06x15 - (S) Tartarus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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06x15 - (S) Tartarus

Post by bunniefuu »

The Counter-Quirk Maximum Security

Special Prison, also known as Tartarus--

A detention facility built in the open sea

about kilometers away from the mainland.

For convenience, it's called a prison,

but in reality, it's a facility to

securely confine and monitor those

who severely thr*aten or have severely

threatened the safety of the public.

People with many different kinds

of Quirks are held here.

The cells are split into six groups

based on the level of danger posed by

the Quirks and the severity of the crime.

The more dangerous the person,

the deeper underground they're held.

It's rumored that once you go in,

you won't come back out alive,

and it's also called

the dark side of Quirk society.

I can feel it...

Even if things turned out a little

differently from what I expected,

I think it's about time...

Why do they think

"tomorrow is another day"?

I'm not going to give them time to rest.

From now on, it will keep being my turn.

All you tireless Nomus--

Now, I want you to free my real body.

"Commonly called 'The Bronze Gate'"

"Commonly called 'The Bronze Gate'"

Brother, you said Endeavor

let Tomura Shigaraki escape?

Yeah. Shigaraki, members

of the Paranormal Liberation Front,

and seven Nomus are on the run.

The heroes took a lot

of damage, too, right?

including Endeavor

are in the hospital.

Midnight, Majestic,

and many others lost their lives.

Damn it, if only we

could've been there, too...

Don't get so worked up about it.

Our job is guarding Tartarus.

Just faithfully carry out your duties.

I know.

They auto activated?!

Security system, check!




Please reply!

Briareos! Gyges!

This is the control room!

Give us a report on your status!

Briareos! Gyges!

Please reply!

This is Gyges...

The intruders are Nomus...

My brother, Briareos, was k*lled...

It's a code red...

Declare a code red!

Right now!

What a letdown.


"Tartarus B- (Deepest Stratum)"

It sounds like that giant's

arriving tomorrow morning.


That pickled plum head's flunky, right?

He's coming by transport helicopter.

They couldn't k*ll him over there?

Well, he's so big that g*ns

probably couldn't do it.

And since he's human, they can't

just blow him up with a m*ssile.

I wouldn't call

something like that a human.

He's more like a

walking disaster... or a beast.

Just like all the other

animals being held here.

Stop it. This is being recorded.

The Hearts and Mind Party

will probably be broken up,

but there's no reason to

give fodder to any of their factions.

We already get enough flak about

human rights violations and such.

You don't know who's

leaking what these days.

Be careful.

But it's the truth.

They just look like humans.

They blend in with humans now

because Quirks have altered the norm,

but they're repulsive things...

They're fundamentally different from us.

Code Red security alert.

Trespassers are on the premises.

Code Red security alert.

Floors have been sealed.

All staff should be on high alert.

The trespassers are multiple Nomus.

They've destroyed the Bronze Gate

and are coming in now!

Nomus?! Why are they

at Tartarus right now?

Don't tell me

they came here directly

from the last battle?

Executing separation from mainland.

Starting with A-,

begin separation and descent.

You're struggling in vain...

To the currently attacking Troop Cottus,

permission granted to use all firearms.

Capture the target dead or alive.

I repeat, permission granted

to use all firearms.

Capture the target dead or alive.

I said... this is my body... Master...

Are you awake? Rest up.

Your Super Regeneration

isn't working very well.

I need your body to be healed.

Didn't you just tell me... to rest?

After you do what you need to do.

Give me back... my body...

You're the one who wanted my power, right?

You spat on the world that

didn't reach out a hand to help you.

You wanted power to satisfy your hatred.

It's the result of your strong will.

That's what's important.

I won't be your pawn.

Don't get the wrong idea, Tomura.

You're my precious, precious...

...next self.

Observation Tower has crumbled!

It's Shigaraki and the Nomus!

The decay is spreading.

It's the same as the report!

