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OVAx05 - (D) Make It! Do-or-Die Survival Training, Part 2

Posted: 03/26/23 16:04
by bunniefuu
[IZUKU] This world is a
superhuman society,

with about percent
of the population

possessing some uncanny
ability called a "Quirk."

Those who stand up
against villains

who abuse their powers
for evil are called heroes.

They are our champions.

[IZUKU] Me and the rest of Class
-A started a training exercise

to help us prepare for the
provisional hero licensing exam.

It seemed like a
simple rescue mission.

But soon after we started
searching for the dummy

that was our target, the
underground mall we were in

began to collapse,
leaving us trapped.

While looking for an
escape route, my group met up

with Yaoyorozu and Iida, who
had been knocked unconscious.

[IZUKU] We did our best to
overcome each obstacle we faced

as we fought through
a maze of debris.

Finally, we reached the elevator
shafts to the surface.

We thought we were safe.

But our trials were
far from over.

No, the actual test
of whether or not

we could survive
was about to begin.

I see sunlight at the top.

Doesn't look like
anything's in the way.

We can float out of here!

Based on the map
we have of the building,

it looks like the elevator shaft
only goes up to level B .

So how is there sunlight?

From the collapse?

Maybe part of
the street fell in.

If so, we can probably climb
out of here pretty easily.

That would finally be
some positive news for us.

Yes. As long as we
have Ochaco's power,

getting to the surface
should be no problem.

All right. Let's get
a move on, then.

Wait a second, Uraraka.

Yaoyorozu, once you
get to the top,

will you throw down
a rope ladder for me?

Uh, sure, of course.

Oh, I see.

You're planning
to stay down here.

You are? But why?

There might be more of
our classmates in here

trapped by the fallen debris.

They could even be hurt like
Iida and unable to get out.

Go. I'll make sure
everyone's okay,

then send them to this exit.
Iida still needs our help.

Get him to Recovery Girl
as fast as you can.

We won't let you down.

Once he's safe,
make sure the teachers

know what's going on down here.

We will. Soon as we can.

It's dangerous. Be careful.

Deku. If things start
to look scary...

I'll be fine, promise not
to take any chances.

Right. Let's do this.

[TOKOYAMI] I wonder, why did
the lights come back on?

It could be that the emergency
power rebooted itself,

or it's possible that Denki
recharged the batteries.

Ah, I see. Kaminari, yes.

If that's the case,

somebody else told
him what to do.

So it must've been someone
who thinks quickly.

Yaoyorozu or Midoriya.

Unless... was him.

Bakugo! I found it!

The training dummy
that needs rescuing!

Nice! We nailed it!

Huh! Stupid citizen
making us go through

all this stupid extra work!
I'll beat you up later!

Easy there, man.

But how do we get him out?

If we grab him without a plan,
this whole pile of debris

could come raining down on us.

We'd end up buried.

What should we do, Bakugo?

Blow it to hell!

Huh? Whoa, whoa.

Didn't you hear
what I just said?

I thought I explained
it pretty clearly!

We'd be crushed!

Look! It's unstable!

Breathe too hard and
it could all collapse.

I know.

That's why we gotta
grab him before it does.

That makes no sense.

[KIRISHIMA] Kaminari, if it
wasn't a dummy over there

but a trapped human being
calling for help,

then what would you do?
Give up and say it's impossible?

But this isn't a real person.

It's training. I'm only saying

that we shouldn't have to risk
our lives to rescue a doll.

Bakugo's got an idea. Don't you?

Of course I do.

Then let's act fast.

That's the entire reason
we're down here.

We came to UA High
to become heroes.

Isn't that right, Kaminari?

Well, I guess so, but...

Stop complaining!

Let's hurry up and
save 'im, you extras!

[KAMINARI] At least
tell us your plan first!

[OCHACO gasps]
Look! Straight to the street!

[YAOYOROZU] Uraraka, get Iida
to Recovery Girl right away.

Asui, please go along with them
and report to Mr. Aizawa.

I'll stay here and
make the rope ladder.

[AIZAWA] Are you the only ones
who were able to escape?

Mr. Aizawa!

[KATSUKI] Ready, idiots?
Don't screw this up.

--[KIRISHIMA] I'm on it.

Just make sure you don't hit me!

Take this! AP Shot!

Go! Now!

I got him!

Watch out!


Die, die, die, die!


[IZUKU gasps] What the heck
was that? A collapse?

No, wait, it sounded
more like an expl*si*n.

On a lower floor, maybe.

[IZUKU gasps]
Could it be...?

That sound.

Must be Bakugo.

This building is
still on the verge

of falling in on itself.

How can he be so
reckless right now?

I believe that blast came
from somewhere below us.

[TODOROKI] Floor B .
That's the bottom level.

Of course he would be
in the most unstable area.

[TODOROKI gasps]
Bakugo was the one

who restored the
emergency power.

And he's the cause
of this expl*si*n.

Oh, come on.

Don't tell me he's
continuing the training

like nothing has happened.

[water hissing]


[whimpering] What should we do?

