04x03 - (D) Boy Meets...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x03 - (D) Boy Meets...

Post by bunniefuu »


Hero work studies.


off-campus programs

that allow students

in the hero course

who have provisional licenses

to work with pros

at their agencies.

Now that I have my

provisional license,

things will be different

than they were

in my previous internship,

when I fought

against Hero k*ller Stain.

I'll be able to use my

Quirk under the guidance

of a pro, and I can even be

dispatched to fight villains

and help out at disaster areas.

If my work study goes well,

I could be invited by

the hero I work with

to be their sidekick.

I might even be scouted

by famous pro heroes,

who are always on the

lookout for new talent.

Encouraged by Mirio

Togata, a member

of UA's Big Three,

I decided to try my luck

with the agency of

All Might's former sidekick,

Sir Nighteye.

But getting in won't be easy.

If you wanna be

acknowledged by him,

here's a little tip.

You need to do one important

thing at this meeting.

Make him laugh.

Then he'll totally

approve of you.

[IZUKU] He wants to

laugh? I can do that.

In order to become

the number-one hero!

I'm Izuku Midoriya.

What is this, boy?

Are you ridiculing All Might?



He's not funny!

The nerve.

What are you doing

with your face?

Is this a joke to you?

Uh. No, I guess not?

You attempted this

blasphemous excuse

of an impression on

All Might's former sidekick?

All Might's wrinkles

aren't like this at all.

You fool.


early days, his crows' feet

were . centimeters long.

From the Silver Age

on they were . .

These days, even

unlicensed merchandise

manages to have the correct

wrinkles in the correct era.

But you don't even

know that much?

[IZUKU gasps]


Every corner of his office

is filled with All Might gear!


The tenth anniversary poster

that was never on sale

for the public! I want it!

There's no other way to put it.

This man is definitely a

serious All Might fanboy!

I don't care for this one bit.

You can see yourself out.


The vinegar river incident.

Are you not aware of it, sir?

Help me! Anyone!

[IZUKU] A middle schooler

whose Quirk allowed him

to change the

properties of water

was drowning in a river.

But All Might stepped

in and saved him.

[ALL MIGHT] It's fine now!

Do you know why?

Because I am here!


The drowning kid panicked

and accidentally turned

the river into vinegar.

Which, obviously, ended up

getting in All Might's eyes.

[IZUKU] His face looked

slightly different

from normal after.


Dang, this stings.


That smile. Those narrowed eyes.

That's the look I chose

to impersonate earlier.

I know this rescue.

Although it took place

before I teamed up with him.

And I believe they

mentioned it briefly

on the widely-run

television special entitled

A Look Back .

Yes, I love that show!

I know there weren't

any villains involved,

so some people think

it was a boring save.

I'm sure that's why the fans

don't talk about it much,

but I really like it

for some reason!

Honestly, I think the best

part of the whole thing

is the witty response he gave

after being thanked

by the kid he rescued!


I can't thank you enough!

I'm the one who should

be thanking you.

"My skin feels

ten years younger."

That's it! It was the

perfect one-liner!

Now I see. You were

just testing me.

What? Oh, no!

It's just that, since All Might

is a teacher at my school,

I never really get a chance

to geek out about him.

I maybe got a little excited.

As I recall, it turned out

the child's volatile

home life was to blame.

That's right!

And that made All Might's

actions and words

carry even more weight, I bet!

Mirio. Who's that? He's loud.

An underclassman at my school.

[MIRIO] He totally failed

to make Sir laugh.

Like, massively.

But, I gotta say,

I think he's still

making a good first impression.



You want to do a work study here

because you think that doing

so will make you stronger.


Yes, sir! Please let me!

We'd need to draw up a contract.


Of course! Yes! I brought one.

You will not interrupt me

while I'm speaking to you.

Sorry. sir!


Once I stamp this document,

you'll officially be

contracted with my agency

for a work study.

Yes, sir!


You have to understand that this

will be nothing like

the week-long internships

that you students

take on so casually.

You must work here

for a minimum

of four months and

will be paid wages.

However, your

academic responsibilities

will likely suffer due to

absences you'll rack up.

Which means your classmates

will pull ahead of you.


I understand that. But...

