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05x03 - (D) Clash! Class A vs. Class B!

Posted: 03/27/23 10:45
by bunniefuu

Dear, foolish little brother.

Why do you resist me?


That voice!

I'll never forget it.

All For One!

[ALL FOR ONE] I will give

you everything you want

if you agree to join me.

You have my word.

Choice to those without power.

Mercy to those who have sinned.


You've stopped eating again.

You're disintegrating

into nothing.

[ONE FOR ALL coughs]


I refuse to become the man

you want me to be.


[ALL FOR ONE] Reality doesn't

follow stock plots.

I believe it's time you

finally bend to my cause.

I'll rewrite your story as well.

Because you are dear

to me, brother.

Let me go!

I've found a meta power for you.

Even your pathetic body

can utilize it.

You will join me.

Please, brother!


You're the ninth wielder, right?

Sorry, I wanted

to show you more,

but you're barely using

percent of the power yet.

Be careful.

We're long past

the singularity point.


Don't be afraid.

You are not alone.


[IZUKU panting]

[IZUKU] After that dream,

I couldn't go back to sleep.


Midoriya. What was that sound?

Are you okay?


Oh, yeah, nothing to see here!

Everything is, uh,

fine! I promise!

Mon Dieu, why such a ruckus?

Perhaps you haven't

had enough cheese.


That's probably it.

Sorry for waking you up.


Even though it was a dream,

I remember it vividly.

The moment our hands touched,

it was over.


In that last instant,

I saw the predecessors

reaching out to me.

[IZUKU panting]

You witnessed the

memories of the original?

I did. It was scary.

Mostly because All For One

was a part of the dream, too.

[IZUKU] You've seen them, right?

When you were younger?

You saw the spirits of those

who wielded our Quirk?


Yeah. I saw them.

I learned from my master--

my predecessor, that is--

about the existence of vestiges.

That's why I even know

how the power functions.

I witnessed its history.

The memory stopped

after the first wielder

was given the Quirk.

Then he spoke to me.

About how I'm only

using percent.

And something he called

the singularity.

He was looking right at me.



When I first saw them

during the sports festival,

you said they were like ghosts

that didn't have intentions.

But I think they wanted

something from me.


He spoke with the first wielder.

I didn't experience it

like you did.

And you know everything

my master told me.

Based on what I know,

this phenomenon has

only happened to you.

[NANA] Nah, what you

saw wasn't a dream.

It was the vestiges.

But, Master,

what does that mean?

Do you know?


One For All has had many users.

And now they're

stored within it.

They each had their

own goals in life.

Heroes that they

wanted to become.

Feelings are what

fuel power, Toshinori.

That's just the way

the world works.

The emotions of those

who cultivated One For All

are woven into

the ability itself.

At least, that's what I think.

[ALL MIGHT] Sounds like

something out of the occult.


More like hopeful thinking.

If the battle for justice

leads to my death,

maybe we'll meet each other

again inside of One For All.


Like I said, hopeful.


All Might. You still with me?

[IZUKU yelps]

[ALL MIGHT coughs]

So, you accidentally

powered up and that

woke you. Were you hurt?

No, I'm good.


I'm happy to hear that.

I wish I had more answers,

but right now, the only thing

I can say is that I don't know

what happened to you last night.

And what about

this "singularity"?

There's a rumor about

something like that.

The Quirk singularity

doomsday theory or whatever?

Quirks mix and evolve

as they're passed down

through generations.

Kids end up a combination

of their parents.

The theory goes that this

will lead to stronger,

more complex powers someday.

Extraordinary abilities that

nobody will be able to control.

Which makes some sense.

[ALL MIGHT] It's still unclear

if you were the cause

of this event or if something

external was at play.

Do you remember anything else?

The smallest detail

could be helpful.

Uh, let me think.

There were two figures

I couldn't make out.

Oh, and you were kind

of a glow-y blur.

Maybe it's 'cause you're

still relatively new?

And alive? You think

that's how it works?


