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05x09 - (D) Early Bird!

Posted: 03/27/23 10:49
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] At UA High School,

hero Classes -A and -B

are competing against each

other in combat training.

Three matches have passed,

leaving each class

with one win,

one loss, and one draw

at the beginning of

the fourth round.

[JIRO] Wait, bad idea.

Let's talk about this, okay?


Yeah, you're not serious, right?


Shut up.


Just watch me, Deku!


The stage works for them.

With Sero setting traps

and Jiro on recon,

this could be way bad.

Like a total pain.

Plus, there's Sato's strength

and Bakugo's absurd explosions.

It's a super-balanced team.

We should assume we're dead

if we mess up at all.

None of that crap matters.

Let's just slash 'em

all to pieces.

We'll take 'em by surprise;

the early bird gets the worm.

[VLAD KING] Currently, Class A

and Class B are neck and neck

when you look at the stats.

But while they may

seem evenly matched,

the truth is,

Class A's win was mostly

thanks to Shinso,

so it barely counts!

[laughs] I think we all know

what that says about them.

[BOTH] You've gotta stop rooting

for your class, Mr. Vlad!


Vlad sure is hot blooded

for someone with blood control.


He obviously loves his students.

A lot.

Stop complaining.

What?! Sir, this is

a legitimate protest!


Is this how you'll react

if you mess up in a real fight?

Meanwhile, Class B

is coming up with plans

and countermeasures to win.


Vlad speaks the truth.

Which means he's

technically b*ating me.


[cackles] Not surprised these

troublemakers can't hack it.

Wanna know why?

The reason you get caught up

in so many disasters is

because you're immature.



Class B has been training hard

every day to become stronger.

Class A still has

plenty to offer.

[MIDNIGHT] You certainly

are sweet on Class A.


I'm fond of every student!


I'm looking forward to seeing

what you do and

what you've learned,

Young Bakugo.

Why can't you keep up?

[JIRO] I'm trying to listen

for sounds while I run.


You better not fall behind.

He's expecting people

to follow as usual.

Hasn't changed much

since the sports festival.

From a certain point

of view, he is cooperating.

Sort of.


Listen up, you underlings!

Just follow me when this starts.

[SERO] That isn't what

I'd call teamwork.


Did you call us underlings?

[KATSUKI] I'll take the lead

and head toward the fight.

Look alive.

You three better be

ready to support me.

'Specially you!

Make sure you keep track

of the enemy, Ears!

Hey! My name is Jiro.


Are you gonna charge them?

'Cause... the other team looks

really good at counterattacks.

Jiro's a recon pro.

We should just hold back.

Play it safe and wait

for an opening.


That's exactly what

they're expecting us to do.

We're not waiting

for the right moment.

We're making our own opening.

If we get eyes

on them, we've won.


Got it?

[ALL yelp]


What the heck, man?


Take those just in case.


They don't pack much of a punch,

but they can be useful.

One more thing.

[JIRO] Not much of a plan.

Is this gonna work?

Got you!



They should be around

here somewhere. Find them!

[metal clinking]

What's taking so long?

Hang on!

[JIRO gasps]

This is a trap!


Hi. And bye!

[KATSUKI grunts]

[TOKAGE laughs] I used Jiro's

search ability against her.

Smart, huh?


Class B, Setsuna Tokage.

Hero name: Lizardy.

Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter.

She can divide her

entire body into pieces

that move at her will!

[TOKAGE laughs]

[TOKAGE gasps]


Since improving her Quirk,

she can break into

fragments at a time!


Cheap move.


Bakugo, down here!

Nice, that's checkmate.

Glue Squall!

Ew, gross!

Aw, sh**t. This backfired.

We basically built a spiderweb

that they've gone

and trapped us in.


Got 'em!

I knew Setsuna's plan

would defeat them.


Class B, Kojiro Bondo.

Hero name: Plamo.

Quirk: Cemedine.

He sh**t out glue and controls

exactly how fast it dries!

Too slow, villains!


Class B, Togaru Kamakiri.

Hero name: Jack Mantis.

Quirk: Razor Sharp.

He can produce blades

on any part of his body!

[KAMAKIRI yelling]


I threw off Jiro's abilities

by forming a cacophony

of noise around her.

Then Bondo covered the

pipes and tape with glue.

One touch and they're

stuck for good.

[SATO] I'll at least

protect my teammates!




Just what I hoped for!

I'll start with Jiro!


Save people to win.


Win to save people.


Are you watching?

I've gotten even stronger!

[KAMAKIRI yells]


One more thing.

Whenever you guys are

in danger, I'll protect you.

Managed to block the blast.

Guess bugs have fast reflexes.


Thank you.


Shut it! They got away!

