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04x08 - (D) Suneater of the Big Three

Posted: 03/26/23 15:45
by bunniefuu

In the spring of third grade,

I transferred to a new school

on the first day of class.

I'm Amajiki, and, uh.

And I like hero-- I mean...

[AMAJIKI] I could barely talk

when I introduced myself.

It was a new school year,

but plenty of students

knew each other from

the previous term,

and they clustered

together in groups.

It seemed like nobody

wanted to be the first one

to talk to the new

kid who'd already

embarrassed himself,

and making friends

wasn't exactly my specialty.

After all, who would

wanna get to know

someone boring and

awkward like me?



It was kinda hard to hear

what you were tryin' to say

up there earlier,

but I was thinking.

Were you trying to tell us

that you like heroes,

was that it?

Well... I, uh...

'Cause I like 'em, too.

They're so awesome!


That day...

If you had to pick a

favorite, who would it be?

[AMAJIKI] You talked to me

when no one else would.

And I remember thinking

how warm you were.

How bright.

You were shining like the sun.

[YAKUZA yelling]


I wonder. Can I do it, too?

[AMAJIKI] Can I shine

as brightly as you do?


We have a warrant to search

your premises on

suspicion of manufacture

and sale of illegal dr*gs!


Get the hell outta here!

Yeah, what do you want

with us anyway?


him. We have a warrant.

Everyone please calm down!


Clear a path!

Consider the consequences

before you resist!

[MASKED HERO] They're going

to gut the whole organization

just to buy some time?

Just leave the ones

out here to us!

You go inside!


Good luck!

Hate to just barge in like this.

But, we're kind of in a hurry!

Haven't seen any signs

of suspicious activity yet!

Yeah, bro, same here.

But, hey, we're in

it now, right?

We got no choice but

to see it through.

Is it possible that somebody

leaked our plans for the raid?

There must be a reason they all

came pouring out like that.

No, if there had been a leak,

I think they would be

fighting more cohesively.

Groups like this are used

to working together.

There's nothing that

matters more to these guys

than their bond with their

boss and their brothers.

Being part of the underworld

only makes loyalty

that much more sacred to them.

All those people outside,

but we haven't caught

sight of the top brass yet.

They're probably

underground hiding

or getting ready to flee.

How's that supposed

to be loyalty?

Forcing their henchmen

to fight for them

while they run away

isn't manly at all!


This is it.

There's a device here that

opens a hidden passage.

You press down the floorboards

in a specific order, and then...

[BUBBLE GIRL] It's like

a ninja hideout! How cool!

[CENTIPEDER] Thank goodness

for your Quirk, Sir.

Guards up. We don't know what

we might be facing in there.


Let's get the bastards!

[CENTIPEDER] Bubble Girl!

You handle the third!


Damn it!

Ah! My eyes!



[BUBBLE GIRL] We'll make sure

these guys don't follow.

You go on ahead.

You heard her!


We'll catch up when we can!


We're almost there. Hurry!

It looks like a dead

end. So, what now?

So much for your

Foresight, Nighteye!

Hold on, let me go take a look.

Lemillion, if you go

through, you'll be naked.

It's okay. Mirio's costume

was constructed

from a special fiber

made of his own hair.

It's designed so it

becomes permeable

when he activates his Quirk.


I knew it! The path continues,

just like Nighteye

said it would.

The hallway's just been

blocked with this wall.

Unfortunately, breaking through

it's not gonna be easy.

I knew this Chisaki guy

could tear crap apart

and put it back

together, but damn.

It was just a cheap trick.

If he did this, it's gotta mean

that we're on the right track!

Yeah, you're right.

But he's an idiot if he thinks

a dumb wall will stop us!


One For All, Full Cowling.


sh**t style!


Red Gauntlet!

Hey, that didn't suck.

I'll say! They beat

me to the punch.

We need to keep moving.

[MIMIC grunts]

The walls.


What's going on?


Everything's twisting!


This is someone different.

Maybe Iranaka. Chisaki's Quirk

can't do something like this.

