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04x16 - (D) Win Those Kids' Hearts

Posted: 03/26/23 15:52
by bunniefuu

As I recovered from the raid,

Kacchan and Todoroki

continued their

provisional license training.



Hey! It's UA!

[CAMIE] Ooh! Who's this

smoldery-looking two-toned boy?

You're, like, super hot.

I'm crazy psyched to train

with a total babe like you.

Camie, this is beneath you!

As a Shiketsu student,

you mustn't fraternize

with such failures.

Hold on! You failed the

first test we took, loser.

I received permission

to observe,

so I'm here to judge you!

Stupid meat, you're dead!

My name's Seiji Shishikura!


It's about time we got started.

[g*ng ORCA]



Shall we make today's training

a little bit more interesting?


Hey, Todoroki.

What kinda food do you like?

Soba. Cold.

Man. I like my

noodles pipin' hot!

And I prefer udon.

We're very different.

[YOARASHI] No way! I feel

like we've gotten closer!


I've told you this before,

you don't have to try

to force us to be friends.



That guy's ridiculous.

[MERA] So, we rented out this

sports center in order

to put you through some

specialized training. [yawns]

Sorry 'bout that,

I've actually been afraid

of falling asleep recently.

I'm Mera. Today will

be fun. [laughs]


That doesn't sound good.

[MERA] Oh, one more

thing before we begin.

Up until now,

we've had ten people

in this remedial training class.

But starting today,

we'll have .

Let's snag some seats

up front. Get a better view.

Maybe it'd be smarter

if we stayed in the back.

I don't wanna distract them.



You never should've

failed the initial exam

in the first place!

Show these weaklings

that you're

in a completely

different league!


What? No way.

[TRAINEE A] It's Endeavor!

The number-two hero!

Or, wait. He's the

number-one hero now.

Seriously? That's kinda random.

Why's he here?


Move it. You're in my way.

Wait a minute!

Look who's standing next to him!

Are you guys seeing this?

Whoa! All Might!

So much for keeping

a low profile.

They came to watch us?

So cool!


This is nuts.

[TRAINEE A] Well, he is

a teacher at UA right now.

Yeah, if everyone

could just calm down.

I wasn't finished.

This girl will be

joining us from now on.

Hey, second year at Shiketsu.

The name is Camie. Hi, everyone!

Right, so like the rest of you,

she made it to the second exam.

And she did well enough to take

this supplemental class.

But some foggy memories

leading up to the first test

made it difficult to place her.

That's why she hasn't

participated until now.

They said "totes" to

making an exception for me

which is so wicked

coolio, you know?

So anywhos, let's keep it fresh!

[TRAINEES] I have no idea

what she just said.

Camie's idiocy knows no limits.

Let's just call her upbeat.

Just think about it.

Her flighty personality made

her the perfect target.

She didn't even understand

that something had gone wrong.

I failed the test?

I don't even remember

taking a test.

And you're saying I slept

for four whole days?

Ohmygosh, so embarrassing.

People did report

she was speaking

and acting in

uncharacteristic ways.

And we found anesthetics

in her blood, too.

But the reports

from the yakuza raid

are what really put

things into perspective.

I can't believe someone

impersonated her.

The League of Villains.

To think I didn't notice my

classmate was replaced.

I am nothing but

a pathetic fool.

Well, it's not like

the heroes or police

realized what was

going on, either.

We need a new Symbol of Peace.

Before things get

even more dangerous.

[MERA] Right, then. Let's

bring in your instructor.


g*ng Orca.

[g*ng ORCA] So, I've got even

more disappointments today.

What shame you must feel

to be standing before me.

Given how easy the exam was.


About time he showed.

Those failures were

looking too relaxed.


Did he forget he bombed

the first exam or is he just

pretending it never happened?

[g*ng ORCA] There's something

I've realized while

observing your

training thus far.

There's nothing heroic

about any of you!

You're bottom feeders!

Nothing but rotten fish turds!


Sir, yes, sir!

[g*ng ORCA]

I can't hear you.


Sir, yes, sir!


Dang is he scary.

[g*ng ORCA]

Especially you!

Do you even want to be a hero?

Well, first of all,

I'm not a fish turd.

[g*ng ORCA]


How can a pile of excrement

help humanity prosper?

Technically fertilizer

is integral to--

[g*ng ORCA]


[g*ng ORCA]

Do you expect to be praised

just because you have

powerful att*cks?