Sorry, kid.

But your guess is as

good as mine in this.

What's important is

that you remember

One For All is your ally.

We'll keep investigating

this together.

Right, so we just do our best.

Oh! One more thing;

it's about your old master.


You know,

she reminds me

of my predecessor.


She does? Wait, how so?

It's the hairstyle.


O-Oh, sure.

She was so beautiful!

I know!

You've got practical

training this afternoon.

Better go or you'll be late.


Good call!


I'll be watching today, too.

It sounds like a riot.

In a good way, or...?


Of course. You two.

You look like you're thick

as thieves, per usual.

[ALL MIGHT gasps]

Aizawa! It's nothing.

No special treatment

or funny business.

It's not like I caught you

doing something inappropriate.

Calm down.

You didn't have to

put it that way.


Hey! Shinso!

Were you hanging out

with Mr. Aizawa?

I hope you're learning

a lot from him!

Oh, I am.

[AIZAWA] Midoriya, you

should start warming up.

It's going to be a busy day.


Yes, sir!

[HAGAKURE] I can't believe

we're already back at it!

Aren't you excited?

Don't you get cold

like that, Hagakure?

[HAGAKURE laughs]

Yeah, I'm freezing.

But ya got guts.

Clock my winter outfit.

Isn't it, like, super cute?

It's lovely!

I didn't realize

that the temperature

had dropped so much.


Everyone's costumes have changed

since we started school,

haven't they?

They've adapted just as we have!

You're a champ.

I'm surprised you lasted through

the summer in all that gear.


Kacchan's is different, too!


If you've got something to say,

then say it to my face, nerd!

While I'm blasting yours!

How does it work?

Do the gauntlets come equipped

with a heat generator?

Since your sweat glands

are used as weapons,

it's a really smart modification

to combat the cold,

I'm impressed!

Stop praising my suit!

Yours may have changed the most

out of everyone's, Midoirya.

How much new stuff

do you have on?

I had to upgrade because

I learned some new moves.

The gloves are definitely

gonna come in handy.

Actually, these are

the . versions.

Hatsume made adjustments

to the original design

that made them even stronger.


She's incredibly talented!

[OCHACO gasps]


Bad thoughts!

What are you doing?


Look who we have here.

Relaxed and full of

yourselves, as always.

Obviously you underestimate us.


There you are!

We've been lookin'

forward to this.

[MONOMA] Ha! Is that so?

I'm not sure why.

There's no way

you stand a chance

against us in this exercise.

Come on, Class A!

Let's see who's best

once and for all!

[PRESENT MIC] Hero course,

Class -B: Yosetsu Awase.

Sen Kaibara.

Togaru Kamakiri. Shihai Kuroiro.

Itsuka Kendo. Yui Kodai.

Kinoko Komori. Ibara Shiozaki.

Jurota Shishida.

Nirengeki Shoda.

Pony Tsunotori. Kosei Tsuburaba.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

Setsuna Tokage.

Manga Fukidashi. Juzo Honenuki.

Kojiro Bondo. Neito Monoma.

Reiko Yanagi. Hiryu Rin.

You might wanna take

a closer look at this survey.

I took it at the festival

and it's enlightening!

I asked what was better:

Class A's pathetic attempt

at being rock stars,

or Class B's obviously

superior play!

Aw, what's this?

We won by two votes?

You guys have been

hogging the spotlight

ever since we started school,

but your standing around

campus is trash!


Did we somehow blow it

at the festival, you think?

Now, finally! It's Class A

versus Class B!

Our first joint combat

training! You're finish--!


That's enough.

Strangle hold!

Today, there will be

a special participant.

Please try not to

embarrass yourselves

if at all possible.

Who's going to be joining us?

I'll m*rder 'em!

Is it a babe?

[BOTH] We'll do our best,

whoever it is!


This person is interested

in switching to the Hero track.

[BOTH gasp]


From General Studies Class C,

Hitoshi Shinso.


