03x24 - (D) A Season for Encounters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x24 - (D) A Season for Encounters

Post by bunniefuu »

[BUBAIGAWARA] Having a good

sense of who you are

is one of the most

important things in life.

Look at all those happy people

on their way to work.

Makes me sick.


Nah. They're freakin' great.

[BUBAIGAWARA] They think they're

such good, decent citizens.


And what about me?

I'm doin' the same

thing I do every day.


You're doing something special!

[BUBAIGAWARA] I'm starin' out

my window and people watching

while having my

morning cigarette.


And then the fun begins.


Two weeks since All Might fought

All For One in Kamino Ward,

and then retired.

It's the only thing

anyone's talking about.

Media's tryin' to scare people

by stirring up unease.

However, despite

All Might's retirement,

we haven't seen many big

changes in everyday life.

We should be looking

ahead of all this.

This is a time to investigate.

How will villains act and

what are our countermeasures?

[BUBAIGAWARA] You're different,

though, Mr. Miyagi.

I approve of you.


Gross. I don't.

[MIYAGI] The fact of the

matter is that All Might

simply got too big.

He was such an

all-encompassing symbol

that his existence

was an impossibility.

[BUBAIGAWARA] The biggest

change for regular folks

is the new number one.


Not quite the same as All Might.

So the public is focusing

their fear on him.

Waiting to see how he'll

act. Not surprising.

He's not the type

that everyone loves.


that I don't like Endeavor,

I just can't help but

compare him to All Might.

And, you know,

that's kind of a lot

for any hero to

live up to, right?

[BUBAIGAWARA] Yeah, he's

not really a cuddly person.

More like an average guy

pretending to play the hero.


He is a superhero!


Through circumstances

beyond his control,

he's inherited a role that

he's totally unsuited for.

Poor bastard.

Now he's a symbol of

the weakening heroes.


Although Endeavor has resolved

a number of large cases,

he's got a temper and has

gone overboard many times.

Also, we polled males between

the ages of and .

They do not like him.

He's just no replacement.

This is a prime example

of why those of us

in the media should stop

reporting negatively

about pro heroes and actively

raise excitement for them.

Instead of focusing on

the problems we're facing,

we should see how we can

highlight the positives.

[BUBAIGAWARA] The man knows

what he's talkin' about.

Physical power isn't the

only thing that weakens.

The heart does as well.


Nah, it's all about power.

Shut up! Leave me alone.


"I am here."

That's what he said when

he saved people's lives.

For any regular Joe,

that was reassuring.

But for people like me, it was

nothing short of a curse.

[YELLOW laughs]

Holy crap. That was too easy!

And ain't nobody

gonna stop me now.


Only faithful to themselves.

This is the future

now that he's gone.


Oh, come on.

Give me a break for once.

Hey, help me! Somebody stop him!


I get it.

Crime is tempting for

those who don't know

what else to do

with their Quirks.

That part will

play out as usual.

Ya'r through, villain.

Your life of crime ends here!

[BUBAIGAWARA] But this part

is gonna be slightly different.


Yellow, hurry up!

[VILLAIN C cackles]

Look at this idiot.

He brought the whole counter!


Too bad for you, hero.


He's not some two-bit robber.

We're a team.



[VILLAINS] You're facin'

the Reservoir Dogs!

Don't you forget the name.

[BUBAIGAWARA] Not as scary

to cross on a red light

if everyone else

is doin' it, too.

Those who're teamin' up

and getting coordinated

are starting to

get some traction.

The thing is,

we're looking for people

who are a little more...

[phone rings]

What's up, Giran?

How you been doin' lately?

Long time no talk.

I trust that you've

been all right.


Hard to say.

I don't know how to tell

if I'm doin' good or not.

I see, that is a tough break.


You didn't answer my question.

Are you okay? Tell me.

Yeah, sure I am.

I've been so busy I'm

crying with delight.

These past few weeks,

there's been

a monumental surge

in the black market.

Everyone's looking for

suits or support items.

Demand couldn't be

any better, my friend.

And, of course,

the League of Villains

are the darlings of the hour.

Well, that's nice to hear.


No, it's not.

Shut up! Dammit.

So? Why are you calling me?

I'm a busy man, you know.


I've got nothin' to do.

I couldn't get ahold of Dabi.

Any idea where he is?

Shigaraki wants everyone

to have a quick meetup.

