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05x02 - (D) Vestiges

Posted: 03/27/23 10:44
by bunniefuu
Well, I wasn't expecting

to find you here.

The League of Villains.


You k*lled Snatch.

He was a good hero.

Snatch, huh?

That doesn't ring a bell.

Why don't we forget about him

and have a friendly chat.

Who knows when we'll

get another chance.

--[ENDEAVOR grunts]

--You can't fight like this.

Just recover your

strength for now.

I'll take care of this guy.

I only have

small feathers left,

but I should be able

to buy us some time.

Aw, no need for heroics.

The only reason I'm here

is to retrieve my fallen Nomu.

I mean, no way I could

win this fight, right?

Unless the top two heroes

were bloodied and

beaten already.



Saw the news and hopped over!

Patchwork, you're part

of the League, huh?

I'll kick your butt!

Man. And things were

just gettin' good.

Do it, Ujiko.


See ya later, Number One.

I'm sure we'll have time to

have a heart-to-heart someday.

I look forward to it.

Until then.

Try not to disappoint.

And don't you dare

get k*lled, Enji Todoroki!

Tell us where your friends are!



It's the same way they bounced

out of Camino that day.

Whatever the case,

we managed to stop

that juiced up Nomu.

Idiot. This is

just the beginning.

[HAWKS] That wasn't how you

said things would play out.

Oh, is that a fact?

I'd prefer it if you and I

got along better, Dabi.

[DABI] Thought you only

had small feathers left

after that battle.

If I'm going to meet a liar

in a secret location,

I'm not coming unarmed.

The fight was supposed to go

down at a warehouse tomorrow.

Instead you unleashed a Nomu

in the middle of the city.

One on a totally different level

than the others we've faced.

If we're going to

trust each other,

you have to keep me up to date.

I guess I had a sudden

change of heart.

But I did give you

advance warning

I wanted to test the

new Nomu in the field.

Besides, you're not

without blame yourself.

You said you'd bring

a random pro along.

I didn't expect

the number-one hero.

Now that's not very fair.

Your beast gave Endeavor

severe injuries.

I figured you'd be thrilled

to give him such a work out.

I did what you asked of me.

You're the only one who

broke a promise here.

Think of it as me

testing our pet pro

to see if I can

actually trust his word.

I couldn't help but notice you

saved a couple of bystanders.

You came to us saying you

sympathize with our cause,

yet you fought so hard today.

I'm no good to you

if the hero community

loses its faith in my work.

The more they trust me,

the more intel I'll be

able to collect on them.

You know that.

Unless you're incapable

of thinking long-term.

Everything I do is in the name

of advancing the League. Got it?

Sure. Say that all you want,

but I can't let you

see the boss yet.

I'll be in touch, partner.


We need you to infiltrate

the League of Villains.

Uh, you're gonna

have to explain.

'Cause that sounds crazy.

Aren't you forming a

search team to find them?

Like with Gran Torino

and the others?

Where did you hear about that?

We need your assistance.

It's vital, Hawks.

You've just proven how sharp

your eyes and ears are.

At the Camino battle,

we had to consider the safety

of the kidnapping victim,

so we rushed the operation

and didn't gather enough intel.

We misread their strength.

To truly stamp out these

dark organizations,

we need more information.

Especially about that

bioengineered human.

Was that thing made using

just All For One's power?

If we don't learn

everything we can

about the League,

then we'll just keep

making the same mistakes.

So you want me to get close

to them, but expect me

to sit back and ignore

all the harm they cause?

We're asking you

because we think

you're someone

who can ignore it.

You're indifferent

to prestige and fame,

and you have your eyes fixed

on your long-term goal.

We think there's no one

more suitable than you.


I'm sorry, Endeavor.

Really. I am.

Oh, that was Snatch.

The sand guy, right?

Have you ever thought

about the families

of those you m*rder*d

in cold blood?