Oh, ho-ho!

[AIZAWA] Shinso will be

joining in on your training.

He's hoping to be one

of you, so treat him

as you would any classmate.

He mentioned that before

the sports festival!

[FUKIDASHI] Uh. Is that one of

Mr. Aizawa's capture scarves?


The mask looks special, too.


Welcome to the fight!

You'll be brainwashed if

you talk to him, mes amis.

A powerful quirk.

Wait, one sec.

Midoriya got brainwashed once,

but he snapped out of it.

Yeah, that was honestly

kind of an accident, though.

[IZUKU] Come to think of it, the

first time I saw the vestiges

of One For All was when

I was under Shinso's control.


Was the timing coincidental,

or was there a reason?

Well, Shinso, why don't

you say a few words?


Oh! Your Quirk is brainwashing?

That's so cool!

Imagine all the cool stuff

you could do

controlling people.

Yeah, you can do any

bad thing you want.

And no one would ever

know it was you.

Just promise you won't

make us your slaves, okay?


Heh. Everyone says that.

I'm Hitoshi Shinso.

I already faced some

of you as opponents

during the sports festival.

But we're not friends just

because we've fought before.

I don't subscribe to that

sort of sportsmanship.

We're still competing

to be the best.

And I'm already

countless steps behind.

I need to prove myself.

[SHINSO] But someone as blessed

as you wouldn't understand that.

You're lucky enough

to have a heroic Quirk!

It'll be so easy for you

to reach your goal!

One day, I will become

a proper hero.

Then I can use my powers

to help citizens in need.

All of you are hurdles

I must overcome.

I'm not here in

search of friends.


Thanks for having me.

Whoa. He's so serious.

Be on guard.

[SERO] He's taken intensity

lessons from you, 'Roki.

Wait, you think so?

--[SERO] Oh, yeah.

--I like this guy.

Shouldn't we be getting

on with this, Vlad?

Time for combat training!

This will be a battle between

Class A and Class B, here,

in one corner of Field Gamma!

You will be grouped

in teams of four.

Each competing one at a time.

That sounds like fun.

Hope it's a good mix.

Me, too!

With Shinso, that makes


So won't it be impossible

to divide the teams equally?

Which is why he'll be

participating in two matches.

One time with us,

and one time with Class A.

In other words,

two of the five matches

will be five-against-four.

Prepare yourselves.

[HAGAKURE] That's super unfair

for the smaller team!

[VLAD KING] It's probably

more of a disadvantage

to have the inexperienced

Shinso on your side.

The larger teams will have

the advantage in numbers,

but also a handicap.

Listen closely to the scenario.

You're all hero agencies

trying to capture

a villainous organization.

You should consider your

opponents to be evil criminals!

You'll win if you

capture four competitors.

They do say villains are

organizing more these days.

Keepin' it nice and simple.

[TENYA] Aw! We're heroes,

but we're villains

to the opposing team?

I've lost this sort

of roleplay before!

This does go against

your nature.

[VLAD KING] In your team's

base camp you'll find

an adorably decorated prison.

Once you put your

enemies behind bars,

that will count as a capture.


Who designed that thing?

It would be most efficient

to try and disarm

our opponents and capture

them near their own bases.

But I doubt it will be that easy

when we get down to it.

So we gotta capture four losers.

Is that what you meant when

you said "disadvantage"?


Well, your team

might not be used

to fighting together,

and if four people

on one of the five-person

teams are captured,

that will be considered a loss.

You're making us haul

around excess baggage?

That's some bullcrap.

Hey, now, don't

be mean about it!

It's fine. He makes

a fair point.

Aw, your understanding

just makes us look

like a bunch of jerks!



Draw your lots.


Your turn, Shinso.

You'll join one team

from each class.

Let's have some fun

out there, man!

This is gonna be awesome!

Get pumped!

Tell us more details

about your Quirk.

I bet girls kinda

dig that smirk.

You rake 'em in, huh?


Let's win.