I'm sure he'll be

contacting you soon.


I know where he is.

No, I don't.

You can't keep

pullin' this crap.

Right. Okay, then.

Caught you at a bad time.

Take care of yourself, huh?


Damn it. I'm me. I'm in control.

[BUBAIGAWARA] The league

of villains is currently

scattered across

different locations.

To get the police off our backs.

Hide our trails.

And recruit new comrades.

The goal is to make the

organization even bigger.


What the hell are you?

Your face makes me wanna puke.


Keep lookin' at me like that

and I'll k*ll ya.


Pity. You're not what we need.


Stay down. You make good fuel.

Allow my flames to consume you.


This is no good.

I need to bind myself together.

I'm gonna tear apart.

[BUBAIGAWARA groans, pants]

Split in two.


Once I'm wrapped up, I'm whole.



Here's a story.

I used to be one of those guys

who liked to cause trouble.

My Quirk is called Twice.

It's a simple power that

turns one thing into two.

I can make a clone of myself.

And then make clones

from that clone.

An entire g*ng of just me.

I made my clones do everything.

I was a king ruling over them.

But, the other mes weren't

satisfied with that.

And they put together

a little coup.


I was almost k*lled by myself.

The things I make

don't disappear

until they've taken

some serious damage.

Before long, all of us were

arguing with each other.

Each one of us thinking

we were actually the real me.

This absurd

self-mutilation continued

for nine days.

Can you imagine that?

In the end, they

k*lled each other.

And disappeared. All gone.

Ever since then,

I haven't been sure

that I'm the real me.

How could I be after

all the madness?

And there's no

place in the world

where crazy people can belong.

Heroes only care about

saving good citizens.

But the league

accepted me as I am,

problems and all.

And I'd like to think I'm

okay with who I am, too.

Now, I'm scouting people.

Trying to find the ones

with the same kind of crazy.

[TWICE] We're all wackos

lookin' for a place we belong.

[CHISAKI] A bunch of capable

adults got together

and all they stole was a

convenience store register?


This big a g*ng, they should

have shot for a loftier goal.


You guys aren't well.

What you need is a cure.


We got the money.

We should skedaddle before

any heroes get here, yeah?


[CHISAKI] They're all sick.

Every last one of them.

[TWICE] But the biggest wackos

have stopped searching

for a place to belong

and created their own.

Both the hero side and

our side have started

changing in unexpected ways.

Still. What's important is

knowing who you truly are.

What you wanna become.

What you wanna do.

Yes. That's very important.

So. What should I do?

[IZUKU] There's hardly any

pain or weird sensations.


In other words, if you sustain

this type of injury, even

just two or three more times,

I don't think you're

going to be able

to move your arms anymore.

I was really careful

to hold back

when I threw a punch

against Kacchan yesterday.

But when I'm not fully under

control of my emotions,

I should be extra careful

to not use my arms.

Instead, I'll concentrate

on my sh**t Style.

Listen up, everyone!

Stay in line and move

promptly into position.

I want to see order!

Uh. You're the only one

who's not in line.


The dilemma of a class rep!

I heard a little rumor

about Class -A.

Two people!

You had two people fail the

licensing exam, you losers!

Monoma from Class B.

He's just as uhinged as usual.

Bet you were the only one

in your class to fail.

Just like in the final, huh?


That wasn't an answer!

Ha! Actually...

Every one of us passed.

We've pulled ahead

of you big sh*ts.

I'm sorry. It's my fault.

They're the ones who're

turning it into a competition.

It's no big deal.

Accordin' ta teacher Vlad,

we'll have classes

together this semester--doesn't

that sound like it'll be fun?

I'm lookin' forward to it.

[KIRISHIMA] I can't wait

to test out my skills!

Oh hey, isn't she

the exchange student?

Touch me and I'll

pummel you till

yo mama doesn't know ya.


Stop filling her

mind with crazy!

[SHINSO] Hey. We're tryin'

to get through back here.

Our apologies.

Come on, everyone.

Save your chit chat for later.

We're clogging up the hallways.

I honestly can't believe

how uncool you are.


Oh right, the guy

who fought Midoriya

at the sports festival.

You sure that's the same guy?

Looks like he's bulked up

a bit since then.

Hi there! It's the

adorable small mammal

you all know and love,

the principal.

