03x22 - (D) A Talk about Your Quirk

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x22 - (D) A Talk about Your Quirk

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] The provisional hero

licensing exam has ended.

Now, it's finally time for

the results to be revealed.

[MERA] Anyway, the names

of those who passed

are listed here in

alphabetical order.

Keep my words in mind

as you search the screen

for your name.


Wow. A lot of people passed.

--[MINETA] Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi--

--[IZUKU] Mi... Mi... Mi...

Where is it?


My name!

I passed! I did it, All Might!


I'm up there! Just call me hero!

I did it.

There I am.


All right.

I'm on the board!

Thank goodness.

What a relief.


Heck yeah, I did it!


Another small step

toward being a pro.




I passed! I passed!

k*lled it!

Right on! But, uh...




It's not there.

I failed. It's over.


He failed?



I'm sorry!

It's my fault that you didn't

pass the licensing exam.

My focus was too narrow minded.

Forgive me!

[TODOROKI] I've tried to ignore

that I'm my father's son.

But it's something I

must come to terms with

if I aim to be a hero.


You're fine.

I was the one who got us

off to a bad start.


But, still--!

And thanks to the

things you said to me,

I have a lot to think about.

Holy crap. Did he really fail?

How did our two top classmates

not pass the exam?

Shoulda been more

careful what you said.

Words are important, you know.


Shut your mouth

before I m*rder you.

Those entitled people

at the top think

so highly of themselves,

don't they?

Their own egos are

their worst enemies.

Looks like our class

hierarchy is collapsing!

I can't believe this.

Poor Todoroki.

[MERA] So, next we'll give you

the printouts of your results.

They include a breakdown

of your scores,

so you'll know

exactly what areas

you need to improve

going forward.



Thank you, sir.

Hand it over, I wanna see.

Uh, maybe you should

focus on you?


Well? Come on! How'd you do?

Gimme a chance to look

and I'll tell you.

[MERA] We lopped off

points when you did

something wrong. Fall below

, and you were done.

These demerits are itemized

on your result forms,

as you'll see,

so I'd look at them.

Sixty-one points?

I barely made it.

Whoa, I got 84 !

Look at that, guys!

It turns out I'm actually

kind of great at this stuff.

Wait, Yao-momo,

you got 94 points?

What about you, Iida?

How'd it go?

I ended with eighty .

Overall, it seems my weak points

were in practical application.

What about you?

I got 71 points.

It looks like they

mostly docked me

for some of the stupid things

I said at the beginning,

and for times when I was

just kinda standing around.

I'm thankful we've been given

such empirical evidence

about what we should

improve upon!


But, I wonder...

Since this was a demerit system

that didn't give anyone

the chance to add points,

there was no hope

of passing after

someone fell below .

So, why let those people

continue to fight until the end?

Why not take them off the

b*ttlefield when they failed?

Anyway, moving forward,

those of you

who passed can exercise

the same authority

as pro heroes, but only

during emergency situations.

In other words,

fighting villains,

saving the victims of

criminal acts or accidents.

You may act using

your best judgment,

with no direct orders.

Keep in mind that your

every action from now on

carries with it a deep

responsibility toward

bettering our society, and that

the world is watching you.

I'm sure you're aware

that All Might,

our greatest hero, no longer

has his incredible power.

One of the reasons

crime in this country

has been so low is

due to his presence.

With that deterrent gone,

criminals are sure

to become bolder

and more widespread.

Expect the balance we

currently have in our world

to be destroyed, and for

things to change quickly.

You young people will

be the hope for our future.

It's imperative that you

become exemplary heroes.

That your reputations grow

to suppress crime as did his.

Remember, the license you

earned today is provisional,

and you still have much to do.

I would like for you to think

of yourselves as fledglings,

and be even more diligent

in your studies.

And as for those who fell

short and did not pass.

We don't have time

for you to feel bitter

about your loss.

Instead, we offer you a

chance to redeem yourselves.

After you attend a three-month-

long special course

and pass an individual

test, we plan to issue

a provisional license to those

of you who failed as well.