Look for them!

It doesn't matter

if this is just training.

I've made a decision.

[KATSUKI] No one will

question our victory.

Because our match

is gonna be flawless.

Four to zero and no injuries!


That's how somebody with

actual strength competes!


Sorry, what?

There must be

something in my eyes.

Looked like he

protected Jiro just now

Heck yeah he did.

By kicking her.

You're getting to see what

our Bakugo is really like.

Cool, huh? Don't worry.

Your eyes are fine.

[MONOMA yells] Are you telling

me he his personality changed?


Uh, well.

I guess what he just

did is kinda new.

Never seen him put

so much on the line.

[KAMAKIRI grunting]

[KAMAKIRI] Not smart

to face Bakugo head on.

Better stay back.

[TOKAGE] If we fight him

like we expected to,

we'll definitely

lose this match.


So, if we can't capture them,

we'll retreat and

ambush them repeatedly.

It's the only way to have

an advantage over them!

So loud! But...

there aren't as many.

Are you sure?

And they're moving

further away from us.

Then they must be

tryin' to regroup.

Those morons are

underestimating us.

[TOKAGE] Bakugo is the

powerhouse of their team.

The others are simply following

his lead and trying to keep up.

If we focus on Bakugo and

force him to make a mistake,

the rest of them won't

stand a chance.

There are so many

sounds in the way.

But... if I concentrate,

I can tell them apart.

Let's go!

[BONDO yells]

He was hiding without

making a sound!


They turned the tables again!

And Construction-Done-Kwik.

My Weldcraft is...



Class B, Yosetsu Awase.

Hero name: Welder. Quirk: Weld.

He can fuse things together

at the molecular level!

However, in order for

his Quirk to work,

he has to touch the

things he wants to weld.


They know us too well.

Yeah, like you can

catch me with Tape

when there are so many

pipes in the way.

Was this part of Tokage's plan?

She has everything figured out.



Here comes Sugar Rush!

You're good.


You won't stop me, damn it!

You don't have to get so mad.


Handle this guy.


On it.

You're mine.


Whenever you guys are in danger,

I'll protect you.

And when I'm in danger...

Hope you like my

Heartbeat Surround!

[KATSUKI] guys had better save me!



No! He's headed after Bondo!


Not good!

Took me a little

while to get used

to fighting in this cold.


But I'm finally warmed up!

[BONDO yelping]

I got this guy!

[VLAD KING] What unexpected

teamwork from Class A!

They managed to take two of

my dear students in an instant!


I thought he was a tyrant

who couldn't work with others!

Don't tell me he's starting

to mellow out now!




He acts on his own accord.

While the rest of

them support him.

I thought if we found

a small opening

we could widen it slowly

until they break down.

But look at them!




How is this team so in sync?

Bakugo trusts his teammates

so he doesn't have

to do it all alone!

Being in the band

loosened him up.

But he's still

driving the b*at.

[SERO] Tokage's Quirk lets her

split her body into pieces,

which she controls from afar.

The parts that leave

her stop moving

after a set amount of time.

And then she regenerates

them onto her main body.

I'm guessing about

a couple of things here.

But I'm betting that she can't

regrow those pieces forever.

I think she's like Yaoyorozu.

When she's tired,

she probably loses focus.

If she split herself as much

as she could to make noise,

then I figure it'll be harder

for her to fight at full power.

In that case, wouldn't

she bring some back

to her body to reset the timer?

And save her stamina so she

can keep using her Quirk!

Jiro said it sounded like there

were fewer noises around.

Which just proves my theory!

That was close!

No. You're kidding!

How have you changed this much?

[KATSUKI] I haven't changed.

My goal's always been the same.

[KATSUKI] To surpass All Might

and become the number-one hero.


The horror. The shame.

[door clangs]

[VLAD KING] The match didn't

even last five minutes!

Thanks to unexpected teamwork,

Class A wins with the day's

first perfect score

of four to zero!


You didn't do unnecessary damage

and you neutralized your

opponents efficiently.

Bakugo may have taken the lead,

but you three supported him.

Solid win. Great job today.

[VLAD KING] Given what you

knew about the other team,

you came up with a strategy that

should have given you an edge.

[growls] But you were stuck

on it and needed to be

more flexible, like Honenuki!

I'm sorry that I made

our team look lame.

I failed.

No, let's carve this

loss into our hearts

and learn from it!

Yeah. Sure.

If a monster like Bakugo

turns into a team player,

there's no weakness

for us to exploit.


Afraid that's true.


I agree.

[TOKAGE sighs]

Kacchan, you can play with

others when you want to!

And Jiro, you were a

total heroine out there!

Nope. I'm a hero.

[SERO] Our resident delinquent,

taking in the strays.