[DABI laughs] I've thought

about is so much,

it's driven me insane.


Isn't this great?

You only had to stay

in there for two days.

Bonus, your left

eye's still working,

which is honestly surprising.

I'm sorry. This was

all my fault.

Don't flatter yourself.

My injuries are

my own responsibility.

Aw, man. Can I borrow that line

the next time I get

the crap beat outta me?

Focus on what's important.

That Nomu came straight for us.

As if it knew where we were.

The exact moment we

were talking about it.

An odd coincidence,

wouldn't you say?

Meh. The two new top heroes

walking around together

in broad daylight?

We just drew too much attention

and they decided

to take a swipe at us.

[HAWKS] Drop it. I made a scene

while we were on the streets

just so I could make

this flimsy excuse.

[HAWKS] I was thinking, it's

possible that the Nomu rumors

themselves are being used

as bait to catch heroes.

I think we should contact the

team searching for the League

and get more info.

You should be more careful.



[ENDEAVOR] If you plan

to keep investigating this,

you're going to need

someone to back you up.

A hero who can stop

a Nomu like that.

Aw! And you care about me

so much, you'll be my bodyguard!

That's so nice!

I'll incinerate you.


Once my feathers grow back,

I can start patrolling again.

It'll probably take

another day or so.

Can't wait.

[ENDEAVOR grumbles]

And what about you, huh?

Takin' some R n' R, big guy?



'Kay! Catch you later, then!


Is this absolutely necessary?

This is a proposition.

By going after the League of

Villains from both the inside

and the outside, we can cut off

their retreat and box them in.

Really? Heh.

You're calling it a proposition

even though you know I

can't possibly refuse you.

Well, that's a laugh.

I won't try to deny that.

You're not wrong there.

We got lucky you weren't able to

make it to the fight in Camino.


A kid?

You mean a child saved everyone?


That accident was terrible.

I can't believe it.

[CHAIRWOMAN] Find the child

who saved all those people.



This boy has a natural gift.

He should become a hero.

Please allow us

to support your family

while we help him

reach his potential.

A secret investigation

into the League.

If getting my hands dirty will

help everyone else rest easy,

then I gladly take on the task.

My name is Hawks. A man

too fast for my own good.

I want to live in

a world where heroes

have too much time

on their hands.

And I'll make sure that happens.

As quickly as possible.

Welcome back home!

Yeah, it's been a while.


[FUYUMI] Shoto got permission

to leave campus for dinner!

I asked his teacher

to come in and join us,

but, um, he said "no."

Anyway, I bet you're

super excited

to celebrate your big

victory over that monster.

Huh, Dad?

S'a bad scar.

Looks painful.

[TODOROKI slurps]

Hey, you two! You promised

you'd be in good moods!

Congratulate him!

Dad's finally trying

to think about his family

after all these years!

Don't blow it!

At least pretend that

you don't hate him.

I'm standing right here.

Sorry, Sis, but I'm out.

I can't do this.



If you have something

to say, then talk.

Oh, gimme a break.

That's rich coming from you.

Okay, then.

I found out today

that Shoto likes soba.

I know nothing about my brother

'cause you didn't want him

to have anything

to do with us failures.


Ignore them, Shoto.

They live in a different world

than the one I'm

training you for.

For some reason,

Mom and Sis are both

ready to forgive you

for how you treated us.

But to me, you're still

the maniac bastard

who ruined our family.

You look like you're different,

but you don't act that way.

You neglected us.

Even if you're the

number-one hero,

that doesn't erase the past.

Mom's screams.

Shoto's crying.

What happened to our

big brother, Toya.

You may have had

a change of heart,

but you can't waltz in here

and think we'll accept you.

How disgusting can you be?

I plan to be your father now

and atone for what I did.

It's too late!

I'm sorry, Sis,

thanks for the food!




Come on.


Well, that went terribly.

