03x18 - (D) RUSH!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x18 - (D) RUSH!

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!

The first students

to fulfill the requirements

will pass today.

The examinee will put

three of these targets

on his or her body.

They can go anywhere you want

as long as it's an exposed area.

So no soles of the

feet or armpits.

Each of you will also

have six of these balls.

The targets are

programmed to light up

whenever they've been

touched by the balls.

If all three targets

light up, you're out.

Oh, and the person who

lights up your third target

will get credit for your defeat.

You get through this round

by taking down two people.

I'm sure each of you

have different terrains

that you like or want to avoid.

Use your Quirks well

and do your best.

Or not. Whatever.


Let's see.

The nd person has

passed the exam.

[sighs] Another ,

and it'll finally be over.

All right, guys. Let's

think about our situation.

At the beginning of the test,

we focused on attacking UA,

splitting them up and putting

them in check right off the bat.

Now our school's going

after them in two groups.

But a bunch of other classes

took advantage of our work.

And we're at the final

stage of the test.

So everyone's fighting

at max levels,

and the arena's full

of chaos. It's a warzone!

Your attack kinda backfired.

We didn't take out

any of those kids.

I mean, I know I was rushing,

but if you really

think about it,

this is a pretty good

place to be in.

As long as we don't freak out,

we can take advantage

of the current state of the exam

and the desperate

players involved.

Everyone's panicking,

trying to figure out

how many slots are left--

no doubt they're being careless

and burning through

their stamina.

The examinees

have tunnel vision,

and are focusing on UA,

since they have

the most intel on them,

so, we just wait

for our moment to strike.

We've basically passed already.

It's about time you stopped

pretending to be so nice.

Honestly. You're too sneaky, yo.

[SHINDO] I'd prefer

to be called "tactful."

Besides, if we swoop

in at the th hour

and make it a good

show, it'll prove

we have an indomitable spirit.

Everyone taking this

exam is struggling

to live up to their own ideals.

I respect that.

But unfortunately,

I can't go easy on 'em.


I have respect for your school.

I take pride in the fact

that our institutions

are treated as equals.

But your class is shameful.

You act in ways

that disgrace heroes.

He's attacking again!

I don't wanna be gross!

Shut up!

"Obligation"? "Dignity"?

You just like to

hear yourself talk.

I don't see any proof.

Show us with your actions,

not your cheap words.

If you can.

Beast. You're worst

of all, Bakugo!

AP Shot. Auto-Cannon!


I had to make a weak version

so I didn't k*ll anyone.

You know what,

this is why everyone's

terrified of you--

you're way too hardcore!



I can't believe I fell for that.

But I won't again.

So those nasty finger things

just float back to 'im?

[SHISHIKURA] He's the type

who reacts impulsively

to a simple provocation.

This sort of

mentality comes from

an inflated sense of pride.

I see now.

I'll teach you a lesson

by breaking you.

This will show you what

it means to be dignified

and behave like a hero!

What is up with

this disgusting dude?

He thinks he's better than us.

But I'll show 'im!


Hey, wait, don't forget

that we're in the

middle of a test!

That's exactly why

I'll k*ll the guy!


Ugh. Let's just get

this fight over with.

Maybe this'll speed

things along.

You should work on your aim.

Ah-- Aw, crap!

And your look.

Maybe I can make you

something more appealing.


Enough talk. Die!

You've left yourself open.

What the--?


You weren't paying attention.

I had a piece of flesh

sneak beneath us.

You saw. Earlier with Kirishima.

Once I touch you,

you're my plaything.



Hey! Idiot! Fix this!

[SHISHIKURA] Pathetic. You must

be remade from scratch.

[PRESENT MIC] Shiketsu

High School. Second year.

Seiji Shishikura.

His Quirk: Meatball!

He can reshape flesh

by massaging it.

For someone else's body,

he can only knead it

and make it a ball.

But, his own flesh

is more versatile!

For example, he can cut it off,

manipulate it, or make

controllable objects.

It's as handy

as it is horrifying!

No way!


This is a demonstration.

The test has an unusually

low passing rate.