Sir, yes--

[g*ng ORCA]


I am well aware that

the three of you

have impressive

combat abilities.

But that's all you have.

Your behavior is unacceptable.

You're disrespectful to

those in need of rescue

and ignore your enemies

to compete with one another.

Today, we will put you

through a special trial.

It's time you start

training a new muscle.

The one that beats

in your chest!

If you hold out a hand

as someone in trouble,

will they take it?

Not as you are now!

It's fine to have fangs,

but when a life is on the line.

You must have trust!

[g*ng ORCA]

You need a special connection

with the person you're

trying to rescue.

Remember that as

you train today.

Now, meet your opponents!

Through this

life-or-death battle,

show that you can come to

an understanding with them!

That's the hurdle you face!

--[KIDS yell]

--[BOY A] Wow! Real heroes!

[KIDS shouting]

Calm down. No need to run.


You're dumb! Bombs are lame!

Please, children! I need you

to try to listen and behave!

[g*ng ORCA] These kids are from

Masegaki Elementary School.

Don't worry.

We're taking responsibility

for your students now.

Thank you for your

help, Mr. Orca.

We're what?!

--[TAKUTO cries]

--[BOY C] Hey, look!

This mean guy made Takuto cry!

Who do you think

you are, b*mb man?

Suck it up, brat!

Oh, so you're one of those.



A grown up who thinks

they can get their way

by yelling, by not

letting anyone else

get a word in edgewise.

Well, we're not

impressed by that.

Who the hell's this punk?


Hey, what's this stupid thing?

Tell me! What is it, a wiener?

Um, excuse me, kid.

Weiner! It's a Weiner!

I assure you that it's not.

This is a first-aid treatment

for when help doesn't

arrive in time.




Don't try to hide it.

You're the five-wiener hero.

That your name?

Huh? Five Wienies?

You jerk! You're

dumb. Dumb jerk.

[BOY F] I'm stronger

than you are, loser!


I won't turn into him.

Huh? Hey! Don't you ignore me!


--[BOY F] Yeah! Down here.


Oh, sh**t! I got distracted!

Uh, yeah, so,

explain to me again

why I'm part of this group?

[g*ng ORCA] We didn't

get a chance to see you

in action at the exam.

Also, to be honest,

you seem like

you wouldn't be

very good at this.

Hey, whoa. That's so unfair.

There! Ya see?

I get along super

with kids. Owie.

That girl is trying

to seduce Sho.

I think the best thing

to do is ignore her.

[CAMIE] I didn't know

haters came this young.

[IKOMA] I'm sorry for

being such a burden.

My class is full

of problem children.

[IKOMA] No matter what I do,

they refuse to listen.

And they're already exasperating

your young heroes.

[g*ng ORCA]

Please don't worry, Ma'am.

Are you sure?

[g*ng ORCA] By day's end,

I believe my trainees

will have changed your students.


[g*ng ORCA] The four of you

will accomplish this together.

You must win the hearts

of these unruly youngsters.

What do we look like, nannies?

[g*ng ORCA]

Settle down!

The rest of you

will have a lecture

after your practical exercises.

Do you understand?


Sir, yes, sir!

[KIDS chattering]

[PRESENT MIC] That's it, the MC

in me can't take it anymore.

Where's the mood music?

And would it k*ll them

to have some kinda

color commentary?

Mic, this is a class,

I'm not sure we're

really supposed to--

I don't care,

someone's gotta inject

some soul into this complete

buzzkill, All Mighty.

Now! Let's get

this party started.

Oh, yeah!

The smackdown between

the future heroes

and the rugrats has begun!

Okay, my little homegirls.

Let's have fun.

Ladies, let's go.

We're gonna forget this floozy.

Yeah, let's get outta here.

I appreciate you giving

me time to process.



So. Y'wanted to talk?

To be honest with you,

I'm not sure what there

is to say between us.


Just listen.

The number of crimes committed

in the past month

went up three percent

in comparison to

the last few years.

Of course,

I resolved more incidents

than anyone else.

Besting my own personal records.

And yet... I can feel it.

Some unseen thing

that you built up

in your prime...

is beginning to crumble.

What does it mean

to be a symbol?

That's what I want

to know. All Might.

Give those back!

They aren't toys, ya damn brats!