Staff in the area should

evacuate immediately!


I was able to determine

where my body is with Search.

The lowest stratum...

at a depth of about meters.

Even if I had you use Decay

on the building avoiding my body,

it wouldn't hold up to the water pressure.

On top of that,

this unfinished body wouldn't hold up.

I want more villains that I can control.

Goodness, Tartarus...

Even if I could bring Machia here,

with the resources they have,

they'd have the first move.

Even if your body were finished,

it would've been hard

to take it from the outside.

However, there is a way.

The electrical system's shot!

The whole surveillance system is down!

It's like we suffered an EMP attack!

The security system is still working!

We need to get the surveillance system

back up before the prisoners notice!

We'll be back in ... ...

There was an EMP attack

inside the building, too!

The surveillance system can't be restored!

The security system is down, too!

What did you say?!

There's an inmate who used

a Quirk inside the facility!

That's impossible!

The inmates don't know that

the surveillance system is down...

There is thorough removal

of anything irregular.

The world likens this place to

Greek mythology, calling it "Tartarus."

It is the name of the god of

that represents the underworld.

Even I would have some

trouble rebelling against a god.

No, you can't get out.

That's right. I can't get out.

It's just as you said, All Might.

I can't get out without

perfect synchronicity

on the level of shared consciousnesses

between the inside and the outside.

The security system can't be restored!

The cellblocks are being opened!

From the inside!

Where are the suppression troops?!

Suppression troops have

reached the lowest stratum!

All right! Gain back control

over all the cellblocks!


According to regulations,

if an inmate takes one step

outside the gate, they can be shot!

Everyone, take your g*ns with you

and support the suppression troops!

Fire! Fire!

That's not gonna k*ll me...

Tell me...

...where's the entrance to paradise?!

All right!

We're free! We're free!

Don't move!

Everyone, back to your rooms!

All who resist will be shot without mercy!

Damn you!

We can finally get outta the big house!

Bastard... Just as...


Whoo-hoo! We can use

our Quirks as much as we want!

We should thank the prison staff!

The security system isn't kicking in

even when Quirks are being used.

Jeez, this world is beyond hope.


Hey, hey, wait a minute!

There's no bridge! We can't leave!

Stop screwing around!

I wanna hurry up and step on free land!

Follow me if you want to leave, friends.



I want you to watch by my side...

In the void era that's about to begin,

a more perfect demon lord will be born.

This is the story of how

I become the greatest demon lord.

Six hours after the attack on Tartarus...

"Shian Prison"

"Bagu Prison"

"Kuin Prison"

In an emergency aircraft only operable

with a Tartarus staff member biometric ID,

All For One escaped.

The Near High Ends

and Tartarus jailbreakers

att*cked seven prisons,

and six of them had a

large number of prisoners released.

With this, the preparations are complete.

It was a very exciting day!

To let those people

who want to be violent be violent,

and confuse the investigation into me,

I released the other prisoners.

I'm sorry to ask this,

but I'd like you all to

protect this body while I rest.

We had more in common than

I expected... like videogames and stuff...

To reform a society overrun

with fake heroes.

I identified with Stain's ideology,

and that's why I joined the League.

"Let's crush hero society!"

That energy at least was great.

But the League itself was worn out.

They were about as listless

as a band of petty thieves.

The same as me.

But you know,

he lit a fire under the empty me.

So, let's wreck it all once!

It made me feel like I wanted

to see the future Shigaraki could make.

Who are you?

You're not the one I'm following.

The one I'm following is Tomura Shigaraki.

It's all right.

Don't worry, Iguchi.

I respect Tomura's feelings

above all else.

I'll have him rest

his body and be completed.

Once he's completed,

our dreams will be realized--

To take One For All

and reign over the world...

As its absolute ruler--the demon lord.

"Two days later"


Oh, he's awake!

Shut up! Where the hell am I?!

Oh good, he's mad.

