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01x02 - Homewrecker

Posted: 03/27/23 07:39
by bunniefuu



WOMAN: (WHISPERING) It's a shame.
Someone should've saved those boys.

WOMAN TWO: We're losing
him, Dr. Sullivan.

- What...
- MAN: Why is she here?


LOLA: Why are you here?


Don't go.

Don't go. (ECHOING)





Scott, it's... it's Maggie.

I've thought about it and
I think I need to come home.

I can't just sit here and do nothing

while she tries to discredit me.

It's my reputation and...

situations tend to resolve quickly.

Listen. I'll call the hospital.

See what they wanna do.

I'll let you know once there's news.



Oh. You don't have any aspirin.

Come on, Sully. Expired?



- Really?


You got this.

♪ Is this as good as it's gonna get? ♪

♪ I've given all I can give ♪

♪ But the rivers still
get wider, wider ♪

♪ We've been here all along ♪

♪ Through the valleys we carry on ♪

♪ The journey takes us higher, higher ♪

♪ This could be a home
if we try to build it ♪

♪ This could be a life
that's one in a million ♪

♪ All the hard times,
yeah, they were worth it ♪

♪ Time, and time, and time again ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh ♪

♪ Oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh,
oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh ♪

♪ Time, and time, and time again ♪


♪ I never know what to say ♪

♪ And I don't know if
there will be a day ♪

♪ Where I talk too much ♪

♪ But I hear a lot ♪


♪ I always know when to go ♪

♪ I always know when to move fast or ♪

♪ Slow ♪


♪ Steady will the wind blow ♪

Come on.

♪ But will I run out of breath ♪

♪ If I take too many steps? ♪

♪ Will my head ♪

♪ Get tired of turnin'? ♪


PHOEBE: Maggie.

Walter and I spoke about the lawsuit

and he really wants to
help you out on this.

Now, he has left word at
MacMillan, Bosworth, and Schultz.

They are the best in the business.

I have a lawyer, Mom.

Well... thank... let...

They said to tell you

that you shouldn't worry
about this lawsuit at all.


They are the best in
the business, sweetheart!

- You're breaking up.

PHOEBE: Can... hear... me?

I can't hear you. I'll just...

I'll call you when I get back, okay?

Thank you.

- How's your morning going?
- Ugh, great, thanks.

You look like you could use a coffee.

Hey, I got a fresh pot goin'.
Want me to get you some?




Sorry. Do you mind?

I just... I have a bit of a headache.

Sorry. It's a nervous habit.

I make you nervous?

Pshh. Not at all.

I gotta head out, Rob.

I gotta go help Sully
with some things today.

Here you go. Keep the change.

- BOTH: Cheers.
- See ya later.

I hope your day gets
better, Dr. Sullivan.

What's his story?

- Cal?
- Mm.

Nice guy. Don't know much more really.

Helps Sully out. Keeps to himself a lot.


- Rob.
- Yeah?

Finn's gonna be late again
if you don't leave right now.

Ah, sh**t. I didn't realize the time.

You got everything?

- Yes, I do.
- EpiPen?

- Yep.
- SYDNEY: Homework?

- ROB: Got it.
- Lunch?

Right! Thanks.

- Love you, sis.
- Love you too.

Thought you were heading back home.

Yeah, change of plans.

- Why?
- Mm.

So, are you gonna tell me
what's goin' on, or what?

I don't know where I'd start.

How about the beginning?

One of the partners at my practice

has been indicted for billing fraud

and my reputation is collateral damage.

And then last night, I found
out that I'm also being sued

by a mother of one of my patients.

Wow. Okay.

- I was not expecting that.
- Yeah, me neither.

So, what are you gonna do?


I mean, I can't go back to work

until I've been officially
cleared of any wrongdoing, so, I...

How long will that take?

I don't know. It depends
if it goes to trial.

Wait. You think it'll go that far?

I hope not.

I mean, I didn't do anything
wrong, but you just...

You never know with these things.

What about you?

I thought you'd be in Milan or New York.

- Yeah, I was in New York.
- How come you came back?

Apparently dating your
manager when you're a model

is not a good career move.

Who knew?

So, when Rob called
and told me about Sarah,

I decided to come back and help.

One year turned into
two, and then three.

After a while, I realized
I was not going anywhere.