You're a perfect addition!

Let's destroy the

always-in-danger Class A

and humiliate them!

Take a lesson from us

and tune him out

as much as you can.


Lookin' forward to it.



Let's annihilate

these egomaniacs!


Class B, team five.

It'll be you and

Shinso's first rematch

since the sports festival, huh?



[IZUKU] I still have questions

about the vestiges

of One For All. But right now...

I can't wait to see

how he fights!

I wonder what new

abilities he learned.

Where were you keeping that?


I finally reached it.

My starting line.

[VLAD KING] Teams will

begin at your base camp.

You'll have minutes.

[AIZAWA] If there's no decisive

victory within the time limit,

then whoever has the most people

left will be the winners.

Oh! All Might and Midnight

are here together.

Z'it a date?

Stop that. Older men

aren't my thing.

Which class would you

put the odds on?

I couldn't really say.

Class A has definitely

gotten stronger

after overcoming so

many different crises.

But the thing is...

...if you look at their grades,

Class B has actually improved

more than they have.

It's probably because they were

able to cover the curriculum

since they didn't run

into outside trouble.

They've been getting

better at a steady rate.

Class A has turned

disasters into strength,

while Class B has taken

a more traditional approach

to their studies.

This'll be good.

Fighters take your marks!

You're really into this.

And... start!

[buzzer sounds]

We have a pretty good idea

of the other team's

different abilities,

but let's try to

stick close together.

There's safety in

numbers, after all.


Asui's Camouflage.

If you know where to look,

you can still see her.

[KAMINARI] Heard, but don't you

think I could just separate

from you guys and let off

a million volts or something?

Yeah but what if they

knock you out

with a sneak attack? No backup.

That is true. And Shiozaki'll

be tough to nab.


Her Quirk's amazing.

She kicked my butt.

I'll stick with you.


I'd like to take out

the most troublesome

Quirk first.

My dude, Shinso, you get it.


It's the obvious plan.

[TSUYU] If we're hoping to do

something about Ibara first,

then they're probably

thinking the same thing

about Kaminari and

his dangerous att*cks.

Also, even though he

has less experience,

they'll want to avoid

Shinso's Quirk.

I'm counting on you guys

to keep me safe!

Maybe we can set things up

so Kaminari and Shinso

get to do their things.

[PIGEON A coos]


Thank you, friends.


So... Did they find her?


Shiozaki is to our left!

Alone! She's using

her vines to feel out

her surroundings

as she heads this way.

I hate to go after

the girl all alone,

but we gotta stop her, right?




Meet my Roaring Rage!



Both of them? That's not good!

We knew you guys

would send Koda

to search for us.

And we planned accordingly.

Also that you would likely

be most wary of

Shiozaki's Quirk!

Using her as a decoy, I crawled

through the shadows to find you.

If we let your team prepare,

then you might have

been able to unleash

a devastating shock attack,

so we opted for

a direct approach.

I sniffed you out with

my acute sense of smell!



Jurota Shishida. Quirk: Beast.

This feral mode drastically

increases his strength,

hearing, sight, and ability

to sniff things out!

It also causes him to go

a little berserk, though.


You can't use much electricity

with your friends

around, can you?

You don't wanna shock 'em.

[TSUBARABA] I've trained

my Quirk and got a new move.

Air Prison!

A solitary cell that

won't allow any sound in!


Take them down, Shishida!



Consider this our win already.


The monster's gonna m*rder me!

Wait, did you get brainwashed?

It sounded like Shinso somehow

talked with my voice.

[gasps] Wait,

what is that mask?


Vocal Modulator.

Persona Cords!


Here's the preview!

The first match of the battle

between Class A and Class B

continues to rage!

Despite everything we've

been through, it looks like

the powerhouses from B have

improved their Quirks a ton

since we last fought and

have my classmates cornered!

Next time: "Make It

Happen, Shinso!"

Shinso's new device,

Persona Cords,

will control the direction

and outcome of this fight!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!