Fix it, fix it, fix it!

I told you guys we needed
to be careful down here!

Shut up!

No use whining, man!
Head for the stairs.

Where's this water coming from?

If we don't so something
fast, we're gonna drown.

Tell me you know
what to do, Bakugo!



Wait, so you're not
going to save them?

How can you leave them
down there, Mr. Aizawa?

Could the collapse

of the underground
mall have been...

[AIZAWA] ...within the expected
parameters of the exercise?

Just think for a minute.

If you can't get past
a simple crisis like this one,

it's unlikely that
you'll pass the exam.

Sure, but Iida got
hurt down there!

And our other classmates
might be trapped

and in need of help right now.

In that case, they're
no longer heroes.

They're victims in need
of assistance now.

So who will rescue them?

I'll get the rope ladder ready!

I can help, too!


[RECOVERY GIRL] Don't you think
this is a little much?

I've made arrangements
if things go poorly.


You have to break the
floor with Dark Shadow.

But I won't be able
to control him

if there's no light.

Then let me hold
him back for you.

Right, then. Dark Shadow!


I don't think
I can go any farther!

Oh, no, what now?

This way! Climb up, quick.


Nobody asked you for
your help here, Icy Hot.

Are you freaking
kidding me right now?

We were gonna die here.

A villain could be helping
us and I'd be happy.

Let's go. We have to move.

Bakugo, come on!

Stop pulling me!

Then start climbing!

[KAMINARI pants]
That was close.

I'll say. Thanks, guys.
You saved us.

We're happy to assist.


We can't relax yet.

The water in here is
gonna continue to rise.

I'll freeze it to the
best of my ability.

In the meantime,
the rest of you can escape.

By yourself?
I'll stay with you.

I appreciate the offer.

But your Quirks
aren't right for this.

I don't want you to get
caught up in the ice.

If you don't wanna
be a burden, then go.

Leave this to me.

As Todoroki is saying,

this is still a race
against the clock.

We should make haste.

Yeah. Right.

Always gotta be so cool, huh?
Fine, then we'll see you up top!


In a sprawling space like this,

I can only freeze so much.

But I'll make sure
I stall as long as I can.

So my classmates can escape.

[IZUKU pants]

It got cold all of a sudden.

[IZUKU] That could mean
Todoroki is using his ice.

Maybe to reinforce the building?

I need to get to
the bottom fast.

Even if I have to
force my way down!

Uh-- Midoriya?

Thank goodness.

I found you guys!
And so quickly!

How are you? Is anyone hurt?

No. We're okay.

Good, listen. Keep
heading up that way.

Once you find the elevator,
there'll be a rope ladder

you can climb to the top.
It'll lead you to the surface.

For real?

Okay, so maybe we
won't die down here.


[IZUKU] Tokoyami.
You were with Todoroki.

Do you know if he's
still in the mall?

Yes, and water is
flooding the structure.

He's holding it back
with his ice.

Does he think that's
even possible?

And that's not all.


Just a little more.

You can do it.


Hey, where's the ladder?

Did they pull it up?


And I heard
Kaminari's voice, too.

Are you guys okay?
Can you hear me?

Hear that? It's Uraraka!

[OCHACO] Hi! We're working
on the ladder now,

so hang on a little longer!

You got it!

I'm guessing
Yaoyorozu's the one

who's making it, right?

Sorry to put you
through this, but thanks!

No. My pleasure.

Plus Ultra. You know?

Please hold on.

It was a lot of water,
but it looks like

I was able to stop
it from rising.

Question is...

Why are you still here, Bakugo?

'Cause I don't wanna
owe you anything.

Let's just get up the
stairs while we can.

It's too late.

No way we're gonna be able
to walk outta here now.

[IZUKU] No matter how
amazing Todoroki's ice is,

I can't imagine he'll be able
to freeze every drop of water

that's gushing into
the bottom floor.

He's probably only been able
to freeze the top layer.

Which means water is still
building up underneath.

There must be
incredible pressure

below that sheet of ice.

It's like a time b*mb.
Force is building up below.

And as soon as it
gets strong enough,

the walls're gonna break
and pummel us with debris.

Worst-case scenario,

the whole underground mall
will end up collapsing.

Obviously I already predicted
that this would happen.

Oh, shut up!

But I still don't get
why you stayed behind.

Kacchan didn't leave

because he wants
to rescue Todoroki.

Which means...

He must have an idea of how to
get them outta this situation.

But what would he do?
If I were Kacchan... would I do this?

You've thought ahead, huh?
So what's your plan?

Listen carefully, you
Half-and-Half Bastard.

We use the water to escape.

I'm gonna blast
a hole in the ice.

That'll make a geyser for us.

[IZUKU] When the pressurized
water bursts through,

Todoroki can freeze
a layer at the top

for them to stand on
and ride upwards.

I'll keep sh**ting as we fly up.

We'll rocket through
every floor.

I bet we can even beat those
losers to the surface.

I understand the fundamentals.

But... can you focus
your explosions?

It'll have to be a precise shot
in order for this to work.

Don't question me!

