03x25 - (D) Unrivaled

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x25 - (D) Unrivaled

Post by bunniefuu »

[AIZAWA] Morning.
Now that Midoriya is back,

we'll go into more detail

about what the
work studies entail.

Go ahead and come in.

[AIZAWA] I'll have people
who've experienced them

firsthand explain.

I suggest you listen
carefully as they point out

how work studies differ
from internships.


[AIZAWA] These three
are third years at UA.

They rank at the very top
of our student body.

You may know them
as the Big Three.

The Big Three. And it's him.

The best of the hero course.

The Big Three.

Oh, wow!

Of all the talented
students here,

they're the ones at the top.

They're on a different level.

Still in school, but
practically pro heroes.

If they're as good as I hear,

then they're the students
we should be chasing after.

They don't look all
that special to me.

Except, the girl--
she's pretty hot.

[MINETA] Target acquired.
Zoom and enhance.

[MINETA] Zoom, zoom,
zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom...

The guy from outside.
I can't believe it.

I could only see
his face then,

so I didn't recognize him.

But I know who he is.

He was in the sports festival
I watched from home last year.


[IZUKU] He didn't do
very well, but he, uh,

definitely left
a strong impression.

If I remember correctly,
the other two

didn't take any
medals home, either.

And, yet... They're
UA's Big Three.

[IZUKU gulps]

[IZUKU] I wonder how
they got that title.

[AIZAWA] Get to it.
Introduce yourselves briefly.

Let's start with Amajiki.


What's with that look?

[TENYA] So much intensity
in a single glance!

[TENYA screams]

It's no good.

You two go. I just can't.

Even if I try to imagine
them as potatoes,

I can see their human bodies.

I know that they're
still people.

No words are coming out.

My mind's blank and
my mouth is dry.


I can't say anything.
I wanna... go home.


Okay. So, um.

Are you really one
of UA's top heroes?

[laughs] Come on, Amajiki!

You need to have the heart
of a lion, not a kitten.

You know, even though
you're human.

Get what I mean?

This is our kitten,
Tamaki Amajiki.

And, hi, my name is Nejire Hado.

I'm supposed to talk
about work studies.

You first years have a really
exciting time ahead of you.

Hey, wait, hold on.

Why are you wearing a mask?
Is it cuz you're feeling sick?

Or just... Trying to look cool?

Uh. Well...

Oh, whoa!

And you must be
Todoroki, am I right?

Yeah! How'd you get that
big burn on your face?

That's none of your--

And, Ashido, if your
horns break off,

you think you'll grow new ones?
Oh, and can you wiggle them?

Mineta, are those balls your
hair, or what? I don't get it.

My... balls?

[HADO] Oh, oh, Asui,
you're a tree frog.

Not a gross toad, right?

Oh, my goodness!

There's so much I wanna know
about every one of you.

Let's have a Q and A!

Aw! She's a total
airhead. Even cuter!

All those questions
make her sound so young.

She wants to know
everything about my balls!

I'll spill my secrets.

Come get up close and personal.

Calm down.

Hey, Ojiro, can you support
your entire body weight

with that tail of yours?

Um, well, ya see--

[HADO] Come on, tell me,
I really wanna know.

This is completely irrational.

Oh, there's no need for
you to worry, Eraser Head.

I'm up next, and I'll get
the audience refocused.

The future's gonna be...?

Gonna be what?

Awful! That's your part, guys!

Oh, crap. My call and
response was a total fail.

These guys seem like
complete weirdos.

Is this some kinda joke?
What's the deal?

Their strangeness is palpable.

Okay, you guys look
like you have no idea

what's going on.

I guess we are third years
who just showed up

in your classroom
to explain a program

that's completely voluntary.

I can see how you'd
be confused by that.

Hm. You guys got your
provisional licenses

as first years, right? Huh!

This batch of new
students has proven

to be pretty darn energetic.

So the problem is,

you must not have
a sense of humor.

That's why my joke didn't land.


Don't do it.

Heads up, the rad new plan
is all you first-years

fight me at once.

Huh? Huh?!

You wanna fight us?

What, like, now?

Well, if you want them to
experience our experience,

this is a pretty rational
way of doing it then.

Right, Eraser Head? Rational.