You know how this place is.

Once you're here, it's hard to leave.

- WOMAN: S'cuse me.
- Oh.

Oh, I see you decided to
have breakfast at the Outpost?

Picked up some muffins at the bakery.

When I got home, you were gone.

Right. Uh...

Want some?

I'm good. Thank you.

Uh, do you have a fax machine?

Uh... I don't know.

It's back there somewhere.
What do you need it for?

Oh, I have to get some
medical records sent up.

No E-mail at that
fancy hospital of yours?

Standard practice. Privacy laws.

- Hey, Maggie?
- Mm?

When you're finished,

I'm gonna need you to
restock the shelves.

You know the rules. No freeloaders.


- What?

Morning, Edna. What is that smell?

Fish. (SIGHING) It's the fridge.

Told Sully we needed a new
one, but he wouldn't listen.

This old thing has been here
as long as Frank and I have.

So that should tell you somethin'.

Like I don't have enough to do.

Today's my day to check in on Roy.

I even made him a lobster casserole.

But, I guess you didn't come in here

to hear me complain.

Can I borrow a pen and some paper?


Thank you.

Sully said you might have
a fax machine in here?

Yeah. It's in there.


You look like a woman on a mission.

Yeah, somethin' like that.

Do you know how this thing works?

Oh, it's been a while.

There might be a manual in
there somewhere, or here.

Oh, look who showed up.

Sorry. Forgot to set my alarm.

That's twice this week. No more excuses.

You work here? You show up on time.

- Won't happen again.
- Better not.

Oh, and that fancy lady
from Beacon Hill came by.

Told her to wait for you
down at the practice site.

Oh, thanks.

Oh, and can you help Maggie with that?


- Oh, come on.
- What is that?

- A fax machine.
- A what?

- A fax...

Uh, never mind. Thanks.

- Okay.

- Hey! Whoa, Jackson.
- Sorry.

Where's the fire?

I'm just late to meet a client. Sorry.

Mornin', Edna. How you doin'?

- Good?
- Yeah, good.

All right, uh, I need
some hiking socks, matches,

and a loaf of bread if you have it.

- I'll get that for you.
- Thank you.

- MAGGIE: Oh, come on.

- Ow!

Come on.

Can I help you?

You look like you could use a hand.

I'm fine.


It's obviously broken, so...


Uh, you mind if I...

- There you go.

You're welcome.

- Here you go.
- Can you put it on my tab?

- Yeah, of course.
- Beautiful, thank you.

- See ya.



- That man is so annoying.


Oh! Come on.


Are you gonna tell me
what's got you so wound up?

Uh, it's complicated.

Most things are.


I'm being sued for negligence.

Oh, no, Maggie.

I swear that I did
everything by the book.

- I don't know what happened.

I just... I feel like I've
always had complete control

over everything, and then,
all of a sudden, it just...

M'Chi, I've known you
since you were in diapers.


If you say you did your best,

then I know you did.

Things look really bad right now,

but they'll sort themselves out.

They always do.

You just gotta light some sage,

and put one foot in front of the other.


And remember that
we're all here for you.

No matter what. Okay?


Now, you done feelin'
sorry for yourself?

I need some help with the fridge.

- I've missed you.

So, I was just thinkin' about somethin'.

Yeah, what's that?

Well, I'm not sayin', "I'm just sayin',"

but we could learn from Mother Earth.

What are you on about?

She nurtures and heals her children.

I can't fix what's already done, Frank.

Been too long.

You know what they say at the meetings.

"Nothin' Changes if Nothin' Changes."

(SIGHING) And nothing gets done

if I stand around here
listenin' to you jabberin' on.

Sully's not gonna like you
messin' with his system.

Chaos is not a system, Edna.


- Oh.
- Hi, James Fish.

We met earlier, when my
husband and I checked in?

The Honeymooners. Tawnsii!

I remember you.

- Is that Mi'kmaw?
- Uh, no, it's Cree Michif.

But, isn't this Mi'kmaq territory?

It is.

I'm Métis from Treaty territory.

And my husband, Frank,
is Cree from Treaty ,

but we're guests on this
land just as much as you are

and she is.

But, I'm surprised to see
you out of your cabin so soon.

Right. Well, about that.

- Is there a problem?
- It's my husband, Jim.

Mm-hm? He okay?