Iranaka's Quirk, Mimic,

lets him enter

objects and control them

as he would his own body.

He must have gone

into the concrete

in the halls down here and

made this a living maze.

It shouldn't be

possible on this scale!

He's not supposed

to be able to control

anything larger than

a damn refrigerator.

Remember who we're

dealing with, here.

Dollars to doughnuts, he's

using a performance-enhancer.

I was ready for

just about anything,

but I didn't expect the whole

building to turn against us.

Still, controlling

something this big's

gotta be wearin' the guy out.

Eraser Head! Can't you stop him?

I can't do anything without

seeing his real body.

With the passageway shifting

and changing like this,

they can create as many escape

routes as they need to.

We have to think quickly

if we wanna catch them.

No, who are we kidding?

They're gonna escape

with the girl,

and we're all gonna

die down here!

--[MIRIO] Tamaki!

--[AMAJIKI gasps]

No way's that gonna happen.

Understand? You can

do this, Suneater!

Besides, this is just a stopgap!

They can warp the path

forward if they want,

but as long as we know

the direction of our goal,

I can still reach it!


Come back!

[MIRIO] Speed is what

matters right now.

Those guys know it, too,

that's why they're

stalling for time.

I'm going on ahead!

[AMAJIKI] Why am I just

standing here like an idiot?

Mirio's doing everything he can.

[AMAJIKI] Come on! Give it

your all! You have to!

[MIMIC] Slipping through

the walls, huh? Oh, well.

Even if he does reach them,

what'll he be able

to do by himself?

[ALL scream]

Now where are we?

[ROCK LOCK] Somewhere even

farther from the target!

Those guys're really

screwin' with us.


Well, what have we here?

Looks like some state-authorized

thugs crashed our party!

Isn't that strange?

[FAT GUM] These guys are

obviously ready for a fight.

Let's see how long

petty criminals

can last against the

strength of a pro--

[AMAJIKI] The pros should

save their strength

for when we reach the target.


Honestly, Tamaki.

The only reason I'm

able to do my best

is because I have you

here inspiring me.

For real.

[AMAJIKI] These guys just

wanna slow us down.

Go on. I can handle them myself.


Try to keep your footing, men.


What should we do?

[MIMIC] There are more

people than I expected.

I'll deal with these

officers, first.

And leave the heroes I dropped

to the Eight b*ll*ts

of the Hassai Group.

[AMAJIKI] These guys just

wanna slow us down.

Go on. I can

handle them myself.

[KIRISHIMA] You don't have to,

we'll work together!

[SETSUNO] Please, everyone

stay. I'll k*ll you all.

Setsuno! We can't

use our g*ns on him.

It's up to the pros.


You've done your homework.

Oh, well. That just means

I'm free to let loose.

[AIZAWA] Think again.

Lay down your sword.

[SETSUNO gasps]

My Quirk!

[HOJO] Power erasure? He's

an inferior version of Eri.

I'd heard that a hero with

your abilities existed.

But our job's to slow you down.

Quirks or no. We still

have fists and weapons.

Fight all ya want,

but swords and b*ll*ts

just sink into my body!

You have no hope of beating us,

so why even bother?

[SETSUNO] Big talk, but you

just sound scared to me, Hero.

Eraser canceled their Quirks.

We can use our firearms.

Surrender yourselves at once!


Toya Setsuno. Quirk, Larceny.

Yu Hojo: Crystallize.

Soramitsu Tabe: Food.

I read all about these

guys in the briefing.


I can take these three on.

We eat tons of Takoyaki

at the Fat Agency,

so Octopus has become

one of my specialties.

And you know, I gotta

say I'm pretty down

on g*ns since I was

shot in the street.

Hold on, Suneater!

[AMAJIKI] It's not smart for

all of us to fight them.

They want as many heroes

stalled here as possible.

Let's just give them one.

We should save all your Quirks,

especially Eraser

Head's, for later!

You'll need to be

operating at percent

to get through those

moving hallways!

Fat Gum!

I know this is something

I can do on my own.

--[FAT GUM] Let's go!

