai.

Hero name: Rule.

Quirk: Size.

She can change the size

of the stuff she touches.

It doesn't work on

living things, though!

Now release.

[ASHIDO yelps]


Twin Impact. Fire!



[OCHACO yelps]

[SHODA] I have a rough idea

of their current location.


Class B, Nirengeki Shoda.

Hero name: Mindz.

Quirk: Twin Impact.


After he hits a target,

he can cause a second

impact remotely!

This follow-up strike is

many times more powerful

than the first one!

[SHODA] Let's hide ourselves and

prepare for another as*ault.

We've got this.

[ASHIDO coughs]

That was scary.


Guys! I thought the enemy

was supposed to be chasing

after Midoriya, not us!

[OCHACO] They might've

figured out our location

with that attack.

So where's Deku?

I had a lengthy conversation

with Shinso earlier.

About how those blessed

with power destroy society.

You're frienemies

with Bakugo, right?

Then maybe you can explain.

How can he smile like he doesn't

have a thing to worry about

when let himself get abducted?

And because he wasn't able

to take care of himself,

the Symbol of Peace is gone.

[IZUKU growls]

[NANA] He stared me straight in

the eyes before saying this:

"The time has not yet come."


Is this the moment he foretold?



[IZUKU grunting]

Seriously, a brand-new power?

So not fair.


I don't understand.

What's going on?

I was fine until just now!


Shinso, you're up!


Get out of here.

It's too much! I can't

hold back this power!

It's like it's

exploding outta me!


I don't recognize that!

[ALL yelping]

Deku, no!


This isn't my power.

--[IZUKU] Stop it! Stop it!

--How is this happening?

It hurts!


When did Midoriya

score another new move?


Vlad! Aizawa!

You have to stop this match.

Something's wrong.


What is this?

[IZUKU] After All Might

transferred One For All to me,

I kept getting hurt because

I didn't know how to use it.

Stop it! No more!


But with training,

I was finally getting

it under control!

I was just getting started!


One For All! Get it together!

I don't wanna make anyone else

worry about me ever again!

Deku! Please, calm down!


When I was growing up,

my mom and dad

always looked tired.

It hurt me to see them

so wiped out.

That's why, the first time

I saw a hero on the street...

[CROWD cheers]

[OCHACO] ...I was more excited

about the way bystanders

and my parents reacted

than anything else.

[OCHACO] I just loved to see

how happy everybody looked!

[OCHACO] That's why I wanted

to start helping people

who were in trouble.


But a simple dream

can be hard to achieve.

[OCHACO] I've watched

Deku fight desperately

to help those in need.

And it's made me wonder...

You've gotta calm down!


Who protects the heroes

whenever they're the ones

who are hurting the most?

Run. Can't stop it.


His Quirk's out of control.


Shinso, quick!

Your power! Use it to help Deku!

[SHINSO] Brainwash Midoriya?

What should I say?

[SHINSO] I lost to you

at the sports festival.


But I got another chance.

I was excited to show you

how much I've improved.

Fighting you again was

something I looked forward to.

I want to become

an upstanding hero

and use my Quirk to help others.


Stop playing around

and fight me!





Crap, kid.


You got it wrong. Dang it!

Didn't we tell you?

You're not alone

out there. Ya got that?

It's manifesting.

Now's the time!

So shape up.

You gotta start thinkin' more.

From now on, you can't

use your power casually.

It's somethin' bigger.

[IZUKU] He's one of the past

users of One For All?

You're gonna have

to work harder!

Do your best!

If you train like a madman, most

things should work out fine.

Whoa, where's your mouth,

kid? That's freaky!

Whatever, don't sweat it.


I can see him so clearly.

He's not a vestige or shadow

or some kind of ghost.

This isn't a dream, either.

This man...

These predecessors...

[IZUKU] ...are somehow living

inside of One For All!

Feels like my

time's runnin' out.

That was fast.

One more thing, kid.

The power you just shot outta ya

was originally my Quirk.

[IZUKU gasps]

Maybe I should explain a bit.

Our individual Quirk

factors mixed in

with the core of One For All.

They've been inside

a' you this whole time.

Now, imagine this core

rests in the middle

of raging flames or a whirlpool

of waves or somethin'.

Those flames and waves

are the cultivated power

we users added to the original.

But now, after so many years,

the core is starting

to expand and move.

What you saw

between fluctuations...

The reason for that

is because One For All

itself is growing inside you.


Why? What's going to happen?


Think back.

Earlier, you were dead set

on capturing that guy.

It's all you could think about.

Ya know you could

nod or somethin', kid.

[IZUKU] Right. I was

trying to catch Monoma.

It just so happens

the best Quirk for that

is Blackwhip. Which

belonged to me.

So lucky you, you get

to meet yours truly first.

Not to brag, my power's great.

But be careful.

This Quirk has evolved.

Blackwhip's got the might of

One For All swirling within it.

Which means it's much stronger

now than when it was mine.


Oh, man. I'm gonna disappear.

I feel myself drifting away.

Because all that's left

of me is my spirit.

Listen well.

If you use One For All in anger,

the power will react

to that feeling.

What's important is keeping

tabs on your heart.

It's fine to get mad.

Rage can be the source

of incredible strength.

But you need control.

And not just over your body,

but over your emotions as well.

After being passed down

through eight people,

One For All has become

an awesome force.

Prepare yourself.

You'll have six more Quirks

manifest as you improve.

Control your heart

and master using those

who live in this power.

Good luck! We're with ya, kid!

You're the one who will

complete One For All!


Deku! Hello?


Wake up!

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

Did the slap hurt?


[gasps] Get away!

It's too dangerous!


Don't worry!

Shinso's Brainwashing

took care of you.


He... did?

Are you okay?

[IZUKU gasps]

Oh, my gosh!

You're hurt.


Don't tell me...

It's my fault, huh?

[MONOMA grunts]


Gunhead Martial Arts!

This battle isn't over, Class A!

--[IZUKU, OCHACO gasp]

--[KODAI] Release.

Now fire!

[MONOMA laughs]

The dark stuff

that came out of him

went crazy and

ruined our strategy!

Nice timing, you guys!


Are the two of you okay?

What was that just now?

There they are!

Try and dodge this!

[ASHIDO yells]

Midoriya! Uraraka! You okay?

The whole team's here now.

It's a brawl!

[ TH WIELDER] If you use

One For All in anger,

the power will react

to that feeling.

What's important is keeping

tabs on your heart.

[IZUKU] I refuse to accidentally

hurt anyone again!

[OCHACO gasps]


We need a plan,

but there's too much

to think about.


What do you think, Eraser?

[ALL MIGHT pants]


All Might.

Let's wait. We'll

see what happens.


What? But, Aizawa...

This is far from over.

The match continues.


Here's the preview!

One For All suddenly

went out of control.

It's dangerous to keep

using my Quirk.

But I don't wanna

give up on this match.

Shinso, Monoma, and the

others feel the same way.

So we'll keep fighting

with all of our strength.

For our teammates,

and for victory!

Next time: "Our Brawl."

The important thing is to always

remember where you came from!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!