He's gone out to the car
and won't come out again.

Why's that? (LAUGHING)

Well, for a start, there's no hot water.

Oh, well, we were havin' work done.

It should be back to normal now.

That's terrific, but I don't think

he can deal with the
rust stains in the shower.

He does know this is
a campground, right?


Our friends Mindy and Cathy stayed here

for three weeks last summer

and they've been going
on about how great it is.

I remember them. They are lovely ladies.

They even sent us a
card for the holidays.

They kept talking about how
this was the most welcoming

and inclusive place they'd ever been.

It's what we're known for.

We like to treat our guests like family.

So, if there's anything you can do,

I'd really appreciate it.



It's a VIP cabin, brand new.

- How much?
- Consider it a wedding present.

- Thank you!

You just saved my marriage.

Give me a few minutes
to make it perfect.

I'm surprised you
managed to convince Sully

to build new cabins.

Well, we thought it would
help attract new customers.

Did it?

Not as many as we'd hoped.

You know, I remember Sully
being more organized than this.

He was.

He let himself go a little ever since...

Since when?

Ever since your mother took you away.

(CHUCKLING) Didn't think he cared.

Maggie, how can you say that?

He was heartbroken when you left.

Well, why didn't he come after me then?



Hello? Scott?


Oh, wait. Don't hang up.

I'll find better reception.

Yeah, look. You're breaking up.

I'll give you a call back later.

N-N-N-No, wait. Um, how about now?

(SCOTT ON PHONE): Oh, there you are.

Listen, I just wanted to call you

and let you know I spoke
to the insurance company.

They're going to offer a settlement.

A settlement?

But I... I didn't do anything wrong.

it's standard practice.

You won't have to accept any blame.

I'll call you back once
I hear more from them.

- Bye.
- Okay.



I never should have said what I said.

I was an idiot.

I wanna be there for you. So, call me.

I love you. I don't wanna fight.

- Uh, just a sec!


- Um...
- Can I do something for you?

Sorry, yeah, I just...
Lola called Sully.

He asked me to come over and grab you.

Roy fell and hit his head.

Oh, you should call an ambulance.

Well, there's only one
and it's out on a call.

There's no one else here to help.

Okay. Um, just give me a minute.

I'll meet you outside.

Here you go. The last course.

Thank you.

- JAMES: This is nice.

Have you heard how Roy's doin'?

Oh, I'm sure Maggie has a handle.

FRANK: Looks like you did
your magic with those two.

Yeah, I thought they could use

a little somethin'
special to help celebrate.

When was the last
time we had a hot date?

Why? We see each other every day.

- What?

(LAUGHING) Nothing.

MAGGIE: Roy's your grandfather?

Yeah, I found him like this
when I got here, and I tried,

but I couldn't stop the bleeding.

- Can I take a look, Roy?

Head wounds are a little bit tricky

'cause the blood vessels
are so close to the surface,

but, this doesn't look too
deep, so a little bit of pressure

and it should stop bleeding on its own.

Can you get me some bandages,

some gauze, maybe some medical tape?

I don't live here, but I'll look.

Here, let me give you a hand.

Oh, and some antiseptic if you have it.

- Okay.
- Something happened?

Can you just hold on to
this tight for me, Roy?

I just need to check your pulse.

Oh, okay. (GROANING)

Do you remember me? We met at Sully's.

I always liked Sully. He's a good man.

You feeling okay, Roy?


- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Um, he feels a little sweaty
and his pulse is a bit weak.

- Can you get me some juice?
- Oh, sure.

I'm just gonna clean this,
and then we'll bandage you up.

- Okay?
- Okay.


CAL: Oh, Roy.


Hey, there's a lot of
untouched food in his fridge.

I don't think he's eaten very much.


Can you drink this down for me, Roy?

(GROANING) No, I don't think I can.

My stomach's not too good lately.

Uh, can you hold this
tight for me, please?

- Yeah, yeah.
- I'd like to examine your belly.

- If that's all right, Roy?


- That hurts, huh?

- Oh, yes.
- Tender right quadrant.


How long has your grandfather
been having abdominal pain?

No, I don't know.

He didn't mention anything to me.

I-I have to go to pick
up Ruthie at the salon.

Oh, hey, Roy, Roy, Roy,
Roy. Why don't you sit back?