In order for us to reach

the idyllic future

that I just spoke of,

we're going to need as many

good heroes on the

streets as we can get.

The first round was one

to weed people out.

But we would like to

grow the selected

in that test as

much as possible.

That's why we watched

you all until the end.

So we could see for ourselves

that you each have promise.

That once your shortcomings

are corrected,

you have the potential

to be as great

as your fellow classmates.

This special course

will keep you busy,

as it will run concurrently

with your normal studies.

You're welcome to retake

the exam in April

if you prefer to wait.

Oh, like hell!

Special course!

Isn't this great, Todoroki?


You don't have to!

Just... take it easy! Relax!

The hierarchy is collapsing--

We'll root for you.

Thank you. I'll work hard.

[IZUKU] And so, with that,

the provisional licensing exam

was finally complete.

And my classmates and I

were all one step closer

to becoming pro heroes!


Deku, are you crying?

Yeah, well, you know.

This is a lot.

So many people have helped

me get to this point,

and some of them went through

a lot of trouble to do so.

Meaning... How do I put this?

It's like this is proof I've

matured and gotten stronger.

And it makes me so happy.

I need to show this to

my mom and All Might

as soon as possible.

Yeah. I get it.





Since we've reconnected,

how 'bout we get together

for joint training sometime?

Yeah. That could be smart.

Hey! Hey!

It's that Shiketsu guy.


I'll see you at the special

course, but here's the thing.

Honestly, nothing's changed.

I still don't like you.


That's all for now!

That was nice of him, I guess.

We'll just make the best of it.


He is someone who is both

bold and sensitive.

I admire such joie de vivre .



Excuse me! Hello?

I wanna know more about

the training you do

to erase your presence.

[MORA] We haven't learned

anything like that.

But, that girl... The one

in the bodysuit did it.

I wanted to talk to her

about it so that I can

understand how it worked.

Do you have any idea

where she might be?



Oh! You mean Camie.

She said she wasn't

feeling too well

and took a cab to the station

so she could go home.


Oh, I see.

Too bad I didn't get

the chance to ask.

[MORA] Actually, she's been

acting kind of strangely

for the past few days.

A little different from

her usual self, I'd say.

[phone rings]


It's about time you picked up.

Where are you right now? Toga?

I had the most

wonderful fun today.


Don't get so lost in your role

that you slip up.

There's too much at

stake to get caught.


Oh, don't worry.

I've never been

caught in my life.

Not even close.

And my mission was a success.

Tomura's gonna be so happy.

I managed to get some

of Izuku's yummy blood!

[PRESENT MIC] Himiko Toga.

Her Quirk: Transform.

By ingesting someone's blood,

she can transform

into that person.

[ALL FOR ONE] The second

semester must be starting soon.

Or has it already begun?

I assumed that you

would devote yourself

to teaching now.

And yet you've come to visit me.

I'm here so we can get

a few things straight.

All For One.


Do you know how stifling

this place is, All Might?

If I so much as try

to scratch an itch

by rubbing my body

against this chair,

then every g*n muzzle

in my cell block

suddenly points at me.

My brain waves are constantly

being monitored along

with my vital signs.

One thought about

activating my Quirk,

and I'll likely be put

down like a rabid dog.

Imprisoned deep underground,

smothered by layers

of hi-tech security.

Not even a bit of

stimulation for my mind.

The world likens this

place to something

out of a Greek myth,

calling it Tartarus.

That's the name of

the underworld prison

where kings and Titans

were punished.

Escaping would be a

struggle even for me.

You're trapped here.

You'll never go free.

[ALL FOR ONE laughs]

I'll let you believe that.

So, what now?

Let's hear what you have to say.

Where's Gran Torino?

You came here alone?

And in a costume, no less.

Please don't tell me you're

still trying to be a hero

with that feeble body.


You're chatty.


Don't feel flattered.

I just haven't had anyone

to talk to in a while.

I want answers.

Tell me where Tomura Shigaraki

is hiding right now.