Did they really swipe your

gauntlets that easily? How?

I took them off because

it's too dangerous

to keep the things on.


I mean, "winning

your hearts" is, like,

super vague, you know?

What are we even supposed

to be doing here?

This is way weird.


[PRESENT MIC] Team Fish Turds

looks like they've completely

lost the beat and are

flailing like flounder!

Try not to go overboard.

This is still a training course.

Roger that, yo!

Let's hear from their teacher.

Got any special requests?

What do those kiddos need?

So much.

These early elementary

school years

are an important time for

character development.

Because the difference

between children's Quirks

has a huge effect

on their self-esteem,

we offer counseling

in order to support

healthy emotional growth.

But counseling

is not a cure-all.

The students in this

class have completely

closed their hearts to us.

I understand that this

is my responsibility.

But, still,

I hope meeting heroes

who're working hard

to achieve their dreams

will help lead these kids

down a more respectable path.

There's no time for us

to bicker with each other.

We have to save them.

In other words,

all we have to do is

make friends. No problem!

[KATSUKI] Let's get this

babysitting over and done with.

I'm ready to go back

to some actual training!

[PRESENT MIC] Maybe try not

to make that angry face, Bakugo!

[g*ng ORCA yells]

[PRESENT MIC] Now, how will UA's

walking expl*si*n handle this?

The stupid teacher

didn't fulfill her role

as a leader, so the brats ended

up taking over the class.

This isn't something

that just happens.

If they're not listening to her,

then somebody else

must be in charge here.

There's definitely some

kind of "boss" kid

these little monsters

are following.

We just gotta figure

out who it is.

And then?

[KATSUKI] We beat 'em up

and hang 'em from a post

to make an example

out of the punk.

Then we make the kids

throw rocks at 'em.

It'll be the most

effective way to make them

realize what an insignificant

pest their leader is!

I thought the idea

was for us to be nice.

Wow. Bakugo certainly

has a unique perspective.

Whichever one of you is

the strongest, step up!

Come fight me!


Dial it back, son!

Such an outdated and violent

way of solving problems.

[KATSUKI growls]

You're showing

your true colors.


Burned by an ankle biter!

Enough already! Just bring it!

Um, sir. Please forgive

me if this comes across

as ungrateful, but are

the kids gonna be okay?

Just sit back and

watch the show.

Delinquents aren't

in fashion, you know.

The hell they're not!

Getting to know

each of the kids

is the fastest way

to becoming friends.

Who wants to be a hero?


Shiketsu takes the stage!

--[BOY G] I do!

--[GIRL C] They're cool!

[BOY E] Yeah, I wanna

be super strong! Me!


Playing with children

might be something

Inasa excels at.

His passion always cheers

up those around him.

Perhaps he'll pull this off.


started a running commentary.

Present Mic must've

rubbed off on him.

That's great!

I wanna be one, too!

Doesn't heroic passion make your

blood bubble with excitement?


Kinda weird phrasing,

but it looks like

this might work!

It's the job of a hero to

make sure everyone smiles.

Think if you cause

your teacher trouble,

you're likely to

become good heroes?


I guess not?

Right. So then...


But wait.

That means...

Since you gave the teachers

and the commission guys

more work by making

them do this class,

you can't become one

either. Is that right?


That's true!

[YOARASHI] I'm in no position

to act so high and mighty!

Please forgive me.

[PRESENT MIC] This dope's

gotta big heart, huh?

Is it just me or are these

kids like super twisted?

Yeah, exactly!

So a little v*olence

is necessary!

Bakugo. They're just kids.

Huh? Well, that's how I

was raised and look!

I turned out awesome.

[TODOROKI] No. I think

I might have a better way.

Oh? Why don't you show us

what you have in mind.

I'm sure this is gonna be good.




Look at him.

I've entrusted

everything to Shoto.

You know, I'd already climbed

to the number-two spot

by the time I was .

And because I'd

carved my own path,

I understood.

There was no way I was ever

going to reach the top.

[ENDEAVOR] If I'd only wanted

the title of number one,

I could've acted friendly

towards everyone like you did.

But, no.

I actually wanted

to be number one.

Talkative today, aren't we?

Just answer me!

What is the symbol

of peace, huh? Heh.

That's tough.

I'm not certain how

to explain it to you.

I thought that this

country needed a hero

who could inspire them,

so I ran toward that

goal at full speed.