Sit back. How about this?

I'm gonna go grab Ruthie
for you, but first,

I need you to let
Maggie here fix you up,

while you tell me about Ruthie.

Oh, okay.

Well, she's a real
firecracker, my Ruthie.

She keeps me on my toes,

and she's got the best laugh,

but if she doesn't like you,
you'd better watch yourself.



Hey, Grandad.

My Ruthie's gone.

Isn't she?

(CRYING) I miss her so much.

- LOLA: I know.

I know. Me too.


LOLA: I do too.

I'm so sorry, Grandad.


I've got his bleeding under control,

but I think you should
take Roy to see a doctor

about his abdominal pain.

- LOLA: Okay, yeah.

I'll give them a call as
soon as you guys leave.

- LOLA: Granddad!

- Grandad!
- Roy?

MAGGIE: We should call that ambulance.

- Let's get him some help.
- What's going on?

- - OPERATOR: - - .
What's your emergency?

Yeah, hello?



MAGGIE: There's head trauma,
loss of consciousness, fever,

stomach tenderness, nausea.

He may be presenting signs
of a urinary tract infection,

and it might have already
spread to his kidneys.

So, he's gonna need urinalysis
with sensitivity and culture,

and, he'll need to be on
antibiotics right away.

Got it.

I don't understand. He
fell and hit his head.

I think he fell because he's weakened

from an underlying infection.

So I'll call ahead, see if
they can order a stat CT scan.

If we triage him, we
should be able to get him

straight into imaging.

- Great.
- Is he...

Is he gonna be okay?

An infection like this
can be very serious

for someone your grandfather's age.

That why he wasn't eating?

Might also explain some
of his recent confusion.

I should've never left him alone.

- All right, you comin', Lola?
- Yeah.

I'll get us there as quick as I can.

Nice work, Dr. Sullivan.

Looks like field medicine
might agree with you after all.


Well, uh, thank you.

It was really nice what
you did for Roy today.

Helpin' him out.

No, it was nice to feel needed again.

I wanna apologize if I...

... maybe I came off
a little rude earlier.

- Which time?
- All right, yeah.

I'm just jokin'.

- I deserve that.

- Well, yeah.

No, I think, just, you know,

coming back here after all these years,

it's... it's been a little overwhelming.

- How long's it been?
- Give or take years.

Wow. Fifteen years.

Well, that is a long time.

Yeah, my mother brought me
to live with her in Boston

when she split up with Sully.

That had to be hard.

Having to leave your father,
and... and this place.

Yeah, it was.

So, why do they call
you "The Mystery Man"?

I didn't know they did.

- Mm.

All right, well, is
Cal short for anything?

Mm, yeah, I don't think we
know each other well enough

for me to tell you that just yet.

Fine. Be that way.

Uh, thanks for the ride.



- Not it.
- I'm gonna get it.


♪ Find you in the morning ♪

♪ With your eyes open wide ♪

♪ Today, every window ♪

♪ Is as big as the sky ♪

♪ Wait until tomorrow ♪

♪ For the words to ask me why ♪

♪ We start at the beginning ♪

♪ I could count the ways ♪

♪ 'Til they fill every hour ♪

♪ All the space between ♪

♪ Every then and every now ♪

♪ Or I could count the days ♪

♪ But I know each one is ours ♪

- Okay, see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.

- Be on time.
- I will, I will.

♪ Start at the beginning ♪

♪ Find you in the morning ♪

♪ With your eyes open wide ♪

♪ Today every window is as big... ♪

- You ready?
- What's all this?

I thought we'd have
a romantic dinner too.

It's not as fancy, but
this is the best chowder

you can find in short notice.



♪ I could count the ways ♪

♪ 'Til they fill every hour ♪

I love you too.

So, how was your day?

It was okay, but, I'm a
little worried about Sully.

Why's that?

You know, Maggie comin'
home, it's a lot on him.

I know it's tempting, but
it's none of our business.

It's between them.

I know. I know.

Okay, subarachnoid hemorrhage...

Intracranial vessel... dural membrane...

I thought you might be hungry.


What is it?

"The Sully Special,"
an old family recipe.

Looks a lot like egg
salad sandwich to me.

Uh, did you check the expiry date

on that mayo?

I've seen the inside of your fridge.