Nope. Not a stray, dude.

You gave me chills.

What, you catch

a cold or somethin'?


Outta my way!

Uh... I'm not in front of you,

so what does that even mean?

[KATSUKI sighs]

I'm pushing ahead.

Yeah. You were amazing!

Huh. I'm moving so fast,

you won't be able to catch up.

Yes I will.

Shut it, nerd!

Dumb words don't mean anything!

I won't let you b*at me.

You're trash! A fricken' extra.

Just watch me.

You have a good

childhood friend in him.


Damn it!

[ALL MIGHT] If only he

were a tad more polite.


I can't believe that hysterical

rage monster was a team player.

Since when does he strategize?


Monoma. Apologies.

With one win,

two losses, and one draw,

Class B can only

hope to tie now.

[MONOMA] What are you

apologizing for, my dear Tokage?

Our immature compatriot

reflected on his

actions and evolved.

It's a marvelous thing.

While it's true that Class B

can't win anymore,

we still haven't lost yet!

The people will see!

Win or lose,

we'll prove our point.

We're hardworking students who

never cause an ounce of trouble.

Meanwhile, Class A gets

undeserved attention

because they're disasters!

Who is on the better path?

Everyone is a side character

in other people's stories.

But we are each the

protagonist of our own lives!


So what's the plan?

You're k*lling my vibe!

I think we should

do something similar

to Tokage's team, even though

it didn't work out for them.

Our team's a lot like theirs

was in terms of balance

compared to our opponents.

We've got a group that

excels at technical Quirks,

so it would be better for us

to hide ourselves and att*ck

when we can surprise them.

We have five people.

So that gives us the upper hand.

There's no reason for us

to choose close combat.

[YANAGI] There's a difficult

fight ahead of us.

Don't you think

Midoriya's spooky?

He's "spooky"?

Oh. She loves spooky stuff.

It's kind of her thing.



Midoriya, huh?

[YANAGI] Considering his

mobility and combat skills,

he's the same if not

better than Bakugo.

And apparently, he's learned

a long-distance att*ck,

so he doesn't even

need to get close.

We stumble even a little,

and it'll end up

like the last match.

He'll destroy us.

True. So we'll make

Midoriya our top priority.

No matter what the others do,

we'll take him down first.

At the Sports Festival,

he was able to break

free of my Quirk.

But... if we use Brainwashing

in conjunction with Monoma's

power, I think we can take him.

[MONOMA] Lotta pressure when

you single me out like that.

It's possible it'll

be a blank on my end.

A "blank"?

Meaning he won't be able

to copy Midoriya's Quirk.


[MONOMA] Well, we won't

be able to do anything

unless we stop him somehow.

We're counting on you, Shinso.

Match Five. It's down to this.

The new guy. How's he doing?

This battle will determine

if he'll be able

to transfer into

the hero course.

He already showed that

he could hold his own

in the first match.

But I doubt he can use

the same trick.

They know it now.



[MIDNIGHT] The Class A team

is fairly stacked.

I hope the boy fairs well.


Yeah, so, we should just start

by going after Shinso, right?

I'm kinda freaking out

about that weirdo.

I don't want him snooping

around in my head!

Don't get too hung up on

one member of their team.

The've got a bunch of people

who can att*ck from anywhere

and catch us by surprise without

giving away their location.

And we make things... float!





Not great.

Now I'm bummed.

[OCHACO] We can't lie

in wait and can't att*ck.

All right!

Then we should go

with my special

Pop Off Vineyard Operation

and kick their butts!


No one's going to fall for that.

We should find them first

and make them fall into a trap!

No sweat.

I can act as the bait.



Hold on a sec.

Didn't you say your Quirk was

acting weird or something?

Yeah. But I think it's fine now.

[IZUKU] After watching

that fourth match,

I think the other team will

be on guard around me.

They don't want a repeat Bakugo.

I need to move even

more than usual!

You sure you'll be okay?

We're all counting on you!

Don't you worry.

We can definitely win!



Weren't you girls just saying

we're not suited for this?


Everything feels normal.


I'm pushing ahead.

[KATSUKI] I'm moving so fast,

you won't be able to catch up.


After hearing Kacchan talk,

I can't embarrass myself!

It's now time for the fifth

and final training match!


This one's for all the glory.

Are you ready?

Do your best until

the last student's down!




Here's the preview!

We're finally starting the last

match of team combat training.

Class A will technically come

out on top if we tie or win.

Though we can't let

our guards down.

The Class B team has Shinso.

And Monoma, who has the

ability to copy Quirks.

I'm the key to our victory.

And I will not fail!

Next time:

"That Which Is Inherited."

In the middle of the fight,

something strange

wells up inside me.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!