Do whatever you want.

Is he... for real?

Oh, yeah, totes real.

Mirio. You're impossible.


It would have been simple enough
for us to just tell them.

"This is what it's like,
here's what we learned from it."

Not everyone has
your level of drive.

Plus, think about it.

What if some of them can't
recover after fighting you?

No one wants to spend
the next few years

in a hospital bed.


I bet he's just trying
to psych us out.

Hey, listen up. It's story time.

Long ago, a student
got frustrated in class

and quit being a hero, and it
was terrible for everyone.

Did you know that?

So, Togata, I know
our job is tough.

But, you better make sure
you know what you're doing.

Be careful, okay?

Please stop touching those.

Let's think about this.

You're obviously much
further ahead than us.

But we've fought pros before.

Not to mention, we took down
some legitimate villains.

I don't think you need
to worry about hurting us.

We're not a buncha wannabes.

[MIRIO] Mm! Heard, but you're
gonna have to show me

that's the truth. Now,
who's gonna start this party?

I've got this.

No. I'm first.

You stole my thunder!


[IZUKU] I'll catch up with
everything I fell behind on

these past three days!

You can do it.

Heads up, he's fast.
This'll be a good lesson.

Oh, the problem child!

Yes, this is perfect, I've heard
you got plenty-a fire in ya.

The top student at UA.

If I'm gonna spar with someone,

he's the best opponent
I could ask for.

[IZUKU] How will I fair
against him at my level?

How much distance is between us?

The close combat team should
surround him first thing!

Let's do it.

We've got ourselves
a new mentor.

Thanks for the opportunity, man.

The opportunity to
kick your butt.



Why did your clothes
just fall off?

Oopsy! My Quirk's kinda tricky.

Bad move. You're open!

So, that's it!

His Quirk lets things
pass through him.

It's an amazing power.
What should I do?

Went for the face, huh?

What's this?

Where'd he go?

I think I'll start by taking out
the long-distance fighters.

[JIRO screams]

He warped?

His power isn't just
slipping through things.

How'd he luck out with
such a good Quirk?

You're wrong.

Mirio's Quirk isn't what
you should be jealous of.

[AMAJIKI] You should
be envying his skills.

That's what sets him
apart, first-years.

[AMAJIKI] Mirio did a
work study with a hero

but didn't stop there.
He kept building himself up.


[STUDENTS groan]


Mirio Togata.

In my opinion,

he's the person who's
closest to taking the spot

of number-one hero.

That's including the pros.

[STUDENTS groaning]

[TODOROKI] He got more than
half of them in an instant.

A student.

But closer to being number
one than most heroes.

You're not gonna fight?

You must be interested in
taking the top spot yourself.

I didn't even get my
provisional license, though.

[AIZAWA] Well, he's
certainly calmed down.

Think that's it for the
long-distance fighters.

All that's left are
the ones who specialize

in close-quarters combat.

I have no idea how
he just did that.

It's one thing to be able
to phase through stuff,

but warping, too?

He's unrivaled.
Do we stand a chance?

Hold the flattery.


Just that one word, and I can
tell what level you're all at.

Like how an ordinary
person might think

a pro's impressive, but lack
the ability to figure out why.

If you can't tell how
much hard work Mirio

has put in, then you'll
never be able to match him.

[IZUKU] There's more to his
Quirk than we're seeing.

Whether his true power
is slipping through matter,

or whether he's somehow warping
himself through space...

Either way, he's still
landing his att*cks directly.

We should be able
to counter him,

in the moment he's
about to make contact.

Even if we can't tell
what he's doing,

we should theorize
with what we do know

and use that knowledge
to find a way to beat him.

Yeah. You said it.

House arrest didn't put a dent
in your fightin' spirit.

Then see if you can
figure out how to win.

He went under!

I bet he'll probably come up...


He wasn't surprised?

[MIRIO] He predicted this
is where I'd be!

Pretty smart.

Watch this. An ultimate move!

Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush!

[IZUKU groans]

I've discovered that
most people try to launch

a counterattack
just like you did.

So, naturally, I've trained
to work around such moves.

Nice try, though!



[KIRISHIMA groans]



[laughs] Hey, check
out Togata, huh--

he's gotten super
powerful lately.