(SIGHING) Mayo doesn't expire, Maggie.

That's a myth. (SIGHING)

Mm-hm, not bad. That reminds me.

I tossed all your expired
blood pressure medication

I found in your bathroom.

Might wanna think about
calling your doctor

for a more current prescription.

I'm good. Don't need it.



So, what's all this anyway?

Uh, I'm being sued by the
mother of one of my patients.

What for?

Her son died of a brain
aneurysm post-treatment.

- She's blaming me.

But, I mean, I'm going
through everything,

and I don't see anything else
I would have done differently.

(SIGHING) Poor woman.

I just don't understand
why she's doing this to me.

Maybe it's not about you, Maggie.

She's devastated.

Losing a child...

There's nothin' worse that
could happen to a parent.



I should be gettin' to bed.

(SIGHING) Been a long day.

- Night.
- Sully?

- Thanks.
- For what?

Uh, for the sandwich.

No problem.

And, Sully...

Thanks for keepin' up the mural.

This is Kevin Markiff.

My mom can't figure out
how to use her voicemail,

so leave a message
for her after the beep,

and maybe she'll figure
out how to get to it.




Tequila sh*ts for me and Maggie.

(LAUGHING) Eh, why not?

- ROB: Okay.
- Your shift over?

SYDNEY: Yup, looks like
I made a grand total

of dollars and cents.

One of the many perks of
working in a small town.

- CLIFF: Come on.
- Shove a bum.

CLIFF: What else are we gonna do?

- Hey, thanks for the seat.

All right.

Oh, we're gonna need one more of those,

but, you can put it on her
tab, the gorgeous red head.


Hey, we rented a cabin on Highway ,

and we're thinkin' about havin'
a party if you wanna stop by.


It's, uh, got a Jacuzzi.

Room for four, you know?

I think you both have had
enough to drink tonight.

Oh, no. I'm not done.

I'm... I'm not even close.

Hold on. I got somethin' for ya.

- More sh*ts?

- Yeah, hey.
- What?

When I say you're done, you're done.

We're just on our way out.

- Good.
- No need to be so upset.

Come on, Cliff. Let's go.

- ROB: Bye.
- DARRYL: Let's go.

CLIFF: Bunch'a hicks.

- Sorry, Maggie.
- Meh.

Looks like tourist season's
started early this year.

- You ready?
- Oh, yeah.

Fresh sh*ts.

ROB: Here's one. There's two.

- Leave it.
- Oh, you are trouble.

- You know that?
- Mm-hm. (LAUGHING)

♪ Here I come ♪

♪ You're my favourite woman ♪

- Ooh!

Find out anything new about, uh, Cal,

after you two were lookin' after Roy?

Uh, no, he wouldn't even
tell me his full name.

Hm. Cal... vert?


Hey, Sydney. Maggie.

- Hey.
- Uh...

- Two schooners, please, man.
- You got it.

You're not wearing your uniform.

You know I can't wear
it when I'm not working.

Mm, that's too bad.

RAFE: I'll tell you what.

Could always put it on for
you later if you'd like.

- I'll think about it.
- Thanks, man.

ROB: Cheers.

Somethin' goin' on between you two?

You could say he's a friend.

- With occasional benefits.

- What about you? Who
keeps you warm at night?

His name's Andrew.
He's a general surgeon.

And we've been doing
the long distance thing

for about two years now.

Hm, sounds serious.

Oh, we were talkin' about
moving in together before I left,

but, uh, kinda on the fence now.

What's stopping you?

I don't know.

Well, I know one thing.
I'm happy to have you back.

Even if it's just for a little while.

To the good old days!

(LAUGHING) I'll cheers to that!

I needed that.


You, uh, care to dance?

I thought you'd never ask.