At first this

seemed counterintuitive

given our current world.

With All Might retired,

wouldn't it make more sense

to flood the streets

with heroes?

And so,

I must assume that their goal

is to weed out the riffraff.

We can surmise that they're

starting to be more selective

in order to bring the profession

of hero to a higher level.

And I agree with

this way of thinking.

So I decided to thin

the herd myself.

You're ignoring the test

because you think

you're superior?

What are you, a crazy person?

[SHISHIKURA] I'm simply

separating the mediocre

and extraordinary. By the way,

your comrades here still

feel pain in this form.

Your untamed electricity

will t*rture

your friends if you use it.

Ugh. You've been doing nothing

but hurling insults

at us this entire time.

I'm kinda starting to take

it personally, ya know.

Then perhaps you are more

self-aware than I thought.

I'd take time to reflect

on your failure.


How 'bout you reflect on this!


[SHISHIKURA] An expl*si*n?

But I stopped Bakugo.

His equipment?

Those ugly-ass

gauntlets of his aren't

just some kind of

fashion statement.

He can use that gear

along with his nitro sweat

to create simple grenades.

That's it! He tossed it to you.


By the way, big shot.

You've stumbled

into a k*ller spot.




[KAMINARI] I can't really

manipulate electricity,

so it gets hard to fight

with other people around.

Do you think you could

help me with that?


I've got a solution

to your problem, I think.

We're calling it a

pointer and sh**t.

It's a genius baby the two

of us collaborated on!

Fire with the pointer

set to "sh**t,"

and the projectile

will stick on impact.

As long as you're within

ten meters of the spot

you've tagged, your

electricity will be gathered

in a single line.

If you have multiple targets,

then you can use the

dial to select them.

The attached scope

will help you lock on

to their exact locations.

Uh... You mean it requires

a lot of thinking?

But if I fight with this,

then I won't run the risk

of zapping my teammates, will I?


I understand, Bakugo.

You stopped our

opponent's att*cks using

your smaller-ranged new move

instead of a big expl*si*n.

Not because you were

testing it out,

but so you wouldn't

hit me or Kirishima.

You actually had

us on your mind.

Listen up.

Bakugo might seem like

a total jerk on the surface,

but he's actually trying

really hard to be a pro.

He threw that grenade

to me while being att*cked.

That was the result of

calm judgment and planning.

And Kirishima is

such a good dude

that he rushed into enemy

territory for his friends,

even though it was an

incredibly stupid thing to do.

[SHISHIKURA] Blast. I lost

my hold on them for a second.

[KAMINARI] You only know bits

and pieces of information

about these guys. So don't

you insult my class!

[SHISHIKURA] I'll teach you

to be more aware of your place.

You degenerate!



The more damage he takes,

the more people get released.


No wonder he was only using

long-distance att*cks.

Thanks for the save, Kaminari.

You idiot. What took so long?

Why are you so mean?

No one's ever gonna like

you if you act that way!

Whoa, look behind you!

Those other fleshballs

are all waking up.

We've got targets.

[EXAMINEES chattering]


Currently people have passed.

Thirty more and we'll be done.


Where are my classmates?

Maybe the information everyone

had on us did them in.

Good, I'm glad to see

you passed, Todoroki.

I didn't doubt you.


Have you seen the others?

[TODOROKI] No. So far,

we're the only ones here.

I just arrived.


We can't count them out.

I thought Midoriya had

everyone working together.


That was the plan, but someone

from Ketsubutsu Academy

split us up with his Quirk.


Just spots left.

[TSUYU] I hope everyone

in our class passes.

Faster, Sero!


Midoriya! Carry me and jump!



Just do it!


You're up, Uraraka!



Tape? Seriously?

They stuck boulders on

the ends and trapped us!

Not me!



I gave some tape to Uraraka

and had her set

some snares for us.

Oh, whoa.

I said to get as many as

possible, but this is nuts.

In order to make sure

that no one was in a spot

where they'd get

crushed by the debris.

I hid and figured out

the perfect timing.

[MERA] Looks like people

have passed at this point.

We'll be at capacity soon.