If I worry about what

everyone else is doing,

I'll never be number one.


Um. I think you missed.

Because I am not approving this.




I understand how working here

would be beneficial to you.

But what benefit would

you bring to my agency?

This office currently

runs smoothly,

with two sidekicks and

one work study student

already under my employ.

So why would I add you on?

How can you

contribute to society?

How can you be useful to others?

In order to be acknowledged,

you must be able

to answer those

questions unequivocally.

All Might showed his worth

using power and humor.

He gave hope to those who

lived in fear of criminals.

That's why the people were

happy to acknowledge him.

You're right.

I need to find out how

I can help the world.


It's time to show me

what you would

bring to the table.

Using actions, not words.

Three minutes.

You have three minutes to try

and take this seal from me.

If you want to work as a hero

under my guidance, then stamp

that contract yourself.

Wait. What?

[SIR NIGHTEYE] I'm saying

that even though you don't

appear to possess a

single ounce of humor

in your body, I'm still

giving you a chance.

The two of you, go wait outside.


Sir. Yes, sir!


Once more, with feeling.


Yes, sir!


So, did you have to do

a practical interview like that?

Nah, Sir asked for

me specifically,

so I didn't have to jump

through hoops or anything.

Jeez, you really

are his golden boy.

--Must be nice.

--[MIRIO] Aw--



I can't believe I'm jealous

of a high-school kid, ugh.


Oh, man.

[MIRIO] Whoo. This doesn't

sound great for Midoriya.

His future just

started lookin' dark.

Up against Sir's Quirk,

the odds are grim.

It's gonna be basically

impossible to snatch that stamp.

Or even get close.

I'll take no offensive

measures during this time,

and you're welcome to attack me

in any manner you desire.

Don't concern yourself with

what happens to the room.

Just come and get it.


Nighteye's Quirk is... No.

It's no time to strategize.

I've just got to get that seal.

I'll forge my own path

to the number-one spot!

One For All. Full Cowling!

An approach from the front,

but it's merely a feint

and a failed grab.

And then another jump attack,

to no avail.

I can see everything.


I knew it!

Still. Maybe if I just

keep trying moves...

Is that all you've got?

I thought you were attempting

to show me your usefulness.

This is a waste of time.


He's really stringing

that kid along.

I know, right?

[MIRIO] I can tell from the

noises coming out of the office

that Sir is being serious.

Is he really not going

to accept Midoriya?

[SIR NIGHTEYE] One minute

passes. He backs up briefly.

And appears nervous.

Finally understanding that he

can't overcome my Foresight.

[PRESENT MIC] Sir Nighteye!

His Quirk: Foresight!

After touching someone

and locking eyes

with them, he has the

power for the next hour

to see the choices

that person will make!

It's like he knows

their every move!

[SIR NIGHTEYE] The activation

requirements are secret.

[IZUKU] It doesn't matter how

many different moves I try.

He's one step ahead!

There's gotta be a way

to slip past his Quirk.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] I had high

expectations for you.

Until now.

[IZUKU gasps]

[SIR NIGHTEYE] You have the

power to become a symbol,

but you're mediocre.

Meanwhile, villains everywhere

are getting restless, and

gloom is creeping closer.

A pity. All Might

chose wrong after all.

Mirio should have

inherited the power.

What are you talking about?

"Chose wrong after all"?

Don't get me wrong, I do

love and respect All Might.

But I don't understand

why he chose you.

How can you succeed him?

[IZUKU] I guess I never

really thought about it,

but of course there were

candidates before me.

Which means Togata

was in the running

to inherit One for All.

Does he know that?

How did Nighteye and

All Might choose him?

Or does All Might even

know about any of this.

And if so, why didn't

he tell me before?

You think you have time

to stand there frozen?

Or are you just getting tired,

running out of ideas.

I was honestly a bit

curious when Mirio

told me he was going

to bring you here

to introduce you.

But it turns out it

was a waste of time.

There is a candidate

who is far worthier

of inheriting

One For All than you.

As such, I cannot

acknowledge you.

[IZUKU] I have to remember

the words he said that day.

Young man. You, too,

can become a hero.

I can give you my abilities.

Take the torch.


I have to keep fighting.

I'll go beyond,

so he can't react

even if he can

foresee my movements.