Haven't the slightest.

Unlike your bird,

mine left the nest

and makes his own decisions.

What were you trying to achieve?

What are you hoping for now?

Your body should have

died a long time ago,

yet you preserved it.

You devote your

time to exploiting

and controlling people,

toying with innocent lives

for no reason. Why?

[ALL FOR ONE] Of course you

came here with a tired topic.

Even if I told you the truth,

you wouldn't be satisfied.

There are some people who'll

never understand each other.

We are the same.

Though you'd never admit it.

Just as you longed to

become the hero of justice,

I longed to be an

all-powerful devil.

It's that simple.

I had an ideal, and the

power to see it enacted.

If I could live forever

inside my dream,

then why would I begrudge the

effort to make it a reality?

[ALL MIGHT] Why would you

need a successor, then?


You of all people ask that?

[ALL FOR ONE laughs]

What a laugh.

It's because you took

everything from me.

Look at my body.

I'm alive, yes.

But only because of

tubes and machines.

After you appeared,

my "infinite potential"

suddenly became finite.

It's normal to pass your work

onto someone else

when the end is near.

Think of it as inheritance.

Like the estate you pass down.

Or the well sown field,

planted by one person

and cultivated from

generation to generation.

I'm just trying to do

what everyone else

on this planet is already

doing, nothing more.

[PRISON GUARD A] You've got

three minutes left, All Might.

[ALL FOR ONE] Oh, come now,

don't put a damper on things.

I want to keep talking.

The world was probably

pretty shaken up

by your retirement, so let's

hear it. How are things

actually looking on the outside?


We're keeping him isolated

from the news.

Please refrain from giving

him any information.

You heard the man.

All right, be that way.

But, then, I have

an active imagination.

[ALL FOR ONE] Right about now,

the media's concern

about your absence

is mixing with their worry

about Endeavor as the

new de facto leader.

It's making them question

the unity of hero society.

Meanwhile, those lurking

in the shadows

have been listening closely.

They sense the growing

instability caused by the vacuum

you left and are

compelled to act.

They think this could

be their chance

to change how the world works,

and are starting

to band together.

I think Tomura and his

group will continue

to hide for the time being.

In order to ensure

it's their organization

that rises to the top.

Everyone will naturally wish

to increase their influence,

so there will be some

fighting among the factions.

If the scenario

I composed plays out

as I intended it to,

then I know everything

that's going on

outside these walls.

Do you know what I

love most about this?

Any rise in crime moving forward

is due to you concealing

your fading strength.

[ALL FOR ONE] And now you

won't be able to save anyone.

You've been relegated to

the sidelines, doomed to watch

society fall apart

as villains flourish

because of your own arrogance.

Powerless for the

rest of your days.

So, tell me. How does

that feel, hero?


don't approach the glass.


That's all I needed.

I can see it written

on your face.

You're nothing now.

You're finished.

Bet you really wanna

punch me, huh?


You think you know everything.

But as always,

you underestimate people.

[ALL FOR ONE] I kept wondering

what would annihilate

your golden heart.

[ALL MIGHT] I understand

your twisted plan very well.

You want Shigaraki, my master's

blood relation, to k*ll me.

Or k*ll me and Young Midoriya.

That's what you plotted.



You're not looking at him

like the villain he is anymore.

That's dangerous.

Remember that, no matter his

lineage, he's still a criminal.

I won't be dying anytime soon.

Especially not by

Shigaraki's hand.

I will not be k*lled so easily.

And I refuse to let the future

you imagine come to pass.

You said you came to set

a few things straight.

But this is really what

you wanted to say.


Time's up, sir. Please exit.

I'll smash your plans.

And thwart your plots.

I am relentless.

You're the one who'll

watch helpless from a cell

for the rest of your days.

[ALL FOR ONE cackles]

Rest of my days, huh?

[phone chimes]

Excuse me.



Young Midoriya!

[JIRO] So, we're back to normal

classes tomorrow, right?

I suppose there's

no rest for heroes.


Man, I could use a vacation.