We don't have much time,

and I'm sure others

will come for us soon.

Let's take 'em out.

You guys are first years, right?

C'mon, can't you

give us a break?

We have to earn our

provisional hero licenses

this time around.

I'm sorry, but so do I.


That's people.

Everyone's moving at

an exhaustive pace now.


Wow, that was fast.

[TARGET] Students who

have passed the exam

should congregate in

the anteroom. Chop, chop.


Are the others already there?

[MERA sighs]

Hope these kids don't take

their youthful

energy for granted.

The battle royale format

is nothing new for the exam,

but this time, the patterns

are a bit unusual.

UA is always heavily

targeted from the get go,

but so far, all of those

students are still on the board.

[TENYA gasps]


[AOYAMA gasps]



Bonjour. Are you out here alone?

What a coincidence. So am I.


I've been trying to find as many

of our classmates as I can.

There's a handful

of us gathered nearby,

but I came to look

for stragglers.

[gasps] So you left the group

just to come help the others?

[TENYA grunts]

[AOYAMA laughs]

You're so funny.

How do you even think

you'll find people out here?

And what are you gonna do

if everyone left behind

passes without you?

[TENYA] First of all,

I found you, didn't I?

And if everyone else

passes the test,

that's a wonderful thing.

I'm our class representative.

It's my duty to lead the others.

I want to serve our peers

to the best of my abilities.

That's what my brother would do.

It's through my actions that

I'll realize my ultimate dream.


Your ultimate dream?

[TENYA] Obviously, I do wanna

get my provisional license.

And the test will be

coming to an end soon.

So I'll continue my search

while trying to pass.

Please, work with me!

[MERA] Oh. Three more,

one after the other.

Our total's at ...

[KIRISHIMA] Whoa, this entire

arena's going insane.

Hey, look, some of

our classmates.

Aw, yeah! Class-A represent!

Oh, you know it!

Our class awesome! Woo-hoo!


KIRISHIMA] Class -A. Class -A.

Class -A. Class -A. Class -A.

Class -A. Class -A!

So you passed, too.

How'd you manage that, Deku?

Kacchan. Hey!

[IZUKU] Oh, boy, here it comes.

It's been a while though!

Ever since Kamino, he hasn't

been near as mean to me.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised

with that Quirk you got.



Wait. Hold on. What did he say?

It looks like you've made

that borrowed power your own.



You'll see.

I'll work until

I have full control

of this borrowed Quirk.

And I'll finally beat you

with my own power!


Oh, hey! What a relief.

I was starting

to get so worried!

No need to worry

about us, Yao-momo.

What's up? When did

you guys pass?

You been here long?

[SHOJI] We just finished

as well. Todoroki beat us.

[JIRO] I was kinda shocked

Bakugo wasn't here already.

But I get it now. It's

because you were with him.

Oh, come on! Why is

everyone dragging me today?

Ochaco? The key to

take off your targets

is in the back.

They asked us to return

them to the shelf

now that we're done.

Oh, cool. Thank you, Tsu.

I'll do that.

Looks like only from

our class have passed.

So nine more to go.

And the announcement said

only spots left.


Come on, guys.

That target's mine!




There are two of us, Iida.

This has turned into a w*r.

Iit's going to be très hard

for both of us to survive it!

Just leave me here.


What are you talking about?

Keep fighting! Class -A

does not give up.

Non , that's not what I'm doing.


We're finished if we stay put.

Ah, balls, almost out of time!

So how are we gonna

get our points?

[MERA] Wow. Eight people just

passed at the same time.

That leaves only ten open spots.

Ha! Those eight were

all from my class!

See 'em? They're headed

into the anteroom.

Great job there, kiddos!


Ten people left.

Looks like our class...

...still has nine people

who haven't passed.

I hate to say it, but it's

not sounding good for us.


I want to serve our peers

to the best of my abilities.

That's what my brother would do.

It's through my actions that

I'll realize my ultimate dream.


Your ultimate dream...

Papa! Maman!

Why am I so different

from everybody else?

[TENYA gasps]

Um. What is that?


Are you out of your mind?