I wanted to be a light

that was a beacon of hope,

as well as a warning.

I swore that that's

what I would become,

and I never looked back.

When you walked through

the streets back then,

everyone was on edge.

No matter how many

heroes there were,

the crime rate never went down.

Even more so than now,

everyone was afraid.

I'm here because I want

to do something to help you!

Please, All Might.

[ALL MIGHT] I ignored

the kindness of the people

around me and abandoned

those dear to me

to walk this path.

Maybe that was a mistake.


Your former sidekick.

Yes, a tragedy.

[ALL MIGHT sighs]

Listen, Endeavor.

I understand the situation

you've been placed in

and what's being said about you.

There are many who

can't help but dwell

on our differences.


that I don't like Endeavor,

I just can't help but

compare him to All Might.

And, ya know,

that's kind of a lot

for any hero to

live up to, right?


All Might!

They came to watch us?

So cool!

Whoa, is that Endeavor?

Seriously? That's kinda random.

But you and I are

not the same person.

It was my decision

to become a symbol.

But you don't have

to do that. Instead,

take your time and think about

the kind of hero you want to be.


Next up: Shoto Todoroki,

exuding both fiery passion

and chilling calmness!

Beat them, Shoto!

[PRESENT MIC] Now, how will

he win over these youngsters?

Let's watch and see!

[GIRLS gasp]

I know, right?

A hot guy who

likes kids? Dreamy!

We don't wanna be the same

kind of ditz as her,

so let's ignore him.




Stupid Five Wienies

here is boring.

Let's go punch

the gorilla instead.

That'd be you, Baldy.

I told you, I'm not bald.


What kind of person am I?

I need them to know that first,

or nothing I say

will reach them.

I must embrace my past.


My name is not "Five Wienies."

I am Shoto from UA,

and I wanna be a hero.

My father, Endeavor, is

currently the number-one hero,

but to be frank,

I've always hated him

and wanna forge my own path...

[PRESENT MIC] What is this,

a character introduction page?

Come on!


So Boring.


Total fail!


That was a nice try, Todoroki!

I guess we have no choice.


Hey. You three have been yelling

and running after them this

whole time, but, I dunno.

Wouldn't it be faster if we,

like, just showed them

how cool all our Quirks are?

I was just about

to suggest that!

Whoa, that's a

coincidence, huh?

We have a lot of work to do.

And plenty of these

snot-nosed twerps

seem to think it's fun

to cause us trouble.

We can't just try

to gain their trust

and think that's enough.

We gotta go all in with a

demonstration of our skills.


I see. Got it!

They're planning something.

[KID LEADER] No matter what

they try, it won't work,

because we know the truth.

Our mommies and daddies

and everyone on TV,

they're all wondering

if the age of heroes is over.

[gasps] Careful.

Don't hurt them!

Ha. You guys aren't

foolin' anybody.

We're better than you,

and we'll take you

down to prove it.

Oh? Then bring it on.

Let's have a proper fight.

In the end, all

you Neanderthals

can do is resort

to useless v*olence.

Of course, that won't work.

[PRESENT MIC] Why are they

having so much trouble

against grade schoolers?

Stooping to their level

would be the epitome

of folly, my peers!

Who is this guy?

It is apparent that you

have not recognized

the superiority of

Shiketsu High.

In order for this commentary

to reflect the truth,

I have decided to assist you.

Say what?

As Present Mic should

already have deduced,

if my peers fight seriously,

the children will be

left beaten, ashamed.

On the other hand,

if they use their discretion

and let the children shine,

then it will only

make the delinquents

even more brazen.

Abandoning discourse

will result in failure!

Hold on!

I don't think you all know

how dangerous this is.

Those children are

strong and believe

wholeheartedly that their Quirks

surpass those of the heroes.

They won't hold back

against your trainees!


Here's the preview!

The children of Masegaki

Elementary School

don't have a lot

of faith in heroes

and they believe they can defeat

those in the training class.

That's why they've picked

a fight with Kacchan,

Todoroki, and the others.

If my peers use their

Quirks in the wrong ways,

they won't be able to win

the hearts of these children.

I know my classmates are worthy

of becoming pro heroes,

but can they demonstrate

that to everyone watching?

Next time: "Relief for

License Trainees."

Also, Aoyama is acting even

more eccentric than usual!

Go beyond! Plus ultra!