03x15 - (D) The Test

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x15 - (D) The Test

Post by bunniefuu »


Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out

some of the world's

greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome obstacles

and save people with

a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become

the greatest hero in the world!

[HATSUME] Leg-centric

techniques? Ingenious!

If your arms are unstable,

then start kicking.

Very clever.

I've got some great ideas.

Just give me a few minutes

and I'll whip up some

super-cute leg babies

you'll totally die for!


Um, actually, the thing is...

I don't really wanna change

the design of my costume

very much if I can help it.

A good designer meets

the reckless, ignorant,

and ill-advised

demands of the client.

How 'bout it, sir?

If my work is good enough,

will you please add

it to his costume?


If it's safe, sure.

[IZUKU] So, they're not

even going to ask me.

Oh, by the way.

If your legs are your

new selling point,

then, you're probably going to

be more of a speed-type hero

rather than the power-type

you've been marketing

yourself as.


That's true.

[HATSUME] With his stature and

weight, Iida here is basically

an armored t*nk equipped

with an F engine.

It's gonna be hard to impress

if you're in the

same ring as him.

Wait a second!

I've got a power-up move

called Full Cowling

I'm getting good at.

It lets me increase my

whole body's strength.

[HATSUME] Oh, in that case,

I know just what to do.


A new move.


AP Shot!


Ha, ha! I did it!

Hey! Watch out!

[IZUKU] I got the idea

for Full Cowling

from Gran Torino and Kacchan.

It requires quick,

small movements

combined with

precise maneuvering.

In order to keep that up,

I need equipment that

maximizes my Quirk.

Arm-supporting braces

and iron soles that can

act like cleats or armor.




Hatsume did a great job.

I call this new,

supercharged look,

Costume Gamma!

You okay, All Might?

That was close.





Dude, Midoriya, what was that?

You swooped in and

wasted that rock.

I always thought you

were more of a puncher.

I am. Or, I was.

It's these new soles.

Hatsume suggested them, and I

think they'll really up my game.

Plus, Iida's been showing me

how to use my body better,

so my fighting

style has changed.

I've only just figured out

what direction to go in.

I still have a lot

of work to do.

Nothing I'd call

an ultimate move yet.


I dunno.

Based on that kick,

I'd say you're

further along than you think.

So, you should be

ready for this test.

Hey, All Might.

It's dangerous in here,

you should be careful.

Yeah, I know.

Sorry for the scare,

Young Bakugo.


You watch yourself, All Might!


"Watch yourself," huh?

I guess it only makes sense.

To everyone else,

I'm a weakling now.

Someone who needs

to be protected.

You guys made improvements

to your costumes, too?

Yeah! I see you've noticed

we look pretty awesome.

You're not the only one here

with a brand-new style.

We've all been making

changes here and there.

Now's the time

to upgrade, right?

Just wait.

My new special gear is

gonna blow your mind.

It's a serious power boost.

Wanna see? C'mon.

It's totally amazing!


That's enough, Class A.

Class B is scheduled to use

this training room

every afternoon.

Class B?

Man. Crap timing.

Eraser, get your kids

out of our way.

You're not trying

to kick us out early

when we have ten whole

minutes left, are you?


Hey, did ya hear?

The license exam has

a percent pass rate.

That means your entire

class might fail.

[IZUKU] I always forget

how much this guy hates us.

--[MONOMA laughs]


--[MONOMA laughs]

--Is that Monoma's hero costume?


Well, since his Quirk is Copy,

he said he didn't need anything

too eccentric. Just that.


This is him toned down?

Unfortunately, his

observations are correct.

If we're taking the same exam,

then we'll crush each other.

That's the hand

fate has dealt us.

And why we won't be

in the same location.

Our classes applied

to different spots.


There are two exam days.

In June and in September.

And the tests are held

in three different places.

We don't want students from

the same place fighting.

We split you up.

Each school has at most one

class at a single location.


How sad we won't be able

to face each other directly.

Man. This guy's nuts.

Yeah, I think he's officially

gone off the deep end.

All those other schools.

Huh. Interesting.

I didn't know that was the case.

So we'll be facing kids

from other places.

Yeah. And on top of that,

we're taking the test earlier

than most other students.


That's true.