Are you even watching?

Mirio's been strong ever
since we were little kids.

Problem is...

He needs to learn
how to hold back.

[MIRIO] I tried to make it so
you wouldn't see my willy.

Sorry if you got a peek.

But, anyway.

That's a taste of what
it's like to fight me.

We all just got
punched in the stomach

without ever knowing
what was going on.

Right, so, whaddaya think?

Isn't my Quirk strong?

Yeah, it's too strong!

That's not fair!

Mine's nothing in comparison.

How can you slip through
things and warp?

Do you have two powers
like Todoroki does?

Nope. Just the one.

Just one.

Ooh. I know!

I'll tell you what his Quirk is.

Hey, hey, can I
say it? Permeation!

Cool, right?

[AMAJIKI] Hado. Let Mirio
explain his own power.

Yup! I've got a sweet Quirk
that's called Permeation.

What you guys thought of as
a warp was, you guessed it,

simply an alternative
application of that power.

Oh, sorry, Hado.

So, how exactly
do you warp, huh?

I activate my Quirk
in my entire body.

Then, I can pass through
anything I want, no sweat.

Everything! That
includes solid ground.

[gasps] So, that was you

falling through the
floor of the gym?

That's right, I went
deep underground.

And then, whenever I release
my Quirk while I'm falling,

something super strange happens.

Apparently, things with
mass can't overlap.

That's called physics!
So, I get repelled upward!

Think of it this way.

The ground spits me out,
and I fly up into the air.

That's how my warp works.

By adjusting the direction I'm
facing or the pose I'm holding,

I can change the angle
I come out at,

so I can aim at different spots.

That sounds like
a buggy video game.

[laughs] Hey,
that's pretty funny!

You're able to
avoid any att*cks.

And you can move where
you want in an instant.

Aw! You were born with
a really strong Quirk.

Not true.

My power's only strong
because I made it that way.

While my Quirk is activated,
my lungs can't take in oxygen.

Even if I breathe in,
the air'll just pass through.

In the same way,
my eardrums don't work.

And light can't go
through my retinas.

I can pass through everything.

But that means I can't feel
anything when I'm in that state.

Even though I have a body,
I can't stop falling.

I could probably keep
going down forever.

Does that make sense?

That's why, if I wanna go
through something like,

say, a wall. I have
concentrate really hard.

I'll activate everything
except one leg.

Then I release the other
leg and land on it.

And then the first leg is
the last one to go through.

Even for a simple
action like that,

there are a bunch of
little steps involved.

Oh, man, if I were in a hurry,

I would mess that up
every single time.

Seriously, if you
can't feel anything,

how are you supposed to move?

Growing up.

I was always behind,
as you might expect.

In no time, I'd
dropped to dead last.

I dropped my pants a lot, too.

In order to get to
the top with this Quirk,

I couldn't just hope that
things would get better.

I had to think!

I learned to make
combat decisions!

And picked up a few new tricks.

But above all, I learned to
predict what would happen next.

And what made those
predictions possible

in the first place
was experience.

I based my predictions
on what I'd learned.

[MIRIO] This was kind
of a roundabout way

to get the point across, but
that's why I wanted to fight.

To show you through experience
rather than words.

In our work studies,
we're not treated as guests

like in our internships.

We're regarded as one of the
sidekicks, or even as a pro!

That can be super scary.
Pros can get hurt.

And sometimes they end up
watching people die.

But every scary and painful
thing you go through

is an important experience
that you can't get

inside a classroom, even at UA.

I transformed the
experience I got

in my work study into power.

That's how I got
to the top spot!

And... it's why I think
they're worth it,

even if you're scared.
Y'with me, first years?

Turn experience into power.

He even gives pep
talks like a pro.

I can't believe he went
through all this for us,

even though he could've
just explained it.

So, these really are different.

I did kinda feel like I missed
out on stuff in my internship.

Yeah, they tried not to let us
do anything too dangerous.

Guess it won't be that
way during work studies.

Now that we've got our
licenses, we'll be treated

like pros once
we're on the scene.

We gotta prepare
ourselves for that.

It's just what I wanted.

Yeah, this is great!

All of us came to UA because
we wanna be pro heroes, right?

