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05x04 - (D) Make It Happen, Shinso!

Posted: 03/27/23 10:45
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] It was my first

time living at school.

And as the second

semester neared its end...


Aren't you excited?

Don't you get cold

like that, Hagakure?

[HAGAKURE laughs]

Yeah, I'm freezing.


Everyone's costumes have changed

since we started school,

haven't they?

They've adapted just as we have!

You're a champ.

I'm surprised you lasted through

the summer in all that gear.


Kacchan's is different, too!

Huh? If you've got

something to say,

then say it to my face, nerd!


Look who we have here.

Relaxed and full of

yourselves as always.

Come on, Class A!

Let's see who's the best

once and for all!

[IZUKU] The teachers in

UA High School's hero course

decided to pit Class -A against

Class -B in combat training

to test how our

skills had grown.

[IZUKU] Shinso, who wants to

transfer into the hero program,

was also included

in the matches.


As the first round got underway,

my classmates found themselves

in trouble almost immediately.

[SHINSO] Some of you

don't know much about it,

so I'll give a

simple explanation

of my brainwashing Quirk.

First off,

I focus my attention

on the target and think,

"I'm going to brainwash

this person."

If I can get the target to

answer me after I do that,

the effect is complete.

The target will move

according to my orders.

If they get shocked, they might

break free of the power,

depending on how

well it took hold.

I've never tried

it before, but I think

it's probably impossible to

brainwash many people at once.

My focus would be

too splintered.

No matter what,

it's a powerful move,

especially if they're

not expecting it.


Keep in mind.

I can't make the person

I brainwash talk.

Also, orders that require them

to think are off the table.

For example:

I can show the target the words

"Tsuyu Asui" and order them

to write it because

they can see it.

But I can't ask them

what your name is

and get them to answer.

I know we all kinda

deal with this,

but isn't it hard when people

learn about your Quirk?

Will anyone talk to you?


That's why I have this.

It acts like another

set of vocal cords.

A vocal modulation mask.

Persona Cords.

If my voice goes through

a mic or megaphone,

it loses its effect.

So it has to be your real

voice that they respond to.

[SHINSO] Yes. Through the

variation and resonance

of a number of plates,

this mask can change

how I speak while still making

my voice heard directly.

Oh, yeah. I get it.

It changes your tone,

but it's still your voice.

Wow! You gotta be

unbeatable with that thing!


And... start!

[KAMINARI gasps]

Well, that was fast.


We don't have a plan,

but let's just to go for it.

[SHINSO] Whether or not

this mask is effective...


...depends on me!


[SHINSO] All right!

Take them down, Shishida!

Consider this our win already.

Shinso talked with my voice.


The monster's gonna m*rder me!



[TSUBURABA] He copied my voice

and brainwashed Shishida?


How did that happen?


Now's the time to strike!


I got this. Air Prison!

[SHINSO gasps]

Wake up, Shishida.

Come on, you beast!



Shinso from general studies.

He brainwashes you if you answer

him, but you can break free.

I heard about his Quirk

from my classmates.

But nobody mentioned

he could copy voices.

Ah! No good. He's fast!

Ya got a good grip there, bro?

[SHISHIDA groans]

[SHISHIDA groans]



He almost fought

through that jolt!


I got you now!

Aw, yeah! Throw that

dude in jail, Tsu!

[SHISHIDA growls]

No way!

Why aren't you passed out?


Dang, d'you see him?

That guy is super powerful.

Faster, Tsu, c'mon!

Don't you worry.

Trust our classmates.

They've got this.



[KIRISHIMA] The air wall should

be weak enough to break easily.


Nope. Pretty tough.

In that case...

Let's do this!


Thanks, Kirishima!


I won't let him escape!


And we'll make sure

to stop this guy.

[KODA] Fly to me, little ones.

Please lend me your strength.

Come get some! Red Gauntlet!

Back to my human mode.


Jurota Shishida. Quirk: Beast.

His physique bulks up

whenever he activates his power.

But he goes back to normal

when he turns it off.

And the animal returns!


[SHISHIDA] Only one of you

can stand up to my strength.

You're a tough one, Kirishima.

So you'll go first.

[KIRISHIMA screams]


That's where she is!


I've spotted a lost sheep,

plummeting from the sky.

[KIRISHIMA screams]

Oh, no! I can't believe

they caught him!



But Asui managed

to ensnare Tsuburaba.

The odds are still even.


No. They're definitely not.

[KODA muffled grunting]


I can't talk. He's too strong!



I know what you're trying!


[SHISHIDA] I evaded, but Koda

is not making this easy.

I can't fight

while carrying him.

Best to withdraw.

And tilt the scales of

this battle in our favor!

And with that,

we're up two to one.

[KODA sighs]


Sorry I failed, Koda.

I can't believe she captured me.


With her tongue!