Seriously. What are you doing?

I'm standing out.


Yes. Yes, you are.

That's exactly the problem.

If you try to protect me,

you'll fail the test.

I've already got two

of my triggers hit,

and they'll be swarming me soon.

You'll have a much better

chance without me.

Please. Let me do this for you.

[TENYA gasps]

[AOYAMA] While I've got the

spotlight, you can sneak up

on the people who come after me.

With your speed, you should

be able to hit their targets.


Where is this even coming from?

Something you said

earlier inspired me.

Your ultimate dream.

Our classmates are

just so amazing!

All I want is to be

seen as their equal--

to prove myself!


You can't!

[EXAMINEES yelling]


Now! You have to run!


Wait. What are those!


Damn birds!

Where'd they come from?


This is...


Thank you, birds.

Please continue

to swarm this area!

Black Abyss!

Covert Black-Ops Arms!

Crap! I'm stuck!

What are these things?


[EXAMINEES grunting]

Damn it!


Go, go, go, go, go!

Get some out while

they're distracted!

Iida, what're you doing?

Don't just stand there!


You came for us!


It's UA!


Warp Refraction: Say Cheese!


My eyes! I can't see!

[EXAMINEES yelling]


I've got two people out.

Same here!

[MERA] That's two more in.

Eight spots left.

Wait. Why would they...?

[ASHIDO] Everyone was going

nuts and getting desperate

in the final minutes.

I couldn't see anything!

I couldn't tell who

was friend or foe!

But then we spotted

your bellybutton laser,

and we knew we'd

be able to meet up

with our classmates again!

C'mon. Let's do this!



Seven spaces remain!



Six left!

[MERA] Make that five!

The pressure's on, now!

In the final minutes,

UA came together and pulled off

some absolutely insane combos!

[AIZAWA] There were that many

of you left on the field?

--[MERA] Four spots!

--[KODA] I did it!

--[MERA] Now three!

--[SATO] I'm in!

[MERA] Ooh! That's one in

from Shiketsu High!

So only two spots remain.

[TENYA] Aoyama. I don't

know who you wanna

be equal with,

because I don't know

what you're measuring

yourself against.


[TENYA] But this was

your doing! Thank you!

Well, I guess this

means my twinkling

won't have to stop after all.


No. Keep twinkling.

Whatever that means.

--[alarm blares]

--The last students passed!

Every spot is now filled!

One hundred students

will advance!

The end is finally

here! Wah-hoo!



Our entire class passed

the test, I'm so excited!

Aw, man! I am so proud of us!

Ribbit, ribbit!

[sighs] We really pulled

it off, you guys.



[MERA] Unfortunately,

those of you who failed

will now have to withdraw

from the licensing exam.

Please leave the

test area immediately.

They just had to keep me

on the edge of my seat, huh?

We're training so hard

when we get back.

Oh, come on, you're

happy, aren't you?


[MS. JOKE] Then what's

that sparkle in your eye?

--[AIZAWA] Annoyance.

--[MS. JOKE laughs]

[YOARASHI] Huh?! What do

you mean Shishikura

didn't pass the test?


Tone it down.

It's because he went ahead

of us and fought alone,

like he didn't need help.

Just like you two.

Yoarashi at least has the

excuse that he's a first year.

But not you, Camie!

Yeah, yeah.


Oh, right.

For the of you who

passed the first test,

please turn your

attention to the screen.

Huh. It's the test arena.

What's gonna happen next?



Wait. Does that mean...?

[MERA] There's only one

more round for the exam.

Your goal is simple:

undertake rescue exercises

and save the bystanders

who are trapped

in these disaster sites.

A rescue mission.


Here's the preview!

The students who

passed the first test

will now move on

to the final portion

of the provisional

licensing exam.

Our mission is to save people

who are trapped in

a disaster zone.

Even though this is

just an exercise,

I can't afford to let

my guard down.

This isn't just about

getting my license;

it's about advancing

toward my dream!

I need to prove that

I have what it takes.

Next time: "Rescue Exercises"!

I'll save these people with

a smile, like All Might would!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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