--[KIRISHIMA] Wait a minute!


Through that door!


Hey, wait, where're you going?

Not again.

Amajiki. You need to move fast.

Beat them before

they can fight back.


Before you go.

[GROUP groaning]


You have to take care of Mirio!

He's definitely going

to try too hard.

So please keep him safe.

Fat Gum!

You gonna leave him

alone back there?

What are you thinking?

He's from your agency,

so I left the decision to you.

But are you sure

he can handle them?

Seems kinda risky.

I have faith in him.

He's stronger than anybody here.

His only weakness

is self-confidence.

The pressure to do

things perfectly

sometimes leaves him

feeling crushed.

Breaking his spirit.

And yet, he's risen to become

one of UA's Big Three

under those conditions.

So I trust him when he

says he can take down

those thugs on his own.

If he believes in himself,

I believe in him.


These guys are here to keep us

from heading to the target.

It's strange that Irinaka

isn't using his mimicry

to help them out, though.

Did he prioritize the police

officers left up top?

Whatever the case,

these criminals are mine.


Not being able to use my Quirk.

It felt so weird.

[AMAJIKI] They might be tough,

but I just have to sure

they can't get

back up for a while.

[AMAJIKI] I'm gonna have

to knock all of you out.

Sorry but this might hurt a bit.

[SETSUNO cackles]

[AMAJIKI gasps]

[SETSUNO] Surprise!

Made you flinch, didn't I?

I know you're in bind here,

but you can't hesitate

when it comes to us.

[SETSUNO] When you're

fighting people who're

basically human garbage,

you have no idea what nightmares

these masks might be hiding.

[HOJO] Whatever that guy's

Quirk was, it's worn off.


You can't k*ll us, can you?

Bit of a handicap,

dontcha think?

Stupid hero's code.

[AMAJIKI] Larceny. His power

lets him steal anything

his opponents have equipped.

I guess my shell counts

as something he can take.

[SETSUNO] See we've given up

everything, even our lives!

I was so hopeless once

I even tried to jump

to my death, 'cept some

righteous hero stopped me!

You can't understand people

who don't see the

point of living!

And that's why we'll beat you.

[HOJO] The boss took us

from the trashheap

and gave us a new life.

Even trash has its pride.

He expected more from us.

So we became more!

[AMAJIKI grunting]


What's wrong, Amajiki?

With your Quirk,

you should be doing

more impressive things by now.

Are you still feeling nervous?

Oh, well. Don't force yourself.

Back in line.


All sorts of people have Quirks.

Not just heroes.


In our Quirk Training classes,

we tried to figure out

the different ways

we could utilize our powers

in the future. As adults.

[MIRIO grunts]

[STUDENTS laugh]

What the heck're

you doing, Togata?

That faceplant

looked ridiculous.

I told you guys,

this is really hard work!

Why don't you give it a whirl?

It's, like, five times harder

than you think it'd be.


Careful, Togata, you're clearly

not very good at controlling

your Quirk just yet.

That may be true now.

But next time, or the time

after, I'll get it right.

[STUDENTS laugh]


Mirio. You're amazing.



[AMAJIKI] Even if you

can't do something,

you're still so

positive and cheerful.

It makes everyone

around you smile.

That's just not how I work.

If I worry about

messing up, I'm done.

My mind goes completely

blank and I freeze.

You'll become an amazing hero.

One who shines like the sun.


What are you saying?

You're making me sound

like some awesome

pro hero or something,

but it's not like that.

Honestly, Tamaki.

The only reason I'm

able to do my best

is because I have you

here inspiring me.

For real!

I'm not really all that

strong when it comes

to most things I try.

Then there's you.

Even though I know

you get crazy nervous,

you keep working hard

and refuse to run away.

So I don't wanna lose to you.



[MIRIO] You think I'm

better than I am and think

you're not as hype as you are.

That's why you call me

things like "the sun."

Like, come on,

I'm not that great.

You have an amazing power, dude.

And it's just going to get

better, I'm sure of it.

And you know what else I think?