Very few first years

in the country

try for a provisional license.

In other words, the test

will be made up of students

who've trained longer than you,

and with Quirks

you don't know about.

Ones that are powerful.

The actual content of

the exam is a mystery,

but you can expect that you're

going to have a rough time.

Try not to get

hung up about that,

but keep it in mind.


Yes, sir!

[ASHIDO groans]

Does it have to be this hard?

[HAGAKURE] Well, it's not called

intensive training for nothing.

That's true. But it's

strange to think

there's only a week

left before the exam.

[HAGAKURE] Momo, how's

your ultimate move coming?

There's something

I really wanna do,

but my body just

isn't ready yet.

I need time to develop my Quirk

and improve my

general endurance.


How 'bout you, Tsu?

I've perfected

a move that makes me

even more froglike than before.

I'm sure even you'd

look surprised, Toru.


What's your story, Ochaco?


Hey, Ochaco?


You seem a little tense.

No, it's nothing.

Everything's going awesome.

I'm just getting started.



[OCHACO] At least,

that's how I'd usually be.

The thing is,

recently my heart's been all

stirred up about something.

It's love!

What did you say?

Glove? Shove? Dove?

Never even seen one--

what's that?

So, who is it?

Midoriya or Iida?

You're always hanging out

with those two boys.


You've got it all wrong.

That's not it, I swear!


She's floating.


Which one? Or someone else?

Come on, spill!

Yeah, out with it.

You know we're not gonna

give up until we know.

I swear, it's no one!

Besides, it's not like I even

know anything about dating.

It's not good to force

an investigation.

She's right. More

importantly, it's late.

We should call it a night.

Ugh! No! I wanna

hear everything!

You can't just spring

a hint of romance on us

and expect me to go to sleep!

What romance?


[IZUKU grunts]


That's not it.

Iida looked different.

Bent his back, I think.

He's so flexible.

I can see his shape

in my head right now.

So in order to bring this up

to the "ultimate move level"...


That's not it.

[IZUKU] Before we even knew it,

the day of the exam was here.

Ugh... I'm getting

kind of nervous.

I wonder what they're

gonna make us do.

Ugh. What if I can't

get my license?



Don't ask if you can.

Say you will.

Right. Sure. I've so got this!


If you can pass this test

and get your

provisional licenses,

then you novice eggs

will hatch into chicks.

You'll be semi-pros.

I expect your best.

All right. I can't wait

to be a heroic chicken.

Let's call out

the usual, you guys.

On my mark.

Go Plus...

--[KIRISHIMA] Ultra!


Y'know, it's pretty rude

to barge into other people's

huddles like that, Inasa.

What? Pardon me.

I am so... very...

extremely... sorry!

[IZUKU yelps]

Who is this guy? I do not

trust his enthusiasm.


It's him.

Hey, look at their uniforms.


They're from that famous school

on the other side of Japan.

UA in the East.

Shiketsu in the West.

[IZUKU] Of all the hero

courses out there,

the one at this elite school

actually rivals UA's.

Shiketsu High!


I wanted to say it just once.

Plus Ultra!

See, I really love

UA High School.

I am extremely

honored to compete

against such

incredible students.

I'm so looking forward to it.

Oh. Blood.


Let's go.

Inasa Yoarashi.

[HAGAKURE] Do you know

that guy, Mr. Aizawa?

Indeed. He's strong.



He's the same year as you all

and received the top scores

for students admitted

through recommendations.

But for some unknown reason,

he turned down his

acceptance to UA

and went to Shiketsu.

Wait. He's... our age?


If he had the top scores

for those with

recommendations, then,

he must be even

better than Todoroki!

[IZUKU] Inasa Yoarashi,

from Shiketsu High School.


Great to meet you, UA students.

Please excuse me!

[SERO] Hold on. Is anyone

else confused here?

This guy says that

he loves our school,

but, he turned down his chance

to enroll when it was offered?

Yeah. What a weirdo.

Maybe, but he's the real deal.

Keep an eye on him.



I'd know that scowl anywhere!

I saw you on TV and

at the sports festival.

But it's been a while since

we were this close in person.

She looks familiar.

--Let's get married.

--[AIZAWA] No.


Ha, ha! You're a real

laugh-riot, buddy.

As usual, you're

impossible, Joke.

