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04x15 - (D) Smoldering Flames

Posted: 03/26/23 15:51
by bunniefuu
[SHIGARAKI] Tell me again who

the next leader is gonna be.

I hate you.

You're too full of yourself.

For the arm.


Two little boxes.

Which one holds

the finished product?

I'll just take both.

That's mine.

[sighs] You know what

I think, Overhaul?

Someone so obsessed

with erasing Quirks

shouldn't have one of their own.

Don't you agree?

And all the fruits of

your labors belong to me!

Now you don't even have

a thumb to suck on.

You're doomed to watch

from the sidelines

as your dream falls apart.

Let's do our best!


Next, it's our turn.

[gasping, screaming]

[GRAN TORINO] So, you've

had eyewitness reports eh?

Hard to believe he's this

deep in the mountains.

There's not all

that much out here.

You're absolutely

sure it's Kurogiri?

In the last couple of days,

four people have

reported spotting him.

Given how remote the area is,

I'd say the odds are good.

I guess that's true.

Unfortunately his

Quirk is Warp Gate.

That's gonna make him

hard to corner and catch.

Still, four separate

reports does sound careless.

I don't get it.

What's the League

of Villains up to?

Even if we don't

fully understand

what their motives are,

this is our best chance

to arrest Kurogiri.

We need this to go smoothly,

so I'm counting on you,

Gran Torino.

You kids. Good grief.

Can't believe you're working

an old man so hard.


Assistance needed.

The suspect has been found.

He must be secured before

he activates his Quirk.


'Kay, that means you're up.

Yeah, I'm on it.

You're not going anywhere.

So, I finally get

to meet you, Kurogiri.

It's a pleasure.


Gran Torino.

Your Quirk makes you a pain

for those of us trying

to stop the League.

It'll be easier with you gone.


Be careful!

Don't let him touch you.

He's able to activate

his warp power

using his head and

both of his hands.

He'll be hard to restrain.

I'm well aware.

I'll take him and

speed outta here

before he gets a chance to bolt.

You and me can even

get to know each other

a little bit better

along the way.


I wonder.

[KUROGIRI] Have you or

the officers heard whispers

of a man with a wild appearance

traversing this area?

What's that?

[KUROGIRI] It seems he's

gotten too much attention.

Though, I suppose

that can't be helped.

I have business with the

individual in question.

You can tell us all about

him during interrogations.


What the heck?

Was that an earthquake?

[KUROGIRI] His master

is very forward thinking.

What are you talking about?


Listen carefully.

If, for whatever reason,

I should go away

for an extended period,

you will be the only one

who can protect Tomura.

That said, should you

ever be concerned

or feel as though

you need assistance,

there is someone else

you can rely on.

[KUROGIRI] Detective

Tsukauchi. Gran Torino.

You must realize Shigaraki

is not the only person

All For One cultivated.


Hoping for a sunny day? Sorry.

Unfortunately much

of the Kanto region...

[KUROGIRI] Allow me to

introduce you to one of his

most faithful Servants:


[GIGANTOMACHIA] Everything is

for the glory of my master.

[NEWSCASTER A] Kai Chisaki,

the young head of a formerly

prominent yakuza group,

was arrested for the abduction

and confinement of a young girl.

As police transported

him, however,

they were att*cked by

the League of Villains.

During the incident,

the Sand Hero, Snatch,

who was serving as

an escort, was k*lled.

There were also members

of law enforcement

who were injured.

This attack on a

villain in custody

is an unprecedented failure.

Officials have also confirmed...

This is the only thing

they've reported on

since yesterday.

[AIZAWA] It isn't something you

should feel responsible for.

Please try not

to blame yourself.

Yeah, okay.

Good news is,

most everyone's headed

back to class.

The doctors wanna monitor

Togata a little while longer.

But Recovery Girl was

able to completely heal

the rest of the students

involved in the raid.

They're gathering

their things now.

I'll stick around

a little while longer

and heal a few more

patients since I'm here.

I'll stay, too.

I want to be here for Eri

whenever she wakes up.

I'm afraid she's still

too dangerous for that.

Right now, we need to trust

that the doctors will help her.

Yeah, I get that, but I

was hoping I could...

She'll be fine.


Okay, then.

I wanna see Togata

before I leave, though.

I'll be right back.

Please watch my stuff!

Hold on. We're leaving soon.

Are you in there?

It's me, Midoriya.

Heya, my main man!

You must be heading

back to campus, huh?

I hear I'm the only one who's

gotta stay in the hospital.

I don't get it.

Like, come on, look how

much energy I have.

It's kinda lame, amiright?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I know, I know.

I lost my permeation.

And my mentor just passed away.

I should be full of mopes,

right, not smiling so much.

But that's the thing.

Sir loved to laugh.

I know he was super

strict with you,

but I got to see a

different side of him,

that always tried to find

the humor in things.

And be sure to smile.

After all, without

joy and laughter

to balance the sorrow,

this world cannot hope

to have a bright future.


So you see.

I refuse to sit around crying.

Because I gotta focus on

becoming a fine hero one day.

Know what I mean?