Deep down, you're a smiley,

fun, super-cheerful guy.

[HOJO grunts]

[MIRIO] So if I'm the sun,

you must be something

even more amazing than that.

Let's see. Ooh! I know.


That's who I am.

Have confidence in yourself,

Tamaki. Cuz, you're...

[AMAJIKI] Yes. I've got

a light that can swallow

even the Sun's.

That's why I'm Suneater!

[HOJO gasps]

[HOJO] He's using octopus

arms full of thick muscles

to absorb the shock,

and protecting himself

from any crystal damage using

a thick plating of shells.


But that won't stop me!


This is it.


Over the last two years at UA,

I've trained hard

to master my Quirk.

Now it's time to use

it to its fullest.

Expressing several

manifestations at once.

Increasing their sizes.

Picking and choosing


[HOJO gasps]


Vast Hybrid.


Chimera Kraken!


Hey, hey, hey, hey hey!


I'm enough on my own.


This isn't looking good.

Tabe, wake up! Time to eat!

[AMAJIKI gasps]

Yum. Seafood.

[SETSUNO laughs]

With those teeth and jaws,

he can devour anything

in an instant!

And, he digests whatever

he eats in seconds!

It's ridiculous.

Tabe's stomach will

never get full.

I'd actually say you two

are a match made in heaven!


Of course.

Eraser must have realized this,

that's why he took him

out before he left.

But it's fine.

I've got plenty

of space to move.

I can dodge his att*cks!



I thought I had him.

His reaction time's good.

But, that's not enough

to stop my crystallization!

[SETSUNO] You're the one

that wanted to fight

three-on-one, right, Suneater?

Did you think that you'd

get the best of us

by waving around a couple

of oversized appetizers?


I'll manifest the neurotoxin

from an octopus's

saliva in my arm!

If he eats it. He won't

be able to move anymore!

[SETSUNO] Those tentacles

were too big to steal before.

But small ones are no problem.


Their teamwork is incredible.


We may be a bunch of trash.

But that doesn't mean we

don't have strong bonds.

Yeah, but, bonds or no,

you'll still be arrested soon.

Your futures are lost,

no matter what.


Heh, heh. Like that matters.

[HOJO] We haven't had

a future for some time.

One of us didn't fit into

society and was tossed aside.

One was betrayed by his lover

and buried beneath

a mountain of debt.


Pouches full of food.

I guess you can turn the

things you eat into power?

[HOJO] One was used as

a tool by someone obsessed

with money, but when it

was discovered that the gems

he produced were

worthless fakes,

he was beaten within an inch

of his life and left for dead.

That's why he

means so much to us.


Come. Join me.

Someone like you shouldn't

be left to rot in the gutter.

[HOJO] Who cares what

happens after this?

He picked us up and

gave us worth again.

I'll k*ll anyone

who gets in his way.

[AMAJIKI] They don't

follow him out of fear.

It's more like

they're brainwashed.

You really just wanna be

used up and thrown away?

[HOJO] Even with your

back against the wall

you can't understand,

can you hero?


My tentacles were eaten.

My defenses stolen.


We may be a bunch of trash.

But that doesn't mean we

don't have strong bonds.






I'll go after their teamwork.

Larceny only works

on things he can see.

That's why the police

couldn't brandish their g*ns.



[HOJO] Hold on.

Don't tell me. Did he... my crystals?

When you weren't looking!

[HOJO groans]

Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!

[AMAJIKI] You trust each other.

You watch each other's backs.

I can't understand your

circumstances or anger,

or sadness for that matter.

But... I do understand

your strong bonds.


You're more than teammates.


I get that.

And friends don't

eat friends, do they?


Here's the preview.

Kirishima and Fat Gum get

separated from the raid group.

In a flash, they're att*cked

by Rappa and Tengai,

Chisaki's henchmen.

The yakuza members have

overwhelming offensive

and defensive powers, and

Kirishima's spirit falters.

But, I believe in my classmate.

I know he has the strength

to beat these opponents,

and to become a hero!

Next time: "Red Riot."

Kirishima will not break!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!