Shoto started visiting Mom

on a regular basis,

and Dad is compromising

and making an effort.

Mom's even started

acting more cheerful.

I thought... maybe

we could act like

a real family

for once, you know.

I was just looking

forward to it so much,

weren't you? Weren't you, Shoto?

You know, I think that

was the first time

I've ever seen Natsu

show that much emotion.


Two days after the fight,

public opinions about

the number-one hero

continue to evolve rapidly.

You're sure that he's okay?

He was covered

in blood by the end.

I can't believe he

didn't arrest anyone

from the League.


I thought we already caught

a ton of those Nomu things.

Why was he having such

a hard time with one?


Despite his win...

Turn that thing off!


Do you know what

he's doing right now?

Endeavor's risking his

life for our sakes.

Look at him!

I used to be a huge

fan of Edge Shot.

But Endeavor's totally

my top hero after that.

I was actually

super excited to see

representation for fire-types.

I can't forget

"Look Boy's" passion!

Who's "Look Boy?"

Some new hero?

[NEWSCASTER A] The child now

known by the nickname "Look Boy"

struck a chord with many

during the fight.

However, we must not

forget that Endeavor...

That's the boy

I met on the street.

[NEWSCASTER A] ...ranked just

below the top hero, assisted.

[ENDEAVOR] A change

is coming. I can feel it.

Some unseen thing you

built up in your prime

is starting to crumble.

[MAN C] It's the dawn

of the Age of Endeavor.

[TODOROKI] Endeavor,

the top hero, was amazing.

[TODOROKI] But, that's

not who's standing here.

I have to agree

with what Natsu said.

I still can't forgive you

for what you did to Mom.

And that's my choice to make.

As for being my "father?"

I'll have to watch your actions

to see if you earn that.

Because I know something

small can change a person.

If they want it to.

[ENDEAVOR] I didn't become

Number One the way I wanted to.

So my hero work is

tainted with shame.

What is my power even for?

[ALL MIGHT] Why is it so

important to be the strongest?

Tell me, Endeavor.

I'm sure you have a reason.

If you look inside yourself.

[ENDEAVOR] When he said that,

what suddenly came to mind

was one resounding thought.

"I must guarantee their future."

[ENDEAVOR] If that's the job

of the pro at the top...

[ENDEAVOR] ...then I've

failed with my own family.

[ENDEAVOR] How can I demand

forgiveness after so long?


Dad? You haven't eaten yet.

I want you to know.

I'm sorry for everything.


And I should have

handled that conversation

with Natsuo differently.


Even if it is too late,

I'll try to make amends.

It's my only path forward.

[IZUKU] That same night,

after basic physical training,

I worked on One For All

until I was exhausted.

And passed out

on top of my sheets.

[IZUKU gasps]


I had a dream.

There was a beautiful woman

with a fierce expression

on her face next to me.

Beyond her were other people

I didn't recognize at first.


Wait, they're...

[IZUKU] I'd had a vision

like this before.

But this dream was much

clearer than that one.

They were the vestiges

of One For All.

I can't talk, but I can

move my right arm.

What's up with my feet?

There are two more

I can't make out.


One person improves the power.

Then hands it off

to another person.

It continues to grow

as it's passed along.

It is this cultivated

power that allows me

to save those who are

in need of a hero.

The truth behind my strength.

[IZUKU] These are the

successors of One For All.

Every inheritor.

Seven people.

Eight including me.

Every person who's

ever used the Quirk

except its original wielder!


Stand at my side.


Dear, foolish little brother.

Why do you resist me?

[IZUKU] That voice!

I'll never forget it.

All For One!

[ONE FOR ALL] Because what

you're doing is wrong.

I refuse to stand by and watch

as you corrupt

everything around us!

[IZUKU] All For One called

him "little brother."

Is he the first?


What a callous thing to say.

I'm trying to

compromise with you.

But let me guess:

tolerance is not part of your

rigid sense of "justice."