[TOKOYAMI] I'll not forget this

summer the rest of my life.

[IZUKU] It's been a bit.

I wonder if he got my message.

--[KATSUKI] You.


Meet me out front later.

We need to have a talk

about your Quirk.

[IZUKU gasps]

Um. Okay.



How far are we going?

We shouldn't be walking around

in the middle of the night.



Wow, you're so lucky!

Your Quirk is amazing, Kacchan.

When I get mine, I hope

it's just as cool!

[KATSUKI] Whatever, Deku,

no matter what power

you end up with, you'll

never be able to beat me.


You brought us to Ground Beta?


This is the place where we had

our first combat training.

Where I fought you and lost.


You've always made me sick.

You know that, right, Deku?


Somehow I knew. This was it.


You were useless.

No power at all. A joke.

So now you're gonna tell me

how you managed to get

into this damn school

with a brand-new Quirk that

appeared outta nowhere.

[IZUKU] I wasn't hiding

my Quirk from you.

It was given to me by

someone else. Recently.

I'll work until I have full

control of this borrowed Quirk.

And I'll finally beat

you with my own power!

I didn't understand

what you meant back then

because what you were

saying made no sense.

But still, you kept

climbing higher and higher,

always looking so

satisfied with yourself.


Ever since that sludge villain.

No, it actually started

when All Might came to town.

Better and better.

Until finally, you passed the

licensing exam while I failed.

How the hell is

that even possible?

[IZUKU] That wasn't a matter

of ability, though.

[KATSUKI] Shut up and

listen, you damn nerd.



[KATSUKI] It pissed me off

that I'd been beaten

by such a pathetic weakling.

But after seeing what

happened to All Might

at Kamino Ward,

I began to understand.

It looks like you've made

that borrowed power your own.

[IZUKU gulps]


Here goes.

I've been giving it

a lot of thought.

You got your Quirk from

All Might, didn't you?

He gave you his power.

I heard about the boss villain.

Apparently he has the ability

to steal a person's Quirk

and give it to somebody else.

Which sounds kinda

crazy, but then

one of those old cat

ladies had her power

taken from her and

can't work anymore.

And then you met All Might.

And you started changing.

Then he lost his power and

had to retire, just like her.


I remember what he said

after he beat the big bad.

We all heard it.


Now, it's your turn.


Back then,

you were the only one who really

understood what he meant.

There's more evidence, too,

like how those Nomu monsters

had multiple Quirks.

Even though it

seemed impossible.



You've gotten weaker, All Might.

I'll make certain

you're locked up

for the rest of your life.

[KATSUKI] All Might and that

boss villain knew each other.

Before that fight.

Quirks can move from

one person to another.

All Might knew the guy

that could do it.

And somehow it's all

connected to what you said

about getting your Quirk

from someone else.

[KATSUKI] I asked All Might

about this, in a way.

But he wouldn't give

me a straight answer.

That's why you're gonna

tell me the truth.


Don't look so sad.

He didn't take you seriously,

so I don't think

he'll say anything.

This time, I'll

let things slide.

Just make sure this

doesn't happen again.

You're not trying

to deny anything.

Which means I must

be right. So say it.

[IZUKU] When he said he

wanted to talk about my Quirk,

I knew what was coming.

This is the price I pay

for not following

All Might's instructions.

Okay. What if it's true?

You and I both wanted

to be just like All Might

when we were growing up.

But I was the one

who had the potential.

Then somehow, a little

nobody like you

was singled out by the

person I admired most,

and I didn't even realize it.

That's why we're here.

You and I are settling this.

Right here. Right now.


Here's the preview!

Kacchan and I have both

admired All Might

with our whole hearts,

since we were little kids.

That's why it's hard to see

the meaning in this fight.

No matter who wins,

what is there to be gained?

Still, I have to go

through with it.

In a way, I think

I owe it to Kacchan.

After all, we've been

through so much together.

Next time: "Deku vs.

Kacchan, Part ."

Right now, I'm the only

person who can understand

how Kacchan must be feeling.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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