I can't just let him

reject me now.

Not after everything

All Might and I

have been through!

He chose me.

He wanted me to have his power.

[IZUKU] I'm going to take

that stamp from you.

I swear. I will make

you acknowledge me.


Nighteye's Quirk, Foresight,

lets him see into the future.

But the question is,

how far into the future?

My best bet is to make

a ton of different moves

as quickly as I can so he

won't have any time to think.

There is a candidate

who is far worthier

of inheriting

One For All than you.

[IZUKU] If I leave now, it's

like admitting he was right!


Gran Torino's style.

But you're a mere

shadow of the original.

[IZUKU growls]


For the next hour,

provided the conditions are met.

I can see what you'll do,

wherever you go.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] In case you're

interested, two minutes

from now you'll be

slumped on the floor

with neither the seal

nor the contract.

[IZUKU growls]

[SIR NIGHTEYE] You've looked

unsure since this trial began.

But All Might certainly

must have taught you

better than that.

Fear and indecision

are luxuries

a top-tier hero cannot afford.

Someone who understands that

will always act with

vision and purpose.

You must've been told

this countless times,

but now, when your

training's being

put to the test, you choke.

You said you would

make me acknowledge you,

but the more I see,

the more convinced I become

that you will ultimately fail.


He said I can do it!

Who said that? One of

your little friends?

The greatest hero the

world has ever seen!

Sorry! But you did

say not to worry

about the room, right?


What he said about his power...


For the next hour,

provided the conditions are met.

I can see what you'll do,

wherever you go.

[IZUKU] He can see what

I'll do, wherever I go.

Why did he word it that way?

What exactly is Nighteye seeing?

Everything that's

going to happen?

Or only the actions of

a specific target: me.

Time to test my theory.

I'll scatter objects at random.

If I'm his sole target,

then his Foresight

won't be able to reach them.


Nighteye. I'm not giving up now.

Or ever.

Whether you like it or not,

I am All Might's successor!

That doesn't alter what I see.

Not yet!


I'm not done.


It's over.


No, it's not!


Three minutes have passed.



Might's chosen successor?

It beggars belief.

You devised only a single plan,

and it failed spectacularly.

Leaving you worn out.

[IZUKU] I didn't botch this

test because I'm tired.


Then what happened?

I realized I was about

to step on the poster

for All Might's tenth

anniversary as a hero--

the one that was never for sale.


Don't tell me.

He was in constant motion,

jumping as Gran Torino would,

and yet he still

managed to avoid

every image of

All Might in the room?

Even emotionally off-balance

from my provocations,

he formulated a strategy

to defeat me and remained

aware of his surroundings.

And cue our well-timed return!

You're done, right, Sir?

That loud bang at the end

sounded pretty final.


I'll take the boy, Mirio.

That's awesome!

What? I don't understand.

I didn't do either of the

things you asked me to.

I told you to take

the seal from me

and stamp the contract yourself,

but I didn't say you'd

be rejected if you failed.

Yeah, but...

Congrats, Midoriya,

you pulled it off!

So, he made you

laugh, after all.


already decided I would

take you on when I

heard you were coming.

I also knew that

you weren't entirely

lacking in skill and intellect.

But I still wanted

to see it for myself.


The symbol of peace is gone,

and the people are looking

not for a dim light,

but a dazzling one.

You'll work here,

alongside professionals.

And you will see.

Regardless of

All Might's mandate,

you are not worthy of his power.

[IZUKU] One For All

can only be transferred

through the will of

its current user.

He's taking me on

to make me give up.

[IZUKU] I'm All Might's

chosen successor.

But Sir Nighteye

doesn't accept that.

He believes that Togata

should have been

selected instead.

It makes for an unsettling

dynamic. But even so.

I look forward to

working with you.

[OCHACO] You found an agency

for your work study?

Congratulations, Deku!

That's awesome!

Indeed. Well done, Midoriya.

Thanks, guys.

Thank you. You're an

example to us all.

I dunno how the rest of us

are supposed to compete, though.

Yeah, you'll be working

at Sir Nighteye's agency.

That's seriously amazing.

And I hear Togata

recommended you.

Pretty impressive, man!

Um. Yeah, I guess.