♪ If you're not here ♪

♪ If you're not here ♪

♪ Stay ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ It's a thin line ♪

♪ But I see you ♪

♪ It's a crazy life ♪

♪ And everybody wants ♪

♪ Somethin' new ♪

♪ The only thing I want ♪

♪ Is you ♪

♪ Hoo ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I'll lay it on then ♪

♪ Nothing can change my mind ♪

♪ If every story ends ♪

♪ Ours isn't over yet ♪

♪ I don't know anything ♪

♪ But I know you're meant for me ♪

♪ Stay ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ It's a thin line ♪

♪ But I see you ♪

♪ It's a crazy life ♪

♪ And everybody wants ♪

♪ Somethin' new ♪

♪ The only thing I want ♪

♪ Is you ♪

♪ The only thing I want ♪

♪ Is you ♪

♪ The only thing I want ♪

♪ Is you ♪

♪ Walk out the door ♪

♪ Just turn around now ♪

♪ 'Cause you're not welcome anymore ♪

♪ Weren't you the one who tried
to break me with goodbye? ♪

♪ You think I'd crumble? ♪

♪ Do you think I'd lay down and die? ♪

♪ Oh no, not I ♪

♪ I will survive ♪

♪ Oh, as long as I know how to love ♪

♪ I know I'll stay alive ♪

♪ I've got all my love to give ♪

♪ And I'll survive ♪

♪ I will survive ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪




I can't remember the last
time I had that much fun.

- SYDNEY: You're welcome.
- Bravo.

Catch up with you tomorrow?

What? You're leavin' already?

I gotta see a man in a uniform.


- RAFE: Are you okay?


- Hey, Rob.
- Mm-hm.

- Couple of beers, please.
- You got it.

- That was somethin'.

- On the house.
- Thanks.

You're welcome.

So, Calvin, I've been thinkin'

and maybe we could do a little do-over.

How can I say "no" after
a performance like that?


And I already told you it's not Calvin.

Didn't know you had it in you.

I guess there's a lot we don't
know about each other yet,

Callum. (LAUGHING)

- Fair.


I'm not used to being up
this late unless I'm on call,

and... and...

I guess I, uh...

I should probably, um,

get back.

Um, I think maybe I
should walk you home.

To make sure you get back safely.


- CAL: Okay, there you go.

Wait up.

- You know, I love these trees.
- Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I planted some
with Sully before I left.

- Really?
- Mm-hm.

All right. Good?



We don't have stars
like this in the city,

now, do we?

♪ So we dance alone in the moonlight ♪

Oh, I miss this.

♪ Just you and I ♪

♪ And the stars at night ♪

♪ Falling ♪

Okay, all right, one foot
in front of the other.

- Okay.
- Get you home, all right?

- I'm fine.

♪ Ah-ah ♪

There we go. Look at that.

You've made it.

Hey, uh, thank you for walking me home.

- It was my pleasure.

ANDREW: Maggie?


Andrew Mathews. I'm her boyfriend.

Hope I'm not interrupting anything.


- You are?
- Cal, Cal Jones.

Caliente here was just makin'
sure I made it home okay.

I may have had a little
bit too much to drink.

Yeah, I can see that.

I'll take it from here, Cal.

You have a nice night.



- I can't believe you're here.

Well, I miss you.

And I didn't wanna leave
things the way we did.

- I'm so glad to see you.

Great, you found each other.
Now, I can call it a night.

Thank you.


- Ooh.
- Oh!



Did you, uh...

- You paint this?
- Yeah, Sully and I did.

It was before he and
my mom got divorced.

- That thing I said.
- Hm?

About you and Bob.

I never should've said that.

No, you shouldn't have.

I know.

That really hurt.

I'm sorry.

♪ Campfire smoke ♪

♪ Try not to choke ♪

♪ We share stories ♪

♪ And sing along ♪

♪ Under the moon ♪

♪ Our vista blue ♪

♪ Summer chills ♪

♪ To fall ♪

♪ This is a life ♪

♪ Worth livin' ♪

♪ Washed in a slow ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ This is a life ♪

♪ Worth livin' ♪

♪ Waltz on a starry night ♪

♪ Do-do-do, do-do-do ♪

♪ Do-do-do, do-do-do,
do-do-do, do-do-do ♪

♪ Do-do-do ♪

♪ Do-do-do, do-do-do ♪

♪ Do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Took my hand ♪

♪ Under Kissimmee clouds ♪

I don't wanna lose you, Maggie.

♪ I was in my head, you pulled me out ♪

I love you.

♪ This is a life ♪

♪ Worth livin' ♪

♪ Washed in a slow sunrise ♪

- I'm really tired.


♪ Campfire smoke ♪

♪ Try not to choke ♪

♪ We share stories and sing along ♪

♪ Under the moon ♪

♪ Our vista blue ♪

♪ Summer chills to fall ♪