Plus, if I've got

a gloomy face on,

it might make little

Eri feel sad.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] You have the

power to become a symbol,

but you're mediocre.

A pity. All Might

chose wrong after all.

Mirio should have

inherited the power.

You are amazing.

You protected Eri

the whole time.

Even after your Quirk

was taken away.

But I couldn't do that.

You kept that scared little girl

safe all on your own,

but I had to have help

from her and Mr. Aizawa.

If you had been the successor

instead of me then...

...maybe Nighteye

would be alive.

And maybe All Might's

future would be different.

Togata! If I told you

there was some way

that I could give you my

Quirk, then, would you--

Nah, I wouldn't want it.

If that were really possible,

and you could just hand

your ability over to me,

I would be causing you

a bunch of trouble,

wouldn't I? Not cool.

I wouldn't want you to end up

being bummed out. Right?

I don't know why you talk

like ya did something wrong.

You did a good job!

You're a hero, Deku!

And besides.

Yesterday, Eraser

told me about Eri

and how her power works.

Later, as she gets

older and trains,

she may be able to use

her Quirk properly.

Then I'll try asking her

if she can rewind me

to when I still had Permeation.

Even if that doesn't work,

I'm not gonna give up

looking for ways

to return to normal!

I'll probably have

to take some time off

from classes at UA until

my Quirk comes back.

But don't worry about me,

I'm gonna be just fine!


You'll be okay.

You're going to become

the finest hero

the world's ever seen.


After all,

I have to believe Sir's

prediction will come true.

So do me a favor.

Let's both keep smiling.


I promise I won't

give up on UA.

Because I'm the hero

who'll save a million people.


Good. I'll be waiting for you.



Did you get all healed up?

Yeah. I'm all good

now. Thank you.


Midoriya and Eijiro Kirishima?

I'm sorry to bother you two

right after your discharge.

But we'd like you to come

down to the station with us.

We have some questions

for you about the incident.

Yes, sir.

Anything you need.

[IZUKU] With that,

our return to the dorms

was delayed even further.


Meanwhile, the rest of Class-A

carried on as usual.


It's time, Bakugo.


Shut up, I'm coming.

We can't be late getting

to the training course.

[KATSUKI] I know. And don't

walk in front of me!

[IZUKU] Thanks to the police

questions and the paperwork

that had to be done

following the raid,

we didn't end up

getting back to the dorm

until the sun had gone down.


Deku! Kirishima!


Uraraka! Tsu!

Oh, wow, are you two

girls just getting back

to the dorms now, too?


[TSUYU] There were a lot

of last-minute forms

to fill out at Ryukyu's office.

We did that, too.

You know what's weird?

It feels like we haven't been

back here in a long time.




Well? Let's go.

Oh, there you guys are!

It's about time you showed up!

[YAOYOROZU] All of us

were worried about you.


Yeah, we saw the news.


It looked terrifying!


Is anyone hurt?

--[MINETA] What troublemakers.

--[AOYAMA] Tell us everything!

I made this for you.

It's a double chocolate cake.

First Kamino and now the yakuza.

You guys are always getting

into such crazy situations.

Do you know how much

that scares us?

Yeah. We're so sorry.

I'm just glad they're okay.

I mean, I dunno. Are they?

How can we be sure?


Ochaco! Tsu!

Thank goodness you're both okay!

That's a little tight.



Enough of this.

I know everyone was worried.

But calm down!

We all saw news coverage.

Our classmates have

been through an ordeal.

If you want to help,

you should console them quietly

and let them rest their

bodies and their minds.

Because I'm sure

today wasn't taxing

just physically,

but mentally as well!


Hey, um. Iida.

Thanks for that. But really.

Let's both keep smiling.

This is okay.

Then... If I may.

Do you have any idea how

worried I was for all of you?

It was awful! What if

you'd never returned?

Take your own advice

and chill out!

I'll go make some lavender tea.

One moment. It's sure

to ease your minds.

At least have a little

bit of the cake.


Ochaco, you all right?


It's just...

I can't help but think

that I could have

done more. I...

I held Nighteye in my arms.

What if I'd been

faster or stronger.


Listen to me.

Each of you did everything

within your power.

The responsibility

for this lies with us.

I won't tell you

to not to mourn.

But I do want you

to think about whether

this is what you want

your future to be.

What do you want?

I want to--to save people.

Ugh, why the heck

didn't you tell us

what was goin' on, man?

We were totally

blindsided by this.

Sorry. We were sworn to secrecy.


Hey, so... I'm glad you're okay.

Yeah. Getting there anyway.

Right. Got it.

Oh! What a cutie!

Oh, it's Koda's bunny.

Do you guys wanna hold it

for a little while?



Ooh, me next!




Yo, Kacchan.

What're you over

here sulking for?

Admit it, you're out here

'cause you were

worried, amiright?

Aw, let those feelings

out, why don't ya?

Time for bed.

[KAMINARI] What? Seriously?

But it's so early.

Unlike the rest of you nerds,

I've got stuff to do.

Hey, you guys.

I'm glad you're all back

and everyone's safe,

but I gotta get to bed.