[IZUKU] Except, the only

reason he even took me on

was to convince me

to give up One For All.

The distance between us

just keeps getting wider.

We've got to catch up and soon.


I wish I had a place picked out.

The school said Gunhead

hasn't had enough interns,

so his agency is a no-go.

I know what you mean.

I wanted to go to Selkie's,

but that's out, too.

Yeah, so is Fourth Kind.

He doesn't even accept

students for work studies.

The teachers sure aren't making

it easy for us, are they?

Thanks to all

these requirements,

a ton of agencies are ruled

out right off the bat.

We can't really blame them.

Unlike the internships,

we'll be directly involved,

so if anything were

to go wrong, then...

[AIZAWA] Then the pros

have to take responsibility

for whatever happened.


Oh, hey, Mr. Aizawa!

Only pros who're the real deal

will take on rookies

like you guys,

knowing the risks involved.

Tokoyami, Looks like you've got

an offer from one of them.

Hawks has invited you to

work with him in Kyushu.

No way!

Dude, he's the

Number Three Hero!

That's awesome.


Whoa! Good job!


Well, what d'ya say?


I respectfully accept.

All right then.

I'll make sure you get the

relevant paperwork later.

Just let me know when

you're expected in Kyushu.

I can sign off on your absences.

Congrats, Tokoyami. You psyched?

I am grateful, of course.

We've really got to catch up.

Would you stop saying that?

Also, Kirishima. Apparently,

Amajiki from the Big Three

wants to talk to you

about something.

He wants me?

Uraraka and Asui,

you've got your own

Big Three summons from Hado.

You can track 'em down

sometime tomorrow or whatever.

That's all for now.

Amajiki? That's crazy.

I wonder what he wants.

Considering the timing,

it could be about the

work study program.

No way!

That'd be too good

to be true, right?

I have ta' wait until tomorrow?

Nope! I'm going over to the

third years' dorm right now!

I don't think

I can wait, either.

Let's go with him.



We've really, really gotta--

Just shut up!

Aw, man, I'm so

jealous of those guys.

We'll just have to work harder.

Heh. Who cares about

work studies anyway?

First-years like us'll just

get stuck running errands

and doing paperwork all day.

Oh yeah, that's what happened

at your internship, huh?

Don't remind me of

my disgraceful past!

[STUDENTS laugh]


Tomorrow. I start tomorrow.

[IZUKU] The next day

marked the beginning

of my work study.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] Today, we will be

doing patrols and surveillance.

We'll split up into two teams.

I'll be with Bubble Girl and

Mirio, you're with Midoriya.


Nighteye Agency is currently

working on a

secret investigation.


Shie Hassaikai is a small

organized crime syndicate.

That's Kai Chisaki.

As the young head of the group,

he's its second-in-command,

and he's been behaving

strangely lately.

That plague mask

is his trademark.

Creepy. I thought...

...there wasn't much trouble

with organized crime

these days, since

the police know

who they are and monitor

their movements.

It's been that way since

the big groups broke up.

But this Chisaki guy is

starting to gather them

together again, though

we don't know why.

The details are unclear,

but we do know he made contact

with the League

of Villains recently.

The League of Villains?

Unfortunately, we don't

have solid proof

linking him to

anything criminal yet.

Hassaikai operates

in a legal gray area

that's close to black, but we

can't treat them like villains.

Our objective is to tail them

and find out what they're up to.

Be careful not to

arouse any suspicion.


Yes, sir!

[ERI panting]


Someone, anyone! Please.

Whoa, I'm sorry.

You really took a tumble there.

[ERI gasps]

Ah. Are you okay?

Can I help you up?


Why is she trembling like that?


You should be more careful.

We don't wanna cause

trouble for the heroes.

[IZUKU] And just like that,

my work study...


Let's go home, Eri.


...had begun.


Here's the preview!

That horrible moment when

I had to let Eri go.

Sir Nighteye's claim that

there's someone worthier

than me to inherit One For All.

I have so much to think about.

So many pent-up feelings.

And then, I learn a shocking

truth from All Might,

about his future and

what Sir Nighteye

believes it will hold.

It's all just too much.

Next time, "Fighting Fate."

That can't be right.

It just can't, All Might!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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