Oh, that's Ms. Joke!

The smile hero!

Her Quirk is Outburst!

She forces people

around her to laugh,

which affects their

ability to think

and keeps them from

being able to move.

Her fights against villains

are always full of insanity!

Come on, imagine it!

If I was your wife,

you'd have a future full

of constant laughter.

That sounds like

an actual nightmare.


It seems like you two are close.

Our agencies were

near each other.

As young heroes striving to make

a difference in the world,

a mutual love bloomed.


No, it didn't.

I do miss your quick retorts.

You're my favorite person

to tease, future husband.

So, Joke. If you're here,

then that must mean...

That's right.

Over here, everyone. This is UA.

Oh, whoa. It really is Class A!

Wow, that's so amazing.

I've seen them on TV before.

Second years from

Ketsubutsu Academy.

This is Class .

They're my students.

Hey, I'm Shindo!

Seems like UA's had a

lotta trouble this year,

musta been tough for you.

Uh, yeah.

But even so, you're all still

aiming to become pro heroes,

despite those hardships.

It's wonderful!

Hearts full of fortitude.

I believe that's what every hero

in the world needs to have.


He's too nice.


This charming pretty boy's

gonna steal our girls.

And, Bakugo.

It must've been hard for you,

what with that whole

kidnapping incident.


[SHINDO] You have an especially

strong will, don't you?

Today, I'm gonna do my

best to learn from you.

I really hope you don't mind.

Stop pretending.

What you say doesn't match

the look in your eyes.

Hey, man, don't be so rude!

Sorry, he's just like that.

It's fine. It proves

how tough his heart is.


[NAKAGAME] Hey, Todoroki!

Can I have your autograph?

You were so cool at

the sports festival.

--[TODOROKI] Uhh...

--Seriously? Stop fangirling.

I'd be happy to sign

somethin' for ya.

Hey. Get your costumes

and head to orientation.

There's no time to waste.


Yes, sir!

It's weird. I always forget

we're famous to other schools.

Oh, yeah, we're

basically celebrities

when it comes to

hero course students.

No pictures, please!

Wait, hold on.

Did you not warn

your kids, Eraser?

Look at this crowd.

There're so many.

[MERA groans]

Okay then. Let's do

this exam thing.

I'm from, uh, the Heroes

Public Safety Commission.

Name's Mera.

My Circadian Rhythm

is so screwed up.

Ah, man.

I've been swamped lately and

I haven't gotten much rest.

We're too short staffed.

I'm so tired.

With that confession,

I'll now begin orientation.

[IZUKU] Maybe someone should

give this guy a break.

Before he passes out.

[MERA] So, about the content

of this license thing.

Basically, ,

examinees compete

in a free-for-all exercise

or whatever we're

calling it this year.

Seriously? That's not

a lot of info.

See, we've got a lot

of pros around,

and since Stain was arrested,

many people've expressed doubts

about the status of

heroes in society.

[IZUKU] He must be talking

about Stain's convictions.

The idea that most pros aren't

worthy of the name "hero."

That the only things they're

after are fame and fortune.

The Hero k*ller is still

affecting our world.

But, when you really think about

it, getting paid makes sense.

If you're going to risk

your life to save someone,

why shouldn't you ask

for a reward, huh?

That's just the way

the world works.

God, I could use a coffee.

Anyway, whether they're

in it for compensation

or out of a sense of duty,

we've got too many heroes

working together in the streets

these days to keep

villains at bay.

Honestly, the time between

when an incident begins

and when it's resolved

is ridiculously short.

You are all here

trying to receive

your provisional licenses,

so you'll be swept up

in this tiresome mess

yourselves pretty soon.

Those of you who

don't have the speed,

frankly, just won't cut it.

Which is why that's what

you'll be tested on.

The first students

to fulfill the requirements

will pass today.

There are over , people

taking this test.

I thought they said that about

half of us would be passing.

This means...

...it's actually less than ten

percent who'll get a license.

Oh, man, I'm getting

way more nervous.

Well, the world can

be pretty crappy.

I suppose I should say

something about luck.

So, anyway, here

are the basic rules.

The examinee will put

three of these targets

on his or her body.

They can go anywhere you want as

long as it's an exposed area.