[KAMINARI grunts]

This is stronger than it was

at the sports festival.

He got better.

Class B's been training hard!

Yeah, they've definitely

upped their game

since we last fought 'em, huh?

One more!


Oh? What's this?

Class B is already

pulling ahead?

Each team has three

competitors left,

but it's obvious Class B is

setting themselves up for a win.

I can't say I'm surprised,

given their brains and brawn.

My superior students

are attacking furiously.

Looks like they'll

finally crush Class A!

Yeah! Keep bringin'

the truth, Mr. Vlad!

Stop with the biased commentary!

That beast is strong.

He'll be hard to take down.

And his sense of smell

is no joke either.

[AIZAWA] Shinso. I'm afraid

your inexperience is showing.

[IZUKU] He was ready to att*ck

with the binding cloths.

But he reacted after

seeing the enemy.

He can't keep up with the

intense speed of the battle.

They need another way

to take advantage

of Shinso's abilities.


What should we do, Tsu?

We're losing.

[TSUYU] We spent too much

time trying to understand

Shinso's Quirk

instead of planning.

They took us

completely by surprise.


This is my fault.

I should've been able to

move faster to capture them.

I'm sorry.

No, we should be apologizing.

You ended up having

to fight the other team

without any help from us.

I blame myself for not

having a smarter strategy.


Yeah, don't b*at yourself up.

For someone who's not used to

this, you had solid intuition.

No one got too hurt.

And I needed to be rescued, too.

This kinda thing just comes

with the territory, I guess.

I know you said earlier

you weren't planning

on making friends.

But I like you, Shinso.

You're totally a future hero.


Whatever. We need a new plan.


I have an idea.

Kaminari, look

for your pointers.

Uh... Okay.

[SHIOZAKI] You used me

as a decoy for an ambush?

Ah, what a sinful

act of deception.

I fear I must whip you now.

Wait. What?

But we succeeded in our mission!

If we catch two more members

of their team, we can b*at them!

Now we know about

Shinso's voice changer,

so if we grab him and Asui,

while ignoring Kaminari,

there's no way we can lose.

That sounds about right.

It's disappointing that

we lost Tsuburaba, though.




What is it, Shishida?


This will sound strange.

I'm not sure what it means.

But there are three

Asuis heading our way!

Three frogs?

So that must be their strategy.

They're fooling

your sense of smell.

If that's the case,

I must chastise them.

[SHIOZAKI] Devious schemes

are hallmarks of defilement.

[SHISHIDA] There are three

Asuis heading our way!

[KAIBARA] I don't get

what Shishida's saying.

She can't multiply herself

like Mr. Ectoplasm does, right?

There should only be one of her.

Is this the plan

I think it is?

Yeah. It's that power.

She told us all about it,

but I've never actually seen

her put it in action before!


So let's talk Quirks.

I'll go first if you want.

Obviously, I can jump high and

cling to pretty much any wall.

And of course,

there's my tongue.

I can stick it out

about meters.

Oh, yeah, and I can

spit out my stomach

so I can clean it.

That's not really useful.

Finally, I also

secrete a toxic mucus.

It just stings a bit.


Toxic mucus saves the day!

[IZUKU] She coated her

two teammates with it

to cover their smell!


Even we almost forgot about it,

so there's no way Class B

will guess what's going on.

[TSUYU] Kaminari,

look for your pointers.


Uh... Okay.


During the fight earlier,

one of them stuck

to Shishida's pocket.

My pointer babies stick

wherever they happen to land.

And with these

super-cute glasses,

you can always pinpoint

their location.

You were really

watching carefully, huh?

Amazing, Tsu!

I would say it's more amazing

that you didn't notice yourself.

[TSUYU] Shishida's nose might

be their biggest asset.

I sniffed you out with

my acute sense of smell!


We should assume that,

no matter what we try,

he'll always know our locations.

[SHINSO] And we'll use

that against him. Right?

[KAMINARI] Three people

who smell like Tsu.

So as long as he doesn't see us,

he'll have no idea

which one of us is which!

It looks like

he hasn't noticed

the pointer yet, either.

He's just hangin' out.


Ideally, we would know where

his other two classmates are.

Instead of trying

to figure that out,

we should get the

beast man while we can!

His powers are way

too much trouble.

Speaking of, are you okay, Tsu?

You went flying earlier.

I was mostly able

to control the fall.

But I doubt I'll have much luck

if I try fighting him head on.


By the power of my true name:


I will judge the

wretched schemers.

Via Dolorosa! line: %

Locations. line: %

Sniff them out for me,

Apocalypse Beast.



Ten o'clock.

Twelve o'clock.

Two o'clock.

They've fanned out and

are heading this way!

And one more thing.

Do not call me

"Apocalypse Beast."

My hero name is still Gevaudan!

If all three of them

are approaching,

they must know where we are.