The world is falling

apart right now;

it's in utter chaos,

but Meta powers

shouldn't be used to

further self-interest.

You're only thinking

about how you can

fulfill your own desires!

[IZUKU] Neither of them

have noticed me.

Am I seeing the past reenacted?



[ALL FOR ONE] This man's

jaw was transformed.

Those wretched fangs

simply won't stop growing.

He's a kind-hearted

man who takes care

of his elderly parents.

But he was persecuted.

Called "sick" and "a monster."

Even his parents

have abandoned him.

This man has no abilities.

On his way home

from work one evening,

he was att*cked

by a g*ng of Metas.

His stun g*n was

rendered useless,

and the tentacle-like hair

of an assailant held him down

as he was beaten.

No, don't! There's

no turning back--

[ONE FOR ALL coughs]

Please help me.

Just do it.

[ALL FOR ONE] If I'm ever in

need, will you lend me your aid?

Yes, of course I will.

I can go home. Thank you.

I'll help, too.

I'm forever in your debt

after this gift.

Is this the world

you call chaotic?

It doesn't seem so

to me, brother.

I saw two people in need

and helped both of them

using my ability.

I'm no fool. You don't

care about them;

you're just adding lackeys

to your collection.

I do need people I can

trust and depend on.

For someone so concerned

with righteousness, though,

why do you ignore the joy

my power brings them?

The concept of humanity

is broken in this world.

I can use my power to

restore a sense of order.

So which one of us

is actually indulging

in self-interest, would you say?

What kind of order is it

if you're taking

advantage of people?

Do you even remember how many

innocents you've toyed with

before you abandoned them?!

[ONE FOR ALL groans]


You'll lose your tongue

before you insult him again.

Ah. Do try to be careful.

My little brother has

a weak constitution.

Poor thing, born without

any meta abilities.

Without power, you can't

hope to achieve anything.

You're a pitiful hypocrite,

but I still love you.

I hope you know that.

You are my only family.

[ALL FOR ONE] I will give

you everything you want

if you agree to join me.

You have my word.

Choice to those without power.

Mercy to those who have sinned.


You've stopped eating again.

You're disintegrating

into nothing.

[ONE FOR ALL coughs]


I refuse to become

the man you want me to be.

But you should have been there.

You should have seen them fall.

All of them.

They let their powers

go to waste.

Formed factions.

Rose against me.

That's why they

had to be k*lled.

But it wasn't by my hand

that they lost their lives.

My multitude of adoring friends

took it upon themselves

to spite the wicked

and act on my behalf.

I couldn't be more thrilled.

The suggestion of a desire

and people act for me.

A fantasy come to life.

It's like the world

from the comic

we read together back

when we were young.

Except you gave up

and only read

through volume three.

You missed the end.

The demon king ruled

that fictional land,

but a hero of justice

struggled against him despite

the horrible odds

and saved the world.

Don't you know?

The villain always

loses in the end.



Dreams have become reality.

And reality doesn't

follow stock plots.

I believe it's time you

finally bend to my cause.

I'll rewrite your story as well.

Because you are dear

to me, brother.

Let me go!

I've found a meta power for you.

Even your pathetic body

can utilize it.

You will join me.

Please, brother!


You're the ninth wielder, right?

[IZUKU gasps]

[ONE FOR ALL] I'm sorry.

I wanted to show you more,

but you're barely using

percent of the power yet.

Be careful.

We're long past

the singularity point.

[IZUKU grunts]


Don't be afraid.

You are not alone.

[IZUKU panting]


Here's the preview!

Even though I'm confused

by the changes in One For All,

I have to take part in a

new form of combat training.

It's a match between

Class A and Class B.

Whatever happens,

I'll control my Quirk and win,

no matter what!

Next time: "Clash!

Class A vs. Class B!"

What? The special

participant is... you?

Holy whoa!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!