You may notice the

fur I'm so proud of

has deteriorated in quality.

I haven't been

taking care of it.

This is something that can

happen to humans, too.

Even if you eat a balanced diet

full of vitamins and minerals,

you won't have a mane

of luscious locks

unless you're getting lots

of sleep. That's the secret!

Disturbances in your

normal resting patterns

are terrible for your hair.

So, if you want to

improve your fur's...

[OJIRO] Is this really

important right now?


Please tell me he's almost done.

My own sleep cycle has been

upset by the incidents

that took place over

summer vacation,

which I'm sure everyone

here knows about already.

We lost a pillar of hope.

The ramifications of which

have appeared faster

than I could have ever imagined.

And there will likely

be even more chaos

throughout our world

in the near future.

In particular,

this will be most

apparent to those of you

studying in the hero course.

You must approach

extracurricular activities,

like the hero work

studies available

to second and third years,

with a greater

sense of caution...

Hero work studies?

Maybe they're the next level

after the internships

we already did?


The air always feels heavy

when we talk about

gloomy subjects.

But, rest assured, your

teachers are working hard

to remove this weight

from your shoulders.

I'd like all of you to learn

from their diligence,

and remember that hard work

will help you develop

into capable heroes.

Whether hero core,

support, business,

or general studies.

I don't want any

of you to forget

that you're the one's who

will inherit our society.

[VLAD KING] Well spoken.

Thank you, Principal Nezu.

[NEZU] If you're looking

for a successor,

there's no place

overflowing with more

raw talent than UA High School.

Think about coming

to teach for us.

Given your current state,

I'd recommend cutting back

on the heroing, anyway.

And trust me, I'm not

saying this without

a few students in mind.

I have no doubt that someone

worthy of your power

walks the halls

of our fine school.

[VLAD KING] Now, we'll hear

from the extra-curricular

guidance teacher.

Please give Mr. Hound Dog

your attention.



[HOUND DOG growls]

Two students--




All right.

As you just heard, there were

students fighting last night.

I know you're not used

to life in the dorms,

but let's all be a little more

respectful moving forward.


What was Mr. Hound Dog

even here for?

Does he forget human speech

when he gets angry?

There's still so much weird

stuff at UA I don't know about.

Midoriya and Bakugo

were doing well,

but now they're being treated

as problem children.

[VLAD KING] That's it.

Back to the classrooms

starting with the third years.

[HADO] Hey, hey,

listen to what I heard!

It was a couple of first-years

who were fighting.

Two boys from Class -A.

Isn't that a scoop?

Hey, do you know them?

They must get excited easily.




Starting today, we'll

resume our regular classes

and training schedule.

I know a lot has happened

recently, however,

you need to switch gears and

focus on your school duties.

We're lecturing today,

but this semester

you'll have even harsher

training than before.


He can't mean that, right?

Like to share, Ashido?

His icy stare is back!

[TSUYU] Excuse me, sir.

May I ask a question?

What were those

things the principal

was talking about during

the opening ceremonies?

I've never heard the term

hero work studies before.

I know right?

That had me pretty

confused, too.

I also have concerns.

He said they're something

the upperclassmen

participate in, correct?

[AIZAWA] I was planning

to talk more about those

at a later date, but I guess

telling you now is more logical.

To put it simply, it's

work outside of class.

Like the internships you did

at pro hero agencies before.

Only closer to the real thing.


Huh. I never heard about these.

Wait, then why did we work

so hard at the sports fest?!

She has a point.

If we have work studies,

those who weren't scouted

at the sports festival

still have career paths.

You gotta calm down.

You're acting kinda nutso.

This doesn't make sense!

You'll be using your connections

from the festival to

secure a work study.

It's basic networking.

This isn't part of

your normal classwork.

It's discretionary

for each student.

That means those

who weren't scouted

at the sports festival

will have a hard time

lining one up, I'm afraid.

Originally, individual agencies

recruited on their own.

But there was lots of

competition as people

tried to recruit UA students.

So this is how things ended up.

Good enough, Ochaco?

I'm sorry I jumped

to conclusions, sir.

[AIZAWA] Now that you have

your provisional licenses,

you can assist in real ways,

for longer periods of time.

Until now, there haven't

been many first years

who've received their licenses.

With the increased

activity of villains,

we're currently

exploring the idea

that you can participate

in work studies as well.