Is there anyone on their

team who has recon powers?

Huh? Uh. Hey wait, Apocabeast?

Something's stuck to you.

It looks like part

of Kaminari's gear.


One person captured.

I will drag them

into the light.

[RIN] Be ready for anything.

We don't know who it is!

Kaminari could be coming in hot.

Right about that!

Sucks to be you!

Hope you had a good time.

'Cause you three're about

to taste a triple shock!

A sacrificial lamb.



Faith's Shield!

[SHIOZAKI] The many layers

of vines have sealed off

his electricity, and even

if anything gets through,

the shield will cast it aside.

It's a perfect protector.

Oh, I got this.

Your overgrown hair

extensions won't save you!

If I'm within ten

meters of a pointer,

my powers sh**t straight for it.

[groans] No way!

That was close!


Hiryu Rin. Quirk: Scales.

He generates hard scales

all over his body!

He can sh**t them,

or they can act as armor!

[SHINSO] Next! Hurry up

and get your vines ready.

Right. Where are

the others hiding?

No! That wasn't me

talking just now!

It was Shinso's voice modifier!


Vines? Seriously?

We're gonna have to deal

with Shiozaki, too.


It's over if she catches us.

Should we turn back?

Hold up.

It's possible I have an idea.

What if I'm the only one

of us who gets captured?


But why?

If they think I'm like

the big bad out here,

I'm the last person

they'll wanna draw close.

And during the sports festival,

Shiozaki had to use

a ton of vines

to protect against

my electricity.

I'll go wild and

become the focus

of their att*cks, then she'll

have fewer vines to work with.

You get it?

Pretty smart guy, huh?

Denki out!


[SHINSO] Maybe I

underestimated my teammates.

Even he can be clever.

That's the difference

experience makes.


This is the hero course.

[RIN] I can't tell where

the voice came from.

He's using echoes

to hide his position.

Shishida? Where is

the enemy hiding?

Using words would be helpful.

Hello? Seriously?

Ai-yah. You'd be

safe if you just

looked at my mouth, you know.

Okay fine, new plan

is to wake Shiozaki up.

I can jump faster than you can

sh**t your Scale b*ll*ts.



She's too agile for me to hit.

Shishida! Asui's here!


Communication's breaking down.



[RIN groans]

[SHISHIDA] Based on the

movement of the scent,

I can tell where

the true Asui is.

Which means the

person hiding here

is definitely Shinso.

Impressive. You say

you're behind us.

But you're a

terrifying opponent.

I consider you a

proper thr*at already.


You're pretty good.


I won't fall for that ruse!


But Eraser Head taught me well.


Binding cloth!


Not bad. Not bad at all.

But villains aren't

taken out so easily.

They'd never be defeated

by something like that!




I told you!

[RIN] Behind you!

Look out, Apocabeast!

[SHISHIDA] I won't let you

Brainwash me ever again!

Huh? "Apocabeast"?


C'mon! Duck! Please!

[SHISHIDA grunts]

Sorry about that.

[SHISHIDA grunts]

All right!


Yes! Expertly done.


Hey, Shinso's awesome.

I'd say he's good to transfer.

No. Asui and Kaminari's

quick thinking let him shine.

That's why he did so well.

That's teamwork.

By erasing their smells

with Asui's mucus,

making them hard to pinpoint,

and using the vocal modifier,

they made it so the other

team couldn't communicate.

[IZUKU] With enough time

to prepare, he was able

to control the fight and use

their paranoia against them!


It's an even more annoying Quirk

than I thought it was before.


[IZUKU] With his voice

changing support item

and the binding cloth,

he's completely different

from the person

I fought at the

sports festival.

I'm sure he's

been training hard

this whole time

without us knowing.

[SHINSO] You can't help the

things your heart longs for.

[IZUKU] He's working hard

to achieve his dream.


In order to become a hero.

Hey, Shiozaki, wake up!

Come back to earth.

[gasps] Why am I

in the prison?

What happened here?

[yelps] I was forced to

complete these vile actions?

I failed my flock.

Please forgive me.

I have sinned.


No! Shiozaki! Stay with me!

We just got you back!

And I'm already

countless steps behind.

I need to prove myself.


You're not behind at all.

I don't think we could have won

this fight without you, Shinso.

[SHINSO] I'm not nearly

where I need to be.

I can't let others carry me.

I need to grow strong enough

to become a pro hero on my own.

Despite their failures,

the team of Class A plus

Shinso are the winners!


Here's the preview!

It's the second match in the

battle between Classes A and B.

The Class B team learned

from their classmates' loss

in the first round and have

come up with an elaborate plan

that centers around Kendo.

With Tokoyami's Dark

Shadow taken out of play,

will the Class A team be

able to pull off a victory?

Next time: "Operation

New Improv Moves."

Tokoyami's new power

will finally be revealed

for the first time in Japan.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!