No, even if it is Kacchan,

the chance of success
is pretty low.

With my sh**t Style, though,

I should be able to make a big
enough hole in the ice for them.

It'll be easy
thanks to Costume Gamma

that Hatsume made for me.

That and my increased stamina
let me up the percentage

of One For All I can control.

Kacchan! Todoroki!


Ah, great, what the hell

are you doing here,
you damn nerd?!

[IZUKU] Hold on.
I'll open a hole in the ice.

You little--

Just be ready to freeze
a platform for us to stand on.

Got it.

[IZUKU] Kacchan, make sure
you blast every ceiling.

Don't you dare
tell me what to do!

There's no time. Here I go!

[IZUKU] One For All:
Full Cowling, five percent!


[IZUKU yelps]

Die ceiling!

The next level!




I've got you!

[KATSUKI yells]

[KAMINARI yelps]



Reach for my hand.

[sighs] That was so scary.

Let's get going.

Yeah. Okay!

Nice catch!

Ribbit, ribbit.

Where am I?

[YAOYOROZU] Oh! Thank goodness
you're conscious again.

I'm so glad!

Yaoyorozu. What
happened to me?

The underground mall.

It collapsed during
our training.

Yes, that's right.

I remember.

You carried me out.

It must have caused a lot
of trouble for you.

I'm grateful.

No, I'm the one who should
be thanking you, Iida.

If you hadn't acted, I'm not
sure what would have happened.

It was nothing.

But where are the rest
of our classmates?



Kirishima, Kaminari, Tokoyami!

And Uraraka and Asui, too! Ha!

I told you to call me "Tsu"!

And Tsu, of course.
I'm so glad you're all safe.

But aren't we missing
three people from Team A?

Yeah, about that.

So water suddenly
started flooding

into the bottom of the mall.

Todoroki bought us some time
to escape by using his ice.

Bakugo stayed behind to assist.

And when Midoriya
heard that, he took off,

saying he was gonna
help save 'em both.

Wait, he did what?

You mean that the three of them
are all still down there?

I'm sure they're okay!

If Deku said he was
going to save them,

then it's because he knew
that he could save them.

And anyway,

Bakugo and Todoroki
are way strong!

They won't go down
without a fight.

Don't worry.

All three of them
are gonna be fine!

Yes, you're right. Okay.

Let's think about
all our Quirks.

How can we help them out?

I trust everyone here
wants to aid our classmates?

--[TSUYU] Ribbit!

We've totally got this.

Besides, if I know those guys,

they're already heading
toward the surface!

[TSUYU] Let's start
searching on floor B .



Hey. Midoriya. Wake up!


Are you injured?

I'll probably feel like
I got hit by a truck,

but I can still move all right.

What floor did we land on?

[IZUKU] We destroyed the ceiling
three times by my count,

so we're probably on level B .

That's good. We made
it pretty far up.

The water won't be able
to catch us now.

We're close to the surface.

It's all thanks
to you, Todoroki.

And Kacchan's blasts.
Wait, where is he?

What happened to Kacchan?

[IZUKU gasps]

Oh, no!


He's hurt!

Come on, you gotta
wake up! Kacchan!


Stop yelling in
my ear, ya idiot.

It's annoying.

Yeah, okay.

[TODOROKI] Bakugo. Lean on me
and Midoriya so you can walk.

We're almost out of here.

This injury's nothing.
I'm just fine on my own.

Don't push yourself.

I'll get out of here
without anyone's help.

Kacchan. We don't have
the time. Please.

Grab onto me.

Not a chance.

You have to!

[KATSUKI] I'm gonna walk out
by myself even if it kills me!

A guy who needs help for
a scratch like this is weak.

I'm never gonna be the
number-one hero if I can't--

You seem unsteady.

[KATSUKI] My feet just won't
do what I'm telling them to!

Kacchan. Gimme your arm.

Let go, Deku!

Come on!

You're dead.

Just let me help you!

You're the one who restored
the emergency power

to save us earlier. Aren't you?

To make it easier for
our friends to get out.

Yeah, right!

I just wanted to keep trying to
find that stupid training dummy.

[IZUKU] Then why did you stay
when everyone else left?

You wanted to save
Todoroki, didn't you?

Yeah, so I don't owe him.

And me. You saved
me back there, too.

Yes. He's right, Bakugo.

You see? So please
let us help you now.

To pay you back.

In your dreams.


You can be my cane!


You heard me.

Be my cane so I can
walk outta here myself.

[IZUKU] Oh, right, okay.
Sure. No problem.

Canes are silent!

[IZUKU] Sorry! Not
another peep, I swear!

[KATSUKI] And you're
still talking, dammit!

[IZUKU muffled grunting]

I swear, if one more word
comes out of your mouth,

I will explode you, got it?

We're almost to
the surface now.

Can you make it?

Yeah, we're good.

I said not to talk!

Look! Yay!


[AIZAWA] I will build
many walls in front of you

in order to prepare you for
the provisional licensing exam.

Break them down.
Overcome them.

Go beyond. Plus Ultra.