We'll explain more about

the work study positions

and what that program entails

at a later date, but for now...

We've got other things

to worry about.

That's all. Sorry to

keep you waiting, Mic.


First period is English!

In other words, it's jam time!

Been an age since

I stood on this stage.

Ya miss me?

We've got a lot to cover today!

Let's get rollin'

with it. Ya dig?

Excuse me, but what is

with this dust, Bakugo?

[KATSUKI] Deku was s'posed

to do that! Shut up!

Hey, can't you even clean

something right, you idiot?!

Right! Sorry!

Man. I'm so beat.

[IZUKU] Hey, guys. If you put

your trash in the halls,

I'll take everything

down in a second.


So, Present Mic's class today...

You as lost as I was?

Were we supposed to

know all the grammar

he was going over?


Oh, yeah, that! Right?

I was, like, is

this even English?


studied the wrong chapters!

[SATO] I got stuck at

the beginning and then

I couldn't figure out

anything after that.


About those work studies.

I wasn't scouted, so I wonder if

I'll get to participate in one.


Maybe we can go to the places

we did our internships.

I'd be totally down

with doing that.


I hope I get to do one.

[TENYA high-pitched]

In just one day,

I've been completely

left behind!

That's what you're thinking,

right, House Arrest?

Hey, don't call

me that, it's mean!

Um, Iida. What's a work study?

Something I can't

tell you about.

The teachers have forbidden

us from giving you

any details about our classes.

Sorry, but you'll just have

to experience the same shock

and surprise we went through.

Did you catch that? Bakugo?

Shut your mouth!

I heard you, four eyes.


Aw, man. What is a work study?

I'm clearly being left behind.

I know it's just the

start of the semester,

but these three days

of house arrest

are gonna hit me really hard.

There's hero basic

training tomorrow!

Everyone's gonna be

learning new stuff

while I'm stuck hanging

out in my room.

I hate this. I'm falling behind.

I can't slow down now.

Ha! Trash, amiright?


What are you doing?

You know you can just

throw away the food trays

with the burnables, don't you?

Uh. Yeah.

[IZUKU] Am I going insane?

What was that?

[IZUKU screams]

So, you must be that excitable

first-year, aren't you?

Ha, ha! I bet that was

a freaky surprise for ya.

Kinda sorry about that!

Gotta admit, I did pop up

here 'cause I thought

you'd be shocked, though.

What in the world are you?

[laughs] Not a bad question

there, my friend!

I admit, sometimes I

even weird myself out!

You know, once in a blue moon.

But don't worry,

you're gonna find out

who I am soon enough.

I'm just glad it looks like

you've got a fighting spirit.

You see, the truth is that

people are talking about you,

so I came to see what

the fuss was about.


Okay. What just happened?

I feel like I've seen

him somewhere before.

[IZUKU] Despite it seeming

like time was crawling by,

three days eventually passed,

and I turned in

my written apology.

My house arrest ended

the day before Kacchan's.

I was back!

Guys! I'm sorry for all

the trouble I caused!

No sweat, Deku.

Thanks for your hard work.

All he did was vacuum.

And what's with

those steam nostrils?

Class Rep! Iida! I'm sorry

I disappointed you!

Right. Well, I'm glad you

learned from your mistakes.

Follow the rules from now on.

I'll catch up with

everything I fell behind on

these past three days!

[KIRISHIMA] That's fightin'

the spirit! Do it, man!

Time to take your

seats, everyone.

[IZUKU yelps]

[chairs scraping]

[AIZAWA] Morning.

Now that Midoriya is back,

we'll go into more detail about

what the work studies entail.

Go ahead and come in.

[AIZAWA] I'll have people

who've experienced them

firsthand explain.


[AIZAWA] I suggest you listen

carefully as they point out

how work studies differ

from internships.


[AIZAWA] These three

are third years at UA.

They rank at the very

top of our student body.

You may know them

as the Big Three.

The Big Three. And it's him.


Here's the preview!

In work studies, we'll be able

to act like real heroes.

The students teaching

us about the program

are those who rank above

all other students at UA.

The trio known as the Big Three.

One of them is Mirio Togata,

who suddenly offers to fight

everyone in my class!

How will I fair against

the best students at school?

Do any of us stand a chance?

Next time: "Unrivaled"!

Wow, with that ability,

he could totally become

the number-one hero!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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