So no soles of

the feet or armpits.

Each of you will also

have six of these balls.

The targets are

programmed to light up

whenever they've been

touched by the balls.

If all three targets

light up, you're out.

Oh, and the person who

lights up your third target

will get credit for your defeat.

You get through this round

by taking down two people.

Got it? Good.

[IZUKU] It's similar

to the entrance exam.

But going against people will

be a lot harder than robots.

We're given exactly enough

balls for us to pass.

Although, I guess

you could always try

to steal the third

target from someone else

after they've

hit the first two.

So it's even harsher

than the entrance test.


What else?

Uh, I guess we'll start passing

out the targets and balls.

Then, you'll have a few minutes

to get situated after we open.



[IZUKU gasps]

[MERA] I'm sure each of you

have different terrains

that you like or want to avoid.

Use your Quirks well

and do your best.

Or not. Whatever.


This is so unnecessary.

Yes, I know, it makes for

a great reveal, doesn't it?

And for what?

So much sleep lost for this.

Hopefully some of

these kids are fast

and we can get this over with.

Until then, I'm gonna

rest my eyes.


Eraser, your fly is down!

[AIZAWA] Why is it that

I can't find a moment

of peace and quiet in my life?

I can't believe you

still have students!

It's unusual for you not

to have expelled someone.

You must actually like

your class this time.

Not really.

[laughs] Don't be embarrassed.

That's so like you!

--Please date me.

--Shut up.


But really. You know what's

about to happen down there.

And yet, you didn't mention

a thing to your class.

[IZUKU] If the first

people to finish win,

then no one will go

after their classmates.

The best way to win is

to team up with people

whose powers you already know.


Stay close together,

we'll fight them as a group.

--[OCHACO] Mm.

--[TENYA] Got it.

Yeah right. This isn't

a field trip.

Idiot. Wait up!





I'm going on my own, too.

It's hard for me to

use my power safely

when a big group's around.


Midoriya, there's

no time. Let's go!


Every year, the

test is different.

But one thing's always the same.

It's kind of like a tradition

during the licensing exam.

I don't think it's

a good idea for them

to go off on their own, though.

How come?

Think about it.

Everyone already knows

what powers we have.

They did research?


I see. The sports festival!

Most of the students who

compete in the provisional exam

have pretty equal footing.

Except for one school.

UA comes in at a

severe disadvantage.

Because the top school's

sports festival

is broadcast across the country,

showing off not just

your students' Quirks,

but their weaknesses

and fighting styles, too.

Kinda funny, isn't it?

[IZUKU] The other schools

have probably figured out

the same way to win that I have.

This is going to end up being

a battle between schools.

With that in mind,

first, it's likely they'll g*ng

up against Quirks they know.

Does that mean?

Don't tell me.



The first test will now begin.

If you like your

class this year,

then you should have warned

your students about all this.

We've seen it time and

time again in this exam.


UA is immediately crushed.

I knew it.


I saw you on TV.

That power of yours

also destroys your body.

Well, I can't say I'm above

taking advantage of that!

Based on that kick,

I'd say you're further

along than you think.

So, you should be

ready for this test.


One For All,

Full Cowling!


sh**t style!

[AIZAWA] So you think

we'll be taken out?

I don't really see a reason

why I should've warned them.

I doubt anything would've

changed if I had.

They're still going to have

to overcome this, either way.


Dark Shadow!


Got it!


All right!

[TENYA yells]

Take this!


Real heroes could turn

this situation around.

Besides, if they become pros,

they'll face villains who

already know their Quirks.

Perhaps at UA,

we look a little further

ahead than other schools.


This can work!

I've got my sh**t Style.

And everyone else's powers

have grown, too.

Our intensive training paid off.

We've got this, you guys!

Show them what UA can do!




Here's the preview!

The first test of the

provisional licensing exam

has begun! And

right off the bat,

we're att*cked by

Ketsubutsu Academy.

I get separated from the rest

of my classmates in the chaos.

But if I'm going to have

any hope of passing this,

I'll need to rejoin them

as quickly as I can.

Hey, wait.

Where did this girl from

Shiketsu High come from?

And why is she all by herself?

Next time:

"Shiketsu High Lurking"!

I don't know why,

but I'm getting pretty

excited about this!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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