Since when am I

surrounded by geezers?

I understand Bakugo,

but Todoroki

wants to leave the party

this early, too?

They've got their

provisional license

training course tomorrow.

But still, it is pretty early.

I get it.

Kacchan and Todoroki

have already

started their remedial courses.

They must be working hard.

[IZUKU] At the urging

of Iida and the others,

we went back to our rooms

to try and get some rest.

We finally had time to reflect

on what we'd been through.

I only heard the

highlights about

what had gone down with

Kirishima and the others.

But I knew a lot had

happened to everyone.

No, too much had happened.


Please. Please don't go.

We'll get Eri away

from him next time...


...and we'll protect her!

I swear it. I am

going to be your hero!


Even if it's set in stone...

I'll smash that future!


Got you. I won't let you go.

[IZUKU yells]

[CHISAKI] She has the

power to rewind people.

That's her secret.

[IZUKU] Eri, will you please

lend me your power?

If I can't save Eri... small child who's

relying on me to help her...

...then how can I call myself

a hero who saves everybody?

That's who I'm gonna be!

[SIR NIGHTEYE] Midoriya.

You twisted the future.

You did the impossible.

Work hard. And be sure to smile.

[IZUKU] Even though

my body was exhausted,

that night,

I couldn't actually

get myself to sleep.

Walk behind me, dammit!

Poor Mr. Aizawa.

I feel bad making him train us

after everything he

just went through.

I'm not gonna make small

talk with you, icy hot!

You should--

You're late! Ya bad boys!


Present Mic. All Might.

Why're you here?

[ALL MIGHT] We'll be taking

you to training today.

Eraser's gonna be playin' hookee

thanks to all the

yakuza chart-toppers

who were taken down yesterday.

Oh, is he injured

worse than we thought?

[PRESENT MIC] Nah. Apparently,

they needed his power

to help with the

girl they rescued.

Don't worry, I'm all over this.

Consider me your new bodyguard!

We're taking extra precautions

due to the League's activity.


You captured Kurogiri?

Their warp gate?


That's right.

Though, we took some hard

hits during the process.

[ALL MIGHT] Well, the League

should practically be ours

for the taking if that

one's out of commission.

[GRAN TORINO] Not quite.

We didn't get the other guy.

The one with him.


Who was it?

All For One's direct

subordinate, it seems.

[GRAN TORINO] We tried our best,

but he's gone into hiding.

Honestly, between

arresting Kurogiri

and letting that monstrosity go,

it's hard to say if we

made the right choice.

You should have

seen him, Toshinori.


He's a walking disaster.


We chased after him with backup,

but it was too late.

The search is still going on.

I'll let you know if there

are any developments.

Right. Let's go.

Yesterday was an easy

classroom lecture for you,

but I hear today's training

will be far tougher.

Let's get this party started,

so you can get your licenses

already, mah brothers!

[KATSUKI growls]


We don't wanna be late.

Come on. Climb in.

[TODOROKI] So All Might's

going to be joining us today.

That might not be the best idea.

[ALL MIGHT] We'll be watching

you from the stands.


Do your best! Yeah!

[ENDEAVOR] Oh. If it isn't

the former number-one hero.

Thanks for babysitting

Shoto. You're so useful.


This is perfect.

I've been wanting to

sit down and have a chat

with you man-to-man for awhile.

I'm gonna go find

some coffee. Deuces!


Shoto! Great news!

I've got some free time!

How about I come watch

your training tomorrow?

It's been t--



I hope the two of them

don't run into

each other. Also...



Hey! It's UA!

I just can't help but hate

both you and your dad.

You've changed a little,

but you definitely

still have his eyes.

[TODOROKI] I was hoping

I wouldn't run into him.

[CAMIE] Ooh! Who's this

smoldery-looking two-toned boy?

You're, like, super hot.

I'm crazy psyched to train

with a total babe like you.




Hey, Yoarashi.

Do you know him or something?

Seriously, can I like,

have your number?


Uh, sure.

Camie, your social

skills are top-notch!

I'm so impressed!

Hey. Baldy.

This girl didn't train

with us before, did she?


Correct! She wasn't here.

Oh, and I'm not bald, see!

Camie, This is beneath you!

As a Shiketsu student,

you mustn't fraternize

with such failures.

Hold on! You failed the

first test we took, loser!

I received permission

to observe,

so I'm here to judge you!

Stupid Meat, you're dead!

The name's Seiji Shishikura!


Wait, you're Endeavor's son.

You're hero royalty

on top of being a snack?

That's so totally amazing!

Look at that!

She's just so bold.


Get away from him!


It's about time we got started.

[g*ng ORCA]



Shall we make today's training

a little bit more interesting?


Here's the preview!

As part of their provisional

hero license training,

Kacchan and Todoroki are

at the mercy of g*ng Orca.

Unfortunately for them,

he's got an outrageous

trial planned.

I think Todoroki will be fine,

but I'm kinda worried

about Kacchan!

Next time: "Win

Those Kids' Hearts"!

As the students train,

will All Might tell Endeavor

what it means to be number one?

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!