He's his usual weird self!

Don't check on me like it's nothing!

What is this place?!

Central Hospital.

It's a hospital with the latest

and most advanced treatments.

Anyway, I'm just glad you're okay!

I'll tell the nurse!

--When I heard that you were

in the most danger, I just... I...


--When I heard that you were

in the most danger, I just... I...

--What about Deku and Todoroki?

And Mr. Aizawa, and the

upperclassmen, and Endeavor?

What happened?

I'll tell you everything,

but please stay calm when you hear.

I've doctored the family register

so he can't be traced back to me.

If that man realizes Kotaro exists,

then he'll use him, too.

I have no child.

None. Sorahiko, I have no child...


Just like with Gran Torino,

if you'd gotten here just a little later,

it would've turned out much worse.

It's thanks to Locklock and

the others prioritizing your lives.

Don't worry about anything else right now.

Please just focus on your treatment.

Because we let Shigaraki escape, villains

have escaped from six prisons, huh?

Crimes related to the jailbreaks

are happening all over the place.

The public's really

letting us have it, too.


We did what we were supposed to.

And we did it with everything we had.

We fought with our lives on the line.

And this is the result?

Even Kayama... Why?

Don't say it, Yamada.

More importantly, what about the students?

There are a ton of people out there...

But it doesn't seem like

they're here to cheer us on...

Crimes involving the jailbreakers

have been on news sites /.

Everyone's uneasy...

How regrettable...

"Your son's a villain" "Explain yourself Endeavor"

"Tax thief"

Don't worry about it.

It'll be fine.

We know what you're really like, Todoroki.

It's all right.

Are you involved with the situation?

Do you know Endeavor's current condition?

Is Endeavor aware of the

disastrous state Japan is in right now?

Everyone wants to know the relationship

between Endeavor and Dabi!

"Surgery in Progress"

Everyone wants to know the relationship

between Endeavor and Dabi!

Everyone wants to know the relationship

between Endeavor and Dabi!

When will Endeavor

have a press conference?

We're all worried! We want to know!

That guy's the source of the darkness!

The light he gives off...

...brings darkness! And demise!

That's mean.

Don't call me that.

I've got this splendid name already--Toya.

Let's fall together, Enji Todoroki--

Come dance with me in hell!

His flames were stronger

than my old man's.

I couldn't beat his firepower.

They were strong flames of hate.

He's been watching this whole time.

Just to make the old man fall.

Destroying his own body,

and getting other

people's lives involved...

He's... me.

I picked a fight with you

to show him what I can do,

without using my damn old man's Quirk...


I'll reject him completely by

winning first place without using it.

I was burning my own body until that day.

My old man can't do it...

I have to be the one

to take on my brother, Toya.




Todoroki's older sister and older brother!

Todoroki's throat was burned,

so he still can't talk...

That's all right. We heard about

Shoto's condition from the doctor earlier.

You don't have to talk, Shoto.



I told you not to move! You'll die!

No, stop! Stop moving!

They told you not to move around!

Shut up! If you pull me back, then I'll

strain more and be even more likely to die!

What are you even feeling

when you say that?!

It's no use going right now!

Didn't you hear what Sero said?!

I'll tell you everything,

but please stay calm when you hear.

Todoroki was badly burned,

and Mr. Aizawa also

had some serious injuries,

but they'll live.

Everyone else has also

regained consciousness...

...but they said Midoriya

doesn't show any sign of waking up.

That bastard...

If he dies, I'll k*ll him.


Here's the preview.

All the prisons around

Japan were att*cked,

and many villains escaped.

With the many crimes being committed,

the cities are falling into a panic,

and citizens stop relying on heroes

and choose to defend themselves instead.

They're aiming their discontent

at Endeavor.

Next time,

"The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part ."

Heroes are asking themselves

once again what it means to be a hero.

"Next time:

The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part "

"Next time:

The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part "

Go beyond!
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