That's true.

C'est la vie.

We have to keep climbing.

And be Plus Ultra!

[TODOROKI] I need to get
my provisional license soon.

Or I'll be left behind.

Let's get back to class now.

Say, "thank you."

Thank you very much!

[HADO] Hey, so, do you think
we got the point across?

Maybe not?

[AMAJIKI] I'm just glad I
didn't have to do anything.

Let's be grateful to Mirio.

[IZUKU] At first,
his Quirk was something

that held him back.

But still. He made
the most of his power.

He got as much
experience as he could

and learned how to
predict people's actions.

He's not standing
at the top of UA

because he was born strong.

He worked incredibly hard
to get to that point.

Mirio Togata, third year.

Hey, so...

We thought you hurt some of
them on accident, you know?

But no one was, injured,
so I think you did a good job.

Way to go, Mirio. A-plus.

It was pretty close
though, a few times.

And they saw me naked.

Yeah, but did
anyone surprise you?

I wanna know. C'mon, spill.

Well, I mostly
defeat people using

the element of surprise.

It's my basic strategy
in a nutshell.

But that problem child
analyzed my first round

of moves, and then
predicted what I'd do.

I bet Sir would
love to meet him!


If you've got trash, then bring
it over here, right now!

Bakugo! Thanks!


I have some as well.

Hand it over!

--Mine, too!
--And mine.

This is heavy.

Thanks, man.


Yeah, thank you.

You bastards, it's
like you've been

hoarding this for weeks!

Togata's story of how
he went from last place

to the top was so
k*ller, wasn't it?


I'm really looking
forward to getting

into a work study now.

I hope we get the chance.

I think they're
still figuring out

what to do with us first years.

I suppose there's
nothing we can do

until Mr. Aizawa gives
us the go ahead.

[AIZAWA] You've learned
about what a work study is

from the Big Three.

But it hasn't been decided
yet whether or not

you'll be allowed to do one.

That won't be talked about
until the faculty meeting.

And if we're going
to approve this,

we'll have to think of how
we'll handle the media.

That's all I can
tell you for now.

[IZUKU] I need to take
some initiative.

I can't just sit and wait.

[phone rings]

Yes? What can I help you with?

Huh? Work study?

Wait, who is this again?

I was wondering.

Will you be taking anyone
for the program, Gran Torino?


Finally remembered who
I am, huh, big shot?

Sorry, kid.

I'm working on something
else right now,

so I can't help you out.

Oh, wait, I know who you are.

You're that useless
successor who failed

at the sports festival.


You have All Might's power.

But even using his strength,

even after making it your own--

somehow you still
managed to lose to me.

It's because I've
been so useless

that I want to make sure
I'm doing whatever I can

to get closer to
being number one!

Way to make something obvious
sound cool, there, sport.

But why don't you go ask
your master about it

instead of calling me?

He is supposed to be
devoting himself to teaching

now that he's retired, right?


Mr. Aizawa said we should
use the connections

we got from our internships.

[GRAN TORINO] You can, sure,
but that doesn't mean

you have to go that route.

Don't you think that All Might

can introduce you to
a bunch of new people?

First one who comes to mind
is his former sidekick.


Sir! I have news!

You're low key
today, aren't you?

Let's hear the report,
and make it quick.

Yes, sir.

One of the persons we're
investigating is on the move.


The head of the Shie Hassaikai.

[CHISAKI coughs] This is your
base? Looks pretty unsanitary.

[TWICE] Huh? Like we'd show you
where our main base is.

This one's just a meeting place.


The air's practically
made of dust here.

It's gonna make me sick.

Join the club.

The guys inside have
been sick for a while.

do you think he's doing?

It appears he's made contact

with the League of Villains.

Hey, guys! I'm back!

And I brought that dude!

He said he wanted to talk
to you, so, here we are.

He's quiet, but pretty cool.

He seems like a real creep.

[CHISAKI coughs]

Well, now.

You brought us a pretty
big catch, huh, Twice?

[IZUKU] Just like we
were one step closer

to becoming real heroes,

so, too, were the villains

moving even deeper
into the darkness.

The entrusted successor.

And the successor
released into the wild.

Soon, they would meet.
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